Dicinon during early pregnancy - appointment for use. Dicinon during pregnancy: instructions for use, dosage, indications

Pregnancy is not only a tender time, but also a very disturbing one. Future mothers are wary of the slightest sneeze, because the contents of almost the entire first-aid kit are now banned, and even the condition referred to as the threat of miscarriage, with the accompanying sudden bleeding, seems fatal. Fortunately, modern doctors have sufficient knowledge to save a pregnancy in such a situation, resorting, among other things, to such a drug as Dicinon.

The use of Dicinon during pregnancy

Dicynon refers to hemostatic drugs. In simple terms, this medicine has a hemostatic effect. This effect is achieved by activating platelets and restoring damaged vessels. Against the background of taking the drug, there are no such negative consequences as vasoconstriction or the formation of blood clots, on the contrary, the processes of blood microcirculation improve.

The use of Dicinon during pregnancy is justified in case of placental abruption or placenta previa, as well as in the narrowing of the birth canal. All these conditions are accompanied by noticeable bleeding. Dicinon begins to act within a couple of hours after ingestion, and when using the drug in a course, the effect lasts for a week.

The classic dose of Dicinone at a time is 250 mg. It is with this concentration of the active substance that tablets are produced. Standard regimen: three pills for three days. However, expectant mothers, taking into account the specifics of their situation, such general instructions can only be followed under the supervision of a doctor.

The instruction does not impose time limits on the appointment of Dicinon during pregnancy. This drug can be used in both the first and subsequent trimesters. Most often, the need for its reception arises in the early stages, when the likelihood of a miscarriage is especially high. However, the scope of the beneficial action of Dicinon is not limited to critical situations: the remedy is also effective in nosebleeds.

Despite all the positive aspects of the use of Dicinon during pregnancy, it is important to remember the presence of contraindications. This list includes:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • Thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • High vascular permeability;
  • Porphyrin disease, manifested by a violation of pigmentation.

Reviews about Dicinone during pregnancy

Patients who have undergone course treatment with Dicinon most often perceive it as a miracle cure. This is especially true in cases where complex therapy, including taking this drug, helped save the life of the unborn child.

However, not all reviews of Dicinone during pregnancy are positive. Some patients, while taking this medication, noted the presence of side effects: headaches, eating disorders, a sudden decrease in pressure. These are typical signs of an overdose, in which case you should seek medical help.

Like most drugs, Dicinon has its own analogues. The main active ingredient of the drug is etamsylate; it can be found in packages with the names Etamzilat, Etamzilat-Eskom, Etamzilat-Ferein, etc. Vikasol demonstrates a different composition, but a similar hemostatic effect. However, this does not mean at all that a pregnant woman, having discovered bleeding, can purchase any of the above medicines. The selection of medicines, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the specifics of the ongoing pregnancy, is the business of the doctor. In the meantime, as a task for mothers, it is to inform the specialist about the observed symptoms and to fulfill all appointments exactly.

Not always a woman's pregnancy can go smoothly. There are frequent cases of bloody smears from the vagina, and even serious bleeding. In this case, the doctor, after conducting the necessary examination, prescribes the drug "Dicinon". This drug is used to increase blood clotting, reduce bleeding, strengthen capillaries and increase the number of platelets formed. It is also suitable for improving blood microcirculation in the body.

Bleeding in a woman in the first months of pregnancy can begin as a result of the following problems:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • placenta previa;
  • cystic skid;
  • frozen state of the fetus, i.e. cessation of its development;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

It is not at all necessary that bleeding indicates serious problems with the development of the child. It can also be a consequence of the mother's recent injuries or inflammations associated with gynecology. For example, erosion of the uterus of the cervix or uterine fibroids can also cause prolonged and profuse hemorrhages. Or maybe a young mother recently fell and hurt herself? The slightest bruises and injuries in the abdomen and thighs can cause blood loss.

Most bleeding does not go away painlessly. There are sensations of heaviness, sharp or pulling pains throughout the abdomen. But even if there is practically no blood, but only light smears, and there are no painful sensations, this is not a reason to neglect your health. Any slightest negligence can lead to the loss of a child. Therefore, at the slightest unhealthy signs during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor and start treatment.

To identify the cause of bleeding, a series of examinations is carried out. A young mother must pass a general and biochemical blood test, a smear and a urine test. An ultrasound of the pelvic organs and the fetus itself is also performed. Only as a result of the study, the doctor will be able to accurately establish the diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Appointment for the use of Dicinon during pregnancy

At an early stage of pregnancy, Dicinon is prescribed in the following cases:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • placental abruption;
  • minor bleeding;
  • nosebleeds during pregnancy;
  • in case of risk of abortion;
  • when scraping in case of impossibility to save the fetus.

Video - Dicinon, composition, method of application, side effects and contraindications

Contraindications to the appointment of Dicinon for pregnant women

Dietion, like any medical drug, has a number of contraindications. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this drug in the following cases:

  • the presence of thrombosis or thromboembolism;
  • individual hypersensitivity to drugs that are part of Dicinon;
  • hemorrhage;
  • porphyrin disease.

Side effects of Dicinone

Dicynon can cause a number of serious side effects. Therefore, this medication is prescribed only if the risk of losing a child is really serious. The drug is prescribed only by doctors and in strictly necessary doses. It is forbidden to take Dicinon on your own, because. there is a high risk of fetal loss and a number of serious diseases.

Side effects of Dicinon:

  • dizziness;
  • possible loss of sensation in the limbs;
  • heartburn;
  • frequent headaches;
  • pressure reduction;
  • nausea;
  • skin rashes.

The drug is used only when prescribed by a doctor and in strictly allotted doses. Increasing the dosage can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system and the digestive tract.

How to use Dicinon

The drug is available in the form of tablets and ampoules for injection. The duration of the course and the method of taking Dicinon are prescribed by the doctor based on the severity of the bleeding and the pathologies that caused it.

The drug begins to act within an hour. The maximum effect of the tablets falls on a period of 3-3.5 hours from ingestion and lasts for 4-5 hours. Whereas from the introduction of an injection, bleeding begins to decrease after 10-15 minutes. But this type of medication is prescribed by a doctor in exceptional cases. On an outpatient basis, Dicinon is taken orally exclusively in the form of tablets. Most often, the course is 3-4 days. In severe cases, the time of taking the medicine can stretch up to a week. The effectiveness of the drug continues for another 5-8 days after the end of the course. The term of treatment with Dicinon can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Dicinon's analogs

The main active agent in Dicinon is Etamzilat. Therefore, this drug can be replaced with analogues containing the same substance. There drugs include Etamzilat-Forein or Etamzilat-Eskom. Vikasol also has a similar action to stop bleeding. All these drugs can be prescribed only by a doctor and in strictly allotted doses. Self-medication with any of these types of medications can lead to serious health problems.

Taking Dicynon in the first trimester of pregnancy will help stop bleeding and save the life of the unborn child. However, bleeding during pregnancy is the only period for the use of this drug. Dicynon is also used for nosebleeds, slow skin clotting in case of serious damage. It is also often used to reduce bleeding during menstruation. For blood diseases, in surgery and dentistry, doctors often prescribe Dicinon to accelerate blood clotting.

Dicynon has been used for quite a long time in medicine and has helped to keep more than one hundred women pregnant. Its effectiveness has long been proven. However, due to the large number of side effects, the drug is taken only under the supervision of the attending physician and for a short period of time. During the reception of the device, it is recommended to observe bed rest.

If you have any difficulties or problems - you can contact a certified specialist who will definitely help!

During the nine months of pregnancy, a woman may face many troubles: colds, viral infections, inflammation, exacerbation of chronic diseases. All this can be explained by a rebuilding organism, changes in hormonal levels, and a decrease in immunity.

All this overshadows a wonderful period and gives rise to many experiences and worries for expectant mothers. When a woman in a position finds herself bleeding, this can scare her in earnest. How do they deal with such problems?

What is dicynone?

A drug that has an antihemorrhagic, hemostatic, proaggregant and angioprotective effect is dicynone. Now let's decipher what the set of the above terminology means. Dicynon is a drug that stops bleeding, strengthens capillaries, improves their permeability, stimulates the formation of platelets and accelerates movement from the bone marrow. Accordingly, the medicine helps the blood to clot faster.

Can dicynone be used during pregnancy

Dicynon is used by specialists from various fields of medicine: surgeons, urologists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, gynecologists and obstetricians. This drug is used for both prevention and treatment. Pregnancy is a period of increased risks, because within nine months, if there are any deviations from the norm, bleeding may occur.

Therefore, dicynone during pregnancy may well be used, especially in cases where a woman is faced with the threat of losing a child (vaginal bleeding).

If a woman has spotting, the likelihood of a doctor prescribing dicynone increases. If the doctor believes that the expected result will exceed the possible risks and prescribes the drug, you should not stop taking it. The life and health of your baby may depend on this.

Please note that the use of dicynone is possible only under the strict supervision of your doctor, in no case should you take the drug yourself. Clinical trials regarding the effect of the drug on the body of a child developing in the womb have not been conducted, so it is also difficult to say how a woman's body will react to taking it.

However, in extreme cases, this drug is simply not enough. If you are faced with a problem such as placental abruption or chorionic abruption, in addition to dicynone, you will most likely be prescribed sedatives and antispasmodics.

For the best effect, rest and bed rest is necessary. In a pharmacy, dicynone can be purchased in the form of tablets and an injection solution. Expectant mothers are most often prescribed pills, which should be taken with meals, three times a day for at least three days. The effect of the drug is not long in coming - improvement occurs in 1-3 hours.

Side effects

Be prepared for the fact that dicynone during pregnancy can cause a number of side effects. Most often they occur in women who, before pregnancy, were not fond of a healthy lifestyle and in those who exceed the prescribed dosage.

Among the side effects of the reaction from the CNS, such as dizziness, headaches, flushing of the face and paresthesia of the extremities. Skin reactions are also possible: reddening of the skin. Perhaps the appearance of nausea, heartburn, severe pain in the stomach, a sharp drop in pressure.

Generally, most side effects go away as quickly as they appear. But if you experience any of these discomforts, consult your doctor immediately.


In no case should you take dicynone if: you suffer from thromboembolism, thrombosis; acute lorphyria, hemorrhage, or have hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug.

One of the most terrible diagnoses during the bearing of a child can be the threat of interruption or open bleeding. At the first sign of a possible miscarriage or bleeding, Dicinon may be prescribed to the expectant mother.

With the threat of miscarriage, Dicinon treatment
The stress of losing a baby early

Indications for use

Dicinon during pregnancy can be prescribed as a therapeutic and prophylactic drug for various types of external and internal bleeding. You can take dicynone:

  • in tablets;
  • intramuscularly;
  • subconjunctival;
  • intravenously;
  • retrobulbarno;
  • locally in the form of gauze bandages and swabs moistened with a solution.

The main indications for the use of dicynone during pregnancy are:

  • bleeding after surgery;
  • prevention of bleeding after surgery;
  • bleeding in the presence of diabetic angiopathy;
  • intestinal or pulmonary bleeding;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • bleeding due to injury to the skin;
  • fibromyoma;
  • cerebral infarction.

The drug has the following forms of release:

  • tablets - contain 250 mg of the active substance (etamsylate), one package - 100 tablets;
  • dicynone in ampoules during pregnancy - contains 2 ml of a 12.5% ​​solution, one box - 20 or 50 ampoules.

Prescribed for threatened miscarriage

Possible risks and contraindications

According to the instructions, dicynone during pregnancy can cause the following side effects.

From the nervous system:

  • headache;
  • migraine;
  • dizziness;
  • flushing of the face.

Dermatological reactions:

  • transient reaction of the skin;
  • redness of the skin;
  • Digestive system;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the epigastric region.

The cardiovascular system:

  • skin redness;
  • low blood pressure.

As a rule, the above reactions are observed in women who do not lead an active lifestyle, and also violate the recommended dosage of dicynone during pregnancy. Also find out and.

There are also contraindications to the use of the drug.

  1. Acute form of porphyria.
  2. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  3. Thrombosis.
  4. Thromboembolism.
  5. Hemorrhage due to the use of anticoagulants.

If you have at least one of these contraindications, you must immediately inform the doctor about it.

Instructions for use

The instructions for the use of dicynone during pregnancy indicate that the drug can be used only in cases where the benefit to the expectant mother is higher than the possible risk to the growing body.

According to the instructions, dicynone during early pregnancy promotes the production of platelets by the bone marrow, and also accelerates their penetration into the blood plasma. Moreover, the action of this agent increases the intensity of thromboplastin synthesis processes, which is responsible for blood clotting in damaged areas of the layer lining the inside of the capillaries. The platelet level remains within normal limits, so if a woman has a lack of platelets, it makes no sense to use tranexam and dicynone.

Medical treatment

Injections of dicynone during pregnancy in the event of bleeding act as a kind of stimulator of platelet attachment to damaged areas of the walls of blood vessels, after which a platelet plug is formed. This is what helps stop the bleeding.

As evidenced by numerous reviews, dicynone is prescribed in the presence of internal capillary bleeding, including surgical interventions in the field of gynecology and obstetrics. Among emergency cases of use, high bleeding, intestinal and pulmonary bleeding can be noted.

A medically justified daily dose of the drug is 10-20 mg per 1 kilogram of the future mother's weight.

How to take dicynone during pregnancy, the doctor says based on your medical history. As a rule, appoint 1 tablet (250 mg) - 3-4 times / day.

The effect when taken orally will be noticeable after 3 hours from the moment the tablet is dissolved in the stomach. Its duration lasts for 5 hours.

How many days you can prick injections of dicynone during pregnancy, your doctor will determine depending on the intensity of blood discharge.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Consider the pros and cons of dicynone injections during pregnancy, according to patient reviews.

Does not harm the fetus

Women's opinion

Consider the reviews of women who took dicynone during early pregnancy and left their opinion about this remedy.

Svetlana Boyarskaya:

My long-awaited pregnancy proceeded without complications, I felt good, all tests were normal. When the first trimester came to an end, I noticed a small spotting on my underwear. At first, she did not attach any importance, deciding that the vessel might have been damaged somewhere. When the discharge did not pass on the 3rd day, and at the same time became even more abundant, I became worried. I immediately decided to look on the Internet to see what it could be. Everywhere they wrote about the threat of interruption and argued that it is better to take in this case - dicynone or tranexam. Upon learning that this could be a risk of miscarriage, I immediately ran to the gynecologist. The doctor examined me, sent me for an ultrasound and made a conclusion “threat of interruption”. I almost burst into tears. Already almost the first trimester behind, everything was fine - and now. One of the reasons for this diagnosis was called severe stress or anxiety. They prescribed injections of dicynone. I didn't hesitate and started therapy that same evening. In total, the course was 10 days, but the discharge did not pass, only a little less. As soon as the injections were finished, my discharge turned yellowish, and after a couple of days it disappeared.

Maria Kruzhalina:

It was not possible to get pregnant for a long time, so I had to resort to the stimulation procedure. On the third round of attempts, we managed to conceive a baby. Since my body was not initially ready for the independent production of the necessary hormones to support the life of the fetus, the gynecologist prescribed a lot of supportive drugs. She drank everything properly, but on the 9th week, spotting still appeared. I was immediately issued a referral to the hospital, as a complete examination and urgent measures were needed. As it turned out, the prescribed drugs were not enough, and therefore there was a threat of interruption. They prescribed to drink dicynone tablets, as well as several vitamin preparations in injections. I was treated for 7 days, after which I again passed all the tests and underwent an examination. Allocations remained very meager, but no longer posed a danger. At discharge, I was prescribed to take two more maintenance drugs. In general, during the time of bearing the baby, I drank as many pills as I had not drunk in my entire life. The discharge went away after 3 days, and my son was born healthy exactly on time.

Tatyana Sokolova:

My history of taking this drug is not entirely rosy. I'll start with the fact that I found out about my "interesting position" late. Somehow she wound up, spun, and when spotting appeared instead of menstruation, she mistook them for a meager planned menstruation. However, it dragged on and instead of the prescribed 5 days, it lasted 12! I suspected something was wrong and went to the doctor. The doctor immediately told me on the chair that I was pregnant and that I might soon say goodbye to my “interesting situation”, since the case had already been started. I was shocked! Firstly, I did not expect such a turn, and secondly, I was afraid for the baby. In general, I was prescribed injections of dicynone for 2 weeks, but I did not take the drug to the end, because after 3 days severe bleeding began. I realized that this is the end. So always keep an eye on your menstrual cycles so you don't repeat my mistakes.


The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The editors of the site do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! Remember that only a complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

If you have been prescribed Dicinon with a threat of pregnancy, then you should not think and doubt. In combination with other drugs, this will help save the baby. But if you decide to resort to this remedy on your own simply because you have a daub, then this should not be done: it is likely that spotting does not threaten your pregnancy.

In general, Dicinon is prescribed to pregnant women quite often, but this medicine is by no means suitable for self-medication. Does it hide harm or danger during the period of bearing a child? The question is exciting, but in this case not the most important, because sometimes you can’t do without such treatment.

How Dicinon works during pregnancy: instructions

Dicynon belongs to the pharmaceutical group of hemostatic, antihemorrhagic drugs - that is, drugs that have a hemostatic effect. The active substance - etamzilat - stimulates the production of platelets (blood cells involved in the process of blood clotting), promotes their release from the bone marrow and concentration at the site of vascular damage, and also activates the formation of thromboplastin (an enzyme that promotes blood clotting on the inner walls of capillaries when they are damaged ). This is necessary in cases where it is necessary to prevent bleeding in case of damage to blood vessels.

In connection with this action, Dicinon is very widely used in gynecology and obstetrics (including during pregnancy at different gestation periods), as well as in other branches of medicine in the treatment of conditions that threaten internal blood loss.

Why is Dicinon prescribed during pregnancy

The main reason for this appointment is bleeding resulting from detachment of the fetal egg or placenta. Such a situation always threatens to terminate the pregnancy, and in some cases it threatens not only with the loss of the unborn child, but also with the health problems of the expectant mother.

Danger is indicated by spotting (spotting, brown and especially scarlet, red), which may be accompanied by other dangerous signs (drawing pains in the lower abdomen or lower back, fever, etc.).

Is it possible to take and inject Dicinon during pregnancy: contraindications

The drug is available in tablets and ampoules for intravenous or intramuscular administration. If the situation is critical and requires immediate relief of bleeding, then Dicinon during pregnancy is administered intramuscularly, and sometimes intravenously (injections act faster than tablets). After stopping bleeding in a hospital, a tablet form is more often used to continue therapy or for home treatment.

The instruction to the drug contains a warning that Dicinon during pregnancy can be used only according to indications, when there is an urgent need for this, or when the benefit of such treatment outweighs its likely harm. This means that official scientific studies on the effect of the drug on the development of the embryo have not been conducted. That is, it is impossible to authoritatively answer the question of whether Dicinon is harmful and dangerous during pregnancy. However, over the course of many years of practice of its use with the threat of abortion, no negative consequences have been identified.

In addition, there are other reasons why pharmacists and doctors prefer to play it safe.

Firstly, daubing during pregnancy does not always indicate danger. Spotting vaginal discharge, in particular, can normally occur on days when a woman has menstrual bleeding. Also, in the early stages, the appearance of minor blood fragments in the secretions may occur during the period of implantation of the fetal egg into the uterine cavity. Such situations do not threaten anything and do not require any treatment, except for a little more caution and a little less activity in everyday life.

Secondly, Dicinon only prevents the onset of dangerous bleeding and stops the already existing one. But he does not eliminate the reasons why there is a threat of miscarriage, and they can be very serious: detachment of the fetal egg, abruption or placenta previa, a miscarriage that has begun during an ectopic or missed pregnancy, progesterone deficiency and others. This means that the very reason must be found and eliminated - Dicinon alone is not enough for this. Usually, this drug is prescribed in combination with others (it can be No-shpa, valerian, Magne B6, progesterone-containing drugs, etc.) and with mandatory bed rest.

Therefore, only a specialist is capable of competently assessing the situation and prescribing a safe, effective therapeutic regimen - a woman should not resort to taking Dicinon with a smear on her own initiative, so as not to harm herself (and the developing fetus).

The instructions say that against the background of treatment with this remedy, side effects may occur: lowering blood pressure, dizziness and headaches, heartburn and nausea, decreased sensitivity in the extremities, redness of the skin (in particular, the face) and other allergic reactions.

If for some reason Dicinon (or Etamzilat is the same medicine) is not suitable or contraindicated for a pregnant woman, then other drugs with a similar effect (for example, Vikasol or Tranexam) can be used. Contraindications to treatment with Etamzilat are increased blood clotting, a tendency to form blood clots, exacerbation of porphyria, as well as individual intolerance to the active substance. Do not use this medicine to stop bleeding caused by an overdose of anticoagulants.

In other cases, Dicinon can be used in the early stages, in the second and third trimester, if there are medical indications, and if such treatment is carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor.

How to inject and how to take Dicinon during pregnancy: dosage

Actually, we have already found out that no amateur activity in this case is unacceptable, unless the doctor advised you to resort to the help of Etamzilat at the slightest appearance of blood. In this case, he will describe in detail the scheme and course of treatment and tell you how much to take Dicinon tablets during pregnancy, because in each case the appointments will be different. Usually prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day, but the universal scheme is not always applicable.

An exception can only be cases when a threatening situation has arisen (scarlet or red bleeding has begun), and there is no opportunity to urgently consult a doctor. In this case, it is best to use Dicinon injections in case of a threat of pregnancy as an ambulance (2-3 ampoules at once, and if the bleeding does not stop after 3-4 hours, then 2 more ampoules must be injected) in order to achieve the desired effect as quickly as possible.

Dicynon during pregnancy: reviews

Despite the presence of side effects, contraindications and warnings, Dicinon during pregnancy and before its onset is used by many women, many of them continuously for several years, with every menstruation. And they do not note any pronounced negative effect of the drug on their body, side reactions do not appear.

Pregnant women would rather risk taking the pill than losing the baby. Therefore, in situations where Dicinon is prescribed with a threat of miscarriage, they usually follow the therapeutic regimen prescribed by the doctor.

Especially for - Elena Semenova



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