Sodium chloride 0 9 percent for what. What is a dropper made of? Sodium chloride: instructions for use

The universal remedy prescribed by doctors is sodium chloride dropper. The body is very complex, and requires a careful approach to the treatment of diseases. The composition of the drug maintains the body's water balance, helping the absorption of various medications.

Knowing the effectiveness and almost no side effects, sodium chloride solution helps to quickly help in serious cases, such as severe food poisoning. Most often, sodium chloride is called saline. And the patient who goes to the hospital receives it intravenously. They also treat wounds with saline and dilute a number of drugs, including potassium injections.

How the drug works on the body

Due to the range of applications, saline has no competitors and has been actively used in medical practice for decades.

Many diseases provoke the rapid removal of moisture from the body. Therefore, in some cases it is necessary to quickly restore it. What is the sodium chloride drip for? Thanks to its composition, it is able to restore lost water, normalizing the water balance in the cells.

Its action is immediately noticeable, after a few hours the patient's well-being improves, normalizing the condition. One of the advantages of this type of medication is that it is quickly excreted. The action of sodium chloride can be compared with an ambulance, so it is often used:

  • With severe intoxication of the body, for example, patients with dysentery. the liquid helps to quickly remove accumulated toxins from the patient's blood;
  • Also, the drug is prescribed to patients with cholera to quickly cleanse the blood of toxins;
  • If a person is poisoned. Already a couple of hours after the infusion of sodium chloride intravenously, the patient becomes much better;
  • Another solution of sodium chloride is used as a means for washing the sinuses or gargling. Saline solution removes all harmful bacteria and moisturizes the nasal mucosa.

This is appropriate, especially if a runny nose appeared in children, because taking medicinal drops or nasal sprays is contraindicated for small children.

  • If the patient has purulent sinusitis, then a sodium chloride dropper solution is placed directly into the nasopharynx. This approach helps to thoroughly rinse the sinuses, dissolving purulent formations and quickly remove them from the body;
  • Angina is also a common disease, so sodium chloride can be used as a rinse solution. It disinfects and at the same time moisturizes the throat.

Sodium chloride can be used as a washing agent for purulent wounds, it is very effective, especially for burns.

The active substance in the composition is sodium chloride. It is he who helps to quickly remove all harmful substances from the patient's body, increasing the activity of the kidneys. Many are interested in the question, is it possible to use sodium chloride during pregnancy? The composition is safe, so it is often prescribed to expectant mothers and babies to maintain health. But here, too, it is worth being careful and using saline solution only as directed by a doctor.

Due to the load on the kidneys during the period of bearing a child, a single dose of sodium chloride solution should not exceed - 400 ml.

What diseases are sodium chloride prescribed for?

A number of diseases where sodium chloride is required:

  • Cholera;
  • severe diarrhea;
  • Persistent vomiting is usually due to poisoning;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Severe burns affecting large areas of the skin;
  • Hyponatremia is one of the consequences of which is dehydration.

Another solution of sodium chloride is used for various bleeding:

  • gastric;
  • intestinal;
  • pulmonary.

The use of a dropper as a disinfectant for treating external wounds is also very common.

Hypertonic sodium chloride solution is used for severe changes in blood pressure. Sodium chloride is a unique basis for taking additional medicines for various diseases. Therefore, the joint use of saline with the drugs prescribed by the doctor helps to speed up the action of the drug.

The release form of sodium chloride is ampoule, of various volumes - 200 ml, 400 ml. But before direct administration, it must be heated to a temperature of 38 degrees.

The composition of saline is close to the composition of the blood in the body. Therefore, it can effectively replenish the lost elements during the progress of the disease. This contributes to the functioning of important organs: the kidneys, brain, stomach and the entire digestive system. A dropper is prescribed to replenish the deficiency of potassium ions, this helps to avoid the development of hypoglycemia and disrupt the normal functioning of the kidneys.

Who is contraindicated to take a dropper

Despite the safety of saline and its possible use by pregnant women and young children, there are a number of contraindications:

  • If the body has an excess of sodium and chlorine, while there is a lack of potassium;
  • When the circulation of fluids in the body is disturbed and the patient has a predisposition to edema. Important internal organs of the patient may be at risk: lungs or brain;
  • Heart muscle problems, acute heart failure, is also a reason not to use sodium chloride liquid;
  • If the patient took corticosteroid drugs in large quantities, it is also impossible to take sodium chloride;
  • High hyperhydration of body cells.

You should carefully monitor the dosage of the drug during the period of use, the exact amount can only be prescribed by a doctor after the study.

Instructions for taking the drug

A dropper with saline solution helps to restore the potassium balance in the body, as well as balance the water and electrolyte composition in the blood. It is often used as a prophylactic in patients with a predisposition to tachycardia or arrhythmias.

The exact dosage of the drug is important:

  • Large doses of sodium chloride solution narrow the coronary vessels.
  • Injection of chloride in small doses contributes to the expansion of the coronary vessels.

If the doctor has prescribed you a drug drip, then potassium chloride must be diluted in saline - 0.9% or glucose - 0.5%. Due to contraindications, be sure to read the enclosed instructions in the package of the drug.

You still need to follow a number of actions:

  • Before direct administration of sodium chloride solution, it should be heated to body temperature - 37-38 degrees;
  • The amount of the dose of the drug is regulated by the doctor and depends entirely on the patient's condition. For example, with dehydration, the daily dose is about one liter;
  • In case of serious poisoning, when the patient quickly loses fluid, during severe vomiting or diarrhea, the amount of the dose of the solution may increase to 3 liters per day;
  • The rate of administration is also important, it depends on the necessary replenishment of the lost fluid by the body. For example, in severely dehydrated poisoning, the patient requires an infusion rate of 540 ml per hour;
  • Dehydration in children is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, so the rate of administration of the solution is from 20-30 ml per kilogram of the child's weight;
  • When washing the stomach, a 4% solution of the drug is used;
  • When it is necessary to eliminate constipation, an enema with a 5% solution of sodium chloride is used;
  • A patient with internal bleeding: gastrointestinal tract, lungs receives a 10% solution by drip;
  • When a doctor prescribes gargles for colds, 1% of the composition is used.

There are combinations of drugs with sodium chloride, but before that you need to consult a doctor. Only after a thorough examination of the patient can the necessary dosage of the drug be determined.

It is imperative to observe safety measures when administering the drug using a dropper. You can not inject the drug under the skin, this will lead to the death of subcutaneous tissues and the development of internal inflammatory processes, up to gangrene.

The chloride solution does not contain elements that affect the ability to drive a car or other transport, therefore, after the procedure, the patient is allowed to carry out his usual activities.

Possible side effects

The drug sodium chloride is easily tolerated by patients. But even it has its side effects. So with prolonged use of the drug or an increase in the dose prescribed by the doctor, the following problems may occur:

  • Acidosis;
  • Hyperhydration of cells;
  • hypokalemia;

What to do in case of drug overdose? If there is a situation with an overdose, you should immediately seek medical help for symptomatic therapy.

Solution intake by pregnant women

The use of any drugs by pregnant women is undesirable. After all, any chemical influence from the outside can provoke a violation in the development of the fetus. Therefore, when prescribing medicines, the doctor first of all correlates the expected benefits for the health of the mother, and the possible development of complications during the growth of the fetus of the child. The use of any potassium preparations by expectant mothers leads to excitation of the nervous system. Possible harm and the likelihood of side effects should be assessed.

It is worth emphasizing that taking potassium-sparing drugs during lactation often leads to a cessation of milk production by the mother's body. And if therapy is needed, then you should prepare for a change in nutrition for the child in the future.

Summing up about the drip

The use of any medical product has two sides. On the one hand, they help us recover from existing diseases, but on the other hand, the chemical elements that make up any medicine have a detrimental effect on other healthy organs. First of all, it is the liver and kidneys. They are responsible for the processing of chemical elements that make up the main percentage of all drugs.

When taking a dropper, a serious burden goes to the kidneys, as they are responsible for removing toxins from the body. Therefore, after any course of medical therapy, it is necessary to undergo a rehabilitation course in order to restore the normal functioning of all organs. Take care of yourself and be mindful of what you eat.

Modern pharmacology has long and actively used sodium chloride for a variety of medical purposes. This substance is better known to the townsfolk as "saline solution". It is used both intravenously and intramuscularly.

And why put a dropper of sodium chloride, in what situations does this compound help? When does saline become the most relevant medicine? Let's talk about it.

Sodium chloride is a universal remedy widely used in medicine.

The composition of human blood includes many different chemical bioactive compounds. For the successful operation of all internal systems and organs of the body, the concentration of chlorides in the blood plays an important role.

The composition of the physiological fluid

Chlorides maintain and regulate the normal hydrobalance of body fluids and plasma, and stabilize acid-base metabolism. A healthy level of intracellular pressure depends on the indicators of chloride inclusions.

When various pathological problems fall upon the human body, it begins to suffer from dehydration. Pathologies are the main culprits of increased leaching of calcium and chlorine ions from blood cells. The body reacts to a drop in their normal concentration and a growing deficiency of useful microelements in the following way:

  • the work of the central nervous system is disrupted;
  • the blood begins to thicken;
  • muscle tissue spasms;
  • the functionality of the cardiovascular activity decreases.

This is where saline comes in handy. Sodium chloride is a plasma substitute with a salty taste (in everyday life it is known as a solution of ordinary table salt). It is prepared using sodium salts of hydrochloric acid. The solution, which has hydrating abilities, is successfully used to restore the normal water balance of the body.

Where else is sodium used in modern medicine

Chlorine contributes to the effective disinfection of various liquids, but in its pure form this chemical compound is poisonous. But chlorine in combination with sodium is a rather useful substance. This combination is present in the body's natural fluid tissues and blood plasma.

Sodium chloride enters the human body regularly with food and water. This inorganic component is extremely important for the normal operation of all internal systems.

How is sodium chloride used?

More often saline liquid is used as a solution for intravenous infusion. But this is far from the only use of the compound for medical purposes. Sodium chloride is also used as:

  • liquid for the treatment and disinfection of wounds and cuts;
  • antiseptic solution for gargling and washing the nose;
  • for dilution of various drugs used for injection (intravenous and intramuscular).

What is sodium chloride solution

Modern pharmaceuticals produce a physiological solution of therapeutic effects in varying degrees of concentration. At the moment it is made in two types:

Isotonic solution Brown (0.9%). German manufacturers are engaged in the production of such a substance. The solution is intended for:

  1. Recovery of significant loss of intracellular plasma due to prolonged dyspepsia. Dyspepsia is a serious violation of the digestive processes.
  2. Replenishment of interstitial fluid due to dehydration resulting from prolonged vomiting and diarrhea.
  3. Replenishment of the necessary ions in case of various types of intoxication (poisoning) and as a result of intestinal obstruction.
  4. As an external washing of wounds, burns.
  5. For dilution of the necessary drugs produced in concentrated form.

Hypertonic saline (3, 5 and 10%). Physiological fluid of this type is used in the following cases:

  1. As an external antiseptic for washing purulent wounds.
  2. When diluting enema solutions for bowel cleansing.
  3. Intravenous infusion to stop diuresis (increased urination). This is observed with severe poisoning.
  4. Drip infusion to relieve cerebral edema, increase low pressure (especially with internal bleeding).
  5. As a local decongestant in ophthalmology.

Chlorine is a vital element, indispensable for replenishing lost trace elements. Together with sodium and potassium, this compound maintains a normal body fluid balance.

With an intravenous infusion of sodium chloride, the ampoule of the substance is necessarily heated to a temperature of + 38 ° C. Depending on the specifics of use, a different dosage of the product is used.

What is intravenous sodium chloride used for?

Physiological saline liquid as an inert preparation is the most universal means of modern medicine. Droppers with sodium chloride are part of almost every complex therapy. As an intravenous infusion, this remedy is used to:

  1. Accelerated replenishment of lost blood volume.
  2. Restoration of normal microcirculation of internal organs observed in a person in shock.
  3. Complete saturation of the body with vital ions.
  4. Relief of intoxication processes that occur during poisoning of any kind and type.

But the most common use, for which the sodium chloride dropper is used constantly and daily, is to relieve the symptoms of poisoning. This type of therapy is especially relevant when the harm from the action of toxic substances is very high.

What is physiological saline used for?

Saline and pregnancy

Due to its unique and versatile composition, sodium chloride can also be used in the treatment of pregnant women. Due to the identity with the natural composition of the blood, such a substance does not harm the developing fetus and the body of the expectant mother at all.

How exactly is the dropper used, what is NaCl used for in the case of pregnant women? More often, drugs intended for a single infusion of a dose of up to 400 ml are diluted with this drug.

In the case when it is necessary to restore the natural level of blood, the dose of saline solution is increased to 1,400 ml.

Also, a solution of sodium chloride is used in the following cases:

  • with severe toxicosis;
  • to stop severe swelling;
  • when carrying out detoxification methods;
  • in the process of complicated childbirth, taking place at reduced pressure;
  • to saturate the internal organs with the necessary chlorides and vitamins;
  • with caesarean section, which is necessary for women suffering from arterial hypotension.

Drip injection of plasma-substituting fluid is also allowed in the lactation period. Such therapy is carried out only on the prescription of a doctor and after all the tests carried out. Preliminary research is necessary, because for all its harmlessness, sodium chloride solution also has contraindications. It should not be used if a pregnant woman has:

  • when observing excessive hyperhydration;
  • in case of observed heart failure;
  • if a woman has to take corticosteroids;
  • with gross violations of the circulation of intracellular fluid;
  • diagnosed with a lack of potassium in the body with a simultaneous excess of sodium and chlorine.

Droppers for alcohol intoxication

Ethyl alcohol poisoning in each person is expressed and proceeds individually. For some, this is a state of mild malaise, while others require specialized medical care. Doctors without fail include in therapeutic measures and droppers with saline.

Droppers in this case become the most effective ways to relieve the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Various other suspensions, tablets and medicines become ineffective for the following reasons:

  1. The main symptom of this condition is vomiting. Sometimes it is so strong that a person is not able to take a pill. Drugs taken orally become ineffective, unlike droppers.
  2. Thanks to intravenous infusion, the necessary medicine instantly enters the bloodstream, which makes the ongoing therapeutic measures more successful.
  3. The use of physical education is unique. With its help, you can dilute and introduce into the body at the same time several necessary medications: sedatives, vitamins, saline solutions, glucose, and so on.

Initially, the doctor examines the patient and assesses the severity of his condition. Based on the data obtained after the ECG, pressure and pulse measurements, doctors prescribe funds that will be added to the physiological fluid.

A drip infusion when a person returns to life in case of alcohol intoxication is carried out within 3-4 days. Thanks to the creation of this unique substance - sodium chloride, doctors managed to save many frivolous lives affected by excessive drinking.

Modern medicine has long and quite actively used sodium chloride, which is often called saline. It is relevant for intramuscular and intravenous infusions, they treat wounds, rinse the throat or nose, and are used to restore water balance by setting droppers. Saline diluted drugs for injection, including those containing potassium.

The composition of blood includes various chemical elements. Chlorine, together with potassium and sodium ions, maintains the balance of body fluids, the balance of the acid-base environment, and intracellular pressure indicators. A special role in regulating the functioning of all body systems is played by the level of chlorides in the blood, which guarantees a normal plasma balance.

Why is sodium chloride so important?

A chloride solution with a salty taste is prepared from the sodium salt of hydrochloric acid. Chlorine, as a chemical element, contributes to the disinfection of liquids, but is a toxic substance. Sodium chloride is present in the composition of blood plasma and other body fluids, where the inorganic component enters with food.

With extensive dehydration or limited fluid intake due to various pathologies, chlorine, together with potassium ions, is washed out of the body. A decrease in their concentration turns into a thickening of the blood, and a deficiency of important elements leads to spasms and convulsions of smooth muscles, disorders of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels.

Sodium chloride, which is a plasma-substituting and hydrating substance, is used by medicine to replenish the body's water balance by injecting a solution intravenously. In everyday life, this is a solution of ordinary table salt.

Salt liquid of therapeutic action has a different concentration. According to the instructions, it is produced in two types:

  1. An isotonic solution (0.9%) of German-made brown restores a significant loss of extracellular substrate as a result of dyspepsia, vomiting, burns, etc. Chlorine is necessary to replenish the lack of necessary ions in intestinal obstruction, various types of intoxication. Also, an isotonic solution is indispensable for external washing, for diluting medicinal substances.
  2. Hypertonic solution (3-5-10%) is used for external antimicrobial applications to remove pus, enemas for washing the intestines. Intravenously, the solution is administered in order to force diuresis in case of poisoning, swelling of brain tissues. Chlorine is necessary to compensate for micronutrient deficiencies, since, together with potassium and sodium, it maintains the balance of body fluids. A hypertonic solution is able to raise the pressure during bleeding; it is used as a local decongestant in ophthalmology.

Important: physiological saline is released in several forms, but before injecting the drug, the ampoule is heated to a maximum of 38 degrees. In different cases, including pregnancy, a certain dosage is necessary.

What are saline drips used for?

Saline, which is an inert drug, can be called the most versatile tool that is part of any complex therapy. In particular, it is used intravenously:

  • for the fastest replenishment of blood volume;
  • to restore the microcirculation of organs in a state of shock;
  • to saturate the body with important ions;
  • for detoxification in case of poisoning of any nature, which is helped by chlorine.

Important: due to the unique composition, similar to the composition of blood, it is allowed to prescribe a solution during pregnancy, since it does not threaten the development of the fetus. The procedure is especially relevant for poisoning, when the harm from toxic substances is higher than a cleansing dropper.

Why is saline dripping pregnant

  1. Basically, the drug is diluted with drugs administered through a dropper with a maximum dose of not more than 400 ml for a single infusion.
  2. For general detoxification of the body of pregnant women. In addition, high doses of sodium chloride, up to 1400 ml, are allowed to restore normal blood volume.
  3. Hypotension is considered an important indicator of the choice of injections (intravenous) with saline. Intravenous administration is indicated during childbirth, when there is a threat of a decrease in pressure. Especially if epidural anesthesia is performed.
  4. Drip administration of the drug is used to saturate the body of the woman in labor with chlorides, supplementing the injected solution with a set of necessary vitamins. The procedure is also relevant for severe toxicosis.
  5. Often sodium chloride is necessary if puffiness appears in pregnant women. The cation is the main element of the salt balance, responsible for the normal level of water in the body. However, excess sodium ions thicken the blood, slowing circulation and causing swelling.

Important: the introduction of a plasma-substituting agent is permissible during pregnancy, breastfeeding is also not the reason for the ban on the procedure, but only after being prescribed by a doctor with an assessment of the research results.

With all the harmlessness of physiological saline for pregnant women, the instruction indicates the conditions for the inadmissibility of administering the drug:

  • with an excess of chlorine and sodium in the body, but a lack of potassium;
  • with violations of the circulation of fluid with the threat of edema;
  • in case of acute heart failure;
  • in case of taking high doses of corticosteroids;
  • due to overhydration.

What are the benefits of potassium chloride injection

The special role of the element in the biochemical composition of the blood is explained by its ability to ensure the normal functioning of the heart, brain, and digestive organs. A deficiency of potassium ions leads to the disease of hypokalemia, which can be caused by impaired kidney function or constant relaxation of the stomach. Therefore, the supply of the main cation of the intracellular environment is replenished, for which a chloride preparation is prescribed.

The tool allows not only to balance the balance of potassium in the body, but also to restore the water-electrolytic balance, it will prevent tachycardia and some types of arrhythmias. The drug in the form of injections, has a moderate diuretic and chronotropic effect. Small doses are able to expand the coronary vessels, large doses narrow them.

For injection by the drip method, potassium chloride is diluted with saline (0.9%) or glucose (0.5%). Instructions for the drug warns of a number of contraindications to its use:

  • hyperkalemia of various causes;
  • problems with the excretory function of the kidneys;
  • complete cardiac AV block;
  • a number of metabolic disorders, including acidosis;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • adrenal insufficiency.

Important: drip administration of potassium chlorides leads to excitation of the sympathetic branch of the nervous system, has an antihypertensive effect, can lead to intoxication of the body, so the drug requires caution in use, especially for pregnant women.

The need for potassium-sparing drugs during pregnancy puts the doctor before a choice, which is more important - the expected benefit for the mother or the full development of the fetus. Drip administration of potassium during breastfeeding leads to its termination. The appointment of any drug for pregnant women should be justified by the state of health, taking into account contraindications and expected side effects.

Serum anti-rhesus immunoglobulin

A popular plasma substitute is sodium chloride. What helps this drug? The medicine is used to prepare a solution for droppers. Sodium chloride instructions for use recommends prescribing for vomiting, dyspepsia, poisoning.

Composition and form of release

A solution of sodium chloride 0.9% is produced, which can be contained in ampoules of 5 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml. Ampoules are used to dissolve drugs for injection.

A solution of sodium chloride 0.9% is also produced in bottles of 100, 200, 400 and 1000 ml. Their use in medicine is practiced for external use, intravenous drip infusions, and enemas.

A solution of sodium chloride 10% is contained in vials of 200 and 400 ml. For the purpose of oral administration, tablets of 0.9 g are produced. A nasal spray is also produced in 10 ml vials.

The active component of this remedy is sodium chloride, from which a dropper helps for many indications. The formula of sodium chloride is NaCl, these are white crystals that quickly dissolve in water. Physiological solution (isotonic) is a solution of 0.9%, it contains 9 g of sodium chloride, up to 1 liter of distilled water.

Hypertonic sodium chloride solution is a 10% solution, it contains 100 g of sodium chloride, up to 1 liter of distilled water. A doctor can write out a prescription in Latin Sodium chloride. His example is as follows - Rp.: Solutionis Natrii chloridi isotonicae 0.9% - 500 ml.

Pharmacological properties

The tool has a rehydrating (restoring water balance) and detoxification effect. Due to the replenishment of sodium deficiency, it is effective in various pathological conditions. Sodium chloride 0.9% has the same osmotic pressure as that of human blood, therefore it is able to be rapidly excreted, only briefly increasing the volume of circulating blood.

External use of saline sodium chloride solution helps to remove pus from the wound, eliminate the pathological microflora. Intravenous infusion of sodium chloride solution increases urination, compensates for the lack of chlorine and sodium.

Solution, dropper Sodium chloride: what helps

Sodium chloride is a saline solution that is used in case of loss of extracellular fluid by the body. Indications for use include conditions that lead to fluid restriction:

  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea
  • dyspepsia in case of poisoning;
  • cholera
  • extensive burns;
  • hyponatremia or hypochloremia, in which dehydration is noted.

Considering what sodium chloride is, it is used externally to wash wounds, eyes, and nose. The drug is used to moisten dressings, for inhalation, for the face.

What else does the sodium chloride dropper help with? Shows the use of NaCl for forced diuresis in constipation, poisoning, internal bleeding (pulmonary, intestinal, gastric). It is also indicated in the indications for the use of sodium chloride that this is a remedy that is used to dilute and dissolve drugs that are administered parenterally.


Sodium chloride instructions for use prohibit when:

  • high sodium levels;
  • extracellular hyperhydration;
  • hypokalemia;
  • disorders of blood circulation, if there is a possibility of developing cerebral or pulmonary edema;
  • renal failure;
  • acute left ventricular failure;
  • chronic heart failure.

When using the drug, high doses of glucocorticosteroids should not be used. It is forbidden to inject the solution under the skin, as this can lead to the development of tissue necrosis.

Medicine Sodium Chloride: instructions for use

Saline (isotonic) is administered intravenously and subcutaneously. In most cases, intravenous drip is practiced, for which the sodium chloride dropper is heated to a temperature of 36-38 degrees. The volume that is administered to the patient depends on the condition of the patient, as well as on the amount of fluid that has been lost by the body. It is important to take into account the person's age and weight.

The average daily dose of the drug is 500 ml, the solution is injected at an average rate of 540 ml / h. If there is a strong degree of intoxication, then the maximum amount of medication per day can be 3000 ml. If there is such a need, you can enter a volume of 500 ml at a rate of 70 drops per minute.

Children are given a dose of 20 to 100 ml per day per 1 kg of weight. The dosage depends on body weight, on the age of the child. It should be borne in mind that with prolonged use of this drug, it is necessary to control the level of electrolytes in plasma and urine.

For droppers

To dilute drugs that need to be administered by drip, 50 to 250 ml of sodium chloride is used per dose of the drug. The determination of the features of the introduction is carried out according to the main drug. The introduction of a hypertonic solution is carried out intravenously by jet.

If the solution is used to immediately compensate for the deficiency of sodium and chlorine ions, 100 ml of the solution is dripped.


To conduct a rectal enema to induce defecation, 100 ml of a 5% solution is administered; 3000 ml of an isotonic solution can also be administered throughout the day.

The use of a hypertonic enema is slowly indicated for renal and cardiac edema, increased intracranial pressure, and for hypertension, it is carried out slowly, 10-30 ml is injected. You can not carry out such an enema with erosion of the colon and inflammatory processes.


Purulent wounds with a solution are carried out in accordance with the scheme prescribed by the doctor. NaCl compresses are applied directly to a wound or other skin lesion. Such a compress contributes to the separation of pus, the death of pathogenic microorganisms.

Treatment of runny nose and colds

The nasal spray is instilled into the nasal cavity after it has been cleansed. For adult patients, two drops are instilled into each nostril, for children - 1 drop. It is used both for treatment and for prevention, for which the solution is dripped for about 20 days.

Sodium chloride for inhalation is used for colds. To do this, the solution is mixed with bronchodilators. Inhalation is carried out for ten minutes three times a day.


If necessary, saline can be prepared at home. To do this, a full teaspoon of salt should be mixed in one liter of boiled water. If it is necessary to prepare a certain amount of solution, for example, with salt weighing 50 g, appropriate measurements should be taken.

Such a solution can be applied topically, used for enemas, rinses, inhalations. However, in no case should such a solution be administered intravenously or used to treat open wounds or eyes.

Side effect

In most cases, patients tolerate the drug well, however, with prolonged use of the solution or when used in high doses, it may develop:

  • acidosis;
  • hyperhydration;
  • hypokalemia.


Different manufacturers of medicines may produce a solution under a separate name. These are the drugs:

  • Sodium chloride Brown.
  • -Bufus.
  • Rizosin.
  • Salin.
  • Sodium chloride Cinco.

Preparations containing sodium chloride are also produced. These are combined saline solutions of sodium acetate and chloride.


NaCl is compatible with most drugs. It is this property that determines the use of a solution for diluting and dissolving a number of drugs. When diluting and dissolving, it is necessary to control the compatibility of drugs visually, determining whether a precipitate appears in the process, whether the color changes, etc.

Poorly combined with norepinephrine. With the simultaneous appointment of the drug with corticosteroids, it is important to constantly monitor the content of electrolytes in the blood. With parallel administration, the hypotensive effect of Enalapril and Spirapril decreases.

Sodium Chloride is incompatible with the leukopoiesis stimulator Filgrastim, as well as with the polypeptide antibiotic Polymyxin B. There is evidence that the isotonic solution increases the bioavailability of drugs. When diluted with a solution of powdered antibiotics, they are completely absorbed by the body.


It is applied according to the instructions and under the careful supervision of specialists. The immaturity of renal function in children should be taken into account, therefore, repeated administration is carried out only after an accurate determination of the level of sodium in the plasma.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, a dropper with sodium chloride can only be used in pathological conditions. This is toxicosis in the middle or severe stage, as well as preeclampsia. Healthy women receive sodium chloride with food, and its excess can lead to the development of edema.


In Moscow, sodium chloride injections can be bought at a price of 21 rubles. In Kyiv, its cost is 14 hryvnia. In Minsk, saline is sold for 0.75-2 bel. ruble, in Kazakhstan the price is 170 tenge.



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