Hard big skewer causes. The structure and types of injuries of the human femur

The femur is the thickest and largest component of the skeleton when compared with all other tubular bones located in the human body. All tubular bones affect human movement, so the femoral bone element can also be called a long lever of movement. Based on development, it has , , and .

If we consider x-rays of the proximal end of the bone in a newborn, only the femoral shaft can be seen. The metaphysis, epiphysis and apophysis are located in the cartilaginous stage of development, so they are not visible as formed elements. Taking x-rays in accordance with the further development of the child, you can see that the head of the femur, that is, the epiphysis, appears first. This happens in the first year of development. In the third and fourth years, the apophysis is determined, and in the 9-14th year, the ossification point appears in the lesser trochanter of the bone. Fusion occurs in reverse order at an older age, from 17 to 19 years.


The proximal or upper end of the bone bears the articular head, which is round in shape. If you look at the head a little lower from its middle, then you can see a small rough hole in the structure. In this place is the attachment of the ligament of the head of the bone. The head of the femur is connected to the rest of the femur with the help of the neck. The neck is located to the axis of the bone body at an obtuse angle, which ranges from 114 to 153 degrees. In women, a lot depends on how wide their anatomical pelvis is. If the width is large, the angle approaches a straight line.

Where the neck passes into the bone body, there are two tubercles. They are called apophyses or skewers. The greater trochanter is the upper end of the body of the bone. Its medial surface, which faces the neck, has a fossa. There is also a small spit, which is placed at the lower edge of the neck. It occurs on the medial side and slightly behind. The greater and lesser trochanters are connected to each other by a ridge that runs obliquely on the posterior side of the bone. They are connected on the front surface.

Studying the anatomy of the femur, you can see that her body is slightly arched anteriorly. It is located in a triangular-rounded shape. The back side of the body has a trace from the muscular attachment of the thigh and consists of a lateral and medial lip. These lips also have traces of attachment of the corresponding muscles, this is noticeable in the proximal part. At the bottom, the lips diverge. In this place, a smooth triangular platform is formed on the posterior femoral surface.

The distal or lower end of the bone is thickened and forms two condyles, which are wrapped back and have a rounded shape. The medial condyle protrudes more downwards than the lateral one. However, despite this inequality, both condyles are located at the same level. This is due to the fact that the femoral bone fragment in its natural position is oblique, and its lower end is closer to the midline compared to the upper end. The articular condylar surfaces from the anterior side pass into each other, therefore, a slight concavity is formed in the sagittal direction. The condyles are separated from each other by a deep intercondylar fossa on the lower and posterior sides. Each condyle on the side has a rough tubercle located above the articular surface.


The femoral bone element plays an important function in human locomotion. As mentioned above, it is the longest element of all tubular bones.

The length of the femur in adult men is about 45 centimeters, which is about one-fourth of the height. Therefore, its damage significantly affects human activity.

Hip injuries are quite common. The most common of them are fractures, when there is a violation of the anatomical integrity. There are many reasons for this - a fall on a hard object, a direct blow, and so on. Trauma to the femur is almost always severe. It can be accompanied by pain shock and severe blood loss.

Depending on the location, there are three types of femoral fracture:

  1. Trauma to the upper end of the bone;
  2. Damage to the diaphysis;
  3. Fracture of the distal metaepiphysis of the bone, damage to the proximal metaepiphysis may occur.

The clinical picture depends on the specific form of the fracture. In most cases, the victim is unable to lift his heel off the floor. He feels pain in the hip joint, which becomes especially strong when trying to make not only active, but even passive movements. The leg is slightly rotated outward, adducted. If a displaced fracture occurs, the greater trochanter is located above the line, which is called. With the help of x-rays, the degree of displacement and the nature of the fracture are specified.

  1. A cervical fracture or medial bone injury is referred to as an intra-articular injury.
  2. A lateral fracture is considered a periarticular injury, however, sometimes the plane of the fracture can penetrate into the joint cavity.

Treatment of hip injuries depends on the nature of the fracture. If a fracture of the neck of the bone occurs or the head of the femur is damaged without displacement, treatment is based on prolonged immobilization of the limb. To do this, use the Beller abduction splint or a plaster cast and. The immobilization period is from two to three months, and then unloading is done for several weeks.

If a fracture occurs with displacement of fragments, it is prescribed based on the use of the functional Beller bus, subject to maximum abduction of the leg. A Kirschner wire is passed through the distal metaphysis of the bone. A complication may occur - aseptic necrosis, in which the head of the femur and the bone body are affected. If conservative treatment fails, fragments are compared surgically.

Fractures of the trochanters may occur.

The most frequent damage occurs to the bone diaphysis. Mostly the middle third suffers. Such injuries occur due to direct and indirect injuries, most often during active games and when falling from a height. The level of the fracture determines its type.

If the femur breaks, it is treated. Tires and plaster bandages are not able to ensure the correct position of bone fragments. If a transverse fracture occurs, skeletal traction is applied, which is performed with a Kirschner wire. In order for the treatment to be successful, it is important to apply traction and reposition the fragments as early as possible. If you are late with these activities, it is difficult to correct the incorrect position of the fragments. Sometimes this is not possible. Rarely, there are cases when one-stage reposition is done using general anesthesia. Usually, this is indicated for transverse fractures, in which there is a large displacement of fragments, and for damage to the lower third of the bone, if the distal fragment is rotated and shifted upward and anteriorly. In this case, the leg is bent at the knee joint and fixed with a plaster cast after reposition.

There is no specific time frame for fracture consolidation. It all depends on the age of the patient, the degree of displacement and the nature of the damage. The average fusion period ranges from 35 to 42 days.

However, the issue of removing traction does not depend on these terms. Clinical examination can determine the disappearance of pain, the formation of callus and the elimination of pathological mobility. If these factors are present, it can be concluded that the fracture has healed, however, the final decision is made only after the load is removed and the patient's reaction is controlled. For example, if the corn is not quite strong, the patient will complain of pain, so the load will have to be applied again. If there is no such need, the traction period does not increase, even if complete fusion has not occurred. After the needles are removed, the leg is left with a splint and traction on the lower leg for several days.

So, the femoral bone element plays an important role in human motor activity. Its fracture causes the victim to temporarily stop various activities. In order for the hospital term to be not very long, it is important to follow all medical recommendations.

Bursitis of the hip joint is an inflammatory process that develops in the synovial periarticular bag, which plays the role of a kind of "shock absorber" and, when the muscles slide, helps to reduce friction between the bones and the soft tissues covering them.

In medicine, bursitis refers to a group of orthopedic diseases, the development of which is characterized by inflammation in the synovial joint capsules, leading to the accumulation of exudate in the joint cavities - i.e. inflammatory fluid.

The periarticular bursa is a small cavity located around the hip joint and filled with fluid. With various injuries, as well as excessive physical overload of the tendons and muscles, bursitis (Latin bursa - “bag”) can occur as an inflammatory process that can cover the trochanteric bursa, ischial bursa or iliac-scalloped bursa in the hip joint. Of the unfavorable factors that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process, one can note body inactivity, hypothermia, obesity and congenital anomalies, in particular, the difference in leg length. Most often, this disease occurs in women of middle and old age.

ICD-10 code

M71.1 Other infectious bursitis

M71.5 Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified

Causes of hip bursitis

Bursitis of the hip joint is an inflammatory process that covers the synovial bag of the hip joint (acetabular or ischial).

The causes of hip bursitis in most cases are associated with various injuries and damage to the femur. Among the main factors provoking this disease, one can also note:

  • Excessive regular load on the hip joint.
  • Diseases of the spine (scoliosis, arthrosis and arthritis).
  • Unequal leg length.
  • Surgical interventions on the hip joint.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Osteophytes (the so-called "bone spurs").
  • Salt deposits.

Intensive jogging and cycling, frequent climbing stairs, a long stay of a person in a standing position lead to excessive stress on the hip joint, and subsequently to the development of an inflammatory process in the synovial bags. With different leg lengths, irritation of the synovial bags also often occurs, leading to the development of bursitis. Various operations, in particular, hip arthroplasty, can cause this disease. Damage to the femur during strong impacts and falls, as well as osteophytes that occur in the tendon area, attaching to the trochanter of the femur, often become the causes of bursitis.

Symptoms of hip bursitis

Bursitis of the hip joint is the main symptom of acute pain in the hip joint, which are localized on the outside of the thigh. At the beginning of the development of the disease, the pain is strong and intense, but as the pathological inflammation spreads, it dulls over time.

There are other symptoms of hip bursitis:

  • Painful swelling at the site of the damaged joint, which has a rounded shape and reaches a diameter of up to 10 cm.
  • Swelling of tissues around the synovial sac.
  • Elevated temperature (sometimes up to 40 °).
  • Skin hyperemia.
  • General malaise.
  • Violation of the full functioning of the joint.

With acetabular bursitis, there is severe pain on the outer thigh, which makes it difficult to lie on the affected side. The patient is disturbed by heavy sleep. Burning pain interferes with climbing stairs and fetters a person in movements. Sciatic bursitis causes dull pain in the upper part of the femur, especially when lifting up, as well as flexion-extension of the hip. The pain may be aggravated by prolonged sitting on a hard surface.

When bursitis becomes chronic, the symptoms will become less pronounced, and in the area where the inflamed synovial bursa is located, there is a slight swelling that has a rounded shape and a soft texture. The chronic form of bursitis is characterized by the absence of burning pain and the preservation of joint functions. Exacerbation of the disease causes an increase in the amount of exudate in the cavity of the damaged bag, which often leads to the formation of a cystic cavity filled with fluid.

If the inflammation of the synovial bag of the hip joint is caused by an infectious agent, purulent bursitis may develop. Its main symptom is a sharp soreness, which is observed during abduction of the limb, as well as flexion-extension of the hip. A swelling is localized on the outer part of the thigh. Due to severe pain, a person cannot fully flex or unbend the hip, thus explaining the constant presence of the hip in a semi-bent position and retracting it outward.

Trochanteric bursitis of the hip joint

Bursitis of the hip joint occurs due to inflammation of one of the three periarticular bags: iliopectineal, ischial or trochanteric.

Trochanteric bursitis of the hip is caused by inflammation in the trochanteric bursa, which is located near the greater trochanter of the thigh bone, and is much more common than the other two types of bursitis. This disease is characterized by symptoms such as pain that occurs in the area of ​​the greater trochanter (i.e., a bone elevation located on the lateral surface of the femur), as well as swelling in the area of ​​​​inflammation, discomfort during movement, general malaise, fever. Often, this disease develops in people who are actively involved in sports, mainly in women, because. the female pelvis is much wider than the male pelvis, so the greater trochanter in women is located further from the midline of the body, and this provokes more intense friction of the muscles against it.

Pain resulting from the development of trochanteric bursitis, sharp, burning, spreading along the outer surface of the thigh. Unpleasant pain sensations decrease in a state of complete rest, however, at the slightest load (climbing stairs, hip rotations, squats) they increase sharply. The patient often complains of night pains that occur when lying on the sore side. In athletes involved in professional running, with an increase in sports load, pain intensifies, most often this is due to an increase in the distance or the complexity of the training.

Bursitis can occur in a chronic form over a long period of time. The acute form of trochanteric bursitis most often occurs when an injury occurs - a fall or a sharp collision with some object. In this case, the impact is accompanied by a characteristic click. Diagnosis of trochanteric bursitis is carried out using the Auber test (leg abduction method), palpation, and in some cases, a special X-ray examination to detect calcifications (ossified areas). With the help of magnetic resonance therapy, it is possible to identify areas of accumulation of exudate and inflammation.

Diagnosis of hip bursitis

Hip bursitis requires an accurate diagnosis through a complete physical examination by a qualified medical professional. During the examination, the doctor asks the patient about the nature of the pain, the prerequisites for its occurrence, localization, etc. Palpation of the hip joint is performed, as well as Auber's test with hip abduction.

Diagnosis of bursitis of the hip joint is characterized by some difficulties due to the deep location of the hip joint and covering it with muscles. Thus, an external examination of the joint is impossible, and there are also difficulties with taking a puncture or performing arthroscopy. Therefore, the diagnosis of this disease is based on two main factors: the analysis of the pain syndrome and a special X-ray examination. When pathology is detected, increased soreness and sensitivity in places of protruding sections of the femur are taken into account. MRI and bone scans are done to rule out injuries and other pathologies associated with the hip joint, such as arthritis. The diagnosis is confirmed by administering an anesthetic to the patient in the form of a local injection, after which relief is observed.

Treatment of hip bursitis

Bursitis of the hip joint, first of all, requires conservative treatment, which consists in the modification of physical activity, i.e. limiting any activity that aggravates pain. The doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to the patient, with which you can relieve pain and stop the development of the inflammatory process. In order to relieve pain in bursitis, effective hormonal preparations are used in their competent combination with local anesthetics.

Treatment of hip bursitis in non-started cases is carried out on an outpatient basis and includes a single injection of drugs directly into the damaged synovial sac. With repeated exacerbation of bursitis and the resumption of pain, the patient may need another injection.

Conservative treatment includes physical therapy. The selection of an effective set of exercises will depend on the course of the disease, however, first anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to the patient, and only after that - preventive manipulations (electrophoresis and ultrasound, therapeutic exercises).

In the treatment of hip bursitis, it is very important not only to relieve inflammation, but to prevent the chronic development of the disease. To do this, along with drug therapy, compresses with plantain, sage, as well as calendula and pine buds are used - medicinal plants that have pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties. Other effective means to reduce the recurrence of hip bursitis include:

  • Osteo-Vit. A modern biologically active complex, an effective natural chondroprotector that ensures the efficiency of recovery processes, as well as the normalization of venous blood supply to the articular and cartilage tissue. The composition of the drug includes vitamins D and B6, which contribute to the normalization of mineral metabolism in the human body. The preparation contains drone brood homogenate, which is a natural source of amino acids.
  • Dihydroquercetin plus. Antioxidant, the action of which is aimed at nourishing the articular tissue and the rapid restoration of blood microcirculation. With the help of this tool, the cells of the articular tissue are freed from free radicals that impede the regeneration process.
  • Elton P, Leveton P. Effective biologically active complexes, including bee products, as well as various medicinal herbs, the action of which is aimed at increasing efficiency, endurance, providing the body with essential trace elements, vitamins for strengthening bones, enzymes and useful amino acids. It is especially important to take these drugs during the rehabilitation period, since with the help of these biologically active complexes it is possible to restore normal blood microcirculation in damaged tissues and blood vessels. The drugs have pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and wound-healing properties. This is of particular importance if the underlying cause of hip bursitis is trauma.

Surgical treatment is used by doctors only in rare cases when conservative treatment does not give the desired results, and pain and inflammation persist. In such a situation, the only solution is to remove the damaged synovial bursa, which in no way affects the normal functioning of the hip joint. In modern medicine, the so-called. "arthroscopic" removal of the damaged synovial bag. Such an operation is performed by a small dissection of the thigh area and the internal introduction of an arthroscope - an apparatus that allows the doctor to freely manipulate surgical instruments in order to extract the synovial sac. Such surgery is characterized by a minimum level of trauma for the patient, as well as a less painful course of the recovery period.

Treatment of bursitis of the hip joint by means of traditional medicine, first of all, is effective in terms of reducing the inflammatory process. We can recommend the use of such an absorbable compress: grate 1 tbsp. a spoonful of laundry soap, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, the same amount of grated onion and mix everything. A clean cotton cloth should be laid on a piece of polyethylene and the prepared therapeutic mass should be laid out. Apply a compress to the inflamed area and wrap with a woolen cloth. It is desirable to apply the compress for 7 days. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Prevention of hip bursitis

Hip bursitis can be prevented if you take care of prevention methods in advance.

Prevention of bursitis of the hip joint, first of all, comes down to the exclusion of any load on the joint, as well as limiting physical activity, which can provoke inflammation of the synovial bag. It is necessary to maintain muscle tone, control weight, use special devices with unequal leg lengths.

Of course, it is impossible to insure against strokes and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, however, the risk of developing bursitis can be reduced by minimizing stress on the pelvic bones. To do this, you should abandon the lifting of various weights and excess weight. In case of excessive load on the legs (for example, during standing work), it is necessary to give the body a proper rest. An active lifestyle, as well as moderate exercise and the rejection of bad habits, will help to improve health and prevent the development of bursitis.

  • Take a position for push-ups from the table, while keeping your back straight without bending in the lumbar region. The body should take the position of a straight line. In this position, you should smoothly take your right leg to the side and return back. Do the same with the left leg. The frequency of the exercise is 5-10 times for each leg.
  • Take the starting position while standing, put your legs together, then bend your left leg at the knee, take your pelvis to the side of your right leg and smoothly tilt your body forward, keeping your back straight. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Regular exercise, a healthy lifestyle, and a diet rich in minerals (in particular, fluoride and calcium) will help prevent the occurrence of any pathologies of the hip joint.

Prognosis of hip bursitis

Bursitis of the hip joint is treated very successfully, especially if the disease is detected on time. Naturally, the diagnosis and treatment of bursitis requires the qualifications and experience of a medical specialist. Self-treatment with the help of analgesics and folk remedies alone (compresses, ointments, etc.) will not give positive results, therefore, if symptoms of bursitis are detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The prognosis of hip bursitis with effective treatment is always favorable. In most cases, this disease responds well to conservative methods of treatment used in modern medicine. Anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with anesthetics and other drugs completely eliminate the symptoms of bursitis in 5-7 days. Infectious bursitis should be treated with antibiotics, and more severe cases with surgery.

Bursitis of the hip joint is primarily associated with a large load on the joint during various movements, running and walking, so it is not surprising that this pathology occupies a leading position among other pathologies of the articular apparatus.

The causes of bursitis are similar in all three variants. Symptoms of manifestation, depending on which bag is inflamed, differ.

All large joints of the human body are surrounded by special pockets, bursae, filled with synovial fluid. Inflammation of the soft tissues of the joint cavities is called bursitis. There are several reasons that provoke the inflammatory process. Treatment for hip bursitis depends entirely on the etiology of the disease.

It is customary to distinguish the following factors contributing to the development of pathology.

Bursitis of the hip joint (symptoms of pathology in some cases can appear very sharply) can develop under the influence of such factors:

The advanced age of the patient.

Dehydration and severe allergic reactions.

Immune and hormonal failure.

tuberculosis of the bones.

Passive lifestyle.

Too high load on the skeleton and very hard physical labor.

Pregnancy and childbirth.

Salt deposits in the joint area.

Surgery or trauma.

Osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis.

Viral infections.

Dissimilar limbs.

Inflammation of the ischial bursa.

The most common cause of this disease is trauma, excessive exercise and various damage to the hip bone. Any of the following factors can cause inflammation of the bursa:

The defeat of the synovial bag of the hip joint most often develops under the influence of the following factors:

Varieties of bursitis

Near the hip joint there are 3 large bags, in which inflammation most often occurs:

  • Trochanteric: inflammation is localized from the outside next to the trochanter of the movable thigh joint;
  • Iliac-comb: the inflammatory process is located on the inside of the joint;
  • Ischial: inflammation is located near the ischial tuberosity.

Numerous muscles responsible for mobility are attached directly to the bony protrusion (trochanter), respectively, the disease most often spreads to this periarticular bag. Less commonly, it spreads to the iliac-comb and ischial bags. The reasons for all three types are the same.

Most often, the inflammatory process occurs in three periarticular bags of the hip joint.

  1. The trochanter. From the outside of the thigh.
  2. Ischial. At the junction of the muscles with the bony ischial tuberosity.
  3. Iliac-comb. On the inside of the hip joint.

Most often, the disease affects the trochanteric part (there is a large protrusion in front of the bone) where the largest number of muscles is located.

Drug treatment of hip bursitis is mainly aimed at relieving the inflammatory process, as well as combating the catalysts for the development of pathology. The purpose of the drugs depends on the type of bursitis.

It is customary to distinguish the following types of violations of the synovial bag:

Patients at risk should be monitored for possible clinical manifestations of bursitis. Pain when walking, swelling, limited movement are indications for visiting an orthopedist.

So, if you develop hip bursitis (symptoms), treatment should begin immediately. It is necessary to describe to the doctor in as much detail as possible all the manifestations. There are several types of this disease:

Iliac-comb. The focus of the inflammatory process in this case is located around the muscle of the same name.

Sciatic. The pathological process develops near the sciatic muscle.

Trochanteric bursitis of the hip joint. Symptoms of the disease in this case can be seen in the region of the trochanter of the femur. Most often, this type of pathology occurs in professional athletes.

You can also classify the problem by the liquid produced by harmful microorganisms:

Aseptic. The cavity of the articular capsule is not additionally infected.

Lime. In this case, there is an excessive deposition of calcium.

Septic. It is characterized by the presence of harmful microorganisms that are capable of producing toxic substances.

Hemorrhagic. It provides for the accumulation of exudate, which contains blood.

The main causes and signs of bursitis

Identification of the inflammatory process at an early stage simplifies treatment, reduces the risk of complications. If the patient pays attention to the first signs of bursitis in time, the therapy is successful in most cases, it does not come to surgery.

Learn about the first signs, symptoms and methods of treating arthritis of the elbow joint. Read about the beneficial properties and rules for using Fullflex ointment for gout at this address.

Bursitis symptoms

Signs of bursitis begin quite unexpectedly (even at the initial stage) and are directly dependent on the location of the inflammation:

  • Pain sensations. The initial stage of the inflammatory nature is manifested by acute, severe pain and depends on the location of the inflamed periarticular sac. If trochanteric, then soreness on the side of the thigh. With iliac-combing - the pain spreads to the inner and anterior zones and radiates to the inguinal region. If inflammation of the sciatic bursa, pain syndrome manifests itself when the torso is tilted. With the progression of the disease, soreness passes from an acute form to aching, but covering a larger area. It gets worse when walking or climbing stairs. At rest, the pain does not go away, and at night they increase (the patient cannot lie in a position on his side);
  • Swelling. If the development of bursitis is caused by trauma, then after its appearance, a tumor is observed, which completely disappears after time has elapsed.

In a disease such as hip bursitis, symptoms and treatment are interrelated.

  • Increased pain with hip extension and flexion.
  • Intense pain (sometimes sharp, burning) present in the region of the outer surface of the thigh.
  • Inflammation of the trochanteric bursa, which causes burning pain when climbing stairs or just walking.
  • Dull pain syndrome spreads to different areas of the thigh.
  • Swelling over the inflammatory area.
  • With a long stay in a sitting position, pain symptoms may increase.

All of these symptoms can make your life a nightmare, in which a simple action (going to the store or to the kindergarten for a child) can cause pain and discomfort.

Treatment that is started in a timely manner can quickly relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process.

Pathology usually has the following manifestations:

1. Sharp pain, which may worsen while walking.

2. Significant limitation in movements, and sometimes the loss of the ability to walk normally.

3. Sleep disturbance.

4. Redness of the skin in the affected area.

5. If the inflammation is accompanied by an infectious process, then the patient may have a fever.

6. Swelling of tissues and their edema.

7. Vegetative-vascular disorders in the area of ​​the foot, which is located on the side of the affected joint.

The main symptom of bursitis is pain. It spreads along the outer surface of the femur.

It is sometimes very stinging. The patient cannot lie on the injured side.

The pain is exacerbated at night, the patient is disturbed by a healthy normal sleep. Pain symptoms intensify when climbing stairs, rotating the hip.

A swelling is palpated in the region of the trochanter of the femoral bursa. When pressed on it, the pain intensifies.

The rotation of the joint is not disturbed. Trochanteric bursitis is characterized by the fact that in a supine position on a sore leg, the pain intensifies.

This deprives a person of proper sleep. Soreness is able to radiate down, being localized on the lateral surface of the joint.

Characterized by the appearance of pain when walking with irritation of the articular bag. In the first minutes of walking, the pain is stronger, then it subsides. If you cross your legs in a sitting position, the pain intensifies. Perhaps the appearance of vegetative-vascular disorders.

External examination with trochanteric bursitis of the hip joint shows the invariance of the contours. It is explained by the fact that the trochanteric bag is securely covered by the gluteal muscles and is located deep in the subcutaneous adipose tissue.

As with most other joint diseases, acute pain should be the first sign of inflammation of the trochanteric bag. Even with the slightest physical exertion, you will feel pain and discomfort in the area of ​​​​the base of the thigh in its outer part.

Symptoms of inflammation appear even with normal walking, the pain increases over time, especially when climbing stairs.

A person can simply lean or sit uncomfortable on the affected side, and trochanteric bursitis will make itself felt. If the treatment of inflammatory processes is not immediately started, then the symptoms may become dull, but the inflammation will spread to the entire thigh, affecting nearby tissue areas.

A signal of the appearance and development of trochanteric bursitis is pain during leg flexion, when trying to sit down or stand up after sitting for a long time.

Many patients come to the doctor with similar complaints, referring to arthritis, trying to use pain ointments and other drugs. But no wonder they don't help.

The main difference between these two joint diseases is mobility. Even through the pain of hip bursitis, the leg functions well, while with arthritis, the former mobility is significantly lost.

The symptoms of hip bursitis depend on which bursa is inflamed.

Trochanteric bursitis is manifested by sharp pain on the outer surface of the thigh. The pain intensifies when trying to turn the thigh inward, it is impossible to squat down, it is impossible to go up the stairs.

If trochanteric bursitis develops as a result of arthritis of the hip joint, then the manifestations increase gradually.

With iliac-comb bursitis, pain is localized along the anterior inner surface, in the groin below the ligaments. The pain gets worse when standing up or trying to raise the hip.

Diagnosis of bursitis

Diagnosis of bursitis consists of an examination and an MRI.

  1. Inspection. Palpation of the entire hip zone makes it possible to establish the most painful (inflamed) area. Also, most likely, it will be proposed to conduct a hip abduction test to the side. With this disease, this simple movement is difficult to perform because hip abduction is accompanied by severe pain.
  2. MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging will rule out other diseases similar in symptoms (arthritis) and confirm the presence of osteophytes in the periarticular sac. They can also prescribe an X-ray, but this diagnosis is inferior in its information content to MRI, although it wins in the availability of the procedure.

If you decide that you have bursitis of the hip joint (we have already considered the symptoms, the reasons for its development), you should definitely contact an orthopedist who will prescribe additional studies. Diagnosis of bursitis includes the following actions:

1. External examination of the affected area. The doctor will feel the diseased joint in order to accurately determine the localization of the inflammatory process. And the specialist will check the degree of hip abduction. This movement is problematic in the presence of pathology.

2. Radiography. Although this method is not always used due to its low information content.

3. MRI. This study will help to exclude the development of other pathologies. In addition, tomography will provide an opportunity to identify and determine the size of osteophytes in the articular bag.

Before proceeding with the treatment of pathology, the doctor must determine its localization and make an accurate diagnosis. First of all, the treating specialist examines the patient and collects an anamnesis.

It is necessary to ask the patient about the symptoms, how much time has passed since the onset of the disease, what additional sensations are there, whether the patient has difficulty in moving or climbing stairs, which could lead to this disease, etc.

To diagnose trochanteric bursitis, the doctor carefully examines the patient using the following methods:

  • palpation;
  • x-ray examination;
  • Aubert's test.

Auber's test allows you to accurately determine which periarticular bag is inflamed. For this, the patient must be laid on a healthy side.

The patient is asked to bend the lower leg at the hip, and the one on top at the knee at a right angle. Then you need to unbend the leg, bent at the knee, try to take it back and lower it to the floor.

If the leg does not fall to the floor, this is a clear sign of excessive tension in the hip muscles. This means that the inflammatory process has affected the iliac-scallop joint bag.

In the same way, trochanteric bursitis of the hip joint is diagnosed. The patient should take the leg back as much as possible. In the presence of pathology, the inflamed area does not move, remaining in its place.

If the doctor finds it difficult to make a diagnosis after a visual examination and Aubert's test, then an additional examination is prescribed using X-rays and MRI. These methods will accurately indicate the localization of the development of the pathological process, determine the severity of the condition by the amount of accumulated fluid inside the bag of the hip joint.

Another confirmatory factor in the inflammatory process is a local injection of an anesthetic drug. If the remedy immediately works, and the patient gets relief, then this indicates the correctness of the diagnosis.

The diagnosis is based on instrumental methods:

  1. X-ray study. Able to detect a change in the bone, joint in the region of the greater trochanter.
  2. Scintigraphy. Changes in the upper lateral region, greater trochanter indicate bursitis or tendovaginitis.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging is the last word in the diagnosis of disorders of the hip joint. MRI allows diagnosing pathologies of soft tissues, changes in muscles, bones, salt deposits. Magnetic resonance imaging is recommended for all patients with indications for surgical treatment of pathology.
  4. Ultrasound examination is a highly effective way to determine the presence of pathology in the hip joint. The picture of the disease obtained during ultrasound diagnostics allows you to prescribe an accurate, effective treatment of the joint.

Diagnostic methods allow you to solve the problem of treating bursitis.

Only a traumatologist or orthopedist can determine which bag is inflamed by a combination of signs. Medical examination is the leading link in the diagnosis. The doctor evaluates the development of the disease, the features of the onset and course, the circumstances of the patient's life and work.

The doctor may perform an Auber test, which abducts the hip. It is performed on a hard couch in the supine position on a healthy side.

The lower leg is bent at the hip joint, and the one on top is at a right angle at the knee. The leg lying on top is retracted, then it must be released.

If the leg cannot spontaneously lower, then bursitis has probably already formed.

To clarify the details, the doctor may order an x-ray or MRI, but this is not always required.

The first step is to contact a competent specialist

Bursitis treatment

With a disease such as hip bursitis, the symptoms and treatment directly depend on the degree of damage. If therapy is started in the early stages of the development of the disease (without completely covering the entire articular apparatus), then it is possible to remove the inflammatory process and restore movement in the joint without surgical intervention.

In advanced cases, surgery is indicated.

Conservative therapy

For bursitis of the hip joint, treatment consists in providing a state of rest to the mobile joint, minimizing physical activity, and using means to help movement while walking. Besides:

  • In case of bursitis of the hip joint, treatment with drugs is prescribed to relieve inflammation and pain. If there is no effect from painkillers, then injections are made into the joint with injections that have a strong effect;
  • If there is a large amount of liquid in the bag, then the contents are pumped out with the introduction of drugs there. In case of hip bursitis, treatment (after removing the inflammatory process) is continued by physiotherapeutic methods: ultrasound, electrophoresis, mud treatment, massage, heating;
  • In case of bursitis of the hip joint, treatment with exercise therapy is prescribed to increase muscle tone and restore the motor activity of the joint. The complex is selected individually depending on the affected area and the patient's abilities.

When the disease is bursitis of the hip joint, treatment with drugs gives positive results at an early stage of development.

Operating method

Timely treatment, when bursitis has not spread to the entire hip joint, affecting the heads of bones and muscles, will help restore former motor activity and get rid of pain. In cases where the disease has been started, conventional therapy does not give results - an operation is performed.

Non-surgical therapy

  • Prescribing painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. In the absence of analgesic results, intra-articular injections of potent drugs are attributed.
  • The maximum reduction in the load on the joint, ensuring constant rest may also include the use of assistive devices for movement.
  • The appointment of therapeutic exercises, which wakes up to keep the muscles in good shape and develop joint functions.

The complex is assigned individually to each patient, therefore, general exercises should not be used, since they can help someone, but on the contrary, harm someone.

  • Pumping out the exudate when it accumulates in the bag, and introducing it with the help of an injection of drugs.


When acute attacks of pain do not respond to therapeutic treatment, it is time for surgical intervention. The operation is aimed at removing the focus of inflammation.

Modern technologies make it possible to perform a small incision due to which blood loss is minimal and the patient's recovery is the maximum possible.

Like any other inflammation, bursitis is dangerous with complications. In a normal inflammatory process, the fluid in the joint is serous, does not contain pus, but the nature of the effusion changes over time. If timely therapy is not prescribed, blood particles appear in the composition.

At advanced stages, the disease degenerates, purulent bursitis is observed. Inflammatory processes pass to the surrounding tissues, sepsis and gangrene begin. Possible death.

The following complication after bursitis is also observed. The patient develops a chronic form of the disease. The constant alternation of remission and relapse of the pathology leads to a violation of the structure of cartilage tissue and, as a result, to disability.

What helps, methods of treatment

Traditional therapy of the disease includes the appointment of conservative drug treatment. In general, the human body is able to cope with the problem on its own. Therefore, the prescribed medications eliminate the symptoms of the disease, allowing the immune system to restore the normal functioning of the synovial bag. For this purpose, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - relieve the inflammatory process and reduce pain, while eliminating muscle spasm.
    With a strong pain syndrome, injections are prescribed directly into the cavity of the synovial bag. Non-infectious bursitis is well treated with the introduction of cortisone.
  • Painkillers. Sometimes the pulling pain in the joint becomes so severe that a drug blockade is required. For the purpose of pain relief, the affected area is cut off with injections of lidocaine.
  • Antibiotics - are prescribed for purulent bursitis.
  • Surgical intervention.

After the course of therapy, maximum immobilization of the limb, the imposition of a fixing bandage is required. When moving, it is recommended to use a cane.

How to treat folk methods

Traditional medicine can help reduce the manifestations of bursitis, for example, to alleviate the condition of a patient who has pain in the pelvic joints. It should be understood that non-traditional methods of therapy are not a panacea and completely eliminate the disease in isolated cases.

What folk remedies help with hip bursitis?

  1. Onion and sugar - the mixture is used for lotions. The components are taken in a ratio of 1 to 10. In some cases, laundry soap is added to the resulting composition. The compress is applied for 12 hours. The procedure is repeated until the swelling decreases.
  2. Cabbage and burdock - wrap the affected area with fresh leaves. From above, the compress is fixed with a woolen cloth or downy scarf. This remedy is effective if symptoms of unexpressed bursitis are observed.

Non-surgical drug treatment in conjunction with alternative therapy methods can achieve significant improvements in the patient's well-being.

Rehabilitation of the hip joint after bursitis

Inflammation of the bursa leads to immobilization of the limb. During therapy, the leg is immobilized. Therapeutic exercise helps to cope with post-traumatic contracture of the joint. It is for this reason that each patient is prescribed exercise therapy for hip bursitis. Classes are developed depending on the clinical picture of inflammation and complications.

Timely seeking professional help will help to cope with bursitis without the need for surgical intervention, with the least consequences for the patient.

Bursitis of the hip joint, the main symptoms of the disease you know, you must immediately treat. Timely therapy will help to avoid the intervention of surgeons. So, traditional therapy involves the following actions:

1. Providing a state of rest. That is, you must significantly reduce the physical load on the diseased joint. For this you can use a crutch. Treatment in the early stages does not require the patient to be admitted to a hospital.

2. Use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

You can use both tablets and ointments: analgesics, Voltaren, Diclofenac. If the situation is serious and standard painkillers do not help, then you will have to use more serious substances that are injected into the joint bag.

3. Pumping out exudate.

4. Physiotherapeutic procedures after elimination of inflammation. Electrophoresis, massage, ultrasonic irradiation, heating are usually used here.

Naturally, during the treatment period, one should not forget about muscle tone. To maintain it, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy exercises. Exercises are performed carefully and slowly.

If you have hip bursitis, symptoms, treatment with folk remedies - this is the information that will interest you in the first place. It is desirable to note that therapy with the use of herbal decoctions gives a very good effect. These recipes may help you:

1. Hot pine bath.

To prepare the extract, you will need needles, branches and cones. Pre-raw materials must be soaked in cold water and put on fire.

After the liquid begins to boil, the cooking process continues for another 30 minutes. Next, the solution is poured into a jar and tightly closed with a lid.

The product is left for 12 hours, after which it can be added to a hot water bath. You will need about 1/4 kg of extract.

The duration of the bath is about 20 minutes.

2. Useful is grapefruit juice. It should be consumed daily in half a glass 3 r / d.

3. Compresses from a mixture of honey (2 parts), vodka (3 parts) and aloe juice (1 part) are considered useful. The raw materials should be mixed well, put on clean gauze and fixed on the affected area. Such a compress warms up well.

4. Take a large spoonful of celery seeds and soak them in a glass of hot water. It is necessary to infuse the mixture for 1.5 hours. Then the liquid is filtered and taken half a cup twice a day. It is necessary to drink a decoction for at least 2 weeks.

5. A mixture of propolis (15 g) and butter (100 g) gives a good result. The ingredients must be thoroughly ground and taken 1 tsp. an hour before meals for a week.

6. Take honey mixed with apple cider vinegar internally. To prepare the product, use 1 tsp. raw materials, after dissolving it in a glass of warm water. Drink the mixture should be about a week for 1-2 glasses.

7. A broken cabbage leaf can also help, which is applied to the affected joint and tied with a warm scarf.

Treatment for bursitis should be started as early as possible. The effectiveness will be greater, the risk of complications will decrease. Conservative treatment of the disease is the most accessible. It is recommended to limit active movements in the affected leg. Rest is essential for a speedy recovery. Avoid excessive activity.

Reduce inflammation with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Voltaren, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen are often used. They relieve inflammation, swelling. The use of NSAIDs has advantages - they quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms, improve active movements.

Physiotherapy is an important link in the treatment of trochanteric bursitis of the hip joint. Usually applied, depending on the occasion, heat, cold, UHF. Reduces swelling, inflammation in bursitis, promotes a speedy recovery.

Immediately after injury to the joint, cold is necessary. During chronic inflammation of the hip joint, cold will be harmful, the patient needs exposure to heat. The use of physiotherapy procedures is permissible after consultation with a doctor.

In the presence of inflammatory fluid in the mucous bag of the joint, its extraction is indicated. This is done with a puncture.

It is harmless to the joint. The extracted fluid is used for laboratory testing for diagnostic purposes.

Intra-articular injections are indicated. The injections include anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs.

The effect is long lasting. After injections, patients are advised to sleep on a pillow under the buttocks.

In rare cases, the injection is repeated.

With an exacerbation of the disease, therapeutic measures are reduced to the following measures:

  • Pulse magnetotherapy: 15 minutes daily for ten days;
  • Infrared laser therapy on the affected area of ​​the greater trochanter, lasting 10 days;
  • Decimeter wave therapy;
  • Percutaneous electroanalgesia for 15 minutes, 10 procedures.

After reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process, the patient is prescribed treatment:

  • Ultrasonic phonophoresis with the use of hydrocortisone;
  • Applications with naftalan;
  • shock wave therapy;
  • Local cryotherapy with dry air.

Surgical treatment is used if conservative treatment fails. During the operation, the doctor makes an incision in the sac. She is removed, the large skewer is examined. Irregularities on it are removed, the surface is smoothed. The skin is sutured. The wound is covered with a sterile dressing.

Rehabilitation measures are aimed at the speedy restoration of the working capacity of the affected joint. In the first days of the postoperative period, exercise therapy is aimed at relieving swelling and pain.

Then special exercises are prescribed to develop muscles. The duration of exercise therapy in the postoperative period is up to four months.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Prevention of trochanteric bursitis is aimed at enhancing physical exercise, fighting bad habits, and diet. It is important that the person is not in a standing position for a long time. The elderly are shown physiotherapy procedures, relaxation at the resort.

Although doctors categorically do not recommend self-treatment for this disease, sometimes not everyone has the opportunity to immediately consult a doctor. Therefore, to relieve symptoms and relieve inflammation, there are several traditional medicine recipes.

Treatment of bursitis is a lengthy process. The hip joint is constantly under load during movement, it is difficult to limit mobility without compromising living conditions. Reducing pressure on the affected joint is a prerequisite for reducing soreness.

For non-started pathologies, outpatient treatment is performed. The doctor will prescribe several groups of drugs for maximum efficiency, a complex effect on the inflamed area.

Important! The use of folk methods and anti-inflammatory compounds requires caution and competent selection. Buying drugs without a doctor's appointment often violates the treatment regimen, reduces the effectiveness of therapy. A weak effect on the destructive focus provokes the development of chronic bursitis.


Inflammation in the synovial bag will decrease under the influence of the following compounds:

Treatment is always complex, including medication, puncture or arthroscopy, rest, physiotherapy, and sometimes folk remedies. Almost always, treatment for hip bursitis begins with antibiotics.

Sometimes they are injected directly into the joint after removal of the effusion, combined with glucocorticoid hormones to quickly suppress inflammation.

Glucocorticoid drug

An increasing number of physicians are successfully using arthroscopy. This is a minor surgical intervention, in which a probe equipped with a video camera and a backlight is inserted through a narrow access into the joint cavity.

Arthroscopy is considered the standard of medical care, since it allows you to accurately determine not only the topic of the lesion, but also to identify the smallest details of the individual structure and function, assess the severity of the process and understand the prognosis.


During arthroscopy, internal cavities are examined, fluid is removed (sometimes a laboratory study is required), necessary medications are administered, or bone spikes, fibrin cords, and calcifications are removed.

The introduction of glucocorticoid hormones allows you to stop the process as soon as possible. In especially advanced cases, an opening of the joint and its sanitation is required.

At the time of the acute process, complete rest is prescribed, most often bed rest. Then the range of motion expands, you can use physiotherapy methods.

More often than others, drug electrophoresis is used, when drugs are administered by means of an electric current through intact skin.


If the treatment of trochanteric bursitis of the hip joint is not started on time, then the disease can be fraught with such consequences:

The transition of pathology into a chronic form. And this provides for a periodic repetition of inflammation.

The death of bursa tissues. This, in turn, will lead to restriction of movements.

Blood infection.

Fistula formation.

The development of osteomyelitis, that is, inflammation of the bone tissue.

Prevention measures

It does not involve any specialized actions and comes down to following the recommendations:

  • Maintain normal weight. Moderate physical activity;
  • If required, it is necessary to wear specialized shoes;
  • Maintain the strength and elasticity of the thigh muscles.

In case of bursitis of the hip joint, treatment with drugs is effective if the inflammation has not passed to the head of the bone and muscles.

In the disease of hip bursitis, the symptoms and treatment differ depending on the site of inflammation.

In case of hip bursitis, the symptoms and treatment cause not only physical discomfort, but also psychological.

Preventive measures can reduce the risk of development. Most of the recommendations are banal but effective and help to avoid many diseases.

  • Absence of excess weight;
  • Healthy immune system (immunity);
  • Minimum load on the joints and bones of the small pelvis;
  • Fresh air and walks;
  • Sports in moderation;
  • Active lifestyle;
  • Healthy sleep;
  • Rest after a hard day;
  • The use of healthy foods;
  • Do not have bad habits;

Naturally, it is better to prevent pathology than to treat it. To avoid the development of bursitis, try to follow these recommendations:

Keep the load on the hip joint minimal.

Give up bad habits.

Organize a complete and proper diet, which will make it possible to provide your body with the required "building" elements.

Try to buy only comfortable shoes, if necessary - orthopedic.

Engage in physical education, which will help maintain a constant muscle tone.

Avoid excessive weight gain.

Strengthen the body's defenses.

Lead an active life, but do not overload the joints.

That's all. Now you have complete information on the topic "Hip bursitis: symptoms, treatment and prevention." Be healthy!

Trochanteric bursitis or trochanteritis - irritation of the articular bag, followed by inflammation.

Symptoms of the disease

You suddenly feel a sharp pain in your upper thigh that gets worse at night. You can't sleep on the side where you feel pain and are trying to take painkillers to sleep. You experience pain when walking and some movements of the leg, constantly rubbing the sore spot. The pain can flow to the outer side of the thigh, increasing discomfort, while subsiding somewhat after a pill or even an injection, after a while it returns again.

Such symptoms may indicate the onset of trochanteric bursitis - inflammation of the articular bag of the greater trochanter of the femur.

The large and small skewers (from the Latin trochanter) are rough tubercles on the femur, to which the gluteal muscles are attached. Skewers, like all joints in our body, are surrounded by special joint bags with biological lubrication. It was this detail of our unique mechanism that could “fail” and began to become inflamed, bringing with it a sharp pain and a reflex desire to urgently change the position of the body.


Our musculoskeletal system is a complex biological movement mechanism that requires regular and dosed exercise. The occurrence of bursitis of the greater trochanter of the femur can often mean the fact that we have either significantly exceeded the load on the legs, or vice versa, “started” it, holding it for too long without movement and disrupting the blood circulation of our vessels.

The main causes of bursitis of the greater trochanter are described below.


Injuries, which are divided into two conditional categories:

  • mechanical injury such as bruise, fracture or impact. Injury can be provoked not only by a car accident, or a blow to the upper thigh, but also, for example, frequent "office" hits on the corner of a table or other furniture, which, when repeated regularly, create microtraumas of the bursitis bag;
  • "Monotonous injuries" associated with prolonged repetition of sharp hip movements with a wide amplitude.

The most frequent cases are recorded in professional sports, such as cycling and athletics. Almost the same high risk is present in professional ballet - when a ballerina performs dance elements, when the leg very quickly makes a huge amplitude, or it is necessary to abduct the hip more than 150 degrees.

Similar problems are faced by folk dancers who perform sharp hip movements at a fast pace (for example, the well-known performance of the “squat”), as well as circus acrobats, who often perform huge amplitude leg movements that are not inferior in complexity to ballet art. However, not only professionals can “earn” trochanteric bursitis, but also many people who have shown excessive zeal or violated the correct posture when doing fitness.

First of all, this applies to women who seek to pump up the muscles of the thighs at any cost in a short time.

As a result, instead of beauty, they get a painful problem that has to be not only treated, but also supported in the future. Thus, any sharp and fast movements of the legs, which lead to frequent tension of the gluteal muscles, can lead to trauma to the bursitis and its inflammation.


Unlike injuries, this cause is quite rare in our time, since it is necessary to spend quite a long time in the cold to supercool the bursitis bag and lead it to an inflammatory process. For example, spend the night on cold ground in the forest or in the mountains. Or keep the lower part of the body in cold water for a long time.

If in the old days travelers and wanderers could often face such a problem in the absence of a warm overnight stay, now we usually provide ourselves with comfort and warmth with the help of camping equipment.


Prolonged curvature of the spine, affecting the overall structure of the skeleton or different lengths of the legs. Any imbalance in the skeletal structure of a person negatively affects the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Deviations of this place additional and permanent stress on the joint of the longer leg, or left/right side of the body depending on the curvature of the spine.

The extra load increases the friction of the joints and leads to inflammation of the bursitis. Pathologies such as cerebral palsy can bring the same problem. However, in the presence of pathologies, as a rule, there is constant medical monitoring, and any office employee can get scoliosis for a couple of years of working in the wrong position at the table. Therefore, we must remember the interconnection of all our organs and not be careless about the disease of the joints.

Other reasons

Other joint diseases not related to skeletal imbalance. For example, arthritis, the development of which is complicated by menopause in women. There is an unpleasant statistic for women - they are prone to vertebral bursitis by 10-20% more often than men.

A large percentage of the disease occurs in people over 50 years of age, as it is complicated by the process of changes in the bone tissue of the joints and the deposition of salts (hydroxyapatite crystals), in which sharp movements with large amplitude can cause trochanteric bursitis much more often than at a young age.

You can see more about bursitis in the video below.


There are practically no external signs of trochanteric bursitis, since the inflammation is located under the layer of muscles of the buttocks and fatty tissue. A doctor (traumatologist, rheumatologist) usually performs palpation of the tibia and tests for leg movement. With trochanteric bursitis, pain will be found in the region of the greater trochanter and behind it.

Movement tests will show an increase in pain in the supine position on the side, with the “adduction of the hip” movement (abduction of the hip to the side, during which the following muscle groups begin to work - comb, thin, long adductor, short adductor, large adductor), with the “leg on foot".

Additional tests may be ordered:

  • radiography - to determine the condition of the joint and possible deviations (calcification of the periarticular areas, or the formation of osteophytes, the so-called bone spikes);
  • MRI or ultrasound - to determine the presence of excess synovial fluid. At the same time, MRI must be done without fail in case of suspicion of the need for surgical intervention, since this study will give the most complete picture of the state of the joints, soft tissues and possible pathologies;
  • the introduction of an anesthetic injection into the bursa.


Tactics of treatment of trochanteric bursitis always depends on the stage and established causes of the disease. In most cases, treatment is quite conservative. If you experience pain or injury, you should apply a cold compress to the sore spot and do not postpone a visit to the doctor. If the disease is of a primary nature and does not require surgical intervention, anesthetic injections can be used, or the appointment of widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, voltaren).

Rest and cessation of stress on the thigh area are recommended; when lying down, it is recommended to place a pillow in the buttock area. Also, physiotherapy (electrophoresis and UHF) can be prescribed to relieve swelling and pain. When visiting a doctor, always ask for recommendations on restoring the function of the femoral joint after pain relief. The best opportunity would be to take a course of physiotherapy exercises, which will not only restore joint activity, but also reduce the risk of re-disease.

If surgical intervention is necessary, the treatment plan is always individual, however, the stages of recovery and rehabilitation should almost always include exercise therapy.

Folk methods of treatment

Alternative methods of treatment should always be an addition to the main course prescribed by the doctor. Moreover, the most correct step is to consult a doctor on the use of additional folk remedies. The most traditional and proven are compresses made from honey and cabbage leaves, however, they will not give significant progress, since the site of inflammation is located deep enough under the layer of adipose tissue of the buttocks.

Therefore, you can help your body from the inside. In a period of acute inflammation, it would be a reasonable step to increase the dose of vitamin C (primarily rose hips, coriander, barberry, citrus fruits and common ones - parsley and dill), you can also take chamomile decoctions instead of tea and coffee. Taking royal jelly can be a good addition, especially for women if they have already entered the menopause stage during this period.


Healthy nutrition and regular balanced loads are factors that will ensure your body's basic safety and its ability to fight any disease. If you don’t have time or don’t have enough self-organization to keep track of calories and the quality of your diet, make it a rule of thumb to eat one salad a day, no matter if it’s vegetable or fruit.

For those who are especially lazy and do not like cooking, there is a simple recipe - eat at least a bunch of lettuce every day. You can wrap a piece of boiled meat or chicken in it, or dip it in a low-fat sauce. As a result, vitamins will enter your body and give it the strength to fight. The same not tricky advice on physical activity.

If you regularly do fitness or simple gymnastics at home, then you are definitely the grateful owner of your biological machine. But if there is no time, energy or money, then just walk in the fresh air. You can buy yourself a simple "pedometer" (unless you own an ipfone that can track your steps) and walk at least 5 km a day. Remember - these steps will help your health.

Although widespread, trochanteric bursitis often goes undiagnosed.

Usually bursitis is considered the main problem, however, violations are more likely to occur at the insertions of the tendons of the middle and small gluteal muscles. Local trauma and degenerative processes play an important role in pathogenesis. In some cases, there is calcification of the greater trochanter bursa. The causes of bursitis of the greater trochanter are associated with the load on the greater trochanter area: this is osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine or hip joints, different leg lengths and scoliosis.

Symptoms of trochanteric bursitis

Mostly bursitis of the greater trochanter develops in the elderly, slightly more often in women than in men. The main symptom is over the region of the greater trochanter and along the lateral surface of the thigh. The pain is aggravated by walking, various movements and lying on the affected thigh. The onset may be acute, but more often the symptoms progress gradually over several months. In chronic cases, the patient has difficulty locating pain or has difficulty describing pain, and may not attach much importance to these symptoms or misinterpret them. Sometimes the pain resembles pseudoradiculopathy, radiating down and to the side of the thigh. In some cases, the pain is so severe that the patient cannot walk and complains of diffuse pain throughout the thigh.


The best way to diagnose bursitis of the greater trochanter is palpation of the trochanter area with the identification of pinpoint pain. In addition to specific pain with deep palpation of the greater trochanter, other painful points of the lateral thigh muscle group are revealed. The pain is aggravated by external rotation and abduction with resistance. Trendelenburg's sign is often positive.


Treatment of greater trochanter bursitis consists of local injections of depot glucocorticoids using a 3.5-inch 22-gauge needle to reach the bursa. Injection accuracy increases fluoroscopic control with injections of radiopaque agents. General recommendations include NSAIDs, weight loss, strengthening and stretching of the gluteus medius and iliotibial tract.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon



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