No smell of sweat why. Persistent sweating and smelly armpits

Sweating is a natural process carried out by the sweat glands. Normally, sweat is colorless and odorless. An unpleasant odor can occur when eating foods containing garlic or onions. In some situations, the smell of underarm sweat is so strong that it cannot be eliminated with a variety of cosmetic products. The cause of such a problem may be diseases of the internal organs.

Causes of the problem

The unpleasant smell of sweat gives a person psychological discomfort. It appears under the influence of the following reasons:

  • release of an increased dose of adrenaline during strong excitement;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body during menopause;
  • prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • blockage of sweat glands due to improper use of antiperspirants;
  • diseases of the internal organs. A pungent odor can be triggered by pathologies of the cardiac, nervous and endocrine systems.

Important! One reason for excessive sweating is wearing tight clothing made from synthetic materials. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to products made from natural fabrics.

Natural causes of an unpleasant odor

There are cases when you should not worry about the pungent odor in the armpit area. With enhanced physical training, the human body spends a lot of energy, the work of the sweat glands becomes more intense. Also, an unpleasant odor appears when you stay in a stuffy room.

Increased sweating can be caused by a stressful situation. When a person is worried, thermoregulation is disturbed. The fair sex is especially prone to emotional swings. You can get rid of the unpleasant odor provoked by strong excitement with the help of drugs with a sedative effect. Additionally, you can take infusions of medicinal herbs endowed with sedative properties.

Important! Increased sweating is often observed in adolescents. This is due to hormonal changes that occur during adolescence.

In order to get rid of increased sweating that occurs in hot weather, you can mix 2 tbsp. l. baking soda and two drops of lemon juice. The resulting product should be rubbed into the armpits before going outside.

You can also use this simple recipe:

  1. 30 g of vanillin is poured into 100 ml of water.
  2. Add 1 tsp to the resulting mixture. alcohol.

The product must be carefully applied to the problem area or clothing with a sprayer.

Diseases that cause excessive sweating

The question is relevant: what diseases lead to the appearance of a pungent odor in the armpits? An unpleasant odor occurs in the presence of such pathologies:

  • malignant diseases;
  • chronic liver disease. They lead to the appearance of an unpleasant smell of acetone in the armpit area;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diphtheria. With this disease, sweat often acquires a sweet smell;
  • diseases of the digestive system. The presence of such pathologies may be indicated by a "fishy" smell of sweat.

Important! If the appearance of a sharp aroma is caused by chronic diseases, you should not buy expensive cosmetics - you need to eliminate the very cause of increased sweating.

When should you see a doctor anyway?

If sweat acquires the aroma of vinegar, you should not hesitate to visit the clinic. An unpleasant odor may indicate an excessive iodine content in the body. The sharp aroma of vinegar may appear in people who have been taking medications containing this trace element for a long time.

The problem also appears if a woman has mastopathy. This disease occurs due to the following reasons:

  • violation of reproductive function;
  • predisposition to mastopathy, inherited;
  • lack of regular intimate relationships;
  • excess body weight;
  • thyroid disease.

Pathologies such as inflammation of the appendages, endometriosis and polycystic ovaries also lead to the development of mastopathy.

The disease is characterized not only by the pungent odor of sweat. With mastopathy in a woman, the lymph nodes located under the armpits increase. With this disease, pain appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands. Discomfort usually increases with pressure on the chest. A characteristic symptom of mastopathy is the appearance of seals in the mammary glands.

The pungent smell of vinegar in the armpits can be in a person suffering from diabetes. Symptoms of elevated blood glucose include fatigue, extreme thirst, frequent urination, and a feeling of dry mouth.

You should also contact a specialist if the smell of sweat gives urine. When kidney function is impaired, the body tries to remove the accumulated fluid through the sweat glands. Sweat with the aroma of urine can be a symptom of kidney failure, pyelonephritis and other pathologies of the genitourinary system. For the treatment of these diseases, medications with diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties are used.

A person suffering from kidney disease needs to follow a strict diet. In order for the sharp aroma of sweat to become less pronounced, the following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • garlic;
  • sour dishes;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • smoked meats;
  • fast food;
  • asparagus;
  • spices.

In the diet of the patient, it is necessary to introduce vegetable salads, berry jelly, foods rich in fiber. In order to reduce the secretion of sweat glands, you can eat foods rich in chlorophyll. It is found in lettuce, cabbage and spinach. Chlorophyll is also present in various dietary supplements.

Eliminate the unpleasant smell of sweat folk remedies

With the help of traditional medicine recipes, you can temporarily eliminate the sharp aroma of sweat. A decoction of oak bark contains a lot of tannins - the remedy helps to reduce sweating.

The broth is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. 3 art. l. oak bark pour 200 ml of water.
  2. The resulting mixture should be heated in a water bath for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Then the agent is filtered.
  4. Boiled water is added to the drink. The total volume of the medicinal decoction should be 0.3 liters.

It is recommended to put the product in a cool place. The shelf life of the medicinal decoction is 48 hours. The resulting solution should be wiped with problem areas of the body twice a day. You can add a small amount of lemon juice to the medicinal decoction. The drink refreshes the skin, gives it a pleasant fruity aroma.

For the preparation of folk remedies, walnuts are also used. It is used to prepare an alcohol tincture, which must be rubbed into the armpits.

The product contains the following ingredients:

  • 12 g nuts;
  • 0.5 l of alcohol.

To prepare a medicinal tincture, you need to place the walnuts in a glass container and pour them with alcohol. The product is kept for two weeks in a dry, protected from sunlight place. After the specified time, you need to strain the alcohol tincture.

This method of eliminating the unpleasant smell of sweat is contraindicated for people with dry skin - the medicinal tincture contains alcohol, which dries the epidermis.

With an unpleasant smell of sweat during menopause, you can prepare an infusion based on sage leaves. The drug should be taken three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

An infusion of sage leaves is prepared as follows:

  1. 3 art. l. medicinal plants are poured into enameled dishes.
  2. Plant material is poured into 200 ml of boiling water.
  3. The container is covered with a lid.
  4. The agent must be infused for at least 15 minutes.
  5. Then the resulting infusion is cooled and filtered.

The armpits are also wiped with rosemary essential oil mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 1. The product has pronounced bactericidal properties.

Botox application

Botulinum toxin neutralizes the activity of the sex glands, which helps to eliminate unpleasant odors. The effect of the cosmetic procedure lasts for a period of 6 months to a year and a half. Botulinum toxin injections are not recommended during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. They are contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, severe diseases of the kidneys, liver, chronic pathologies of the hematopoietic system.


If a person has an unpleasant smell under the armpits, there is no need to panic. Unpleasant odor can be caused by natural causes. If there is a strong smell of urine or vinegar in the armpit area, you should consult a doctor.

In a normal physical condition, a certain part of the fluid is produced daily in the armpit area, which is gradually removed to the outside - to the surface of the skin. If a person is not sick, there are no other concomitant factors that provoke the work of the sweat glands, the excreted sweat has practically no smell, it is manifested in a small amount.

The natural process remains practically unattended, without causing discomfort and other problems. When the work of the sweat glands is additionally stimulated by something, the liquid acquires an unpleasant odor and the stink begins to be felt under the armpits. The amount of sweat increases markedly, a condition develops, which doctors call hyperhidrosis.

Increased sweating is not just a constantly wet area of ​​​​the armpits, marks on clothes, we are talking about severe discomfort, sometimes preventing a person from leading a normal life. Modern medicine has long been concerned with the causes of hyperhidrosis and ways to eliminate it.

Causes of armpit sweat odor

Increased sweating in the armpits sooner or later begins to provoke the appearance of unpleasant odors. Sweat acquires odors for two reasons, the first is related to the metabolic processes of the body, the amount of toxins and other harmful substances that, when excreted, mix with the separated liquid and, acting on the surface of the skin, begin to exude unpleasant odors when interacting with oxygen. The second is hidden in the fact that there are a large number of different microorganisms on the skin. Pathogenic microorganisms in the course of their life activity produce a lot of harmful substances, getting into a favorable environment, and sweat is exactly like that, life activity is enhanced, and with it the accumulation of odors.

A number of factors contribute to this phenomenon, most of which, with a skillful approach, a person can completely eliminate on his own, without even seeking medical help.

This includes:

  • lack of proper hygiene;
  • use of low-quality products when washing the armpit;
  • a person constantly wears tight clothing;
  • synthetic clothing, prevents normal air exchange;
  • clothing is selected “not according to the weather”;
  • to eliminate sweating, low-quality antiperspirants are used or funds are applied to a dirty body;
  • sudden excitement, irritation, stress, everything that speaks of the emotional instability of the individual, can provoke increased sweating;
  • overheating, hypothermia of the body;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • constant unbearable physical activity;
  • sports;
  • long-term medication;
  • therapeutic procedures that provoke individual intolerance to the selected methods;
  • the development of a certain pathology, possibly chronic. In this case, the smell of sweat does not just smell unpleasant, but simply exudes terrible aromas of ammonia, urine, feces, acetone, alcohol;
  • hereditary, genetic factor.
Each case is individual and sometimes, in order to find the true root cause, to understand what causes the smell of sweat in the armpits, you need to use the help of a specialist. Especially when it comes to the simultaneous impact of several provoking factors. Ways to eliminate the phenomenon directly depend on what provokes them.

How to get rid of underarm odor

Finding out the reason for the appearance of such an unpleasant phenomenon, you just need to try to eliminate it. Oddly enough, but doctors do not deal with the treatment of hyperhidrosis. Specialists identify provoking factors, and if it comes to seeking professional help, then most likely this is a pronounced or imperceptibly developing pathological process.

Doctors will prescribe a medication course for the treatment of the underlying disease, and additionally prescribe the implementation of some physiotherapy procedures. Such a phenomenon as increased sweating in the armpits disappears without a trace as the main symptoms of the developing pathology are suppressed.

If no developing diseases are detected during medical examinations, then doctors suggest using more radical methods to eliminate increased sweating in the armpits:

  • remove part of the sweat glands;
  • block the work of some glands by introducing certain drugs under the skin;
  • chipping of the axillary zone with special medications.
Each technique is unique, with both advantages and disadvantages. In some cases, it has its contraindications. However, to whom this method is suitable for health reasons, sweating in the problem area can really be eliminated, while the pungent smell of sweat in the armpits also disappears without a trace.

These procedures are considered safe for absolutely healthy people, the sweat exit is blocked only in the armpits, while the main part of the glands remains functioning and the liquid is evenly distributed over other parts of the body and is gradually removed to the outside, remaining almost invisible.

How to deal with underarm sweat odor

When it is not possible to seek help from doctors, or for health reasons it is simply impossible to block the work of the sweat glands, then you can deal with the elimination of sweating yourself at home.

Just follow these simple procedures:
  • systematically, preferably twice a day, wash the armpit area with soapy solutions;
  • on dry, clean skin, apply pharmacy antiperspirants, which are highly effective and long lasting;
  • sprinkle dry skin with baking soda, the substance in the right amount will clog the pores, which will reduce sweating and prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor, everything “extra” will simply crumble;
  • at night, the axillary region can be treated with burnt alum, washed off in the morning;
  • wipe problem areas with alcohol, vodka. However, these procedures are not recommended to be abused, due to the appearance of increased dryness, which can lead to irritation, itching, microtrauma of the skin;
  • performing morning and evening hygiene procedures, use decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, celandine, sage, St. John's wort. Brewing herbs like regular tea, additionally add a tablespoon of lemon juice to each glass;
  • in the essential oils of tea tree, lavender, taken 10 drops each, add baking soda and corn starch in equal volumes. The resulting powdered product is used at night as a powder;
  • daily before water procedures, apply grated potatoes to the skin, keeping for 20 minutes, wash off the gruel;
  • 1.5 st. l. vanilla extract is combined with 50 ml of water, a teaspoon of alcohol, wiped with this solution up to two times a day;
  • eliminate the phenomenon of unpleasant odor will allow daily rubbing with apple cider vinegar;
  • wipe the skin with lemon juice;
  • in addition, you can use common pharmacy products, for example, a solution of Formidron, Formalin, Magnesia, Boric acid, choosing this method, the drugs must be used according to the manufacturer's instructions, after reading the contraindications, possible side effects.

If during home procedures the condition noticeably worsened, the smell of sweat in the armpits changed, hyperhidrosis began to appear in other areas, for example, on the chest, back, and back of the head. So the problem is not so simple that you can fix it yourself, you need to go to the doctor to get professional help. In this case, there is a high probability of developing some kind of disease, which should be cured as soon as possible.

What Causes Bad Smell

Provoke the appearance of an unpleasant smell of sweat can not only developing pathology, but also malnutrition. Some foods, consumed in large quantities, in one state or another of the body, can provoke the appearance of unpleasant odors from the skin as a whole.

So, in hot weather, you should limit yourself to use:

  • Luke;
  • garlic;
  • salty;
  • fatty;
  • spicy;
  • acute.

Try not to drink alcohol and highly carbonated drinks. Do not overeat, include more greens, fresh vegetables, fruits in the diet. It would be nice to diversify the diet with cereals, dietary meat.

Faced with the phenomenon of increased sweating in the armpits, you should not diagnose yourself and then unsuccessfully change one pharmacy drug to another.

Until the root cause is identified, the problem cannot be solved. Yes, such methods of eliminating unpleasant odors coming from the armpits will be effective for some time, even highly effective, however, if, due to one’s own oversight, one manages to “oversee” the development of chronic pathology, then not only sweating will return, health problems will begin.

Sweating is a normal physiological process characteristic of each person. With the release and subsequent evaporation of sweat, there is an increased heat transfer by the body. The strong smell of sweat is more typical for, with a liquid secretion, many other substances and toxins are released, which give the male sweat a specific smell. In women, the intensity of sweat odor is much lower, but in some cases it can increase or change, indicating development of pathology.

A strong smell brings a lot of inconvenience, forcing a woman to be constrained in her movements, to limit physical activity. Some may develop strong complexes and worries because of their smell, which will lead to isolation and isolation from others. Such stressful situations depress the female psyche too much, which can provoke the development of depression. Therefore, many try to get rid of this phenomenon on their own, in most cases simply masking the smell without eliminating the cause.


The correct treatment of this pathology is to determine and eliminate the cause that provoked its appearance.

The main reasons are:


In any case, if you find a strange smell of sweat in women, you should seek medical help. This phenomenon can be a sign of serious illness.


In order to protect yourself from the appearance of severe sweating, as well as the occurrence of smelly sweat, you must first adhere to elementary hygiene standards. It is necessary to bathe every day, brush your teeth, wash your hands before eating and after coming from the street. If necessary, you need to purchase suitable hygiene products, cosmetics, deodorant or antiperspirant.

To prevent the occurrence of diseases of internal organs, it is recommended to adjust your diet, eat more vegetables and fruits. Do not abuse alcohol, sweet, salty, fatty and spicy. It is recommended to control your drinking regimen. Water must always be supplied in the right amount, but even in this case, abuse may be inappropriate.

The main role is played woman's mental state. It is recommended to avoid stressful situations at work or in life, to be less nervous and worried.

When to See a Doctor

Important Self-treatment attempts are not recommended.

With the sudden appearance of an unpleasant smell of sweat against the background of general well-being and health, you need to seek help from a dermatologist or endocrinologist. Specialists in these areas will conduct all the necessary research and find out the reason for the appearance of such a smell. It must be remembered that a sharp, bitter, unpleasant smell of sweat can hide a serious illness, the treatment of which requires qualified help.

Spots of sweat in the armpits can destroy the reputation of the most successful person. They cause a lot of inconvenience from an unsightly appearance and a strong smell, to damage to clothes with faded spots of matter.

Caring housewives and experts in the field of hygiene have developed many ways to get rid of the secretions of the sebaceous glands in the armpits. A wide range of products includes industrial formulations: talc, aerosol or anti-sweat stick, tablets and injections, even special liners for clothes. Fans of folk remedies have collected recipes for special decoctions and infusions that reduce the level of sweating.


Faced with the problem of excessive sweating, most people begin to pay close attention to body hygiene. However, the frequent use of detergents dries the skin and leads to its early aging. If, according to the external parameters and the well-being of a person, sweating and the specific smell of this process really differ from the norm, then you should look for the cause of such a reaction of the body and work on its elimination.

Excessive sweating can be caused by a variety of factors:

  • An increase in testosterone levels: at certain periods of a person’s life (puberty, menopause), hormonal restructuring of his biological processes occurs.
  • Experience of stressful situations: the excitement of a person before important negotiations or acquaintances contributes to an increase in adrenaline in the blood, the release of perspiration.
  • Excess weight: fullness leads to violations of metabolic processes, thermoregulation, in which sweating becomes more intense.
  • Diseases of the internal organs: violations in the proper functioning of even one of the body's systems leads to hyperhidrosis and changes in the smell of sweat (in case of problems with the liver, the secret smells of acetone, in case of diphtheria, a sweet smell appears, in case of indigestion, sweat acquires the smell of hydrogen sulfide).
  • Certain medications can cause hyperhidrosis.
  • Lack of a balanced diet: excessive passion for spicy, fatty, fried foods, strong coffee, tea, fast food, alcohol provokes increased sweating and changes in the composition of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  • Physical activity: increased physical activity causes an increase in body temperature, in response to which the body reacts with the release of sweat for thermoregulation.
  • Non-compliance with hygiene standards: the need to remove hair in the armpit, the regularity of water procedures.
  • Violation of hygiene rules by excessive use of detergents: the frequent use of antibacterial soap causes the body's own microflora to be washed out, reducing the protective functions of the biological environment, which leads to the development of pathogenic bacteria and an unpleasant odor.
  • Clothing made of synthetic materials: windproof artificial fabric interferes with ventilation and air access to human skin, creating a "greenhouse effect", thereby provoking sweat.

Ways to get rid of sweat

To permanently get rid of the smell of sweat under the armpits, a responsible attitude to the factors listed above that cause increased sweating will help. If the cause is still not found, then you should take the measures recommended by experts:

  • take a shower twice a day, morning without detergents, evening with moisturizing soap;
  • in the period of upcoming stressful situations, engage in self-persuasion, drink tea with chamomile, lemon balm, mint, in difficult situations, take sedative pharmaceutical herbs;
  • conduct a complete diagnosis of the body to identify diseases of internal organs;
  • switch to proper nutrition or at least reduce the consumption of fatty, fried, spicy foods;
  • include in the diet foods containing phosphorus, iron and calcium;
  • replace the use of tea, coffee with herbal infusions;
  • normalize physical activity on the body;
  • carefully study the instructions for the drugs that are currently used, they may have a side effect, causing an increased secretion of sweat glands;
  • remove clothes made of artificial synthetic materials from the wardrobe.

If the proposed measures did not help to reduce sweating, the smell is still pronounced, then it is recommended to periodically apply special products in the armpits. The compositions offered by specialists can be in different forms: cosmetics, pharmaceutical drugs, folk recipes based on decoctions and tinctures.

Cosmetical tools

A quick solution to the issue is the use of cosmetics, which, by their composition, help get rid of the pungent odor of sweat.

Devices of this kind can be of the following types:

  • deodorants - designed to stop the reproduction of bacteria, creating an unfavorable habitat for them, to eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • antiperspirants - are able to block the activity of sweat glands due to the presence of metal salts in their composition;
  • deodorants-antiperspirants - combines the advantages of the first two, designed for people with an active lifestyle.

For people with irritable skin and teenagers from the presented types, it is recommended to use deodorants. The composition of these devices contains a minimum amount of aggressive components, flavoring substances, perfume fragrances. Adults with obvious problems with excessive sweating during intense training and physical activity are recommended to use an antiperspirant deodorant.

Pharmacy preparations

If the process of hyperhidrosis is pronounced and causes inconvenience, then medications should be used. The compositions of these funds help to permanently remove the increased sweat on the palms, under the arms, on the legs. Such drastic measures are taken only if the recommendations of the specialists outlined earlier are previously implemented.

Medications to reduce sweating:

  • Paste Lassara for daily use based on zinc normalizes the work of the sweat glands. Used for at least a month.
  • Salicylic-zinc ointment with zinc oxide is like a paste, dries the skin, thereby blocking the activity of the sweat glands. Acetylsalicylic acid in the composition of the drug contributes to the extermination of bacteria, the waste products of which create an unpleasant odor.
  • Galmanin powder in the composition contains zinc and salicylic acid to achieve an antibacterial effect.
  • Formidon - an inexpensive solution is used in extreme cases in the absence of the effect of other means of reducing sweating. Such caution in prescribing the drug is associated with the presence of formaldehyde in its composition, which negatively affects the functioning of the reproductive organs and the central nervous system.
  • Teymurov's paste contains zinc oxide in a high concentration. It is valid for a short time - up to three days. For patients with problematic or sensitive skin, the drug is contraindicated, as well as for people with poor health, aggravated by chronic diseases, pregnant women.

In addition to the listed means of industrial production, pads for clothes are no less effective, the hypoallergenic composition of which is able to normalize the work of the sweat glands. They can be used for clothes made of any materials, which will ensure its safety and the absence of white sweat stains. For the convenience of users of such devices, manufacturers have thought out different sizes and shapes of gaskets.

Folk recipes

If no visible reasons for increased sweating were found during the first analysis, there are no medical reasons for this either, then it is recommended to use pharmaceutical preparations or folk remedies. The former have many restrictions and side effects, are contraindicated for an organism burdened with chronic diseases, for people with irritable, delicate skin.

Folk remedies have a more gentle effect and, despite the need for long-term use, are guaranteed to provide the desired result.

The latter include:

  • table salt, baking soda;
  • pharmaceutical herbs: oak bark, chamomile flowers;
  • natural juice of lemon, potato.

Salt and soda

Some household powders and cleaning products have a beneficial effect on the pores of the skin of the armpits. The advantages of the recommended method for combating excessive sweating are gentle and safe. The only drawback is the need for long-term use to achieve the desired result.

Add two tablespoons of salt to a glass of warm water and stir thoroughly. Gauze or other cotton cloth is moistened in the resulting solution. Lubricate before intense physical exertion, before going to bed, apply for a while, at least a quarter of an hour.

Using baking soda, a teaspoon of the powder is dissolved in a glass of boiling water. Wait until the solution has cooled, add three drops of tea tree essential oil. The resulting composition wipe clean skin three times, evenly distributing the procedure during the day.

decoctions of herbs

Recommended herbs can be easily purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, their sparing action allows you to solve the problem of sweating even in a child. With regular use of the recommended decoctions, you can guaranteedly eliminate profuse sweating in a month. The most effective herbs include oak bark and chamomile flowers.

Five tablespoons of oak bark are poured into two glasses of water and heated. When the composition boils, remove the container from the heat and insist under a closed lid for some time, but not less than two hours. After the specified time, the liquid is filtered and the problem areas are wiped with the resulting composition several times a day.

Three teaspoons of chamomile flowers are poured with half a liter of boiling water. Insist until the liquid cools to room temperature. The liquid is filtered and a teaspoon of baking soda is added to the resulting broth. The resulting composition treats the armpits twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

A change in the smell of sweat can be the first symptom that indicates the development of a pathological process in the body. Sweating is a normal physiological process, which, with insufficient hygiene, is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. There are a number of signs by which you can distinguish and identify the disease in the early stages.

This is an integral process of thermoregulation that helps the body cope with an increase in temperature, avoid overheating and remove excess salts and toxins. The sweat glands are densely wrapped with nerve endings, so any change in homeostasis, the sympathetic nervous system, the release of stress hormones have an immediate effect on their work.

To balance the internal temperature in the body, 2 types of sweat glands are distinguished:

  1. eccrine - distributed evenly over the entire surface of the body; during the production and release of the secret, the integrity of the organ is not violated, they remain operational for a long time;
  2. apocrine - located in uneven clusters, mainly in the armpits, on the areola, forehead skin and around the anus; during the production of a secret, part of the organ (apex) is destroyed, and it takes some time to recover.

Depending on the type of sweat gland, the allocated secret is different in terms of texture and other characteristics. For example, eccrine type of sweating has an odorless liquid secretion, it is close to the density of water and is released along with toxins. Such a composition provides an acidic reaction and protection of the skin from the penetration of pathogens.

But the apocrine glands produce more viscous sweat with a specific odor, which is explained by the partial destruction of the secretory organ.

The unpleasant smell of sweat can be felt due to the multiplication of bacteria that are always on the skin.

Sweat represents a favorable environment with nutrients and an acceptable temperature regime necessary for the activation of microorganisms.

Causes of an unpleasant odor

There are several reasons why sweat began to stink. It is necessary to carefully look at the changes and possible new symptoms in order to exclude or diagnose a dangerous pathological process in time.

There are physiological and pathological causes of the strong smell of sweat.

Physiological causes

If the prerequisite for an unpleasant odor is a physiological reversible process, there is no reason to worry.

These can be:

  • lack of proper hygiene- dirty linen, clothes and unwashed skin are the main sources of odor, as the newly formed microflora with an unpleasant odor multiplies in its quantity;
  • spicy food, spices- such additives activate the sympathetic nervous system and the work of the apocrine and eccrine sweat glands by stimulating smooth muscles; the formed toxins themselves have an unpleasant odor and serve as an excellent breeding ground for many bacteria;
  • malnutrition and frequent use of fast food - the body tries to get rid of the incoming toxins and harmful products as quickly and efficiently as possible, therefore sweating increases to ensure excretory function;
  • stress and psychological breakdowns- nervous tension leads to the activation of the sympathetic autonomic system, which ends with the release of the stress hormone - adrenaline. The body quickly reacts to changes in the internal environment, as a result of which the smooth muscles of the apocrine sweat glands contract, and a specific viscous secret with an unpleasant odor is released.

The pungent smell of sweat can also appear due to certain diseases. If the above conditions have been excluded, and the smell remains, you should be examined by a specialist.

After all, a similar symptom can be the beginning of a serious pathology:

Sometimes the color and smell of sweat can determine the disease that caused this symptomatology.

  • Fungal pathology is accompanied by an unpleasant mouse smell, it can still be compared with the smell of unwashed socks.
  • The aroma of acetone can be felt not only from sweat, but also in the breath when the kidneys are disturbed.
  • If sweat is most likely a problem in the liver, it cannot cope with the excretion of waste products.
  • Diabetes mellitus is almost always accompanied by active sweating and a sour smell, sometimes with.
  • Vinegar can give off sweat in infectious diseases, pathologies of the respiratory system and endocrine disorders.
  • If you smell rotten meat, fish, this may be a sign of an oncological neoplasm.
  • The sweet aroma of sweat will prompt the patient and the doctor to the possible development of Pseudomonas aeruginosa or diphtheria.

Recommendations To avoid the smell of sweat, you need to regularly perform hygiene procedures, use antiperspirants and do not forget to change clothes and underwear. Preference should be given to natural fabrics, synthetics prevent free heat transfer, as a result of which sweating and the growth of bacterial flora are activated.

If hygiene is maintained at the proper level, hyperhidrosis and physiological causes are excluded, you should contact a dermatologist or endocrinologist. It will help you find out why the sweat began to smell unpleasant. Complex methods of diagnostics and treatment of the main problem will get rid of the unpleasant odor and prevent complications of the underlying pathology.



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