Concentration of attention and memory are the reasons for the decline. Red improves concentration! Try the green light

Violation of attention can be observed in both children and adults. Many cases of the development of this problem in childhood with its subsequent deepening at an older age have been registered.

Specialists characterize impaired attention as a process of narrowing the amount of attention (a person is distracted by side stimuli), as well as a decrease in the coordination of actions performed.

Types of inattention

Mindfulness disorders can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. "fluttering attention» or distraction can be characterized as the process of uncontrolled switching of attention to stimuli, as well as poor concentration. This type is usually present in schoolchildren, but can also occur in older people, usually with great fatigue.
  2. "Scientist's inattention"- difficult switching of attention from one process to another, as a result of a very deep focus on the process or on one's thoughts. A person with this type is characterized by the presence of obsessive thoughts.
  3. "Distracted old people"- a condition that is characterized by poor concentration of attention and the ability to switch it. The disease occurs in case of constant overwork, oxygen starvation of the brain, as well as in people, mostly the elderly, who suffer from cerebral atherosclerosis.

Attention Deficit in Adults

This syndrome can have not only a child, but also a completely adult person.
Constant absent-mindedness, poor self-organization, forgetfulness - this is what this can lead to.

To overcome this psychological illness, you must first understand its root cause.

Basically, this diagnosis is made to children at school age, and then it manifests itself even at an older age. But sometimes a symptom is diagnosed for the first time already in adulthood.

The process of the course of the disease is also unique, the symptoms of adults are categorically different from those of children.

With Wikium, you can organize the process of training concentration of attention according to an individual program

Diseases in which there is a violation of concentration

The list of such diseases includes:

  • depression;
  • hypoprosexia;
  • hyperprosexia;
  • paraprosexia;
  • epilepsy and head trauma.

Epileptics and people suffering from depression have a so-called stiff and "stuck" attention. In this case, there is a decrease in the activity of nervous processes, an inability to switch attention.

Hypoprosexia causes a weakening of concentration. Its variety is aprosexia, in which, in the case of numerous distractions, concentration and the ability to concentrate are completely absent.

An excessive concentration of a person on one thing, for example, on some actions or thoughts, is characteristic of hyperprosexia. This is the so-called one-way focus of attention.

With paraprosexia, deviations in concentration may occur, which are characterized by the appearance of delusions and hallucinations. This occurs due to the fact that the human brain is constantly tense, and this leads to such consequences.

Such an effect can be observed even in a perfectly healthy person, for example, in athletes who experience enormous moral stress.

So the runner, while waiting for the start signal, by concentrating very much attention on it, can hear the signal in his head, even before it sounds in reality.

Symptoms of impaired concentration

Poor concentration in adults takes many forms:

1) Inability to focus on one task or business. You can easily be distracted by some object or sound, which leads to switching to another object or to another task. In this case, there is a "freeze" and "wandering" of attention. A person is not able to concentrate on completing a task, does not pay attention to details, cannot focus, for example, when reading a book or in the case of a dialogue.

2) Another manifestation of the disease is the ability to concentrate on one thing. An example is listening to music or reading a book, in which we do not notice anything around. In some cases, this disadvantage can be used for work purposes, but we should not forget that this can sometimes bring inconvenience to you and others.

3) Poor self-organization, as well as constant forgetting, is a sign of poor concentration. The consequences of which are:

  • constant postponing of work tasks;
  • being late for work, etc.;
  • systematic loss of things, forgetting their location;
  • poor orientation in time, inability to estimate the approximate time of work, etc.

4) Impulsivity is another symptom of the disease. This may be accompanied by a lack of understanding of parts of the conversation, the experience of the interlocutor. You are able to first say or do, and only then consider the consequences. Tend to perform activities that can cause addiction.

5) Emotional problems can cause anger and frustration in patients. Symptoms of this form of the disease:

  • constant change of mood;
  • inability to motivate yourself and stay motivated;
  • low self-esteem, lack of perception of criticism;
  • hyperactivity;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • frequent nervous excitement.

Hyperactivity in adults is much less common than in children, and this symptom does not always indicate a violation of concentration.

If these symptoms are present, you should contact a specialist in this field for examination and clarification of problems.

The main doctors who can determine the degree of morbidity are a neurologist, a psychologist and a psychiatrist.

Only after consulting doctors can you fully determine the problems and methods of treatment, since this can be specified only in an individual case.


In connection with the reasons voiced above, it is clear that there are a lot of factors affecting the violation of concentration of attention, and they are diverse, and therefore it is impossible to give one-word advice on how to avoid this.

At the same time, prevention is in your hands. After all, we know that it is better to prevent than to eliminate the consequences. On our resource, you can take a course of exercises on concentration, with the help of which, if possible, avoid situations that require the participation of doctors.

Distracted attention is a rather serious disorder of the nervous system that any person can face. Sometimes distraction goes away on its own, and sometimes, on the contrary, it provokes even bigger problems.

Violation of attention and its accompanying symptoms can cause severe discomfort and interfere with normal life. So what is distraction and inattention from a medical point of view, how does this condition manifest itself and how to deal with it?

What is attention in terms of psychology

Attention is a concept of cognitive psychology, which represents the degree of processing of specific information that our brain receives from the environment.

Thanks to mindfulness, successful orientation of the subject in the surrounding space is ensured, and also due to it, a complete and distinct reflection in the psyche is ensured. The object of attention falls into the center of our consciousness, the other elements are perceived weakly, not clearly, but the direction of our attention may change.

Attention is of several types:

  1. random type. During the work of this type of attention, a person does not make an effort of will to concentrate, he does not even set a goal for himself.
  2. Arbitrary type. During this variety, a person makes an effort of will to focus on a specific object.
  3. Post-arbitrary type. During this type of attention, there is a decrease in volitional effort, but the goal of being attentive is maintained.

What is distraction

First of all, absent-mindedness is a state of inattention, constant forgetfulness, which constantly accompanies a person. It is worth remembering that a person is not born with absent-mindedness, he acquires it during his life.

The presence of this disorder in everyday life can lead to various problems, and sometimes quite serious ones. Communication with such people is quite troublesome, they cannot build normal relationships and they have a very hard time at work. Therefore, this condition must be treated so that it does not lead to more serious consequences.

Varieties of violation

Scattered attention can be of different types:

  • functional view;
  • poetic kind;
  • minimal kind.

functional attention disorder

Inattention of this kind can manifest itself in almost any person as a result of a monotonous and monotonous work process.

This type of failure can manifest itself due to permanent ones, as well as if a person has any illnesses.

Minimum distraction

Minimal inattention and forgetfulness is caused by the inability to focus one's attention on important objects, due to deep immersion in one's personal problems.

This type of violation occurs due to the fact that a person cannot be distracted from internal experiences. Personal experiences distract him from everything he does.

Poetic nature flies high...

With this violation of attention, a person is constantly in a state of daydreaming and fantasies. This species has no age restrictions. It refers mainly to people who have a creative nature, it is normal for them to be constantly in thought, search, reflection.

Varieties of manifestations

Distracted Attention Syndrome can manifest itself in different ways, namely:

Distracted attention - is it a disease, the psychotherapist answers:

Eh, I should be absent-minded and inattentive to live ...

Lack of attention can be caused by various reasons. To begin with, it is worth highlighting the factors of a physiological, non-pathological type that provoke inattention, exhaustion, jumps and inertia of attention:

  1. Against the background of physical and mental fatigue.
  2. With chronic lack of sleep, insomnia.
  3. In a profession that requires performing the same monotonous actions or focusing on the same object. Often the disorder of volume and weakening of attention is caused by work behind the conveyor, behind the wheel.
  4. Sometimes people of certain professions, in the course of their work, develop a habit in which they focus on the subject of their scientific research, which entails ignoring everything around them, this is the so-called inertia of attention (switchability disorder). At the same time, memory does not suffer, on the contrary, it improves, it’s just that people working in the scientific field or another field discard everything that is not necessary and try to keep their attention on the most important.
  5. Age changes. With age, especially in old people over 70, the functions of concentrating attention weaken and its disorder occurs.
  6. Sometimes strong excitement prevents you from focusing your attention, which entails a state of absent-mindedness.

Neurological and other disorders

Distractedness, forgetfulness and inattention can occur due to various diseases and disorders in the body:

Distractedness and forgetfulness in children are the main symptom of ADHD

Often absent-mindedness and forgetfulness in children and very young people is characterized by the inability to control oneself. Attention in a child depends on many psychological processes that occur in the body. At the very beginning of his journey, he needs motivation and control from his parents.

Distractedness and inability to self-control is often one of the main signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (). If a child has this disorder, then he has absent-mindedness such as “fluttering” attention. The main features of this condition are a low level of concentration and a quick involuntary switching of attention.

Causes and symptoms

Absent-mindedness and forgetfulness in young children can be provoked by seemingly harmless factors and causes:

  • various preservatives, flavors, other food additives, which are found in large quantities in modern delicacies;
  • medicines that are derivatives of salicylic acid;
  • if there is an increased craving for sweets;
  • problems with carbohydrate metabolism;
  • the occurrence of allergic manifestations to food;
  • if there is a shortage of the necessary chemical components for the child's body, especially iron and magnesium;
  • if there is an increased content in the blood of a heavy metal - lead. Its excess can lead to severe pathologies of the central nervous system and to the occurrence of mental retardation.

If a child develops ADHD, the following symptoms may appear:

  • a state of hyperexcitability, restlessness, constant fuss;
  • often switches from one occupation to another, while the previous business is not completed to the end;
  • the child cannot concentrate on one specific task;
  • he has a bad memory, jerky movements, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness.

In addition to these symptoms, you should pay attention to other signs:

Goals and methods of diagnosis

The initial stage of diagnosing in violation of attention and absent-mindedness includes the following examinations:

  1. . During the examination, the doctor should assess the state of fine motor skills, as well as identify neuralgic symptoms.
  2. Conducting a survey with the completion of the diagnostic card.
  3. Conducting neuropsychological testing. During this examination, the level of attention, intellectual abilities, performance in relation to a long task, and other conditions are assessed.

In addition, instrumental examinations are carried out and laboratory tests are given:

  • blood chemistry, at which the level of sugar, trace elements - iron, magnesium and lead is determined, the exchange of dopamine is studied;
  • genetic analyzes;
  • conducting with doppler;
  • (EEG, video-EEG) using methods (EP);
  • holding .

Package of measures

Treatment of ADHD and associated disorders should be comprehensive and should consist of the following steps:

  • behavior correction techniques;
  • psychotherapeutic methods;
  • neuropsychological correction.

Correction of absent-mindedness in a child can be carried out with the help of activities that are aimed at improving concentration. During these classes, various puzzles and logical tasks are solved. All classes must be clearly distributed over the day, while the main time must be allocated for physical activity and rest. However, if this treatment fails, other types of treatment can be used.

The main medicines that allow you to deal with absent-mindedness, forgetfulness and inattention in a child are psychostimulants that should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor:

All drugs have contraindications and side effects, so be sure to read the instructions for use before use.

During physiotherapy treatment, the following procedures are carried out:

  • laser therapy, the full course consists of 7-10 procedures, during each of which 3-5 zones of the body are irradiated;
  • UHF therapy, it consists of 8-10 procedures;
  • inhalation procedures 5-10;
  • UVI of the nasopharynx, the full course consists of 3-5 procedures;
  • a course of magnetotherapy, which consists of 8-10 procedures.

How to develop mindfulness - it will be useful for both children and adults:

What should parents of an inattentive child do?

An important role in the problems of their child with attentiveness and perseverance is played by parents. They must fulfill the following requirements:

  • be sure to adapt to the regimen of your child and constantly observe it;
  • to control that during the day the child feels calm, so that he does not have overwork, it is also not desirable that he spends a long time in front of the TV or computer screen;
  • try to interest the child in some sports games, you can sign him up in the pool, and also walk with him constantly for a walk in the fresh air;
  • it is advisable to refuse to visit places with a large crowd of people, not to invite a large number of guests.

Attention in a child must be trained from childhood, so that in the future he does not have a state of restlessness, loss and absent-mindedness. It is desirable to interest him in various educational games. Even in infancy, you need to show different toys and name them so that he can already focus on them.

If suddenly you have already noticed signs of an attention disorder in your child, then it is necessary at the initial stage to begin to develop attentiveness and purposefulness on your own.

Buy educational games, constructor, mosaic. The child must develop perseverance, and each lesson must be completed to the end, and to facilitate this process, parents must help him in this.

distraction can do a lot of trouble. At best, we put salt in tea instead of sugar or leave something from the purchases in the store, at worst, we forget documents at home, going on a long journey, or buy a ticket for the wrong plane we need. If you suffer from scattered attention, then such situations can haunt you at every turn. Where does distraction come from? How to deal with it? Let's try to answer these questions for you.

Types of absent-mindedness

Good attention makes our lives much easier - we always know what we have already done and what is yet to be done, we remember all the necessary phone numbers in case the mobile phone unexpectedly sits down or the money runs out on its account, we foresee the possible development of events. With scattered attention, everything is different - we are like blind kittens poking from corner to corner, getting confused in the mass of daily affairs, but we still do not have time to do anything. Absent-mindedness is different - at least three types can be distinguished.

  1. The first variety has nothing to do with diseases and is rather inborn human trait- this is an elementary inability to concentrate and high distractibility. Most often, such distraction of attention is inherent in children, but, growing up, many do not part with this misfortune and remain just as inattentive at a conscious, serious age. It is difficult for such people to organize their work and life, they lack punctuality and they often learn extremely important information very poorly, so they usually fail to attend serious positions.
  2. The second type of distraction is closer to people of science. They are so focused on their thoughts that external factors lose their meaning for them and exist, as if in another dimension. It is usually difficult for such people to switch from their thoughts to something extraneous or another thought, they often answer inappropriately and get into the most absurd funny situations.
  3. The third view is closer to physiological disorders- age and functional distraction. People who suffer from it are not always able to fully perceive what is happening, make the right decisions and consistently implement it.

Reasons for scattered attention

At scattered attention there could be many reasons. Let's look at the most common of them.

  • A number of physiological reasons associated with the general overwork of the body are lack of sleep, a busy work schedule, and protracted illnesses.
  • The development of this condition is often facilitated by taking certain medications, alcohol abuse, and smoking.
  • Sometimes such a symptom can indicate hormonal changes in the body - during pregnancy, PMS, menopause or thyroid diseases.
  • Psychological disorders in the human mind - stress, depression, neurosis, panic attacks.
  • Age-related changes that inevitably occur in the body.
  • Diseases and pathologies of the brain.
  • Lack of iodine in the body.
  • Characteristic trait of a person.

It happens that a person thinks that he has scattered attention, when he can differ in other abilities (more active).

Distracted people are often active. This is not a pathology, but a character trait. You can change, if you know what to change in yourself, then you see your attention will improve.

A person can be distracted due to prolonged stress / worries, depression. If you have been somewhat absent-minded since childhood, it means that you have slow or bad processes in the brain, and puzzles and active games can help with this.

Answer the questions in front of you:

  • Are you satisfied with yourself? (except care)
  • Are you sad often?
  • Do you feel lonely?
  • Do you have difficulty waking up in the morning and daytime sleepiness?
  • Do not always understand what they want to say to you?
  • Do you often answer in fragments (not expanded)?

If many answers coincide, then the reason is in the metabolic processes of the head.

How to restore attention?

Since this violation brings a lot of trouble and trouble in life, it is imperative to take measures to restore attention.

If the reasons are more or less clear to you, you can develop your own plan for improving attention, depending on the type of absent-mindedness.

What needs to be done?

  • First, consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of functional changes in the body.
  • Organize your daily routine- Go to bed on time, do not lie in bed until dinner. If you have such a need, then allocate half an hour - an hour for daytime sleep.
  • Eat Right– eat enough food containing folic acid and iodine. Increase your intake of complex carbohydrates, they will fuel your brain and make it easier for you to focus.
  • Take care of yourself, make a to-do list and cross off the already completed ones from it.
  • Ventilate the room you are in regularly. A sufficient amount of oxygen activates brain activity.
  • Psychologists have long proven that color has a huge impact on the mental processes and mood of a person. In order to invigorate the brain, use bright household items, writing, and sometimes clothes. Just do not overdo it - an abundance of bright colors can cause irritability.
  • Smells also tend to affect our memory and perception of what is happening. Perfectly invigorate the smell of lemon or other citrus fruits.
  • Chocolate and nuts have long earned the fame of a real brain activity activator. Therefore, a couple of slices of chocolate and a handful of nuts daily are simply necessary for you.
  • If you feel that you are overtired and cannot collect your thoughts, then massage the auricle. Massage should be continued for at least one minute. You will be surprised, but some clarity will appear in your head.
  • Practice solving puzzles, solve equations.

About Attention:

» You can focus on two or more things at the same time, or only one.

» Be able to switch attention quickly or slowly.

People start millions of notebooks every day so as not to forget about shopping, dry cleaning, important numbers and books. As a result, they themselves forget where they put the notebooks, instead of learning how to improve their memory. Thanks to simple techniques and tests, a person is able to significantly increase the level of memory and attention. In order to recognize people who casually greet you, to easily remember the names of the heroes of your favorite books, we offer you interesting, useful material on how to quickly improve your memory.

Ways to improve memory at home

There are several proven, user-friendly techniques and important areas for development. This:

  1. Good fantasy. Associate numbers with objects, plants, animals.
  2. Repeat, but do not cram as for an exam! There is a fine line between these processes, which is important not to cross. Think about what you repeat, otherwise, by memorizing, you will remember what you need for a short period. A short process will work.
  3. Correct concentration. Concentrate on the memorization itself. Reflect, pay attention to the process, draw an analogy with the facts from your life experience.
  4. Movement is life! Good blood circulation of the body activates brain activity, mental processes. Walk, dance, play sports.
  5. Eat right. Compliance with the rules of healthy nutrition, a good daily diet has a positive effect on how to develop memory. Eat vegetables, cereals, eggs, fish, seafood to facilitate memory processes and concentration.

Medications to improve memory and brain function

Drugs that improve memory, attention, brain activity:

  1. Mildronate. With a decrease in mental and physical performance, the over-the-counter drug Mildronate 250mg has proven itself well, which optimizes the metabolism inside the cells of the body during stress, protects them from damage. The use of Mildronate helps to overcome the consequences of mental and physical overload, increase the effectiveness of sports and intellectual training, and in general, improve the quality of life. It is important to take the course of the drug, which is 10 - 14 days.
  2. Aminalon. The action of the tablets is aimed at improving mental activity. After taking the course of the drug, memory improves, mental activity and psychostimulation are stimulated, all brain processes are optimized. The drug added to the list of drugs that help children restore speech, stop the inhibition of mental development.

  3. Vitrum memory. Vitamins in the form of tablets that improve memory, mental abilities, correct speech disorders. Vitrum presents vitamins, medicines for improving memory, which also work for the development of vision. The vitamin complex contributes to the flow of glucose and oxygen to the brain. The composition of the blood is normalized thanks to the medication, metabolic processes and concentration of attention increase.
  4. Intelan. Preparations for memory and attention are produced in the form of syrup and capsules. It has the properties of stimulating long-term brain activity. Indications for taking the drug are: impaired memory, a drop in concentration, tinnitus, constant fatigue of the body, stress background, depression, nervous disorders, tension, frequent dizziness.
  5. Folk remedies

    Traditional medicine also practices its own ways to increase memory. Recipes of folk remedies:

    1. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka into a half-liter jar of clover heads. The jar is closed, put to infuse in a dark place. For two weeks, the jar needs to be shaken daily. After this time, the liquid is poured into a bottle with dark glass, corked. An infusion of herbs is taken 3 weeks after dinner or at bedtime for a tablespoon. After the course, you need to take a three-week break, and then re-take the tincture. The tool will improve memory, normalize intracranial pressure.
    2. Boost your memory with a sage-mint infusion. Dry crushed leaves are mixed one tablespoon in a thermos. Boiling water (2 cups) is added to the leaves, left overnight. In the morning, the mixture is filtered, consumed half an hour before meals once a day. For one dose of the drug, a dose of 50 ml is calculated. Thanks to the tincture, the nervous system comes into tone, and memory and attention improve.

    Memory Improvement Products

    Pay attention to your daily diet, does it include helper foods for nourishing the memory and brain? These include:

    1. Fish and nuts, rich in vitamins - they share the first place among such products.
    2. They are followed by berries: cranberries and blueberries, which retain a huge amount of antioxidants that affect memory sharpness, visual analyzer and attention.
    3. Sage improves memory due to its oily structure, so it should be added to tea periodically.
    4. Carrots slow down the transition to old age, so at least at three years, at least after 50 years, drinking vitamin carrot juice is not only tasty, but also healthy.
    5. Dark chocolate is very useful for brain function, increasing attention, and a very small piece is enough to restore working strength.


    1. Vitamin E - will provide serious preventive measures against the deterioration of attention. Found in nuts, seeds, eggs, brown rice, lettuce, parsley, dill, oatmeal, liver.
    2. Vitamin B1 - is responsible for cognitive processes and high-quality memorization. It will be possible to make up for the lack of substance with the help of meat, oatmeal, buckwheat, peas and nuts.
    3. Vitamin B2 - replenishes the body with the energy necessary for work. Cabbage, tomatoes, peas, almonds, brewer's yeast contain the most important element.
    4. Vitamin B3 - energy in nerve cells is controlled by this vitamin. Chicken meat, yolk, buckwheat, fish will replenish vitamin B3.
    5. Vitamin B5 – Many delicious foods are filled to overflowing with this memory booster. Caviar, liver, eggs, cabbage, milk, cheese retain a lot of useful substances.
    6. Vitamin B6 - increases intellectual abilities and memory. They are rich in potatoes, nuts, bananas, cabbage.
    7. Vitamin B9 - the level of memorability and speed of thinking depend on it. The central nervous system acts under the influence of folic acid. To increase the level of vitamin in the body, you should eat dairy products, apricots, pumpkin, cheese, meat.
    8. Vitamin B12 is a regulator of body activity at all times of the day. You can find it in fish, poultry meat, beef.
    9. Vitamin C - you can get a powerful antioxidant not only in a pharmacy, but also by eating citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, apricots, spinach.
    10. Vitamins K, D, P are indispensable for the full functioning of the brain, good memory and developed attention. They are present in nuts, broccoli, zucchini, cabbage, green tea.

    Exercises to train memory and attention

    Memory needs constant training with the help of simple exercises and developmental processes. How to develop photographic memory, is it easy to operate with a large amount of information? There are such exercises:

    1. Learn poetry or prose - this is the best food for memory and brain. Do not teach thoughtlessly, discuss the meaning of the work.
    2. Associate items you need to remember with those you already know well. An example of such associations is the well-known phrase: "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits."
    3. Focus on the subject to be remembered. After five seconds, close your eyes, imagine the image of the object, its shape, shape, color. Develop your attention by remembering the smallest details.

    In adults

    How to improve memory as much as possible, to tighten attention when the age is already approaching the elderly? Simple exercises will help to cope with forgetfulness, increase concentration, and activate brain activity. Gymnastics for the development of memory will be a great way to improve your skills and abilities in your 20s, 30s and after 40s. Learn to think abstractly and memorize well thanks to the video lesson!

    In children

    Your baby forgets the necessary information after a minute, and it’s impossible to say anything good about good attention? How to develop a child's memory, a specialist will be able to answer. The video presents special games for the development of extraordinary thinking. They also contribute to good memory, concentration of attention in the child. An experienced psychologist will introduce you to activities that are recommended for younger students. How to improve your child's memory through mnemonic games? Let's prepare the child together with professionals!

Surely you have come across the fact that you need to work, but you can’t concentrate. The brain is "switched off". Of course, such an isolated case suggests that you should take a break. But recurring in doctors is called a cognitive disorder.

Cognitive dysfunction is a condition associated with reduced concentration and absent-mindedness. As a result, short-term memory suffers.

Memory and attention are the most important abilities of a person, which consist in obtaining information and storing it. Attention is responsible for receiving information, and memory is responsible for saving it. However, often these necessary skills undergo changes not for the better. Many adults, and even children, periodically suffer from cognitive impairment. But we won't leave it like that, will we?

Therefore, in order to understand how to prevent and treat such conditions, it is worth knowing their “roots”. That is why our topic today concerns such a widespread deterioration in memory in people and the reasons for which there is a decrease in concentration, what to do in this case, of course, is also interesting to us. So let's start the review.

Causes of cognitive impairment

Memory is the preservation of what a person once experienced with the help of the senses: saw, heard or felt. After the irritant disappears, the person puts the received “grains” of information into special “boxes” in the brain, thereby not forgetting what happened to him.

This mechanism fails for a variety of reasons. The ability to remember can be lost in the following cases:

Asthenic conditions: daily stresses, turning into depression, overwork, hypovitaminosis;
- strong nervous outbursts and experiences;
- dependence on alcohol, damage to brain structures due to its use (poor or impaired circulation in the blood brain);
- effects of drugs;
- Poisoning of the body with aluminum, mercury, cadmium, pesticides, carbon monoxide, cigarette smoke;
- The susceptibility of electromagnetic fields of the TV screen, mobile phone, Wi-Fi.
- digital amnesia (not the desire to remember).

Why does a person's mindfulness decrease?

Attention and memory are interrelated, since the former plays a significant role in remembering and reproducing the information and knowledge received. The second follows from the first: people who have decreased the ability to concentrate and notice what they need suffer from memory impairment. A person misses current actions, words or sensations, and as a result, remembers what is happening much worse.

There are several types of attention disorder:

Insufficient concentration
Switching slowness
Decreased stability

With insufficient concentration, a person cannot concentrate on something for a long period of time. In this situation, purposeful cognitive activity becomes very difficult for a person.

With slow switching, it is difficult for the patient to shift his attention from one object to another, to be distracted from the topic, to distribute his attention between different types of activities.

Attention instability is characterized by the fact that a person is not able to focus on a matter that requires a long-term perspective or long-term concentration. This can often be seen in children who become distracted while trying to complete homework or sit in class.

Since attention and memory are closely related, the causes of their violation are largely similar. Attention can also be disturbed due to negative emotions, nervous breakdowns, mental exhaustion, stress and overwork. These changes are functional and take place in a short time. Treatment is not required here.

Organic violations are much more serious. They are expressed in the defeat of the nervous system and the cerebral cortex by various pathologies. It can be tumors, traumatic brain injury, mental illness. This is most common in older people. This phenomenon is quite stable.

What to do?

With organic lesions, it is impossible to delay treatment, and therefore it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

With everything else, “everything is simple”: it’s enough to rest more, drink alcohol in moderation or completely eliminate it, learn to resist stress and take care of your health, want to remember. Let me break down what I said a little.

So, in order to remove stress, you need to perceive everything as a game of “adult uncles”.
Regular exercise, yoga classes are required to improve blood circulation.
You need to find the sources of poisoning of the body by renting various dosimeters for a while, and take a blood test.
Air purifiers-ionizers "super-plus-eco-s" will protect you from the smoke of neighbors' cigarettes
Try to keep your mobile phone 1.5 meters away from you most of the time. Communicate with its use as little as possible.
Use the same smartphone to measure the levels of Wi-Fi networks around you at home and at work. Determine the place where the signal is minimal.
Take into account the studies voiced by Yuri Namestnikov, an expert at Kaspersky Lab, which reflect the fact of the emergence of "digital amnesia". The survey showed that current Russian and European gadget users do not want to remember information. It is more convenient for them to remember where it can be found on their "brain extension" (digital device) ... You can independently study the photo for the article that displays this study. Let me just say that only 40% of people try to remember the answer they once read to their question, but the rest immediately look for it on the Internet, read it, make a conclusion on the situation and immediately forget it as something extra clogging the brain. As a result of such an attitude to his brain, a person becomes distracted and can forget something really important. This phenomenon can be fought, but first it must be recognized. Next, you need to find motivation for yourself to remember.

This is something you can do at any time.

Why is motivation important?

Motivation is an important component in remembering information. A person understands that the information received by him in various ways will still be needed for one purpose or another, therefore it is simply impossible to forget them. In the 20s of the last century, this was proved by conducting an experiment: a group of experimental subjects better fixed in memory those actions that had not yet been completed. They needed to finish them later - this was the motivation to remember the information. If a person is in asthenic states or depressed, then his thought processes slow down, and the motivational component almost completely disappears, which causes problems with memorization and reproduction.

short term memory

This part of the mechanism has a small volume and, accordingly, its ability to store information is also small: the smallest is 3 seconds, the maximum is three days. However, it is much more vulnerable than long-term memory. The reason for this is that her role is key. How it functions will determine how a person perceives what is happening here and now. If it is struck, then the person will hardly perform daily activities and learn anything.

What to do if attention and memory become worse?

Before you begin to return your ability to remember what you need and notice everything around, to its former course, you should identify the root of evil and only after that begin to eradicate it. Many diseases and conditions are a source of further problems, including human abilities. If you do not start working in this direction, it will be difficult to achieve lasting results. Some of what you can do has already been said above.

Special treatment and prevention of deterioration of attention and memory

For those who suffer from impaired memory and attention, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, walk more often in the fresh air, play sports and do not forget about feasible work. Active activities contribute to the blood supply to the brain, and also make health stronger, which is important in order to train lost skills.

Do not shut yourself off from the world and stop communicating with people. If a person maintains relationships with loved ones, then he will have motivation, because everything that he sees, feels or hears will be important to him.

Intellectual activity has a positive effect on a person's ability to think. This includes solving crossword puzzles, reading, studying the computer and various hobbies;

If memory impairment is closely related to emotions, then you should change the psychological climate in the family and at work, try to avoid stressful situations and get enough sleep;

Take care of your health and limit the use of drugs.

Nutrition and memory decline (what to do to eliminate cognitive dysfunction)

The main rule is a balanced diet. All the necessary vitamins and minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be supplied to the patient's body. In no case should you “sit down” on low-calorie diets - the reverse process will begin from the lack of necessary substances and you will not be able to achieve positive results.

The most useful products for memory and attention disorders are those that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids and iodine. These are:

Sea fish (fatty varieties);
bread made from coarse grains;
pumpkin seeds;

Do not forget about the consumption of water, as its lack negatively affects the activity of the nervous system. The consumption rate is 2 liters per day.

If you do not forget about these simple rules, then you will never have to face this problem and consult a doctor. The main thing is to always remember about a healthy lifestyle and try not to overstrain the nervous system. And still we recommend to address to the endocrinologist and the neurologist. Know that in the arsenal of physicians there is transcranial therapeutic magnetic stimulation - a method that will help “wake up” inactive parts of the brain.



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