Itchy chest: why and what to do. Causes of itching under the mammary glands and nipple zone in women

About 42% of women on the eve of menopause and 32% of women in perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause announced increased skin sensitivity and itching.

Can itching be a sign of breast cancer?

Itching can be a sign of breast cancer, which is fortunately rare.

Breast itching is not usually caused by cancer.

But some types of breast cancer can be itchy.

  • Most often, this is how inflammatory breast cancer manifests itself.
  • In addition, itching often precedes nipple cancer (Paget's disease)

Inflammatory breast cancer

With this type of cancer, the area of ​​skin above the tumor may become red, inflamed, painful, and itchy.

Paget's disease

Itching develops in the nipple or areola, the darker area around the nipple. It usually appears as a red, scaly skin rash. There may also be discharge from the nipple. They are not always bloody.

It can also be white discharge, sometimes liquid, sometimes thick. They may be sparse that a light massage may be required to obtain material for research. The contents are examined for cytology. The presence of pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli, coarse chromatin character, and increased nuclear cytoplasmic ratio are indicative of a high degree of malignancy. Mammography is positive for cancer if there are areas of microcalcification.

Itchy nipple in Paget's disease is a sign that breast cancer may be located in the tissues behind the nipple. It could be carcinoma in situ. Cancer in situ is the initial stage of cancer when it is completely contained in the mucous layer of the thoracic ducts.

Breast itching after cancer therapy

Itching in the mammary gland can also be a sign of the progression of breast cancer after treatment!

When to See a Doctor

If you have an area of ​​itchy skin, it's most likely eczema or some other type of skin irritation. But it is important that it be checked by your doctor as soon as possible. Inflammatory breast cancer is a fairly fast growing cancer, so the sooner it is diagnosed, the better.

Any unusual changes in the breast should be reported to the doctor.

Itching in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands is an annoying and painful problem. It is caused by various environmental factors and internal changes in the body. What to do if the chest itches is not known to every woman. But sometimes it is unthinkable to want to scratch her.

If the chest itches, then the body tries to hint about the changes taking place in it. The changes may be functional in nature, but there is also a structural restructuring of the glands themselves. The most common causes of itchy breasts are:

  • allergy;
  • hormonal changes;
  • skin diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • violation of the biochemical composition of the blood;
  • trauma;
  • stress.

Basically, itching of the mammary glands in women does not cause serious concern. But this is not true. The cause must be identified and eliminated. Over time, you can earn serious health problems.


The most common cause of itchy female breasts is an allergic reaction. Most often felt between the breasts. Called when an organism encounters an unknown agent:

  • food;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • medicines;
  • detergents;
  • cosmetics.

The gland strongly itches when rashes, redness, cracks appear on the skin. If the first symptoms of an allergy occur, the intake of an aggressive factor should be immediately stopped.

Changes in the biochemical composition of the blood

The body loves consistency. For cyclic continuous operation, the same amount of biologically active substances must be supplied. When the internal constancy of the blood composition changes, the body adapts, changes the ratio of the release of other substances.

The most noticeable changes are with an increase in the content of bilirubin and blood sugar. Small vessels also adapt, shrink, become more brittle. It is a violation of the exchange in the capillaries that explains why the breasts itch.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes are the reasons why the mammary glands itch. The release of a new portion of active substances into the blood causes swelling and overstretching of the skin. Hormonal changes can mean the approach of such conditions:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast growth in adolescence.

This is the adaptation of tissues to a new amount of hormones, as well as stretching, growth, and an increase in the volume of the organ.

Skin diseases

Itching is often caused by skin conditions. They are manifested by eczema (wet wound), diaper rash, herpes. May occur after an insect bite.

Diaper rash often appears under the breast as a result of excessive sweating, non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, wearing a synthetic bra.

With the appearance of herpetic eruptions, discomfort is pronounced. Wounds form at the site of burst bubbles. The development of the virus and the healing processes cause unbearable sensations.

A visit to the solarium dries out the skin. The skin is flaky, flaky and itchy. Itching is a protective, restorative reaction.

Inflammatory diseases

In inflammatory diseases, changes in the structure of the organ do not occur. Pathogenic microorganisms get on the skin, penetrate deep into. In the process of their development and reproduction, they cause tissue edema. The skin is overstretched. There are unpleasant sensations.

Hypersensitivity in respiratory diseases is noted under the influence of the virus, as a symptom of general intoxication. Microorganisms produce toxins, poison the body.

Diseases of the mammary glands

With the defeat of the glandular tissue, the chest hurts and itches inside, in the thickness of the gland itself. In the breast, healthy tissue is replaced by pathological tissue. This leads to a change in the structure and restructuring of the organ.

A benign disease characterized by the replacement of glandular tissue with fibrous tissue is called mastopathy. If left untreated, it can turn into a malignant form.

Papillary breast cancer (Paget's cancer) is a malignant change in the structure of the mammary duct of the gland. There is a replacement of glandular tissue with dense scar tissue. Dense tissue compresses nerve receptors. The disease is characterized by early metastasis.


Iron can hurt and itch with mechanical trauma. Injuries are associated with wearing tight underwear, rubbing the glands, breastfeeding, and surgical interventions. Discomfort is felt during the healing of the defect of the cover. It is a protective recovery reaction.


Emotional upheavals stimulate the release of adrenaline and biologically active substances into the blood. This contributes to an increase in tone and narrowing of blood vessels. Blood circulation in the glandular tissue is plentiful. The causes of discomfort in the mammary gland are vascular reactions and increased blood flow.

Folk signs why the chest itches

Since ancient times, it has been believed that a woman’s breasts are an area responsible for desires, intelligence and peace of mind. It is an emotionally vulnerable part of the body.

With mental anxiety, women wonder why the left breast itches. It is located at the heart. According to legend, it is responsible for emotions, speaks of longing for a loved one. If the left breast of a lady in love itches, then a close man thinks about her. If the girl’s heart is free, and her left breast itches, it is believed that a young man is unrequitedly in love with her.

There is a popular sign that the right breast itches to an unexpected pleasant acquaintance. The right gland is responsible for the mind, intellect, logical thinking. Before making new acquaintances, you need to think about everything well.

Itching in the chest necessarily has a reason. And if the gland not only itches, but also hurts, then this indicates a disease. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a doctor will help to find out what itching of the mammary glands means. You should not ignore the preventive annual visit to the mammologist for early detection of pathology.

Do you want to know why the chest can itch? Read our article. We reasoned to explain what can cause itching and how to get rid of it

It often happens that a woman experiences itching in her chest. What can you do about it? First you need to make every effort to remove the itching. The feeling that the chest itches is very unpleasant, because a person always wants to scratch that place. Itching occurs on the surface of the skin, in the mucosa, can manifest itself in the form of a burning sensation, tingling, or another sensation. If itching is chronic, then it can affect the style and quality of life. Many variants of itching are known: it can be local or generalized, as well as acute or chronic. It is a sure sign of various skin diseases. In addition to itching of the skin, itching of the mouth, pharynx, and genitals is known.

Let's highlight the main reasons why women itchy breasts:

Growth of mammary glands

In young girls, when their reproductive system matures, their breasts may itch, and this is normal. Itching is due to the fact that the mammary glands are growing.

What to do: pamper the skin with cream or oil more often, because the skin at this moment needs additional nutrition; wear comfortable underwear that will not squeeze the chest.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

If this is the legendary PMS, then the chest will not only itch, but also hurt and swell. If this happens once per menstrual cycle and stops with its onset, then we can say that all this discomfort is more or less normal, and therefore safe.


During the period of the menstrual cycle, itching, which was previously quite tolerable, can intensify even more. This is not normal in principle, but it is quite understandable from the point of view of the functioning of the hormonal system in women.

Reasons not directly related to medicine

tight underwear

If it squeezes the skin somewhere, then it can hurt, and as a result it itch.

Wear loose underwear - what can I say. Remember who health is much more important than beauty.

Synthetic underwear

Especially for children, underwear should be natural and pleasant to the body.

Artificial synthetics are best sent aside.

Washing powder or rinse aid

It has been said many times: the presence of household chemicals at home may well become a source of thought for allergies.

Eczema (atopic dermatitis)

With eczema, the entire chest itches: nipples, around the nipples, under the breasts. The main thing is not to comb! This, of course, is difficult, but given the sensitivity and delicacy of the skin of the female breast, it is simply necessary. The slightest irritation, a small wound - and that's all, infections, microbes, bacteria will simply rush there to attack your body from the inside.

Cause eczema manifestations of allergies, prolonged exposure to the aquatic environment, as well as dyes, stabilizers and flavors in household chemicals and cosmetics. So natural remedies in this case are the best solution. And eczema is a manifestation of nervousness. So, personal problems will have to be dealt with unambiguously, otherwise without this harmony in the soul and the cessation of itching of the chest will not be seen for a long time.

Paget's disease (cancer of the nipple), breast cancer

Now - jokes aside and go to the doctor. Because if the itching has not ended when all the allergens have been removed, the washing powder has been replaced and sedatives have been taken, then it is likely that the beautiful lady has a serious illness. For example, it could be Paget's disease, or cancer of the nipple of the breast. If you tighten it, then irreversible consequences are possible. If treated on time, then serious violations can be avoided.

Sexually transmitted infections

The girl may not even know that she is sick because the insidious infection can lie dormant for a long time. And after such a "sleepy" state, she suddenly wakes up and shoots.

What to do: Regularly schedule a visit to the mammologist and gynecologist.


Sometimes even a very slight blow to the chest in a crowded transport or in an unsuccessful workout - and that's it, a bruise on the outside, and a cyst with liquid inside. And now the itching is practically not disturbing, because your brain is busy with much more serious problems.


An old, banal, sometimes very frequent guest of many women whose immunity is weakened. If the itching is concentrated in the nipple area, and small bubbles with a clear liquid appear around this area, there is only one conclusion - you need to quickly run to the gynecologist so that he picks up the pills. It should be remembered that thrush is contagious for both partners, and its treatment requires a systematic approach.

Other symptoms of thrush:

  • Similar itching in the genital area;
  • Strong discharge of the consistency of cottage cheese with a special sour smell;
  • Sharp pain when trying to go to the toilet;
  • Pain of a different nature during sexual intercourse.

You have to be sure that it is her.

Prickly heat

It is especially relevant for ladies, whose bust appearance causes envious glances of all men indiscriminately. In this case, itching most often occurs under the breast, where sweat collects in the fold and almost no air enters.

What to do: increased requirements for personal hygiene, the complete removal of sweat from under the chest, the use of baby powder or starch in the hot season.

Harbinger of Diabetes

Oddly enough, itching in the chest area can be a harbinger of incipient diabetes. If this is the case, then it is simply necessary to donate blood for sugar, and it will not work to wait here.

Often this can be regarded as a signal for diabetes. What can be done here? Just take a blood test for sugar to check this assumption.

We wish that you never experience such problems, and that you always have excellent health. Do not be ill!

Often, women are faced with the fact that their breasts itch. The gland may itch and swell, a rash appears, the skin may peel off. The cause of such an uncomfortable phenomenon as chest itching is determined only in the course of research. It can be a sign of some pathological changes or it can be quite banal.

But if the delicate area is not just itchy, but tingling or sore, then a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. Only he will help to fully deal with the situation.

Severe itching that affects the delicate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland, which accompanies peeling and redness, can manifest itself for the following reasons:

  • An external reaction of the nervous system to some irritating factors, which provokes itching of the chest.
  • Certain physiological processes in the body of a girl, to which the breast reacts.
  • Allergy to mechanical irritation of the skin of the chest, which provokes itching.
  • The reaction of the breast to chemical irritation that occurs when using certain care products, cosmetics, or even powders and fabric softeners.
  • The epithelial outer layer of the skin has excessive dryness, which causes the chest to itch.
  • The girl has excessive sweating, which leads to itching.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays when visiting a solarium.
  • The girl is wearing a too tight or synthetic bra.
  • The female body reacts in this way to stressful factors.
  • Reaction in the form of itching to perfume.
  • Use of synthetic, uncomfortable things.
  • Poor personal hygiene.
  • Excess weight
  • The presence of endocrine diseases and inflammatory processes.
  • An increase in blood sugar levels and narrowing of small capillaries.
  • Pregnancy, early menopause, and lactation.
  • Puberty experienced by a teenage girl.
  • Improper feeding, which is a consequence of improper attachment to the mother's breast of the baby.
  • The onset of the premenstrual period or menopause.
  • Regular use of oral contraceptives for a long time.
  • The presence of herpes, eczema and thrush.

The cause of itching can be mastopathy, mastitis or cancer, in combination with other unpleasant symptoms. The chest can be very itchy due to inflammatory diseases of a chronic or acute nature, in which the composition of the blood changes slightly.

Such a reaction can be if a woman takes various medications, has experienced mechanical injuries, or has a pathology such as a cyst.

Nervous breakdowns and stress can also cause a similar skin reaction. Due to the increase in histamine levels, the chest will definitely itch. Prolonged depressions often lead to such a state and are, in a way, a protective reaction of the body to an unfavorable factor.

When to See a Doctor

If the delicate area itches, then you can not scratch it. A woman who has severe itchy breasts should see a medical specialist if:

  • The most obvious causes that can provoke itching have been completely eliminated, but he remained.
  • The gland did not stop itching after changing underwear to a more practical one and refusing aggressive detergents, as well as cosmetics.
  • Outside, the skin has changed.
  • The nipple has changed size or color, has become flat.
  • There was a rash or induration.
  • In addition to itching, pain and burning began to appear.
  • The appearance of a bloody or purulent mass from the nipples.
  • General health has become much worse.
  • There is retraction of the nipples.

If there is a mole on the chest and it has begun to grow, then this can also turn out to be an alarming symptom that requires a mandatory diagnosis by a doctor, because we can talk about such a problem as breast cancer. Even the slightest sign of pathology should not be ignored, because the problem can be serious.

Diagnostic methods

If in the delicate chest area the skin itchs and hurts a lot, it becomes unnaturally red, then you should not smear it with various antiseptics, you should immediately run to the doctor. Diagnostics that can clarify the situation is to carry out the following manipulations:

  • General urine and blood tests
  • Blood test for sugar content and hormonal levels
  • Carrying out a modern immunogram
  • Mammography
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Scraping of epithelial tissue from the affected area, for biopsy

The value of the analyzes carried out will show what exactly and how it is necessary to treat and whether there is a need for this at all. If there are wounds in the affected area and blood flows, then it is worth undergoing more serious studies., which will show whether there is infection by pathogenic organisms. When a nursing mother complains of pain, this may indicate that the baby is not attached correctly, bites, has mastitis or other inflammations. The chest can also itch during pregnancy.

What to do if the chest is very itchy

If a symptom such as itching manifests itself very strongly and is hard enough to endure, then the right decision would be to visit a doctor. First aid may include the following:

  • Apply an ointment with glucocorticosteroids to the area where discomfort has appeared.
  • Treat the itchy spot with Sinaflan, Dermozalon, Flucinar.
  • Treat with an antipruritic and anti-inflammatory agent
  • Dilute soda in boiled, but pre-chilled drinking water and lubricate the area of ​​​​severe irritation.
  • Even if the discomfort increases, do not use ointments containing antibiotics and hormones.
  • Using pharmacy creams and ointments, breastfeeding is temporarily not carried out.
  • Do not comb the milk organ, because this can lead to the appearance of wounds through which the whole organism can become infected.

When following these recommendations, do not forget that this is not the main therapy and the medical specialist will still have to go. If the right or left side of the chest itches, then the skin itches for a reason, and what caused it is worth checking.

Treatment of itching in the chest area

If the mammary gland itches on the right or left, then you should go to the doctor and find out the cause of this discomfort. Severe itching is the cause of a specific problem that needs to be treated. Therapy may include:

  • Remove the irritating factor completely if it is external and in no way associated with the presence of specific problems in the female body.
  • Use drugs that have the ability to cope with the signs of allergies, if it was she who became the problem of discomfort.
  • Exclude the use in the wardrobe of clothes that are made from natural wool or have a fully synthetic composition.
  • If the problem is caused by a herpetic virus, remedies are used to combat it.
  • Antifungal drugs are used
  • hormone therapy

Often, itching is the first sign of inflammation that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. With a late visit to the doctor, the treatment period will be longer.

Depending on the type and stage of the problem, the course of treatment can be monthly, weekly, and even last a couple of days. Completion of the therapeutic process should be accompanied by a trip to the doctor, who will confirm that the drug can be stopped. If in the middle of the course the girl feels better, then you should not stop therapy on your own. After all, you can fully recover only after a full course. If a young mother is undergoing therapy, then most likely she will have to stop feeding for a while in order to get rid of her problem completely.

If a girl's chest began to itch, then you should not immediately panic. First, it is worth identifying and eliminating external factors that could cause this. If the exclusion of external provocateurs did not help, then you should go to see a doctor and solve your problem in his office.

Only competent therapy will help to obtain an effective result, and only a doctor can choose the medicines. You can relieve severe symptoms at home, but the sooner the girl goes to a specialist, the faster she will solve her problem without harming her own health.

Breasts can itch and hurt for a variety of reasons. From the most banal allergic reactions to serious oncological ones, everything can cause itching and pain. In order not to miss dangerous ailments, but at the same time not to panic over trifles, read the tips below.

Intolerance to powder components is one of the causes of itching

All washing detergents, fabric softeners (both in liquid and powder form) can cause very strong reactions. There is no guarantee that by using the same powder for many years, you will be able to avoid allergies.

It is especially worth paying attention to powders with a strong fragrance, as a rule, allergies develop from such powders most often. If you have determined that your breasts react to clean, powder-smelling laundry, then this may be the reason. Try changing your detergent. It is best to use baby powders, which are usually made hypoallergenic, their quality is under special control and they are safe.

Allergies are different

The very first thing to consider with such symptoms is allergic reactions. There are a huge number of allergens that cause discomfort, but in the case of the mammary glands, the following can be considered:

  • Reactions to the fabric of a bra, blouse, dress. Now almost all materials are made almost entirely on a synthetic basis. This is especially true for underwear. The trouble is, this synthetic is of very low quality and very often causes itching, scratching and allergies.
  • Various cosmetics, especially deodorants and body milks that are not washed off the skin. Dubious cheap perfumes from unknown manufacturers are especially harmful (and the cheaper, the more likely the allergy).
  • Decorations. Unfortunately, even silver began to cause allergic reactions. What can we say about metal products of dubious composition.
  • Water with lots of chlorine. Especially in the spring, when, due to the rise of groundwater, more bleach is added to the water than usual.
  • Medicines. Every new unknown drug is a potential allergen.
  • New food products in nutrition.
  • Insect bites. Unfortunately, even mosquito bites can cause an allergic reaction.

Allergic reactions can occur both after a few hours (or minutes - in the case of drugs), and a few days after contact with the allergen. The skin in this case itches, reddens, itches. There may be swelling, blisters.

In case of acute allergies, you should not self-medicate, but it is better to immediately see a therapist and / or an allergist. The doctor will prescribe suitable drugs and do tests to determine the allergen.

Poor hygiene

This reason is characteristic, as a rule, of the hot season and is associated with sweating. With tight underwear, chafing occurs faster, and the skin itches and itches.

Another problem is when, in the heat, a woman, instead of taking an extra shower, uses deodorant with long-term sweat protection (for 48 hours). In such products, the active substance is aluminum, which blocks the pores (sweat comes out of them). As a result, you can get severe swelling and itching under the armpits and in the chest area.

PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

Swelling and pain, quite frequent companions of premenstrual syndrome. The chest becomes heavy and painful. At the same time, the nipples of the breast become sensitive, and itching may also occur in them. With the onset of menstruation, these phenomena disappear and, as a rule, do not bother the woman until the next cycle. Hormones are to blame for this, or rather the level of estrogen and progesterone. If the phenomena are too pronounced and painful, then you should contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist and he will prescribe suitable drugs.

Diabetes as a source of itching

With diabetes mellitus (or jumps in blood sugar), the skin is often affected. The blood flow worsens, the vessels become brittle, dry skin and itching appear. As a rule, itching spreads not only to the chest area, but also to the genitals, scalp. Small wounds on the skin do not heal for a long time, since protein synthesis is difficult. In suspicious cases, it is imperative to contact an endocrinologist (or therapist). Unfortunately, this problem cannot be solved by simple external means. It is necessary to treat the underlying disease.

Openwork and seductive lingerie

Initially, the purpose of wearing a bra is to support the breasts. But over time, it has evolved from a support item into an adornment and seduction item. Bras began to be decorated with a large number of different laces and inserts. Yes, and the fabric of linen is often not of the best quality. As a result, seams, fabrics, lace, rub the skin and nipples of the breast.

In addition, often girls wear bras that are not suitable for their breast shape, or even the wrong size. All this causes chafing, itching.

A good bra should have a large percentage of natural materials (cotton), the seams should be flat and soft, and it is better to exclude lace and flowers for everyday wear. Such bras (made of high-quality fabric and good shape), of course, are more expensive, but health in this case should come first.

When the breast grows

During puberty, the hormonal background in the girl's body changes. The chest grows and enlarges. As a rule, this is accompanied by itching and mild pain. Sometimes one breast hurts, then the other. This phenomenon is normal. If chest pain does not cause severe discomfort and is not accompanied by fever, then there is no cause for concern. Over time, all symptoms will disappear.

Skin diseases

A lack of B vitamins, combined with nervous overload, can adversely affect the skin and cause various rashes, dryness, and peeling.

But there can be skin diseases not only in itchy form, but also in the form of vesicles and festering plaques. The danger is that, having appeared in the chest area, they can spread throughout the body. Most often, these diseases are associated with poor hygiene. The result can be chafing, prickly heat.

Infectious diseases can be contagious and dangerous to others. They can be infected in public places (baths, changing rooms).

In any case, you should urgently contact a dermatologist who will take a scraping for analysis and prescribe the necessary treatment. Infections may lead to hospitalization.

Diseases of the mammary glands

Particular attention should be paid to women who have various oncological diseases among their closest relatives (mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts). There can be both benign and malignant diseases.

Perhaps my mother had mastopathy at a certain age, or my sister had a cyst removed.

You should be especially wary if the diseases were malignant. Like, for example, nipple cancer (Paget's disease). Unfortunately, very often such ailments are hereditary. In such cases, a visit to a gynecologist, therapist, mammologist is vital.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes in the female body necessarily affect the mammary glands. Such changes are especially pronounced during pregnancy. One of the first signs of pregnancy is aching chest pain. As a rule, such pain is not very pronounced and may be partially accompanied by itching. It may appear even before the delay is determined.

As the fetus grows and the belly grows, breast enlargement also occurs. This growth is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and some soreness. Stretch marks may appear on the chest (because of them, the chest may itch), a venous network may protrude. These phenomena are normal and usually do not cause concern in women. It is worth once again consulting a mammologist, only if the chest is very aching, hard patches have appeared or it has become very swollen.

Hormonal changes in the body also occur at the sunset of the female reproductive system during menopause. Pain, induration, discharge, peeling and itching may occur in the chest. In such cases, consultation of an endocrinologist and a mammologist is mandatory.

What to do if the chest itches?

The very first steps. If the pain is severe, accompanied by weakness, fever, severe swelling and extensive rashes, then you should immediately contact an ambulance. It is not worth delaying such visits, this can greatly harm your health.

If the pain does not bother you so much (there is no temperature), then it is still necessary to visit the therapist.

And before visiting it, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not sunbathe (neither in the solarium, nor under the open sun).
  2. Avoid contact with water (in case of suspected skin diseases).
  3. Do not use any cosmetics (including deodorants).
  4. If the skin of the chest is very itchy, then, if possible, do without a bra at all.
  5. Wear soft cotton underwear (t-shirts).
  6. If the itching is not of obvious skin origin, then the skin of the breast can be moistened with hypoallergenic (better purchased in a pharmacy) products.
  7. If you suspect a food allergy, eliminate all spicy, salty, and new foods that can cause a reaction from your diet.
  8. Do not scratch itchy areas.
  9. Observe the regime of the day and rest - sleep and not be nervous. Until an accurate diagnosis is established, you should not wind yourself up with various horror stories.
  10. If there is a suspicion of an allergy, you can drink antihistamines (it is better to consult a pharmacy worker about the choice).
  11. In the same pharmacy, you can ask for ointments that will help relieve allergic itching. If itching is of unknown origin, consult a dermatologist.

Whatever the cause of pain and itching in the chest, you should not ignore it. If the pain is of unknown origin, it is better to immediately visit a specialist. Let your anxieties and fears turn out to be far-fetched and frivolous rather than a serious serious illness develop due to a careless attitude to health.



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