What eyes are the most beautiful according to experts. The most beautiful eyes in women according to men

According to statistics, the sexiest part of a woman's face for men is the lips. But in all ages, it was the eyes that were interpreted by philosophers, artists and poets as the main component of female attractiveness.

What should be beautiful eyes and is it possible to make them so? Let's figure out which eyes are the most beautiful? What criteria are indicative of the beauty of the eyes: color, shape, size? Of course, size is important, and big eyes have a lot of advantages. As for eye color, it's all a matter of taste. The most important criterion is the shape of the eyes or the shape of the eyes. Please note that all the beauties recognized by the world have eyes with an unusual cut.

What eye shapes are considered beautiful?
1. The Scythian shape of the eyes or the eyes of a she-wolf are light Caucasoid eyes that have an “Asian zest”, expressed in the lengthening of the outer corner of the eyes to the temples. These eyes are also called slanted. Such a rare eye shape has Natalia Vodianova, Daria Verbova, as well as the most beautiful actress on the planet - Megan Fox.

2. Cat eyes are characterized by a rounded shape with raised outer corners. These are eyes of light shades: green, blue, gray, light brown. The owner of such eyes is Angelina Jolie.

3. In almond-shaped eyes, a pronounced transition from the inner corner of the eye to the outer is combined with an oblong shape that repeats the shape of the almond. It is especially beautiful when the outer corner of the eye is slightly raised, and not lowered. These are usually eyes of dark shades: dark brown or black. Unique is the combination of almond-shaped eyes with their light shades.

4. Asian almond-shaped eyes combine the European openness of the eyes with the Mongoloid shape of the upper eyelid with epicanthus.

5. Another prerogative of oriental beauties are the eyes of a fallow deer. They are characterized by an oblong shape (plums), while the transition from the inside of the eye to the outside is not obvious. Such eyes are usually black, which further enhances their resemblance to prunes. At the same time, the eyes are slightly convex, the outer corner is raised, set slightly slanting. The eyes of the deer Bambi are possessed by such famous girls as Penelope Cruz, Keira Knightley and Salma Hayek.

Beautiful eyes always attract attention, regardless of who they belong to: a child, an adult or an old man. The eyes radiate the inner energy and strength of a person, which makes them beautiful. If the eyes are empty, they will never become attractive.

Eyes convey all our emotions: joy, sadness, anger, fear, disappointment or sadness. It is only important to learn to read these emotions in the eyes. If, for example, the gaze is directed downward, it may indicate remorse or modesty. Wide eyes show innocence, surprise or horror. Eye rolling is a sign of impatience or fatigue. A sideways glance is a sign of desire, deceit.

In any case, the eyes and gaze should be given sufficient attention. Only then can one get emotional truthfulness, as well as look into a person’s soul.

In general, there is no single standard that dictates the beauty of the eyes. Eyes of amazing beauty can be found in every race and in every corner of the world. Black eyes shining like olives among the peoples of the Mediterranean, transparent blue eyes among the Scandinavian inhabitants, or almond-shaped eyes among the Greeks. Light brown and honey eyes are common in Latin Americans.

Everyone determines the most beautiful eyes based on their own taste and perception of beauty. In Russia, for example, “witchy” green eyes or “marsh shades” are very popular - a combination of blue and dark green, which you will not find anywhere else.

You know, you sit and think what beauty means? There are generally accepted concepts, for example, a figure, regular facial features, eyes, and so on. But even these concepts are vague, incomprehensible, invented. Probably, the answer to all this lies on the surface, everyone has their own beauty, you can’t judge everything the same way. And this is a considerable advantage of people in their difference, in their particularity.

So about the color of the eyes, the question sometimes pops up, which is the most beautiful? Silly question, probably. And, of course, most will answer: "Mine!" And he will be absolutely right. After all, each color has its own mystery, mystery, its own depth and beauty. They can only be classified somehow. Or, let's say, choose the most positive of each. So let's think, yes, in such a way that then everyone runs with inspiration to the mirror to look at the most beautiful eye color created by nature.

Let's start with blue

By the way, for most of the most beautiful eye color is blue. Why? What is it about blue eyes that attracts people so much? Sky, water. Here is the answer! Everything lies in ordinary psychology. Most people associate sky and water with calmness, confidence, harmony and stability, and this is so lacking. We trust people with blue eyes, we want to trust them. Most of the owners of light blue iris have blond hair, which also has a very positive effect on the image of a person.

The beauty of blue is in its sincerity, calmness. It is most important! And it doesn’t matter what color of hair nature has awarded you.


This color is conducive to business communication, and all because gray is a cold “business” color, and this is its beauty and charm.

With such an interlocutor, you can be sure that the conversation is clear and understandable. These people understand the business, and will not beat around the bush. And this is their beauty.

People with gray eyes can also have any hair color. But depending on the clothes, they are perceived by others. Therefore, it is important for business meetings to choose the right suit so that gray eyes become even more expressive.


The color of young foliage or the color of a swampy area, it charges with positive energy. By the way, many owners of green eyes have bright red hair, which once again proves the main purpose - to bring joy and positive.

The beauty of these eyes is precisely in the ability to make a holiday even on the most gray days.

In addition, green eyes fascinate and beckon, an emerald look is beautiful, aesthetically pleasing and very graceful! For a girl, even more so. A well-chosen makeup will enhance the effect of the look.


These people are the foundation! They give the feeling of solid ground! And all because brown is the color of the earth, the color of a solid surface, on which it is very calm and confident. This is the beauty of brown eyes. But do not forget about passion. Black eyes are a storm of emotions, fiery feelings and emotions. The beauty of brown eyes lies in the darkness. This look is so penetrating that few people can resist the magic of the charm of this color.

These are the most common colors. Of course, in addition to them, there are also shades of yellow, amber, blue, and they are all beautiful in their own way, in a special way.

Therefore, if you are still wondering what eye color is the most luxurious, you should not do this, just look at yourself and everything will become clear. It is impossible to determine this by any criteria. Sometimes you can meet a person who at first glance does not have a photo appearance, but in the end you will be convinced of his beauty. Or vice versa.

So it doesn't matter what eye color you have, the main thing is to remember that it is the most beautiful, the best. And if you want some changes for a while, then you can always use special lenses and make yourself a completely different look.

The eyes are the decoration of the face. It is on them that the first glance falls when meeting a new person. And it is in this part of the face that incorrigible romantics fall in love. So what are the most beautiful eye colors? Or is each shade attractive in its own way?

In order to understand what is the most beautiful eye color, you need to understand the criteria for evaluating that very beauty. The beauty of the eyes is determined by several parameters:

  • color;
  • size;
  • incision.

The beauty of the eyes is not only their shade. The organs of vision are attractive when everything is harmoniously combined in them. It is the combination of the shape, cut and color of the eyes that is important, but at the same time the shade of the iris of the eye should be combined with the pigmentation of the skin and hair. Wearing girls often only push people away from themselves, as they are mistaken with the choice of the color of the product.

As a rule, in different countries there is an opinion about what they are, the most beautiful eyes. The most beautiful eye color is the one that is characteristic of people of this nationality. For example, for Caucasians or gypsies, the most preferred shade of eyes is brown, but light shades are not at all characteristic of them.

What color are the eyes

At this stage of human development, 7 colors of the iris are distinguished (but there are also rarer colors that are found on the planet in a single version):

  1. Green. Rare color of the iris. Even more unique is the emerald shade of green eyes. This eye color is rare, because during the Inquisition, girls who had red hair and green eyes were equated with witches and burned at the stake. The owners of such an eye pigment are only two percent of the world's population.
  2. Amber. Or as this color is also called - golden brown. Such pigmentation of the eyes is rare, since in most cases brown eyes have dark pigment.
  3. Black. Typical eye color for people living in Asia. In fact, these are brown eyes with a high content of melanin. Eyes with this shade are very expressive and attract attention.
  4. Blue. It is rare to find a person with such a shade of the iris. We see this color because the light is refracted on the iris in a certain way.
  5. Blue. The blue tint of the eyes is typical for owners of white skin and blond hair. In its pure form, it is rare, more often you can see gray-blue eyes.
  6. Brown. The most common shade of the iris. But brown eye color pleases with its variety of shades. The eyes can be light or dark, but they still remain brown. People with this eye color are characterized by dark skin and dark hair.
  7. Grey. This color of the eyes is not common, more often you can observe gray-blue or gray-green shades of the eyes.

In addition to the main shades of the eyes, there are those that arise not as a result of a genetic program, but as a result of pathology. These colors include the eyes of albino. Also unique are the eyes that have different shades, this occurs as a result of heterochrony.

Most attractive eye color for men

Men with different personalities prefer different shades of women's eyes. Someone prefers gentle and romantic blondes with light eyes, and for someone passionate brunettes with dark eyes are in the first place.

During a sociological survey, it was determined that a greater number of men prefer blue eyes. Particularly attractive is a blue tint with a slight admixture of greenery. Men believe that girls with this color of the iris are sophisticated and gentle natures.

Another part of the men chose brown eyes. Men believe that girls with this shade of eyes are the most passionate. The look of girls with brown eyes is the most expressive. It is these eyes that attract men in actresses such as Monica Bellucci and Penelope Cruz.

If a girl has a different shade of eyes, there is no need to be upset, because the main thing is not what color the eyes are, but the spark that burns in them.

The most attractive eye color for women

Women pay more attention to the color of the eyes, both their own and men's. And despite the fact that opinions differ, there are several categories of eyes that girls distinguish from the rest.

On themselves, girls prefer unusual and rare eye colors. Therefore, if nature did not reward them with such, the girls correct the situation with contact lenses. The most popular colors are the color of the sea wave, blue-blue, golden brown.

In men, girls prefer brown eyes. According to the fair sex, the owners of this shade of eyes are the most sensual and temperamental. But whether the color of the eyes has at least some relationship with the character is a big question.

Why do people want to change eye color?

In the modern world, it has become possible to change the natural color of the iris. Such changes do not require much effort. The easiest method is to purchase colored lenses. But with such changes, people rarely think about the combination of shades. The main desire of people is to be fashionable and no matter how it looks.

Fashion changes, but that doesn't mean you have to change with it. The natural color of the eyes, this is the beauty that nature has given. In most cases, changing it does not make a person more attractive, but quite the contrary. Often, colored eyes are a bright spot on a person's face. And this stain repels people.

Another reason for changing the color of the iris is love. Most often this applies to girls. Young girls change eye colors according to the preferences of their partner, without thinking about how this color is combined with their appearance.

Also, the desire to change the pigmentation of the eye may be in those people whose natural shade is very faded. Their purpose is to emphasize their color, not change it. For example, people with light blue eyes wear brighter blue lenses to accentuate the look and make it more expressive.

How can you change eye color?

The easiest way to replace your iris color with another is contact lenses. They can be worn not only by those people who have vision problems, but also by healthy individuals.

You can emphasize your eye color with makeup, good mood, hair color and clothing. With the right combination, the eyes can appear both lighter and darker.

You can also change the shade of the iris with eye drops. For this, solutions such as Latanoprost, Travoprost and Bimatorost are used.

A more serious manipulation to change the color of the eyes is surgery. But this method is very dangerous, as it can lead to irreversible changes in the quality of vision.

Some believe that there are certain methods of meditation and self-hypnosis that can change the shades of the eyes. There is no official proof of these methods, but according to social networks, they really work.

Be that as it may, do not forget that there is nothing more beautiful than natural beauty. And a loving person will love his partner's eyes the way nature made them and it is not at all necessary to follow the latest fashion changes.

TOP 10 women with the most beautiful eyes

Whether those eyes have a special color, a unique shape, or a penetrating gaze, beautiful eyes can mesmerize and captivate us even through the screen. Obviously, it is quite a difficult task to choose the top 10 most beautiful eyes in the world, but the eyes that you will see in this article are certainly worthy of such a rating.

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10 Pictured: Leona Lewis

Opening our list is British singer-songwriter Leona Lewis and her big green eyes. It seems that not only her music touches the soul, but the contrast between the color of her eyes and skin enhances the attraction. Lewis achieved international recognition immediately after the release of her first album Spirit in 2008.

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Pictured: Sophia Loren

Italian fashion model and actress, Sophia Loren is ranked ninth with her fox green eyes. Lauren is 81 today. In 1962, she won the Academy Award for Best Actress for Two Women. It was the first Oscar win for a film not in English, but in a foreign language.

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Pictured: Charlize Theron

Without Charlize Theron, this list would not be complete. This model and actress from South Africa has stunning eyes that let you see her personality and feel her emotions. Undoubtedly, these eyes are a great tool in her acting career.

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Pictured: Selina Jaitley

In seventh place is Celina Jaitley. She is an Indian actress, fashion model and beauty queen who is mostly known in Bollywood. Jaitley has Asian features and charmingly shaped light brown eyes, due to her roots in Kashmir.

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Pictured: Kristin Kreuk

Gorgeous Canadian Kristin Kreuk is number six on our list. She is an actress and executive producer best known for her role as Lana Young on the hit TV series Smallville. Her sensual, dark green eyes draw everything around, even the popular Superman.

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Pictured: Audrey Hepburn

Like Charlize Theron, the gorgeous Audrey Hepburn is bound to make this list. The British actress and humanist, who is no longer with us, has the beauty that remains forever in the heart, like her deep honey-colored eyes. Hepburn is considered a style icon and a film legend. She was the first actress to win an Academy Award.

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Pictured: Elizabeth Taylor

Another screen legend from the Golden Age of Hollywood, the famous Elizabeth Taylor. This successful Anglo-American actress, who received two Oscars for Best Actress, had worldwide popularity. However, she was loved by the public not only for her acting talent, but also for her glamorous lifestyle and unrivaled deep blue eyes that often appeared purple.

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Pictured: Kristen Stewart

Unlike the last two participants in our ranking, the third place is occupied by a young aspiring actress Kristen Stewart. The American star flaunts a deep gaze of gorgeous brooding eyes in bright green. She is best known for her starring role in the acclaimed Twilight movie, and we hope she makes it to the cinema to stay in it for the long haul.

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Pictured: Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world. Her azure cat eyes are simply mesmerizing, and her sharp, deep gaze is stunning. Jolie is without a doubt an extremely beautiful woman, but she is also a very talented actress and director who has received many awards for her work.

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Pictured: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

Aishwarya Rai tops our list of the most beautiful eyes you will ever see. She is a successful Bollywood actress, former Miss World and is considered one of the most powerful and beautiful women in the world.

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As they say, tastes differ. And this rating is just one of many similar ones, each of which has a place to be. We found this list on one of the popular Western resources. It partially reflects the opinion of our Western neighbors.

But let's think about which of our domestic celebrities has the most beautiful eyes? Please leave your opinions in the comments at the bottom of the page. Thank you for your attention!

According to statistics, the sexiest part of a woman's face for men is the lips. But in all ages, it was the eyes that were interpreted by philosophers, artists and poets as the main component of female attractiveness.

What should be beautiful eyes and is it possible to make them so? Let's figure out which eyes are the most beautiful? What criteria are indicative of the beauty of the eyes: color, shape, size? Of course, size is important, and big eyes have a lot of advantages. As for eye color, it's all a matter of taste. The most important criterion is the shape of the eyes or the shape of the eyes. Please note that all the beauties recognized by the world have eyes with an unusual cut.

What eye shapes are considered beautiful?
1. The Scythian shape of the eyes or the eyes of a she-wolf are light Caucasoid eyes that have an “Asian zest”, expressed in the lengthening of the outer corner of the eyes to the temples. These eyes are also called slanted. Such a rare eye shape has Natalia Vodianova, Daria Verbova, as well as the most beautiful actress on the planet - Megan Fox.

2. Cat eyes are characterized by a rounded shape with raised outer corners. These are eyes of light shades: green, blue, gray, light brown. The owner of such eyes is Angelina Jolie.

3. In almond-shaped eyes, a pronounced transition from the inner corner of the eye to the outer is combined with an oblong shape that repeats the shape of the almond. It is especially beautiful when the outer corner of the eye is slightly raised, and not lowered. These are usually eyes of dark shades: dark brown or black. Unique is the combination of almond-shaped eyes with their light shades.

4. Asian almond-shaped eyes combine the European openness of the eyes with the Mongoloid shape of the upper eyelid with epicanthus.

5. Another prerogative of oriental beauties are the eyes of a fallow deer. They are characterized by an oblong shape (plums), while the transition from the inside of the eye to the outside is not obvious. Such eyes are usually black, which further enhances their resemblance to prunes. At the same time, the eyes are slightly convex, the outer corner is raised, set slightly slanting. The eyes of the deer Bambi are possessed by such famous girls as Penelope Cruz, Keira Knightley and Salma Hayek.

Beautiful eyes always attract attention, regardless of who they belong to: a child, an adult or an old man. The eyes radiate the inner energy and strength of a person, which makes them beautiful. If the eyes are empty, they will never become attractive.

Eyes convey all our emotions: joy, sadness, anger, fear, disappointment or sadness. It is only important to learn to read these emotions in the eyes. If, for example, the gaze is directed downward, it may indicate remorse or modesty. Wide eyes show innocence, surprise or horror. Eye rolling is a sign of impatience or fatigue. A sideways glance is a sign of desire, deceit.

In any case, the eyes and gaze should be given sufficient attention. Only then can one get emotional truthfulness, as well as look into a person’s soul.

In general, there is no single standard that dictates the beauty of the eyes. Eyes of amazing beauty can be found in every race and in every corner of the world. Black eyes shining like olives among the peoples of the Mediterranean, transparent blue eyes among the Scandinavian inhabitants, or almond-shaped eyes among the Greeks. Light brown and honey eyes are common in Latin Americans.

Everyone determines the most beautiful eyes based on their own taste and perception of beauty. In Russia, for example, “witchy” green eyes or “marsh shades” are very popular - a combination of blue and dark green, which you will not find anywhere else.



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