Can I feel my partner's heartache. heartache

Mental pain is a painful emotional state that can last from a few hours to months. Prolonged emotional discomfort leads to a loss of a sense of joy, interferes with work, maintain contacts with others, and complicates a person’s social life.

Mental anguish is not always destructive for a person. They can manifest as a defense mechanism: this is how the psyche protects itself from excessive stress.

To answer the question "how to deal with mental pain", you must first understand what it is and what are the causes of emotional suffering.

What does it mean to experience heartache

Describing his feelings, a person, as a rule, cannot specify what exactly hurts him. However, there are times when mental pain finds expression in bodily sensations:

  • feeling of nausea, vomiting;
  • feeling of heaviness in the limbs;
  • pain in the abdomen or stomach;
  • burning sensation in the chest;
  • cardiac arrhythmias.

Often a person characterizes his emotional background as "a complete lack of feelings, numbness, a feeling of unreality of events", anxiety, apathy, depression.

Who is more likely to suffer

It should be noted that people with certain personal characteristics are more susceptible to painful emotions:

  • increased anxiety;
  • low self-esteem;
  • perfectionism;
  • heightened sense of duty and responsibility to others;
  • inability to adapt to changing conditions of life.
  • addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction);
  • epilepsy;
  • affective insanity;
  • hysterical disorder;
  • hypochondria;
  • phobic anxiety.

The most common case of the disease is depression. It can have sad consequences for a person, so it is better to seek help from a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

The difficulty in the treatment of mental pain lies in the fact that a person with a mental pathology loses a sense of reality and ceases to critically perceive his condition. A healthy person seeks support from others. If the pain is the result of a mental illness, then self-treatment is excluded.

The feeling of mental pain often means that a person could not "digest" some strong experiences and they settled in his subconscious. Often the feeling of mental pain is a peculiar way of interacting with others. A person attracts attention to himself, receives sympathy, warmth, guardianship from significant people.

Causes of mental pain

Physiological causes.

Human emotions are chemical in nature. Negative feelings can be the result of a lack of certain substances in the body: dopamine, serotonin. Hormonal fluctuations are characteristic of men and women. In the latter, these manifestations are seen better, especially during the period of premenstrual syndrome or after childbirth. In men, such "hot flashes" also occur, but are more smoothed. If the reaction to the processes occurring in life greatly exceeds their significance, it makes sense to think about the physiological nature of mental pain.

Conflict of expectations and reality.

A person's sense of his place in life sometimes does not coincide with the real picture of the world. This realization can be very painful, leading to emotional distress and, at times, to depression. To stop suffering about this, you need to reconsider your attitude.

The specifics of the mentality.

In Russian culture, the love of suffering is a folk pastime.

How to relieve mental pain? With emotional suffering, a person covers up his unwillingness to grow up and take responsibility for his life. Often he himself accumulates a feeling of emotional and physical tension due to the fact that he constantly returns to a painful situation or conversation.

After parting with a young man, the girl looks at his photo for days, listens to sad music and cries. In this situation, unbearable mental suffering is akin to masochism. Some people have a specific personality structure in which suffering and life are one and the same.

Subjective factors.

Sometimes a person himself "grows" his pain. This happens when he associates any negative feeling with a lived stressful situation. For example, 10 years after a divorce, a person cannot find a mate. Personal life may not develop for a number of reasons that are not related to the previous gap: personality traits, inability to choose a partner, unwillingness to bear responsibility, etc. But for him, the previous failure has become a kind of "anchor" that interferes with the realization of a person.

The mechanism of occurrence from the point of view of psychology

Suppose a person has some significant event in his life that has a negative connotation. It can be serious stress: death or separation, divorce, job loss, breaking up with a significant person, bankruptcy. Events that objectively do not cause serious damage to the psyche can also be traumatic. For a person, they acquire super-significance. In response to a traumatic event, a pronounced emotionally colored negative reaction occurs. Under the influence of a personal assessment (a person experiences what happened), a stable negative experience appears.

Mental pain takes on a deep lasting character. A person has a number of important psychological links that determine his comfortable state of mind. Psychologists believe that when a person loses any significant object, this link is lost.

There is a theory according to which mental pain is deeply subjective, it exists separately from the body and does not manifest itself in it. American neuropsychologists studied the images taken by magnetic resonance imaging and concluded that mental suffering affects the activity of the physiological systems of the body. A person suffers - at this time, the neurons of the limbic system of the brain are activated.

In psychology, there is a concept - psychogenic pain. This condition occurs when emotional suffering is reflected in physiology, but is not associated with visible pathologies.

How to deal with heartache

The first thing to understand is that suffering cannot be suppressed.

You need to give free rein to your emotions.

If there is a desire to cry - you need to cry, to scream - then you need to scream. At the same time, you should not constantly think about the source of your suffering, otherwise the recovery process may be delayed.

Adaptation of the psyche to new conditions occurs depending on several factors:

  • age;
  • the degree of significance of the event;
  • individual personality traits;
  • features of the central nervous system.

Excessive dramatization worsens the well-being of the individual, unsettles and interferes with normal life. If there is such a feature, it is recommended to allocate time for yourself to suffer. For example, half an hour every evening. This method helps to tone the body.

An excellent tool in the fight against mental pain is sports in all its manifestations. During active physical activity, hormones are produced in the body that improve mood and well-being. If it is not possible to constantly engage in sports, then it is recommended to walk for at least an hour a day.

Getting enough sleep on a regular basis is a good way to restore peace of mind and cope with emotional suffering. It is in a dream that the body processes the information received during the day, overcomes stress.

Communication with loved ones helps to speed up healing. Don't be afraid to ask for help and support if you need it.

A resource for healing can be found in charitable work and volunteering. If mental pain is caused by the loss of a loved one, then contact with people who also need care and support helps to experience sad emotions. More than half of the volunteers of hospitals and hospices are people who have lost their loved ones.

Mental pain finds emotional expression in tension and static "fading" of the muscles of the face. You can remove these manifestations by doing gymnastics for the face or simply chewing gum. Suffering and chewing are incompatible processes!

How to deal with heartache after a breakup

The process of experiencing grief after the loss of a loved one, whether it be death, divorce or separation, is identical.

On the way to recovery, a person must go through several stages. Emotions can be varied: anger, guilt, resentment, hatred, self-pity, irritability, alienation.

There is no recipe for healing from heartache after loss or separation. But you can reduce the manifestation of some symptoms. A person must give himself time to experience mental anguish in order to free himself from them.

A good way to survive the heartache after a breakup is constant employment and personal development. You can afford to do what has long attracted you: go dancing, do yoga, join a travel club, start writing poetry, attend exhibitions, etc. After a while, you will be able to find peace of mind.

Practicing psychologists believe that the recovery process almost always involves tears, suffering, and rethinking one's life. If you feel like crying, cry, there's nothing wrong with that. An outburst of emotions will speed up your recovery.


Video with an interesting technique that will help get rid of mental pain.

It happens when the earth leaves from under the feet from the loss of a loved one: separation, illness, death. A special world has been built with this person. How to live if the world will not be the same? How to ease the heartache, if the relationship dear to the heart is not revived? Maybe be patient and wait?

The bad has already happened. The misfortune happened not in the movies, but in real life. ?

Time cures?

It happens when the earth leaves from under the feet from the loss of a loved one: separation, illness, death. A special world has been built with this person. The heart stores experiences from a joint move to a new apartment, the birth of children or walks in the park. You remember with what expression he rejoices, sad or grumbles. You know how many sugar cubes he likes to add to his tea. And suddenly the usual way is crossed out.

How to live if the world will not be the same? How to appease if the relationship dear to the heart is not revived? Maybe be patient and wait? Training by Yuri Burlan "Systemic Vector Psychology" offers another way - to understand the causes of mental pain and with the help of psychoanalysis.

The word is first aid

Even years after the departure of a loved one, it can be painful to reread the letters addressed to you, in which he shared his innermost experiences. At best, the pain of separation - or betrayal, violence - dulls over the years. But liberation from emotional suffering does not have to wait passively. Just the opposite. For the treatment of pain from a spiritual wound, time is not worth wasting.

First aid for severe mental shock is to speak out.

There is an opinion that when a person has experienced stress, he should be left alone with his feelings and “not reopen the wound.” In fact, to cope with mental pain, you need to immediately start talking with a loved one about what happened. Do not close emotions in yourself, do not hold back tears, do not suppress painful experiences. And do not ignore any painful memory.

If emotional suffering is associated with the fact that a person can no longer be returned, it is advisable to discuss as many happy moments and feelings associated with him as possible. Talk about his achievements and virtues. Such memories will smooth out the bitterness of loss, making room for light sadness.

It is important to speak out as soon as possible after a traumatic event, otherwise negative experiences will be forced into the unconscious. If this happens, it will be more difficult to cope with mental pain later.

It is important to observe safety precautions. Approach with seriousness the choice of a person for a sincere conversation. Make sure that he takes care of your emotions, heartache.

This method can be regarded as first aid, like artificial respiration. When this tool from the psychological "first aid kit" has completed its task, a person needs a resource in order to live on.

How to live on?

People can experience a difficult situation in different ways, and the consequences of loss manifest themselves differently depending on the characteristics of the human psyche.

    Emotional suffering

There are people for whom breaking an emotional connection is especially painful. System-vector psychology defines them as representatives.

Emotions are important for people with this type of psyche. In one hour, they can experience the whole gamut of experiences from fear to love. They seek to build emotional ties with people with whom they can exchange hidden feelings or give the warmth of the soul.

The loss of emotional connections makes their soul hurt. Due to unbearable suffering, visual people after an experienced trauma can close, avoid further expression of feelings. This is how they lead themselves into a trap. After all, then they do not fully realize the abilities inherent in nature, which means that they also lose the ability to experience the joy of life to a large extent.

It happens the other way around, when because of emotional pain it is difficult for them to cope with emotions. Hold back your feelings. Sobs roll over, the reality is hardly realized from emotional overexcitation. From such splashes, the hands are shaking, the head is broken. Instead, emptiness and longing come.

Such conditions may be the result of fear. It serves as the starting point of development for all people with a visual vector. Normally, in an adult, the emotion of fear is redirected into empathy, but in situations of severe stress, it happens that the usual response skills are washed away by a wave of a broken dam. Then the root fear of death can be exposed. It is not always realized and can be expressed at the level of psychosomatics, including panic attacks.


This state is caused by the peculiarities of the psyche of the anal vector. Friendship and family for such people is sacred. If they are sure that they hurt a loved one, they reproach themselves greatly for it. Self-criticism is fueled by the innate tenacious memory of the anal vector. It firmly fixes the details of the past, even if you don’t want to remember them at all. What if there is no way to fix the past? A person can get stuck in a state of guilt for a long time and not know how to build his life further. The situation will change if you find a way to make amends by caring for those who need it.


Proofreader: Natalia Konovalova

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

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Loving a person, spending years next to him, but suddenly being deleted from his life is not an easy test. Such a denouement causes physical and mental torment, and the heart shrinks for a long time from injustice, longing and loneliness. Such wounds do not heal immediately - painful attacks sometimes make themselves felt for years. The question of how to stop worrying about separation from a loved one for women who find themselves in an unforeseen situation is especially acute.

There is nothing to be surprised: this part of humanity is genetically tuned to finding happiness through self-realization in the family. The plans for the future of most girls are correlated with the duties of a wife, the joys of desired motherhood. The disappearance of the object of love, with which dreams and hopes were associated, no matter what the circumstances, is perceived as a tragedy. The problem of how to relieve mental pain becomes central during this period.

How to get rid of the heartache of love: step by step

The fact that faces “crawl out” more slowly than others from a state of deep sensual shock complicates matters. Such people find peace of mind is vital. And without understanding that they cannot achieve the goal at an accelerated pace, they will not be able to get out of the created conflict. For a long journey, you also need to stock up on fortitude. Nevertheless, for the sake of a renewed self - having said goodbye to illusions and ready for a new one - it is worth overcoming all the milestones of this path.

Time heals: give it to yourself

  • - . Do not think why it is so bad in your soul - just grieve in a space conducive to light sadness: on a walk, in a quiet room, in the kitchen with a cup of tea.
  • - Let disappointment, anger, grief, anxiety and uncertainty about the future pass before your eyes sequentially, stage by stage. Plunge into the sea of ​​emotions, but don't let yourself drown in it forever.
  • - If at this phase you lost interest in everything - up to the desire to leave the house, take care of yourself, observe an elementary regimen - seek the help of a psychologist. Such stress will be removed by a professional.

Get rid of reminder things and help others

  • - Tips on how to get rid of the past will not work if you constantly stumble upon the things of the former. Bridge burning rituals are overkill. Give your junk to someone who needs it.
  • - Perhaps along the way you will remember about charity and pick up items that will bring joy to people in need and deprivation. Agree: their sorrows are incomparable with your loss.
  • - Move from communicating with comforting friends to the position of a comforter. Try on the role of a comrade and adviser. Start listening, comforting and lending a helping hand to your neighbors.

Get away from provocations and start recovering

  • - Avoid provocative factors: songs that give rise to associations, well-established cafes, photos in communities. Do not delay attention on them, switch to fresh songs and rest corners.
  • - Use energetic, incendiary music, rhythmic dance melodies as a medicine. They will create an endorphin surge and cheer you up. Dance and move more.
  • - Shift from being "tired of everything" to a pleasurable chain of reading a book, watching a thriller, a concert, a comedy show.

Change your lifestyle and be positive

  • - The usual way of life that accompanies your coexistence has been destroyed - this is understandable. But it doesn't mean that. To cope with mental pain, look for an alternative to your previous activities.
  • - You may not need drastic changes. But a pleasant hobby, a trip to another city in a nice company or as a lone tourist is what you need. The change of scenery sets you up for a different story.
  • - Change your image, engage in personal growth. Feel the reserves hidden in you and let them go. They dreamed of mastering the technique of macrame, karate techniques - go ahead. Lots of time and you are free!

  • - Love yourself - this trait does not repel, but attracts, gives success and endows with stamina.
  • Empathy and helping others is a guarantee that you will never be left alone.
  • - Joke and smile: now you not only know how to live on - you have someone to support you.
  • Trust people and give them love. A sad experience is no reason to lose faith in the good. It's not far off.

Heartache is a feeling caused by a great shock: the death of a loved one, separation or divorce, resentment and similar situations. However, the stress that we experience as a result of the aforementioned situations is often not as massive as the person himself inflates it. Yes, grief and a painful feeling of emptiness literally overwhelm you, but do not forget that in any case, life goes on. How to deal with mental pain? You need to continue to take care of loved ones, go to work and do all other daily activities.

How to deal with mental pain on your own

It is necessary to slightly change the attitude towards the situation that caused it. And most importantly, do not forget that self-abasement and winding up will lead to mental disorders, but will by no means improve the situation, especially if it can still be corrected.

When it comes to the death of a loved one. Understand that tears and self-torture will not return him, and the fact that by killing yourself you are ruining your life and the lives of other people close to you will not make anyone happy and will not return anyone.

When parting with your loved one, do not despair and believe that time will put everything in its place and help you make the right decision. In the meantime, take care of yourself and everyone who depends on you. For example, women often get so caught up in their feelings during a divorce that they forget about their children.

If you want to cope with mental pain, try to think positively yourself, set yourself up for positive emotions, believe and hope for good, rotate more among people. Switching to other destinies, to daily problems and other loved ones allows you to understand that in fact many people experience similar situations.

If you suffer from unrequited love, understand that you are wasting time on an object to which you are indifferent and risk missing the moment when a person who loves and longs most of all to be with you is nearby.

In overcoming mental suffering, it is important to communicate more, visit public places and entertainment events, watch comedy films, etc. New hobbies or old hobbies will also help to distract from sad thoughts. Active activities, sports and physical activity are also good at helping to avoid negative thoughts and winding up.

And sometimes, there are situations when you need to clench your teeth, live on and perceive everything as it is. Then the pain dulls and recedes.

This does not mean that all the wounds received as a result of a bad sexual experience will be immediately healed. God forgives, but some of the natural consequences of your sin may remain.

If a drunk man crashes into a telephone booth, crashes his car, and breaks his arm, he can turn to God with a prayer of repentance and receive forgiveness, but he still has to go to the doctor and have his car repaired. Thus, repentance does not completely remove the scars from mistakes. What do we do with these scars?

The Bible teaches us to be honest in everything. If you have been sexually active in the past and are now planning to get married, you should be honest with your potential husband or wife. In married life, there should be no skeletons in the closet.

What happened, happened, and there's nothing you can do about it! Your chosen one must know the whole truth about you, otherwise it makes no sense to create a family with him. Show your cards. Accepting each other for who you really are is an essential condition of a marital relationship.

Also, before you can be accepted by a potential spouse, you must accept yourself and overcome your past. If, say, you feel disgusted with sex because of a bad experience, you should not hide it and act as if nothing had happened. To deal with heartache, acknowledge the problem and try to solve it.

You may need the help of a psychologist, which also includes spiritual healing. For a Christian, everything begins with a deep study of Scripture. Your attitude will change as the biblical view of intimacy between spouses is positive.

This is a great healthy sexual intimacy, plus everything - conceived by God. Knowing the truth in this matter will free you from a negative attitude towards it. Thank God and ask Him to give you feelings that match the truth.

You are not doomed to an unhappy marriage because of past mistakes. You just have to go through the heartache, remove some stones from the path that would not have been there if you followed God's originally perfect plan. But do not be sad, because Jesus came to remove our weaknesses and help us reach our potential!

We have discussed with you the pillars on which marital unity is based. If sex is your only goal, then everything we talked about before will seem unimportant to you. If all you want from marriage is delicious food and paid bills, find the right partner for you.

If you dream of harmony and unity in your married life, check if you have a solid foundation for this. Don't get married until you've built a foundation strong enough to support the burden of commitment for life.

Recent studies show that 87% of single people who have never been married want to get married or get married once and for life. They have witnessed their parents' divorce and do not want a repeat of their experience. choice of spouse.

How to learn not to feel heartache

Each of us from time to time in life there are such situations in which we experience mental pain. Sometimes this feeling is so unbearable that our brain and body try to fight it, but this is not always effective. From the side of the body, this pain emerges in the form of various diseases. And the brain is looking for logical exits and moves to deceive us and let us know how to learn not to feel pain.

Why are we testing it? Many believe that in order to feel joy and love, to know the price of a happy life, it is necessary to experience pain for comparison.

But having experienced pain, we close ourselves from the question about ourselves, about our character, about our development. We never think that we may need to improve our character in order not to feel pain. This feeling practically manipulates the behavior of all people.

We always say: “Look what you brought me (a) to! Change and my life will be much better!” Blaming each other, we never think that it is worth changing not a partner, but ourselves.

First, if you want to deal with emotional pain, you need to learn to be conscious of this feeling. Can you answer the question: “My pain, what do you want to tell me, what to pay attention to?” Look for the answer in the heart. For example, you heard the accusation of a partner in your direction and now you are in pain. Now can we start researching what is causing this pain? Everyone will have their own answer.

Accept that you are not perfect. Don't try to idealize yourself. Look at what you do not own, not as a disadvantage, but as a personal resource that can develop in you at any moment.

Do not engage in self-flagellation, while making a diagnosis for yourself. Try not to feel emotional pain about this. But when you need it, at any moment you can develop it in yourself to understand. So it is in relationships. Accept that just because you can't solve a problem doesn't mean you're a total idiot.

At any time, you can start attending trainings, read the necessary literature on the question “how to learn not to feel pain” in order to develop this skill in yourself.

Forgive your loved ones and friends, rejoice in your mistakes. To cope with heartache, ask your loved ones, friends, colleagues to teach you something.

Every day, set yourself a goal to develop a skill in yourself or to maintain it in order to always be in shape.

When we part with a loved one, the pain seems unstoppable. And suffering is similar to suffering at the loss of a relative or the death of a loved one. The stages of coming to terms with a breakup are close to the stages of coming to terms with death. This is logical, because you really lose a person who was so close to you just recently.

Everything starts with denial.

You just can't understand and accept the fact that won't be around anymore. Your brain puts something like a "block" from severe suffering, so for a while you will think that it is still possible to return. It's just a fight and everything will work out. Of course, it's hard to admit to yourself that
You are alone. But it needs to be done to .

Finally, at some point you will realize that you are alone.
The beloved is no longer around. This is the beginning of the road to recovery. Because you stop lying at least to yourself and start . Of course, there are still several stages of adoption ahead, but a start has been made.

Next comes the stage of anger and anger at a loved one.
In all the troubles you've been through You start blaming him. But by no means yourself. Even in the little things you blame him, ceasing to seek compromises. At this stage, you can do a lot of stupid things, like trying to get revenge or making angry calls with accusations. Of course, you feel hurt, you feel hurt. The accumulated anger will eventually go away, but you should not do hasty actions that will not lead to anything good.

And finally, the most emotionally difficult stage comes - pain and worries. This stage is accompanied by like fear and sadness. It is very painful for you to be in mental loneliness, and fear of the future is added to everything; and together - these feelings form a feeling of hopelessness. Psychologists say that tears at this stage contribute to recovery. It’s worse when you want to cry, but there are no tears ... that is, they should appear, but you can’t cry. This is a very disturbing symptom, which is almost impossible to cope with alone. And it is necessary to get out of such a situation, because many diseases and other serious health complications can develop from severe depression: from mental disorder and stomach ulcers to heart attack, stroke ...

So, after accepting the fact that you are alone, what can you do to deal with sadness?

Don't think about it!
Stop constantly thinking about your ex, this can drive you into the abyss of depression, from which it is very difficult to get out. Many advise getting rid of everything that reminds you of . Better not visit and institutions where you can encounter it. It is best to even change your lifestyle. For example, take up a new hobby or a new sport. In addition, now there is a lot of free time to take care of yourself. Why not take advantage of this? At the same time, the head will be cleared of unhealthy thoughts about the past.

Don't self-deprecate!
It won't lead to anything good. Constantly feeling sorry for yourself and crying - there is no sense in this. It is better to spend this time on something useful. In addition, do not dare to blame yourself for all mortal sins. People break up, it happens. All that self-deprecation can bring is low self-esteem. And we don't want that?

Release emotions!
Sometimes a good savory plate toss against the wall can help. Or the ritual burning of the remains of of things. And you can also go out into the open field and shout enough. No wonder this method is used by psychologists in relation to patients. The main thing is to give free rein to feelings, and not hide them deep in yourself. Because of this, the period of "rehabilitation" may be delayed.

Do what you dreamed of!

Perhaps you have been thinking about doing yoga or working issues for a long time, but there was no time for this. Now there is an opportunity to cover as much as possible of what has long been in the back of memory and is waiting for your intervention. Write poetry, sign up for a course in modeling or cutting and sewing. Realize your .

Be with friends more often.
Stay social.
Don't lock yourself up.
with new people.

Communication with friends will be beneficial, and expand their horizons. You may even find …. As for your mutual friends, there's nothing you can do about it. You will either have to see them, or find a new circle of acquaintances. The best solution for you is to not see them for a while until you become emotionally stable. Sitting at home is also not conducive to "recovery", so ...

Visit new places!
Go to clubs, to exhibitions, to the theater, to concerts, to parties.
Walk more often.
Go in for sports and/or active recreation.

Just don't fall into a dull routine. Rest assured, there are so many wonderful people in your city that you didn't even suspect. Learn as much as possible new, engage in self-development, creativity. Try to make sure that when you get home, all you have the strength to do is crawl to

Don't back down!

If you've made the decision to break up, don't give up. Try to remove from sight all possible accessories and attributes of a past life with the former / her: framed photographs, souvenirs and other items that involuntarily lead you to feelings of loss ... Over time, all the negative points in are erased, this is a feature of memory. Only the good times are remembered. Believe yourself, if you objectively decided to leave because of irreconcilable contradictions, you should not turn back. Everything that was bad between you has not gone away. You can't step into the same river twice.

All recommendations for those who are experiencing the syndrome of parting with a loved one are as follows:
1. Recognize your position - as a fait accompli
2. Control yourself and don't give up. Do not retire, stay in the community.
3. Dispel the mood of sadness, gradually transferring it to the area of ​​new positive . Do not give yourself time for sadness, comprehend new things at the expense of the freed up time.
4. Search for a new person, gaining .

For a successful search for a loved one, it is necessary to determine the place of his habitat. Be able to understand: Who are you looking for? And you will understand where to look ... . Write on a piece of paper in a column a list of qualities that your soulmate should have. Then collect all the qualities in several main groups, and ask yourself (you can Yandex or Google, you can puzzle friends or random people) “WHERE CAN PEOPLE OF SUCH A WAREHOUSE DIVE TO A MORE DATE?” ... And you will see that these people do not live on , not on the moon… they are all around you… It could be in any club of interest, from a dance studio, or, alternatively, from a colleague at work, if he / she works in a team with a pronounced female (male) and some other sign that suits you ... For example, you can pick up Your friend, a programmer, in order to drop him home by car, as if by chance appearing half an hour before the end of work in his office, where the editorial team, consisting of 50 girls (creative, educated) works nicely ... and with the right approach and coordination with your friend, some of these girls will also be able to take advantage of your throw them to the right place ... .

The best cure for love is love. Be open to new relationships, despite the pain you've experienced. After all, a completely new love can make you a completely different, happier person. Do not look for a copy of what was in the past, your new happiness will be different. People are social beings; and if you share your experiences with others - your trouble decreases, and when you share joy with others - happiness for you increases.

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