Ukha - recipes and cooking tips. Fish soup from river fish How much to cook fish for fish soup

, pike ear, trout ear, ear of carp, sterlet ear, perch ear, salmon ear, ear from zander, ear from carp, catfish ear, sturgeon ear, ear of carp, salmon ear, bream ear, saury ear, codfish ear, ear of ruffs, pollock ear, codfish ear, mackerel ear, ear from pelengas, ear from silver carp, burbot ear, roach ear. Second opinion and second technology allows cooking fish soup from several varieties of fish - mixed or in several stages. For example, small fish are first boiled, and then more expensive and tasty fish are cooked in this broth. Ukha, cooking recipe which includes the change of three servings of fish, is called a triple ear. The royal ear is prepared according to the same principle, however, in chicken or even mushroom broth. Ear, recipe which involves its preparation in chicken broth, also called rooster ear.

calories fish soup depends on the type of fish and varies from 45 to 70 Kcal per 100 g. Fish for fish soup can be very diverse. Traditional, real ear is of several types. White ear - an ear from river fish: from a ruff (it is believed that the most delicious ear is obtained from ruffs - because of the ruff mucus), perch, pike perch, whitefish. Black ear - from fish less suitable for fish soup: asp, carp, chub, crucian carp, carp, rudd. An ear made from red fish is called red ear. Fisherman's ear stands apart. Ukha on the fire - this is not cooking fish soup at home. Fisherman's ear is prepared from any fish that has been caught. How to cook ear any fisherman knows: the water must be from the river, in an almost ready ear it is necessary to put out a smoldering firebrand, and be sure to add a little vodka or pepper to the ear at the end. As you can see, there are many ways to cook an ear. Cooking fish soup often has its own local characteristics. For example, an ear with millet or other cereals has long been common among the Cossacks. In the Russian North, among the Pomors, there is an ear made from salmon heads. A typical Volga ear is an ear from a sterlet. The original recipe has fish soup in Finnish. Finland is a country of a thousand lakes, Finns know how to cook fish soup. Finnish fish soup with cream few people will remain indifferent. Today, even canned fish soup is quite popular. The recipe for canned fish soup captivates with its simplicity: I threw canned fish into a decoction of vegetables, and canned fish soup is ready.

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How to cook ear.

Don't boil your fish soup in aluminum pots.

How to weld transparent ear? Don't put potatoes in your ear.

- How much to cook ear the eyes of the fish will tell you - they should turn white. Just in case, add another five minutes, but the total time is a maximum of 20 minutes. Then let the ear brew a little.

After cooking the fish soup, remove the bay leaf from it, otherwise the ear may be bitter later.

Put greens in a plate with an ear, and not in a pan.

Previously, fish broth was called fish soup, which was eaten with pies. Cold vodka served as an aperitif. At present, only the recipe for a fish dish has changed, but the principle of use has not at all. The main thing is to strictly adhere to all the stages of preparing this dish.

What kind of fish is suitable for the dish

Before you need to think through all the stages of preparation. Of course, you also need to get the main ingredient.

Real fish soup is cooked from a fisherman's fresh catch, but sometimes you want to enjoy fish soup without a fishing reason. In this case, the main ingredient will have to be looked for in the market or supermarket shelves.

The choice of fish depends on the culinary preferences of the hostess. You can use some hints to help optimize your search. Conventionally, fish soup is divided into types according to the color of the broth, which is obtained from cooking fish: white, red and black.

  • White ear is obtained from ruff, perch or pike perch.
  • Red is made from salmon, sturgeon or stellate sturgeon.
  • Black - from carp, asp, cheese.

Of course, the fish must be fresh and preferably large. Other types can also be used. Some housewives skillfully combine, creating a real culinary masterpiece.

Stages of preparing fish for fish soup

Many housewives know how to cook fish soup, but not many know how to properly prepare the main component. The preparation of the ingredient differs depending on the species. Naturally, all fish need to be gutted well, but further preparation is carried out as follows:

If you take into account the nuances regarding the preparation of fish, you will get a very tasty and rich fish soup.

The main stages of product preparation

Old Believers and avid fishermen know how to cook fish soup correctly, so they advise using a minimum of vegetables in the cooking process. Such components can interrupt the taste and aroma of fish stock. If the fish is good, then only onions are used exclusively.

Many chefs and culinary specialists advise using a variety of spices that are not limited to black ground and allspice, bay leaves, and salt. For cooking, saffron, dill, parsley, nutmeg, turmeric, fennel, parsnip are suitable. Spices with a bright smell and taste are used in a minimal amount.

The amount and variety of spices and vegetables that can be used simultaneously in fish soup depends on the quality and type of fish. If the main component is fresh, then everything is minimized. For oily fish soup with not very fresh fish (thawed) in the base, it is better to use more spicy roots.

How to cook ear in nature

Each fisherman has his own recipe for making fish soup from every catch. But cooking outdoors is still a pleasure. To rationalize this process, it is worth knowing a few tricks.

How to cook fish soup in nature from a fresh catch:

Secrets of cooking delicious fish soup

You need to know not only how to cook fish soup correctly, but also tasty. To do this, it is enough to learn a few secrets regarding cooking:

  1. To make the broth golden and fragrant without additional spices, you need to throw a whole onion into boiling water along with the husk.
  2. You can remove bitterness or an incomprehensible aftertaste, aroma, by throwing a small piece of coal from under a birch into the already prepared broth.
  3. So that each piece retains its own taste, and the dish does not turn into a mushy mass, the fish soup should not be stirred during the cooking process.
  4. The taste of fish is preserved if you use the right salt - sea salt. In addition, you can salt the broth only at the end. This will help you get the perfect taste.
  5. Fish from stagnant water - lakes, reservoirs, backwaters - must be lubricated with lemon before laying. This will kill the unpleasant taste and smell of mud.

How to cook fish soup without a fire

If you can’t go fishing, but you really want fish soup, then you can cook a fishing delicacy at home. It seems that all housewives know how to cook fish soup at home. But in this cooking option, it is important to preserve the authenticity of the taste and smell of the dish on the fire.

Some housewives have come up with tricks that can tell you how to cook fish soup at home no worse than in nature:

  1. The bookmarking process and the principle of preparation do not change. Reduced cooking time at each stage. Between each laying of fish, it is worth observing a time interval of 10-15 minutes.
  2. To prevent the broth from turning cloudy, you need to make a small fire on the stove. The broth should not boil - it should languish.
  3. For cooking, it is better to use a camping pot. This equipment retains its taste and smell after outings, even if it is well washed.
  4. At the end of cooking, it is advisable to extinguish in the broth several birch twigs singed from the gas stove.

One of the homemade soup recipes

If you want to taste homemade fish soup, then you won’t have to mess around for a long time in this case. It is enough to choose fresh and tasty fish. There is no single recipe for how to cook homemade fish soup, so everyone chooses the right recipe for himself. The most popular recipe is still the following.

Products needed for cooking:

Cooking principle:

  1. Boil 2 liters of water in a saucepan, where to put bay leaf, allspice, unpeeled onion, carrots cut in half, parsley root.
  2. After boiling the contents, after 10 minutes, extract the parsley root and parsley.
  3. Put in a fragrant broth potatoes, cut into large pieces.
  4. Remove the onion, replacing it with crushed garlic.
  5. The potatoes should boil for 10 minutes, and then the prepared fish is thrown into the vegetable broth.
  6. Fish with vegetables is cooked for about 15 minutes. Adding the desired taste is carried out with the help of additional spices.

Serving methods

Ukha can become a real decoration of a festive and everyday table, if the dish is skillfully and beautifully served. To achieve this, it is worth remembering a few recommendations:

Before cooking the fish soup, it is worth considering the principle of serving in order to make the dish even more attractive and appetizing.

Rich fish broth called “ukha” is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. Fish soup recipes can differ significantly from each other, but in the technology of preparing a classic dish, there are basics and principles that apply to any option. How to cook fish soup correctly to get a tasty, rich and fragrant broth?

Subtleties of cooking soup

It seems that there is nothing complicated in cooking fish broth, but still there are some features in its preparation. First of all, real fish soup is prepared only from fresh fish, preferably live. Frozen will not give a rich sticky broth, and the aroma of the finished dish will not be so bright and rich. For fish soup, varieties of fish are used, the meat of which is tender and sweet; after defrosting, there will be no trace of such inherent sweetness.

What kind of fish to use for cooking soup

Usually, one type of fish is used for classic fish soup, but their combination is also allowed. To obtain a rich broth, you should first boil small fish, gutted, but not peeled, then strain the broth and boil large, cut into pieces, fish in it with the addition of other ingredients.

Not all types of fish are suitable for cooking fish soup, for example, herring, mackerel, bream, roach, sardines, which have a too spicy taste. You can cook fish soup from river or sea varieties.

Types of fish soup

There are many varieties of ukha. Recipes differ in cooking technologies, regions, combinations of fish and other products. Different types of fish can be used - freshwater and sea - this is a prefabricated fish soup; an amber ear is prepared from red fish; with the addition of a large amount of carrots and onions to the broth, a dish called "sweet ear" is obtained. In some recipes, crayfish, mushrooms, cereals are added to the broths; others are boiled from fish liver.

Important points in cooking soup

Some of the main principles in cooking soup:

  • The fish is laid for cooking not in cold water, but in boiling salted water;
  • For real fish soup, a large number of additives are not used, which we are used to seeing in soups. The fish is boiled in a decoction of vegetables, which are then removed from the broth;
  • Spices and seasonings are added necessarily: black pepper, bay leaf, parsley (root and herbs) and others;
  • The broth should not boil strongly - it is cooked over moderate or low heat;
  • The ear is prepared without covering with a lid;
  • Cooking in cast iron or aluminum cookware is unacceptable; used clay, glass, enameled or coated: ceramic, Teflon, non-stick.

How much to cook ear

It is important not to overcook the fish so that its meat remains whole and does not fall apart throughout the container in which it is cooked. Too long cooking of the broth also adversely affects its properties: it will not be viscous, rich, and the aroma also changes. The cooking time of fish soup depends on the type of fish and its size (or the size of the pieces into which it is cut). On average, small river fish need 7-12 minutes, large - 15-20; sea ​​boiled for 10-15 minutes, cut into large pieces.

At the end of cooking, after turning off the fire, the ear must be allowed to brew for 10 minutes under the lid.

Cooking fish soup on the fire

The fish soup prepared from freshly caught fish is significantly different from the one prepared at home. Many varieties of fish fall into it - what is caught is cooked. It is more concentrated and usually without the addition of any vegetables. In order to get rid of the smell of mud, vodka is poured into such an ear, boiled from river fish, and at the end of cooking, a burning log from a fire is lowered into the broth.

Classic soup recipe at home

For this recipe, take 5-6 pieces of small carp and one large carp.

Clean the fish from offal, remove the gills. It is not necessary to clean carp from scales.

Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, put one whole medium peeled onion, put on fire. Salt, add 5-6 black peppercorns and 2 bay leaves.

When the water boils, dip whole crucian carp into it, let it boil, cook for 15 minutes. Remove foam periodically.

After the time has elapsed, strain the broth, remove the fish, onion and spices, return it to the fire, add a glass of vodka, a diced onion, and one parsley root, cut into thin circles, bring to a boil, reduce the heat.

After 7 minutes, add one finely chopped carrot and 4 potatoes, cut into slices.

10 minutes after the broth boils, dip the carp into it, cut into large pieces, cook for 15 minutes, and also remove the resulting foam. At the end of cooking, add a tablespoon of butter, a mixture of ground peppers, salt if necessary.

If you plan to eat the whole ear at once, then finely chop a bunch of parsley, dill and green onions into it, let it brew for 10 minutes and serve. If the ready-made ear will be stored in the refrigerator, do not add the greens to the pan, but to the plates, immediately before serving.

It is not correct to call a traditional fish soup from river fish a soup. This is a separate, unique dish of Russian cuisine, which is a fragrant transparent brew based on a slightly astringent, sticky, concentrated fish broth.

How long does the ear boil

It depends on the type of fish used and the cooking technology chosen. Freshwater "trifle" is boiled for 7-20 minutes. The maximum time is maintained when fish for fish soup is purposefully used with scales and fins. Such fish is only washed from mucus and gutted, leaving all other parts for fat. The scales can boil completely, adding stickiness and a special flavor to the broth, but without affecting the transparency and smell.

Large boiled for 25-30 minutes at the smallest boil. This keeps it firm in texture. Overcooked pieces lose their juiciness and inherent taste.

In addition to fish, there are other ingredients in the ear that can be added at the beginning, during the cooking process, or just before it ends. The total cooking time of fish soup is 45-60 minutes.

Instructions for cooking fish soup from river fish at home

The main task is to obtain a transparent concentrated broth with sticky properties, with pieces of unboiled fish that retain juiciness and taste inherent in the variety.

To get an excellent result, you must follow the rules:

  • Boil the fish soup in a non-oxidizing dish (enamelled pan);
  • Do not cover the pan with a lid (so that the broth does not become cloudy);
  • Use moderate fire, do not allow rapid boiling;
  • Do not fill the fish with cold water, but lower it into a boiling broth of vegetables;
  • Use only fresh (not frozen) fish;
  • Do not put greens in a saucepan with fish soup, but add to portioned plates.

The classic recipe involves the use of one or more varieties of fish. The river "trifle" is bony, but it allows you to get a fragrant and tasty broth. A delicate and sweetish taste of the broth will be obtained by boiling ruffs and perches. In this case, you can do without spices, limiting yourself only to onions and black pepper. A rich ear is also obtained from rudd, chub, whitefish, pike perch, pike, carp, asp. Catfish, tench are used in the form of large pieces, one by one superimposed in the center of the dish with fish soup.

Classic fish soup brewing technology:

  1. Prepare vegetable broth. Cut onions and carrots into large pieces, put in salted water and boil for 15-20 minutes. Remove vegetables and discard.
  2. Gutted and cleaned river "trifle" lower into a boiling broth.
  3. Cook for 7-20 minutes depending on the variety.
  4. Carefully remove the "trifle" from the broth.
  5. Put the potatoes cut into pieces, finely chopped onions and large pieces of fish. Add spices (celery and parsnip root, peppercorns, bay leaf). Cook for 20-25 minutes.
  6. Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and let the soup brew for 15 minutes.

If only large fish are prepared for the fish soup, then omit the item with the preparation of concentrated broth from small things. Pour the prepared fish soup on plates and be sure to sprinkle with dill and parsley. If the ear is cooked from fatty varieties, the composition of spices can be expanded: add fennel, tarragon, saffron, nutmeg.

  • The highest stickiness will have an ear made from live or freshly caught fish.
  • If a valuable variety of river fish is used for fish soup, then in this case it is also recommended to first prepare a decoction of small rocks that give stickiness. Ukha can be called according to the variety of the fish that “dominates”: zander, pike, sturgeon.
  • Bream, roach, gudgeon, bleak are not suitable for fish soup. They “fall apart” too much during cooking and spoil the aesthetics of the dish.
  • Pike perch and perch have a pronounced taste of their own. It is not recommended to interrupt their natural taste and aroma with a lot of spices.
  • There are several methods for clarifying the broth. But in the case of the ear, you can only do harm by changing the consistency of the broth. It is necessary to try to cook so that the broth itself remains transparent (boiling mode, cooking without a lid), without using unnecessary straining and adding clarifying ingredients.
  • Ear is eaten hot and cold. Black bread, pies with fish, pies with rice and eggs are offered as accompaniments.

Varieties of fish soup from river fish

There are many regional varieties of fish soup. The dish is prepared from the fish that is mainly found in the area of ​​​​fishing. Quite unexpected ingredients are sometimes used as additives.

Flaccid ear

It is prepared from small river fish dried in the sun or dried in the oven (a kind of preparation). During cooking, mushrooms are added to the ear: fresh or dried.

national team

For cooking, several varieties of fish of different values ​​\u200b\u200bare taken. Sometimes they combine white and red varieties of fish.


The dish is prepared exclusively from carp. Pearl barley or rice is used as an ingredient.


Its feature is the use of eggs, scrambled eggs or a mixture of eggs and flour. Ready-made pieces of fish are removed from the broth, coated with a liquid mixture of flour and eggs, fried in a pan to a crust and returned to the common cauldron. Another way is to pour a beaten egg into a clay pot with a ready dish, bake it in the oven.


For the dish, 2 times more carrots are taken than usual. It is cut into small cubes and laid simultaneously with the fish.


Ukha is prepared in the usual way, but together with other vegetables, peeled and diced tomatoes are added.


In this variant, dried trifles, called “sushchik”, are also used. Salty mushrooms are present as a strong flavoring ingredient in the ear.

In addition to Russian culinary culture, fish soup is also present in other nations. Examples are French bouillabaisse, milky Finnish fish soup calakeitto, Cossack soup with fish and lard shcherba, thick Irish fish soup served with sour cream.

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