Seizures and high fever are signs. The main causes of febrile seizures in a child - when seizures can occur at a high temperature

A high temperature can have serious consequences for the baby - convulsions. Febrile convulsions against the background of fever in a child can occur up to the age of five. Why do convulsions appear in a child at a temperature, and how to eliminate them? What to do and take if the child has convulsions? Let's figure it out in detail.

Definition and reasons

What is a spasm? Involuntary spasm of individual muscle fibers or the entire muscle in a child at a high temperature is called a febrile convulsion.

Doctors distinguish several types of convulsions:

  • protracted;
  • rhythmic;
  • focal;
  • myoclonic;
  • fragmentary;
  • febrile.

Consider the last type - febrile convulsions against the background of elevated body temperature. Unfortunately, the causes of such spasms have not yet been determined. Doctors suggest that the causes of convulsions at a temperature in a child may be:

  • hereditary programs;
  • imperfection of the nervous system;
  • hemorrhages in the brain;
  • placental abruption in the mother;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • birth trauma;
  • prematurity.

It is believed that elevated temperature negatively affects the functioning of the brain, which gives the wrong commands to the muscles - pathological impulses. Why does this happen especially with young children under the age of six? Because the nervous system is far from perfect and is in the process of becoming.

Are seizures in children a symptom of incipient epilepsy, how to distinguish? Such a possibility is not excluded. Therefore, if the baby suffers from convulsions against the background of high temperature, examine him with a neurologist.


How to understand that the baby is having an attack? How do seizures manifest? They can be compared to an epileptic seizure. The spasm that has begun greatly frightens children, they stop responding to others and cannot control their movements. Sometimes the spasm is accompanied by breath holding, blue skin, loss of consciousness.

What do seizures look like, how to recognize? Their character may be different:

  • rhythmic twitching of the body;
  • twitching of the limbs with rolling of the eyes;
  • sudden relaxation of the body, accompanied by involuntary urination.

Symptoms of tonic convulsions are accompanied by a tilting of the head and convulsive rhythmic movement of the body. Twitching of the arms and legs with rolling of the eyes are signs of focal convulsions. In atonic spasm, the child suddenly empties because the muscles of the body suddenly relax.

Sometimes convulsions at high temperatures can be the result of the development of severe ailments in infants and older children:

  • neuroinfection;
  • West syndrome;
  • drug poisoning;
  • plant poisoning;
  • dehydration.

There is another reason for the appearance of convulsions - a violation of the mineral balance in the body. Dehydration in children at a temperature is a very dangerous condition that leads to a decrease in the volume of circulating blood. In this condition, spasms often begin. Parents should understand that dehydration occurs rapidly in babies, especially if he is very vilified. By increasing the level of fluid through drinking, you restore the necessary volume of blood.

First aid

What should be the help for spasms? First of all, one should not panic if convulsive convulsions have begun. You need to urgently call an ambulance.

While waiting for an ambulance, do the following:

  • lay the baby on a hard surface;
  • remove all unnecessary things around the baby;
  • place a rolled towel under your neck;
  • turn your head to the side;
  • unfasten the buttons on the clothes;
  • ventilate the room.

Important! You can not leave the child until the attack stops.

Invalid actions:

  • you can not fix the body in one position;
  • a child with convulsions should not be given water;
  • you can’t shake the baby, bring to life;
  • do not wipe the body with cold water;
  • you can't open your mouth.

Most often, children's seizures go away on their own in 15-17 minutes. The help of parents is to alleviate the condition of the baby with the onset of convulsions:

  • free the nose and mouth from mucus;
  • put a cold compress on the forehead;
  • cool the body if possible;
  • after an attack to bring down the temperature.

Why are seizures dangerous? Doctors believe that febrile convulsions do not affect the development of the baby: the children's brain has a powerful potential for self-healing. However, this fact applies only to infants: with age, babies develop oxygen starvation during attacks. This means that the child will lag behind peers in intellectual development.


If a child has convulsions at a temperature, parents should urgently provide assistance. If spasms from temperature in a child often appear, an examination by a neurologist is necessary. The doctor will prescribe an anticonvulsant medication to stop the attack. Frequent seizures can lead to the development of epilepsy - these complications should not be forgotten. However, according to statistics, only 2% of all children fall ill with epilepsy.

Febrile convulsions in children appear due to high temperature - during pneumonia, middle ear pathologies, bronchial diseases, etc. The temperature of a healthy child should be 36.6 degrees. If the temperature is from 37 to 38 degrees - this indicates a condition called subfebrile condition, and above 38 degrees - fever.

Convulsions usually occur when the temperature exceeds 39-40 degrees - this condition is very dangerous for the life and health of the child. Body temperature exceeding 41.5 degrees can lead to damage to the proteins of nerve cells, which can even lead to death. In children, convulsions that appear at a temperature of about 38.5 may develop epilepsy in the future.

According to studies, febrile seizures in children occur in about 3-4% of cases, more often in boys than in girls.

Risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of seizures and relapses are:

  • frequent infections in a child;
  • the occurrence of febrile seizures among relatives (genetic factors);
  • the complex nature of the first convulsions;
  • the first attack of convulsions occurred with a slight increase in temperature.

It should be remembered that many other factors affect the increase in body temperature in a child, for example, strong emotions or prolonged crying.

Symptoms of febrile seizures in children

Febrile seizures are divided into simple and complex. Most often in children the first type occurs:

  • attacks are short;
  • there is numbness and tension of the whole body;
  • instant loss of consciousness and contact with the environment;
  • profuse salivation or foam in the mouth;
  • short-term loss of breath.

As a rule, simple convulsions do not recur a second time in the course of the same illness.

Febrile complex convulsions can occur several times during the same infection, and the seizure lasts up to 15 minutes. At the same time, not the whole body is attacked, but only, for example, one limb or half of the body. In this case, a more accurate diagnosis should be carried out in the child, since this disorder may be the pathogenesis of epilepsy.

What to do with febrile seizures in a child

In the event of an attack of febrile convulsions, you should not panic. Whether this type is simple or complex, you need to remain calm. The child should be laid on a flat, soft surface - best on a carpet or bed. To prevent aspiration, the child's head should be placed on its side and preferably below the torso. During an attack, you should not put anything in your mouth, do not give any medicines or drinks. You also should not restrict or strongly restrain the child's torso - this can lead to relaxation of the sphincter and, therefore, urinary or fecal incontinence.

If a convulsive attack lasts more than 5 minutes, an ambulance should be called.

Attacks can be accompanied by vomiting, in this regard, it is important not to let the child choke on the contents of the stomach. After the attack stops, the child will be sleepy, he may not understand what is happening to him, so it is necessary to provide him with peace and rest.

In the event of an attack for the first time, you should immediately consult a doctor.

To reduce the risk of recurrence of convulsions in the future, if a high temperature occurs, you should immediately lower it - it is necessary to introduce antipyretic drugs as soon as possible (best in the form of suppositories); lower body temperature with cold compresses or bathing in cool water (two degrees below the child's body temperature). The child should be dressed lightly, and in case of heavy sweating, it is better to remove the clothes. As follows from the studies conducted, febrile convulsions do not have any reflection in the future on the intellectual or physical health of the child.

Diagnosis of febrile seizures

In the event of complex febrile seizures and the first convulsive episode, it is necessary to conduct a full diagnosis to exclude concomitant diseases that could provoke convulsions. Consultations are best done by a neurologist. No later than 48 hours after the attack, an EEG study should be performed, which is aimed at diagnosing the functioning of the brain.

The study consists in applying a special cap with electrodes to the child's head, thanks to which the brain waves are read and recorded. An EEG study is usually performed at night, during sleep. Based on the results of this study, it is possible to determine whether the seizure was caused only by a high temperature, or whether it is the result of another disease. If the occurrence of seizures is not associated with meningitis, and the child's condition improves after seizures, hospitalization in the hospital is not required.

In the event of complex seizures, it is necessary to carry out medical intervention as soon as possible, as well as to do tests:

  1. common and ;
  2. analysis to determine the level of electrolytes, glucose, ammonia and other biochemical markers.

Also, sometimes a lumbar puncture (bone marrow sampling) is required for a deeper diagnosis. In addition, a CT scan or MRI may be ordered.

Prevention of febrile seizures

Unfortunately, once a child has had a first attack, the risk of another is increased. There is no effective therapy that can eliminate seizures, but they can be prevented to some extent. In the event of a high temperature, care should be taken immediately to lower it immediately. In addition, in order to prevent the development of infectious diseases, which are characterized by the occurrence of high fever, it is necessary to complete all prescribed vaccinations.

A child with risk factors should avoid contact with sick family members. If a child shows a tendency to convulsions during a fever, it is necessary to protect him from infections. In infancy, breastfeeding is the best protection. In later life, a healthy and balanced diet that strengthens the immune system is effective.

Convulsions in a child with a high temperature (so-called febrile convulsions) occur in preschool children with severe colds or viral infections. Such disorders have nothing to do with epileptic seizures, but it is necessary to treat them with special attention.

Febrile seizures in children - what is it?

Convulsions that frighten parents at a temperature in a child begin in about 5% of cases of serious colds in children under 6-7 years old, the highest frequency of seizures is recorded from 6 months to 3 years. Doctors do not have exact data on the nature of this phenomenon, however, they consider short-term single convulsive attacks to be safe, which stop after the fever decreases and the child recovers.

Convulsions in a child with a high temperature are typical and atypical. Typical seizures occur no more than once a day, last up to 5 minutes, the entire body of the child is included in the convulsive process, and he himself loses consciousness. Atypical seizures are characterized by a longer duration (up to 15 minutes) and more frequent repetitions; convulsions during such seizures cover only part of the body.

At what temperature do seizures occur?

Excruciating febrile convulsions in children occur when the heat is above 38 degrees. The cause of hyperthermia, due to which febrile seizures appear, can be:

  • cold;
  • otitis;
  • flu;
  • pneumonia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • neuroinfection;
  • meningitis;
  • diabetes;
  • routine vaccination;
  • allergic reaction;

Why are febrile seizures dangerous?

Periodically occurring febrile seizures in children are considered harmless if they do not appear after the disease and later than 6-7 years of age. Otherwise, the child needs examination and treatment prescribed by a neurologist. Convulsive seizures become dangerous against the background of a predisposition to epilepsy - the disease develops in about 2% of babies suffering from febrile convulsions.

Convulsions at a temperature in a child - the consequences of improper assistance:

  • choking with vomit, getting them into the respiratory tract (to minimize this effect, you need to put the child on its side);
  • bruise (in the midst of an attack, it is necessary to protect the baby so that he does not hit his limbs or head).

Febrile seizures - causes

Doctors do not have an absolutely reliable explanation for why a child has convulsions at a temperature, however, there are several likely causes of convulsive seizures:

  1. Incomplete development of the nervous system. In childhood, the period of maturation of the organs of the nervous system has not yet been completed, so the processes of excitation are often much stronger than the processes of inhibition. For this reason, convulsions occur.
  2. Heredity. If one of the relatives had febrile seizures in childhood, the child may also have them. A child with epilepsy in his family can also suffer from seizures.
  3. predisposition factors. These factors include cerebral palsy, birth trauma, metabolic disorders and the functioning of the nervous system, heart disease, and intoxication.

How do seizures occur in a child with a temperature?

Febrile convulsions at a high temperature in a child are of three types:

  • tonic- with this type of attack, all muscles tense (come into tone), arms are clenched to the chest, legs are extended, the head is thrown back, convulsions occur rhythmically and gradually subside;
  • atonic- during an attack, the child has a complete relaxation of the muscles (often both the bladder and intestines relax);
  • local- spasms similar to a nervous tic, with such an attack only the lower or upper limbs are affected, the eyes roll back.

What do seizures look like when a child has a temperature:

  1. He loses consciousness or outgrows reacting to the environment, crying.
  2. The child may stop breathing, turn blue.
  3. Seizures can begin in a dream - if the child cannot be woken up, this is it.
  4. Convulsive spasms are very strong, arching the child's body, and weak, similar to twitching.

Convulsions at a temperature in a child - what to do?

If a small child has ever had convulsions at a temperature or has a predisposition to them, you need to know the sequence of basic actions during an attack and be able to provide first aid. In the future, all steps should be taken to treat and prevent seizures, as well as cure the disease that was the "catalyst" for the onset of the attack.

Febrile seizures in children - first aid

Urgent emergency first aid for febrile seizures is necessary for the child, and it is most likely that the parents will have to provide it.

Febrile seizures in children - emergency care:

  1. Doctor's call. Since seizures can indicate the most serious diseases, an urgent examination by a doctor is necessary.
  2. Ensuring a comfortable and safe position. The child must be laid on a flat surface, ensure free breathing (remove tight clothing) and air flow. With nausea, the child must be turned so that the masses flow freely. If an antipyretic was not used before the attack, enter it in the form of a candle.
  3. Monitoring the child's condition. Before the doctor arrives, you should monitor the condition of the sick baby. When breathing stops, begin resuscitation (artificial respiration).

Parents can provide first aid correctly only by maintaining a sober mind and adequate behavior - when a child has an attack, parents should not panic and commit erroneous actions.

  1. Trying to restrain convulsions by force - you can only support the child so that he does not hurt himself.
  2. Trying to pour the medicine through the mouth is useless and dangerous during a cramp.
  3. Put objects in your mouth to prevent tongue swallowing.
  4. Do artificial respiration if he breathes on his own, but weakly.
  5. Do artificial respiration during an attack - the airways are clamped at this time.

Febrile seizures in children - treatment

From all points of view, hyperthermia with a temperature exceeding 38 is considered dangerous. Febrile convulsions in a child at a high temperature require the use of antipyretic drugs. With hyperthermia, children are given, Ibuklin, Paracetamol. With frequent seizures, doctors prescribe injections of serious anticonvulsants - Phenobarbital, Diazepam, Lorazepam or others. A doctor should prescribe drugs in this category - self-medication can be dangerous.

Febrile seizures - prevention

Often repeated and prolonged atypical febrile seizures can degenerate into epilepsy, so doctors prescribe preventive treatment - sedatives and anticonvulsants, they must be taken for a long time. Phenobarbital and Valproate, which in most cases are prescribed to children suffering from febrile seizures, are fraught with serious side effects, so their treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of neurologists.

Some parents are faced with a rather serious phenomenon - convulsions in a child with a temperature. They are especially common in young children. Many adults are confused and panicked when they see their little one suffering. Why do convulsions occur in a child at a high temperature, how to help him in such a situation?

Why are there convulsions in a child with a temperature

Convulsions that appear in children against the background of high body temperature are also called febrile. This is a specific childhood disorder that occurs between the ages of 6 months and 5-6 years. It occurs in 5% of babies in the first five years of life. In addition, about 30% of children suffer from seizures again. Convulsive seizures occur after an increase in body temperature to 38.5 ° C, although in some cases the development of this condition is also caused by a lower temperature.

The exact cause of febrile seizures is not yet known. But it has been established that one of the provoking factors is the insufficient maturity and weakness of the inhibitory processes of the child's nervous system. This creates favorable conditions for the occurrence of seizures.

Febrile seizures in children occur only against the background of high temperature. The common cold, acute respiratory infections, teething, vaccination can provoke their appearance.

Experts point to a hereditary predisposition to this condition. So, if at an early age one of the close relatives had febrile convulsions, the baby has a high risk of developing them. In addition, the likelihood of seizures is much greater in those children whose parents or close relatives are sick with epilepsy (a chronic neurological disease characterized by the sudden onset of seizures).

Types and signs of seizures in children at a temperature

Convulsions in a child at a temperature are of two types: simple (typical) and complex (atypical). Simple seizures involve the entire body, last about five minutes, and the baby loses consciousness. As a rule, they are repeated no more often than after 24 hours. Complex convulsions predominate in one part of the body, have a duration of about 15 minutes. They can be repeated several times during the day.

Specialists distinguish the following types of seizures in children with fever:

  • Tonic - there is a strong tension in all the muscles of the child, in which the head is thrown back, the eyes are rolled up, the legs are straightened, the arms are bent to the chest. The tension is replaced by rhythmic twitches or shudders, which gradually become rarer and disappear;
  • Atonic - a sharp relaxation of all the muscles of the body, accompanied by involuntary urination and defecation;
  • Local - twitching only the lower or upper limbs, which is often joined by rolling the eyes.

During seizures, the baby usually does not respond to the words and actions of the parents, stops crying, loses contact with the environment, may hold his breath and turn blue. The duration of seizures in children is very rarely more than 15 minutes. At the same time, they often go in series of several attacks. Every third child experiences such a condition with a subsequent increase in temperature.

Rules for the care of febrile convulsions in children

Helping a child during convulsions comes down to two important goals - preventing vomit, saliva, food from entering the respiratory tract and preventing injuries during a convulsive attack.

If there are convulsions in a child at a temperature, first of all, it is urgent to call a doctor. Prior to his arrival, the following activities should be carried out:

  • Lay the baby on a hard, flat surface, turn his head to the side;
  • Constantly monitor the child's breathing. If he is tense and not breathing, you should wait for the end of the seizure and perform artificial respiration. You can not do artificial respiration during the attack itself;
  • It is necessary to undress the child and ventilate the room well, the air temperature should not exceed +20 ºС;
  • It is necessary to apply physical methods to reduce heat (cold compresses on the forehead, wiping the body with cool water);
  • The baby should be given an antipyretic drug, preferably in the form of rectal suppositories. It is better for small children to give medicines based on paracetamol.

It is strictly forbidden during an attack to introduce any objects into the child's mouth or take out the tongue. Contrary to popular myth, doctors note that it is impossible to swallow the tongue. But manipulations in the oral cavity can lead to injuries of the tongue, teeth and jaws. In addition, fragments of an object introduced into the oral cavity can enter the respiratory tract, which often leads to death.

During febrile seizures in children, it is not necessary to restrain them by force. Such an action is useless for the baby, it does not affect the course of the attack. Artificial respiration is done only after the attack ends, then you can give the child water and medicine.

It is important to remember the external manifestations and duration of the attack before the doctor arrives. You need to pay attention to the posture of the baby, the presence of consciousness (whether he reacted to something), the position of the head, limbs, eyes (open or closed). 4.5 out of 5 (129 votes)

Temperature in children under 6 years old can be accompanied by a very unpleasant and frightening phenomenon - convulsions. This happens about 5% of the time. At the sight of this, many parents panic, thinking that convulsions can threaten the life of the baby.

However, are spasms at a temperature in young children really that dangerous? How to determine why this happened, and what to do if convulsions appear at a high temperature? Is it necessary to see a doctor? To do this, you need to understand the real cause of convulsions at a temperature: knowledge of this issue will help identify the danger to the health of the baby, if any.


Spasmodic seizures during hyperthermia are also called febrile convulsions. At what temperature do seizures start in a child? They begin at temperatures above 38 ºС. In some cases, they also occur at temperatures below this.

Hyperthermia with convulsive manifestations is caused by colds, respiratory tract infections, and anything that can cause a feverish state. Sometimes it can even be teething.

The main cause of convulsions against the background of high temperature in young children is the imperfection of the nervous system. The child's body is still developing, and therefore the processes of excitation in the brain are stronger than the processes of inhibition. Spasms are the result of corresponding processes in the cerebral cortex.

One contributing factor is heredity.. If relatives, especially parents, had a similar body reaction to temperature in childhood, this increases the predisposition to such manifestations in their children. The presence of epilepsy in one of the close relatives also affects.

Febrile seizures in children under 6 years of age are not a disease. This is a feature of the children's nervous system, and it does not cause harm to health.

Do not immediately think that the baby has epilepsy. It is diagnosed in only 2% of children with febrile seizures. However, if you experience this phenomenon, consult a doctor to rule out the risk of serious diseases.

If spasms with hyperthermia are observed in children over 6 years old - this is an alarming sign.

Details about the causes of seizures, when they may appear:

The most affordable antipyretic is and the instructions for use will help to stop the temperature rise in time.

Can be used as a syrup for very crumbs Ibuprofen: instructions for use for children and other aspects of its administration - c.

Sometimes, as an antipyretic, the doctor prescribes Nurofen syrup, dosage for children and precautions -.

Seizures can manifest themselves as a number of diseases:

Symptoms and signs

Seizures are easily recognizable. They manifest themselves differently depending on the type, but they are difficult to confuse with something else.

Here are their main types:

  • Local- they are characterized by twitching of the limbs and rolling of the eyes. Such spasms capture individual muscle groups.
  • tonic- they act on the whole body, therefore they are accompanied by unnatural tension, flexion or straightening of the limbs, which are replaced by twitching of body parts.
  • Atonic- the opposite of tonic spasms, expressed in complete relaxation of all muscles, sometimes accompanied by involuntary urination or defecation.

During spasms, the baby does not respond to external influences, he can hold his breath, look away. Sometimes the baby's skin even turns blue. In some cases, he loses consciousness.

Typically, muscle contractions last no more than 15 minutes. Attacks can be repeated several times.

How to recognize febrile spasms and distinguish them from others

Sometimes the described phenomenon can still be confused with others. For example, depending on the nature of the convulsions, with twitching in sleep or an epileptic seizure.

This phenomenon occurs only with hyperthermia. If a child is under 6 years old and you are experiencing similar symptoms, it is most likely a febrile seizure, because of all children suffering from convulsive phenomena, only 2% are sick with epilepsy.

Sometimes attacks begin in a dream. If you notice that in a dream at a temperature the child has cramps in the legs or arms, he twitches his limbs or arches his body, wake him up. If the baby does not immediately respond to your actions, does not hear you and is as if unconscious, then these are febrile convulsions. After that, he may complain of pain or not be able to explain what happened at all.

To know if a son or daughter suffers from epilepsy, you need to do an electroencephalogram. Only on the basis of the results of this procedure can a diagnosis be made.

How convulsions look and manifest at a high temperature in an infant or an older child, the video will show:

Possible consequences

Febrile convulsions that occurred in early childhood do not affect the future life and health of a person. The only danger that may arise is spasmodic phenomena in children after 6 years of age.

They can lead to underdevelopment of the nervous system in the future. The chance of developing epilepsy is very low.

During spasmodic attacks, the baby can injure himself or hit himself hard. This can lead to injury, so you should take action during an attack.

First aid

In case of convulsions, you need to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, lay the baby on a straight surface on its side so that the head is turned to the surface. So he will not choke on vomit if the child vomits at a temperature and convulsions. Make sure that he does not hit his head during a convulsive fit.

Never try to give the patient medicine during a seizure. Do not pour liquid medicine or tablets into your mouth, as breathing is difficult during convulsions, the baby may suffocate.

Before the arrival of doctors, you can use a wet compress. Sometimes ambulance doctors give advice over the phone on what to do while the ambulance is on the way.

Try to remember how long the seizure lasted, what happened, if the baby lost consciousness, then for how long, etc. This will help the doctor understand the overall picture of the disease and, if serious deviations from the norm are suspected, refer you to tests.

If it so happened that there is no way to call an ambulance, you need to get rid of hyperthermia. To do this, after an attack of spasms, when the baby is in a calm state, you need to give an antipyretic. It can be a syrup or a tablet, and for babies it can be used.

Open the window: it is desirable to let more oxygen into the room in order to facilitate the patient's breathing.

Detailed treatment strategy

It is worth thinking about treatment if seizures last more than 15 minutes or if there was more than one seizure per day. Treatment consists of taking anticonvulsant drugs.

Usually it is Phenobarbital, which prevents the risk of relapse by 90%. It is administered during an attack or after it, the dose is up to 5 mg per kg of body weight. Please note that a medical worker should give injections during an attack.

It is possible to treat convulsive seizures with Diazepam, the dose is up to 0.5 mg per kg once a day. Another anticonvulsant drug that can help the baby is Lorazepam. It should be used in an amount of up to 0.2 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day.

There are 3 types of treatment available:

  • taking antiepileptic drugs;
  • taking anticonvulsant drugs;
  • the use of antipyretics.

Antipyretics will only help to bring down the temperature, but do not guarantee that with hyperthermia the baby will not have a seizure again.

Many of the drugs have side effects, and the body is still weak, so that they pass completely without a trace. You need to be treated, you just need to calculate the dosage very accurately, and only a doctor will help you with this.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky believes that febrile convulsions in children under 6 years of age are not dangerous. The child's body is simply sensitive to hyperthermia. Children outgrow this phenomenon without harm to health.

Komarovsky says that you need to ensure that the temperature in children does not rise above 38 degrees. Antipyretics should be used when the temperature has just appeared. Means of combating spasm - antipyretic and sedatives.

How to avoid seizures at a temperature in children? It's hard to talk about prevention, because in young children the temperature can rise quickly, and you will not have time to bring it down.

It is necessary to measure the temperature of the baby’s body as often as possible when he is sick, so that if it starts to rise, immediately give an antipyretic and avoid an attack of spasms.

There is also a general strengthening therapy, which can also serve as a preventive measure. It includes taking drugs to strengthen the nervous system.

If the child cannot take pills or he is just small, then the appointment will help to comply with the dosage and still give him medicine.

Doctors prescribe Ibufen children's syrup, and the instructions will help you accurately choose the right dosage - find out about the rules for taking.


Febrile seizures are not uncommon. If your baby still has them, do not panic.

Do not grab his hands during an attack and try to forcefully return the body to its natural position, as you can injure it.

Just try hold him carefully and make sure that he does not choke on saliva and harm himself. After an attack, many children fall asleep - this is also normal, because involuntary muscle contractions take away energy from the body.

Now you know exactly what febrile convulsions look like and what is dangerous in a child with a temperature. If you are worried that spasms at a temperature are a harbinger of a dangerous disease, visit a neurologist and therapist regularly, and serious problems can be avoided.

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