How do hormones affect a woman's body? Gynecologist's commentary on the abortive mechanism of action of hormonal contraceptives. Important female hormones

The hormonal background literally controls the female body throughout life. A lot depends on the excess or lack of this or that hormone: mood and well-being, the condition of the skin and hair, libido, and even the possibility of conception. Over the years, hormonal changes occur in the body. How can it be alleviated and how to keep hormones under control, knowing what each of them is responsible for?

The effect of female sex hormones on the body: estrogen

We rarely think about how hormones affect our body. These chemical compounds are released in very small quantities. They cannot be seen or touched. However, a lot depends on their excess or lack.

The level of estrogen determines whether a woman can conceive and bear a child. In addition, it reduces the risk of heart disease, is responsible for the elasticity, cleanliness of the skin, the absorption of salts by the body and their excretion.

One of the best known sex hormones is estrogen. During puberty, there is a sharp increase in its production and content in the body, from which the figure becomes more feminine. In addition, it is responsible for firmness, elasticity and cleanliness of the skin, the appearance of acne, hair health, and mood. Reduced levels of the hormone leads to irascibility and aggressiveness, nervousness, irritability and hyposexuality. The lack of the hormone is also reflected in the appearance, there is increased hair growth in the more typical areas of the body for men, overweight. A high estrogen content, as a rule, is observed in women of short stature, active and temperamental. With an average estrogen content, the fair sex is balanced, calm and feminine, the skin is in excellent condition, without acne, menstruation passes without severe pain.

How do hormones affect a woman's appearance?

The most important beauty hormones are:

  • thyroxine - directly affects the fullness in women, regulates the functioning of the nervous system, and peace and harmony in the soul is the key to a beautiful appearance and well-being;
  • oxytocin - produced during uterine contractions; if we are talking about sexual pleasure, then a woman becomes attached to a partner, seeks to surround him with care; if it is childbirth, then the production of the hormone contributes to the awakening of love for the child;
  • somatotropin - is responsible for the harmony and flexibility of the body, maintains shape, promotes the development of muscle mass;
  • androgens - more male hormones, in the female body are responsible for arousal; an increased level will provoke changes in the figure - breast reduction, weight gain and hairline.

Hormones are the strongest natural regulators of body health and body beauty. All our systems are completely subordinate to the hormonal fund. In this regard, it is very important not to torture the body with diets, not to subject it to severe stress. You have to love and pamper yourself.

Harmony and health

Various nervous surges, experiences cause hormonal imbalance, so if a woman takes care of her appearance and health, first of all, she should find harmony in her soul. A healthy and happy body will repay in the same coin - beauty.

The effect of hormones on a woman's body: signs of their excess or lack

Hormones have a significant impact on a woman's libido and sexuality.


Responsible for the reproductive function:

  • progesterone - responsible for the development of the egg and its placement in the uterus; a decrease in the level will be indicated by the absence of ovulation, uterine bleeding, inflammation, problems with gestation; about an overabundance - pain in the ovaries, violation of the cycle, prolonged depression;
  • luteinizing hormones (LH) - help the formation of the follicle; increased levels cause problems with the pituitary gland, kidney disease; decrease - disruption of the pituitary gland, anorexia;
  • FSH is the main component in the formation of libido; an increase or decrease in the level will be indicated by the absence of menstruation, or vice versa, severe bleeding during menstruation, infectious diseases of the genital tract;
  • prolactin - responsible for the formation of milk and promotes the development of the sex glands; with an overabundance, the chest swells, aches, hurts, severe migraines, joint pains are observed; a shortage will be indicated by excessive sweating, thirst;
  • thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) - regulates the activity of the thyroid gland, is responsible for the active functioning of the reproductive system, controls the functioning of blood vessels, the heart, and the nervous system; it has a particularly significant effect on the ability to conceive and bear, its low content can lead to serious disorders in the ovaries, miscarriage, and infertility.

From a young age, our body is under the strongest influence of hormones. During menstruation, conception, premenopause, women experience strong hormonal surges.

How to check hormone levels?

To check the level of hormones in the female body, special blood tests help. If a deficiency or excess is detected, the endocrinologist prescribes treatment. During hormonal disruptions, insomnia or excessive hair loss can occur, so you should not rush to the pharmacy for sleeping pills and medicinal masks. It is better to visit a doctor who will prescribe a diet or medication. For example, when there are noticeable signs of premenopause, it is recommended to use foods containing soy, as well as vitamin E. However, all this is individual and, first of all, depends on the characteristics of the organism. You can make an appointment with a doctor, take tests for the level of SHBG, TSH and other female hormones, get advice from a qualified specialist by clicking on the link

Often overweight people say: “I don’t eat much, I’m on diets, I count calories, I go to the gym, but the weight doesn’t go away. If with great difficulty I lose weight by 2-3 kg, then with the slightest relaxation, the lost kilograms return again. Why can't I lose weight. What to do, what is the reason?

We understand the causes of excess weight with a dietitian-endocrinologist. Cause of being overweight- this is not only a well-known imbalance between calorie intake and energy expenditure. There can be several reasons for extra pounds, and at the same time, in order to lose weight, you will need to minimize the influence of each of them.

6 important reasons for being overweight

1. Overeating

Nutritional abundance, the easy availability of high-calorie foods, leads to a large intake of carbohydrates (fast and long) and fats (animal and vegetable), which potentially provide the body with a large amount of energy. High-calorie foods include bakery products, pasta, sweets, margarines, vegetable and animal oils, etc.

So that unspent energy does not turn into fat, but body fat- this is just a reserve substance, from which, if necessary, the body takes energy for life support, the energy received from food must be burned.

2. Physical inactivity

Energy can be burned only in muscle and nervous tissue. Insufficient muscular or intellectual work when overeating high-calorie foods inevitably leads to the deposition of excess energy in the fat depot.

3. Violation of the digestive tract

The lack of enzymes, probiotics, vitamins, digestive juices, which are able to digest food with high quality, leads to the fact that the signal to the brain about saturation comes late, the person retains a feeling of hunger even when he has eaten enough food. As a result, a person overeats and gets extra pounds.

4. Violation of the water balance of the withdrawal of toxic substances

Kidney dysfunction, increased levels of toxins, such as uric acid, metabolites, lead to edema, friability, excess weight.

5. Violation of the number of trace elements

Lack of chromium and iodine. The work of organs and systems for energy utilization and fat formation depends on these elements.

6. Hormonal disorders

What are hormones

Hormones are substances that are secreted by certain cells of our body and carry signals to all organs and systems, i.e. provide a balance of the internal state of the body.

Often, uncontrolled weight gain is associated with hormonal disorders, thyroid dysfunction, changes in the level of gonadal hormone and other hormones.

Overweight and thyroid

The thyroid gland is the main organ responsible for metabolic processes in the body. Disruption of the thyroid gland directly affects the metabolism. Reduced production of thyroid hormone leads to a slowdown in metabolism and excess weight, and increased, on the contrary, to weight loss.

Critical periods for weight gain

Dangerous periods when excess weight can quickly gain are periods of formation and restructuring of the hormonal system: puberty, pregnancy, post-abortion, menopause.

Factors and conditions that provoke weight gain

Man is a social being, and therefore, it is impossible not to take into account the lifestyle and other factors that affect the hormonal background of the body, metabolism and body weight.

These factors lead to a sharp change in the hormonal balance of the body. Hormones responsible for the distribution of energy in the body begin to be insufficiently or incorrectly produced. As a result, there is an accumulation of excess fat, an increase in body weight.

Overweight and heredity

Completeness is not inherited. Genetic predisposition happens to certain disorders in the body, which in turn can provoke weight gain.

What hormones are responsible for normal weight

1. Insulin

Insulin is the main fat-burning hormone, energy-producing, storing fat. Insulin affects the functioning of the entire endocrine system, the breakdown of fats, the synthesis and delivery of amino acids, vitamins, minerals to body tissues, and the formation of muscles.

Insulin is a pancreatic hormone that controls the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body. When glucose levels rise, insulin is released, which is supposed to give energy to cells from glucose, and if there is a lot of glucose, insulin stores its excess in fat.

fluctuations in insulin levels affect appetite and hunger. Longevity and mood of a person largely depend on the level of insulin.

How to check your insulin level

The level of sugar (or rather glucose) in the blood is an indirect sign of the level of the hormone insulin. The analysis, popularly called "blood for sugar", is taken from a finger in the clinic during the annual medical examination.

At home, you can monitor your blood sugar levels with a portable glucometer. If more accurate information is needed, the doctor will prescribe additional tests for the hormone insulin and glycated hemoglobin.

Normal blood sugar

In medicine, for a healthy person, the norm of fasting blood sugar is from 3.2 to 5.5 mmol / l. Some modern sources increase the upper limit of blood glucose to 5.8 mmol / l.

After a meal, blood glucose levels up to 7.8 mmol / l are allowed. If blood sugar is above these values, diabetes is diagnosed.

Foods that affect blood sugar

The level of glucose / sugar in the blood largely depends on what kind of food we eat.

For example, foods called "fast carbohydrates" quickly increase insulin production. These include: sugar, all kinds of sweets, bakery and confectionery products, potatoes, rice, vodka, etc.

Vegetables, greens, unsweetened fruits are “long carbohydrates” with a lot of fiber. These are also carbohydrates, but glucose from these products is absorbed slowly, insulin levels do not fluctuate sharply, and there are no bouts of hunger.

By eliminating or reducing the amount of such foods from the diet in time, you can reduce high blood sugar to normal.

In a pre-diabetic state, to normalize sugar, it is good to conduct daily fasting on water.

2. HGH

Growth hormone is produced in the brain and is responsible for the growth and proportions of the body, and also regulates the accumulation of fat.

A large amount of growth hormone is produced in children during adolescence, forms the body. At this time, the growth hormone converts all fat and energy into the energy of muscle mass and into the energy of growth. Therefore, teenagers can eat large portions and not get better.

With a reduced level of growth hormone, adolescents are short and overweight. Therefore, it is important to check the rate of growth hormone in short, overweight children and adolescents, especially in boys with female-type obesity.

Comment : In some countries, obesity in the elderly is treated with growth hormone for indications.

How to Increase Growth Hormone Levels

Physical activity, strength training stimulates the production of growth hormone.

Since growth hormone is produced from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m., it is important to go to bed on time. Therefore, folk wisdom says: "Children grow in their sleep."

Teenagers with low levels of growth hormone should be excluded from the diet of chicken, fast food. From preparations, dietary supplement Colostrum is recommended.

3. Testosterone

Testosterone- male sex hormone fat burning hormone in men.

During the work of the muscles, because. fats are burned only in the muscles, with proper nutrition, testosterone transfers the energy of food and fat into muscles.

That is, the formula is correct: Physical activity, strength training + Adequate protein intake = Fat burning, muscle building.

Male obesity is treated with testosterone.

Women are not prescribed testosterone, because. along with an increase in muscle mass, it will cause a decrease in the production of female hormones, problems with childbearing, the formation of a female breast, and the growth of unwanted hair. In addition, estrogens are produced, including in adipose tissue, so it is impossible to strive to remove all fat, especially at an older age.

Summary: Targeted muscle building is good for men and boys, moderate strength training is more suitable for girls and women.

4. TSH thyroid stimulating hormone

The thyroid gland is the main regulator of metabolism. Thyroid hormones also regulate reproductive activity, the work of the heart and blood vessels; psycho-emotional states.

The lack of thyroid hormones in the blood of the thyroid gland leads to a reduced metabolism, which, in the absence of compensatory treatment, leads to weight gain.

How are the hormones TSH, T4, T3 interrelated.

The thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH is produced by the pituitary gland. It regulates the synthesis of thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland (T4 and T3).

With a lack of thyroid hormones in the blood, the pituitary gland increases the secretion of TSH, which stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones.

Conversely, if there is a lot of thyroid hormone in the blood, TSH synthesis is reduced to reduce the stimulating effect on the thyroid gland.

TSH norm

The norm for adults and adolescents over 14 years of age is 0.27–3.8 μIU / ml. (in some laboratories, these values ​​​​may vary slightly).

With the initial detection of a deviation from the norm, it is recommended to repeat the analysis and consult an endocrinologist.

What causes thyroid disorders

Lack of iodine in the body, stress, infectious diseases, hormonal changes can cause malfunctions in the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

According to statistics, in 80% of cases of obesity - this is endocrine obesity, i.e. caused by thyroid dysfunction.

5. Cortisol - the stress hormone

The hormone cortisol is secreted by the adrenal glands under the influence of adrenocorticotropic hormone and is responsible for storing fat in the body. The adrenal glands are regulated by a small gland inside the brain, the pituitary gland, which produces adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

An excess of cortisol or adenocorticotropic hormone is one of the causes of obesity and a symptom of the presence of a possible hormone-producing adrenal or pituitary tumor.

In addition to the fact that a long stay in a stressful state destroys the hormonal balance of a person, stresses seize and drink high-calorie foods and drinks, as a result, insulin rises sharply, and excess glucose is safely stored in the form of fat.

Doctor's advice: with incomprehensible forms of obesity, a significant increase in the volume of the face, it is imperative to check the level of cortisol.

6. Estrogen

Estrogen - female sex hormone, secreted by the ovaries. A low level of estrogen in combination with a low level of thyroid hormones, in almost 100% gives excess weight, which does not go away on diets.

With a lack of estrogen, male-type obesity is characteristic - testosterone obesity, i.e. excessive deposition of fat on the abdomen, shoulders, additional hair growth.

Therapist Angelique Panagos talks about how our hormones play a big role in our health and happiness levels, as well as how to keep our hormone levels normal.

How do hormones affect our body and how do we feel about them?

Are hormonal imbalances causing you concern? Remember, you are not alone. Hormones are involved in many things, and in order to feel good, you must regulate the amount in your body. If you do everything right, you will be healthy and vigorous. Let's see what role hormones play.

Unfortunately, gaining weight and staying energized is much more difficult than you might imagine. The struggle "calories vs hormones" sometimes goes beyond all limits. Many people are strenuously following the recommendations of doctors, dieting just to see how the extra pounds go. It's true that our hormones have a stronger effect than calories alone, as they decide what your body does with food. For example, low hormone levels estradiol(hormone-based estrogen) can cause you to open the fridge more often - and usually not in search of fruit.

Hormones are closely linked to sleep and may be the cause of insomnia.

Have you ever been unable to fall asleep for several hours? If you are lying in bed and feeling exhausted, but you cannot close your eyes and find yourself in the realm of Morpheus, then the problem may be in the hormones! It's time to pay attention to your adrenal glands. The glands contained in them produce the stress hormone - cortisol, helping you "in battle". You see, stress is a life of constant worry.

You can remove stress and enjoy life. For many of us, it seems easy to live in constant tension - especially in metropolitan areas. But stress has its own say, it has power over other bodily functions, and hormone imbalances can either make you sleepy or make you want to sleep all the time.

High cortisol levels can even raise your blood sugar, weaken your thyroid. Also in his "power" is the ability to block the production of other hormones, such as progesterone. A low level of the latter leads to estrogen dominance and is the cause of the appearance of fat in the abdomen.

Read also:

Photo: YinYang

How does flour affect hormone levels?

Speaking of baking, you first need to talk about the hormone - insulin. It plays a vital role by regulating blood sugar, the glucose that is used as fuel. Insulin kicks in as soon as we eat and should (at least in theory) balance our blood sugar levels. However, things don't always go so smoothly! We eat sugary foods so often, getting too much glucose from our receptors, that we have become insulin resistant. Eventually, excess sugar is stored as fat in the body. In addition, it can lead to type 2 diabetes, so it is very important to keep insulin in the normal range.

Hormones affect the quality of life ... or not?

Testosterone is a male hormone, right? Did you know that women also need a healthy testosterone balance? We hear a lot about testosterone when we usually talk about men.

Answering this question, we will say that absolutely all hormones affect our lives and can affect everything - from your sex drive to.

Photo: PeopleImages

Hormones are responsible for our anxiety

For each of us, anxiety means different things. It can range from restlessness and irritability to real aggression and breakdowns. Regardless of what you are experiencing, it is important to remember that you are not alone with your problem.

Anxiety is a chronic form of stress that causes the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Of course, today we do not face such dangers as a hungry lion, but our body goes through the same physiological changes when we are stressed or filled with anxiety. Over time, sustained high levels of cortisol can create a hormonal imbalance by increasing blood sugar and insulin levels.

By working on your stress addiction, you lower your blood sugar levels and eventually you calm down as you move from nervous breakdowns to a quieter life.

But hormones are not only pessimism…

Hormones make you feel love...

Mutual feelings of a loved one make us happier. Level oxytocin, the “love” hormone, increases when a mother breastfeeds and whenever we hug a loved one. It is also produced during sex. We have to watch our hormones and if something gets out of control, we need to see a specialist.

Photo: wundervisuals


Of course, in this article we have touched only the basics. A more detailed description of hormones and their functions is much more complicated, but we want you to know at least the basics of how hormones interact with each other. Remember, don't underestimate how abnormal hormonal rhythms can actually take a toll on your life. Stress and lack of sleep can be harmful, so we need to try to relax and get enough sleep so that our hormones work for us, and not against.

There are many quality ways to produce the hormone of happiness in our body, however the best way starts with a balanced diet and maintaining normal blood sugar levels. Eat meals rich in protein, healthy fats and lots of greens. Avoiding refined foods as well as other hormonal irritants like caffeine and alcohol? You are on the right track!


The human body is very complex. In addition to the main organs in the body, there are other equally important elements of the entire system. Hormones are one of these important elements. Since very often this or that disease is associated precisely with an increased or, conversely, underestimated level of hormones in the body.

Let's figure out what hormones are, how they work, what their chemical composition is, what are the main types of hormones, what effect they have on the body, what consequences can occur if they do not function properly, and how to get rid of pathologies that have arisen due to hormonal imbalance.

What are hormones

Human hormones are biologically active substances. What it is? These are chemicals that the human body contains, which have a very high activity with a small content. Where are they produced? They are formed and function inside the cells of the endocrine glands. These include:

  • pituitary;
  • hypothalamus;
  • epiphysis;
  • thyroid;
  • epithelial body;
  • thymus gland - thymus;
  • pancreas;
  • adrenal glands;
  • sexual glands.

Some organs can also take part in the production of the hormone, such as: kidneys, liver, placenta in pregnant women, gastrointestinal tract and others. The hypothalamus, a small outgrowth of the main brain, coordinates the functioning of hormones (photo below).

Hormones are carried through the blood and regulate certain metabolic processes and the work of certain organs and systems. All hormones are special substances created by the cells of the body to affect other cells in the body.

The definition of "hormone" was used for the first time by W. Bayliss and E. Starling in their works in 1902 in England.

Causes and signs of hormone deficiency

Sometimes, due to the occurrence of various negative reasons, the stable and uninterrupted work of hormones can be disturbed. These unfortunate reasons include:

  • transformations within a person due to age;
  • diseases and infections;
  • emotional interruptions;
  • climate change;
  • unfavorable environmental situation.

The male body is more stable in hormonal terms, unlike female individuals. Their hormonal background can periodically change both under the influence of the general causes listed above, and under the influence of processes that are unique to the female sex: menstruation, menopause, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and other factors.

The following signs indicate that a hormone imbalance has arisen in the body:

  • weakness;
  • convulsions;
  • headache and ringing in the ears;
  • sweating.

Thus, hormones V body a person is an important component and an integral part of his functioning. The consequences of hormonal imbalance are disappointing, and treatment is long and expensive.

The role of hormones in human life

All hormones are undoubtedly very important for the normal functioning of the human body. They affect many processes occurring inside the human individual. These substances are inside people from the moment of birth until death.

Due to their presence, all people on earth have their own, different from others, growth and weight indicators. These substances affect the emotional component of the human individual. Also, over a long period, they control the natural order of increase and decrease of cells in human bodies. They coordinate the formation of immunity, stimulating it or suppressing it. They also put pressure on the order of metabolic processes.

With their help, the human body is easier to cope with physical exertion and any stressful moments. So, for example, thanks to adrenaline, a person in a difficult and dangerous situation feels a surge of strength.

Also, hormones to a large extent affect the body of a pregnant woman. Thus, with the help of hormones, the body prepares for successful delivery and care of the newborn, in particular, the establishment of lactation.

The very moment of conception and in general the entire function of reproduction also depends on the action of hormones. With an adequate content of these substances in the blood, sexual desire appears, and with a low and missing to the required minimum, libido decreases.

Classification and types of hormones in the table

The table shows the internal classification of hormones.

The following table contains the main types of hormones.

List of hormones Where are produced Hormone Functions
Estrone, folliculin (estrogens) Ensures the normal development of the female body, hormonal background
Estriol (estrogens) Sex glands and adrenal glands It is produced in large quantities during pregnancy, is an indicator of fetal development
Estradiol (estrogens) Sex glands and adrenal glands In the female: ensuring reproductive function. In men: improvement
endorphin Pituitary gland, central nervous system, kidneys, digestive system Preparation of the body for the perception of a stressful situation, the formation of a stable positive emotional background
thyroxine Thyroid Provides proper metabolism, affects the functioning of the nervous system, improves heart function
Thyrotropin (thyrotropin, thyroid stimulating hormone) Pituitary Influences the functioning of the thyroid gland
thyrocalcitonin (calcitonin) Thyroid Provides the body with calcium, ensures bone growth and regeneration in various types of injuries
Testosterone Testes of men The main male sex hormone. Responsible for the function of male reproduction. Provides the ability of a man to leave offspring
Serotonin Pineal gland, intestinal mucosa Hormone of happiness and tranquility. Creates a favorable environment, promotes good sleep and well-being. Improves reproductive function. Helps improve psycho-emotional perception. It also helps relieve pain and fatigue.
Secretin Small intestine, duodenum, intestine Regulates the water balance in the body. It also depends on the work of the pancreas.
Relaxin Ovary, corpus luteum, placenta, uterine tissue Preparation of a woman's body for childbirth, the formation of the birth canal, expands the pelvic bones, opens the cervix, reduces uterine tone
Prolactin Pituitary Acts as a regulator of sexual behavior, in women during lactation prevents ovulation, the production of breast milk
Progesterone Corpus luteum of a woman's body pregnancy hormone
Parathyroid hormone (parathyroid hormone, parathyrin, PTH) Parathyroid Reduces the excretion of calcium and phosphorus from the body with urine in case of their deficiency, with an excess of calcium and phosphorus, it deposits it
Pancreozymin (CCS, cholecystokinin) duodenum and jejunum Stimulation of the pancreas, affects digestion, causes a feeling
Oxytocin Hypothalamus Labor activity of a woman, lactation, manifestation of a sense of affection and trust
Norepinephrine adrenal glands The hormone of rage, provides the body's reaction in case of danger, increases aggressiveness, enhances the feeling of horror and hatred
epiphysis Regulates circadian rhythms, sleep hormone
melanocyte-stimulating hormone (intermedin, melanotropin Pituitary Skin pigmentation
luteinizing hormone (LH) Pituitary In women, it acts on estrogens, ensures the process of maturation of follicles and the onset of ovulation.
Lipocaine Pancreas Prevents fatty liver, promotes the biosynthesis of phospholipids
Leptin Gastric mucosa, skeletal muscles, placenta, mammary glands Satiety hormone, maintaining a balance between intake and expenditure of calories, suppresses appetite, transmits information to the hypothalamus about body weight and fat metabolism
Corticotropin (adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH) hypothalamic-pituitary region of the brain Regulation of the functions of the adrenal cortex
Corticosterone adrenal glands Regulation of metabolic processes
Cortisone adrenal glands Synthesis of carbohydrates from proteins, inhibits lymphoid organs (action similar to cortisol)
Cortisol (hydrocortisone) adrenal glands Maintaining energy balance, activates the breakdown of glucose, stores it in the form of glycogen in the liver, as a reserve substance in case of stressful situations
Insulin Pancreas Maintaining a reduced blood sugar value, affects other metabolic processes
Dopamine (dopamine) Brain, adrenal glands, pancreas Responsible for getting pleasure, for regulating vigorous activity, for improving memory, thinking, logic and ingenuity.

It also coordinates the daily routine: time for sleep and time for wakefulness.

Growth hormone (somatotropin) Pituitary Provides linear growth in children, regulates metabolic processes
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) Anterior hypothalamus Participates in the synthesis of other sex hormones, in the growth of follicles, regulates ovulation, supports the formation of the corpus luteum in women, the processes of spermatogenesis in men
Chorionic gonadotropin Placenta Prevents the resorption of the corpus luteum, normalizes the hormonal background of a pregnant woman
Glucagon Pancreas, mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines Maintaining blood sugar balance, ensures the flow of glucose into the blood from glycogen
Vitamin D Leather Coordinates the process of cell reproduction. Influences their synthesis.

Fat burner, antioxidant


(antidiuretic hormone)

Hypothalamus Regulation of the amount of water in the body
Vagotonin Pancreas Increased tone and increased activity of the vagus nerves
Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) gonads Provides the creation of a system of reproduction, spermatogenesis and ovulation.
Androstenedione Ovaries, Adrenals, Testicles This hormone precedes the appearance of hormones of enhanced action of androgens, which are further converted into estrogens and testosterone.
Aldosterone adrenal glands The action is to regulate the mineral metabolism: it increases the sodium content and reduces the composition of potassium. It also raises blood pressure.
Adrenocorticotropin Pituitary The action is to control the production of adrenal hormones.
Adrenalin adrenal glands It manifests itself in emotionally difficult situations. Acts as an additional force in the body. Provides a person with additional energy to perform certain critical tasks. This hormone is accompanied by feelings of fear and anger.

The main properties of hormones

Whatever the classification of hormones and their functions, they all have common features. The main properties of hormones:

  • biological activity despite low concentration;
  • action distance. If the hormone is formed in some cells, then this does not mean at all that it regulates these particular cells;
  • limited action. Each hormone plays its strictly assigned role.

The mechanism of action of hormones

Types of hormones have an impact on the mechanism of their action. But in general, this action lies in the fact that hormones, being transported through the blood, reach the cells that are targets, penetrate into them and transmit a carrier signal from the body. In the cell at this moment there are changes associated with the received signal. Each specific hormone has its own specific cells located in the organs and tissues to which they aspire.

Some types of hormones attach to receptors that are contained inside the cell, in most cases, in the cytoplasm. These species include those that have lipophilic properties of hormones and hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Due to their lipid solubility, they easily and quickly penetrate into the cell to the cytoplasm and interact with receptors. But in water, they are difficult to dissolve, and therefore they have to attach to carrier proteins to move through the blood.

Other hormones can dissolve in water, so there is no need for them to attach to carrier proteins.

These substances affect cells and bodies at the moment of connection with neurons located inside the cell nucleus, as well as in the cytoplasm and on the membrane plane.

For their work, an intermediary link is needed, which provides a response from the cell. They are presented:

  • cyclic adenosine monophosphate;
  • inositol triphosphate;
  • calcium ions.

That is why the lack of calcium in the body has an adverse effect on the hormones in the human body.

After the hormone has transmitted a signal, it breaks down. It can split in the following places:

  • in the cell to which he moved;
  • in blood;
  • in the liver.

Or it can be excreted from the body with urine.

The chemical composition of hormones

According to the constituent elements of chemistry, four main groups of hormones can be distinguished. Among them:

  1. steroids (cortisol, aldosterone and others);
  2. consisting of proteins (insulin and others);
  3. formed from amino acid compounds (adrenaline and others);
  4. peptide (glucagon, thyrocalcitonin).

Steroids, at the same time, can be distinguished into hormones by sex and adrenal hormones. And the sexes are classified into: estrogen - female And androgens - male. Estrogen contains 18 carbon atoms in one molecule. As an example, consider estradiol, which has the following chemical formula: C18H24O2. Based on the molecular structure, the main features can be distinguished:

  • in the molecular content, the presence of two hydroxyl groups is noted;
  • according to the chemical structure, estradiol can be determined both to the group of alcohols and to the group of phenols.

Androgens are distinguished by their specific structure due to the presence in their composition of such a hydrocarbon molecule as androstane. The variety of androgens is represented by the following types: testosterone, androstenedione and others.

Name given to chemistry testosterone - seventeen-hydroxy-four-androsten-trione, A dihydrotestosterone - seventeen-hydroxyandrostane-trione.

According to the composition of testosterone, it can be concluded that this hormone is an unsaturated ketoalcohol, and dihydrotestosterone and androstenedione are obviously products of its hydrogenation.

From the name of androstenediol, information follows that it can be classified as a group of polyhydric alcohols. Also from the name you can draw a conclusion about the degree of its saturation.

Being a sex-determining hormone, progesterone and its derivatives, in the same way as estrogens, is a female-specific hormone and belongs to the C21 steroids.

Studying the structure of the progesterone molecule, it becomes clear that this hormone belongs to the group of ketones and that its molecule contains as many as two carbonyl groups. In addition to the hormones responsible for the development of sexual characteristics, steroids include the following hormones: cortisol, corticosterone and aldosterone.

If we compare the formula structures of the types presented above, then we can conclude that they are very similar. The similarity lies in the composition of the nucleus, which contains 4 carbo-cycles: 3 with six atoms and 1 with five.

The next group of hormones are amino acid derivatives. Their composition includes: thyroxine, epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Peptide hormones are more complex than others in their composition. One such hormone is vasopressin.

Vasopressin is a hormone formed in the pituitary gland, the value of the relative molecular weight of which is equal to one thousand eighty-four. In addition, in its structure it contains nine amino acid residues.

Glucagon, located in the pancreas, is also one of the types of peptide hormones. Its relative mass exceeds the relative mass of vasopressin by more than two times. It is 3485 units due to the fact that in its structure there are 29 amino acid residues.

Glucagon contains twenty-eight groups of peptides.

The structure of glucagon in all vertebrates is almost the same. Due to this, various preparations containing this hormone are created medically from the pancreas of animals. Artificial synthesis of this hormone in laboratory conditions is also possible.

A greater content of amino acid elements include protein hormones. In them, amino acid units are connected into one or more chains. For example, the insulin molecule consists of two polypeptide chains, which include 51 amino acid units. The chains themselves are connected by disulfide bridges. Human insulin has a relative molecular weight of five thousand eight hundred and seven units. This hormone has homeopathic significance for the development of genetic engineering. That is why it is produced artificially in the laboratory or transformed from the body of animals. For these purposes, it was necessary to determine the chemical structure of insulin.

Somatotropin is also a type of protein hormone. Its relative molecular weight is twenty one thousand five hundred units. A peptide chain consists of one hundred and ninety-one amino acid elements and two bridges. To date, the chemical structure of this hormone in the human body, bull and sheep has been determined.

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