How to clean scratches from sunglasses. How to remove scratches from sunglasses

For storage of glasses, special cases are provided that protect the lenses from scratches. However, many people neglect this accessory. As a result, glasses are often subjected to mechanical impact from the outside, and over time, numerous scratches appear on the lenses. This not only makes the appearance of the product untidy, but can also damage your eyesight.

You can eliminate defects on glasses glasses at home using improvised means: wax, toothpaste, furniture polish and window cleaning spray.

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    Ways to fix scratches

    In most cases, removing shallow scratches from glasses is not difficult. First of all, you need to wipe the product with a special soft cloth, which is usually included in the kit, or a cloth for computer monitors. The choice of further means will depend on the material from which the glasses are made.

    Methods for polishing watch glass from scratches and other damage at home

    plastic glasses

    You can remove scratches from plastic lenses (both for sunglasses and for swimming) using a special abrasive gel, which is sold in optics stores. It is necessary to apply it to the surface of the lenses, and then wipe it with an alcohol wipe that comes with the kit.

    You can also use the tools available at home.

    wood polish

    You need to spray the glasses with polish, then take Vaseline and rub the lenses with it.

    Polish for copper and silver

    The algorithm of actions is the same as in the previous method: you need to distribute the polish over the surface of the glasses and rub it in places of scratches.

    Spray for computer

    To restore the health of computer disks in services, a special tool is often used. It also copes with minor damage to the lenses.

    After applying the liquid and wiping for some time, the lens surface should be cleaned with a soft cloth.


    To eliminate scratches, a paste without abrasive particles, such as children's, is suitable. It is necessary to apply a small amount of it on the finger, the size of a ball, and rub it in a circular motion into the scratches. Then the treatment sites are wiped with a damp cotton swab.

    If the scratches are too deep, the procedure should be repeated a few more times.


    For polishing plastic lenses, you can use the wax used in the repair and restoration of the car body. This substance must be rubbed in a circular motion into places with scratches and scuffs until the damage becomes invisible.

    Wax residues must be removed from the surface with a soft cloth or piece of cotton wool.

    Glass washer

    Some especially ingenious motorists use car washer to restore the appearance of plastic glasses. It repels moisture and smoothes out microscopic irregularities.

    In addition, lenses treated with this agent will fog less.

    glass glasses

    To polish glasses with glass lenses, you can use the methods described above using polishes, toothpaste and computer cleaner.

    The most popular method of cleaning glass glasses is treatment with GOI paste. It can be purchased at hardware stores.

    Paste GOI

    This tool is made on the basis of chromium oxide and will help get rid of defects on glass surfaces. The following items will also come in handy:

    • The polishing material is cloth.
    • Microfiber.
    • Felt, felt.
    • Sander.
    • A piece of cotton.
    • A little vegetable oil.

    It is necessary to fix a felt nozzle lubricated with GOI paste on a grinder and polish the surface of the glasses at medium speed. Every few minutes, the device must be turned off so that the mechanism does not overheat. After grinding, the glass is smeared with vegetable oil and polished with a dry cloth. If there is no place to take a grinder, you can apply manual polishing. To do this, apply GOI paste to the fabric and gently rub it into the glass surface in a circular motion. It is important that the substance is evenly distributed over the surface. After processing, remove the remnants of the composition with a dry cloth.

Scratches on glasses are an unpleasant discovery for many people. Besides the fact that such a defect distorts visibility, it also spoils the wearer's vision. In cases where the lenses of the accessory are made of plastic, scratches can be polished with home remedies that are at hand. You will no longer need to buy new glasses or repair old ones for fabulous money. It makes sense to consider the important aspects in order and give practical recommendations. So let's get started.

How to remove small scratches on glasses

Removing small scratches that are formed in the process of light friction of the lenses with the surface is quite simple. Before proceeding with the procedure, wipe the glasses with a special cloth for PC monitors or LCD screens. You can also use the cloth that comes with the glasses.

  1. Toothpaste. To remove small scratches, take a toothpaste without abrasive particles (any children's or Black Pearl will do). Apply a small amount of the composition to the surface of the lenses, walk with a cosmetic sponge in light circular motions, do not press hard. After all the manipulations, rinse the paste with cold water. In the case of deep scratches, you will have to repeat the steps 2-3 times.
  2. Drinking soda. If you don't have a non-abrasive toothpaste on hand, use a baking soda-based formula. Dilute the bulk composition with filtered water at room temperature so that a pasty mass is obtained. Spread the product over the area with scratches, rub with a microfiber cloth or cosmetic swab.
  3. Scratch paste. In the salon of optics you can buy a special gel for polishing lenses. As a rule, the cost varies from 220 to 500 rubles, it all depends on the manufacturer. The technology of using the product is quite simple: apply the gel on the surface of the lenses, wipe with a special alcohol wipe (included). Some manufacturers recommend keeping the paste for some time, start from the instructions.
  4. Polish for silver / copper. In cases where the above compositions were not effective enough, use a silver or copper polishing paste. The tool can be purchased at a jewelry or antique store, the pricing policy is relatively low (about 250 rubles). To use the composition, spread it on the lenses in a thin layer, then wipe with a microfiber cloth or a piece of velvet cloth. It is important to always remember that the copper / silver polish should not get on the frame of the glasses, otherwise you will ruin it.
  5. Wax for polishing cars. It is not uncommon for scratches to not disappear after using the above methods. A similar feature is typical for deep creases that can be filled artificially. For this purpose, purchase wax for polishing cars (for example, "Turtle Wax"), use it according to the instructions. The tool fills not only deep scratches, but also microcracks. After polishing, clean the lenses with an alcohol-soaked cloth. Repeat simple actions 1 time in 5-7 days. Optionally, you can replace the car polish with furniture wax.

The above remedies are effective in the case of minor scratches. If the lens coating has become cloudy from the resulting defects, a more colossal approach, such as removing the top layer, will be required. It is important to understand that after the procedure, the glasses will be without protection, while the procedure is only suitable for working with plastic. This is especially true for PC accessories and sunglasses.

  1. First of all, wipe the lenses with a special glass cloth soaked in an alcohol solution. After that, dry the lenses with a microfiber cloth, lift the glasses higher to examine the scratches.
  2. Visit a store that sells art supplies and craft kits. Purchase an abrasive composition for glass parts, turn the bottle over, study the “Composition” column. The agent must contain hydrofluoric acid, the main purpose of which is the dissolution of glass. Since your lenses are made of plastic, this effect will not occur. However, you can remove the top layer without affecting the main part of the lens.
  3. When working with the material, be sure to protect the skin of the hands, respiratory tract and eyes (if possible). Remove the lenses from the frames of your glasses to make your task much easier. Prepare a glass or plastic container in which the procedure will be carried out. Make sure that the container is not used for storing food in the future.
  4. Scoop a small amount of the composition onto a cosmetic swab or sponge, apply an even thin layer on the coating, place the lenses in a container. Leave for a certain period (the exact time is indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions). As a rule, it is about 2-3 minutes, no longer.
  5. Remove excess composition with a cosmetic sponge or cotton pad, rinse the lenses with cold water. Wipe dry, wipe with a piece of velvet cloth. Insert the lenses into the frame, evaluate the result. If the effect is not enough, use a polishing compound designed specifically for glasses.

After the procedure, purchase a special protective film for lenses in the optics salon, it will prevent further scratches. Carry your glasses in a case and wipe them regularly with a microfiber cloth. Fill cracks with car polish or furniture polish. Consider folk recipes based on toothpaste or baking soda. Buy polish for copper or silver, in extreme cases, remove the coating with glass abrasive.

Video: perfect glasses cleaning in 3 minutes

Both sun and optical lenses are susceptible to scratches. Glasses require careful and careful handling, but still no one is immune from minor damage to them. Seeing a scratch, do not panic. There are many ways to remove scratches from glasses. If the damage is minor, the situation is usually fixable.

Neglect of glasses often leads to scratches on their surface, which distort the image, cause eye fatigue and cause visual impairment. It is best to store glasses in a special case that protects the product from external influences. Recommendations can be made on:

  1. If you notice damage, you should contact the optician. Perhaps a specialist can help remove the flaw from the lens.
  2. If scratches are found with an enviable frequency, you need to ask the optics about a special protective coating.
  3. In no case should scratches be removed from uncleaned lenses, which must be thoroughly rinsed before the procedure.

If the anti-reflective coating is damaged, it must be removed completely. This will greatly improve visibility. When trying to solve the problem, it is important not to damage the lenses further.

In order not to aggravate the situation, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • do not use paper and refuse products that contain abrasive particles;
  • avoid sudden movements;
  • prepare lenses for polishing by washing them with warm soapy water.

Before starting the procedure, it would be useful to ask what recommendations the manufacturer gives for the care of the product.

If you are going to clean glasses from scratches, you need to allocate enough time for this procedure, because it requires patience and great care. It doesn't matter which glasses are polished. To remove scratches from sunglasses or for vision, the same methods are used. Only the lens material is important. So, one method is used for glass, and another for plastic.

Toothpaste, soda and GOI

If you need to get rid of minor damage to the glass, you can use improvised means. For example, felt and ordinary toothpaste that does not contain abrasive particles are quite suitable for this purpose. You will also need chalk crushed to a powder.

The procedure is carried out step by step:

  1. It is necessary to cover the material with a small amount of toothpaste.
  2. Polishing is carried out with smooth circular motions. You can apply the product to the felt more than once.
  3. You can not take a paste that contains solid particles. They can damage the lens surface even more.

Instead of toothpaste, you can take chalk. It is slightly wetted with water and polishes glasses with the help of a cloth. Finally, the glass lenses are washed with warm soapy water. If a non-abrasive paste was not at hand, you can try using soda:

  1. It is necessary to dissolve soda in such an amount of water to achieve a thick slurry.
  2. When the paste is ready, you will need to take a small amount and apply it to the felt.
  3. Soda is rubbed in a circular motion in the area where it is necessary to remove scratches on the glasses.
  4. The remains of the product should be washed off with warm soapy water.

When you have managed to polish the scratches on the glasses, you need to let the lenses dry in the air. At the end, they are gently wiped with a microfiber cloth.

You can also use GOI paste. Its consistency is different, this makes it possible to successfully use the product in order to polish glass. The paste demonstrates high efficiency, but it is important to follow the correct sequence of actions when polishing. If the lenses are screwed to the frame, it is best to remove them.

A small amount of GOI is applied to felt or thick cloth, and the glass is placed on top. The damaged side should face the fabric material. The surface is polished in a circular motion. The more serious the damage, the more time it will take to eliminate it.

At the end of the procedure, you need to wash the glass and insert it back into the frame. This is a great way to deal with minor damage. To eliminate more serious scratches, you will have to use a grinder and car polishing paste. The method is shown only when working with glasses without protective coatings, because the surface is completely polished.

plastic lenses

If it’s possible from glass, then in the case of plastic it’s not so easy to do it. As a rule, plastic lenses have an additional protective coating, which is damaged during polishing. If the coating is removed, then such lenses will be vulnerable to new scratches.

Before starting the procedure, you need to clean the plastic well using microfiber. A special abrasive containing hydrofluoric acid is applied to the lens. She removes the top coat and the scratches disappear. It is important to understand that this method is shown exclusively for plastic material. If such a manipulation is done with a glass lens, its surface will be hopelessly damaged. Be sure to wear protective gloves. At the end, the glass is thoroughly washed in cold water.

Since this method involves the complete removal of the anti-reflective coating, it is only a temporary help. In the future, it's still better to get new glasses. The method also copes with the elimination of scratches on sunglasses, because their lenses are usually made of plastic. In this case, you will also need to use an abrasive with hydrofluoric acid.

You should not just forget that it is imperative to remove dirt from the glasses. After cleaning the lenses, you should act in accordance with the described algorithm. If the coating is of poor quality, it is likely to become unusable. Then it will need to be completely removed with a cream.

You can also hide microcracks with transparent nail polish. It almost does not stand out on the surface and boasts durability. A little varnish is applied to the damaged areas. Then the affected areas are wiped with cotton material. When the surface becomes smooth, it is necessary to leave the lenses for a few minutes so that the varnish can dry completely. To eliminate single scratches, an ordinary toothpick is perfect, a colorless varnish is applied to it, and the scratched places are carefully filled.

You can use a spray that returns the performance of computer disks. The tool is often used in services. It works great for minor scratches. You need to apply liquid to the plastic and wipe it, then wipe the lens with a soft cloth.

other methods

Wax will help polish plastic lenses, which is usually used in the repair and restoration of the car body. The agent is rubbed into the scratched places until the scratches are no longer noticeable. Wax residues are removed with a soft cloth or cotton.

Polish for silver and copper is also quite suitable. This substance can be found in a store or bought online. It is necessary to spray the product on the lens, rub it and remove the remnants with a clean, dry cloth. The manipulation should be repeated until the problem disappears completely.

You can also find wood polish at the hardware store. The substance is sprayed onto glasses, which are then rubbed with Vaseline. You need to rub until the desired result is obtained.

Those who are not afraid of experiments should try the glass washer. Some especially ingenious drivers use it to restore the look of their glasses. The tool has good water-repellent properties and remarkably smooths out small irregularities. Interestingly, after such processing, the glasses will fog up less.

In order for the glasses to last longer and not be scratched ahead of time, you must follow simple rules for operation and care. You need to wear glasses in a hard case or a special bag. When choosing a model, you should pay attention to those that have a protective coating against damage. If possible, you should purchase an additional pair of films. When needed, the owner of the glasses will be able to glue them himself.

If you see ugly scratches on the lenses, you can try to polish the glasses glasses at home, but it’s better to contact an experienced specialist who is qualified in this matter. Such a master can be found in the optics store where the glasses were bought. Often, opticians agree to remove scratches for free. When purchasing glasses for a child, it is important to explain to him the simple rules for handling a delicate product. Then it will last longer.

By following these simple rules, you can extend the life of your glasses. It is important to remember that they must not be thrown in inappropriate places, and must also be carried in a case and wiped with a special material. If a scratch appears, this is not a reason to refuse the product and rush to get a new one. Most often, the situation is fixable, and the problem can be easily dealt with at home.

Almost everyone has glasses. Even if a person cannot complain about poor eyesight, in sunny weather you have to protect your eyes from bright light and wear sunglasses. And many, paying tribute to fashion, order stylish transparent glasses without diopters.

But during operation, a useful accessory can become scratched, which has a bad effect not only on its appearance, but also on the vision of the person who wears it. What to do in this case, do not throw away practically new glasses?

Scratches on glasses are an unpleasant fact. A properly selected accessory with diopters is constantly needed by its owner, but even because of such a small defect, the functionality of the lenses is reduced.

Few people want to change lenses that are suitable in all respects, but you can’t continue to use them - this is harmful to the eyes and often leads to headaches. For this reason, it is important to know how to remove scratches yourself. For this you will need:

  • a small piece of soft cloth (fabrics such as felt, felt or microfiber are suitable);
  • abrasive substances for removing small scratches (GOI paste or car polishing paste);
  • Sander.

Let's take a closer look at how these things can be used to remove scratches from the surface of the glass.

How to remove scratches from eyeglasses

To get rid of scratches on glasses, you follow the following procedure:

  • Apply GOI paste or an abrasive for cars to the fabric and polish the lenses with gentle movements. It will take a long time to do this manually, at least 30 minutes. But after such polishing, the glasses will look like new.
  • If the scratch is quite deep, after applying the paste, take a grinder, install a felt or foam rubber nozzle and sand the scratched surface at medium speed.
  • At the end of polishing, treat the lenses with any vegetable oil. To do this, simply drop it on a cloth and wipe the glasses on both sides.

If you do not have a grinder at home, then an electric razor with a linear drive may well replace it. Of course, you will have to tinker a lot, but the result is worth it. The process of grinding with a razor should be carried out in this order:

  • Remove the foil from the electric shaver.
  • Cut out of a soft cloth for wiping computer monitors, you need a small piece of a round shape.
  • Fold the fabric in half and attach it to the blade. This can be done with a silk thread.
  • After that, the razor can be turned on and polished. Be very careful to make sure that the tissue paper is securely attached or you will scratch the glass even more.
  • After 2-4 minutes, the polishing process must be completed. Do not do this longer, in this case there is a high probability of damage to the glass.

If you are unable to remove scratches from glasses in this way, it is better to contact a specialist.

How to remove scratches from sunglasses

Sunglasses are as susceptible to damage as prescription glasses. Minor defects from the glass can be removed with improvised means that you will definitely find at home.

Toothpaste or baking soda

Paste in a small amount is applied to the glass (make sure that it does not have a whitening effect). Then, using a soft cloth, rub it over the surface of the lens. As a result of these actions, delicate grinding of glass occurs.

Then rinse the goggles under running water and dry with a soft cloth.

The same effect can be achieved with the use of soda. Before starting processing, it must be mixed with water so that a thick slurry is obtained, and polished with a cloth.


It will help to remove a scratch and polish for wood or glass, which includes wax. To correct blemishes with this product, apply it to your lenses and gently rub it into the lenses with a piece of soft cloth.

As a result of manipulations, the scratches will be filled with transparent wax and will not be visible. In addition, the cracks that have appeared will not spread further.

If you have copper and silver polish, you can use that too to combat scratches. Glasses are treated with a polishing composition, and then wiped dry. Repeat the procedure until the scratches are no longer noticeable.

CD Polishing Spray

This tool can be purchased at any computer store, with its help, minor defects are eliminated from the surface of the disks.

Polish the glass with a spray, strictly following the instructions on the package. Use a dry cloth to remove any residue.

Car polish or glass cleaner

You can easily get car polish wax and glass washer at any car store. Any of these tools will perfectly cope even with very minor damage to the lenses.

Rub wax or glazing fluid into your eyeglass lenses until all cracks are completely filled. Wipe off any remaining substance with a clean cloth.

Colorless nail polish

Clear lacquer can fill small cracks in the lenses. Apply it to the damaged surface, and use a cotton cloth to wipe the glass for several minutes.

The varnish will remain in the cracks and will not leave marks on the glasses, and the damage will no longer be noticeable.

Your lenses are not made of glass and you don't know how to remove scratches from glasses with plastic lenses? You can use the same methods that are used to restore sunglasses.

It doesn't matter what kind of glasses you wear - with prescription glasses, sunglasses, with plastic or glass lenses. The main thing is to treat the accessory with care, store it in a special case and then it will serve you for a long time.



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