Essential oils properties and use in the common cold. Benefits of essential oils for colds and flu

Aromatherapy is one of the most popular treatments today, not only for body care, but also as a wonderful natural antiviral agent.

Essential oils against colds are used for treatment, supportive measures, as well as disease prevention. Healing aromatherapy procedures have protective, regenerating, antibacterial functions, which contribute to a quick and effective recovery.

Fir essential oil for the prevention of colds and the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, respiratory organs. It is used as an adjuvant for pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis, runny nose.

Eucalyptus acts as an antiviral, antipyretic, antiseptic, immunity booster, expectorant. Its use gives positive results in the fight against acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis.

This ether has a great effect on the removal of excess mucus, which is the cause of coughing.

Tea tree oil has a powerful antibacterial effect, contributes to the inhibition of the development of various pathogenic bacteria. Can be used for pneumonia, flu, colds, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media.

The extract is endowed with strong immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diaphoretic properties.

Lemon, as well as other citrus fruits (tangerine, lime,), helps to alleviate the condition of a patient with a cold by strengthening immunity.

Works as an antiseptic, analgesic, antioxidant, tonic natural drug, inhibits the activity of a viral infection.

Rosemary restores the body's defenses, has disinfectant properties, has an antitussive effect, helping to significantly reduce spasms of bronchial and asthmatic origin.

Pine can be used to alleviate pain in the throat, resume nasal breathing, as an expectorant, which removes sputum remarkably. Aromatherapy provides an opportunity to significantly improve health.

Lavender ether is characterized by a wide healing effect on the body. The oil effectively fights against various bacteria, infections, is used as an anti-inflammatory, soothing, tonic natural remedy.

It is useful to use in diseases of the respiratory tract, acute respiratory infections, SARS.

Peppermint essential oil improves immunity, reduces fever, is well suited for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, relieves nasal congestion and other symptoms of a cold.

Thyme is an excellent antiseptic, which contributes to the rapid recovery of the body after an illness, is an analgesic, immunodulatory, expectorant, anti-inflammatory agent of natural origin.

Procedures with this oil are useful for colds and chronic respiratory diseases.

Sage acts on the body as a general tonic, which removes sputum, effectively relieves inflammation of the respiratory organs and throat.

Juniper, like other essential oils against colds, is useful due to its high antiseptic, anti-infective properties. In fact, they are natural antibiotics.

Cardamom and anise struggle with headache, manifestations of cough and runny nose.

You can learn more about the properties of each oil from.

Essential oils for the prevention of colds and treatment - the right choice of an effective natural remedy.

  • To relieve temperature - bergamot, lemon balm, lavender, eucalyptus,.
  • To strengthen immunity - grapefruit, lemon, pine, juniper, ylang-ylang, sage.
  • For antiseptic purposes - rosemary, tea tree, clove, thyme,.
  • Antiviral - fennel, mint, geranium, lemon balm.

Essential oils have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, regenerating properties, which help in relieving the symptoms of colds, acute respiratory infections and SARS. Various mixtures of essential oils effectively influence the healing processes.

Rules for the use of aromatherapy

  1. Before using esters, it is recommended to consult a doctor., especially this rule applies to people suffering from certain diseases, pregnant women and children, since many oils are contraindicated in these cases for use.
  2. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of oil, do not exceed the allowable rate.
  3. For children under the age of 3, it is better not to do procedures with essential oils at all.
  4. Before an aromatherapy session, you need to check the individual reaction of the body by dropping a little oil on the crook of the elbow or the inner side of the wrist. If there are no rashes, headaches, feelings of suffocation, or other unpleasant sensations, you can use the oil.
  5. Take orally only in dissolved form with honey, jam.
  6. Purchase and use high-quality essential oils, check the expiration date.
  7. For most treatments, essential oils should be mixed with base oils.

To speed up the restoration of immunity, it is important not only to know which essential oils help with colds, but also to have sufficient information regarding the methods of treatment using aromatherapy.

Inhalations - for such procedures, a special inhaler is convenient, or you can add a few drops (up to 4) of a certain essential oil to a container with hot enough water, bend over the steam, cover your head with a towel and inhale the healing aroma.

Aroma inhalation rules:

  • time period - up to 5-7 minutes;
  • up to 3 times a day for no more than 7 days;
  • one procedure before going to bed;
  • after such aromatherapy, do not eat food for 60 minutes.

Oil mixture recipes for inhalation

1 drop of essential oil:

  • pine and lavender;
  • eucalyptus and tea tree;
  • rosemary and thyme;
  • lavender and eucalyptus;
  • eucalyptus and thyme;

2 drops of essential oil:

  • eucalyptus, lavender, tea tree;
  • mint, sage, eucalyptus, tea tree;
  • rosemary, mint, lavender, eucalyptus.

Rubbing - 2 tbsp. spoons of base oil (olive, and, avocado, jojoba) and 20 drops of a certain essential oil should be mixed well, applied with massaging movements to the skin.

The aroma lamp helps to alleviate the symptoms of a cold, is an excellent prophylactic. The most effective blend of lavender, mint, eucalyptus oils.

aromatic bath helps not only to improve the patient's condition, but also to remove toxins. Before using essential oil for such a procedure, it is necessary to combine it with an emulsifying agent (sea salt, milk, honey, glycerin).

Recipes for aromatherapy in the bathroom:

* restorative

  • 3 k. thyme, eucalyptus;
  • 1 cup tea tree oil;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of honey;

* antiviral

  • 3 k. rosemary, tea tree;
  • 1 k. lemon;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of milk;

* to fight colds

  • 200 grams of bath salt;
  • 4 drops of eucalyptus, thyme, rosemary oils.

For oral administration, mix one drop of essential oil with 1 tablespoon of jam, honey.

Aromatherapy is a wonderful remedy for relieving the symptoms of a cold. The use of essential oils is beneficial for the body due to their naturalness, availability and safety. with the right approach to use.

Autumn is a wonderful time of the year when the trees dress up in colorful attire and the rains evoke a dreamy-nostalgic mood. And everything would be fine if at the same time our body did not become more vulnerable to the flu. Unfortunately, the beautiful season of bright foliage and Christmas anticipation is accompanied by coughs and runny noses.

Fortunately for us, there are many essential oils that can help us maintain our health, relieve unpleasant symptoms and speed up the healing process. But of course, this does not cancel the consultation with the doctor, but is only an addition to the treatment.

How essential oils work for colds and flu

A feature of aromatic oils is a set of qualities that contribute to the effective elimination of the manifestations of flu and cold symptoms, as well as to support immunity for a speedy recovery. They are able to fight viruses, bacteria, reduce inflammation, act as an antiseptic and stimulate the immune system. Aromatherapy is also effective for headaches and breathing difficulties.

Some base oils have the same properties, so why essential oils? - you think. And you will be partially right. Some base oils do have a similar set of properties, but they are less concentrated and have a completely different composition and mechanism of action, which are less suitable for our purposes.

Essential oils contain several hundred different molecules, and each of them helps our body maintain good health and recover faster.

Modern research also confirms the effectiveness of aromatherapy for colds and. For example, during a study conducted BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the composition of three essential oils was considered: clove, orange and cinnamon. The use of the mixture reduced the activity of viral particles in vitro by 90%!

In the IV millennium BC. e. The Egyptians already used essential oils for medical and cosmetic purposes, as evidenced by the decoding of ancient hieroglyphs. The Greeks created recipes for healing ointments based on olive and essential oils. And in the Holy Scriptures, about two hundred times, essential oils are mentioned that are used for religious purposes.

It is important to consider that, despite the proven effectiveness of essential oils, you should not treat them as a panacea. Essential oils will be a great addition to the main treatment, but will not replace it.

The most effective oils for colds and flu

Let's take a closer look at essential oils that help not only relieve flu and cold symptoms, but also get back on your feet faster!

Dried cloves have been used for centuries as an antiseptic and pain reliever. Clove oil has the same properties, and also has antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral and stimulant effects. Clove oil is used to treat a variety of health conditions including toothache, indigestion, cough, headache, muscle pain, and stress. And due to the combination of its properties and effects on the body, it is a frequent component in mixtures for colds and flu.

Keep in mind that clove essential oil should be used in small doses as it can be mildly irritating and intoxicating at high concentrations.

Tea tree

This oil has antiseptic, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. It is suitable not only to relieve cough and sputum, but also to relieve the symptoms of sore throat. Tea tree oil is a natural disinfectant. It can be used to kill germs on surfaces and in the air, thereby preventing disease and reducing the risk of infection.

Despite the great health benefits, tea tree should be used in low concentrations and avoid contact with sensitive skin.


Lemon has long been considered a medicinal fruit for reducing flu and cold symptoms. And the research done John Yaneff (CNP) and published in the journal "Antimicrobial Chemotherapy" in 2001, confirmed that the antibacterial action of lemon oil is effective against cold symptoms and allergies.

In addition, lemon oil is an excellent decongestant, antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory, making it ideal for fighting viruses and relieving cold and flu symptoms. And the fresh lemon aroma will cheer you up and give you strength.

Lemon oil is phototoxic, so avoid using it if you're heading outside on a sunny day.

The antiviral and stimulant properties of thyme make it a truly indispensable tool for combating weakness, fatigue and malaise during flu and colds and during the recovery period.

Thyme grows in different parts of the globe and in each of them, from the raw material of the herb, oil of a different composition is obtained. These varieties are called chemotypes.

The most effective and fragrant essential oil of thyme ("linalool") is obtained in the European region of France. There is another type of herb on sale - red thyme. The oil from it can leave a burn on the skin, so read the product description on the bottle carefully.

Apply essential oil carefully and do not rub pure oil on your skin to avoid chemical burns.


The health benefits of pine essential oil are attributed to its antibacterial, analgesic, diuretic, antiseptic, stimulant, and aromatic properties, making it a great help in relieving flu and cold symptoms and an important addition to any therapy.

Pine essential oil spoils quickly after opening, so it should be stored in the refrigerator.


This essential oil is a leader in the fight against colds and flu. It is powerful enough to support our respiratory system, yet gentle and gentle enough in its effect. Its antibacterial properties help to effectively fight germs and make breathing easier. Eucalyptus oil is often used in cold remedies.

Despite all the benefits and mildness of action, eucalyptus essential oil should not be used internally, as it can be toxic. Also, it is not combined with taking homeopathic medicines.

Fir essential oil has decongestant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is often used in massage or bath blends to relieve muscle and joint pain associated with seasonal colds or the flu.

According to a study published in the journal Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, fir essential oil can be extremely helpful in relieving respiratory problems. And the anti-inflammatory properties of the oil will help relieve soreness in the throat and bronchi and help to remove mucus.

Despite the proven health benefits, fir oil should be used with caution in small doses.


Rosemary is cultivated throughout the world as a culinary spice, and its medicinal properties are attributed to its high camphor content. The ancient Greeks burned rosemary branches like incense, because the high content of essential oil in it gave a great fragrant smoke.

Rosemary oil will be helpful in relieving cold and flu symptoms due to its analgesic and tonic effect. This is an excellent adaptogen that will help you quickly return to a healthy state.

Clary sage

Sage is an amazing plant whose flowers contain so much essential oil that it stays on the skin when touched.

Sage has a large set of useful properties that will be useful for flu and colds, among them: anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, antimicrobial. This is an excellent preventative oil that will help keep you healthy.

The use of sage should be limited during pregnancy.

There are various home use options for you to try out how essential oils work. Consider the most effective of them:

  • Rubbing into the chest and back. For rubbing, it is better to use tea tree oil, rosemary, lemon, lavender and fir. Add 8 to 15 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil and use up to five massages per day for a week.

Applied to the skin, essential oils are easily absorbed and carried by the bloodstream to every cell in the body within minutes.

  • A cool compress applied to the forehead and temples will help reduce the temperature. To make a compress, add two drops of bergamot, mint, lemon and lavender to two hundred milliliters of water. Soak a towel in the resulting mixture and apply the compress 1-5 times a day for 3-7 days.
  • Inhalation or cold inhalation. Breathe oil from a bottle 5-15 times a day for up to 14 days. You can also put a drop of oil on a band-aid and stick it on your skin under your clothes around your chest. So a useful aroma will always be with you. The patch needs to be renewed when the smell becomes almost imperceptible.
  • The aroma lamp will help fill the room with a healing aroma. Add 4-12 drops of essential oils to the lamp and enjoy the fragrance for a course of 5 to 10 days.

European Medical Community doctors prescribe essential oils to be taken orally, in addition to pharmaceuticals.

Although essential oils are considered natural remedies, this does not mean that they are completely harmless. They have a number of contraindications and can have serious side effects if used incorrectly. Here is some of them:

  • Skin irritation. Essential oils can irritate sensitive skin. When applied to the skin, they are never used in their pure form, but always in combination with base oils, various mixtures, and water.
  • Interaction with drugs. Essential oils can interact with medications and nutritional supplements. It's a great idea to talk to your doctor before using them.
    • If you're not sure how to use essential oils, ask your doctor or aromatherapist for advice.
    • If you are pregnant, have hypertension, or have epilepsy, you should avoid rosemary and clove oils, and be sure to check with your healthcare provider about your intention to use essential oils.
    • Only diluted essential oils! If you do not dilute them, then this can lead to irritation of the skin, eyes and lungs.
    • Be sure to do an allergy test. Dilute a few drops of essential oil in 30 ml. base oil (this can be coconut oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, etc.) and do a patch test on the inside of your forearm to check for skin sensitivity.
    • Use quality essential oils. Buy essential oils only from trusted sources. Products of poor quality not only will not give the proper therapeutic effect, but can also be hazardous to health.
    • Remember that essential oils with a hint of citrus are phototoxic, so use these oils in small doses, especially if you go outside.
    • And most importantly - be sure to consult with your doctor!
    • Essential oils have a set of properties that help reduce cold and flu symptoms.
    • The effectiveness of aromatherapy for flu and colds has been proven by a number of scientific studies.
    • The most effective oils in the fight against flu and colds are: tea tree, clove, lemon, thyme, pine, eucalyptus, fir, rosemary, clary sage.
    • A number of contraindications and application features must be considered when using aromatic oils.
    • Essential oils are not medicines and do not replace the main treatment, but only supplement it.

The end of autumn and winter is the time of colds. These insidious viruses are just waiting for our immunity to lose its vigilance. Children are especially susceptible to various kinds of colds. Trying to cure another acute respiratory disease in a child, parents give him a lot of different drugs, which often have a rather long list of side effects. But few people know that essential oils can help children with a cold. Using essential oils for colds in children can not only alleviate the symptoms of a cold, but also stimulate the immune system.

Before using essential oils for colds for children, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for the use and dosages of essential oils.

Rules for the use of essential oils for children:

1. Choose only 100% natural essential oils.

3. If your child is prone to allergic reactions, essential oils should be used with extreme caution.

4. Keep essential oils and preparations with them out of the reach of children.

5. To avoid burns, citrus essential oils should be applied to the skin of a child at least 8 hours before sun exposure.

6. Do not apply undiluted essential oil directly to baby's skin.

7. When carrying out medical procedures with essential oils, do not leave the child alone.

Dosages of essential oils for children

Child's age

Permitted essential oils


Amount of essential oil (in drops)

2-8 weeks

chamomile, lavender, neroli, rose, benzoin, myrrh, dill

Bath / 10 liters

Aroma lamp/room 15 m3


2-12 months

Bergamot, fennel, ginger, orange, ylang-ylang, patchouli, sandalwood

Bath / 10 liters

Aroma lamp/room 15 m3


Tea tree

Bath/20 liters

Aroma lamp/room 15 m3


without Borders

Bath/180 liters

Aroma lamp/room 15 m3


* For children under 2 weeks of age, the use of essential oils is not recommended.

* A pediatrician's recommendation is required before using essential oils on children under 5 years of age.

For the treatment of colds in children, mixtures of essential and base oils are used.

The best essential oils for treating colds in children: chamomile, lavender, dill, bergamot, fennel, ginger, orange, eucalyptus, tea tree, rosemary, thyme, pine, cedar.

As a basis for the preparation of children's massage mixtures, it is better to use olive, peach oils. These oils are safe for children and almost never cause allergic reactions. For infants, it is better to use sterile vegetable oils. To do this, they should be boiled in a water bath for 30-40 minutes.

You can independently compose mixtures of the above essential oils, focusing on the age of the child, or use recipes for ready-made mixtures.

Treatment of colds with essential oils in children under 1 year old

When bathing a baby, add 1-2 drops of essential oil mixed with 1 tsp to the baby bath. base oil.

After the bath, it is good to give the child a massage with essential oils. To do this, mix 1 drop of essential oil with 1 tablespoon of carrier oil. Rub this mixture on your baby's chest and back. Get a foot massage and put on warm socks.

For the treatment of colds in young children, inhalations with essential oils can be carried out. To do this, drop one of the suitable essential oils into the aroma lamp. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

Base mixture with essential oils for colds for children 1-5 years

Base mix with essential oils for colds for children over 6 years old

10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil,

5 drops of lavender essential oil,

5 drops of tea tree essential oil

2 drops thyme or thyme essential oil.

Mix all ingredients in a glass bottle. The resulting mixture can be used for baths, inhalations, massages.

Bath: stir a mixture of essential oils with 1 tsp. base oil and dissolve in water (see the table for proportions). The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. In addition to the general bath, you can do a foot bath.

Massage: combine the healing mixture with almond or apricot oil (see the table for the proportions). Rub the resulting massage mixture into the upper part of the chest.

Inhalations: add a few drops of a mixture of essential oils (see table) to the aroma lamp. The duration of the procedure is up to 30 minutes. You can also put 1-2 drops of a mixture of essential oils on the child's pillow or pajamas before going to bed.

Prevention of colds in children with essential oils.

For the prevention of colds in children during epidemics, it is advisable to aromatize the premises with essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, pine, rosemary, thyme, fir. These essential oils have the ability to stimulate and strengthen the immune system.

In order to disinfect the premises during the epidemic, it is worth carrying out wet cleaning with the addition of one of the above essential oils (5 drops per 1 liter of water).

Schoolchildren and children attending children's institutions can use aromamedalon as a prevention of colds. Put 1-2 drops of essential oil on a piece of cotton wool and place in the aroma pendant. Put it on your child's neck, the aroma of the essential oil will protect him all day long.

This article is written for informational purposes. For an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment, consult your pediatrician.

I wish health to you and your children!

Essential oils for colds are a fairly effective method of preventing and treating this disease. A properly selected composition of the above remedies will not only get rid of the symptoms of this disease, but also strengthen the body. It is also allowed to use essential oils for colds for children and pregnant women.

The value of aromatic oils in the prevention and treatment of colds

Aromatherapy is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to fight off viral and bacterial infections. In addition, with the use of this method, the body's immunity is simultaneously increased.

Essential oils for colds are used both for the prevention of this disease and for its treatment. For example, for the first purpose, aromas of geranium, lemon, lavender, lemon balm and others are used. For therapy, it is recommended to use other essential substances, such as oil of eucalyptus, sage, tea tree, spruce, rosemary, juniper, lavender, fir, pine, etc.

The impact on the body of aromatic substances

Essential oils for colds produce an incredible healing effect. The properties of the above substance depend on the plant from which it is produced:

  • antiseptic - tea tree, cinnamon, sage, cloves, rosemary;
  • antiviral - esters of mint, geranium, fennel, ylang-ylang, lemon balm;
  • antibacterial - this is oil of geranium, tea tree, spruce, chamomile, myrtle, cedar, juniper, ginger;
  • anti-inflammatory - esters of sage, tea tree, juniper, cloves, pine, myrtle, thyme, grapefruit;
  • immunostimulating - oil of sage, tea tree, rose, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, chamomile, juniper, hyssop, lavender, grapefruit;
  • restorative - esters of lavender, anise, rose, fennel, frankincense, sandalwood;
  • diaphoretic and antipyretic - oil of peppermint, lemon, lavender, bergamot, eucalyptus, chamomile, tea tree and lemon balm.

Esters of such plants as juniper, eucalyptus, cinnamon, sage, tea tree, oregano, cloves, thyme, lemon are perfect for disinfecting rooms from colds viruses. For this, a special aroma burner is used.

The most effective aroma oils for colds: a list

1. Essential oils for colds and coughs: 2 drops of eucalyptus + 2 drops of lavender + 2 drops of peppermint + 2 drops of bergamot. This mixture is used for inhalation. Representatives of alternative medicine recommend inhaling these vapors for no more than 10 minutes.

2. Essential oils for colds and runny nose: 5 drops of rosemary ether + 5 drops of pine oil + 5 drops of eucalyptus ether + 2 drops of peppermint + 5 drops of geranium + 5 tablespoons of sunflower oil. This mixture is used for the sinuses.

3. You can also use the following combinations of aromatic oils for the treatment of colds:

  • 2 drops of eucalyptus + 2 drops of lavender + 2 drops of tea tree;
  • 1 drop eucalyptus + 3 drops peppermint + 2 drops sage + 2 drops tea tree
  • 1 drop peppermint + 2 drops lavender + 1 drop rosemary + 1 drop eucalyptus;
  • 1 drop of spruce + 1 drop of cypress + 1 drop of thyme + 1 drop of mint + 1 drop of rosemary;
  • 1 drop of thyme + 1 drop of cloves + 1 drop of peppermint + 1 drop of eucalyptus.

The above combinations of aromatic oils are selected by alternative medicine specialists. They produce the maximum therapeutic effect, soon relieving the body of the symptoms of colds.

Also in the pharmacy there is an opportunity to purchase essential oils for colds "Breathe". The manufacturers of this product have developed combinations of aromatic substances for the treatment of viral and bacterial diseases, which greatly simplified this process. The patient no longer needs to buy several different packages of aroma oils.

Recommendations for the use of the above remedy for the treatment of viral diseases

When using essential oils for colds, there are a few important rules to keep in mind:

  1. These substances must be of high quality, that is, natural.
  2. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, especially if this remedy is used for children and pregnant women.
  3. For the prevention of influenza, it is not recommended to use the same aroma oil for more than 3 weeks. It is important to take a break for at least 10 days.
  4. If the smell causes irritation, headaches, or is simply unpleasant, it should be replaced with another one.
  5. Aroma oils have the ability to enhance the effect of antibiotics.
  6. Esters block the effect of homeopathic remedies.
  7. Before embarking on aromatherapy, it is important to consult a doctor if the patient has heart problems, epilepsy, or an allergic reaction.

Ways to use aroma oils for colds

Aromatherapy for the symptoms of viral and bacterial diseases can be carried out by the following methods:

  • With the help of special ones (for 15 sq. M. Take 5 drops of the substance).
  • Taking a bath with ethers: antipyretic - the temperature is 36 degrees Celsius, with a cold - the temperature is above 40 degrees Celsius.
  • By the method of application to the skin (5 drops of aromatic oil are mixed with body cream and rubbed into the chest area).
  • Using aromatic inhalation (5 drops of a mixture of esters mixed with a spoonful of honey and added to hot water). Breathe this solution for up to 10 minutes. For colds, it is recommended to carry out a maximum of 3 times a day.
  • Ingestion (mix 1 drop of oil with a spoonful of honey or vegetable oil). The course of such therapy is no more than 3 weeks. Important: Do not take this remedy on an empty stomach.
  • (Mix 30 drops of a mixture of aromatic oils with salt and dissolve in 5 liters of water, wash the floors with this liquid).

Aromatherapy for colds and pregnancy

A woman in position is not recommended to use this method for the prevention and treatment of viral and bacterial diseases without first consulting a doctor. There are a number of aromatic oils that are contraindicated for patients in this category.

The most effective essential oils for colds for pregnant women: thyme, eucalyptus, rosemary, pine, lavender, peppermint, tea tree.

Pregnant women can use both wet and dry inhalations for the treatment of colds (by applying the substance to the arm).

An excellent therapeutic combination of the following substances for pregnant women: 4 drops of tea tree + the same amount of eucalyptus. This mixture of aromatic oils is used to lubricate the nasal mucosa.

Aromatherapy for colds for children

This method of treatment and prevention of viral and bacterial diseases is perfect for young patients. Children are allowed to take essential oils for colds, only a few recommendations should be taken into account:

  • these substances, before adding to the water, are mixed with the base - a spoonful of salt;
  • inhalations with the help of aromatic oils begin to be carried out from a few seconds and gradually brought up to three minutes;
  • pure essential oil is forbidden to be used in aromatherapy for children.

Essential oils for colds children are allowed to use the following: eucalyptus, chamomile, lavender or tea tree. A drop of one of the above remedies is advised by alternative medicine representatives to drip on the collar of a child's shirt before bedtime. This is an excellent preventative method.

Essential oils for colds: reviews

Aromatherapy is a fairly popular method of preventing and treating colds. Reviews about this method are enough.

The topic of using essential compositions is especially relevant in special forums. Its visitors strongly recommend the use of aromatic oils for the treatment of viral and bacterial diseases. Reviews of some patients warn of the possibility of side effects if the selected essential oils are not suitable for the body. They indicate symptoms of an allergy or a severe headache.

Therefore, before using essential oils for colds, it is necessary to consult a doctor about such therapy. Doing it yourself can be harmful.

Essential oils for colds: contraindications

With extreme caution, the above aromatherapy should be used for people with heart problems, bronchial asthma, epilepsy. Also, experts note that some ethers can cause such side effects:

  • severe dizziness;
  • increased irritability;
  • sharp headaches;
  • allergy.

In case of observing the above symptoms, you should immediately stop the course of therapy and seek help from a doctor.

Aromatherapy is a fairly popular and no less effective way to prevent and treat viral and bacterial diseases. Essential oils for colds have a tonic and immunostimulating effect on the body. Therapy is not only beneficial, but also enjoyable.

Essential oils for colds, runny nose, sore throat and flu help to overcome these diseases faster and strengthen the immune system.

In addition, tea tree and eucalyptus aroma oils fill the room with a pleasant aroma, improving mood.

The composition of oils contains only natural substances that are absolutely harmless.

Useful properties of aroma oils

Unfortunately, a cold can appear not only in rainy autumn, frosty winter, windy spring, but also in summer, when many people escape from the heat under the cool air produced by the air conditioner. After all, even a slight hypothermia can provoke the appearance of the first signs of flu or colds.

In this case, there is no need to rush to take antibiotics and other drugs that have a lot of side effects. At first, it is better to use more gentle methods of treatment, for example, apply antiviral aroma oils for colds, adding them to a warm bath or even tea.

In addition, essential oils are very effective for colds. To get rid of its unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to carry out several inhalations with the addition of eucalyptus and tea tree extract.

But what properties should have means that will help overcome ARVI and the common cold. So, essential oils for flu or sore throat should have the following qualities:

  • anti-inflammatory and antiviral;
  • antiseptic and antibacterial;
  • antipyretic, tonic and diaphoretic.

These qualities are possessed by extracts of many medicinal plants. For example, tea tree is a natural immune-boosting antibiotic. And the eucalyptus extract has an analgesic and antiseptic effect.

Depending on the effect of a certain oil, it can be used in the treatment of various diseases, including flu and colds. And for preventive purposes, it is useful to carry out aromatherapy, which will help to comprehensively overcome the disease and help the exhausted body recover.

The best aroma oils for colds, runny nose and flu are extracts:

  1. tea tree;
  2. lemon
  3. eucalyptus;
  4. geraniums;
  5. lavender;
  6. thyme;
  7. peppermint;
  8. rosemary;
  9. cedar;
  10. sage;
  11. pines;

The use of tangerine, grapefruit, lemon and orange oils activates the body's defenses. Hyssop, chamomile, geranium, tea tree, juniper, thyme, myrtle, cedar, pine and eucalyptus oil have an antibacterial effect.

The essential oil of bergamot, lavender, lemon, chamomile, lemon balm and mint has an antipyretic effect. To strengthen the body, it is useful to carry out aromatherapy using extracts of geranium, rose, fennel, sandalwood and anise.

Before using essential oils for colds and runny nose, you should read the important recommendations. So, you always need to adhere to a certain dosage. Moreover, for pregnant women, the elderly and children, it decreases.

The systematic use of the same extract can lead to addiction or cause allergic reactions, so you need to take a break. It is advisable to alternate 14 days of admission with a 7-14 day break.

Before doing aromatherapy, you should consult a doctor. There are a number of limitations, for example, some people often have allergic reactions to essential oils.

Those taking medications should be careful. Aromatherapy can affect their effectiveness, for example, exacerbate the effect of antibiotics.

When buying any extract, you should look at the certificates to make sure that it is a quality and natural product. In this case, you need to smell the oil. If the aroma is unpleasant, then it is better to refuse to purchase it.

Cold and hot inhalations

To make a hot inhalation, you need to prepare any oil against colds, a towel and a pot in which you need to boil 1.5 liters of water. After that, add 3 drops of eucalyptus or tea tree oil to it and cover with a towel.

It is carried out as follows: you need to close your eyes, and then inhale the medicinal vapors for about 6 minutes. But the first procedure should last no more than 2 minutes, it is better to increase the total time gradually.

For 1 hour after the behavior of inhalation, you can not eat, actively move and go out into the fresh air. From 2 to 3 inhalations can be done per day, and it is advisable to carry out the last procedure at bedtime. The duration of such treatment is 7 days.

Antiviral aroma oils of eucalyptus and tea tree can be used separately. But in order to improve the effectiveness of treatment, it is better to make special essential mixtures that will enhance the beneficial properties of each other. Among the simple mixtures that help with influenza and sore throat, the following can be distinguished:

  • pine and lavender;
  • tea tree and eucalyptus;
  • rosemary and thyme;
  • thyme and eucalyptus;
  • cypress, spruce, thyme, rosemary, mint;
  • eucalyptus, lavender, tea tree;
  • cloves, thyme, eucalyptus, mint;
  • mint, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus;
  • rosemary, mint pine or fir.

All components are mixed in equal parts.

In addition, in order to prevent the occurrence of colds, cold inhalations can be done. So, you should drop the oil from a cold on a handkerchief, which you need to sniff periodically. The optimal combination is a mixture of spruce, tea tree, cypress, lemon and eucalyptus.

In addition, you can carry a small inhaler with you. To this end, you need to prepare a small glass bottle and pour 1 tsp into it. salt, and then add 5 drops of rosemary and 15 drops of eucalyptus.

After the bottle should be tightly closed and shaken. Finding yourself in crowded places, you need to get an inhaler and take 3 deep breaths, and then take a break and repeat the procedure.

Indoor Air Purification

Aromatherapy indoors is an effective prevention of colds. So, you need to pour a little water into the aroma lamp, and then drop cold oil into it with the calculation of 5-6 drops per 10 m2. Down you need to put a lit candle.

The duration of this procedure is 30 minutes. It should be done up to 3 times a day to fill the room with a refreshing aroma and purify the air of harmful bacteria. For this purpose, the use of mint, citrus, tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender and sage oils is useful.

In addition, such a mixture can be added to a humidifier with a special function. The simplest and most affordable method of moisturizing is to drop an oily substance on a damp towel, and then put it on a warm battery.

In the presence of influenza, the air in the room must be regularly and thoroughly disinfected. Eucalyptus and tea tree oils are effective against this disease. For this, 20 drops of extracts should be dripped into half a glass of vodka, and then the mixture is poured into a spray bottle, using which you need to spray each patient's room.

The best antiviral oils for flavoring a flu patient's room:

  • orange (5) and Siberian fir (10);
  • thyme (1), tea tree (4), eucalyptus (1), lavender (2);
  • peppermint (1), tea tree (2), lavender (1), pine (2).

A mixture of mint (2), eucalyptus (3) and lavender (5) is suitable for office disinfection. Mint (1), Rose (1), Lemon (2) and Lavender (2) can be sprayed in the car.


In addition, cold oil can be added to the bath. To this end, antiviral extracts (5-15 drops) are mixed with sea salt, and then added to a warm bath. The procedure should be carried out up to 15 minutes.

After taking a therapeutic bath, it is better not to dry yourself, but wrap yourself in a towel. Next, put on warm socks, lie down in bed and cover yourself with a blanket.

Essential Bath Blends:

  • eucalyptus (8), chamomile (5), lavender (5);
  • cloves (1), tea tree (3), lemon (2), thyme (2);
  • pine (3), tea tree (3), eucalyptus (5).

In addition, to improve overall well-being and positive mood, the essential concentrate can be added to the shower gel. So, the use of oils is as follows: for 60 ml of the product, add 3 drops of neroli, 10 drops of lavender or 7 drops of orange oil. Along with this, it is recommended that they help restore immunity.

Even to strengthen the immune system in the shower, you can drop 3 drops of rosemary oil. Moreover, the use of anti-cold essential oils can be supplemented with ginger tea, which has an immunostimulating, analgesic and antibacterial effect. To do this, add fresh ginger, honey and a slice of lemon to a cup filled with boiling water, about this in the video in this article.



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