Kherson Pedagogical University distance learning. Kherson State University (KhSU): reviews, address, faculties, entrance exams

Kherson State University is the largest higher education institution in Kherson with IV level of accreditation. Kherson State University is one of the oldest universities in the south of Ukraine. KSU prepares highly qualified specialists in 34 specialties, professionals in their field. These are teachers in all subjects studied at school, educators of children's institutions, engineers, teachers, lawyers, economists, environmentalists, psychologists, social workers, journalists, translators, etc. Kherson State University includes: Institute of Foreign Philology, Institute of Natural Science, Institute of Psychology, History and Sociology, Institute of Philology and Journalism, Center for Information and Communication Technologies, Center for Retraining and Advanced Training. Kherson State University also includes the following faculties: Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Economics and Law, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Culture and Arts. Provision of the educational process of Kherson State University Kherson State University today is: a diversified scientific, pedagogical, cultural and educational center of the south of Ukraine; full-time, part-time, external forms of education with a contingent of 8,000 students from 23 regions of Ukraine and the CIS countries; 18 academicians and corresponding members of Ukrainian and international academies of sciences, 68 professors, 234 associate professors; 650 graduate students, doctoral students, about 1000 faculty and staff; Academic Lyceum and Center for Pre-University Training; research work with universities in Kyiv, Odessa, Crimea; 4 educational and laboratory buildings, two nine-story dormitories and one five-story one, a sanatorium, a water station on the banks of the Dnieper, a library, a boarding house on the Black Sea, a student cafe, an observatory, three sports and two assembly halls, an agricultural machinery park.

Of the year. In total, 60 students moved to the cities, director Fedor Strahovich, 8 teachers. Classes were supposed to begin on November 1, 1917 at the verbal-historical, geographical and physical-mathematical faculties. A set of local youth has been announced. But, when the troops of Austria-Germany occupied Ukraine and occupied Kherson, they introduced cruel terror here, which paralyzed the activities of the institute. After the release, the Yuryev Teachers' Institute will be reorganized into the Kherson Pedagogical Institute with a 4-year term of study. On March 2, regular classes began at the institute.

In the early 1920s, the Kherson Pedagogical Institute was renamed the Kherson Institute of Public Education (HINO). From November it bore the name of Nadezhda Krupskaya.

In 1920, HINO was transformed into a 3-year institute of social education, and from the year it, along with other institutions of this profile, were reorganized into 4-year pedagogical institutes. At the end of the 30s, 32 classrooms and laboratories, a zoological museum, a botanical garden, and a meteorological station functioned at the Kherson Pedagogical Institute of N. K. Krupskaya.

In addition to 5 educational buildings, the university has a sports and recreation camp "Petrel" on the Black Sea, a training center on the Dnieper, a botanical garden - Agrobiostation in the city of Kherson.

There is a center for advanced training and retraining of personnel. The university operates the Kherson Academic Lyceum, a center for pre-university training.

One of the priority areas at the university is the preparation and implementation of international projects in the field of science and education, attracting funds from international funds and organizations. Today, international relations are focused on long-term programs and projects designed to improve the efficiency of educational, scientific and analytical activities and the quality of education to the level of world standards. Such projects are:

  • double degree program in business administration, implemented by KSU together with the State University of New York (USA),
  • Tempus CD_JEP 25215_2004 "Geographic Information Systems in Agrarian Universities", KhSU - University of Glasgow Caledonia (Great Britain) University of Gavle (Sweden) and Kherson State Agrarian University,
  • Tempus IB_JEP 26239_2005 "ECDL for Ukrainian administrations", KhSU - Nice Sophia Antipolis (France), Klagenfurd University (Austria) and Kherson National Technical University.

3. Buildings and campuses

The university has 6 buildings and 3 dormitories. In addition, at the service of students and teachers of KSU - a canteen, a sanatorium, a medical center, a water sports station on the Dnieper, a sports and recreation camp "Burevestnik" on the Black Sea, an observatory, an agro-biological station-botanical garden, 3 sports halls, 1 gym and 2 assembly halls, an agricultural machinery park, choreographic classes, art workshops, an educational and publishing center, a Ukrainian cultural center, a museum and archive center, an exhibition hall, etc.

4. Institutions

Research Institute of Information Technology

  • Department of Information Technology Management
  • Department of multimedia and distance learning technologies


  • Geoinformation Systems Laboratory
  • Laboratory for the Development and Implementation of Pedagogical Software Tools
  • Software testing laboratory

Institute of Foreign Philology

  • In English
  • World literature and culture
  • Russian language and general linguistics
  • Romano-Germanic languages
  • German language
  • Translation Studies
  • Slavic languages ​​and methods of their teaching

Scientific laboratories:

  • social communication
  • History of European theater and dramaturgy
  • Lingophone Computer Center

Scientific laboratories and educational and scientific institutions

  • Psychophysiology
  • Biochemistry and pharmacology of sports
  • Methods of general biology
  • Ethology and population biology
  • Health education technologies
  • Synthesis of biologically active substances

Institute of Psychology, History and Sociology

  • Practical psychology
  • social work
  • World history and historiography
  • History of Ukraine

Scientific laboratories and centers:

  • Laboratory of Psychology of Family Development and Gender Resources
  • Scientific Center of the Institute of Archeography and Source Studies named after Hrushevsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Research Archaeological Laboratory

Research Laboratory of Historical Informatics

Institute of Philology and Journalism

5. Faculties

Faculty of Biology, Geography and Ecology

  • Botany
  • Ecology and geography
  • Socio-economic geography
  • Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecological Monitoring named after Y.K. Pachosky
  • Laboratory of Plant Ecology, Environmental Protection and Nature Management
  • Plant Introduction Laboratory
  • Agrobiostation-botanical garden

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

  • professional training
  • labor training
  • General engineering training
  • Scientific laboratories and structural divisions
  • Pedagogical technologies of social and industrial adaptation of youth
  • Technical and technological improvement of machines
  • Park of agricultural machinery and technical service of machines
  • Museum of Technical Creativity and Career Guidance

Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education

  • Philology
  • Natural-mathematical disciplines and speech therapy
  • Pedagogy of preschool education and primary education
  • foreign languages

Scientific laboratories and educational and scientific institutions:

  • Pedagogical research and innovative educational technologies
  • Speech therapy center for young children

Faculty of Economics and Law

  • Theories of state and law
  • Industry law
  • economic theory
  • Enterprise economics

Scientific laboratories:

  • Prospects for the economic development of the Tauride region
  • Legal protection priorities for young people
  • Public legal advice

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports

  • Theories and methods of physical education
  • Department of sports games
  • Olympic and professional sports

Scientific laboratories and teams of craftsmen

  • Methodological and biological foundations of physical education and sports
  • Women's team of the highest league in handball "KhSU-Dnepryanka"
  • Water sports training center

Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics

  • Algebra, geometry and mathematical analysis
  • Informatics
  • Physicists

Scientific laboratories and divisions:

  • Solid state physics
  • Development and implementation of pedagogical software
  • Developmental learning
  • astronomical observatory

Faculty of Culture and Arts

Faculty of Natural Science, Human Health and Tourism

  • Defectology and Fundamentals of Medicine
  • Department of Organic and Biological Chemistry
  • Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry
  • Physiology of man and animals
  • Tourism

General information: Kherson State University - the largest university in the city of Kherson, IV level of accreditation. Our educational institution is the oldest in the south of Ukraine. We train highly qualified specialists in 34 specialties, professionals in their field. These are teachers in all subjects that are studied at school, educators of children's institutions, engineers, teachers, lawyers, economists, environmentalists, psychologists, social workers, journalists, translators, etc. This task is within the power of our friendly teaching staff of 56 professors, doctors of sciences, 228 associate professors, candidates of sciences, 105 senior lecturers, assistants. Forty-five graduating departments train students and manage their scientific activities. There are about 8 thousand students in all forms of study: full-time, part-time, external studies, almost 1,400 of them annually graduate with graduates: bachelors, specialists and masters. 70% of our full-time students study at the expense of the state budget. All of them are provided with work after graduation.

Areas of training

Kherson State University (KSU) trains bachelors in the following areas:

  • Humanitarian sciences;
  • Natural Sciences;
  • Journalism and information;
  • Informatics and Computer Engineering;
  • Art;
  • culture;
  • Management and administration;
  • Teacher Education;
  • Right;
  • System Sciences and Cybernetics;
  • Socio-political sciences;
  • Social Security;
  • Service sector;
  • Physical and mathematical sciences;
  • Physical education, sports and human health;
  • Economy and entrepreneurship.


  • Story
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. World history or foreign language*;
  • Philology
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Foreign language or Russian language (by profile). 3. History of Ukraine*.


  • Biology
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Biology. 3. Physics or chemistry*;
  • Geography
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Geography. 3. History of Ukraine or mathematics*;
  • Chemistry
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Chemistry. 3. Physics or mathematics*;
  • Ecology, environmental protection and sustainable nature management
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Chemistry or geography*.


  • Journalism
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Foreign language or Russian. 3. Creative competition*.


  • Software engineering


  • art
  • Musical art
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. Creative competition*;
  • Choreography
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. Creative competition*.


  • Culturology
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. Foreign language or geography*.


  • Management
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Geography or foreign language*.


  • Preschool education
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Biology. 3. Mathematics or history of Ukraine*;
  • Correctional education (by nosology)
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Biology. 3. Foreign language or history of Ukraine*;
  • Elementary education
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Biology or history of Ukraine*;
  • Vocational education (by profile)
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or chemistry*;
  • social pedagogy
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. Foreign language or biology*;
  • Technology education
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or chemistry*.


  • Jurisprudence
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. Foreign language or mathematics*.


  • Computer science
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or a foreign language*.


  • Psychology
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Biology. 3. History of Ukraine or foreign language*.


  • Social work
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. Geography or foreign language*.


  • Hotel and restaurant business
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Foreign language. 3. Geography or mathematics*;
  • Tourism
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Geography. 3. History of Ukraine or foreign language*.


  • Mathematics
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or foreign language*;
  • Physics
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Physics. 3. Mathematics or chemistry*.


  • Human health
  • Sport
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Biology. 3. Creative competition*;
  • Physical education
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Biology. 3. Creative competition*.


  • Enterprise economy
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. History of Ukraine or geography*;
  • Economic theory
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. History of Ukraine or geography*.

Kherson State University today:

  • a universal educational, scientific, pedagogical, and cultural center of the south of Ukraine;
  • full-time, part-time, external studies involving 8,000 students from 23 regions of Ukraine and CIS countries;
  • 18 academicians, members of Ukrainian and foreign academies of sciences, 68 professors, 234 associate professors;
  • 650 PhD students, PhD students, about 1000 faculty and staff;
  • Academic Lyceum and Center for Preliminary High Educational Support
  • scientific and educational work with universities in Kyiv, Odessa, and Crimea;
  • 4 educational buildings and laboratories, a campus, agricultural and biological research stations, a library, recreation areas on the banks of the Dnieper and on the Black Sea, students cafes, a student club, a sports club, an observatory, three sports halls and two conference halls, an agricultural machinery center .

Admission process at Kherson State University

since 2016 Admission process in Ukrainian universities for international students of Iveco through the Ukrainian Admission Center.
Apply to Kherson State University International students must apply online through the Ukrainian Admission Center.
After checking all the details at the reception of the Center, they will send an invitation to the students.
With an invitation letter, students can apply to the nearest Ukrainian embassy and receive a student visa.
No exams, TOEFL, IELTS required if you apply through the Ukrainian Admission Center.


KSU was founded in November 1917 during the First World War on the basis of the evacuated Tartu Institute of Teachers. In 1919 the school was reorganized into the Kherson Pedagogical Institute with a 4-year training period.

In the early 1920s, the institute was renamed the Kherson Institute of Education (Hino), and in November 1924 it was named after N. K. Krupskaya. During World War II, from August 1941 to March 1944, the Institute stopped its activities.

In March 1944, after the liberation of Kherson from the Axis invaders, she resumed the educational process in 5 departments: physical, mathematical, scientific, linguistic and literary, geographical, and historical. In 1973 he opened the Faculty of General Sciences, in 1977 the status of the Faculty of Education, and in 1986 the status of the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

During the years of Ukraine's independence, the Institute continued to develop. In 1992, a postgraduate program at the Faculty of Philology established additional pedagogical skills and retraining of Ukrainian philology and foreign languages.

In 1994, the university opened a school of physical education and sports, and the Kherson Academic Lyceum at KhSU. In 1998, Kherson State Pedagogical Institute was transformed into Kherson State Pedagogical University, which in 2002 became Kherson State University. In 2004, she established the Information Technology Research Institute. In April 2005 he opened the Business Development Center.



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