Causes and symptoms of fluid formation in the lungs during inflammation. Fluid in lungs heart failure

In the lungs of a person there are alveoli, which are the smallest bubbles braided with capillaries, there are more than 700 million of them. The main function of the alveoli is to carry out gas exchange: oxygen enters the blood through them, and carbon dioxide goes in the opposite direction. If fluid enters the alveoli, pulmonary edema at which the process of gas exchange is disturbed. Therefore, a person experiences shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of oxygen. The cause of the appearance of fluid can be many diseases, some very serious. It is imperative to diagnose the underlying disease that caused the edema, and immediately begin its treatment.

Due to the violation of gas exchange, the flow decreases

oxygen-rich arterial blood, and first of all the internal organs that need such blood most of all suffer - liver, kidney, heart. During hypoxia (oxygen starvation), the brain also suffers, the consequences can be irreversible, brain disorders develop - loss of memory, vision, chronic headache. Acute hypoxia can be fatal.

With timely access to doctors, the prognosis of treatment is generally favorable. Of course, it all depends on the cause, that is, the disease due to which fluid accumulates in the lungs, the individual characteristics of the patients, and their attitude to their health. But without treatment, recovery is hardly possible.

If the disease proceeds without complications, it passes in 5-10 days. . Pay Attention! The most severe form of pulmonary edema is toxic edema. Even with a full-fledged, timely started treatment, which lasts at least 3 weeks, it is not always possible to save the patient.

Why does fluid appear in the lungs?

When the walls of the blood vessels become permeable, edematous fluid accumulates in them, if the integrity of the blood vessels is damaged, an accumulation of exudate is formed (fluid released from the blood vessels during inflammation).

reasons, according to which this happens, quite a lot:

Almost all diseases are severe, requiring a long stay in the hospital.

Signs of the disease

Pulmonary edema can be diagnosed by certain symptoms, they are both pronounced and almost imperceptible. It depends on the location of the accumulation of fluid and its amount.

Patients complain of a worsening condition, usually in the early morning hours, with difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, or chest pain.

For what symptoms it can be determined that fluid has accumulated in the lungs:

  • during an attack of coughing in the lower part of the chest, pain intensifies;
  • shortness of breath appears, in the initial stage of the disease it is not constant, it occurs suddenly, then it passes, there is a breakdown, weakness. In the acute form - a feeling of lack of oxygen, the patient suffocates;
  • with the progression of the disease, an intermittent cough appears with the release of a large amount of mucus. There are fainting spells, a feeling of cold, dizziness.

Modern diagnostic methods

Fluid in the lungs means a malfunction of any internal organ. To determine if there is fluid in them, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the chest, and an ultrasound is performed to determine its volume. Next, they find out the reason why the edema appeared, this requires a more thorough examination:

  1. Blood test for clotting;
  2. Blood chemistry;
  3. Gas composition analysis;
  4. Do CT - computed tomography;
  5. Diagnosis of internal organs - liver, kidneys, heart.


Having determined the cause of edema, prescribe treatment if the patient's condition is serious, he is offered to undergo it in a hospital. First, the disease is treated, a regimen is established - strict bed or general. At the same time, much attention is paid to proper nutrition, the amount of fluid consumed, a physiotherapy doctor prescribes a set of exercises.

Depending on the complexity of the patient's condition, in some cases a puncture is performed to pump out the fluid that accumulates in the lung. This procedure is done under local anesthesia. The patient immediately feels better - it becomes easier to breathe, cough and pain decrease.

Types of treatment:

Elderly Care

Important! Pay more attention to the elderly and bedridden patients, as they are at risk.

Why does edema often occur in this category of people? The reason is a sedentary lifestyle - there is a stagnation of blood in the circulatory system and venous outflow is difficult. If the ventilation of the lungs is impaired, stagnation appears, and as a result, pneumonia, which in turn can lead to pulmonary edema.

Such patients should definitely move more, if they cannot do it on their own, resort to the help of medical personnel or relatives. They should roll over more often, preferably every 2-3 hours. Usually, a physiotherapy doctor deals with bedridden patients. It shows you how to do simple exercises.

To prevent congestion, it is advised to do a light breathing exercise - breathe through a cocktail tube into a glass of water, this allows you to enrich the lungs and bronchi with oxygen. Be sure to fully eat, consuming a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and proteins, drink multivitamin complexes recommended by your doctor.

Disease prevention

To maintain and improve health, boost immunity. There is a set of preventive measures that should be taken.

  1. Be sure to treat diseases that provoke the appearance of fluid in the lungs in time.
  2. When working with hazardous substances, be sure to wear a respirator and other protective equipment.
  3. Give up bad habits, especially smoking. Do not abuse alcohol
  4. Note! Often toxic pulmonary edema occurs due to poisoning alcohol.
  5. Puffiness is possible due to allergic reactions. If a person is prone to allergies, you should always have antihistamines with you, do not come into contact with allergens.
  6. If there are chronic diseases that can provoke the appearance of fluid, a mandatory preventive examination is required at least 2 times a year.

These measures will help to avoid the emergence of new diseases and not aggravate chronic ones.

First aid

Traditional medicine in the treatment of edema

A person is hospitalized, treated with medicines, but when the patient's condition stabilizes, you can contact to folk remedies which have been used for centuries to treat various diseases.

Several recipes are offered, they are well established as an adjuvant treatment:

  • Pour 10 tablespoons of flax seed with two liters of boiling water, leave for several hours and drink a strained infusion of 30 g before meals 3 times a day;
  • 500 g parsley, pour 500 g milk, cook until
  • until the volume of the mixture is halved, take 30 g several times a day;
  • grind a few leaves of aloe and mix with honey, add a few tablespoons of Cahors. 20 hours to insist, then strain. Take two teaspoons after meals.

Pulmonary edema can lead to serious consequences, but timely treatment, a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention - all this will help to defeat the disease and regain health.

Not infrequently, people are faced with the problem of fluid accumulation in the lungs, in some cases, patients try to use only medications to get rid of this ailment, in others, patients use folk methods to eliminate water from the lungs. If you urgently need to figure out how to remove fluid from the lungs, it is worth considering the best folk recipes that help to quickly eliminate water from the lungs.

It is very important that the patient starts treatment as soon as possible, if the fluid in the lungs remains for a long time, this can adversely affect the person's health. If left untreated, the patient will be tormented by painful sensations, serious diseases will also occur that affect the lungs, and if you do not monitor the fluid in the lungs at all, this can lead to the death of the patient. It is for this reason that it is so important to see a doctor as soon as possible if a person has the first symptoms of water in the lungs.

Only an experienced doctor will be able to prescribe treatment to his patient, and first you need to find out what exactly is in the composition of such a liquid, and also where it came from at all. If we consider the normal function of the human body, then the alveoli should be completely filled with blood, but in some cases water begins to seep through the vessels, filling the alveoli of the lungs, this happens mainly because the integrity of the walls of the vessels is violated.

Why does fluid accumulate in the lungs?

It is worth saying that if the walls of the vessels simply become very thin, then the liquid is edematous, but when water enters the lungs from the vessels due to mechanical damage, then exudate forms in the lungs. The liquid itself is not like water, it is not transparent, as it is oversaturated with various beams and cells of the body.

There are several reasons why this ailment overtakes a person, for example, it is not uncommon for water to accumulate in the alveoli after a serious head injury, this is the most common reason. But at the same time, an inflammatory process that begins in the lungs can also provoke the release of water, and this can be not only ordinary pneumonia, but also pleurisy, as well as tuberculosis.

In addition, those people who suffer from heart rhythm disturbances, in the presence of heart failure, and also if the patient has a congenital heart disease, may face a problem. As already mentioned, any brain injury can lead to the formation of fluid in the lungs, with brain diseases, this ailment also often manifests itself.

Doctors note that fluid begins to seep into the lungs after major operations on the brain, also if the patient has suffered a lung injury or traumatized the chest. At the same time, water always appears with pneumatorox, in this case, air enters the pleural zone and causes an asthma attack, for this reason a person cannot breathe.

If the patient has the above health problems, as well as symptoms of fluid in the lungs, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, and then proceed to emergency treatment of the disease. It is even better to start treating the disease that caused the formation of fluid in the alveoli, if the disease is cured at an early stage, this will help to avoid the appearance of water in the lungs. It is worth saying that this ailment can manifest itself with cirrhosis of the liver, severe obesity, and even with hypertension.

Several recipes from traditional medicine

A decoction of fresh parsley

There are several useful and effective remedies that are used to eliminate water from the lungs at home. Ordinary parsley has a diuretic effect, therefore it helps to easily eliminate the accumulated fluid in the pleural cavity of the lungs of a sick person. To prepare this remedy, you need to take about eight hundred grams of fresh herbs, then pour the entire number of branches with one liter of plain cow's milk, transfer the resulting composition to the fire and let it evaporate well.

It is important not to boil such a composition, and as soon as the product becomes two times smaller in volume, you can turn off the broth and let it cool.

The finished drink is filtered, and then they drink a large spoonful every thirty minutes, you can take a break between doses of one hour, if you need to take the medicine the next day, then the portion is prepared again, and the drink is stored in the refrigerator so that the milk does not deteriorate.

turnip peel

The peel of the turnip is also distinguished by its beneficial properties, if the patient does not know how to get rid of the liquid without using drugs of medical origin, it is worth trying out such a useful remedy. To prepare a decoction, you need to take the peel of a turnip, it is very important to rinse it thoroughly in water several times before peeling the vegetable. Next, the peel is well crushed, and then transferred to a deep saucepan, the composition is poured with clean water in the amount of three liters, the water is first brought to a boil. Such a saucepan is sent to the oven, it is important to close the container with a lid tightly enough so that the liquid in the form of steam almost does not come out of this product.

The composition is kept in the oven over low heat for about two hours, during which time the product should evaporate by about half, after which the composition can be considered ready. It is cooled to the optimum temperature, then the broth is well filtered through cheesecloth and allowed to stand for about an hour. They take a remedy of two hundred milliliters three times a day, the drink perfectly removes excess fluid from the body, so it can easily cope with the appearance of water in the lungs.

Easy Onion Recipe

Cleansing the lungs with folk remedies can only be carried out if at the moment the patient cannot get an appointment with a doctor, and the symptoms do not allow to live in peace, in any case, it is important to consult a doctor when using folk remedies, in which case many unpleasant complications can be avoided . Today, many people use onions to remove fluid from the lungs, this vegetable has a diuretic effect, thereby eliminating excess water from the body.

To prepare the composition, you need to take one large onion, peel it, and then chop it well, it is advisable to do this with a meat grinder. When the mass is ready, you can add white sugar to it and wait for the juice to separate. As soon as the mixture gives the necessary liquid, you can start taking onion juice, use it in the morning on an empty stomach, you need to take a full large spoonful of the drink. If there is quite a lot of fluid in the lungs, then the amount of juice must be increased at least twice, sometimes the dose is increased three or even four times.

Viburnum mushroom with hydrothorax

If a person has fluid in the lungs due to heart disease or heart failure, it is worth starting to use viburnum mushroom, especially since it is not at all difficult to prepare such a remedy at home. To begin with, it is worth taking a small amount of viburnum berries, it is desirable that they are ripe enough, so the collection is carried out after the first frost. All berries are washed in clean water, and then allowed to dry naturally, to make a composition for several days of admission, you will need a full jar of such berries.

Next, the rowan fruits from the jar are poured into another glass jar, which has a larger volume, a three-liter container is suitable, it is necessary to pour boiled water into such a product in a warm form, you will also need granulated sugar in the amount of one full glass or honey. The jar is covered with thin gauze, and then the container is moved to a dark and cool place, after a few days a clot will begin to form on the surface of the water, very similar in consistency to a jellyfish. This will be the medicinal viburnum mushroom, often it grows in just ten days, after harvesting the products.

Now it’s worth talking about how to take a lung fungus that removes fluid, for this, half the liquid from the jar is poured into a separate container, this will be our ready-made useful medicine, it is taken in small portions so that the amount received is enough for a couple of days of treatment. The mushroom itself is simply washed, and then placed in a jar of viburnum and water, additional honey or sugar is placed there so that the flexible can feed and grow further. As a rule, such a healthy drink is taken for several days in a row, the treatment can take up to fourteen days.

What are the symptoms of fluid in the lungs?

It is not always possible to eliminate water with the help of folk remedies, even medications may not be able to cope with this completely, but it is very important to know what symptoms accompany a person in this case, and also under what circumstances it is necessary to urgently seek help from a doctor.

To begin with, a person has shortness of breath, while the severity of shortness of breath can be different, it all depends only on the amount of water accumulation in the alveoli. Also, the patient may feel a feeling of fatigue, even if in the next few hours he did not perform any difficult work.

If the lungs begin to swell too much, the patient feels difficulty breathing, and an attack may also occur, the person begins to suffocate. In addition, a strong cough will tell about the appearance of liquid, it is intermittent, and sometimes clots of mucus come out of the lungs.

Additional symptoms are considered fainting, dizziness, severe chills or agitation of a sick person, the person's sense of anxiety is exacerbated and he becomes more restless. The skin may acquire a bluish tint, as there is not enough oxygen in the body, when coughing and breathing, painful sensations appear in the chest area.

Fluid in the lungs is a sign of many diseases.

Common Causes of Fluid in the Lungs

Most often in the lungs appears as a result of inflammation. It may occur after or after pleurisy. In addition, this pathology occurs. This is the main symptom of this serious disease.

Fluid in the lungs may appear due to increased permeability of the walls of blood vessels. In this case, there is also a strong swelling of this organ.

Fluid in the lungs can occur when the integrity of blood vessels is compromised. This is usually due to mechanical action. As a result, in addition to the main symptom, inflammation and the formation of exudate occur.

A common cause is the malfunctioning of the lymphatic system of this organ. This phenomenon occurs during resection. It is accompanied by poor outflow of fluid from the lungs and the occurrence of severe edema in them.

Rare causes of fluid in the lungs

This pathology in some cases may occur due to oncological diseases. It usually manifests itself when a malignant tumor has managed to hit many cells. Fluid in the lungs can appear as a result of a serious injury to this organ, with strong drugs or chemicals.

In some cases, this pathology occurs after an unsuccessful operation on the head. You can also highlight the following appearance of fluid in the lungs: heart disease, heart attack, arrhythmia, blood stasis.

Symptoms of fluid in the lungs

With an increase in the volume of fluid in the lungs, a person first experiences severe shortness of breath. It appears due to the fact that the rate of oxygen supply to the bloodstream is sharply reduced. As a result, you have to breathe much more often. Along with this, there may be attacks of cardiac asthma, and wheezing. Later, sputum, pain in the chest area and blanching of the skin appear.

It is important that if fluid develops in the lungs, see a doctor as soon as possible for immediate treatment. During it, respiratory support, drug therapy and other measures aimed at the recovery of the patient will be provided.

Sometimes fluid accumulates in the lungs, for various reasons. This is not a very pleasant symptom, and in order to get rid of it, people are looking for different ways that they could do at home. Doctors do not refute the effectiveness of traditional medicine, they ask you to be careful and contact specialists before starting any course of home treatment. So the patient will maintain health and receive accurate information about his condition.

How to remove fluid from the lungs, how does it even appear there, in such an atypical place? After all, as is known from a short course of anatomy, blood must run in the lungs, it receives oxygen and supplies the lungs with nutrients. Sometimes sputum or mucus accumulates in the bronchi. Where does water come from? You should figure it out before looking for ways.

Hydrothorax of the lungs - what is it, why does it occur

A type of disease in which free fluid gradually accumulates in the pleura. This is indeed a pathology that can be caused by a violation between the pressure of the fluid flowing through the capillaries in the pleura and the osmotic pressure of the plasma inside it. Hydrothorax is also called thoracic dropsy, it does not occur as a separate disease, it is a secondary symptom that will give an experienced doctor a signal about the development of a malfunction in the work of other organs.

Why hydrothorax occurs:

Heart failure is not for nothing that the heart is the closest neighbor of the lungs. The activity of both organs is closely connected and when one suffers, it is immediately reflected in the other. When the lungs are filled with blood or liquid, this most often indicates damage to the heart - or foci of stagnation have appeared in the blood circulation, the blood does not flow with the necessary pressure.
Heart defects - its valves are clogged with cholesterol plaques, which narrow the lumen gradually, or there are problems with the heart muscle itself. Something affects the proper functioning of the body, prevents it from distilling blood.
The kidneys are affected, and in a severe, chronic form.
Cirrhosis of the liver - also after some time can affect the lungs.
Anemia is a problem with blood pressure, a common cause of many diseases.

Symptoms of hydrothorax

It is necessary to consult a doctor in time to identify the disease, the very presence of fluid in the lungs is of course a dangerous condition, but the specialist must identify the cause of the accumulation of this fluid. What prevents it from being absorbed.

There is shortness of breath, difficult breathing, even in a calm state it is difficult to inhale.
heaviness - as if something is pressing on the chest from the inside.
acrocyanosis of the skin - usually if pulmonary congestion continues for more than a day.

Method 1 - Using Parsley

Take 800 g of fresh sprigs, pour homemade milk (liter) and put it in a saucepan to steam on a small fire, let it gurgle slowly, but not boil. When about half of the milk is gone, turn off the stove.

Drink a spoonful of this milk every 30 minutes or an hour all day. Can be poured into a thermos to drink regularly and outside the home. Tomorrow prepare a new portion of milk with parsley.

Method 2 - removing liquid with turnip peel

Prepare a decoction: boil 3 liters. plain water, then add a glass of chopped turnip skin, close the top with a lid and hide in the already hot oven. Stay 2 hours looking. Take small 200 ml portions.

Method 3 - onion-based remedy

Take a large onion of young, juicy onions, chop and sprinkle with sugar. On an empty stomach every day instead of breakfast or before it, drink a tablespoon, only juice, not pulp. If you need to remove a lot of fluid, double the dose.

Method 4 - liquid-removing viburnum mushroom

Here, however, we will talk about simple viburnum berries. Wash and dry them, then pick up the fruits in a liter jar, pour into a larger container - 2-3 liters. There add warm, already boiled water, a glass of sugar (can be replaced with honey). Cover with gauze. It is more convenient to insist in a glass container, so the processes inside are more visible.

Let it stand in a dark place, look until a jellyfish-like film appears from above. Here it is called viburnum mushroom. It can grow somewhere on the 10th day of infusion. Carefully drain about half of the liquid into another container. This is a ready-to-use mixture. You need to drink in small portions for two days. Rinse the mushroom and place it back in the jar. Add honey syrup to it. Now you can cook it for infusion and a new portion of the broth.

Method 5

When the cause of an unexpected accumulation of fluid is cirrhosis of the liver, treatment should be carried out by another method. Take a large plastic bag, carefully poke a hole in the top and put it on. Stick your head in the hole. Initially, the package creates the effect of a steam room, only without liquid. Therefore, it is worth dressing on a naked torso, smearing its surface with fish oil (it will, of course, smell strongly) or change it with a mixture of kefir and honey (although the smell is more pleasant).

Cellophane will not allow to fade, and gradually the mixture will be absorbed by the skin. Strong sweating will reduce the load on the liver, it will “rest”. After the procedure, eat about 50 gr. boiled liver (beef or pork), then drink a glass of wild rose - 1 liter. boiled water to 4 b. spoons of berries. The usual tasty and healthy decoction.

A dry steam room lasts half an hour, then you need to wash yourself thoroughly, wipe with a washcloth with gel or soap. Then, in addition, wipe with ordinary table vinegar. Such a “steam room” is effective 2 times during a typical day. Fluid is excreted without liver load. The course lasts about 2 months, further depends on the results.

Method 6 - pine milk

Well suited in case of chronic diseases of the bronchi or lungs. Can be safely used by smokers. You will need pine resin - a large piece, about 5 rubles a coin, plus 3 immature green cones (thoroughly washed), 500 ml of already boiled milk. Infuse for about 4 hours. Then strain everything through ordinary cheesecloth. Take the resulting mixture before breakfast (or instead of it, not everyone eats in the morning) in a glass, and in the evening before going to bed - also in a glass. The course lasts up to 2 months. Milk is good for removing old mucus.

Method 7 - pine jam

The rapid removal of not only liquids, but also toxins, mucus, is a good way for smokers to cleanse themselves. Collect green pine cones that have a whitish resin coating. Rinse in cold water and pour so that the surface of the water is 20 cm higher. Cook for 8 hours slowly, without increasing the low heat, periodically removing the film. Then carefully strain, add sugar 1: 1, then boil for another hour with sweet.

You need to take it on an empty stomach, even before breakfast, up to 2 b. spoons, but watch the body's reaction. If he doesn't like it too much on an empty stomach, eat after meals. The finished jam does not have a pine smell, it looks like ordinary sweet jam and smells more like raspberries. Therefore, such treatment will not bring great inconvenience, a good option is how to get rid of the liquid. Even children who have a sweet tooth would like it.

Method 8 - vegetable cleaning

It will help with cleaning and respiratory, and other systems in the body. Take 0.5 of any vodka, pour in 0.5 of homemade carrot juice, the same amount of black radish, then beets. Mix everything, then close and glue on top so that air does not penetrate. Simmer for 60-90 minutes inside a preheated oven, then let the same amount stand there, cool.
Take portions of 50 gr. often, up to 3 times in the past day. The course lasts approximately 30 days.

Important: before choosing any of the methods of home cleaning, go through a medical examination and tell the doctor about your upcoming plans.

Hydrothorax of the lungs is a disease in which there is a process of accumulation of free fluid (transudate) in the pleural cavity. This pathology is a consequence of a violation of the relationship between the hydrostatic pressure in the blood capillaries of the pleura and the colloid osmotic pressure of the plasma.

As a rule, hydrothorax of the lungs (in the common people - chest dropsy) develops as a secondary disease, the root cause of which is usually called chronic diseases of some vital internal organs.

There are several causes of hydrothorax of the lungs.

  1. against the background of congestion in the systemic circulation.
  2. Heart defects.
  3. Severe form of kidney damage.
  4. Tumor neoplasms.
  5. Anemia.


  • feeling of heaviness in the chest;
  • edema (anasarca);
  • skin acrocyanosis.

Therapy for hydrothorax is usually aimed at treating the underlying disease that caused the accumulation of transudate. Only with a large amount of fluid in the pleural cavity, a puncture is required to aspirate it.

Conservative treatment of the disease can be combined with some folk remedies. They help: remove free fluid from the pleural cavity, prevent its re-accumulation, eliminate symptoms and treat major ailments.

Traditional medicine recipes

1. To remove the accumulated fluid from the pleural cavity, such a natural diuretic as parsley will help. To do this, take fresh sprigs of the plant (800 g), pour them with homemade milk (1 l) and put on a slow fire to “evaporate”. (Do not boil!) When the volume of liquid is halved, the stove is turned off.

Such baked milk is drunk on a spoon every half an hour or an hour during the day. The next day, a new portion of the medicine is prepared.

2. Turnip peel will help remove fluid from the pleural cavity. Such a decoction is prepared: three liters of boiling water are taken for one glass of chopped turnip outer skin, the dishes are covered with a lid and placed in a hot oven. Keep the composition there for at least two hours. Take the finished product of 200 milliliters.

3. Has a diuretic effect and removes water from the lungs onion recipe. A large onion is crushed and covered with sugar. Every day in the morning (on an empty stomach) drink a tablespoon of the allocated juice. With a large amount of fluid in the lungs, you can increase the intake of juice by two or three times.

4. With hydrothorax against the background of heart failure and shortness of breath, you can be treated with viburnum fungus. It is not difficult to prepare it. The viburnum berries are washed and dried. They take a full liter jar of finished fruits and pour it into another glass container (two or three liter containers). Add warm boiled water and a glass of sugar (you can use honey) there.

Cover the dishes with gauze and put in a dark, cool place. After a while, a medusa-like clot will appear on the surface of the liquid. This is the so-called viburnum mushroom. It usually grows within 10 days.

Next, you need to pour half of the liquid from the jar. This is a ready-to-use medicine. It should be drunk in small portions over two days. And the mushroom is washed and placed back in the jar. Sweet honey syrup is also added here to feed it. Again, the mushroom is insisted and a new portion of the "medicine" is prepared.

5. If the cause of fluid accumulation in the lungs is a disease such as cirrhosis of the liver, treatment is carried out according to the following method. They take a large plastic bag, make a hole for the head and put it on the body, after having generously lubricated the skin with fish oil (you can rub it with herring fillet) or a mixture of kefir and honey.

The effect of a dry steam room will be created. The body will receive nutrition through the skin. On the liver, in conditions of strong sweating, the load decreases, and it "rests". After the procedure, you should eat 50 grams of boiled pork liver (you can also use beef). It is also necessary to drink a glass of rosehip broth: four tablespoons of berries are taken per 1 liter of water.

After such a dry steam room, you need (after half an hour) to thoroughly wash your body with warm water, soap and a washcloth. It is useful after that to wipe with table vinegar. Such a “steam room” should be done at least twice a day. Course of treatment: two months.

With swelling of soft tissues, you need to drink viburnum juice and consume fresh berries with honey during the day. With swelling of the lower extremities, they should be rubbed with an alcohol tincture of Kalanchoe.

5. With hydrothorax of the lungs, traditional healers recommend a watermelon diet. Baked apples also relieve puffiness and remove transudate. They should be consumed in the morning instead of breakfast.

6. and edema should drink a decoction of horsetail. For 300 milliliters of boiling water, take 60-70 grams of freshly chopped plant. Boil over low heat for no more than 5 minutes, filter and drink three tablespoons two to three times a day.

7. Hydrothorax of the lungs, which developed against the background of kidney disease, should be treated with special teas. There is an effective kidney collection recommended by the Austrian naturopath R. Broys. St. John's wort (6 g), horsetail (15 g), birch leaves (8 g) and knotweed grass (7 g). All raw materials are mixed. For a 300 gram cup of boiling water, take a teaspoon of the collection. Insist for at least half an hour and filter.

The cake is not thrown away, but poured with boiling water and put on a quiet fire for 10 minutes. Then the brew is filtered and poured into the first infusion. Take this tea cold on an empty stomach: in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening before dinner. Single dose 80-100 ml.

8. Hydrothorax of the lungs, in which the main disease is cirrhosis of the liver, is treated with such a collection. Chamomile, rose hips, string, elecampane and burdock roots, tansy, whitehead, St. John's wort and sage grass are taken 100 grams each and mixed.

A spoonful of the mixture is poured with 200 milliliters of hot boiling water and allowed to brew under a closed lid for at least half an hour. Taken for therapeutic purposes, 150 milliliters four times a day for half an hour before meals.

It should be remembered that hydrothorax of the lungs is a very formidable disease that requires urgent and adequate treatment. At the first symptoms of the disease, you need to contact a therapist or pulmonologist. Timely treatment of diseases that can provoke the appearance of fluid in the pleural cavity is the best prevention of hydrothorax of the lungs.



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