Making a female voice. How to make girls voice softer

Melanie Ann Philips is a prolific author, musician, composer, teacher and entrepreneur. She hosted the Transgender Forum on America Online, the world's first transgender and transvestite support site.

"Nothing is more frustrating than a voice that does not match your appearance. You can wear a chic dress and look like a Goddess ... until you open your mouth. Suddenly, in the eyes of others, you again become a lumberjack and a truck driver. A man is made by his suit, but a woman - exactly makes a voice.

Whether you are a transsexual or a transvestite, female voice training is of the utmost importance. When I started the transformation, I was worried about the electrolysis, my manners... but it was my voice that got in the way.

Like most, I just tried to soften my voice, to feminize it. I forcibly raised my voice and ended up with a bad falsetto - the one with which transsexuals and transvestites are usually parodied. I even began to think about the operation on the vocal cords.

The thought of the operation made me nervous. I had a voice worthy of singing, I loved to play it, change the timbre during a conversation. But the fear of "exposure" in front of the public, when one spoken word is enough to destroy the whole image, constantly led me to think about the operation. I did not hear then the worthy results of the operation that would convince me, but I heard many stories about transsexuals who lost their voice on the surgical table forever.

Quite by accident, I did something that has played a significant role in my career, my relationships and life in general: I learned to sound like a woman.

Notice I don't say "speak like a woman" but "sound like a woman". I discovered that the secret is not in how they say it, but in the sound itself. For many days I tried different voices, sometimes trying to speak like a teenager, sometimes like a mature matron. For weeks I struggled with the lack of results, and finally my voice sank lower than it had been and the sound was now coming from somewhere else."

Melanie Ann

Melanie began her transformation in 1989 and had the operation in 1992. Since then, she has created a large amount of text, audio and video materials on transformation and gender reassignment.

You can download Melanie's video tutorials on training your female voice for free with a detailed and simple explanation of all the terms and principles of creating a female voice. If you want to speak like a woman, without operations on the vocal cords, or want to try this technique before deciding on an operation, Melanie's technique is a must for you!

The film lasts 50 minutes, in English with Russian translation - subtitles.

Transcription of the text of Melanie's lecture

We express our gratitude to Lina for typing this text from the video,

since it was irretrievably lost after the creation of subtitles

Hi, I'm Melanie Ann, and in the next half hour, I'll tell you what you need to do to make your voice sound more feminine. There are a few key points that will serve you well. I will go into detail about them, but first I will briefly talk about the topics that I touched on so that we know what we are not going to talk about. When starting work on how to make the voice more feminine, many focus primarily on the pitch of the voice.

But in this program, you'll see that pitch matters very little to a feminine voice. In fact, the voice can sound feminine regardless of the pitch if you follow the recommendations of this program. If not height, then what? We will talk about this in part 2.

Resonance, timbre, modulation - that's the main thing in your voice. There are female and male modulations. And I will tell you about some exercises that will help you develop a female voice, no matter what pitch and timbre your voice is now. Most importantly, you won't have to say that all the time. It's a matter of the situation and you can easily change your voice from male to female whenever you want. So if you don't need to talk like a woman all the time, this tape is for you.

The third topic we will talk about is dynamic range. This is the difference between the highest and lowest tone you speak with. It depends on how feminine your voice will be. We'll show you how you can develop the dynamic range of your voice.

Here we come to the question of diction, the way of pronunciation. Each word can be pronounced in many ways: abruptly, smoothly, syllables can be of different heights. We will talk about how you can make your pronunciation more feminine. Then we'll change the subject a bit and talk about vocabulary. Yes, there are male and female words. It depends not so much on the nature of the words themselves, but on who and what specifically says.

And then we will talk about the lists of feminine and masculine words. Just so you start thinking about what you're saying before you say it. So you can practice not using those words that make you sound masculine.

Then we will move on to a more complex subject, and talk about grammar, about the way sentences are structured. You see, when a person makes up a sentence, it's not just the words, but the way they are ordered, and that's what gives away the person's thinking style.

There is a feminine way of putting words into sentences that reflects the position of women in today's society, and there is a masculine way. We'll give you some grammar tips that you can use to create sentences with the balance of masculine and feminine that you want to achieve. And then we'll talk about body language. Body language is not just gestures; when your body moves in harmony and rhythm with what you say, it enhances your words, your voice starts to sound better, even if you are talking on the phone.

Before we start, I would like to say two things... (the following is the text with offers to pay for the information of the video clip on copyright)

Voice height. (7:30)

Most people think this is the most important thing about a woman's voice. This is absolutely not true. Think Susan Pleschet, Marlene Dietrich, Cher. They are all very feminine, and yet they all have a very deep voice. When a woman's voice is deep, it's usually a bit husky, but that doesn't mean it starts to sound masculine at all.

In fact, if we take humanity as a whole, the average difference between male and female voices is half an octave - 4 piano keys. And that's all ... But remember that on average, a person has at his disposal from one and a half to two octaves - to sing and speak, from the highest to the lowest note.

And only half an octave difference between a man and a woman, not such a big gap. In practice, this means that only half an octave is below the lower range of men and some women, and half an octave is above the upper range of women, which not all men can reach. In other words, there is an exclusively male half of the octave at the bottom, and an exclusively female half of the top, and everything in between is common territory. So what matters is not what range you speak, but how you do it. Speaking of pitch - for those who are concerned about this issue, since their pitch does not fall into the desired range - we all have almost 2 octaves within which we can change our voice.

You have about an octave of the range that is most comfortable for you. A low tone will sound slightly husky and almost intimate, a high tone will sound playful, and a flat pitch will sound natural, this pitch sounds best. However, if you suddenly lower or raise your voice, you can injure the ligaments. Height is something that comes by itself.

The voice can be raised only 2-3 notes higher than before, the pitch of the voice is not the most important thing. If you want to raise your voice, you can experiment, but believe me - this is not the main thing in achieving a female voice. If you take care of other things first, the pitch will develop naturally next.

Let's move on to the 2nd part of our course: resonance, timbre, modulation of your voice.

What is modulation, what does it mean? If you play the same note on a trumpet, and then the same note on a clarinet, or an oboe, or a violin, all these sounds will be the same pitch, but they will sound completely different.

Because of the harmony, because of the modulations. The timbre of the sound depends on the resonance of the instrument. A trumpet resonates within its curls, a violin or guitar resonates in a wooden case, and a piano resonates with its large body.

All of these instruments are like the human larynx in that they resonate with their body. Resonance does not occur in the lungs, not in the chest, but in the larynx.

When a man speaks, he usually uses the resonance of the entire larynx, and women usually use the entire larynx - there is no difference. The difference in sound comes from different resonance conditions - the male larynx is larger. The difference is not in the ligaments, there is only a difference of half an octave, the difference is in the larynx itself. It is larger, therefore the Adam's apple is larger.

Now I will tell you about one exercise with which you can develop the necessary resonance of the voice, so that you will provide yourself with a feminine voice by 90%.

This is the real secret behind the Melanie Speaks video. (12:17)

Here's what you need to do:

put one finger (index of one hand) on the top of the Adam's apple, in the upper part of the larynx, and the other finger (index of the other hand) on the bottom, in the lower part of the larynx, say something in your normal voice. And you will feel that at the top of your larynx, on top of the Adam's apple, the vibrations are almost the same as at the bottom, at the base of the ligaments. This happens when you use the entire larynx. But what do you need to do it like this to ensure that the vibration is felt only at the bottom.

Now try speaking in falsetto. When you speak in falsetto, you will find that there is almost no resonance either up or down, but it sounds very strange.

What you need to do is to gradually lower this falsetto until you reach the right point, the vibrations are only at the bottom. There are actually 2 ways to develop this voice: falsetto and gurgling.

The first way, which may be convenient for some of you, is that you start out in falsetto, lower your voice gradually, to the point where it usually breaks, and keep lowering it, it continues to sound in the back of your throat.

To avoid this, to avoid masculine sounding, you can continue in exactly the same way, and speak as if from the back of your throat.

This can be achieved in two ways.

One direction is to come from above. Your throat tightens, as if drawn back, and you sound like a crazy witch (14:05) - a squeaky, rattling voice - and you speak in the same way. But it's quite hard on your throat.

Another way- is to "draw in" the throat - as when gargling - and speak behind the throat, like a cartoon witch, or a psycho (14:22), but do not deepen the voice, then you can gradually open the throat without changing the pitch and timbre of the voice. And then you get to the point where you can add resonance, or husky, and do other things that you need.

You see that all this is quite possible for you. But you have to practice speaking with the back of your throat, it doesn't come easy.

It may take several weeks before you reach the right place in your throat, but even after that it takes a lot of practice.

You will most likely be more comfortable exercising when you are alone - you obviously don't want anyone to hear these sounds. When you're alone, you can start from that high point (15:26) and get to a sound where your throat is kind of pulled back and then you go down and down, then you open your throat - and when you do, you hear that same female voice.

And you can stay at this point as long as you want, (15:35) but it still sounds too deliberate, don't you think?

Well, like you say "hey, I'm a taxi driver in New York...".

And it's actually a Western accent, not a New York one... well, that means he came from the West. (16:00)

Anyway - " I'm a taxi driver from the midwest, and I'm going to take this very voice, and, like, open it without moving it up or down.", that's what you do.

In this tape, I have done it several times, so you can listen to me do it and try to do it yourself.

Now that you've become a taxi driver from New York, you feel at the top of the Adam's apple... (16:27) an example of a squeaky-cartoon type of voice - neither male nor female.

In any case, when you speak with the back of your throat, you sound like Walter Branen. Then, when you have done that, go ahead - and you need to relax your throat a little. And now your voice is more like the truth, so you can already communicate. After you've done that too, you can lower your voice a little, and it's already similar to how people usually talk...

When you already know how to do this, you can develop further, maybe add intonations, or some kind of accent, maybe a slight touch of cockney. Either way, you can go in any direction you want. In any case, if you deepen your voice a bit, you will get a typical female voice - the voice of America in the 90s.

There are many options available to you. You can pick up and master what you need, changing depending on the situation. It's like changing roles behind the scenes. Impressing your friends and surprising your family - all this is available to you, but do not forget what is most important: the voice of an old man who has lost his mind (17:36), or a cartoon fried chicken.

Start with this and gradually develop, but remember that you are not letting your voice out, but simply relaxing your throat. Just relaxing your throat is the hardest thing to talk about, but it's the main thing.

This is the secret of how to slowly lower your voice without letting it break where it normally does. And each of you can learn this.

If you can say this... (18:08) If you can say this, then you can do it.

If you can't try using the falsetto drop method, in any case it's important to stay at the back of your throat as if you were gargling.

If you "gurgle", if you can make that sound from the back of your throat, that's it. (18:33) try it like this and you will see that you have reached that very note and your voice is not interrupted, you are using only part of your throat.

At first it will be very difficult for you to achieve this, this is a position unknown to your voice. But if you're practicing pulling your voice in and then releasing it, or imitating some cartoon character and gurgling, or coming down from a falsetto height, either way you need to gradually relax your throat without changing your voice.

Any of you can do it, and this is the most important thing.

When I first started, I could talk like this for no more than half an hour, and then I started to wheeze, but I didn’t hurt my ligaments. I've been saying this for 3 years now and I don't have any problems. I'm not a medical professional and I can't guarantee you won't have any problems with this, I just don't know what causes it, but I know it worked for me and I'm sharing it with you. As for me, at first the hoarseness began after half an hour, but then this time began to gradually increase: 40 minutes the next day, 45 the next day.

It will take 3 to 6 months. I have reached the point where I can speak in this voice 24 hours a day, and the hoarseness no longer appears. When I wake up, I speak in this voice, when something scares me - I still have the same voice - because I want to sound like that all the time.

And in addition to being able to talk like this for longer, I found that when I first started developing this voice, it was very monotonous. I couldn't, for example, giggle, I couldn't laugh, I couldn't expand my range, so my voice sounded indifferent - I had one intonation.

And with practice, my abilities began to increase. I began to realize that I could speak lower - yet feminine. Or I can raise my voice, my vocal range has become wider.

When I was able to speak 24 hours a day, like now, without damaging my voice, now I can sing again, I can play on stage, I can make public speeches. It's great that I can be myself and not only inside, but also for others, in communication. Because of my new voice. And it was incredible, because I realized that there is no need for any surgery: I can be whatever I want, I just need patience not to give up the exercises.

Once you've done it, when you realize you can - it might take a few weeks, or a month, but trust me - it's worth it, you can do it, you can easily hit the right note when you need it.

You can turn this voice on and off, you can change it in the middle of a sentence or a word. This is no longer a problem for you. It's good if you've worked hard on it. So if you only need a female voice occasionally, you'll get a controlled voice that "turns on" as you wish.

Voice change secret - #3.(21:40)

We talked about the pitch of the voice, which is not so important and changes by itself, we talked about resonance, which is very important, and which does not change by itself, but requires a lot of work. Now let's talk about dynamic range.

You know, for six months I myself could not reach the range that I have now. Why are we talking about this range, why is it important?

Just listen to me say: (22:11) I emphasize the meaning by raising my voice, and if you want to giggle - you can! but for this you will have to climb a little higher. Well, why is all this necessary.

It's not as far-fetched as it sounds - to have a feminine range. There is a wider range available to women, and trust me, once your voice is established in a new place, you will have access to a wider range of sounds than before. When there is more access, people use it more, women have more access, and they use it more. As a result, the voice becomes more emotional, smoother.

This is somewhat similar to falsetto (22:53) - you understand that I rise so high - into the falsetto zone - but not for long. And then I come back. That's what dynamic range is. And you can go downstairs, speak in an intimate, husky voice...

Something about telephone conversations: when a woman talks to a man - she uses a voice of a slightly higher tone, more highly resonant, more dynamic range, thus. she moves away from confrontation, she removes control and power from her voice without even noticing it. This happens even in a business conversation, unless she's an insensitive calculating careerist, in which case she'll be talking at the bottom of her voice all the time.

If an ordinary woman speaks to a man, even if it is a business phone conversation, she answers like this (24:30) "Good afternoon"- and I answer the same when I'm in the office.

However, if I realize there is a woman on the other end of the line, I lower my voice a little, almost immediately. And if any of you have played both roles, you will find that when you call somewhere and hear "Good afternoon" on the other end of the wire, and you start talking

Z hello, i would like to know...

- Ok, wait a minute and I will help you, she lowers her voice to a lower region.

When men interact with men, they do so in competition; when women interact with women, cooperation is at the core. This is a very important difference between how men communicate with each other and how women communicate with each other. Even if they are good friends, men are constantly competing - whether in words, in gestures, in intonation ...

- I did it better than you!

- No, I did it better than you!

When women talk, they say:

- I did this.

- Oh, I did that too.

It means something to me. They compare, not compete. And you will find that in the society of men, women, when talking to each other, lower their voices, because they are not competing, but conspiring. In other words, this is the second nature of women: not the possession of weapons, but a warning, a conspiracy. Women grow up with this, knowing that the only way to succeed in the society of men is to have another woman by their side.

They can be open to each other, because you can not expect a stab in the back, deceit, ridicule. So they establish such a confidential tone of conversation, lowering their voices, and they speak in a kind of conspiratorial tone. So they can reach an understanding, a "conspiracy" against men.

But dynamic range is more than that.

Femininity. What gives femininity?

Whether it is a man or a woman speaking, what matters is whether it is spoken gracefully and softly, or clearly and authoritatively. Uncompromising and powerful speech is courageous, even if it is not a man who speaks, but soft and graceful, delicate speech sounds feminine, even if it is not a woman who speaks.

One of the problems of our modern society is that a woman can behave like a man, but a man cannot behave like a woman. Masculinity and femininity have nothing to do with anatomical gender, but largely depend on how you use your voice.

If I want to sound like a man, I will say this: (27:22):

- Okay, I went to work today, took what I needed from there, brought it home and now I'm working here.

The voice did not change so much, the pitch of the voice remained the same, did not drop, the resonance did not change, - I began to speak in a monotone. And you hear that when I speak monotonously, it doesn't sound as interesting as when I use dynamic range.

And when I speak feminine, I use a wider range, both high and low, it's like a song. There is more feeling in this, due to the fact that there is more grace, smoothness. Words smoothly flow into each other, mind you - (28:02) plainly, as if rounding off the words, so you soften your diction. When you have one word - you soften its beginning - " well"(28:17), you also soften the ending of a word, for example, say " peach", instead of the sharper - " peach"(28:20). So you can use the two tones of your new voice, if you think that at this point in your speech it is necessary. For example, as " go down" (28:36) , "down". A masculine, courageous voice will speak harshly and clearly." go down". "I went down". Instead of saying " I went down - down", softly, you lower your voice in the word" down", as if in a tone of voice, and not loudly, as men do, convey the meaning of your word. You soften your speech, and pronounce some words higher and some lower. This also requires considerable practice. But it's still not so difficult how to find a point from which to develop a voice.

How to practice: start with "Valley Girls" like I did in my time.

I started talking like this: (29:26):

- Well, along the way, I saw my boyfriend here, he's so cool, he's like ... uh .. well, super, for sure ...

Well, you know these words - " type", "super". When I grimaced like that, I really sounded like " valley girl"... I have mastered some intonations, and looking ahead, I will say that this mannerism helped me with body language. In general, it improved resonance and diction. But when you say this, you are perceived ... quite unambiguously. It's a little too , as in the case of speaking in falsetto.

You'll need to tone it down a bit or you'll end up with a super-feminine voice like you're from the 80s. Well, the pronunciation is the same: if you overdo it, you will have problems.

We started by saying that the dynamic range is the space between the highest and lowest sounds of your voice, in which you can move up and down, which leads us further, to change the pronunciation, to soften the words, and also, depends on this under what "tilt" you put your word, how you intonate it inside the word.

I can say " voice"(softly). I'm not talking like I used to-" voice"(30:39) (hard), in one syllable. I speak more quickly" vo-es". When I speak " vo-es", by ear it is perceived as" voice", But " vo-es" gives additional smoothness, "roundness" to the word. A lingering sound that is smoothly rounded.

When you modulate your words - mo-doo-li-ru-et words (31:03) - do you hear? Mo-doo-li-ru-ete. like going down stairs. You can pronounce soft sibilants with emphasis, abruptly, or you can soften and pronounce with modulation. And again - modulate the words - if you started with "Valley Girl" I suggest you all get this movie and listen to Whoopi Goldberg speak as "Valley Girl" you won't be able to copy it right away.

"Valley Girl"? This is the pitch of the voice, the dynamic range, and of course the diction. Remember - this is too much. But if you're practicing to reach that height, it's very helpful to reach that height and then find a way to get back down to a more compromised level. It is more useful than if you start working, gradually raising your level, and not knowing where your work will end when you started and reached this level, you do not want to continue working ...

It's hard to work when you don't know exactly where you need to be, it's better to think like this: now I'm here, and I'm going to do this - and then make the goal a little closer. This makes the task easier. When you reach the level, you go down a bit, simplify your tone, you can leave some of the "valley girl" in your speech, this is normal for modern American women.

Where "valley girls" are unacceptable is if you want to be a more masculine, successful woman, one that is taken seriously. I've found that when I'm being taken seriously, like when I'm lecturing on psychology or giving theater seminars...

These workshops are a story structuring program and psychology is a new branch of psychotherapy that my partner and I have developed. Well, in general, when I teach a drama class for writers and screenwriters, I say this: "You need to understand the concept of structuring action, and that a story can have three and four aspects at the same time, depending on whether you look from subjective or objective point of view" (33:30). When I make such statements, my voice sounds like a man, you hear. But this is necessary to make my words heard, because I found that the words spoken in a feminine voice are taken much less seriously.

Well, ok, we went over the issue of pitch - number one, we moved on to number two... - resonance, then to number three - dynamic range, and we gradually moved on to number four - pronunciation. Here's what you need to do with your voice, and the tools to develop a more feminine voice. It was all about your own voice, yes, but there is one more thing you need to know.

What is this wrong dictionary?

- My guts are twisted.

It's not feminine at all, unless you're saying it in jest or impersonating someone. You don't have "guts crumpled", you " I have a stomachache", or " my stomach hurts", if you want to say that this is an extremely unpleasant sensation.

Another word that men use that women shouldn't use is " Want ". Men " want". This means that they have reasons for aggression, reasons to go and take what they need, because they " want". "Want" means that something is missing. So they go and take it. They have a reason for aggression.

Women are not considered aggressive, even in today's world. And they don't "want"something, im" like something. At the fast food checkout, you will hear a man say:

- I want a Big Mac ,

and the woman says:

- I would like (I liked, I would prefer) a small salad, please.

See the woman like"things, she them" prefers"and the man" wants".

I have an interesting story on this subject. I sometimes work on films, mostly as a screenwriter, but I have also worked as a director of photography. In fact, I was director of photography in both roles. We, as always, have an emergency, but I know my job well, incl. I approach the film crew and say:

- So, I want to have one kilowatt lamp right here, so that we can make a backlight, and turn the light up to 50%.

The workers jumped in and did everything right. Then, I happened to be director of photography right after the role reversal. I went there and I say

- So, I want there to be a one kilowatt lamp here, for illumination, and screw it halfway.

And they ask me

- Are you sure that's what you need? Well, I mean, do you think we should do it?

When I explained to them why this was necessary, they did everything right, but we chatted five times longer than I would put this stupid light on myself. Is this a film crew or what?

And then it occurred to me: when I said that I want something, I was aggressive. I actually said " at I have a goal, and it subjugates your goals ", in other words, you - you, men - you work for a woman. They felt a threat to their masculinity, they began to argue with me. For the whole day we didn’t do half of this shooting. I came home exhausted, and thought that I needed figure out how to get out of this situation, because we only had 2 days to shoot, and if we shoot the second day at this rate, we will miss the deadline and exceed the budget.And I thought, okay, I should not be aggressive , And " want"something, and compete with men. I have to like or dislike something." I would love it". I'll try to do it this way, let's see what happens.

The next day, I came to the same set:

- I think it would be nice to put the light right here to give some backlight to the actor, and please give me that kind of soft light, maybe not half as bright.

They looked at each other as if asking themselves "is this the same person" and then "Ah, okay" - and they did it. It only took them 2 times longer than it would have taken me, I just I know my job well, so in any case I would have done it faster, but in the second case, they did it 2 times longer, and in the first case, 5 times.

This is the problem that women face in the modern world. This problem is not given much attention. A man works for her. Unless she is a cold-blooded careerist who commands everyone and thus loses her femininity, which, in fact, she does not want to lose at all - she gently hints about what she would like, and then allows the man to do it.

Suppose sometimes it's convenient, but sometimes when you're trying to get something you really want, you can't get it by asking directly.

The point of all this is that the words men use are not the words women use. You are perceived as a man or a woman, judging by the words you use.

Based on this, people build their attitude towards you, and either give you what you need, or refuse to help you and prevent you from getting what you need. Now we know that words are important.

We'll talk a little more about diction and vocabulary before moving on to sentence structuring, how exactly you use words in your speech. This does not apply to diction itself: abbreviated forms and indistinct pronunciation are widespread in male speech, which is rare in women. Women's speech is not so sloppy, it is smooth, but neat. The man will say I hafta gota the store"(39:57). There are no such words" hafta", "gota", there are words "have to", "go to"But that's what men say.

A woman will say the word "have to" if she is going to use a construction with the word " have"and she'll say" go to"."I have to go to the sore"- I need to go to the store. Also, a woman is more likely to use the word " I must", instead of " I need" - "I must"

Answer from Anastasia Brazhkina[active]
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MorphVOX Pro - Allows you to unrecognizably change your voice or apply to it the audio effects available in the program. All this can be done, for example, during negotiations with your colleagues in IP-telephony programs (Skype, AIM, Yahoo, MSN, GoogleTalk, TeamSpeak, etc.) or in online games. MorphVOX Pro has excellent working algorithms, making it the highest quality voice changer available on the market.
MorphVOX Pro is optimized for online games. Add new experiences to games by changing your voice for role-playing games. Make the sound of the character in the game, choose a thin voice or the voice of a mighty titan.

Experts from the University of Stirling in Scotland once asked the question: does a person's voice change when he talks to someone sexually attractive? Scientists selected 110 volunteers and invited them to talk to each other. Then the participants filled out questionnaires, assessing the attractiveness of their interlocutors. It turned out that the voice really changes: when you turn to an attractive girl or an attractive man, the timbre involuntarily decreases, and intonations and modulations become more expressive and rich. It is this voice - low, deep, expressive - that we used to call sexy. Men also find it attractive when a woman speaks with a breath. Marketers know this and exploit it with might and main, choosing actors with a velvet timbre to voice the videos. A sexy voice is the dream of many men and women, but what does it give?

  • You seem attractive. It works like invisible cosmetics: with a low velvety tone you will seem seductive, attractive, even if you can not show off a figure like a model, and generally do not correspond to generally accepted ideas about femininity or masculinity.
  • You seem confident. Fear - to give out their own excitement and insecurity. But the velvety, deep timbre sounds like you're 100% sure of yourself, no matter how ready you are to perform and whether the audience's question caught you off guard.
  • They want to listen to you. You yourself have probably come across a situation where you want to listen to a person, no matter what he says, because the person himself is pleasant, and his voice sounds so bewitching! This is the magic that velvet timbre gives. What speaker doesn't want to be fascinated to listen?
  • You are trusted. Leaders often come to me asking me to teach them how to lower their voice. They describe a velvety sexy timbre, but not at all because they are going to seduce subordinates. Managers sooner or later notice themselves or learn during trainings that a low timbre inspires more confidence and inspires more authority. In addition, such a timbre is less likely to break during performances.

How to make your voice lower and sexier: exercises

Since you are interested in how to make your own timbre velvety and deep, it means that your own voice seems too high for you. It is impossible to completely correct the timbre, each person has his own natural sound, but you can tune your voice like a musical instrument. A few exercises will help you with this, they are suitable for men and women:
  • Bass Head. Watch the vocalists sing bass. The fact is that the position of the head affects the timbre: you need to direct the larynx down so that the voice sounds lower and velvety. Therefore, the vocalists hold their heads high, but as if they have an invisible violin on their shoulder - the head is slightly tilted. Look at a few "basses" and try to imitate their posture while giving a short speech or reading poetry.
  • "Yawn". Attention is again directed to the larynx - it is in the larynx that the voice apparatus is located. The larynx is located at the level of 4-7 cervical vertebrae and is connected from above to the pharynx, from below - to the trachea. You need to put your hand on your neck: do not press or press, it is harmful. Place your hand and yawn to feel the larynx descend.
  • "Roar". The exercise begins with a growl at the lowest note you can get. Make sure that the voice box is not overstressed. Growl and begin to gradually raise the tone. When you get to a high growl, gradually lower the timbre until you reach the low tone you started with. Repeat several times.
  • "AND". Lower your head to your chest as you did with the Bass Head. Pronounce the sound "and" as low as you can, and try to fix this sound. Without stopping to pull "and", gradually raise your head, straightening, and then throwing it back. The voice will change: it will involuntarily become higher. But your task is to keep the original timbre. A change in timbre is an indicator that the larynx is shortening and the ligaments are tightening. It shouldn't be. Practice until you can freely hold one timbre, raising and lowering your head.
If you want to sound sexy, watch your pace. When you speak quickly, your vocal cords tense up and your voice gets louder. There used to be an opinion that the most attractive female timbre is high, but recent studies have refuted this theory. Women, like members of the opposite sex, lower their voice when talking to someone attractive. It is this timbre that we involuntarily regard as seductive, and the high tone is tiring and annoying. When you speak fast, you often break into high notes, so take your time. In addition, if you intentionally lower your tone a little, speech itself will slow down. Breathe through your nose! Take care of the respiratory organs, avoid colds, treat a runny nose in a timely manner, and if you feel unwell, do not engage in oratory or diction exercises - this is harmful. Pay attention to breathing: if you almost do not breathe through your nose, you need to do breathing exercises. Breathing through the nose lowers the tone and relieves emotional stress. Watch your posture! Posture is more closely related to the sound of the voice than it might seem. It should be straight and relaxed, otherwise there will be clips that will prevent the voice from sounding velvety and deep. Finally, be sure to get enough sleep, especially. Full sleep relaxes the speech apparatus and makes the voice lower, and in addition, scientists have come to the conclusion that lack of sleep takes away your attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. And if you want to acquire an attractive, velvety voice, come to my group or individual lessons. Not only will I teach you how to control your voice, but I will also teach you breathing, diction, how to write powerful speeches and how to hold yourself in front of a large audience. oratory "Oratoris"!

Each person, like fingerprints, has an individual and unique voice. It is one of the main tools by which a person communicates with other people. Thanks to the peculiarities of the voice, a person can establish contact with the audience, win the favor and trust of the listener, or, conversely, alienate the interlocutor. It is known that more than 90% of information is transmitted verbally, with the help of voice. Therefore, what impact you will make on the interlocutor directly depends on a clear, calm and expressive voice.

If you speak in a calm, measured tone, and your voice sounds free, sincere, velvety and juicy, what you say always matters. While enjoying your speech, people will listen carefully to the form, not the content, and therefore, fall under the influence of you and your voice. On the one hand, we are talking about the voice as a means of manipulation, but on the other hand, the effectiveness of your communication, speeches, negotiations will increase significantly.

By nature, each person is given a sonorous and rich voice, but the influence of social institutions, schools determines the formation of a timbre that is not always close to ideal. With the restriction of the freedom of a child, an adult develops a number of complexes, he is afraid to sing, speak in front of an audience, and strike up conversations with strangers. As a result, we do not like our own voice and, as a result, we use only 5-10 percent of its capabilities. As a result, we get a person who is unsure of himself, his abilities and strengths.

Is it possible to return the natural possibilities of the voice and make it beautiful?

Each person is endowed with a sonorous and beautiful voice by nature, it is only necessary to learn how to reveal these possibilities. According to modern psychologists, there are two factors that prevent our voice from sounding good - physiological and mental. The main cause of physiological problems is most often diseases of the upper respiratory tract, throat or vocal cords. To resolve these unpleasant issues, you need to contact a doctor who will detect the problem and tell you how to deal with it.

The second factor - psychological - is most often caused by the human fear of speaking in front of the public, communicating with strangers or unfamiliar people. In this case, you need to love your voice, learn how to use it correctly, eliminate speech defects that lead to fear and insecurity.

It is enough to devote ten minutes a day to special exercises and the sound of your voice will improve significantly. To get started, try recording your voice on a tape recorder, listen to the recording and analyze the features of the pronunciation of vowels, exclamatory and interrogative sentences, complex sound and word combinations. Point out what you don't like and try to fix these problems with the following exercises.

Exercises for a beautiful voice!

To get started, learn how to bring your articulatory apparatus into tone, do it with the help of a special growl exercise. Draw out the letter "r": from a high sound to a low one and vice versa. Repeat the exercise ten times, then clearly and quickly say:

  • bra-be-bi-bo-boo;
  • tra-te-ti-to-tu;
  • deputy-zem-zim-zom-zu.

Then try the following tasks and exercises:

  1. To begin, take a deep breath and exhale, as you exhale, begin to pronounce vowel sounds in turn: “iiiiii”, “eeeeee”, “aaaaaaaa”, “ooooooooo”, “uuuuuuu”. Pronounce sounds slowly and expressively, repeat the exercise 3 times.
  2. In order to tidy up the chest, try mumbling the sound "m" with your mouth closed. Repeat the task several times, each time pronouncing the sound louder than the previous one.
  3. Take a deep breath and exhale and begin to accurately and expressively pronounce the words: carpet, product, cheese, rice, rank, ring, frost, king. This will help give your speech accuracy and clarity.
  4. Read the following tongue twisters, memorize them and repeat the exercise several times a day:
    1. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake is shrunk;
    2. Kondrat has a short jacket;
    3. In the pond at Polycarp there are three crucians, three carps;
    4. Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.
  5. The exercise, which is called "Tarzan", will not only strengthen the vocal cords, but also help in the prevention of colds and cardiovascular diseases. Take a deep breath, clench your hands into fists, start making the sound "eeeeee" and beat yourself in the chest with your fists, as the hero of the film did. Repeat the same exercise with the sounds: a, e, o, u. After that, cough well - clear your bronchi.

Do these exercises every day, develop your vocal abilities and remember that not only accuracy and expressiveness is important for a beautiful voice, but also melody and intonation. Therefore, remember the following rules:

  • always answer as if you are talking about something very interesting and pleasant;
  • every day repeat letter combinations and combinations of words that are difficult for you to pronounce;
  • learn how to make logical pauses in speech, highlight basic information.

Repeat the exercises every day, this will make your speech beautiful and melodic. Remember that a deep, velvety voice seems exciting and sexy to many men, and often acts on representatives of the strong half of humanity better than any aphrodisiacs.

How to influence men with the help of voice? How to make your voice seductive?

A lot of men think that a velvety low female voice sounds the sexiest. To charm a man with your voice, you should speak in a calm tone, the voice should sound soft and loud. If it is acceptable in this situation, you can speak with a slight breath, which any man will perceive as a sign of a woman's sexual interest in him. A harsh, high-pitched, or shrill, hysterical manner of speech is more likely to repel than attract, so watch your voice: don't scream, don't switch to ultrasound, and don't speak very loudly.

In order to seduce and seduce a man, you should use the advice of experts:

  • speak in a whisper or half whisper;
  • highlight especially significant words with a short pause, which will draw the attention of a man to important and “necessary” information;
  • talk enthusiastically, show interest in what your man is talking about;
  • be calm and relaxed - this will help you speak confidently and naturally.
Download AV Voice Changer Diamond

Rating: 10 /10

A good program that can adjust your voice in real time. Of course, the final result can be saved to the computer memory. The software has a nice implementation of the main window, and simple control will not cause difficulties. The application contains a built-in set of tools for changing the timbre of a user's voice.

There is a special function for conducting a conversation via Skype, in addition, there are sets of all kinds of female and male voices, as well as voices of celebrities. You can also change your voice in Discord. The solution boasts a large number of filters and effects that can be applied while recording speech. It allows you to compare your own voice with others. A useful feature will be saving in any convenient audio format.

Key Features of AV Voice Changer Software Diamond Edition:

  • The developer's site offers instructions for learning how to work correctly with the program;
  • The presence of a recorder that is easy to use;
  • Useful noise reduction option for unwanted background sounds;
  • Support for the most popular audio formats;
  • Built-in voice equalizer and a lot of effects;
  • A fairly simple and convenient menu with a setting option;
  • There is a built-in audio player.

MorphVOX Pro is a great tool to quickly change the user's voice. Among the advantages of the program, there is an audio recording option, a lot of special effects, as well as functions for adding various sounds. By changing speech in real time, you can add effects such as extraneous laughter, screaming, and so on. The solution contains tools for online telephony that can change the voice beyond recognition.

Talking with comrades will turn out not only with a male or female voice altered in your own way, but also with a frightening voice of a robot or even a funny humanized barking of a dog. According to the general opinion of independent experts, this voice correction program is great for practical jokes.

You can download the program for free, but the trial version will last for 15 days. The developers have also created a completely free utility called MorphVOX Junior, which duplicates the main features of the "Pro" version, but has some limitations.

Key Features of Morfox:

  • Ability to use hot keys;
  • Convenient implementation of the menu shell with the option to customize the view;
  • Speech changer program, has a built-in equalizer and many effects;
  • Superimposes a female, child, male voice and many other funny voices;
  • The function of adding a background, as well as noise isolation, clear sound;
  • High quality tone change, frequency editing;
  • Periodic updates from the developer;
  • Built-in audio recording capability, as well as a quick edit feature.
Full review »

Scramby will be a useful program with which you can quickly make a variety of changes to your speech when communicating with other users of online telephony. It has a nice appearance and has the option to customize hotkeys.

All that is required of you is to set the parameters in the settings of the necessary online telephony tool. If it's Skype, you should go to its settings and change the standard audio input to Scramby Microphone. In World of Tanks and other game chats, the conversion will start automatically.

Scrumby contains a set of several dozen voices, as well as all sorts of effects. You can install Scramby free of charge, it is distributed in English, like most imported analogues. She is stable and does her job well.

Key features of Scramby:

  • Working with DSL and IP telephony (Skype, Yahoo! Messenger, Google Talk);
  • Hotkey setting option;
  • Ability to change background sounds;
  • Ambient noise suppression function;
  • Your voice changes depending on the set voice equalizer effects;
  • A large number of available types of voices against the background of the listed programs;
  • Convenient synchronization with online telephony;
  • Very simple and intuitive interface.
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Voxal Voice Changer

Download Voxal Voice Changer

Rating: 8 /10

Voxal Voice will help you to speak in someone else's voice in Skype, games, remain anonymous and just play a trick on one of your Voip contacts, prank your friends. The solution is a powerful software package that is compatible with all current versions of Windows.

The voice changer can both distort the broadcast during communication over IP telephony and record the conversation to a file in any convenient format. The possibilities are truly vast. Only English localization and a high license price can prevent you from mastering Voxal Voice Changer software. But it's definitely worth the money.

Interesting features of the application:

  • Saving distorted sound to a file or online broadcast;
  • Availability of automatic translation presets;
  • Manual fine tuning of parameters;
  • Applying echo effects, reverse, etc.;
  • Easy installation and low system requirements.

Clownfish Skype is a free voice changer designed specifically for Skype users. It is able to quite qualitatively change the voice in the microphone of its owner, however, the main purpose of the program is to correct spelling errors in messages and record conversations with other Skype users online.

Includes a set of blanks for all kinds of congratulations, pranks and so on. A useful option would be the possibility of voice translations. This feature will be very useful when communicating with relatives, friends or business partners from other countries. Clownfish demonstrates excellent performance with all modern operating systems from Microsoft.

Key features of Clownfish Skype:

  • Works in real time;
  • The ability to translate both text and voice messages in Skype into different languages, listening to a natural voice;
  • Encryption of sent messages in order to anonymize the owner;
  • Availability of a base with congratulatory and entertaining messages;
  • Distorts the female, male and children's voice timbre of Skype;
  • There are regular tools for checking spelling in typed messages;
  • You can overlay background ringtones while talking;
  • Sending messages to both one and several users at the same time.
Full review »

fake voice

Download Fake Voice

Rating: 7 /10

Fake Voice is a high-quality program for changing the voice in the microphone in real time. Unlike analogues, it does not know how to record sound - distortion is heard only by your interlocutor on Skype or another application. However, you can use Fake Voice with any recording software, up to the standard Windows Sound Recorder tool.

If several microphones are connected to the computer, you select the target one in the main program window. Its menu resembles a mixing console. By moving the sliders, you hear how everything is changing quickly. In this way, you can distort it beyond recognition, process the voice, making it look like a robot, a person of the opposite sex, a child, etc.

Fake Voice Features:

  • Simple English interface;
  • Fine-tuning the distortion in the microphone;
  • Possibility to select the input and output device;
  • Connection to sound recording programs.

funny voice

Download Funny Voice

Rating: 6 /10

Funny Voice will help you change the key in real time and keep your privacy when communicating in instant messengers. The application contains a variety of tone settings. Among such solutions, this program is distinguished due to the presence of an extremely simple one-window interface, as well as incredibly low resource requirements for the Windows system.

Unfortunately, the developers did not implement support for the Russian menu language, but this fact will not significantly affect the management of built-in options. You can record voice, as well as select the necessary broadcast sources. Saving is done in WAV format.

Key features of Funny Voice:

  • Very simple and clear menu with one-window display;
  • The ability to quickly change the tone;
  • Built-in call recording function, as well as saving the result;
  • Distributed free of charge;
  • Work with any Windows operating system;
  • Providing a choice of audio source;
  • Incredibly low system resource requirements and compact program size.

Despite the inconvenience, the application contains many modifications: a talking cat, a chipmunk, an alien, a monster, a clown, a child and other funny metamorphoses. Also, the sound patterns of the choir, echo, finer equalizer settings would not hurt, but the developers did not foresee this. The solution clearly loses to more advanced counterparts, moreover, the installer interface is in Chinese. But here you can find some features that are missing from the program Morphvox, Clown Fish.


  • Small size, high installation and startup speed;
  • Weakly loads hardware resources;
  • To play through the speakers, the file will have to be saved at the beginning;
  • Lots of integrated equalizer presets.


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