Download an interesting graduation event from elementary school. Song "The World I Need"

Holiday script Graduation in elementary school.

Target: summarizing the development of the classroom team over the years of study in elementary school.


    create a comfortable environment forrealization of the creative potential of students;

    strengthen the cohesion of the class team;

    to set up children for the transition to the middle link with a positive mood, forming in children a positive motivation for school;

    create conditions for fostering love for the school, its traditions, respect for the work of a teacher,to people around;

    to form a friendly school and classroom community of students, teachers and parents.

Teacher: Dear Guys! Dear Parents! We are all a little worried. After all, today we have an unusual day - farewell to elementary school. For four years we climbed the first most difficult steps of the Ladder of Knowledge. We learned to read, write correctly, count, make friends, live according to the rules of our native school house. The guys glorified the school at festivals, concerts, victories in competitions and olympiads and, of course, with their good deeds.

Teacher: I know that you will certainly ask us: Who are the main characters at the celebration today? Of course, these are our guys.

I present to you a whole constellation of smart, creative, original, restless, sometimes noisy, but the coolest children.

Technical characteristics of the class: boys - 7, girls - 12. Average height 130 cm, average weight 30 kg. (In four years, 5 tons of bakery products were eaten)

Hands - 38, legs - 38, smart heads - 19 (during the specified period, so many books have been read, so many textbooks have been studied that if you put them in a line, you get a distance equal to the distance to the moon).

Languages ​​- 19, of which 19 are talkative (the speed of conversation is more than 100 words per minute). Eye -38, including: 16 - kind, 12 - curious., 10 - mischievous, 0 - indifferent.

Special signs: they love to run, love to fight, joke and laugh, so that they love, respect, never offend, so that they pay attention, celebrate birthdays. For four years, the classroom has been operated in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, the Education Committee and the school administration. Children withstood commission checks and knowledge monitoring, showed excellent open lessons, completed the primary school course and can study subjects at the next level of education.

We are childhood

we are joy

we are the light

We are an excellent answer in the classroom.

We are the protectors of the weak

we are mom's helpers.

We can be friends

and we learn to love the younger ones.

We are learning to do everything
We can sing a good song
dance and read poetry
Everything in the world wants to know.

To make everyone proud of us
Everyone was proud: both dads and moms,
And my beloved teacher
And the school is irreplaceable!

Song Zankovtsy

Teacher: Very little time will pass, 3 summer months, and you will again set off on a journey through the vast Land of Knowledge, but already on a different school ship.

The day has come - four years have already flown by,
Graduation is over.
And from here the merry path
In the fifth grade, our childhood will leave.

It's time to say goodbye to my desk,
A blackboard, a textbook and an expensive office.
Confess to us now, of course, it hurts
Leave the class that has become dear to us.

Teacher: Yes, it was difficult to start learning, we faced many difficulties, but now you can handle any task. And now we remember how it all began.

Holding on to my mother's hand,
Then you first went to class
For your very first lesson.
Who met us first?

Choir: First call.

Children read a poem about the first day of school, about meeting with the teacher.

We were all funny kids

When you first came to this class,

And, having received a notebook with pencils,

They sat down at the desk for the first time in their lives!

Sitting down at the desk carefully
So as not to crush the school uniform,
We opened our ABCs,
Opened a blank notebook.

As the teacher met at the door,
Our faithful friend for many days,
And the noisy family is big
New girlfriends and friends.

We remember that cheerful call,
What rang to us for the first time,
When they entered the school with flowers,
In your best first class.

Yes, there were bright days
When at that solemn hour
With some joyful excitement
We entered first grade...

Olympics and concerts
And fairy tales of magic flow
All together we created with you,
And everyone here burned as best they could ...

Spring holiday, il autumn,
Ile near the Christmas tree round dance
This is how our friendship grew
Husband our creative people.

And how much is sung together
We danced!
Yes, there was a golden time
Like the wind, it quickly swept ...
We will remember him for a long time
It resonated in the hearts.

Teacher: - Guys grown up in 4 years
Quite wiser
And gladly now
For you ditties would sing.

We invite everyone who knows and loves ditties!

We are funny guysWe will sing ditties to you,Like in your favorite schoolWe live wonderfully.

1. Our girls blossomed,
Like daisies in the meadow
Well, they sing songs
Like birds in a garden.

2. Oh, how proud I am -
My business is good!
All control work
Passed for five!

3. Oh, girls, don't worry
I'm pretty good too
and in school everything is in order -
Soon I will be a hero!

4. I read very fast
Everyone in the class is proud of me.
Not a single boy in the class
Don't chase after me!

I really like to study

And get fives

Well, more fun

Run, jump and scream!

5. Our boys are at the lesson
Painfully good.
And the change comes
Seek no mercy for us!

6. I am a cheerful girl,
I'll get to New York.
Xenia Valerievna I will sing:
“veri-veri i love you”

7. Finished 4th grade -
Summer has come.
So we finished singing
School couplets.

From year to year, from class to classLeads inaudibly time us.And hour after hour, day after daySo imperceptibly we grow.


That's a damn task!
Fought, fought - failure.
Already in the eyes went circles ...
Sit down, dad, help!


Keep your head up, son! You are not alone with dad! (Sitting down for lessons .)


Parts of speech in the exercise
We were told to emphasize.
Do it, mom, a favor -
Be more careful!


Underline parts of speech?
Let's figure it out somehow. (Sits down for a lesson. )


And you, grandma, paint,
Come on, grandma, don't sleep!
Draw a picture for the story
The cat walks along the chain.


No, old - the eye is not the same. (Pavlik cries)
Okay, okay, there will be a cat.


I'll be out for a minute.
Where is my jacket?


In the morning Pavlik walked cheerfully
With a blue bag on my back.
But sad from school
He returned home.

Mother. What did you bring?

Pavlik. See for yourself!

Dad. No, report first!

Pavlik. Dad - 5, 4 - mom, and you, granny, - (bitterly) two.

Teacher: But school is not only lessons, but also our favorite changes.

A reenactment of the poem "Hurrah! Turn!"

Our lesson has passed and it's time for us again,

Leaving notebooks, go to rest.

We don't get tired of screaming and running around

We have a change, we have a change, we do not care.

Fatigue is forgotten, the lesson is overThe guys broke loose at last.Don't stand on the doorstep or you'll be lost.And you won't get them.Rushing, Rushing, Rushing, RushingAnd you won't get them.

Attendant 1: Turn?

Attendant 2: Turn!

Attendant 2:

Wet hair
tousled look,
A drop of sweat runs down the neck.
Maybe the whole change

Have you dived in the pool?

All: Not!

Attendant 2: Or were they plowed on, the unfortunate ones? Players (in unison): No!

Attendant 2: Or were they shoved into the mouths of crocodiles?

All: Not!

Attendants (in chorus): The whole change they...

All: Rested!

Lead 1.

But then the bell rang.
He invites us to class.
The teacher enters the classroom
The teacher looks at us.

Teacher. Was our raid on the class?

Children. Not!

Teacher. Did a hippo visit us?

Children. Not!

Teacher. Maybe the class is not ours?

Children. Not

Teacher. Maybe not our floor?



There was just a change
And we played a scene here.

Teacher. So it's not a crash?

Children. Not!

Teacher. Did the elephant dance with us?

Children. Not!


Very happy. It turned out,
I needn't have worried!


    That's how different we are

    Cheerful and playful

    obedient and not very

    But we are interested

    And we meet all difficulties with a smile.

Teachers want to see us like this ... (Hands folded)

Moms want to see us like this ... (Sweep)

Dads want to see us like this ... (Show muscles)

Grandmothers want to see us like this ... (Puff out their cheeks and stroke their stomach)

Classmate girls want to see us like this ... (Kneel down, one hand on the heart, and in the other - a flower)

And we are who we are.

And the whole truth is that we finished 4th grade.

Four years have flown by

but it seems like only yesterday,

we entered the class so timidly and timidly ...

Babies are first-graders, kids!

And this is what we are today

Almost caught up with the growth of dads and moms!

1. The life of every student is divided into three periods: elementary, middle and senior. In our life today ends the first, most important period.

2. We have been working towards this for four long years.

1. In our ascent, we were accompanied by true friends and helpers - our parents. They guided us with a kind light, a wise command.

2. How sad their eyes were when we brought a bad mark in the diary!

1. What sparks lit up in them when we succeeded!

(in chorus). What a blessing that we havesuch parents!


Parents is a native word,

For us there is no closer mother, father,

Let your eyes give us joy

And sadness will disappear from your face.

Silence in our room

You can even hear the beating of hearts

Goodbye elementary school

This school is a road of miracles.

We are sad, we roar, parting,

Remembering happy days

How did we get here as kids?

And how we left you.


Friends break up

Tenderness remains in the heart

Let's keep friendship

Goodbye, see you again

In this class you dreamed with us

And they led the way of Knowledge,

Here we met our friends,

We made discoveries here.

Do not be sad, our beloved teacher,

We will come running to you, and more than once,

Let others come to replace us

We are the only one with you.


Friends break up

Tenderness remains in the heart

Let's keep friendship

Goodbye, see you again.

Teacher: Dear Parents! Thank you for your cooperation, for the help you provided in the upbringing and education of your children.

Take care of your daughters and sons, help them, be extremely attentive and patient towards them. Health to all, happiness, peace, sunshine. Thanks to everyone who came to the celebration, to everyone who took part in its preparation and holding.

Graduation party in the 4th grade - 2013.

Spectators sit in the hall. There are desks on the stage, the board is a class. The building of an elementary school, a teacher, a class appears on the screen.
Voice behind the scene:
Now it's time to say goodbye
The bell rings...
"Primary school goodbye, -
Everything has its time, everything has its time."
We're in no hurry to say goodbye
And a hundred times mile now
We will become images and faces
Relatives of their teachers.
But the hour has come - we know it
And in this special hour
We are happy to invite everyone
At the school ball, in the fourth grade!
Fanfare sounds. Leaders take the stage.

1 leader: Tonight can be very different.

2 host: But he must be beautiful today!

1 leader: Summing up the results of the teachings at school.

2 host: And let's remember what we remember more.

1 leader: But where are the heroes of today's meeting?

2 host: To whom will we speak passionate speeches?

1 leader: Meet! Graduates of the 2012-2013 academic year, the first teacher Peremitina Natalya Veniaminovna and the class teacher Ratushnyakova Tamara Konstantinovna.

To the music for the song "School Years", the 4th grade with the first teacher and the class teacher enters the stage.

1st student: Today is our day:

Both sad and funny.

After all, we say goodbye to the native

His elementary school.

2nd student: From year to year, from class to class

Leads inaudibly time us,

And hour after hour, day after day

So imperceptibly we grow.

3rd student: Yes, friends, four years

Passed unnoticed:

We were just first graders

And now they've grown up

Grown up, wiser

Like roses bloomed

Knowledge, skills, abilities

We have purchased a lot.

nimble, sporty,

Bold, active

Smart, inquisitive,

In general, attractive.

4th student: the birthday of our class is September 1, 2009, the average age of the class is 11 years old, total 279 years old!

5th student: We went through four classes -

Everything counted, everything was taken into account!

6th student: In four years we have grown by 3 meters 98 cm; ate two tons of baked goods; drank 1020 glasses of juice and compote gained 349 kilograms and now weigh 1 ton 17 kg.

7th student: For 4 years we studied 2992 lessons, we turned over 5987 pages of textbooks, learned dozens of rules, solved hundreds of examples and problems, and if we add all the textbooks that we studied over these 4 years into a ruler, then its length will be equal to the distance to the moon and back to Earth!

Natalya Veniaminovna:

Today everything is solemn and sad,

How quickly the class flashed behind the class.

The time has come: we need to part.

Today we are together for the last time.

Tamara Konstantinovna:

We are somehow sad and sad,

that you are leaving us.

When your mothers brought you

You were very small.

What adults now!

N.V.: We know in the 5th grade new

Do you still remember us?

And our kind words

And our cozy bright classroom.

Teachers sing a song to the tune "Weather in the house."

1 couplet:

You came to us to study kids,

During this time you have grown up.

You learned a lot from us

We do not want to part with you.


We say goodbye to you!

The time has come to say goodbye.

We wish you happiness and health

And remember us from year to year.

We wish you happiness and health

And remember us from year to year.

verse 2:

What is the forecast?

What awaits you in 5th grade?

What kind of teachers will be there?

But we believe in you, you will not let you down,

After all, we spent our nerves not in vain!


8 student:
We've been on the road for four years
Where should we go next?
All together at the very best time
Time to go to fifth grade!
Children descend into the hall, dancing a waltz. Then the children go up to the stage. On the stage there is a table at which the host of the evening, Natalya Veniaminovna, sits.

N.V.: Dear children, dear adults! Behind 4 long school years, behind failures and difficulties. Do you guys remember how it all started? How timid and timid were you when you first came to school? Remember how you learned to sit at your desk and stand up beautifully? How did you get your first grades in your life? Let's remember what you were then, 4 years ago ...

Children read poetry, and slides on the screen, starting from grade 1.

Student: Everyone has only one time in their life

There is its first, its memorable class.

Both the first textbook and the first lesson

And the first boisterous school bell.

Student: Do you remember? Of course you remember
How mothers brought us to school by the hand,
They excitedly called a new word - schoolchildren!
And we went towards knowledge.

Student: We were all funny kids

When you entered this class for the first time,

And having received a notebook with pencils

They sat down at the desk for the FIRST time in their lives!

Children go backstage, children remain on the stage for the first lesson, they sit at their desks.

A student comes out with a large "comic" notebook. Opens and reads poetry.

My notebook ____ F.I. __ I lost in the first class

Inside - you can't make out a word! Did I write this?

What terrible hooks and dead circles -

They bent like old men and hung from the line.

Well, the fat woman the letter "A", well, just like a frog!

"I"'s head curled up, "E" lost its ear.

And what is this nonsense? Four sticks jump!

Everyone leaned in all directions, like our fence in the country!

I had fun from the bottom of my heart - kids write terribly!

N.V.: Yes, we wrote more than one notebook in 4 years. But still everyone remembers his first.And how difficult it was to start, how the letters did not obey! And it all started with sticks! So the first lesson is LETTER .

The bell rings.

Student: Help out, sticks, sticks - lifesaver!

Get in order in my new notebook,

Don't get out of line! Keep your back straight everyone!

Why don't you listen? What's wrong with learning?

What are you standing for, anyhow? I got you again!

But my teacher does not know, and even my mother does not know

How difficult it is to teach you to stand STRAIGHT.

Student: Hunched, stooped, patches on the back,

A squiggle walks through my notebook.

Everything walks along the line, along the oblique,

Having fun and gossips with me:

“You pleased me very much that you gave birth to me!

Oh, what a fine fellow you are, my parent, my father!

You always drive with a pen, like a chicken with a paw,

Bring out the squiggles and scratch the notebook.

Pour ink on it, drip with ink more often ... "

“My God, isn’t it really her daddy?”

N.V.: Yes, we learned a lot while we were in first grade. And even then everyone realized how good it is that there is a school. What if there were no schools?

Children sing the song "If there were no schools."

N.V.: Didn't have time to look back, now it's class 2(slides).

Student: A second grader dreams of a multiplication table,

Solve equations, knows a lot

And he wants to know more.

The second group of students enter the stage for the next lesson.

N.V.: So the second lesson is MATH (bell rings)

Student: And beautiful and strong - mathematicians country.

Work is going on everywhere here, everyone is counting something:

How much coal blast furnaces need, and kids need chocolate,

How many stars in heaven and freckles on noses.

Student: The task is not solved - for the life of me.

Think, think head, hurry up!

Think, think head, I'll give you candy,

On my birthday I will give a new beret.

Think, think - for once I ask

I will wash you with soap and comb you.

Well, you and I are not strangers to each other,

Help out, otherwise I’ll give it to the top of my head.

Student: To become a doctor, sailor or pilot

First of all, you need to know mathematics.

And there is no profession in the world, you notice, friends,

Wherever you need MA - TE - MA - TI - KA!

Children sing a song to the motive "Blue Wagon".

  1. The minutes are slowly drifting away

Water flows from pipe to pipe.

My problem is not solved

Oh, this plumbing for me.


Slowly - slowly our lesson drags on.

They will give me a deuce, because there is no solution.

Everyone - everyone believes in the best,

Maybe someone can give me an answer.

N.V.: We are already in the 3rd grade(slides).

Student: We entered the third grade timidly

We had a lot of questions

And puzzles, how hard it is

Didn't always work out sometimes.

We have so many discoveries ahead of us.

We have so many peaks ahead of us

Let's grow up, grow wiser and do thousands of good deeds.

Student: We wrote, read, counted.

Sewed, glued and painted.

They sang songs about everything.

After all, we are very funny children.

Children perform the dance ".... "

N.V.: The next lesson is RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (bell rings).

Children sit at their desks for the next lesson.

Student: Here is Russian, our native language!

He is rich and wise!

We define - it's not easier,

Where is the sign, action, object.

And the sound analysis of the word?

Please, it's ready!

Student: There are different sounds:

Consonants and vowels.

We know how to write ZHI - SHI

And learned the cases.

Number, time, composition of the word

We can repeat again.

“Teeth” - change: “teeth”.

“Fur coats” - check: “fur coats”.

Student: This science is in my favor, I will know where the verb is,

Where is the prefix, and where is the suffix, phonetic analysis.

I will write on the fence without errors what I want.

Let everyone in the district see that it is not in vain that I teach everything.

Children sing a song to the tune of "Chunga - Changa".

  1. I am sitting in class again.

I don't take my eyes off the window.

It's already spring, the streams are ringing,

Well, they tell me: teach, teach.


I'm tired of inclinations, I'm tired of harnesses,

I'm tired of adverbs and verbs.

I'm tired of studying, I want to fly like a bird,

Oh, I wish I could finish this school.

N.V.: The third year also flashed by - as if there were no worries.

Student: Load more of us

For some reason they became

We are in 4th grade

Like an institute.

N.V.: The next lesson isLITERARY READING(bell rings).

Children sit at their desks.

Student: Reading is a great lesson

Lots of good stuff in every line.

Whether it's a poem or a story,

You teach them, they teach you.

Children sing a song to the motive "The lion cub and the turtle sang a song."

I'm sitting on the reading

I look at the book for a long time.

I'm all sitting and looking

I don't find any sense in it.

Play and dream

Well, I'm sitting here

And I look in the textbook.

N.V.: An interesting discovery was made by the students of our class. They discovered that all good things begin with the letter K: movies, candy, vacations, swings, strawberries, treasure, kinder surprises. But the letter D is different in the opposite direction: a fight, a deuce, a diary, a duty, homework.

The bell rings.

Attention call! The lesson starts!

Which subject? Explain for everyone!

The new item is laughter!

Teacher: What are dense forests?

Student: These are the kind of forests where... it's good to take a nap.

Teacher: Ilya, please answer, what is the life expectancy of a mouse?

Student: Well, Natalya Veniaminovna, it entirely depends on the cat.

Teacher: Sasha, if you have ten rubles and you ask your brother for another ten rubles, how much money will you have?

Student: Ten rubles.

Teacher: You just don't know math!

Student: No, Natalya Veniaminovna, you don't know my brother!

Teacher: Vanya. What kind of word is "egg"?

Student: None.

Teacher: Why?

Student: Because it is not known who will hatch from it: a rooster or a chicken.

Teacher: Cyril, be honest, who wrote your homework?

Student: Honestly, I don't know, I went to bed early.

N.V.: Every day, our graduates were given homework. And I didn't want to do it. How did they do it?

Pupils show the scene “Homework”.


That's a damn task!

Fought, fought - failure.

Already in the eyes went circles ...

Sit down, dad, help!


Keep your head up, son! You are not alone with dad! (Sits down for lessons.)


Parts of speech in the exercise

We were told to emphasize.

Do it, mom, a favor -

Be more careful!


Underline parts of speech?

Let's figure it out somehow. (Sits down to class.)


And you, grandma, paint,

Come on, grandma, don't sleep!

Draw a picture for the story

The cat walks along the chain.


No, old - the eye is not the same. (Pavlik cries)

Okay, okay, there will be a cat.


I'll be out for a minute.

Where is my jacket?

N.V.: In the morning Pavlik walked cheerfully

With a blue bag on my back.

But sad from school

He returned home.


What did you bring?


See for yourself!


No, report first!


Dad - 5, 4 - mom, and you, granny - (bitterly) two.

Student (Pavlik): If I were a minister

All elementary schools.

I'd be in school real fast

Canceled the "count" rating.

By your order

I would write the words

What's more to destroy

A score of "two" is subject.

And then, thinking for sure,

From dawn to dawn.

I would enter without delay

Delete the three.

So that learning without torment.

To not upset moms.

To study for 4 and 5.

The song "What is taught at school" sounds. Children with a teacher and class teacher rise to the stage. Natalya Veniaminovna sits in the center. Children stand on either side of the teacher.

Student: Over the years we have made many friends. These are our classmates and parents. But two people were always with us both at the lessons and at breaks. Who is this?

All together: Natalya Veniaminovna and Tamara Konstantinovna!

1st student: Four years have passed

And I can't believe it now

What was once a friendly flock

We came to our noisy classroom.

2nd student: Imperceptibly time passed

A year is like a day, and a day is like an hour.

Together we passed

Every year from class to class.

3rd student: We grew up, we learned

And we are standing here today.

To you, our first friend, teacher,

We say thank you.

4th student: Thank you, our first teacher,

Thank you for the great work you have put into us.

Of course, we are not your first issue,

And yet we loved each other.

5th student: Who will always help you?

6th student: Support with a kind word?

7th student: What is not understood - will explain.

8th student: Praise you for your success.

9th student: Who doesn't love quarrels and noise?

10th student: Who can't stand lies?

11th student: Who furrows his brows angrily if he hasn't learned his lesson?

12th student: Who will put the long-awaited five with a smile?

13- student: Who is always upset himself if you get an F?

All together: This is our strict teacher.

This is our good teacher.

Children sing the song "The First Teacher".

N.V.: Four years like four days
Like birds flapping their wings...
My kid is flying away today
What is called STUDENTS.

Four years like four days
Flashed past the windows of the school;
Flashed like lightning past me
And the bell keeps ringing cheerful.

And the call collects again for the lesson:
Mathematics, Russian and reading...
Labor, fine arts, physical education - and again the call!
When will this "torment" end?!

Here is the end of learning! Finally! Hooray!
Why is it so painful and sad?
Now my children will run away,
It will become so quiet and empty at school ...

Four years like four days
They rushed like thoughts, like an arrow ...
I ask one thing: remember me!
Know: I LOVE you with all my heart!

1st student: Well, the tutor got it,

Didn't work in vain.

We have learned a lot -

You can't show in a day.

2nd student: Olympics and concerts
From fairy tales of magic flow.
All together we created with you,
And everyone here burned as best they could ...

3rd student: Spring holiday, il autumn,
Ile near the Christmas tree round dance -
This is how our friendship grew
Husband our creative people.

4th student: The honor of the school was also defended.
We are together, wherever we have to:
Both in mathematics and in Russian
Among the first place we found.

5th student: Yes, there was a golden time
Like the wind, it quickly swept ...
We will remember him for a long time
It resonated in the hearts.

6th student: For your friendship, for your care,

For your devotion to friends,

For the eternal work of the soul -

For everything, for everything

Thank you!

T.K.: Dear children, dear parents, guests of our holiday! Tonight is happy and sad at the same time. Joyful, because you have grown up, become smarter, learned a lot and because you have summer holidays ahead of you. And sad, because we have to part. For two years we have been walking along a difficult path, and today I can say with confidence: Grade 4A is a constellation of smart, creative, restless, but the coolest children!

Good luck, ups and downs -

Life is striped like a mattress.

My peak of teacher's happiness -

These kids, this class.

And turning to you with all my heart,

I catch myself thinking

Trust me I'm not pretending

I love each of you!

Fly, think, dare

But in the corner of my soul

Save a piece of childhood

And I will always live there.


T.K.: Guys! All these years, every day, from lesson to lesson, from quarter to quarter, your dads and moms, grandparents studied with you. They, like you, and maybe more than you, were worried, experienced failures, rejoiced at your victories. Together with you, they are now here at the feast, and to all of them we say a huge ...

All together: THANK YOU!

1st student: Today we say thank you

Of course, to their parents.

Your care, understanding and patience

They have always helped us, no doubt!

2nd student: Dads, dear kind mothers,

We want to thank you

For caring, for the fact that you are with us.

Everyone is always ready to help.

3rd student: You went from class to class,

Gain knowledge and grow.

Everything we were taught in school

You helped us get through everything.

4th student: Here they are, those who sat with us at night over a book ...

5th student: Here they are, those who wrote essays for us ...

6th student: The best moms and dads in the world

Thank you very much for your children.

Children descend into the hall and hand over medals to their parents. Everyone gets up on stage again. They sing a song to the tune of "Our Neighbor".

  1. All day from morning to night

I'm learning all the lessons

Even if very very

I want to go outside.

And wherever I go

And wherever I go

I will never forget

How the verb is conjugated.


Mom, dad, sorry

Mom, dad, sorry

Mom, dad, let's go for a walk!

  1. At night I just close my eyes

And lie down on the bed

Instant multiplication table

I'm starting to remember.

And when I sit down to dinner

I always think about

Why does the sky darken

Where does Don go?


Mom, dad, sorry

Mom, dad, sorry

Mom, dad, let's go for a walk!

Sometimes I sit and dream

  1. That a happy day will come

And I'm Ivan Susanin

He will take you to the forest.

I will play there freely

I will jump and jump

And the multiplication table

Slowly forget.


Mom, dad, sorry

Mom, dad, sorry

Mom, dad, let's go for a walk!


Dear Guys!

Today is an unusual day

You are in the fifth grade.

On the doorstep of high school

We give you all orders.

Many more years to study

And don't lose patience.

Two, three, one

Not allowed in your diary.

And we also wish you

Dear fifth grader

not to send you

For the parent home.

That's the end of the fourth grade

You have matured by a whole year.

May the friendship that binds you

It will save you from any misfortune!

Be kind, be humble

And help each other in everything.

Have a good path through life ... And we,

We are always waiting for you with a victory!

Parents sing the song "By the way of good."

1. Ask strict life which way to go,

Where in the world should white go in the morning?

Follow the sun

Though the path is unknown

Go my friend, always go

Dear good.) 2 times.

2. Forget your worries, ups and downs.

Don't whine when fate behaves

Not like a sister.

But if it's bad with a friend.

Don't rely on a miracle

hurry to him

Always go

Dear good.) 2 times.

3. And how many different doubts and temptations will there be.

Don't forget that this life is not child's play.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law:

Go my friend

Always go

Dear good) 2 times.

Parents give their children photo albums and elementary school diplomas.

Parent: You have an album in your hands

You see all your friends in him.

In the middle is your teacher -

Your first leader.

Please don't forget them.

Let's remember more!

The bell rings.

1 student: Finished the last lesson today

The last bell rings in the corridor.

We are bags under the arm and skipping,

And together we walk over the school threshold.

2 student: And there beyond the threshold, moving leaves,

Birches sway, poplars rustle.

And all this means that summer has begun.

What forests and fields await us!

3 student: But wherever I am, wherever I go,

No matter how many new friends I find

On the river and in the field, I remember the school

I remember that in the 5th grade I moved!

Fanfare sounds.

T.K.: ATTENTION! ATTENTION! In the face of your comrades, parents, teachers and all those present at our holiday, are you ready to make a solemn promise - the oath of fifth graders? Yes

“Entering the ranks of students of the middle school, in the face of my comrades, in the face of martyr parents, in the face of working teachers, I solemnly swear:

  1. To stand at the board, like the best goalkeeper, not letting a single question pass by your ears, even the most difficult and tricky one. WE SWEAR!
  2. Do not bring teachers to a boiling point - 100˚С WE SWEAR!
  3. Be fast and swift, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km / h when moving along the school corridors! WE SWEAR!
  4. To draw from teachers is not a vein, not to squeeze sweat, but solid and accurate knowledge and skills. WE SWEAR!
  5. Swim only "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths. WE SWEAR!
  6. Be worthy of your teachers!WE SWEAR! WE SWEAR! WE SWEAR!

The phonogram of the song “Waltz of Parting” sounds (music by Y. Frenkel). The children are seated, some on the stage, some on the steps of the stage.

1 student: We say goodbye to the elementary school,

We part, alas, forever.

In September we meet again

There will be high school then.

2 student: School years go by fast

Years go by in an instant.

But we won't forget the "primary"

We will always remember her.

Children sing the song "Primary School". At this time, slides from the school life of children change on the screen.

T.K.: Dear Guys! Your parents have prepared a surprise for you. Let's all go outside.

Children launch paper doves in balloons with their wishes. Then everyone goes to the hall where the tables are set.


Lyrics → print

I open the doors to the classroom again
And I remember the best moments
When you first got to know us
We were funny, no doubt.
We were told the rules at the blackboard.
And they held white chalk in their hands.
We were all your students -
Funny, mischievous kids.

My first teacher.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
And sincerely thank you for everything.

For true kindness of the heart.

You gave us life lessons.

I remember my first lesson
From the word of each we expected a miracle
The bell sang with a cheerful chime
And we wrote sticks in notebooks
Painfully upset you at once
But there was more joy
You forgot and pitied us
Sorry for mistakes please

My first teacher.
We acknowledge you today.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
And sincerely thank you for everything.
For a fairy tale, for a smile, for a dream,
For true kindness of the heart.
They led the road faithful to knowledge.
You gave us life lessons.

For a fairy tale, for a smile, for a dream,
For true kindness of the heart.
They led the road faithful to knowledge.
You gave us life lessons.
You gave us life lessons.


Primary School.

sl. and music. Elena Plotnikova

1. Let autumn pass golden,
The blizzard will cease to rage
And the sun, laughing and sparkling,
Look into elementary grades.

2.Here they hurried to new knowledge
Together with the first teacher,
Grew up, wondered, made friends
And they sang their favorite songs.

September leaves rustling
May is blooming again.
We will love you
Elementary school, know!

3.Our class, naughty and funny.
Tests, lessons, tasks...
Primary school today
We wish you good luck in life!

4. The doors will open, and again
You will meet your first graders.
We know elementary school
You will remain in our heart!

September leaves rustling
May is blooming again.
We will love you
Elementary school, know!

Farewell to the elementary school in the 4th grade. Ring, call! Goodbye elementary school!

- create conditions for the solemn graduation of elementary school;
- summarize the results of 4 years of study.
- To cultivate the ability to communicate, make friends, make a person a holiday.
- Contribute to the cohesion of the parent and child team.
- To create a situation of active comprehension of the results of the four-year life of the classroom community.
- Encourage students and their parents to show gratitude to everyone they have interacted with at school for four years, and joy in connection with the transition to a new world of communication in the fifth grade.
Equipment: poster "Farewell, elementary school!", teremok (layout)

Event progress

Teacher: In the village of Novondreevka,
There is a nice tower.
On Vishnevskaya street,
Neither low nor high....
Suddenly, down the street, down the street, a girl runs. She stopped, turned around and screamed:
1. Olya:
What are they doing there? What are they doing there?

And a good student in your school to be!
Teacher: Suddenly, down the street, down the street, a boy runs. He stopped, scratched himself and shouted:
2. Yaroslav: Hey, tower, tower, tower!
Who lives in the school tower?
What's interesting there? Is there so much unknown?
Will they be able to captivate me, teach me everything that is?
Teacher: And in the school teremochka, teachers live and everyone is welcome here, come in kids!
Olya: I, Olya, Olga, Olenka - I want to be friends with you!
Teacher: And who is in a hurry to us, who wants to live with us?
I want to study with you and value friendship.
Teacher: Suddenly, down the street, down the street, a girl runs. She stopped, smiled and shouted:
3. Valya: Hey, tower, tower, tower!
Who lives in the school tower?
What will they tell me?
What's new will be shown?
Olya: I, Olya, Olga, Olenka - I want to be friends with you!
Yaroslav: I, Yaroslav - a boy - I want to be friends with you!
Teacher: And who is in a hurry to us, who wants to live with us?
I want to learn a lot, and live an honest life!
Teacher: Suddenly, down the street, down the street, a boy runs. He stopped, laughed and shouted:
4. Maksim: Hey, tower, tower, tower!
Who lives in the school tower?
And what are they doing there?
What are they learning there?
Teacher: And in the little house it’s school, teachers live and everyone is welcome here, come in kids!
Olya: I, Olya, Olga, Olenka - I want to be friends with you!
Yaroslav: I, Yaroslav - a boy - I want to be friends with you!
Valya: I, Valya, Valya, Valechka - I want to be friends with you!
Teacher: And who is in a hurry to us, who wants to live with us?
Learn a lot and serve the Motherland!
Teacher: Suddenly, down the street, down the street, a girl runs. She stopped, became embarrassed and shouted:
5. Violet: Hey, tower, tower, tower!
Who lives in the school tower?
What is happening there?
And where is it found?
Teacher: And in the school teremochka, teachers live and everyone is welcome here, come in kids!
Olya: I, Olya, Olga, Olenka - I want to be friends with you!
Yaroslav: I, Yaroslav - a boy - I want to be friends with you!
Valya: I, Valya, Valya, Valechka - I want to be friends with you!
Maksim: I, Max, Maxim - a guy - want to be friends with you!
Teacher: And who is in a hurry to us, who wants to live with us?
Violet: I, Violetta - a girl - want to be friends with you!
I want to study with you and be a true friend!
Teacher: So they began to study, live and make friends in the same class: Olya, Yaroslav, Valya, Maxim, Violetta.

The song "Friendship is strong"
A strong friendship won't break
Will not fall apart from rain and blizzards.
A friend in trouble will not leave
Do not ask too much -
That's what real means
True friend!

A friend in trouble will not leave
Do not ask too much -
That's what real means
True friend!

We quarrel - and make peace,
"Do not spill water!" - joke all around.
At noon or at midnight
A friend will come to the rescue -
That's what real means
True friend.

At noon or at midnight
A friend will come to the rescue -
That's what real means
True friend.

A friend can always help me out
If something suddenly happens.

That's what real means
True friend.

Need to be someone in difficult times -
That's what real means
True friend.

Teacher: So they lived together, did not grieve, studied, practiced, learned a lot .... And so flew 4 years. And how they lived in this school house, they will tell you.
Teacher: Do you guys remember how it all started? How timid and timid were you when you first came to school? Remember how you learned to sit at your desk and stand up beautifully? How did you get your first grades in your life? (passing each other a bell.)
1st Valya
Holding on to my mother's hand,
Then we first went to class
For your very first lesson.
And opened his school bell!
2nd Yarik
Remember the first time
We were sitting in the classroom
And like a teacher
All eyes looked.
3rd Violetta
And how are we Svetlana Vladimirovna
Were the questions answered?
Didn't listen to each other
Everyone was interrupted.
4th Maxim
Remember how sticks
Difficult ones wrote.
On the eighth of March
Draw a vase!
5th Olya
glued, sculpted,
Songs were sung.
How to solve problems
We didn't understand!
6th Valya
And now we're adults
Wow already what!
The girls are wonderful
Boys are dashing!
7th Yaroslav
We are completely without envy
We congratulate each other.
In the fifth grade worthy
We wish to go!
Teacher: Oh, what a difficult road lay ahead of our first-graders. Our graduates will sing about the difficulties of school life.

For some reason, they began to load more and more of us.
Today at school the first class is like an institute.
Once I wanted to solve a problem with my dad.
Even my dad, and that one, dripped valerian.

Will there be more, oh-oh-oh!
And we have a problem: a new program!
I studied it all at the institute mom!
Baba and grandfather never heard such words at all ...
I want to warn everyone to know:
It's only the beginning? It's only the beginning?
Will there be more, oh-oh-oh!
Teacher: As time went on, various interesting moments took place in our teremka.
Yaroslav and Maxim come out.
1st graduate: Yaroslav
One day my best friend and I
So tired - no strength:
In a change in a small heap
I messed with a friend.
2nd graduate: Maxim
We fell asleep in class.
The desk is softer than the bed.
We yawned so that the cheekbones
There was no one to lead.
1st graduate: Yaroslav
What did the teacher do?
He didn't utter a word
And without getting to the heart of the matter,
I called my dad right away.
2nd graduate: Maxim
Oh what a blast
1st graduate: Yaroslav
Oh, what a scolding!
2nd graduate: Maxim
This is hardly the best way.
Understand the soul of a child!
1st graduate: Yaroslav
We are tired of learning.
Ah, I wish I had a day off.
2nd graduate: Maxim
Soon all the suffering will end!
Mom, I want to go home!
Teacher: So 2 years of study are behind us, examples, equations, projects were all too tough for us, but the multiplication table, ...... how much difficulty it caused. Look:

Teacher: Yaroslav, tell me, how much is 7 x 8?
Pupil 64
Teacher. How?
Student: Well, 58
Teacher. How?
Student: Well, 49.
Teacher. Yes, I'm already tired of it. I put you, Yaroslav, a deuce, you did not learn the multiplication table.
STUDENT (lay down on chairs) I'm dying.
Teacher. Well, please don't die! Okay, I'll give you a three.
The student lies
Teacher. Okay, four!
The student is lying down.
Teacher. Okay, five (crying)
Student Svetlana Vladimirovna! And they said I didn't learn the multiplication table! (gets up proud)

Children sing the song "Friends"
If a friend does not laugh, you turn on the sun for him,
You turn on the stars for him - it's easy.
You fix the mistake, turning it into a smile,
All sadness and tears are simple.
Sunday, Saturday.
Friendship is not a job
Friendship is not a job!
There are friends as well for them.
Friends don't have days off!
There are friends as well for them.
Friends don't have days off!
If happiness falls, divide it into parts.
And give it to all your friends - it's easy.
And when it is necessary, all friends will be there,
To turn on the sun or stars for you.
Sunday, Saturday.
Friendship is not a job
Friendship is not a job!
There are friends as well for them.
Friends don't have days off!
There are friends as well for them.
Friends don't have days off!
If every friend in a circle
A friend will lend a hand
That will be visible through the window:
Friendship is the equator.
If every friend of the planet
Wave a chamomile to another
It will become clear: friendship is
Daisy planet.
Sunday, Saturday.
Friendship is not a job
Friendship is not a job!
There are friends as well for them.
Friends don't have days off!
There are friends as well for them.
Friends don't have days off!

The scene “Sick is boring, but not at school”
Violetta comes out, her neck wrapped in a scarf.
- I'm so tired of being sick. So I want to hurry to school, to the guys. Time to take your medicine
(takes a bottle of medicine, reads the label) “3 times a day, 1 tablespoon after meals” (swallows a spoonful of medicine and starts to squeak).
Olya runs.
- What happened? What are you squeaking?
- Yes, I took the medicine, but it says here: "3 times a day, 1 tablespoon after meals." Here I am eating.
- Oh, you're stupid! You misread: "3 times a day, 1 tablespoon after meals."
- Oh, the teacher told us that the meaning of the word depends on the stress.
- Yes, it is useful to know the rules of the Russian language.

Scene "Our cases"
Teacher: Valya, go to the blackboard and read a short story.
The student reads:“Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was guiltily silent, and then he promised to improve.”
Teacher: Wonderful! Name all the nouns in this text.
The student calls: “dad”, “mother”, “Vova”, “behavior”, “Vova”, “promise”.
Teacher: Well done! Decide what case these nouns are in. Understood?
Pupil: Yes!
Teacher: Get started!
Pupil:"Dad and Mom" ​​Who? What? Parents. So, the case is genitive.
Scolded whom, what? Vova. "Vova" is a name. So the case is nominative.
Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has an instrumental case.
Vova was silent guiltily. So, here “Vova” has an accusative case.
Well, the “promise”, of course, is in the dative case, since Vova gave it!
That's all!
Teacher: Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring the diary, ... .. I wonder what mark you would suggest putting yourself in?
Pupil: What? Of course, five!
Teacher: So five? By the way, in what case did you call this word “five”?
Pupil: In prepositional!
Teacher: In a prepositional? Why?
Pupil: Well, I suggested it myself!

Scene "There is always a way out"
Teacher: Maxim, why are you eating apples in class?
Student: Sorry to waste your time!
Teacher: Stop immediately! By the way, why weren't you at school yesterday?
Maksim: My older brother got sick.
Teacher: And what about you?
Maksim: And I rode his bike!
Teacher: Sidorov! My patience has run out! Don't come to school tomorrow without your father!
Maksim: And the day after tomorrow?

The scene "Report" is played out
Reporting is conducted by one of the graduates, the rest are watching. Video film.
Valya: On your screens you see Yarik and Max. They are both in good physical shape. Suddenly, Max slaps Yaroslav on the back of the head. Yaroslav responds with a series of light blows.
Three girls join them. As a result of this pentathlon, the boys lose their form, but the competition continues. Valya applied a painful hold: she pulled Olya's hair. Shame on Val! They are in different weight classes.
There is very little time left before the start of the lesson. Violetta and Maxim are finishing their home exercise in the last seconds!
But the bell is ringing! Weightlifting competitions begin in the class. Yaroslav is especially different, he uses a bench press, a push, a snatch of his heavy portfolio. But Maxim does not let him win, he pushes two portfolios at once, his own and Valin.
For participants in these non-sporting games, the coach, i.e. the teacher has prepared all sorts of surprises: from a deuce in behavior to calling parents to school.
This concludes our report. Thank you for your attention!

Teacher: For four years you have been walking on difficult steps, climbing higher and higher. No matter how difficult it was, you still came to this memorable day. Dear children, all four years next to me, in our house, other teachers also worked. Together they raised you and taught you kind, bright and good things. (Gifts from Pomaz, Vasilyeva, Porsin, Oksanichenko, Dzyuba, Malysheva)
Teacher: It's time to take the oath of the elementary school graduate.

The teacher reads the oath, and the graduates repeat "I swear!"
I swear to write and read decently
And in a knapsack to wear "good" and "excellent." I swear!
I swear to be a child brought up,
Do not run around the school, but walk in steps. I swear!
I swear that I will try hard
No more fighting with my friends! I swear!
And if I break my oath,
Then I give my milk tooth,
Then I promise to wash the dishes forever
And I will not play on the computer! I swear!
Then I promise to go for bread,
Walk the dog, if you have one. I swear!
Then I'll be perfect as a child
And I will never forget my vow!
I swear! I swear! I swear!
Valya: Dear mothers, dear fathers!
It's good to have you around now
In this solemn, joyful hour.
We will share our joy with you,
Yaroslav: In life for us you are the compass of the earth.
After all, the most important thing for parents is their children!
We thank you with all our hearts.
Maksim: We love you and we are proud of you.
And our gratitude to you for everything,
Probably beyond words.
Violet: Girls and boys!
Let's get together!
Thank you mom!
Thank you dad!
Olya: Thank you grandmothers!
Thank you grandpa!
For troubles, for affection,
Help, tips!
Chorus: Thanks!
(Congratulations from parents, presentation of gifts.)
Student: Goodbye, fourth grade, we say goodbye to you. Maksim
With your favorite desk, and with a window, and with a board
Student: Goodbye, boss - now I want to say Olya
We will learn better and, of course, dare!
Student: Goodbye, beloved class, our dear teacher. Valya
We will never forget your loud, stern voice!
Student: We fell in love with each other, our friendship is strong! Yaroslav
Together with us, our friendship goes into the fifth grade!
Student: And our teacher Violetta will go to the first grade again
She told us: “Cool, five-graders, you are lucky!”.
Teacher: Four years you've been on the road
Where are you supposed to go now?
All together, together, we say now:
“Let's go, friends, now we are in the 5th grade!”

The song "Goodbye!"
(to the motive of the song "The song remains with the person")
The year is over, summer calls us to hikes, (we are called hikes)
But we will miss school.
After all, so many songs have been sung with friends, (sung)
And from the stage I want to say:
Chorus: Through the years, through the distances,

Friendly class 4th, goodbye!
Let's go to the 5th, we are with you!
Thank you, second (our) mothers!
Taught to think, think, reason.
Admittedly, we were often stubborn.
And from the stage I want to say:
Chorus: Through the years, through the distances,
On any road, on any side,
Our teacher first, goodbye!

Our wise teacher, goodbye!
After all, we do not say goodbye to you.
Teacher: The bell alerted us that elementary school was over. Good luck, dear graduates!

To organize a graduation at an elementary school: the scenario is unusual and fun, the process must be approached wisely and carefully. Teachers, parents, students can act as characters in any scenario. Moreover, a large-scale action always looks good, so several classes can be combined to celebrate this event.

In the framework of the described scenario, it will turn out not just to have fun. He talks about the difficulties that schoolchildren have already encountered and that lie ahead. But, no matter how difficult the road will be, if you pass it next to faithful and reliable people, then everything will be fine.

Important! To the organizers of the graduation at the elementary school: the script is unusual and fun with competitions, we recommend that you shoot two short films at once. In the first one, you need to collect inappropriate moments and name the tape "Our school story." In the second film there will be footage from the lessons called "School Science Parade".

Introductory part

Put on everyone's favorite and every year relevant song "Teach at School". Guests at this time can enter the hall, take their seats. It’s good if the presenters manage to lead the program in clown costumes:

Host #1: Good afternoon and good evening!
Host #2: We have been waiting, waiting for this meeting!
Presenter No. 1: Yesterday, like the kids were brought to the first grade, and four years have passed!
Presenter number 2: And how many people gathered for the holiday!
Presenter number 1: Whom do we congratulate on this evening or day:

All in unison: Primary school graduates (graduates enter, take their places). You can cook as treats.

Remembering first grade

Pupil #1: We have become big and I can't even believe that the fifth grade is already ahead. Do you remember how small and cute we were when we were in first grade?
Pupil #2: Autumn that year was yellow-yellow, and the first call seemed so loud, as if it could wake everyone around. That autumn, the bell rang for the first time for us, but how many such bells have already been and will still be ahead.

Student number 3: You greeted us kids with a smile. They taught me to read and write from scratch, to get the first well-deserved marks. We enjoyed everything like children. Even though we were kids.
Student #4: It was difficult for us not only to say the word “write”, but also to bring it all to life. The letters always wanted to fall on their side, and the teachers said: "Dashing trouble began." This is how we learned, step by step.
Pupil #5: Today we want to say our words of gratitude to everyone who went through the most difficult initial path of learning with us. You were with us every day, and for us this was important.
Pupil No. 6: Let everyone have their own teacher, but for all of us the first teacher, so good, kind and strict in business, will remain good forever.

All together: But the best of all is mine (giving flowers to primary school teachers).

Teachers' speech

Presenter No. 1: Teachers taught the wisdom of not only school, but also ordinary life. Every day they saw ups and downs. They have something to talk about today.

"The word is given to the teachers."

"Collecting a bag"

It will be necessary to pass the ball to each other with the following phrase: “One and two, three and four, and five: you must collect the satchel today.” Whoever had a ball in the last words must name any school subject. If it's right: clap, if it's wrong: stomp.

Presenter No. 1: Adults no longer remember, but our graduates are sure that there are many fairy tales around every person. It is impossible to live without fairy tales, and miracles happen to children. And why? Because children believe in miracles.
Presenter number 2: In general, who said that there are no miracles in the world? After all, it is children, first of all, who are the living embodiment of a tale. Because wizards live in the minds of children.

Game on the knowledge of the Russian language (the game is played by the Tsar)

King: Well, so I came from a fairy tale and not just to talk in vain, but to play an important game. Moreover, not only our dear graduates, but parents and teachers can take part in the game. If I call a noun, then only the kids should clap. If I call an adjective, then the parents should clap, and after the named verb, only the teachers clap.

Words: task, mindfulness, run, changeable, teaching, eat, fascinating, decisive, cut, talk, table.

This is the most interesting option for elementary school prom: unusual and fun for parents or teachers. It doesn't matter what the organization does. More importantly, the right speakers, music, and décor to enjoy this last night of elementary school to the fullest.

With the presentation of certificates, parting words, as a rule, are organized by teachers, but the form of the entertainment part is different, someone goes to a cafe, someone invites animators, and someone chooses a warm and family form - a holiday of their own with the participation of children, parents and teachers.

Graduation script in elementary school "It's the other way around or Children and Ancestors" perfect for this occasion, it does not require pre-rehearsals or worry about props. The proposed game program consists of new fun and exciting contests that will help you not only have a good time, but become closer and more understandable to each other. The program is suitable for both professional presenters and enthusiasts. The necessary musical and printing design, as well as the script for a fun school play, are attached.

Graduation script "Everything is the other way around or Children and Ancestors"

1. Fanfares sound. School years

Leading: Good afternoon, dear graduates and respected adults: parents and teachers! So this long-awaited day has come, to which you have been going all together for 4 whole years. And today is an amazing and very exciting day when your children leave the walls of such a familiar, familiar and comfortable elementary school and step on the next step in their achievements. Yes, of course, the walls of the school building will remain the same, but within these walls for you, graduates, a new life will begin, the life of high school students with its difficulties and joys. And you have successfully taken the line called elementary school! With what you and your parents and teachers, we are happy and congratulations! With the end of elementary school! Hooray!

(Everyone shouts: "Hurrah!")

Sounds like 2. Superstar + cheers

Leading: Yes, the milestone has been passed and you have passed it very successfully. They say that your class is one of the best, right? (guests answer) I don’t hear how they talk about it so quietly and unfriendly. Let's rehearse how to proudly declare ourselves, so that the Universe hears and notices? Now I will ask questions and talk about you, and if you agree, then together, together with your parents and teachers, shout: “Fourth A”. So, get ready, I read the first three lines, and you answer me after the word “class”. Go!

Chrychalka - Best class 4 "A"


Who is the friendliest in school?

Just don't spill water?

You don't have to think long here.

This is a class...

All (in chorus): 4th "A"!


Who is the noisiest at school?

So what about the head?

Artistic, witty

This is a class...

All (in chorus): 4th "A"! .............................................. ......

Option 2. Chrychalka - Best class 4 "B", "C", "G", "D"


Who is the friendliest in school?

Together in joy - trouble?

You don't have to think long here.

This is a class...

All (in chorus): 4th "B"!


Who is the noisiest at school?

Sound in tens of decibels?

Artistic, witty

This is a class...

All (in chorus): 4th "B"! ....................................... ................................................. ...

Leading: You shout very amicably, let's check how you sing along ...

Sounds like 3. Barbariki. Friendship is not a job.

(everyone claps and sings along)

Leading: Well done! Very friendly! It even seemed that complete harmony and mutual understanding reigned in your company, is that so? (guests answer) And you are not familiar with the conflicts between teachers and students, parents and children? (guests answer) Let's check it out, shall we? Let's try to understand: is it easy to be children and is it easy to be adults? In general, children and parents, get to know each other better, don't you want to? Of course you do! Life is so arranged that the conflict of generations, fathers and children, children and ancestors existed at all times. And your parents are especially lucky. Not only were they born in the last century, but also in another country, which was called ... That's right .. the Soviet Union. And they grew up on other values, toys and concepts...

They say that in order to understand another person, one must try to stand in his place or, in the words of modern cinema, "swap bodies." Here we will try to do it with the help of the game program " Everything is the opposite or Children and Ancestors " . And the well-known family leisure center, practically a “member of every family” will help us in this…………………………………………………………………

Leading And the first program in which you and I had the chance to participate..... (one of the children, already dressed in a suit, runs up to the host and whispers something in his ear, gesturing artistically, the host nods in agreement, the "pirate" leaves). Dear viewers, some changes have taken place in our program, our graduates have prepared a surprise for everyone, which was prepared secretly. All programs will be shown a little later, and now the extraordinary release of "Our Poster" - the play "The Secret of the Magic Book", while the artists are preparing, a small musical break!

(Songs sound, children involved in the performance leave to prepare)

- School play "The Secret of the Magic Book"

- Program "Guess it now".

Leading: And the first program in which you and I have a chance to participate will be an intellectual show in which you can earn points for your team with your own mind. A program in which they meet and see off according to the mind, in which the age-old wisdom of our people can not only be heard, but also visually seen. The program "Guess it now" is on the air. ……………………………………………………………………

(a new original competition with pictures, in which children plunge into the atmosphere of visual agitation of the last century, and adults solve proverbs with the help of diagrams and graphs)


(10 ready-made pictures for the game are attached)

- "Astrological forecast for graduates"

(Author's note: The forecast for each company is personalized, based on information from the essay on the topic: “Who do you dream of being?”, Which is carried out by teachers in advance. To conduct an astrological forecast in a single block or break it into parts - at the discretion of the organizers. The proposed version is published as an example)

What do astrologers tell us?

What is the future of our guys?

From bright headlines of future newspapers

And by the arrangement of stars and planets,

We found out that…

became famous ……….. Yanina

She painted unique paintings.

And who created the next generation robot? .

.............For all the news, please contact Ani in the video blog

And all-all of the 4 "A" - waiting for their happy roads!!!

- Program "Children and Adults".

Leading: And we are moving to the neighboring shooting pavilion, where work is underway on the pilot release of the new program “Children and Adults”....................................................... ..

(this stage of the game program includes three moments: a game to activate the mood of the hall, an interactive game and a general musical noisemaker on the graduation theme)

1. Activation of the hall "Congratulations with emoticons"


Graduation in elementary school

Everyone is happy, I think? (The presenter raises a smiley face - applause)

You are so young, so beautiful

And the outfits are just amazing! (Emoticon - “wow”) ..............................

(Ready-to-print pictures are attached).

2. Interactive "What is happiness?"

Leading: And the theme of our show today is "The Concept of Happiness." Is it different for children and loving parents?

(The host selectively walks around the guests and asks adults and children questions about happiness, periodically, for fun, after another answer, raising one or another emoticon)


3. Musical noisemaker "Hello, fifth"


1. Initial, dear, respect to you,

For kindness, care and intelligence!

The first step is passed, hurray!

It's time to go to high school!

Chorus (all in unison):

Hello, hello fifth!

Hello, hello fifth!


Sounds 9. Queen. rhythm or minus

- Program "Visiting a fairy tale"

Leading: And the most family program in the world continues our program “Visiting a fairy tale”. Now, impromptu representatives of the Ancestors team will play a children's drama on a school theme in front of us, and representatives of the Kids team will play a story from the life of one Sea Captain.

And the team "Ancestors" begins

1. Game - runner "May morning at school"


(The facilitator reads the text expressively, making small pauses for the participants to say their cue)

Every locality has a SCHOOL… and all the inhabitants of this locality were its STUDENTS.., and the smallest ones, who were not yet seven years old, dreamed of growing up as soon as possible to also become STUDENTS.. of a wonderful SCHOOL....... ...............................................

(A new fun impromptu for the parents' team on the theme of school life)

2. Fairy tale - impromptu "The Story of the Captain"

Leading: And 7 participants are invited to the stage to embody an action-packed and adult philosophical story. Only this time you should not run, but completely get used to the role and completely beat the plot, all the actions and emotions of your character, not forgetting every time you mention your hero, artistically pronounce the necessary remark. Ready, engine, start!

(Participants are given cards with the name of the character and a replica)

Characters and words:

Captain: "Full speed ahead!"

Ship: "Reliable for all 100!".

Steering wheel: "Hold on tight!".

Spyglass: "Everything is under control!".

Ship rat: "For you Larisa Ivanovna!".

Iceberg "And who is easy?!".

A bottle of rum "Relieve stress!"


One day the CAPTAIN… went on a long journey on his SHIP…. With one hand he turned the WHEEL .., in the other he held the SPYGLASS ....................................

(a cheerful life-affirming story from the life of adults for instant beating by a team of schoolchildren)

- The program "Sessions of Dr. Pesnyakovsky"

Leading: Judging by the fabulous atmosphere reigning in the hall, it is felt that our two competing teams exchanged “bodies” for a reason. But in order to consolidate the achieved result, we suggest visiting one more shooting pavilion. The program is called "Sessions of Dr. Pesnyakovsky" .......

(both role-playing teams sing a lyrical transmitted song that turns into a general dance)


To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to deposit a small amount (450 rubles) into the site development fund - conditions and details on the page AUTHOR'S SCENARIO

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to get the full version of this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)


Bonus discount for video contests:

Such a scenario will be very decorated which can be submitted as one of the TV shows , it is offered separately (750 rubles), but for those who purchased this scenario - a bonus discount - 200 rubles. Thus, for those who want to have both a script and video contests, you need to send 1000 rubles, only 450 rubles are enough for the script.



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