Life expectancy depends on the month of birth. Life expectancy depends on the sign of the zodiac

How does the month of birth affect life expectancy?

Demographers from the Max Planck Institute in Rostock examined data on the population of Denmark and Austria and found that the month of birth affects health, disease and even life expectancy.

Sociologists, after conducting research, have found that the month in which you were born determines health, illness, and even life expectancy. So, for example, it was found that those born in the summer get sick more often, and those born in the fall live longer, FactNews reports.

Demographers from the Max Planck Institute in Rostock Gabriele Doblehammer-Reiter and James Waupel, after examining data on the population of Denmark and Austria, covering several decades, found that the month in which a child was born significantly affects what he should expect from life. .


Those born in December are more likely to live to old age. However, those born in winter have an increased risk of developing schizophrenia or manic-depressive psychosis. According to research, those born in December can expect, starting from the age of 50, to live 4-8 months longer than their peers born in April or June.

The probability of surviving to 105 years for people born in December and surviving to old age is 16% higher than the average for their peers who were born in other months. For those born in winter, the risk of departing to another world is reduced due to the most common reasons in age category 50 years and older: diseases of cardio-vascular system, age-related diabetes and cancer.

The fact that the reason for this is seasonal fluctuations in the range of products and the risk of contracting infectious diseases during and shortly after pregnancy was recently proved by American scientists.


An increased risk of getting schizophrenia or manic-depressive illness for those who celebrate their birthday in December or January is confirmed by more than 250 studies around the world. The number of psychiatric patients born in winter is about 8% higher than the rest. The explanation for this is to be found in the lack sunlight during pregnancy.

The less ultraviolet radiation affects future mother, the less vitamin D is synthesized in her skin - the substance responsible for the formation of the brain of the embryo. Other works do not see the relationship between sunbeams during pregnancy and the risk of disease in the future. Therefore, most scientists tend to think that important role currently unknown seasonal conditions also play.

February March

Those born in February and March are more likely to suffer from pollen allergies. Being born a few months before the release of any type of pollen into the air increases the risk of later reacting to this irritant with allergies.

The most common forms of hay fever are caused by grass and birch pollen, which begins to appear in the air in Europe in April-May. According to one theory, immature the immune system the newborn reacts too intensely to pollen, and this reaction can be fixed.

In addition, it has been found that children born in February and March are especially prone to difficulties in perceiving school material. Statistically, a large number of students who need a special approach (among them those suffering from autism or impaired attention, as well as children with Down syndrome), are born in February or March.
According to one version, the reason for this is the increased concentration of agricultural pesticides in drinking water in May and June, that is, in those months when conception occurs.

April May

That the pupils born in May elementary school are less likely to study later in the gymnasium, is primarily due to the date of their entry into school: they are almost a year younger than their classmates. However, this is not the only problem children, born in spring. This also includes a comprehensive forecast regarding their health.

For people who have reached adulthood, who were born in the months since March, life expectancy begins to decline. And the tendency to diseases of the cardiovascular system, on the contrary, increases - and the closer the date of birth to the summer months, the more. As, however, the predisposition to diseases of the respiratory system is more old age.

Scientists find a possible explanation in heightened danger for children born in spring and summer to pick up in the first months of life, falling in the fall, viral infection, affecting the upper respiratory tract, which can lead to bronchitis and pneumonia. Infectious diseases of the lower respiratory tract, transferred by a child in early age, are considered a factor fraught with a tendency to chronic diseases lungs later.

April and May may also affect the tendency to more late disorders psyche, depression and alcoholism. Suicide cases are 17% more common among those born in April and May than among those born in autumn or winter.

Those born in May face increased risk suffer from multiple sclerosis. risk of encountering multiple sclerosis those born in May are 13% higher than those born in November, who are less likely than others to experience this disease, scientists say. It is not yet clear which factors environment shortly before or immediately after birth affect it.

June July

Those who were born in the summer adulthood are least likely to live to a ripe old age.

The mothers of those who were born in June-July, early stages pregnancies were in the winter. While the quality of food in industrialized countries located in the northern hemisphere today is not so dependent on the time of year, researchers nevertheless reveal some seasonal fluctuations in average birth weight. In June and July, the weight of newborns was on average 30 grams less than the weight of babies born in autumn and early winter.

Thus born late summer and in the fall, babies are much better armed for life than those born in June or July.

Aug. Sept

Since babies born between August and October are born just a few months before the cold season they spend at home, they, like those born in February or March and suffering from pollen allergies, develop natural enemy: house dust mite. It has been established that most allergy sufferers are born in August and September. The propensity for such an allergy increases due to more intense contact with the allergen in the first time after birth.

October November

The colder it gets outside, the closer the contact with pets. It has been established that in the period from October to January, more babies prone to allergies to feline and dog hair.

Starting in October, children are born who, at a more mature age, can count on more long life.

According to demographers, human height also affects life expectancy. According to this hypothesis, tall people live longer - and they are born more often towards the end of the year than in the spring.
But this is not the reason why those born in September-December are more likely to become successful athletes, as evidenced by data on the dates of birth of British football players from the Champions League.

/ Horoscope of life and death

The relationship between the average life expectancy of people and the sign of the Zodiac under which they were born does not show specific reasons why a person leaves for another world (there are ascendants for this - a cluster of planets in the houses of the horoscope), however, the craving for risk, the attraction of deadly situations and predisposition to certain diseases each sign of the Zodiac really suggests that the mystery of the horoscope of death lies in the zodiacal mysteries.

Recall that according to statistics, men live an average of 52.4 years, and women - 61.6.

What does astrological statistics say?

Let's determine the average life expectancy of the representatives of the Zodiac in ascending order, then combine them into groups:

Group 1. Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Scorpio

Low life expectancy: from 50 to 60 years, which is about two years less than the general statistical average.

Main risk factors:

  • poor health;
  • vulnerability to stress;
  • high risk of injury;
  • energy leak.

It turns out that the lowest average duration life of people born under the sign of Gemini.

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Scientists have long been watching people who have crossed the centennial milestone, these are the so-called centenarians. Until now, it was believed that the merit in this, in most cases, belongs to their parents, who, at conception, laid in them the long-liver gene.

Scientists gerontologists have proven that the more damaged genes a person has, the less he lives. In centenarians, such genes are practically not observed. The conclusion is clear: the longevity gene is inherited.

It is generally known that life expectancy is predominantly dependent on those features that a person receives at the moment of conception. These features give energy and shape human structure(strong or weak).

Factors affecting the life expectancy of an unborn child

  • One of the partners suffers from chronic diseases;
  • in the family, the partners had nervous diseases;
  • a history of multiple miscarriages or rebirth of a dead child;
  • if the family already has a child with disabilities;
  • the expectant mother took drugs that cause a mutation in the genes;
  • couple - blood relatives (brother, sister, etc.);
  • One of the partners works in hazardous production.
In the above cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor before deciding to conceive.

The duration of life, in fact, is a derivative of the cheerful state of a person's parents and the moment in which his conception happened. Good luck to be born well is a good thing that can be wished for by everyone, but, unfortunately, not appreciated by everyone.

Let's turn to three components that affect life expectancy: parental health, the moment of conception and the period of pregnancy.

parental health.

A person is the likeness of his father and mother, not only externally, but also internally. Weaknesses and vices internal organs passed on to children. The physique of the older generation contributes to their predisposition to various diseases which can also be passed on to children. For example, gout, tuberculosis and hemorrhoids, a tendency to form stones in gallbladder and kidneys can become birth problems.

The age of the father and mother can negatively affect the length and quality of life of their children. We are talking about too young or very old people. Entering into an early marriage, before the age of 24 for a man and 18 for a woman, creates a threat of upsetting their own condition, which will inevitably affect the birth of weak children. This is especially true for women.

The moment of conception.

This moment has a significant impact on a born person, both in terms of his bodily and moral perception. The time of conception is extremely important, and mom and dad should not forget about it. It is at this moment that new life is born.

It is not in vain that nature gives this moment the highest degree of enthusiasm. After all, cases are known when a child conceived from persons who are intoxicated is born an outright fool.

Extreme breeds extreme. A child conceived in moments of unkind mental disposition or anxiety may in his life suffer to a greater or lesser extent from such a moral or physical condition.

Dr. Pisklakov talks about the prevention of expectant mothers, starting with childhood:

Pregnancy period.

The father, of course, is the main culprit in the origin of new life. But the development of the body of the unborn child directly depends only on the mother. Through the mother, the fetus receives everything necessary for proper development.

A weak man can produce strong child if the woman is endowed excellent health. And vice versa from weak woman a strong and vigorous child will never be born, no matter how strong a man is.

Pregnancy is a special moment in a woman's life. The exclusion of nervousness, addictions, the ability to give up excesses and pleasures that can harm an unborn child, give a chance for the birth of a person with good life prospects.

hereditary genetics refers to the means of prolonging life that are not in the power of man, but it is in his power to pass on to the next generation a predisposition to long life.

But not everything is so simple, because it has been proven that life expectancy consists of three components, this hereditary factors, the effect on the body external environment and lifestyle of a person. If a person who received excellent genes at birth will gradually kill himself, then no genes will help him, he will simply destroy them.

When thinking about your future child, do not forget about yourself. Move more, go out into nature more often, do not reduce the quality and duration of sleep (as much as possible). Everything is in your hands, you just need to go to bed a little early and get up half an hour earlier than usual. Instead of a stuffy bus to work, ride a bike or walk at least one or two stops.

Healthy family- guarantee of children's health

We have heard about the influence of the position of the stars on our character and destiny. And although not everyone believes in this, Danish psychologist Helmut Nyborg from the University of Aarhus has found evidence of the power of the time of birth of a person over his health and life expectancy, writes a German newspaper. Der Spiegel.

As it turns out, your date of birth can tell you something about the health risks you may be destined to face.

The fact is that, as many studies show, seasonal environmental influences, for example, an increased risk infectious diseases and a decrease in the quality of nutrition in the months before and after a person's birth, can affect his condition at a more mature age.

In the mother's womb and immediately after birth, apparently, the foundations for the further existence of a person are laid. Responsible for this are the so-called epigenetic effects of the genetic material. So, geneticists can prove that, for example, stress can lead to molecular changes in genes.

Of course, the characteristics of a person's lifestyle, such as gastronomic addictions, sports and educational level, can be much more important. But the month in which the child was born significantly affects what he should expect from life.

December - January

Those born at the beginning of winter have a great chance of living to a ripe old age. However, they have an increased risk of developing schizophrenia or manic-depressive psychosis. According to one study conducted by demographers Gabriele Doblehammer-Reiter and by James Waupel Those born in December can expect, starting from the age of 50, to live 4-8 months longer than their peers born in April or June.

For those born in winter, the risk of departing to another world is reduced due to the most common causes in the age category of 50 years and older: diseases of the cardiovascular system, age-related diabetes and cancer.

This is the conclusion reached by demographer Gabriele Doblehammer-Reiter, who studied 15.6 million death certificates in terms of possible relationship between life expectancy and date of birth. "Those who were born in winter were apparently more stable and fell ill later," the researcher says.

An increased risk of getting schizophrenia or manic-depressive illness for those who celebrate their birthday in December or January is confirmed by more than 250 studies around the world. The number of psychiatric patients born in winter is about 8% higher than the rest. Australian doctor John McGrath from the Queensland Center for Mental Health Research believes that the explanation should be sought in the lack of sunlight during pregnancy. The less ultraviolet radiation affects the expectant mother, the less vitamin D is synthesized in her skin - the substance responsible for the formation of the brain of the embryo. Other studies do not see the relationship between exposure to sunlight during pregnancy and the risk of disease in the future. Therefore, most scientists tend to think that currently unknown seasonal conditions also play an important role.

With the exception of minor regional fluctuations, a similar pattern holds true for the entire northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, where December is summer, this pattern shifts by a month, according to comparative data from Australia.

February March

Those born in February and March are more likely to suffer from pollen allergies. Being born months before the release of a pollen into the air increases the risk of a later reaction to this irritant with allergies - this is the conclusion of eight studies on this topic published over the past 30 years.

One theory is that the newborn's immature immune system overreacts to the pollen, and this reaction can take hold.

The reasons for the following phenomenon remain unclear, the facts show that children born in February and March are especially prone to difficulties in perceiving school material. This phenomenon was recorded in his state pediatrician Paul Winchester from Indiana University. According to the specialist, especially many students who need a special approach (among them those suffering from autism or impaired attention, as well as children with Down syndrome), were born in February or March.

For people who have reached adulthood, who were born in the months since March, life expectancy begins to decline. And the tendency to diseases of the cardiovascular system, on the contrary, increases - and the closer the date of birth to the summer months, the more. As, however, and predisposition to diseases of the respiratory system at a more advanced age. Thus, according to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) mortality data, in the period from 1989 to 1997, residents North America, born in November and died due to pathologies of the respiratory organs, lived on average six months longer than their born in summer peers.

April May

Those born in April and May may be prone to later mental disorders, depression and alcoholism. At least a British psychiatrist Emed Salib from the University of Liverpool, this explains the fact that suicide cases are 17% more common among those born in April and May than among those born in autumn or winter. A team of scientists led by Salib examined data on each of the 26,916 cases of identified suicide, as well as deaths from unexplained causes, from 1979 to 2001 in England and Wales.

According to this study, those born in May face an increased risk of suffering from multiple sclerosis. A team of researchers led by biostatistician Kirsten Wheeler of the University of Michigan processed data from 71,400 patients from Canada, the UK, Denmark and Sweden. Those born in May have a 13% higher risk of developing multiple sclerosis than those born in November, who are less likely to experience the disease than others. It is not yet clear what environmental factors shortly before or immediately after birth influence this.

June July

Those who were born in the first months of summer, in adulthood, are least likely to live to a ripe old age. Along with cancer, heart attacks, strokes and falls due to dizziness are among the most common reasons deaths of those over 50. At the same time, cancer patients born in the period from June to August died on average 1-1.5 years earlier than those born in winter.

An increased propensity for the most common causes of death - with the exception of cancer - scientists explain by the fact that the mothers of those who were born in June-July had the early stages of pregnancy in the winter.


Since babies born between August and October are born just a few months before the cold season they spend at home, they have a natural enemy: the house dust mite. This conclusion was reached by a Korean scientist Yun Ko from Seoul University. He studied 1,642 children aged 10 to 16 who were allergic to dust mite. And he found that most allergy sufferers were born in August and September. Between August and October, the number of household ticks in Seoul and the surrounding area is especially high.

Between October and January, more babies are also born who are prone to allergies to cat and dog hair. This is because the colder it is outside, the closer the contact with pets.


Starting in October, children are born who, at a more mature age, can count on a longer life. According to the demographer Doblehammer-Reiter, this is reflected - although not particularly strongly - on the growth of a person. According to this hypothesis, tall people live longer - and they are born more often towards the end of the year than in the spring.

In Belarus, studies of the dependence of longevity and diseases on the month of birth have not been conducted. We only know that we have more long-lived women. 696 residents of our country have crossed the 100-year milestone, of which 100 are men and 596 are women. Most centenarians as of April 1 were in the Grodno region (182 people over the age of 100). On the second place - the Minsk region (139), on the third - the Brest region (98). 94 people who have already celebrated their centenary lived in the Vitebsk region, 68 in the Gomel region, 63 in the Mogilev region, and 52 in Minsk.

The oldest resident of Belarus Anna Pavlovna Ragel from Molodechno 118th birthday , violating the conclusions of researchers about the short life of those born in the summer.



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