Onion with cough honey for children and adults. Onion with honey for children's cough Raw onion with honey

The healing properties of honey leave no doubt in any person. Everyone knows perfectly well that this sweet delicacy not only has an excellent taste, but also brings considerable benefits. Many people also know that onions are also a healthy food.

Few people know that onion juice and honey combine to give a particularly powerful effect, and even those who have heard about it, very few people know what this shock mixture treats for and how to prepare it properly.

Let's talk more about onions with honey - every person should know the useful properties and contraindications. Indeed, often this simple medicine, which can be prepared in the kitchen, is more effective than those sold in pharmacies, and certainly less harmful.

How does it help?

Perhaps it’s not worth talking about honey - everyone knows this. An amazing blend of nectar from thousands and thousands of flowers creates one of nature's most powerful medicines.

But about the bow it will be useful to tell in more detail. In addition to being a great addition to almost any dish, from soup to pie, it is also a medicinal plant. Therefore, everyone should know about its advantages:

As you can see, even each of these products in itself is a powerful medicine that has a complex effect and practically no side effects. Well, onion juice mixed with natural honey can become your reliable ally against a variety of diseases.

Complex action is the main advantage of this powerful mixture. On the one hand, most of the pathogenic bacteria and viruses are destroyed in the human body.

On the other hand, immunity is strengthened thanks to the vitamins and microelements that make up the medicine, and the body begins to effectively fight the remnants of the disease, protecting itself from relapse.

The list of ailments for which you should start taking a mixture of honey and onion juice is quite extensive:

Many diseases that cause a lot of trouble to modern people can be cured not only with a medicine sold in a pharmacy and having a high cost, questionable effectiveness and side effects, but also thanks to a simple mixture. Now let's talk in more detail about the methods of preparation and use.

Several useful recipes

A rare winter does without at least someone in the family falling down with a cold, SARS or flu. But do not rush to the pharmacy for aspirin and paracetamol. It is better to stock up on honey and onions in order not only to cope with a cold, but also to provide reliable protection against viruses.

The easiest way is to take three tablespoons of honey and a small onion. Peel the last and grate on a fine grater into porridge. Combine with honey and mix thoroughly. Leave for several hours (no need to put in the refrigerator) and take a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

This will not only get rid of harmful bacteria, but also get good nutrition for the whole body. Experts know that the content of vitamin C, which is responsible for immunity, is the same in onions as in apples. Therefore, not too pleasant taste and smell can be endured in order to quickly get rid of the disease.

But you should immediately warn - no need to prepare the mixture for future use. Crushed into gruel, the onion quickly loses its beneficial properties. Therefore, it is desirable to take it during the day, and in the morning make a new portion, which is enough for the whole day.

Coughing is also a problem. How will honey and onion be able to handle it? If you suffer from a cough, take five medium-sized onions, a tablespoon of honey, 500 ml of water and a head of garlic. Then proceed according to the following instructions:

By following these simple rules, in a few days you will forget about coughing. Moreover, not only the symptoms of the disease will disappear - you will get rid of sputum, pain in the chest and throat.

Magic elixir will help in the fight for beauty

However, a mixture of onion juice and honey will help not only if you want to get rid of the disease. It will also help to maintain beauty for many years. Thanks to the set of trace elements that make up the onion, it seems to be specially created for making a face mask. Judge for yourself:

The complex natural compounds that make up onions help fight various harmful microorganisms that worsen the appearance of the skin. Well, honey, acting on cleansed skin, nourishes it and further cleanses it. The main thing here is to prepare the mixture correctly, without making mistakes.

The mixture itself is quite easy to prepare. Take peeled onions and honey in a 2:1 ratio. Grind the onion in a blender or with a grater, turning into porridge. Mix with honey, mix until smooth and apply to the skin.

Almost every girl who used this mask during the procedure thought - how to get rid of the pungent smell of onions, which are liked by very few. Fortunately, this problem is easily solved. After washing off the mask, simply add any essential oil to warm water and wash it several times. The smell will completely disappear. And healthy, elastic and smooth skin will remain for a long time.

Who should refrain?

Unfortunately, almost any medicine has both a positive and a negative side. The benefits and harms of the honey-onion mixture are something that you definitely need to know about before using the medicine. After all, not everyone can use it. What are the limitations here?

First of all, people who are allergic to honey and other bee products should refuse treatment - according to statistics, this is every twentieth person. Do not give the mixture to young children - it has a rather sharp taste and smell. Therefore, children under 3-5 years old can be given this medicine only after consulting a pediatrician.

Of course, the mixture is completely contraindicated for people suffering from an ulcer or gastritis. In general, it is highly undesirable for them to eat onions and other foods that have a sharp taste. This can lead to a serious exacerbation of the disease and the most deplorable consequences.

A person suffering from flatulence will also be forced to abandon the honey-onion treatment. Onions are known to cause gas. So you can get into a very unpleasant situation.

For diseases affecting the bladder or gallbladder, liver and kidneys, treatment according to the above recipes is also undesirable - this can give the most unexpected and negative result.

Finally, even if you have iron health, you should not abuse the medicine. An overdose of complex natural compounds can cause headaches, drowsiness, and even lead to impaired kidney function.

So, onions with honey, like any other medicine, should be used with extreme caution. Only in this case you will be able to get the result that you expect and will not put your health at risk.

Agronomam.com project expert

Useful article?

Onions with honey - this recipe has been used since ancient times. This remedy helped fight various diseases, such as cough, runny nose, weakness, tonsillitis. All this is possible due to the fact that these products contain many very valuable and necessary substances for the body, which will quickly help put a person on his feet.

The advantages of traditional medicine

These include:

  • most of the methods and recipes have been tested by time and experience;
  • almost all the ingredients used in traditional medicine are environmentally proven and pure products;
  • all methods are gentle and safe for human health;
  • with this treatment, there are no contraindications (except for allergies and individual intolerance);
  • when using medicinal herbs, the body is saturated with additional general strengthening vitamins;
  • the human body copes with the disease itself.

Nowadays, this branch of medicine is quite popular. This is due to the fact that in traditional medicine there are many drugs that can have side effects on other organs. They can cause allergies, disrupt the function of the liver, kidneys or even the heart. Traditional medicine not only treats, but also prevents diseases.

Onion and its beneficial properties

How useful is an onion? Even in the old days, onions were very popular, because their properties were considered healing. People believed that the smell of onions possessed some powerful forces that could drive away evil spirits. During mass epidemic diseases, bundles with onions and garlic were always hung near each house.

Onions contain volatile substances that kill or inhibit the development and growth of bacteria, protozoa that cause various diseases. It consists of micro and macro elements, such as phosphorus (without which almost no biochemical reaction is carried out), calcium (the main structural element for bones), potassium (participates in water-salt metabolism), iron (participates in hematopoiesis). A huge number of vitamins such as: C, which is involved in the production of adrenaline and helps lower cholesterol, PP, which maintains blood glucose levels, group B (needed by the body for protein synthesis and for the normal functioning of the body).

The benefits of onion are as follows:

  • it is able to accelerate metabolic processes, remove excess fluid from the body, helps to lose weight;
  • reduces the likelihood of the growth of cancerous tumors (in people who eat a lot of onions, the risk of such diseases is reduced);
  • promotes good digestion (relieves constipation);
  • useful for immunity;
  • found its application in cosmetology (for hair and skin).

Onions have useful and harmful properties.

Onion Contraindications

It is forbidden to use for people who have diseases associated with the kidneys and liver. It is impossible for people with a sick stomach, an exacerbation of the disease is possible. If you have cardiovascular disease, you should reduce your consumption of onions, as they can increase blood pressure. You can not eat onions for people suffering from bronchial asthma, it can exacerbate or provoke an attack.

Why is honey useful?

This extraordinary product is produced by bees. Even a child knows about it. To begin with, they collect nectar from the flowers, carry it into the honeycomb and process it with their special enzymes, wait for the excess moisture to evaporate, and only after all this complex work does the honey get to the people on the table. There are many types of honey. Its properties depend on the variety and conscientiousness of the beekeeper.

Honey contains biologically valuable substances: zinc promotes the regeneration of connective tissues, silicon is responsible for bone strength, elasticity and flexibility of joints and cartilage, aluminum stimulates the growth of bone and connective tissues, boron prevents diseases associated with the spine and joints, and many other trace elements and vitamins, without which the human body could not exist normally.

Honey has all the listed positive properties, only if it has not undergone various mechanical and technological treatments. As a result, it may lose its useful properties. And honey has the following beneficial properties:

  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • antibacterial agent;
  • improves immunity;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • helps with various inflammatory processes;
  • used in cosmetology (for hair, nails, skin of the face and body).

Do not forget about contraindications to the use of honey. Individual intolerance and allergies are possible. It is forbidden to abuse the product of beekeeping for overweight people (this is by no means a dietary product). You can not heat honey, because at a high temperature, carcinogens begin to be released. People suffering from heart disease are forbidden to get involved in honey (in large quantities). Honey can cause discomfort in the stomach, contribute to the development of diseases associated with the pancreas.

Onion and honey recipes for cough

Cough is a defense mechanism for our body that protects our airways from various harmful effects.

Causes: allergies, chronic lung disease, chronic smoking, viral infections, side effects, nasal congestion, etc.

Cough is easy to cure if you consult a doctor in time and find out its cause. Folk remedies can be used only in the absence of contraindications:

  1. You will need onion, garlic, honey and water. Finely chop all the ingredients and put into a small saucepan and add water. Cook until the garlic and onion turn into a pulp. Then add honey. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 7-8 times a day. Helps with sore throat, soothes cough.
  2. Several onions, 2 cups sugar, 3 tbsp. l. honey, 1 liter of water. Finely chop the onion, mix with sugar and honey. Then pour water, boil over low heat for about 1-1.5 hours. Before taking, cool and remove excess water. Take 1 tbsp. l. 5 times a day.
  3. Onion with honey. Put the whole onion in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Then mix with honey and butter. It should be consumed warm, 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day.
  4. Cut a small onion into small pieces, put in a saucepan, mix with 1 tbsp. l. sugar, add 0.5 cups of water and simmer until all the liquid has evaporated. Eat 1 tsp, adding honey, you need to eat everything in a day.
  5. An excellent recipe for onions with honey and milk for cough. The onion should be finely chopped and mixed with hot milk, leave to infuse for an hour. Then separate from the onion and add a little honey. Drink in small sips, preferably in the evening. Take within a week.
  6. Honey with onions. Finely chop the onion, mix in equal proportions with honey. After the gruel is infused, you can take it 3-4 times a day, 1 tsp. while eating.
  7. Take 0.5 liters of wine, onions, honey in equal proportions. Mix all the ingredients and leave for 2 weeks, then strain. Use 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.
  8. Onion and honey. From 0.5 kg of onion you need to squeeze the juice and mix it with 0.5 cups of linden honey. This product is infused for several hours and stirred occasionally. Use 1 tbsp. l., can be diluted with water.
  9. Squeeze juice from 0.5 kg of white (bulb) onion, mix with honey and dilute with hot water. Strain after about 2 hours. Drink 2 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day, be sure to warm up before taking.
  10. If you are intolerant to honey, you can use sugar. Grind onion and lemon and mix with sugar in equal proportions. After insisting for several hours, take the separated liquid 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day. Children 1 tsp. 2 times a day.
  11. For children who cannot tolerate onions, you can use this recipe. Add butter to honey in equal proportions. Use 3-4 times a day, one teaspoon.
  12. Squeeze aloe juice and mix in equal proportions with honey. Use 1 tsp. 3 times a day.
  13. With a strong cough, you can apply a compress of cabbage leaves and honey. Heat the sheet, coat it with honey and apply on the back and chest, wrap a towel or sheet on top. This recipe is best used at night.

Onion with honey from the common cold recipes

Runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by the accumulation of mucus. A runny nose can occur due to allergies, hypothermia, trauma to the nasal cavity, SARS.

Your doctor will help you identify the cause of your runny nose. Only after that you can start treatment with alternative medicine:

  1. Mix onion juice with honey with aloe juice in equal proportions. Then add a little Vishnevsky's ointment. This is an excellent ointment for a cold. Before use, warm up the ointment a little and spread it on the bridge of the nose and inside the nose (not deep). It is better to use at night, about a week.
  2. Heat 1 cup of vegetable oil in a saucepan and pour finely chopped onion into it in advance. Infuse the remedy for half a day, then strain. You will get the so-called onion oil, which needs to be treated with a nose.
  3. Grate the onion into a bowl. Then, in equal proportions, mix with honey and consume onion honey in 1 tsp. 3 times a day daily.
  4. Chop the onion and add water. Bring to a boil, then carry out inhalation 3-4 times a day.
  5. Mix onion juice with honey and eucalyptus oil. Use all ingredients once a day, preferably at night.

Honey with onions to maintain immunity

Immunity is a certain barrier to microbes. A good and healthy immune system can protect the human body from viruses and various microbes. But when a person begins to get sick with colds, this leads to the fact that the immune system is weakened, and it needs to be strengthened:

  1. Mix chopped onion and lemon with honey, leave for a while. Use 1 spoon 3 times a day.
  2. Mix lemon (more precisely, its juice), aloe and 1 orange. Add honey, walnut. Use 1 spoon several times a day.
  3. Grind lemon with garlic and add honey. Mix everything well. Consume within 14 days. The course is repeated several times a year.
  4. A general tonic is tea, lemon and honey.

Each specialist will recommend you to strengthen the immune system with proven drugs from the pharmacy. But no one will prohibit the use of restorative recipes with honey, lemon and onions. The main thing is not to abuse and observe the dosage, no more than 2 tbsp. l. per day (honey).

Not a single person who carefully and correctly monitors his health is immune from colds, from any inflammatory processes, from allergic reactions. As a result, a cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, pain or sore throat may develop.

First of all, you need to contact the specialists, and then use the methods of traditional medicine.

Onion juice is a versatile and powerful remedy for diseases in folk medicine. In combination with honey, which also has a lot of useful properties, a syrup is prepared and taken orally. Such a prophylactic can be used by both children and adults. Like any medicine, onion juice with honey has its own contraindications and instructions for use.

Useful properties of onion juice with honey

The composition of onion juice contains a large concentrate of macro- and microelements, which contributes to the recovery process throughout the body. A large number of vitamins helps to restore the immune system. Honey contains organic acids and amino acids, fructose, glucose, as well as a large amount of minerals needed by the body. The prepared mixture of onion and honey affects the following processes in the body:

  • strengthening and restoring the immune system;
  • promotes the production of virus-resistant cells;
  • helps the body fight various colds;
  • improves vital activity: increases stress resistance, fights beriberi and general fatigue;
  • has a positive effect on the microflora in the stomach: it is a good prophylactic against ulcers and gastritis;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In some cases, the syrup is used as a diuretic and laxative. Onion juice promotes the removal of toxins from the body and has a positive effect on the metabolism in the body. This remedy is considered the most effective in the field of colds, namely in the elimination of cough. The syrup thins phlegm and removes mucus from the respiratory tract.

When should you not drink onion juice with honey?

In some cases, drinking onion-honey syrup is prohibited. The most common case is stomach ulcers and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. At the initial stage of gastritis, the remedy is used with extreme caution. It is also not used to treat children under the age of three.

If a person is prone to allergic reactions, the prepared drinking solution should be used after consulting a doctor. In this case, testing for products that cause allergies will be assigned.

Preparation of medicinal syrups from onion juice and honey

The positive properties of onion-honey syrup are known to almost everyone, because this remedy has been used for hundreds of years. To make the syrup not only medicinal, but also tasty, it is used in combination with other foods in order to reduce the bitterness of the onion, as well as kill its strong smell.

Important! It is best to use purple onions. It has the same properties as ordinary onions. But this species has a less pronounced smell and not as bitter taste. You need to use only freshly prepared juice, because if you leave it for a while, it will lose its medicinal properties.

The preparation of this remedy takes very little time. To do this, grind half a kilogram of onion on a blender or grater, and strain the resulting slurry through cheesecloth to obtain juice. Add 100 g of natural honey to onion juice, mix and apply 1 tbsp. spoon after eating, previously dissolved in a glass of warm water. It is recommended to store the resulting syrup in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.

Onion juice recipes with honey for respiratory diseases and coughs

In case of cough, several types of syrup are prepared:

  1. Grated baked onion with honey and butter. This recipe is suitable for children, as onions practically do not give off taste. To prepare the mixture, you will need to bake a whole, unpeeled onion in the oven. Then grind it on a grater and add butter with honey (until the onion has cooled down). Use this gruel several times a day for a teaspoon (only after meals).
  2. Infusion of onion juice and honey with wine. This recipe is recommended for adults only. For cooking, you will need natural grape wine (from dark grape varieties), about two medium onions and honey (half a glass). Pour grated onion and honey with wine, leave for two weeks in a dry and dark place. When the infusion is ready, it must be filtered and put in a cold place (you can in the refrigerator). Take this drink in a tablespoon after a meal. This tincture copes not only with coughs, but also treats the throat, and also contributes to the rapid fight against colds.

Some lovers of traditional medicine prefer to mix onion juice and honey with natural berry syrups, such as viburnum or mountain ash. Sometimes, in the absence of honey, sugar is added to make the drink a little more pleasant.

Important! For children, infusions and syrups with onions are used in half a teaspoon 3 times a day. This dose can be adjusted and increased over time. So the child will not receive internal burns and allergic reactions.

Onion juice with honey for a cold

In the practice of traditional medicine, onion nasal drops are often used. You can prepare the solution as follows:

  1. Chop the onion very finely and pour hot water over it, about one cup per large onion.
  2. The infusion should stand for about half an hour, after which it must be filtered and a quarter teaspoon of honey (only liquid) added.
  3. Instill 2 drops in the nasal passages with the resulting agent no more than twice a day.

If the runny nose has passed into the stage of sinusitis, then the onion does not need to be filled with water. It is recommended to squeeze the juice from the onion, add the same amount of honey and instill the liquid up to 3 times a day.

Important! When instilling a liquid, you need to pay attention to the sensations. With a strong burning sensation in the nose, it is recommended to abandon this remedy.

Another scope of onion juice with honey

Women often use onion-honey products as a cosmetic mask for hair growth and strengthening. To do this, the juice of several bulbs is diluted with honey and applied to the hair roots for 30-40 minutes. Then everything is washed off with massage movements.

In such a mask, you can add a few drops of essential oil, which has a regenerating and nourishing property. These include: chamomile, almond, patchouli, tea tree and castor oil.

For a more effective result, egg white or olive oil can be added to the mixture.

Traditional medicine has many pros and cons. It is recommended not to try the funds on yourself without the permission of a specialist.

Onion juice is a fairly effective and powerful remedy in the treatment of various diseases. When consumed along with honey, which is also known for its benefits to the body, you get a syrup that is taken orally. Often this tincture is used for prevention purposes. It can be used by both adults and children. But it is worth remembering that each remedy has its own limitations and contraindications.

Beneficial features

Onion juice contains a large amount of both macro- and microelements, thanks to which the whole organism is restored. But the vitamin complex increases the defenses, strengthens the immune system.

Honey also contains minerals, fructose, glucose, organic acids, which also benefit the body. Therefore, you should definitely try to combine these two useful products at least once. The mixture will be very useful:

  • strengthen the immune system, start recovery processes;
  • thanks to this tandem, cells resistant to various viruses will begin to be produced in the body;
  • effective in the treatment of colds, various infectious diseases;
  • relieves anxiety, increases stress resistance, gives a surge of strength and energy, relieves beriberi;
  • improves metabolism, the work of the digestive tract;
  • improves the microflora in the stomach, is an excellent prevention of ulcers and gastritis.

Also, this syrup is often used to enhance the diuretic and laxative effect. Onion juice is able to quickly remove toxins from the body, significantly improves metabolism.

This remedy has won the greatest popularity in the treatment of colds. In just a few days, you can get rid of cough, remove excess sputum and mucus from the respiratory tract.

When not to drink syrup

In some cases, it is better to refuse the use of this drink. Contraindications are stomach ulcers, as well as inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

If there is gastritis, then at the initial stage it should be used carefully. It is also worth refraining from syrup for children who have not yet reached the age of three.

Be sure to consult your doctor if you are prone to allergic reactions. In this case, a test will be needed to identify possible allergies.

How to cook

This tool has been used since ancient times, so its positive effect on the body is known to almost everyone. You can make it not only a useful medicine, but also a rather tasty addition to various dishes. It is often used in combination with other products to get rid of excessive bitterness in taste and harsh smell.

It is worth remembering that for cooking you need to use only freshly prepared juice. Otherwise, it will lose all its beneficial properties, and the healing liquid will no longer be effective.

To prepare the syrup, you need a minimum of money and time. You need to stock up on 0.5 kg of onion, grate it or chop it with a blender. The resulting mass must be filtered through gauze folded several times in order to obtain juice. 100 g of high-quality and natural honey is placed there, mixed thoroughly.

The tool is used for 1 tbsp. after eating. It is recommended to dissolve it in a glass of warm water. In order for it not to lose its usefulness, it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.

For respiratory diseases and cough

As already mentioned, the best syrup manifests itself in the treatment of cough. In this case, you can make several types.

A popular recipe for grated baked onions with honey and butter. It is often used for children, because after cooking, the onion has almost no taste characteristic of it.

First you need to take a medium-sized onion, do not peel it and place it in the oven. As soon as it is cooked, it is ground on a grater, honey and oil are added to the gruel. It is important to do this until the bulb has cooled down. Such a product is consumed twice a day after meals, 1 tsp.

An infusion of onion juice and honey with wine is also popular. It should only be used by adults. To cook, you need to cook or buy natural grape wine (only from dark varieties), prepare 2 onions and 0.5 cups of high-quality honey.

The onion is ground on a grater or chopped in a blender, honey is added, and the resulting mixture is poured with wine. Then the product is left to infuse in a dark and cold place. For these purposes, it is allowed to use a refrigerator.

Such a drink is consumed 1 time per day, 1 tbsp. after eating. With regular use, the tincture can not only relieve a cough, but also cure a sore throat.

Many traditional medicine specialists mix this remedy with natural berry syrups. Especially popular are viburnum and mountain ash. If honey is not available, sugar can be used to give the syrup a less bitter taste.

If the child drinks the syrup, then he needs to reduce the dosage. Applied 0.5 tsp. three times a day. In the absence of negative reactions, you can increase this dosage over time. So you can protect the child from possible allergies and internal burns.

From a cold

Onion nasal drops are a very effective and popular remedy. They are prepared in a very simple way:

  1. Onions are very finely chopped on a grater, pour boiling water. One large onion should have one glass of clean water.
  2. The infusion should be left for 30 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth and add a quarter teaspoon of any kind of honey. It is recommended to use sweetness only in liquid form.
  3. This remedy is instilled 2 drops 1 time per day. It is allowed to use 2 times a day.

But the runny nose, which turned into sinusitis, is treated differently. Chopped onions do not need to be filled with water. Juice is squeezed out of it, a favorite kind of honey is added, nasal passages are instilled with liquid no more than 3 times a day.

During the process, it is important to monitor the reaction of your body and internal sensations. If there is a burning sensation, other unpleasant symptoms, the reception should be stopped immediately.

Other scope

This tool is not only an effective medicine. It is widely used in the field of cosmetology as hair masks.

With regular use, the hair will become stronger, begin to grow faster and acquire shine.

To prepare, you need to squeeze out all the juice from two onions, mix with honey and apply to the hair roots. It is advisable to warm them with a terry towel or a plastic bag for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with massage movements.

To enhance the effect, egg white is often added along with olive oil.

In the field of traditional medicine, there are many recipes that have both their pros and cons. Therefore, before use, it is best to consult a specialist.

Many people mistakenly assume that viral diseases can only be cured with medication. Natural products, stored in almost every kitchen, help to cope with diseases no worse than pills. There are almost no contraindications for such drugs. For example, onions with cough honey can be taken by both children and adults.

Onions contain a lot of useful trace elements:

  • vitamins A, B, C, PP are useful for beriberi;
  • essential oils help viral infections leave the body of a sick person faster;
  • phytoncides have antibacterial and antiviral effects;
  • iron is necessary for the body to prevent anemia;
  • potassium has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In addition to all of the above, the vegetable improves metabolism and activates blood circulation. The digestive system normalizes, constipation disappears - thanks to the use of a small amount of onions daily.

Onion, green or red onion affects the normalization of pressure in the body, eliminates general weakness (anemia), and increases the potency of the male population. Judging by some studies, the product inhibits the development of cancer cells and the growth of malignant neoplasms.

For the treatment of cough, the product from the garden does not have to be taken orally. It is enough to cut the head into small slices and put in the patient's room. Essential oils are great for colds.

Important! Onion should be consumed in moderation, as its systemic absorption in large quantities can cause increased acidity.

  • flu;
  • SARS;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • tonsillitis.

The medicinal properties of the product not only relieve cough, but also help to eliminate the very cause of the disease. If you use an onion for a dry and debilitating cough, then soon it will transform into a wet and lighter one.

Know! Onion juice, used to remove mucus, helps to thin the sputum and expel it from the respiratory organs as soon as possible. So that the treatment does not cause discomfort, other equally useful ingredients are added to the garden product - honey, milk, apples, carrots, garlic, lemon.

How to prepare the remedy

For adults who do not have chronic diseases and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, all means are good. Of course, the products must be applied in accordance with the recommendations. It is necessary to prepare a medicinal folk remedy, observing the proportions and technique of preparation, otherwise there is a risk of losing all the useful properties of the components during the steam treatment.

For children, you need to use a recipe in which all dosages are strictly regulated. If you strictly follow the technology of preparation of a therapeutic agent, side effects should not occur.

onion syrup

Delicious medicinal syrup will appeal to young children. This remedy can be taken for colds and dry coughs for children under 3 years old.

The syrup is prepared using thermal exposure. Some useful elements can be lost during the cooking process, so you should still observe the indicated amount of products used and the time they are on the stove.

Using a blender, you need to chop 3-4 onions. Add one and a half cups of sugar and 1 liter of water to the gruel. The mixture should be boiled over medium heat for about an hour. After the syrup should be cooled and strain through a sieve. At the end, 50 g of honey should be stirred in a warm liquid until it is completely dissolved.

Attention! Store the mixture in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a lid. Before taking the syrup, warm it up a little, and then give small children 0.5-1 tsp each. 3-5 times a day after meals. The course is carried out within 5-6 days.

Onions with honey

Treatment with onion and honey has a pronounced antibacterial and immunomodulatory effect. To prepare the medicine, you need to chop 2-3 onion heads and mix the juice squeezed from it with honey. Another way: mix vegetable gruel with honey and insist for an hour.

Before harvesting a medicinal product, a natural question arises as to which honey is better. Many people advise using buckwheat, but in principle, any product that is on hand will do.

Know! Honey should not show signs of crystallization.

Onions, honey and other ingredients

There are many ways to prepare medicines for coughs and colds, to treat flu and to strengthen the immune system. In addition to onions and honey, the composition may include other useful products:

  1. The combination of milk, onions, honey can soon put the patient on his feet. After all, milk has strengthening properties, onions and honey eliminate inflammation and eliminate the source of infection.
  2. Onion, apple and honey will quickly eliminate cough, activate natural defenses. Onion has an antibacterial effect, an apple saturates the body with vitamins, honey enhances the properties of other components and cleanses the body of toxins.
  3. Mixed onion, lemon, honey will help eliminate the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms, give the body strength and restore immunity.
  4. Onions, honey, sugar, water are used when it is necessary to prepare a cough decoction. This mixture can make an effective medicine that is suitable for both pregnant women and young children.
  5. Onions, garlic, honey and water are mixed, put on the stove and boiled for several minutes. The syrup has a powerful effect in fighting infections. Within a day or two after taking the drug, the patient feels great.
  6. Carrots, apple, onion, honey are mixed, boiled, and then infused for an hour. The treatment composition will definitely appeal to children. Its pleasant taste, combined with useful properties, is an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical preparations designed to get rid of colds.

All ingredients should be taken in approximately the same proportions. Almost any recipe is suitable for an adult, provided that he does not have allergic predispositions to honey, onions or other components. Onion and honey cough tincture has an antiviral effect. If you add other useful products to it, then: firstly, the taste will improve, and secondly, the healing properties of the main ingredients will be enhanced.

But, like any other home-prepared medicines, mixtures require dosage compliance. About how to take this or that composition, you should discuss with your doctor. By default, to cure a cough, a folk recipe is used for 1 tbsp. l. 3-5 times a day after meals.

Important! It is necessary to pay attention to the age of the patient, because a small child does not need large doses. It is enough for him and 0.5-1 tsp. medication to have an effect.


With excessive use of the drug, which includes onions and honey, there may be disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular organs, kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

During pregnancy, as well as children of the first year of life, it is better to refuse treatment with prescriptions that include a fresh product. Instead, it is worth considering remedies based on boiled onions.

onion juice with honey

Onion juice helps to normalize the level of sugar in the blood, remove toxins and toxins, cleanse the respiratory tract from mucus. It is an indispensable general tonic natural remedy.

Onion juice is widely used as a diuretic and decongestant. Onion juice is also used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is used as an expectorant and anti-flu agent, as a prophylactic to strengthen teeth and improve vision.

Drinking onion juice with honey will help stop the development of atherosclerosis. Especially useful is the use of onion juice with a combination of atherosclerosis and diabetes, as well as with an increased level of cholesterol in the blood.

According to the statements of folk healers, onion juice has the healing property of cleansing the blood. Onion juice has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps to cope with insomnia. The systematic use of onion juice helps prevent a second heart attack.

Besides the fact that the onion has an excellent wound healing property, it is a proven remedy in the treatment of insect bites (wasps, bees, mosquitoes, gadflies). Timely lubrication of the insect bite site with onion juice twice a day will help to significantly reduce the feeling of pain and relieve swelling. With numerous bites, applying onion juice compresses to the bite sites will provide effective help.

Onion juice can significantly reduce a runny nose and prevent or alleviate the flu. For this purpose, at the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to place tampons dipped in onion juice in the nasal cavity 3-4 times a day for several minutes. For problems with the lungs and for purulent diseases, inhalations containing freshly squeezed onion juice are an effective treatment.
Treatment with onion juice
onion juice for eyes

A mixture of onion and honey in a 1:1 ratio will help prevent the development of an eyesore. also for this purpose, you can dilute the juice of one medium-sized onion in 200 g of boiled water and add a dessert spoon of honey to it. 1-2 drops of the solution are instilled 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks.
Treatment of purulent and fungal skin diseases

Lubricate infected skin areas with a mixture of onion juice and natural honey 2-3 times a day. Compliance with hygiene requirements is an important condition in order to avoid re-infection of the skin with a fungus. The course of treatment is quite long, sometimes reaching several months.
Onion juice for toothache

Massage of the tooth area of ​​the diseased tooth with a brush dipped in onion juice helps to reduce toothache. This massage is repeated several times throughout the day.

Fresh onions are full of minerals (iron, zinc, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, copper, iodine, manganese). It also contains vitamins (B, C, E), carotene, folic acid and many other ingredients.

The most accessible type of vegetable is yellow, characterized by the most pungent taste. However, the most common is white onion, which has a mild flavor and is not suitable for long-term storage. Also worth mentioning are blue and red onions, which are characterized by an interesting color, pleasant smell, and sweetish taste.

Honey is a natural antibiotic, a folk remedy used in the treatment of various diseases. According to origin, it is divided into light and dark varieties.

Given the therapeutic qualities, the beneficial properties of onions with honey are beyond doubt.

For cough and sore throat

At the first sign of respiratory problems, use an onion. All of the following recipe options have similar medicinal properties. The most famous recipe is honey with onions to treat coughs. The following medicines help with the throat - relieve pain, hoarseness, treat sore throats, relieve symptoms of colds, flu.

Natural medicines retain their healing qualities for several days. How to store them? Just put it in the fridge with the lid on. Reception - 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Recipe #1

Mix onion juice with bee sweetness (2:1).

Recipe #2

Cut the raw spicy vegetable into slices, pour boiling water over it, add a pinch of marjoram, leave for 15 minutes. Add honey.

Recipe number 3 - for children

Cough and sore throat medicine for children is prepared with sugar, because. a bee product is a strong allergen that can cause a negative reaction. Cut the onion, sprinkle with a spoonful of sugar. After an hour, the spicy vegetable will release juice, which is used as a therapeutic agent.

Recipe #4

Mix chopped onion, honey and some fennel.

Recipe number 5

Prepare a decoction: pour the chopped onion with hot water, boil for about 5 minutes, strain, mix with linden tea, add bee product or sugar. The recipe is suitable for adults and children.

From a cold

Supporters of a healthy lifestyle widely use the healing properties of a unique mixture to fight a cold, which is not an attribute of the cold season, but can bring trouble to life even in summer.

The following medicines are also taken in 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

with garlic

The medicine with garlic will not only help eliminate the symptoms of a cold, but also strengthen the body's defenses. Grind garlic and onion, put in a jar, pour honey, leave for 24 hours to brew. This is not the most delicious medicine, but 100% effective! Traditional medicine has been using it since time immemorial.

With lemon

The lemon mixture is more palatable than the garlic mixture, and it also provides the body with important vitamin C.
In a large mug, alternately slice the onion and 2 lemons. Water each layer with bee product. The last layer should be lemon. Close the mug, leave for 2 hours, so that the useful components let the juice flow.

To get more juice, use a recipe with sugar and water: just add 2-3 tbsp to the mixture during cooking. cold boiled water, instead of a bee product, sprinkle the layers with sugar - it will help release the juice.

With milk

Natural medicine with milk is not only a good cold remedy, it has a positive effect on overall health.

You need:

  • 1/2 l of milk;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1-2 tsp honey.

Boil milk, add chopped onion, leave for 20 minutes. After straining, add bee sweetness (immediately before use - it is sensitive to heat, under the influence of which it loses medicinal substances).

A mixture with milk reduces the temperature, thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect of the components, strengthens the immune system, prevents the growth of bacteria.

Runny nose, sinusitis

From the common cold and sinusitis, natural nasal drops will help. Cut the onion, fill it with warm water (200 ml). Add honey (2 tablespoons) and sunflower oil (1 tablespoon). The tool can be used both for rinsing the nose and as drops (2 drops 3 times a day).

A mixture of onion juice, honey and oil is suitable for use in the nose of a child - 1 drop 3 times a day.

The next remedy for sinusitis offered by traditional medicine is a solution with laundry soap. Dissolve a small bar of soap in a water bath. Add onion juice onion and 1/2 tsp. honey.

Stir, moisten a folded piece of gauze in the solution. Place it in the inflamed nostril for 30 minutes.

Joint pain

The recipe for joint pain also includes laundry soap. Dissolve it in a water bath, adding a little water (get a semi-liquid consistency). Add the grated onion, after a slight cooling - the bee product. Soak gauze with the mixture, which is applied to the painful joint, fix with a bandage. The course is several procedures until the condition is relieved.

Vessel cleansing

To clean the vessels, use honey with onion juice. Finely chop the vegetable, pour over the bee product, leave overnight. In the morning, take the juice, which you take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. Course - 1 week.

This medicine will have a therapeutic and preventive effect - it will relieve atherosclerosis, strengthen the vascular walls, and increase their elasticity.

Noise in my head

From noise in the head will help the following recipe. Mix onion juice and bee product (1:1). Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Noise in the head may indicate the presence of a serious illness, so go through a specialized study before using traditional medicine methods.

Gynecological diseases

In gynecology, tampons with onion and honey are used. They are used as a remedy for cervical erosion, cysts. Heat 1 small onion in the oven or microwave, pour over honey. Leave for 2 hours to soak, then wrap with gauze and insert into the vagina (overnight). Course - 2 weeks.

This therapy has contraindications. It can be harmful if the vaginal microflora is disturbed - most women experience unpleasant symptoms during the use of tampons: itching, burning, swelling. With such manifestations, it is necessary to stop treatment, choose another method!

The use of tampons is not suitable for pregnant women.

Wine for liver health

If you suffer from gallbladder and liver problems, you will definitely appreciate the onion wine recipe. If there is no desire to eat a raw spicy vegetable, but the need to cleanse and treat the liver, stimulate bile secretion, onion wine will be an ideal remedy.

You need:

  • 1/2 kg chopped blue onion;
  • 750 ml of white wine;
  • 150 g of honey;
  • 1-2 liter jar.

Combine the ingredients in a jar, mix well. Insist 48 hours in a warm place. Shake every day.

Blue onion wine with honey for the liver tastes good. Drink it in small glasses 3 times a day.

In a similar way, a tincture with vodka is prepared, which is infused for 3 days. Reception - 1 tbsp. three times a day.

The course of treatment is until the end of the medication.

For cerebral vessels

Grate the onion, mix with honey until the consistency of gruel. For the health of the vessels of the brain, take a mixture of 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day. The tool is especially useful for the elderly.


Urinary incontinence is a problem that occurs not only in children, but also in adults. You can get rid of it with the help of folk methods. One of them is a mixture of grated onion (1 tbsp) with apple and honey (2 tbsp each). Take 1 tbsp. for the night.

To improve the taste and effect, you can make mashed potatoes with carrots and apples. The recipe is similar, carrots are taken in the same amount as a spicy vegetable, grated.

This is a disease that is common among the modern population. The reason for this is a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, which adversely affects blood circulation and the state of blood vessels. Traditional medicine for varicose veins recommends the cleansing properties of garlic and the strengthening ability of lemon. The medicine with garlic and lemon is taken orally in 2 tbsp. in a day.

Course - 1 month.

Squeeze the juice from 2 lemons and 1 onion, mix it with 3 minced garlic cloves, 1 cup of honey.

For the health and beauty of hair

Curl care with natural ingredients is recommended for anyone who is not prone to allergies to them. Natural remedies are suitable for use during pregnancy, will benefit when breastfeeding when women suffer from excessive hair loss.
Masks are applied for 1 hour, the procedure is carried out once a week.

The classic mask for hair loss is prepared from freshly squeezed juice and honey (1: 2), applied to the roots. It is advisable to cover the head with polyethylene and a towel. The mask strengthens the follicles, nourishes with vitamins and microelements.

with egg

A mask of onion, honey and eggs will improve the blood circulation of the scalp, which will positively affect hair growth and give them strength. Applying a mask to damaged hair 2 times a week will not only strengthen them, but also restore split ends. Mix 1 egg, 2 tbsp. bee product, 1 tbsp. onion juice.

With cognac and egg

Mix 1/4 cup onion juice with 1 tbsp. honey, add an egg, 2 tbsp. cognac. Apply a liquid mask with egg and cognac to the scalp.

with garlic

A mask with garlic will have a positive effect on curls. This is one of the oldest remedies for strengthening hair, restoring natural shine and strength. Add olive oil to the three main ingredients (all in equal amounts).

With butter

Mix onion juice, honey, vegetable oil (1:1:1), apply on the head.

With egg and burdock oil

Hair mask with egg and burdock oil promotes growth, strengthens the roots. All products are taken in equal quantities, mixed. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp.

with aloe

The healing properties of aloe are known to all. A mask with aloe is recommended to strengthen brittle, split ends. Mix the grated onion, aloe juice, bee product in equal amounts. Apply the mixture on your head.

With vodka

The combination of a spicy vegetable and vodka as a cosmetic may seem strange, but it is recommended for men suffering from alopecia or premature hair loss. Vodka has a slight irritating effect on the scalp, activating hair growth. For greater effect, it is recommended to use a combination of vodka with pepper (“Pepper”). Mix all the ingredients in equal amounts, rub into the skin.

A mask with a bee product, onion and mustard, more suitable for women, has a similar effect. It should be kept for about half an hour. When cooking, take 3 times less mustard than onion juice. The frequency of application is the same.

with pepper

For active growth, a mask containing a spicy vegetable, a bee product and red pepper (2: 3: 1) is useful.

With yogurt

A very useful mask of onions, honey and yogurt, suitable for curls exhausted after winter. Mix the ingredients in a ratio of 1:2:3.

To restore, you can use a mask of honey, yogurt, onions, cognac (all ingredients are taken in equal amounts) and garlic juice (3 times less).

With lemon

A combination of spicy vegetable, bee product, lemon and olive oil has a beneficial effect on the structure of curls. All components are mixed in equal parts, the mixture is applied to the hair. It is recommended to wrap your head with polyethylene and a towel.

How to get rid of the smell?

Each of the considered means has an effective regenerative effect on the hair roots, restores the structure of curls, and activates growth.

There is, however, a small nuance, which is the main reason for the rejection of natural masks. This is a smell that can last up to several hours. How to get rid of it? After each procedure, it is enough to wash your hair with water with the addition of vinegar (1 tbsp / 1 liter).

For facial beauty

Useful face masks can be prepared from a spicy vegetable and a bee product. We will consider some of them below. Apply all masks for 15 minutes 1-2 times a week.

  1. Classic mask for dry skin. Bake the onion in the oven, grind in mashed potatoes, mix with honey (1: 1).
  2. Whitening mask. Squeeze the juice from the vegetable, mix with the bee product (1:2).
  3. Anti aging skin. Mix the grated vegetable with milk and bee product (1:1:1).


Despite the natural composition of the mixtures, the funds have some contraindications. In case of allergy to bee products, honey is strictly contraindicated! But don't despair. In recipes for internal use, replace it with sugar (for example, cane, fruit).

In diseases associated with the digestive tract, especially in the acute phase, you should also refrain from taking natural medicine internally.
Treatment with the considered products is not intended for children under 2 years of age.

"Onion from seven ailments" has justified the trust of more than one generation and has established itself as an effective way to deal with dry, wet and paroxysmal coughs. But does it help children and how safe is it for cold babies?

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that onions have a preventive and therapeutic effect in the fight against diseases such as SARS, influenza, bronchitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis. It is better to take homemade onion remedies from the first days of illness to prevent complications.

Therapeutic properties are based on:

  • restorative;
  • immunostimulating;
  • bactericidal;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • thinning;
  • expectorant action.

Onion is one of the "correct" cough medicines. Healing agents based on it not only alleviate the symptom that debilitates the child's body, but also eliminate the very cause of the disease - pathogenic viral and bacterial flora.

The composition of onions includes vitamins (C, PP, provitamin A and representatives of group B), herbal antibiotics, phytoncides, malic and lactic acids, minerals (calcium, iron, phosphorus), fiber and essential sulfur-containing oils that make anyone cry cut this vegetable.

It is interesting that this unique set of useful components turned out to be in demand in traditional medicine - on the basis of extracts from onions and green onions, Allylchep (alcohol extract) and Allylglycer (mixed with glycerin) preparations are prepared.

Speaking of the positive qualities of onions, they mean a fresh plant. But the strong irritating effect that the vegetable has on the mucous membranes requires a careful approach in the treatment of children.

Experts insist: it is impossible to treat cough in babies of the first year of life with onion remedies. It is better to give preference to medicines recognized by official medicine. For a child aged one to three years, you can use homemade recipes with onions, but always after the heat treatment of the vegetable.

Parent Testimonials: It Works!

Parents often rely on their own experience. Onion treatment does not leave a pleasant aftertaste. But the main thing is that homemade recipes based on this vegetable help to quickly cope with a painful dry cough and relieve its obsessive night attacks.

Each family has its own set of miraculous onion recipes. With absolute accessibility and simplicity, they greatly facilitate the well-being of the child:

  • liquefy viscous sputum and promote its exit from the respiratory tract;
  • normalize children's sleep;
  • exhibit a strengthening effect.

After 2-3 days of taking home remedies with onions, annoying cough in most cases recedes.

Onion cough recipes

Preparations for children should have a pleasant taste. To achieve this, the specific bitterness of the onion is neutralized with sweet foods such as honey or sugar. Like all medicines, folk recipes have strictly regulated dosages, the excess of which is fraught with side effects.

For 3-year-old babies, 1 tsp is enough, and for children from 4 to 10 years old - 2 tsp. 3 times a day. After 10 years, a single dose reaches 1 tbsp. l., and the number of receptions - 3-4.

To prevent the irritating effect of onions on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, they are taken after meals. It is advisable to give the child to drink onion medicine with a few sips of water or milk.

With honey

A folk remedy, in which two products at once have pronounced antiseptic and immunostimulating properties. An effective combination of natural ingredients to suppress viruses and bacteria, softening and anti-inflammatory effects on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Recommended for children over 3 years of age who are not allergic to bee products.

  1. To prepare the drug, you will need several onions and honey with no signs of crystallization, ideally buckwheat.
  2. Peel the onion and finely chop with a grater or blender.
  3. Squeeze out the resulting juice and mix it in a ratio of 1: 1 with honey.

A single dose should be taken by slowly dissolving in the mouth. Keep refrigerated. Course of treatment: 5 days.

Onion gruel with liquid honey has a good preventive effect. When cooking, honey is added to the chopped vegetable, insisted for about an hour and given mashed potatoes within the age dosages 3-4 times a day.

With sugar

Raw onion, which is part of the recipe, shows all its beneficial properties: it dilutes sputum and facilitates its exit from the respiratory tract, increases the defenses of the child's body, has a detrimental effect on pathogens and relieves swelling of the mucous membranes. The remedy can only be offered to children over 3 years old. The course should not last more than 5 days.

Crushed to the state of gruel, mix a large onion with 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Leave the resulting mixture overnight. In the morning, treatment can be started by offering the child an age-appropriate dose in the form of gruel or filtered juice. The product does not have a specific smell and has a rather attractive taste.

Boiled onion has a milder effect. Such a home remedy is not contraindicated even for younger children - from 1 to 3 years. Cooking is not particularly difficult: mix finely chopped onion with a glass of water and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Cook on low heat for 20 minutes. When warm, give 1 tsp. 3 to 4 times a day. Store no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.


The syrup is prepared with a long heat treatment. Naturally, some of the vitamins and phytoncides will be lost. On the other hand, onion medicine will lose its bitterness and aggressive smell, become more attractive to the child in taste and retain its expectorant properties. At the same time, the honey included in the recipe will take care of the immune system, if its intake is not contraindicated for the child. Recommended for the treatment of babies up to 3 years.

  1. Finely chop 4 onions, peeled.
  2. Thoroughly mix the onion with 400 g of sugar and add 1 liter of hot water.
  3. Boil the resulting mixture for 1 hour over low heat.
  4. Strain and dissolve 50 g of honey in a slightly chilled onion syrup.

Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Before taking the syrup, it is advisable to slightly warm it up. For children under 3 years old, give 3-4 times a day after meals for ½-1 tsp. for 4-5 days.


The tool gives a good effect with a dry obsessive cough that accompanies bronchitis, SARS, tonsillitis. In combination with honey, the anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial effect of onion juice is enhanced. The cough becomes wet, which helps the child cough up sputum easily and painlessly.

Onion juice for the treatment of children is prepared according to a special recipe in order to reduce its irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Finely chop 500 g of onion, mix with 50 g of honey and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for about an hour. Strained juice should be given to children over 3 years old up to 4 times a day. Course of treatment: 5 days.

Side effects and contraindications

Usually, the use of onions as a remedy does not cause negative reactions. Despite his sharp "character", the garden doctor gets along well with traditional medicine and does not come into conflict with them. But excessive passion threatens with side effects:

  • Indiscriminate intake of onion cough remedies, excess of age dosages and the permitted duration of treatment courses can affect the change in the general well-being of the child in the form of lethargy and drowsiness.
  • It is also possible the appearance of characteristic signs of indigestion due to increased gas formation.

It is absolutely contraindicated to treat cough with onion remedies for children of the first year of life. Traditional medicine experts and physicians strongly advise against using raw onions for preparing healing recipes for babies under 3 years old.

General contraindications for use apply to children suffering from:

  • individual intolerance to onions and other components of home remedies for coughs;
  • pancreatitis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Treatment of cough with onion recipes is reasonable if a doctor examines the child before starting it. Remember: only a specialist can identify the cause of the cough and recommend a safe way to eliminate it.



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