Medicinal electrophoresis. Electrophoresis with potassium iodide: indications

There are many physiotherapy procedures that help speed up the recovery and rehabilitation process for diseases of the internal organs. One of the most effective methods of treatment that has a beneficial effect on the patient's condition is the procedure of electrophoresis with iodine.

Electrophoresis is a therapeutic manipulation in which the human body is exposed to a constant electric current, which has a general therapeutic effect and facilitates the penetration of medicines through the skin and mucous membranes. During the procedure, charged particles enter the body through the space between cells, sebaceous and sweat glands.

The bioavailability of the drug used in this manipulation is 2-10% of the amount applied to the pad. However, in this case, the medication is injected directly into the affected area. This leads to the fact that the substance accumulates in the "sore spot" in an elevated concentration, significantly higher than the dose received by injection or oral route.

Indications for carrying out

Electrophoresis is a painless effective manipulation that can be prescribed even to pregnant women and young children. This physiotherapy is widely used as part of the complex treatment of many therapeutic, neurological, gynecological and traumatological diseases.

The treatment course consists of several sessions, the number of which is determined by the doctor individually. Doctors prescribe the procedure for:

  • Diseases of the respiratory system: pneumonia, pleurisy, acute and prolonged bronchitis, bronchiectasis.
  • ENT pathologies: rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, gastric and intestinal ulcers, damage to the pancreas and liver, inflammation and stones in the gallbladder, colitis.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels: arterial hypertension, hypotension, angina pectoris, varicose veins of the lower extremities, atherosclerosis.
  • Electrophoresis in gynecology is part of the therapy for: endometriosis, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, vaginitis, cervicitis.
  • Pathologies of the genitourinary system in men: prostatitis, inflammation of the bladder, urethritis, pyelonephritis.
  • For injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system: cracks, fractures, inflammation, dislocations and subluxations, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.
  • Neurological pathologies: neuritis, trigeminal neuralgia, migraine, headache, vertebral hernia, paresis and paralysis.
  • Skin lesions: acne, psoriasis, trophic ulcers, bedsores, cicatricial changes, dermatitis.

Also, electrophoresis is prescribed during the recovery period after major operations to accelerate wound healing and scar formation.


The essence of electrophoresis is the directed movement of charged particles that make up the drug, perpendicular to the direction of current flow. To do this, special pads impregnated with a solution of medicines are placed on the patient's skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus.

Depending on the technology of applying specialized electrodes, there are several options for the introduction:

  1. Percutaneous - the most common way.
  2. Bath - in which the affected area, most often a limb (arm or leg), is placed in a container filled with the necessary drug.
  3. Cavitary - with it, one of the electrodes and a solution of the drug are introduced into the hollow organs (uterus, bladder, stomach). Another electrode is placed on the skin during the procedure.
  4. Interstitial - the most commonly used in the treatment of respiratory pathologies. The solution with this method enters the body by injection or ingestion, after which the electrodes are placed over the pathological focus.

For electrophoresis, many drugs are used. Only the attending physician or specialist physiotherapist can choose the necessary medication, duration and frequency of therapeutic effects after a thorough examination of the patient.

Features of the procedure

It is important to remember that the degree of therapeutic effect depends on the route of administration of the drug and its degree of absorption. Also, the efficiency of electrophoresis is influenced by factors such as:

  • Age and health status of the patient.
  • Place of physiotherapy.
  • The duration of the treatment effect.
  • Current strength, charge and size of ions.
  • Individual sensitivity to the drug.

The doctor can choose the most effective medicine only after a thorough examination and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis. The procedure itself can be carried out only during the period of convalescence and recovery after an illness.

Contraindications for carrying out

You need to know how the method of electrophoresis with potassium iodide and indications, as well as contraindications to it. This procedure has a pronounced therapeutic effect due to the effect of electric current and the drugs themselves. That is why there are a number of contraindications to this manipulation, which must be excluded before prescribing a treatment course to the patient. These include:

  1. Malignant neoplasms.
  2. The patient has a pacemaker.
  3. Pathology of the blood coagulation system.
  4. Skin diseases and injuries - eczema, wounds, abrasions and scars at the site of the proposed electrode application.
  5. Exacerbation of inflammation or underlying pathology.
  6. Increase in body temperature.
  7. Current intolerance and individual sensitivity to the drug.

Many women who are prescribed a long course of physiotherapy procedures are interested in the question "is it possible to perform electrophoresis during menstruation?" Doctors do not recommend electrophoresis if the electrodes are applied over the uterus and ovaries, as this can provoke a violation of the cycle. In other cases, the procedure can be carried out, since menstruation is not a pathology.

Electrophoresis with preparations of iodine, magnesium and copper

Potassium iodine, calcium iodide and other drugs are most often used during electrophoresis. Procedures with potassium iodide are widely used for:

  • Arthrosis and arthritis.
  • Spondylosis.
  • Fibrous and bone changes around the joints.
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Iodine solutions have an effective "resolving effect" in lesions of large and small joints, which has made them the most popular drugs used for electrophoresis in traumatology and rheumatology.

Magnesium preparations show effectiveness in damage to the nervous system, neuritis, neuralgia, as well as in various pathologies of cerebral vessels.

Solutions with copper and zinc are used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of infertility in order to stimulate the ovaries.

The use of physiotherapy in gynecology

Obstetrician-gynecologists prescribe electrophoresis for adhesions, cycle disorders, inflammation localized in the pelvic organs. It is important to remember that it is permissible to carry out the procedure only in the subacute period and during recovery.

Electrophoresis is also effective during the gestation period, since it is harmless to the baby, painless and effective method of treatment. The procedure is prescribed for:

  1. Increasing the tone of the uterus.
  2. The threat of premature birth.
  3. Gestosis.

In this case, the electrodes are placed in the neck-collar area. It is permissible for pregnant women to carry out electrophoresis with potassium, it is necessary to introduce elements and vitamins. The composition of the solution used in the procedure is selected by the doctor in each case individually.

Electrophoresis is an effective and painless procedure that has earned many positive reviews. Many patients note a rapid improvement in overall well-being and the elimination of unpleasant symptoms after undergoing a course of physiotherapy.

Thank you

Electrophoresis - definition and physical essence of the process

The term "electrophoresis" consists of two parts - "electro" and "phoresis", where "electro" means electric current, and "phoresis" is translated from Greek as transfer. electrophoresis represents the movement of charged particles (ions) in an electric field created by an external source. The physical process of electrophoresis today has a wide application in various industries. Most often it is used as a physiotherapy procedure, and in research methods for the separation of biological substances.

Medical procedure - drug electrophoresis

Electrophoresis, as a medical procedure, is also called iontophoresis, ionotherapy, ionogalvanization, or galvanoionotherapy, all of which refer to the same process. With regard to medical practice, electrophoresis is a method of electrotherapy, which is based on the effects of direct current and the action of drugs delivered using the same current. The delivery of various medicines using this method is called drug electrophoresis. Today, in medical practice, several types of electrophoresis are used, in which various electric currents are used.

For drug delivery by electrophoresis, the following currents are used:
1. Direct (galvanic) current.
2. diadynamic currents.
3. Sinusoidal modulated currents.
4. fluctuating currents.
5. rectified current.

The principle of operation of drug electrophoresis

Electrophoresis is based on the process of electrolytic dissociation. A chemical that is a drug breaks down into ions in an aqueous solution. When an electric current is passed through a solution with a medical preparation, the ions of the drug begin to move, penetrate the skin, mucous membranes, and enter the human body.

Ions of the medicinal substance penetrate into tissues mostly through the sweat glands, but a small amount is able to pass through the sebaceous glands. The medicinal substance after penetration into the tissues through the skin is evenly distributed in the cells and interstitial fluid. Electrophoresis allows you to deliver the drug to the shallow layers of the skin - the epidermis and dermis, from where it can be absorbed into the blood and lymph through microvessels. Once in the bloodstream and lymph flow, the drug is delivered to all organs and tissues, but the maximum concentration is maintained in the area of ​​drug administration.

The amount of drug that can be absorbed into the tissues from the solution during the electrophoresis procedure depends on many factors.

The main factors affecting the degree of absorption of the drug when delivered by electrophoresis:

  • degree of dissociation;
  • the size and charge of the ion;
  • solvent properties;
  • the concentration of a substance in a solution;
  • electric current density;
  • the duration of the procedure;
  • the person's age;
  • condition of the skin;
  • general condition of the body.

Therapeutic effects of drug electrophoresis

A drug delivered to the body by electrophoresis acts by several mechanisms:
1. Reflex mechanism (ionic reflexes).
2. Humoral (systemic) mechanism.
3. local mechanism.

The reflex component of the therapeutic effect of the drug is formed due to indirect influences. The humoral component has a systemic effect due to the penetration of the drug into the bloodstream and lymph flow, and influences many organs and tissues. The local effect of electrophoresis is due to the high concentration of the drug at the injection site.

Electrophoresis has the following therapeutic effects:

  • anti-inflammatory - anode;
  • dehydrating (promotes the release of fluid from the tissues and the descent of edema) - the anode;
  • anesthetic - anode;
  • soothing - anode;
  • vasodilator - cathode;
  • relaxing (especially in relation to muscles) - cathode;
  • normalization of metabolism, nutrition of organs and tissues - cathode;
  • secretory (production and release of biologically active substances into the blood) - cathode.

The advantages of electrophoresis over methods of drug administration through
mouth, intravenously or intramuscularly

Electric current allows you to activate physico-chemical and metabolic processes, as well as cellular interactions in the tissues of the body. Administration of a drug by electrophoresis has the following advantages over oral, intravenous, or intramuscular delivery:
  • prolonged effect of the drug due to the creation of a depot in the skin, and the slow release of the drug into the bloodstream;
  • slow elimination of the drug from the body;
  • reduction of the effective therapeutic dose;
  • the ability to deliver the drug to the desired area of ​​​​the body;
  • low risk of side effects;
  • delivery of the medicinal product immediately in the activated form;
  • painless drug delivery to the desired area of ​​the body;
  • the preservation of the normal tissue structure during the administration of the drug.
The combination of the action of an electric current and a drug can significantly reduce the dose of a medical preparation, since even low concentrations of a substance have a therapeutic effect. If the drug is administered in such low doses by mouth (in the form of tablets), intravenously or intramuscularly, then it will not have any significant therapeutic effect. Electric current allows you to increase the activity of the drug administered by electrophoresis, which allows you to use lower dosages.

Scope of electrophoresis

The scope of medicinal electrophoresis is very wide. The method is used not only as a medical procedure, but also as a preventive one. Diseases of the nervous, respiratory systems, surgical, gynecological, ear, eye, nose and others can be cured using complex treatment with the inclusion of an electrophoresis procedure.
The main indications for the use of electrophoresis:
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system (calcium solutions);
  • atherosclerosis (solutions of iodine, novocaine);
  • hypertension (solutions of bromine, caffeine, magnesia, potassium, iodine, novocaine);
  • scars formed after surgery, trauma or inflammation
  • rosacea;
  • connective tissue strands, including adhesions (solutions of iodine, lidase, ronidase);
  • keloid scars (solutions of iodine, lidase, ronidase);
  • Duputrien's contracture (solutions of iodine, lidase, ronidase);
  • burns (solutions of iodine, lidase, ronidase);
  • pathology of joints and bones - arthritis, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis of the spine, ankylosing spondylitis (solutions of salicylates);
  • eye pathology;
  • pathology of ENT organs (tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, etc.);
  • chronic sluggish inflammation of the female genital organs - endocervicitis, endometriosis, colpitis, endometritis, cervical erosion (solutions of antibiotics, for example, tetracycline);
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs - prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.;
  • chronic bronchitis (antibiotic solutions);
  • pathology of the nervous system - neuritis, radiculitis, plexitis, neuralgia (novocaine);
  • spinal cord or brain injury;
  • sleep disorders;
  • pathology of the digestive system (gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis, hepatitis, colitis);
  • neuroses;
  • migraine;
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and teeth - stomatitis.
In the treatment of bruises, ruptures and sprains, edema, purulent inflammation, pain syndrome, trophic ulcers, it is better to use drug solutions prepared with pharmacy Dimexide, and not with distilled water.

Electrophoresis therapy is used as part of the complex treatment of severe pathologies with a long course. Electrophoresis cannot be considered as a panacea or an isolated method that guarantees a complete cure for a chronic pathological process. This method must be used in combination with other medical manipulations, including medication.

Medicinal electrophoresis has different dosages, which are determined by the duration of exposure (from 10 minutes to half an hour) and current density (0.03-0.08 mA / cm 2). Children and the elderly should receive electrophoresis at a lower dose, which is a third or a quarter lower than for an adult. The usual course of treatment is from 10 to 20 sessions. Electrophoresis sessions are carried out daily, or every other day. After completing the full course, it can be repeated again if necessary, but not earlier than after 2-3 months.

Contraindications for electrophoresis

Despite the versatility and availability, the electrophoresis method has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it is strictly forbidden to use it.
The main contraindications for electrophoresis:
  • tumors of any localization;
  • acute phase of the inflammatory process;
  • blood clotting disorders with the presence of bleeding and a tendency to bleed;
  • violation of the sensitivity of the skin;
  • wounds, cuts in the area of ​​application of medicinal pads;
  • intolerance to electric current;
  • allergy or sensitivity to the drug to be administered by electrophoresis.

Methods of drug electrophoresis

The essence of the drug electrophoresis technique is to apply a drug perpendicular to the direction of current movement, that is, between the electrode and human skin. In domestic practice, solutions of drugs are most often used, while abroad they prefer to use the same medicines, but in the form of a gel.

To date, there are several varieties of drug electrophoresis, which are due to different methods of applying the drug, and the type of electric current. Consider the main methods of drug electrophoresis.

Galvanic technique
Most often, electrophoresis is carried out from solutions of drugs, which are moistened with special pads. Gaskets are gauze folded in 2-4 layers, or filter paper. A solution of the drug in the required amount and concentration is transferred to the pad, which is located on the body. A protective pad is placed on the medicinal pad, and the dimensions of both pads should be the same. And the electrode of the apparatus for electrophoresis is installed on the protective gasket. The second electrode is placed on the opposite side of the body to create a line along which the drug will move.

The electrophoresis apparatus has two electrodes - positive (anode) and negative (cathode). The drug substance also dissociates in solution into positive ions (cations) and negative ones (anions). If the drug dissociates to form cations, then it should be placed on the positive electrode. In case of drug dissociation into anions, the drug pad is placed under the negative electrode. Thus, there is a universal rule for the location of the drug pad: the drug and the electrode must have the same charge (+ or -).

If the drug dissociates with the formation of cations and anions, then the drug pad can be placed under both electrodes at the same time.

Bath technique
In this case, electrodes are already built into a special container (bath). To conduct electrophoresis, the necessary solution of the drug is simply poured into the container, and the person immerses the desired part of the body in the liquid.

The technique is abdominal
In this case, a solution of the drug is injected into the hollow organs (stomach, bladder, rectum, vagina, etc.). Then the desired electrode (cathode or anode) is also introduced into the cavity of the organ, and the second is located on the surface of the body.

Interstitial technique
In this case, the drug is administered through the mouth (tablets), intravenously or intramuscularly, after which electrodes are placed on the part of the body where the focus of the pathological process is located. Interstitial electrophoresis is especially effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases (bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, etc.).

Solutions for electrophoresis

For the procedure, mainly solutions of drugs are used. Solutions are prepared ex tempore, that is, immediately before use. Long-term storage (more than 7 days) of solutions of medicinal substances for electrophoresis is not allowed. Different drugs are administered at different concentrations, which are determined by many factors.
Concentrations of solutions of various preparations for electrophoresis:
  • Antipyrine - 1-10%;
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - 5-10%;
  • Biomycin - 0.5%;
  • Bromine - 1-10%;
  • Thiamine (vitamin B 1) - 2-5%;
  • Lidase (hyaluronidase) - 0.5-1 g diluted with 100 ml of 1% novocaine solution;
  • Histamine - 0.01%;
  • Dikain - 2-4%;
  • Dimedrol - 0.25-0.5%;
  • Iodine - 1-10%;
  • Calcium - 1-10%;
  • Potassium - 1-10%;
  • Sulfothiophene - 1-10%;
  • Codeine - 0.1-0.5%;
  • Caffeine - 1-10%;
  • Lithium - 1-10%;
  • Magnesium sulfate (magnesia) - 1-2%;
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) - 1-10%;
  • Copper - 0.1%;
  • Novocaine - 1g dissolve in 100 ml of 0.5% soda solution;
  • Penicillin - 5000-10000 IU per 1 ml of solution;
  • Platifillin - 0.03%;
  • Prozerin - 0.1%;
  • Sulfur - 2-5%;
  • Silver 1-2%;
  • Synthomycin - 0.3%;
  • Streptocide - 0.8% (use 1% soda solution as a solvent);
  • Urotropin - 2-10%;
  • Phosphoric acid - 2-5%;
  • Chlorine - 3-10%;
  • Zinc - 0.1-2%;

Solutions for electrophoresis have low concentrations, so you must adhere to the following rules for their preparation:
1. On an accurate scale, measure the indicated number of grams of the substance (for example, for a 2% solution, take 2 g of the substance, for a 0.8% solution - 0.8 g).
2. Pour a measure of the substance into a clean measuring vessel with a volume of at least 100 ml.
3. Take distilled water and slowly add it to the "100 ml" mark, rinsing the scales on which the measure was placed.
4. Pour into another container and stir until the substance is completely dissolved.

Requirements for drugs for electrophoresis

Medicinal products intended for electrophoresis must meet the following requirements:
1. Pure, no impurities.
2. Fresh, that is, a solution of the drug is prepared immediately before use.
3. To prepare the solution, use only pure water (distilled).
4. If the drug is insoluble in water, then purified alcohol or Dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide) is used as a solvent.
5. Do not use physiological saline as a solvent.
6. To prepare solutions of enzymes (lidase), it is necessary to use buffers (phosphate, hydrocarbonate, etc.) as a solvent.

Drugs administered from the anode and cathode are shown in the table:

Drugs administered from the anode (positive electrode) Drugs administered from the cathode (negative electrode)
Metal ions (calcium, magnesia, zinc, potassium, lithium, copper, silver, etc.)Non-metal ions (phosphorus, bromine, iodine, sulfur, chlorine)
Local anesthetics (novocaine, lidocaine, dicaine)Acids (ascorbic, sulfothiophene, nicotinic acid, pilocarpine, phosphoric)
Alkaloids (aloe extract)Caffeine
Antibiotics (such as teramycin)Penicillin
Sulfanilamide fundsstreptocide
AntipyrineMagnesia sulfate
Vitamin B 1 (thiamine)
Lidaza (hyaluronidase)
Salicylic acid

Electrophoresis treatment

For the treatment of electrophoresis, various techniques are used that are highly effective for the treatment of certain diseases. Consider the basic techniques of electrophoresis.

Ionic reflexes according to Shcherbak

For electrophoresis, it is necessary to prepare medicinal and protective pads with an area of ​​120-140 cm 2 (11x11 - 13x13 cm). The pads are applied in such a way that they are located on the diagonal line of the body, for example, on the right shoulder and left thigh. For the procedure, solutions of metal and non-metal ions are used:
  • chloride CaCl 2 (calcium chloride);
  • KJ (potassium iodide);
  • ZnSO 4 (zinc sulfate, zinc sulfate);
  • NaBr (sodium bromide, sodium bromide);
  • MgSO 4 (magnesium sulfate, magnesium sulfate);
  • sodium salicylate.
Above the place of application of the electrodes, a small area of ​​the body is pulled with a rubber bandage. Start electrophoresis at a current density of 0.05 mA/cm 2 , increasing it in 2 steps to 0.15-0.2 mA/cm 2 . The whole procedure is carried out for 20 minutes with breaks of 10 and 17, when the current density is increased.

The method can be used in the presence of any pathological condition in which treatment with electrophoresis is indicated. An excellent effect is achieved in the treatment of hypertension, neurosis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Ionic Collar

For electrophoresis, solutions of the following elements are used:
  • calcium;
  • bromine;
  • magnesium;
  • novocaine;
  • eufillin.
On the area of ​​the neck and upper chest, a medicinal pad measuring 31x31 cm (approximately 1000 cm 2) is applied, which is impregnated with 50 ml of warm (38-39 o C) medicinal solution. As a protective layer, a layer of soft tissue (flannel, calico) of the same size is applied on top of the medicinal pad. The second electrode is placed at the junction of the lumbar and sacral vertebrae. The spacer for the second electrode should be 20x20 cm (approximately 400 cm 2 ) and wetted with warm (38-39° C.) distilled water instead of the medicinal solution. A protective padding made of soft fabric is superimposed on top.

The ion collar allows you to simultaneously deliver two ions with different charges - for example, calcium from the anode and bromine from the cathode, creating a calcium bromide collar, or novocaine from the anode and iodine from the cathode, getting novocaine-iodine collar.

The electrophoresis procedure according to the ion collar method is carried out for 6-10 minutes at a current strength of 4 mA, which is brought to 6 mA. If it is necessary to penetrate deeper into the skin, it is allowed to increase the current strength to 16 mA, and lengthen the procedure time up to 20 minutes.

The ionic collar is effective for the treatment of:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • neuroses;
  • sleep disorders, etc.

Ionic belt

For electrophoresis, solutions of ions are used - for example, calcium, bromine, iodine, magnesium, etc. The ionic belt can be upper and lower. The upper ionic belt is superimposed on the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, and the lower one on the lumbar and sacral.

For the upper and lower belts, a medicinal pad measuring 15x75 cm (approximately 1125 cm 2) is taken, which is impregnated with 50 ml of a warm solution (38-39 o C) of the medical preparation. A protective pad of the same size, made of soft tissue, and 1 cm thick is applied to the medicinal pad. The second pad for the upper belt measuring 15x20 cm (approximately 320 cm 2) is moistened with warm distilled water and applied to the front surface of the thigh in the upper part. For the lower belt, the second pad has the same dimensions as for the upper one, but is superimposed on the back of the thigh.

The electrophoresis procedure lasts 8-10 minutes at a current of 8-15 mA. If necessary, it is allowed to increase the duration of electrophoresis up to a maximum of 20 minutes.

The ionic belt is effective in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, sexual dysfunction.

General electrophoresis (Wermel method)

For the procedure, a medicinal pad measuring 15x19 cm (approximately 300 cm 2) is taken, which is impregnated with the necessary medicinal solution, and applied to the interscapular region. As the second electrode, two are used simultaneously, which are installed on the back surface of the calves of both legs with spacers measuring 12x13 cm (approximately 150 cm 2). The procedure is carried out for 20-30 minutes at a current of 10-30 mA.

The Vermel method is especially effective for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • neurosis;

Bourguignon electrophoresis (orbital-occipital)

Medicinal pads of small sizes are impregnated with a solution of the drug, and placed on the eye over closed eyelids. The second pad measuring 6x8 cm (approximately 40-60 cm 2) is placed on the back of the neck. The procedure is carried out for half an hour at a current of 4 mA. The procedure is effective in the presence of neuritis of the facial or trigeminal nerve, as well as in vascular, traumatic and inflammatory pathologies of the brain.

Nasal electrophoresis

A cotton swab soaked in a medicinal solution is inserted into both nostrils. The second electrode is applied to the back of the neck with a protective pad measuring 8x10 cm (approximately 80 cm 2). The procedure lasts 10-20 minutes at a current of 2 mA.

Nasal electrophoresis is effective for the treatment of vascular, inflammatory and traumatic pathologies of the brain, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and metabolic disorders.

Electrophoresis according to Ratner

A medicinal pad soaked in a 0.5% solution of aminophylline is applied to the cervical vertebrae, and a second pad soaked in a 1% solution of papaverine is located on the ribs, to the right of the sternum. The procedure lasts 15 minutes at a current strength of 1-2 mA.

The Ratner electrophoresis procedure is used to treat circulatory disorders in the cervical region of a herniated disc. To prepare a solution of Caripazim for electrophoresis, the contents of the vial should be thoroughly dissolved in 5-10 ml of saline. Add 2-3 drops of pharmaceutical Dimexide to this solution of Caripazim.

Medicinal pad size 10x15 cm (approximately 150 cm 2) is impregnated with a warm (37-39 o C) solution of Caripazim, and applied to the cervical vertebrae. The second pad, impregnated with a solution of aminophylline, is applied to the shoulders or lower back. There is another option for the location of the pads for electrophoresis with Karipazim. Laying impregnated with Caripazim - put on the lower back, and impregnated with aminophylline - place on the hips.

Electrophoresis is carried out for 10-20 minutes at a current of 10-15 mA. One course of treatment is 15-20 sessions. For successful therapy of a herniated disc, it is recommended to take 2-3 courses with Karipazim, the interval between which is 1-2 months.

Electrophoresis with Karipazim - video

Electrophoresis for children and infants

Childhood and infancy are not absolute contraindications for the electrophoresis procedure. For children, contraindications are determined by those for the medicinal product that will be used during the treatment procedure.

During pregnancy, electrophoresis should not be performed if the following symptoms are present:

  • kidney pathology;
  • pathology of the coagulation system with the risk of bleeding;
  • poor condition of the fetus;
  • eclampsia.
In gynecological practice, electrophoresis is used to treat chronic inflammatory diseases (cervicitis, endometritis, etc.). In this case, the method of tissue electrophoresis with antibiotics is highly effective.

For the treatment of cervical erosion and endometriosis, the electrophoresis method is used as a method of delivering drugs (iodine, zinc, lidase, amidopyrine) directly into the tissue.

Electrophoresis at home (at home)

The procedure can be performed at home with good preparation, a thorough study of electrode placement methods, preparation of solutions, dosing options and safety precautions. It is also necessary to strictly take into account the presence of contraindications, and not to abuse the "availability" of electrophoresis.

The best option for using the method at home:
1. Buy equipment and medicines.
2. Get a prescription with a dosage of a course of treatment from a physiotherapist.
3. Invite a nurse to your home for a proper physiotherapy session.

Apparatus for electrophoresis - how to buy?

To date, there is a sufficient number of different devices for electrophoresis that can be used at home. So, Potok, AGN-32, AGP-3, GNIM-1, Model-717, Tonus devices are sources of galvanic and diadynamic currents, and Amplipulse-3T, Amplipulse-4 devices generate sinusoidal modulated currents.

The devices Elfor, MAG-30, Potok, Sun, Elan, MIT (EF1, EF2), Eleskulap are perfect for use at home.

The WGD-10 electrophoresis device works with gels.

Equipment for the electrophoresis procedure is best purchased in specialized stores "Medtekhnika". The Medtechnika chain of stores works directly with manufacturers of medical equipment, so the risk of buying a low-quality device is minimal.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Physiotherapy is a combined science that includes medical techniques and technologies, and specializes in knowing the specific healing properties of various physical factors, as well as introducing these factors into therapeutic and preventive methods. Over the past few decades, physiotherapy methods for the prevention and treatment of various diseases have been increasingly used. Physiotherapy has gained its popularity even in the pediatric and dental fields. With a competent and correct complex combination with other effective methods of treatment, physiotherapy helps to avoid the development and progression of the pathological process, dystrophic and functional changes. The use of physical factors is the key to accurate diagnosis and effective treatment results. You can buy a course of physiotherapy, for example, electrophoresis with caffeine, in any inpatient clinic, and the price is determined by the duration of the course and the cost of the drugs used.

Electrophoresis is actively prescribed for pregnant women and children, which once again proves the absolute harmlessness of this preventive and therapeutic method. For example, in children, electrophoresis treats hip dysplasia, hypertonicity and hypotonicity of the upper and lower extremities, etc. Due to the fact that electrophoresis is not painful for young children, this treatment method helps to stabilize the general condition of the child and normalize development.
Often, young children are prescribed a physiotherapy with calcium chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, calcium gluconate, etc.
Indications for use and features of the action of calcium chlorine.
Irrefutable indications for prescribing calcium chlorine in the form of electrophoresis to a child under one year old are hip dysplasia, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Conducting drug electrophoresis with the drug for inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is endonasal. The method of endonasal electrophoresis with calcium chlorine - a solution of calcium chlorine is purchased in advance for thorough soaking of tampons, and then they are placed in the nostrils. The second working electrode is located on the back surface of the cervical spine, it is preliminarily covered with a protective disposable pad. The procedure lasts for 15 minutes with a current of 2 mA. In addition to the fact that endonasal electrophoresis treats inflammatory diseases of the nose, it is indicated for the treatment of inflammatory, traumatic and vascular diseases of the brain, central nervous system, peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, and multiple pathological metabolic conditions.

Physiotherapy for children

Hip dysplasia is a common pathology in the development of the musculoskeletal system in children under one year of age. In the absence of treatment and not performing timely treatment, the child remains limited in physical mobility for life. The pathogenesis of the disease is due to the underdevelopment of bone and cartilage tissue, the head of the femur is not completely covered by the roof of the acetabulum. The main symptoms of hip dysplasia are asymmetric gluteal folds, incomplete range of motion of the leg in the hip joint, a “click” sound is heard during circular movements of the legs, and rotation of the hip is more pronounced on the side of the lesion. The treatment of such a disease is long, complex - hard swaddling, special gymnastics, massage of the gluteal muscles, drug electrophoresis. Calcium chlorine is introduced - it stimulates the growth and development of the bone and cartilaginous part of the roof of the acetabulum, the missing part.
Like other therapeutic methods, calcium chlorine electrophoresis has a list of "indications" and "contraindications", requires special equipment for carrying out, for example, Potok - 1, GR - 2, Ge - 5 - 03, AGN - 32, AGP - 33. For example , catarrhal ginguinitis will be cured after the first electrophoresis procedure, if calcium chloride, or calcium gluconate and vitamins C and PP are administered. Effects that appear after the introduction of calcium chloride:

  • reduction of general intoxication of the body;
  • decreased activity of the immune system response to allergens;
  • hemostatic;
  • reduction of the inflammatory response locally or diffusely;
  • prevents the free permeability of blood vessels, and strengthens their walls.

The mechanism of influence of calcium chloride or calcium gluconate during electrophoresis - calcium ions play a major role in the transmission of nerve impulses, the work of skeletal and smooth muscles, the blood coagulation system, the formation of strength and integrity of the skeletal system of the body. Thus, solutions of calcium chloride or calcium gluconate administered by electrophoresis compensate for the relative and absolute losses of calcium ions.
Contraindications for physiotherapy with calcium solutions are divided into absolute and relative. Absolute contraindications:
individual hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient of drugs;
excess of the maximum level of calcium in human blood serum, normal values ​​- 12 mg% or 6 mEq / l;

  • increased excretion of calcium ions in the urine - hypercalciuria;
  • calcium nephrolithiasis;
  • increased risk of thrombosis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • benign and malignant formations;
  • conducting electrophoresis in conjunction with taking drugs from the group of cardiac glycosides, which contributes to the development of arrhythmias.

To cure other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, a physiotherapy electrophoresis with novocaine and iodine, or potassium iodide, should be used. Conducting electrophoresis with novocaine is indicated for arthrosis and spondylosis with severe pain in the phase of moderate exacerbation, that is, there are no visible signs of inflammation locally. Novocain is a locally acting anesthetic that has an analgesic effect. The technique for performing electrophoresis is as follows - the anode (positive electrode) is installed at the site of maximum pain, over a disposable hydrophilic gauze pad previously moistened with a 0.5% solution of novocaine hydrochloride. The amount of drug solution is directly related to the size of the affected joint. The average course is 10-20 sessions daily, but the duration and frequency of the session depends on the intensity of the pain syndrome.

Electrophoresis with iodine and its derivatives

Electrophoresis with iodine, calcium iodide and other medicinal substances, where the main active ingredient is iodine, is prescribed for diseases that affect different systems of the human body. Severe diseases requiring constant and long-term treatment - arthrosis with a progressive course, spondylosis (during remission), radical fibrous and bone changes, growth of fibrous tissue around the affected joint. Thus, iodine has a resolving effect. For electrophoresis, a disposable pad moistened with an aqueous solution of potassium iodine is placed under a positively charged anode. The duration of the procedure with the introduction of potassium iodine is half an hour, daily.
Allocate transcerebral iodine electrophoresis or Bourguignon electrophoresis. Method of carrying out - pads with potassium iodine are applied to the surface of the closed eyelids, and metal plates of round electrodes connected to wires are bandaged so that the patient does not feel discomfort. The third electrode, soaked in plain water, is placed on the occipital region and connected to the positive pole. Electrophoresis with potassium iodide according to Bourguignon is indicated for lesions of large vessels of the brain, that is, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain.
Electrophoresis with magnesium also has a beneficial effect on the vessels of the brain and the nervous system.

electrophoresis with heparin

Heparin is a drug that prevents blood clotting. Heparin for electrophoresis is prescribed in the presence of pain in angina pectoris, an increase in the contractile function of the myocardium, shortness of breath of cardiac origin, increased activity of the blood coagulation system. Heparin by electrophoresis reduces the coagulation activity of the blood, and is widely prescribed for coronary cardiosclerosis in conjunction with angina pectoris.

Electrophoresis for bronchitis is used to improve the functioning of the bronchi for drainage, which allows you to thin and remove sputum from the body. Physiotherapy for bronchitis uses not only electrophoresis, but also other methods of treating this dangerous disease. Only their complex use makes it possible to get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time, since chronic bronchitis due to a diffuse non-allergic inflammatory process in the bronchi often leads to the development of progressive respiratory dysfunction.

The use of medicinal electrophoresis

This method of treating patients with chronic bronchitis is used by doctors as an additional method of healing a person.

Usually, in the treatment of a disease in children and adults, physiotherapy methods such as UHF are used, since they allow the affected areas of the bronchi to be heated by a non-contact method. But not always this approach allows you to completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

It is often necessary to help drugs reach the correct area of ​​the respiratory system so that they can act on the causative agent.

For this, electrophoresis is used - an electrokinetic phenomenon that allows you to move particles of medicinal colloidal or protein solutions in liquid or gaseous media.

This happens under the influence of an electromagnetic field, which allows small particles of the medicinal substance to penetrate deep into all the pores of the human body.

Unlike UHF, which only a specialist can correctly apply, electrophoresis can be done at home, as small-sized devices for home treatment are produced. This is especially helpful in the treatment of bronchitis in young children. They can do electrophoresis from 4 months of age. But such physiotherapy is best done after consultation with your doctor.

How is this treatment carried out?

Electrophoresis is a procedure that is performed using a special apparatus and has some advantages over other methods of eliminating the symptoms of bronchitis. Medicines administered with this method of healing a person allow the medicine to accumulate in the epidermis of the patient. From there, it is gradually washed away by blood and lymphatic fluid, and then spread throughout the body.

This ensures a continuous but gradual penetration of healing substances into various organs of the patient, and at the same time eliminates the possibility of irritation in structures such as the gastrointestinal tract or liver.

A complex effect on the disease is provided by the delivery of microparticles of the drug under the influence of electricity directly to the focus of the disease. At the same time, throughout the procedure, a high concentration of the drug is maintained in the areas affected by bronchitis. The drug solution passes through the galvanic device and is ionized. This increases the activity of the microparticles of the drug, and they penetrate into all pores of the body. With electrophoresis, it is possible to simultaneously administer several medications to the patient.

The duration of the patient's treatment with this method, as well as the solutions used during the procedures, depend on the form of bronchitis diagnosed in the patient.

The duration of one procedure is usually from 10 to 20 minutes. Although, as mentioned above, it is now possible to purchase an electrophoresis apparatus and carry out therapy at home, the procedure itself should be done only as prescribed by the attending physician. It is forbidden to prescribe medicinal solutions on your own, since this requires special medical knowledge that most do not have.

What is used to fight bronchitis

The most well-known methods for the elimination of this disease are methods using the following components:

  1. The use of various mineral water aerosols, which are enriched with salts and alkaline elements.
  2. The use of herbal preparations from sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, St. John's wort. They are used as antiseptic drugs.
  3. Antihistamine drugs are used if the patient has a strong hypersecretion of mucus or edema occurs on the mucous surfaces of the bronchi.
  4. Often used in electrophoresis drugs such as Heparin, calcium chloride, Miramistin, Eufillin.
  5. Electrophoresis with magnesium, platifillin, iodine, copper, ascorbic acid is used. It is carried out on the chest.

All these types of electrophoresis are performed in the form of sessions lasting no more than 15 minutes. The procedures are carried out daily, the duration of the course is 9 days.

This video talks about how to do electrophoresis correctly:

You need to know that in addition to the positive qualities, electrophoresis also has contraindications. It is impossible to carry out such treatment for patients who have thrombophlebitis, various diseases of the circulatory system and blood are diagnosed. It is forbidden to treat patients with acute viral infections, chronic lesions of the skin with this method. Electrophoresis should not be done to people who have been found to be intolerant to any component of the treatment solution or exposure to electric current. Doctors do not recommend such procedures for pregnant women.

Indications and contraindications of electrophoresis with eufillin, caripazim, lidase, calcium chloride

Electrophoresis - refers to physiotherapeutic procedures and more than other methods are practiced for various diseases in adults and children. During the procedure, the human body is affected by electrical impulses (direct current), which are generated by a special device and have a therapeutic effect at the general and local levels. At the same time, drugs are administered through the skin or mucous membranes.

An excursion into the history of electrophoresis

The leading method of physiotherapy would not have been possible without a continuous current generator, which was created by the Italian physicist A. Volta in the 19th century.

The first talk about electroomos, which is the movement of solutions through capillaries when exposed to an electric field, took place as early as 1809. It was then that the scientist from Germany, Ferdinand Reis, first mentioned electrophoresis. However, his research was not widely disseminated.

In 1926, Arne Tiselius, a Swedish biochemist, described the first tube needed for the procedure. The first device for electroprocedures was invented in 1936 - the previously proposed tubes were transformed into more efficient narrow cells, and a little later they were replaced by glass sections. Long-term studies conducted on horse serum made it possible to reveal the mechanism of action of electrophoresis: molecules with an electric charge, under the influence of an electric current in a liquid medium, move to the zone opposite to the charged electrode.

Apparatus for the procedure

Electrophoresis is performed using different devices, but the most famous is Potok, which has been used in physiotherapy for more than 50 years. The structure of the device is simple: holes for electrodes marked + and -, buttons for determining the procedure time and a current regulator.

The devices of the new model are equipped with digital indicators and a display (Elfor, Elfor Prof, etc.)

The general positive effect of the procedure on the body

  • Reducing the severity of the inflammatory process;
  • Elimination of edema;
  • Reduction of pain syndrome;
  • Stimulation of the production of substances with biological activity;
  • Relaxation of muscles with the elimination of increased tone;
  • Calming effect on the central nervous system;
  • Improvement of blood microcirculation;
  • Acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • Defense activation.

Mechanism of therapeutic action

The action of an electric current leads to the fact that the drug is converted into ions with an electric charge, which penetrate the skin. It is in the skin that the main part of the drug remains, a slightly smaller part is transported through the lymph and blood throughout the body.

Ions with different charges have different effects on the body. So, negatively charged ions have:

  • secretory effect, i.e. affect the production of substances with biological activity and their entry into the bloodstream;
  • relaxing effect on smooth muscle tissue;
  • vasodilating effect;
  • normalizing effect on metabolism.

Ions with a positive charge have anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, soothing and analgesic effects.

Areas of the skin involved in drug transport:

  • excretory ducts of sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • intercellular areas;
  • hair follicles.

The efficiency of electrophoresis directly depends on the completeness of drug absorption, which is influenced by the following factors:

  • the person's age;
  • the strength of the supplied current;
  • properties of the solvent in which the drug is dissolved;
  • concentration and dose of the drug;
  • ion size and charge;
  • location of the electrodes;
  • the duration of the procedure;
  • individual characteristics of the organism, such as tolerance and susceptibility of the procedure.

How is the procedure carried out

Electrophoresis is carried out in a physiotherapy room by a medical worker. There are devices for home use, for each of which an instruction is developed, which should be strictly observed.

Classical percutaneous method. The nurse examines the parts of the body on which the electrodes will be placed - the skin must be healthy, without moles, damage and inflammatory elements. On one pad, which is a sterile gauze, a pre-prepared main drug is applied, on the second, similar, another drug is applied, most often 2% aminophylline, which improves blood circulation, relaxes smooth muscles and has a slight analgesic effect. The first gasket is connected to the plus, and the second to the minus.

After preparation, the pads are applied to the skin, electrodes are attached to them and fixed with a load or elastic bandages, after which the device is turned on.

The strength of the current and the time of the procedure are selected individually. The nurse gradually increases the current during the procedure and asks how the patient feels. Normal sensations are a slight tingling in the place where the electrodes are attached. But burning, itching and pain are a signal to immediately stop the procedure.

The average procedure time is 10-15 minutes. Procedures for small children differ in shorter duration. The duration of the course is 10-20 procedures, which are carried out daily or every other day.

Other methods of electrophoresis

  • Bath. The drug and solution are poured into a bath with built-in electrodes. After preparation, the patient immerses the affected part of the body in the bath.
  • cavity. The solution with the preparation is introduced into the cavity (vagina, rectum) and one of the electrodes is brought into the same cavity. The second electrode is attached to the skin. Used for diseases of the large intestine and pelvic organs.
  • Interstitial. The drug is administered in the traditional way, for example, intravenously or orally, and the electrodes are applied to the projection of the affected organ. Such an introduction is especially effective in pathologies of the respiratory organs (bronchitis, tracheitis).

Advantages and disadvantages of drug administration by electrophoresis

  • The introduction is not accompanied by pain;
  • A low concentration of a medicinal substance in solution (up to 10%), which is sufficient to provide a high therapeutic effect;
  • The introduction of the drug directly into the focus of inflammation;
  • Minimum adverse and allergic reactions;
  • Long-term therapeutic effect of the administered drug (up to 20 days);
  • The classical route of passage of drugs through the gastrointestinal tract when taken orally is bypassed, which means that the bioavailability of drugs increases.
  • Not all drugs can be introduced into the body using electrophoresis;
  • The procedure itself has a number of strict contraindications.

Drugs that are used in electrophoresis

Depending on the charge, the drug is injected through the positive or negative pole. During the procedure, it is permissible to use only those drugs that penetrate the skin. Each medicine has its own indications and has a certain therapeutic effect. Consider the main drugs used in electrophoresis:

Potassium iodide solution for electrophoresis

There are many physiotherapy procedures that help speed up the recovery and rehabilitation process for diseases of the internal organs. One of the most effective methods of treatment that has a beneficial effect on the patient's condition is the procedure of electrophoresis with iodine.

Features of manipulation

Electrophoresis is a therapeutic manipulation in which the human body is exposed to a constant electric current, which has a general therapeutic effect and facilitates the penetration of medicines through the skin and mucous membranes. During the procedure, charged particles enter the body through the space between cells, sebaceous and sweat glands.

The bioavailability of the drug used in this manipulation is 2-10% of the amount applied to the pad. However, in this case, the medication is injected directly into the affected area. This leads to the fact that the substance accumulates in the "sore spot" in an elevated concentration, significantly higher than the dose received by injection or oral route.

Indications for carrying out

Electrophoresis is a painless effective manipulation that can be prescribed even to pregnant women and young children. This physiotherapy is widely used as part of the complex treatment of many therapeutic, neurological, gynecological and traumatological diseases.

The treatment course consists of several sessions, the number of which is determined by the doctor individually. Doctors prescribe the procedure for:

  • Diseases of the respiratory system: pneumonia, pleurisy, acute and prolonged bronchitis, bronchiectasis.
  • ENT pathologies: rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, gastric and intestinal ulcers, damage to the pancreas and liver, inflammation and stones in the gallbladder, colitis.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels: arterial hypertension, hypotension, angina pectoris, varicose veins of the lower extremities, atherosclerosis.
  • Electrophoresis in gynecology is part of the therapy for: endometriosis, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, vaginitis, cervicitis.
  • Pathologies of the genitourinary system in men: prostatitis, inflammation of the bladder, urethritis, pyelonephritis.
  • For injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system: cracks, fractures, inflammation, dislocations and subluxations, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.
  • Neurological pathologies: neuritis, trigeminal neuralgia, migraine, headache, vertebral hernia, paresis and paralysis.
  • Skin lesions: acne, psoriasis, trophic ulcers, bedsores, cicatricial changes, dermatitis.

Also, electrophoresis is prescribed during the recovery period after major operations to accelerate wound healing and scar formation.


The essence of electrophoresis is the directed movement of charged particles that make up the drug, perpendicular to the direction of current flow. To do this, special pads impregnated with a solution of medicines are placed on the patient's skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus.

Depending on the technology of applying specialized electrodes, there are several options for the introduction:

  1. Percutaneous - the most common way.
  2. Bath - in which the affected area, most often a limb (arm or leg), is placed in a container filled with the necessary drug.
  3. Cavitary - with it, one of the electrodes and a solution of the drug are introduced into the hollow organs (uterus, bladder, stomach). Another electrode is placed on the skin during the procedure.
  4. Interstitial - the most commonly used in the treatment of respiratory pathologies. The solution with this method enters the body by injection or ingestion, after which the electrodes are placed over the pathological focus.

For electrophoresis, many drugs are used. Only the attending physician or specialist physiotherapist can choose the necessary medication, duration and frequency of therapeutic effects after a thorough examination of the patient.

Features of the procedure

It is important to remember that the degree of therapeutic effect depends on the route of administration of the drug and its degree of absorption. Also, the efficiency of electrophoresis is influenced by factors such as:

  • Age and health status of the patient.
  • Place of physiotherapy.
  • The duration of the treatment effect.
  • Current strength, charge and size of ions.
  • Individual sensitivity to the drug.

The doctor can choose the most effective medicine only after a thorough examination and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis. The procedure itself can be carried out only during the period of convalescence and recovery after an illness.

Contraindications for carrying out

You need to know how the method of electrophoresis with potassium iodide and indications, as well as contraindications to it. This procedure has a pronounced therapeutic effect due to the effect of electric current and the drugs themselves. That is why there are a number of contraindications to this manipulation, which must be excluded before prescribing a treatment course to the patient. These include:

  1. Malignant neoplasms.
  2. The patient has a pacemaker.
  3. Pathology of the blood coagulation system.
  4. Skin diseases and injuries - eczema, wounds, abrasions and scars at the site of the proposed electrode application.
  5. Exacerbation of inflammation or underlying pathology.
  6. Increase in body temperature.
  7. Current intolerance and individual sensitivity to the drug.

Many women who are prescribed a long course of physiotherapy procedures are interested in the question "is it possible to perform electrophoresis during menstruation?" Doctors do not recommend electrophoresis if the electrodes are applied over the uterus and ovaries, as this can provoke a violation of the cycle. In other cases, the procedure can be carried out, since menstruation is not a pathology.

Electrophoresis with preparations of iodine, magnesium and copper

Potassium iodine, calcium iodide and other drugs are most often used during electrophoresis. Procedures with potassium iodide are widely used for:

  • Arthrosis and arthritis.
  • Spondylosis.
  • Fibrous and bone changes around the joints.
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Iodine solutions have an effective "resolving effect" in lesions of large and small joints, which has made them the most popular drugs used for electrophoresis in traumatology and rheumatology.

Magnesium preparations show effectiveness in damage to the nervous system, neuritis, neuralgia, as well as in various pathologies of cerebral vessels.

Solutions with copper and zinc are used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of infertility in order to stimulate the ovaries.

The use of physiotherapy in gynecology

Obstetrician-gynecologists prescribe electrophoresis for adhesions, cycle disorders, inflammation localized in the pelvic organs. It is important to remember that it is permissible to carry out the procedure only in the subacute period and during recovery.

Electrophoresis is also effective during the gestation period, since it is harmless to the baby, painless and effective method of treatment. The procedure is prescribed for:

  1. Increasing the tone of the uterus.
  2. The threat of premature birth.
  3. Gestosis.

In this case, the electrodes are placed in the neck-collar area. It is permissible for pregnant women to carry out electrophoresis with potassium, it is necessary to introduce elements and vitamins. The composition of the solution used in the procedure is selected by the doctor in each case individually.

Electrophoresis is an effective and painless procedure that has earned many positive reviews. Many patients note a rapid improvement in overall well-being and the elimination of unpleasant symptoms after undergoing a course of physiotherapy.

electrophoresis- This is a physiotherapeutic procedure in which the human body is exposed to constant electrical impulses in order to provide a general and local therapeutic effect. Also, with the help of electrophoresis, drugs are administered through the skin and mucous membranes. This route of drug administration has a number of advantages over other methods of administration.

There are the following main routes of administration of drugs:

  • using electrophoresis;
  • injection route ( intramuscularly, intravenously, intradermally, subcutaneously);
  • oral route ( through the mouth).
Each of the above methods has both advantages and disadvantages.
Administration method Advantages Flaws
With the help of electrophoresis
  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • there are practically no side effects and allergic reactions;
  • the therapeutic effect of the administered drug can last from one to twenty days;
  • the possibility of administering the drug directly to the focus of inflammation;
  • when administered, the drug does not pass through the gastrointestinal tract and is not destroyed in it.
  • not all drugs can be administered by this method;
  • There are a number of contraindications to this procedure.
Injection route
  • the administered drug does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the drug enters immediately into the general circulation, due to which the therapeutic effect of the drug occurs quite quickly ( within 10 - 15 minutes);
  • the ability to administer the exact dose of the drug.
  • soreness of the procedure;
  • risk of developing complications such as thromboembolism ( due to the introduction of air into the bloodstream), phlebitis ( inflammation of the vein wall).
oral route
  • assistance is not required to administer the drug;
  • convenient and painless method of administration.
  • has a slow therapeutic effect, since before entering the general circulation, the drug must pass through the intestines and liver;
  • hydrochloric acid in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as liver enzymes, partially destroy the drug, thereby weakening its therapeutic effect.

History of electrophoresis

In 1809, the German scientist Ferdinand Reiss, who was invited to Moscow University to head the Department of Chemistry, first mentioned such concepts as electrophoresis and electroosmosis ( movement of solutions through capillaries when setting an external electric field). However, the phenomena studied by the scientist were not widespread, as is believed due to the fire that occurred in 1812, in which most of the works were destroyed.

Subsequently, the Swedish biochemist Arne Tiselius published a work in 1926 in which he described a U-shaped quartz tube designed for electrophoresis, then in 1930 the tube material was replaced with silver chloride.

In 1936, thanks to the availability of a good base of research and experimental work, the first apparatus for electrophoresis was developed. The shape of the previously proposed tubes was changed to narrow cells and then to glass sections. These changes made it possible to increase the optical susceptibility and more effectively eliminate the heat produced by the passage of an electric current.

In practice, A. Tiselius tested the device for the first time, thanks to the study of horse serum. After exposure to electrophoresis after a while, the scientist noticed four bands separated from each other. It was the migration of blood proteins, three globulins ( alpha, beta and gamma) and albumin ( globulin and albumin are plasma proteins). Subsequently, similar tests were carried out on human and rabbit sera, in which similar results were also observed.

This made it possible to establish that in a liquid medium, molecules with an electric charge, under the influence of an electromagnetic field, move to the region opposite to the charged electrode.

After some time, A. Tiselius, in addition to the electrophoresis apparatus, began to use an ultracentrifuge, which made it possible to more accurately differentiate the migration of proteins and calculate the conditional amount of proteins in the composition.

In 1950, a more modern method was described, which consisted in dividing proteins on filter paper, which was subsequently cut into strips, where dyes were added, and the content of proteins in these solutions was examined. It should also be noted that this method made it possible to record the migration of proteins, which was previously impossible, since after turning off electrophoresis, they merged again.

The presented experimental works of A. Tiselius were subsequently widely used in medicine.

For example, this research method allows to identify protein abnormalities and is currently widely used by many countries for diagnosis:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • genetic and immune disorders;
  • malignant tumors.
Also today, electrophoresis, in which protein solutions and sols are used ( colloidal solutions), is a physiotherapeutic method of treatment and prevention of many diseases.

The mechanism of the therapeutic action of electrophoresis

Electrophoresis is carried out using various devices, one of which is the "Flow". This device has been used in modern physiotherapy for more than fifty years. The Potok electrophoresis apparatus has two holes for electrodes ( with plus and minus signs), buttons for setting the required time, as well as a current regulator. Its modern analogue is equipped with digital indicators that display a certain procedure time, as well as a given current strength.

Note: The purpose of the method of this treatment is carried out only after consulting a doctor.

During the consultation, the doctor collects an anamnesis ( medical history) of the patient and prescribes certain examinations to exclude the presence of contraindications for electrophoresis. After confirming the possibility of electrophoresis, the patient is allowed directly to the procedure itself.

Before the procedure, the medical worker examines those parts of the patient's body, on which pads with electrodes will subsequently be applied. In places where pads are applied, the patient's skin should be clean, without any neoplasms or damage ( e.g. pustular lesions, moles). Gaskets, in turn, are soaked in a solvent; it is usually saline or water. Then the drug is prepared and applied to the pad.

Note: As a gasket, a hydrophilic material or gauze folded in several layers wrapped in filtered paper is used.

For the upcoming procedure, it is necessary to dissolve the medicinal substance in saline ( aqueous solution of sodium chloride 0.9%). To do this, it is necessary to warm the prepared solution to body temperature and, by drawing ten milliliters into the syringe, inject it into the vial with the necessary drug. Then you should shake the bottle slightly and add an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent to it, for example, 0.5 ml of Dimexide. The finished medicine is drawn into a syringe and distributed on a pre-prepared gasket.

Note: This gasket will be connected to the plus.

On the second pad ( which will be connected to negative) another medicinal substance is poured, as a rule, Eufillin 2% is used. Eufillin improves blood circulation, which leads to saturation of organs and tissues. Moreover, this drug relaxes smooth muscles and combines analgesic properties, due to which it is especially effective for muscle pain.

Then the pads are applied to the affected parts of the patient's body and electrodes are attached to them. In case of diseases of the cervical or thoracic spine, a gasket with a positive electrode is applied directly to the affected area of ​​the body, and a gasket with a negative electrode is placed on the lumbar region. If electrophoresis is to be carried out in the lumbar region, then a pad with a positive electrode is placed on the lumbar region, and a pad that is connected to the minus is placed on the thighs of the legs. After applying, the gaskets are fixed with a load ( usually use special sandbags) and the patient is covered with a sheet.

There are also other methods of electrophoresis, in which the method of applying a medicinal substance, the procedure for applying electrodes and the type of electrical effect differ.

There are the following ways of using electrophoresis:

  • bath;
  • interstitial;
  • cavity.
Tray method
into container ( bath) with built-in electrodes, a solution and the necessary medicinal substance are poured, after which the patient immerses the affected part of the body there.

Interstitial method
Via other routes of administration for example, orally or intravenously) a drug is administered to the patient and electrodes are applied to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. The method is especially effective in diseases of the respiratory system ( e.g. laryngitis, bronchitis).

cavity method
A solution with a medicinal substance is introduced into the vagina or rectum of the patient, and an electrode is also brought inside. An electrode of a different polarity is attached to the outer surface of the body. This method is used for diseases of the pelvic organs and the large intestine.

During the procedure, the medical worker gradually adds current, while being interested in the patient's well-being. The current regulator is fixed when the patient feels a slight tingling sensation. If the patient feels burning or itching during electrophoresis, the procedure should be stopped immediately.

The procedure usually takes ten to fifteen minutes. The duration of the course, as a rule, includes ten to twenty procedures daily or every other day.

For electrophoresis, there are also the following devices:

  • "Elfor";
  • "Elfor Prof";
  • Potok-1 and others.

Under the action of electrophoresis, the drug substance is converted into electrically charged particles ( ions), which move through the skin. The main part of the drug lingers here, providing a local therapeutic effect to a greater extent. Another part of the drug enters the tissues of the body through certain areas of the skin and spreads throughout the body with the flow of blood and lymph.

The penetration of drugs into the body is carried out through the following components of the skin:

  • excretory ducts of sweat glands;
  • excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • hair follicles;
  • intercellular spaces.
A good therapeutic effect of any drug administered by electrophoresis depends on the degree of absorption of the drug.

The quality of absorption of the drug can be affected by the following factors:

  • patient's age;
  • place of impact;
  • the duration of the procedure;
  • solvent properties;
  • dose and concentration of the administered drug ( as a rule, the concentration of the solutions used for the procedure is from one to five percent);
  • strength of electric current;
  • the charge and size of the ion;
  • individual tolerance.
It should be noted that positively and negatively charged particles of the administered drug have different therapeutic effects on the body.
Therapeutic effect of positively charged particles Therapeutic effect of negatively charged particles
anti-inflammatory secretory ( biologically active substances are produced and released into the general circulation)
anesthetic relaxing ( usually for muscles)
dehydrating ( effective for edema) vasodilating
calming normalization of metabolism

What drugs can be used for electrophoresis?

In electrophoresis, the drug, depending on the charge present, is injected through the positive ( anode) or negative ( cathode) poles.

In electrophoresis, only those drugs are used that, under the influence of current, are able to penetrate the skin. The drugs can be administered either alone or in combination with other agents to enhance the therapeutic effect.

The main medicinal substances that are administered through the positive pole ( anode)

Name of the drug Indications Expected effect
Aloe It is used for ophthalmic diseases, for example, uveitis, conjunctivitis and keratitis, as well as for diseases such as bronchial asthma, gastric and duodenal ulcers. For skin lesions ( e.g. trophic ulcers, burns) Improves metabolism and cell nutrition, which helps to accelerate the regeneration process ( recovery) tissues. Also, this drug stimulates local immunity and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Adrenaline hydrochloride It is used in ophthalmology for increased intraocular pressure, as well as for open-angle glaucoma. Epinephrine during electrophoresis is added to solutions of local anesthetics ( e.g. novocaine). With increased intraocular pressure, the use of adrenaline helps to reduce it. In bronchial asthma, it contributes to the expansion of the bronchi. It also has a vasoconstrictive effect, provokes vasoconstriction of the abdominal organs, skin and mucous membranes.
Atropine It is indicated for pain, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, bronchial asthma, as well as for inflammatory diseases of the eyes ( e.g. iridocyclitis, keratitis). Decreases secretion of glands ( e.g. sweat, gastric, bronchial), and also reduces the tone of smooth muscles. The drug is added to solutions of painkillers to eliminate pain.
Vitamin B1 It is used for various diseases of the nervous ( e.g. neuritis, sciatica, paresis, paralysis) and digestive system ( e.g. hepatitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers). Also, this drug is used for skin diseases ( e.g. dermatitis, psoriasis, acne) and diseases accompanied by vitamin B1 deficiency. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and analgesic effects. Normalizes metabolism, as well as the work of the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems.
Decain It is used in diseases accompanied by severe pain syndrome. It has an anesthetic effect with the elimination of painful sensations. As a rule, it is used in conjunction with other drugs to enhance the medicinal effect ( e.g. adrenaline).
Diphenhydramine Indicated in allergic diseases ( e.g. allergic conjunctivitis, urticaria), sleep disturbance and pain syndrome. It is also used as an addition to the main treatment for bronchial asthma, gastritis and stomach ulcers. Produces a calming, hypnotic and anti-allergic effect. This drug is used to eliminate pain, in addition, for example, with novocaine. Helps to relax the smooth muscles of the internal organs.
Calcium It is used for diseases in which calcium deficiency is observed. It is used for bone fractures, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, allergic diseases, as well as for violations of blood clotting ( with bleeding). It has a hemostatic, anti-allergic, and anti-inflammatory effect. It also helps to replenish the lack of calcium in the body, which, for example, in case of fractures, accelerates the process of bone regeneration.
Potassium Used for potassium deficiency in the body and for heart disease ( e.g. atrial fibrillation, tachycardia). It normalizes the water-electrolyte balance, osmotic pressure, and also compensates for the lack of potassium in the body.
Karipain Indicated in diseases of the musculoskeletal system ( e.g. osteochondrosis, joint contracture, sciatica), as well as for burns, postoperative wounds and the presence of keloid scars. Eliminates pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect. It improves blood circulation at the site of exposure, which accelerates the process of tissue regeneration.
Codeine It is used for pain syndrome, as well as for unproductive cough. It has analgesic and antitussive effects.
Lidaza The drug is indicated for keloid scars, wounds and ulcers. Used for musculoskeletal e.g. osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, joint contracture) and eye ( e.g. keratitis, retinopathy) diseases. The injected drug breaks down hyaluronic acid ( connective tissue thickener), which contributes to the softening of scar tissue. It also reduces tissue swelling and inhibits the development of contractures.
Lidocaine It is used for diseases accompanied by pain syndrome ( for example, with osteochondrosis, neuralgia). Eliminates pain.
Lysoamidase It is used for infectious and inflammatory diseases such as mastitis, osteomyelitis, stomatitis, endometritis, tonsillitis and others. It is also used for burns and purulent-necrotic skin lesions ( e.g. furuncle, carbuncle, folliculitis). Inhibiting the vital activity of gram-positive bacteria ( e.g. streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci) accelerates the healing process in infectious diseases. With local exposure, it helps to cleanse the wound from purulent contents and necrotic ( dead) tissues, which will lead to rapid regeneration ( restoration) of affected tissues.
Magnesium It is used with a lack of magnesium in the body, with heart diseases ( e.g. hypertension, arrhythmia, ventricular tachycardia), depression and irritability. The intake of magnesium in the body has a beneficial effect on the nervous, bone ( strengthens bones, teeth) and muscle ( reduces muscle spasm) systems. Magnesium also normalizes the heart rhythm during arrhythmias.
copper sulfate It is used for anemia, for diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and musculoskeletal systems. It is also used in such infectious and inflammatory diseases ( e.g. conjunctivitis, urethritis, vaginitis), as it has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. Since copper is involved in the biosynthesis of hemoglobin, its use effectively fights anemia. It also participates in the formation of the protein structure of connective bone and cartilage tissue, therefore the use of copper is indicated for osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Mummy Indicated in diseases of the musculoskeletal ( e.g. fractures, dislocations, sciatica) and the respiratory system ( e.g. asthma, bronchitis). It is also effective in skin diseases ( e.g. ulcers, burns) and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( e.g. gastric and duodenal ulcers, colitis). The composition of this drug includes eighty active biological substances ( vitamins, essential oils, amino acids and others), which have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunostimulating, and regenerating effects.
Novocaine It is used for diseases accompanied by pain. It has a local anesthetic effect.
Papain It is used for osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, neuritis, as well as for thermal or chemical burns. It rejects necrotic tissues and cleanses the wound from purulent contents. It produces an anti-inflammatory effect, also accelerates the healing process of tissues.
Papaverine It is used for diseases accompanied by spasmodic conditions ( for example, spasm of the pyloric sphincter of the stomach, urinary tract, bronchospasm). Eliminates muscle spasm, and also reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of the internal organs. It has a vasodilating effect, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure in hypertension ( e.g. angina pectoris).
Pachycarpine It is indicated for such diseases as endarteritis, ganglioneuritis, and also myopathy. Helps lower blood pressure by expanding the lumen of arterioles. Causes contractility of the uterine muscles.
Platifillin It is used for hypertension and angina pectoris. It is also used for diseases accompanied by muscle spasms, for example, with stomach and duodenal ulcers, cerebral vasospasm, cholecystitis and bronchial asthma. It promotes relaxation of smooth muscles, as a result of which it affects the expansion of blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation and lowering blood pressure.
Ribonuclease Indicated in diseases of the respiratory system ( e.g. exudative pleurisy, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pneumonia), as well as an anti-inflammatory drug for otitis, sinusitis, osteomyelitis, thrombophlebitis and other diseases. It produces an anti-inflammatory effect, and also has a thinning effect on sputum, mucus and pus.
Salicylic acid seborrhea, psoriasis, pityriasis versicolor, burn, eczema and others. It produces an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and exfoliating effect, which contributes to the rapid healing of affected tissues. Also, this drug inhibits the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands.
Streptomycin It is indicated for infectious and inflammatory diseases, for example, for pneumonia, endocarditis, bacterial diarrhea, urinary tract infections and other diseases. A broad-spectrum antibacterial drug that has an inhibitory effect on gram-negative ( e.g. Escherichia coli, gonococcus, pneumococcus) and Gram-positive ( e.g. staphylococcus) bacteria.
trypsin Used for diseases of the respiratory system e.g. pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy) and ENT organs ( e.g. sinusitis, otitis media). Also indicated for ocular e.g. iridocyclitis, iritis) and skin ( e.g. burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers) diseases. It has an anti-inflammatory and anti-burn effect, and also rejects necrotic tissues and produces a thinning effect on purulent contents and blood clots. Accelerates the healing process of affected tissues.
Eufillin It is used for hypertension, impaired cerebral and renal circulation, bronchial asthma, as well as for osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis and intervertebral hernia. Reduces spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs and blood vessels, which helps to lower blood pressure, improves blood circulation and eliminates bronchospasm. It also has an analgesic effect.

The main medicinal substances that are administered through the negative pole ( cathode)

Name of the drug Indications Expected effect
Ampicillin Indicated in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system ( e.g. pneumonia, bronchitis) and ENT organs ( e.g. otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis). It is also used for infectious diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract ( e.g. cholecystitis, salmonellosis) and the genitourinary system ( e.g. cystitis, cervicitis, gonorrhea). Broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. Depresses life ( produces a bactericidal effect) Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
Ascorbic acid It is used in diseases accompanied by blood loss ( for example, with poorly healing wounds, burns, gastric and duodenal ulcers, colitis), as well as with a lack of ascorbic acid, during the recovery period to strengthen immunity. Stimulates the body's defenses, accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, normalizes the process of blood clotting. Reduces allergic and inflammatory reactions, and also compensates for the lack of ascorbic acid in the body.
Acetylsalicylic acid(aspirin) It is used in febrile conditions and in diseases accompanied by pain ( e.g. migraine, neuralgia, osteochondrosis). It is also used to reduce the risk of thrombosis. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. It also thins the blood, which reduces the risk of thrombosis.
Baralgin It is indicated for diseases accompanied by painful sensations and spasm of smooth muscles ( e.g. in renal colic, intestinal colic and biliary colic). A drug that has analgesic and antipyretic effects. It also reduces spasm of smooth muscles.
Bromine It is used for insomnia, irritability, the initial stages of hypertension, as well as for stomach and duodenal ulcers. Produces a calming effect. Also, in inflammatory diseases accompanied by pain, it has an analgesic effect ( for example, with herpes zoster).
Heparin It is used for varicose veins, as a prophylaxis, if there is a risk of thrombosis. It is also used for injuries, bruises and tissue swelling. Anticoagulant, the main action of which is aimed at thinning the blood, which reduces the risk of thrombosis. When applied locally, it has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. It also improves microcirculation.
Humisol Used in diseases of the musculoskeletal ( e.g. rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis) and the nervous system ( e.g. plexitis, neuralgia). Also used for eye diseases e.g. blepharitis, keratitis, iritis) and ENT organs ( e.g. otitis media, pharyngitis, rhinitis). The drug is a biogenic stimulant ( substances of plant and animal origin). It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It also improves metabolism and accelerates the healing process of tissues.
Iodine It is indicated for skin diseases of an inflammatory nature, as well as for open wounds and abrasions. Also used for atherosclerosis, neuralgia, neuritis, thyroid diseases ( such as hyperthyroidism). An antiseptic that inhibits the vital activity of bacteria, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Affects the metabolism, accelerating the process of their decay. Affects the level of cholesterol, reducing it.
A nicotinic acid Used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( e.g. gastric and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, colitis), as well as in atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, poorly healing wounds, trophic ulcers and diseases accompanied by vasospasm ( for example, with spasm of the vessels of the extremities, brain). It produces a vasodilating effect, improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of blood clots. It also reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
Panangin It is used in diseases of the cardiovascular system ( e.g. arrhythmia, heart failure), as well as with a deficiency of potassium and magnesium in the blood. Compensates for the lack of magnesium and potassium in the body ( deficiency of these micronutrients increases the risk of developing heart disease). It also normalizes the heart rate.
Penicillin It is used in diseases accompanied by an infectious process ( e.g. gonorrhea, pneumonia, furunculosis). With inflammatory diseases of the ear or eyes, as well as as a preventive measure for the development of an infectious process in case of burns, wounds, as well as in the postoperative period. A broad-spectrum antibiotic inhibits the activity of gram-positive ( e.g. staphylococcus, streptococcus) and Gram-negative ( e.g. meningococcus, gonococcus) bacteria.
Sulfur Used for skin conditions such as acne, scabies, seborrhea, and psoriasis. Has an antiseptic is detrimental to fungi and bacteria) and exfoliating effect ( softens rough skin layers). Promotes rapid healing of affected tissues.
streptocide Indicated in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin ( e.g. erysipelas, acne, boils), as well as burns and wounds. Used in diseases of the ENT organs ( e.g. angina) and the genitourinary system ( e.g. cystitis). Broad spectrum antibiotic. Stops growth and development of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
Tannin Used for diseases of the oral cavity ( e.g. stomatitis, gingivitis) and ENT organs ( e.g. pharyngitis). Also indicated for skin diseases ( e.g. trophic ulcers, bedsores) and burns. An alcohol-containing solution that has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. It also produces a vasoconstrictor effect, which leads to a decrease in pain.

It should also be noted that there are drugs that can be administered both from the negative and from the positive pole (anode or cathode):
  • eufillin;
  • gumizol;
  • histidine;
  • lidase;
  • trypsin and others.

Indications for electrophoresis

Indications for electrophoresis depend on the following factors:
  • the patient's diagnosis;
  • the mechanism of action of the drug used;
  • presence of contraindications.
Electrophoresis is widely used to treat:
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • ENT diseases ( ear, throat, nose);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • skin diseases;
  • eye diseases;
  • dental diseases.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • arthritis;
  • spondylosis
  • dislocation;
  • fracture;
  • joint contracture.
Diseases of the endocrine system
Skin diseases
  • burn;
  • acne
  • seborrhea;
  • scarring;
  • psoriasis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • bedsores;
  • dermatitis;
  • folliculitis;
  • furuncle;
  • carbuncle;
  • scabies.
eye diseases
  • iridocyclitis;
  • uveitis;
  • iritis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • keratitis;
  • optic atrophy.
Dental diseases trace elements, hormones);
  • stimulates the body's defenses;
  • It should also be noted that electrophoresis has adequately proven itself when used in infants.

    Electrophoresis in infants can be used in the following cases:

    • increased or decreased muscle tone;
    • minor neurological disorders;
    • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
    • diseases accompanied by painful sensations;
    • diathesis;
    • diseases of ENT organs;
    • burns.

    Contraindications for electrophoresis

    Like any other physiotherapeutic method, the procedure using electrophoresis has its contraindications.

    Contraindications to electrophoresis are:

    • absolute;
    • in the acute stage (for example,

      Side effects of electrophoresis

      To date, the occurrence of serious side effects during electrophoresis has not been identified. However, there is a possibility of allergic reactions to the medicinal substances used during the procedure. Also, excessive or prolonged exposure to electric current on the patient's body can cause redness and irritation of the skin at the site of the pad.



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