Allergy to house dust mites: causes, symptoms and what to do. Allergy to house dust mite in a child, what to do


An allergic reaction that occurs to the pathogen - a dust mite, is not a rare disease that causes discomfort to people.

There are more than 150 species of ticks that have chosen the human home. These are microorganisms that do not bite. The danger is feces and products of activity from these arthropods. As well as residual chitinous covers that remain after their death.

The occurrence of an allergic reaction

The peak of the occurrence of allergies is the period of cold weather - autumn and winter

The dermatophagoid mite, or dust mite, lives indoors; people do not react to its existence in any way. But it happens that an allergic reaction occurs.

The reasons are:

  1. bronchial asthma of various etiologies;
  2. genetic predisposition;
  3. the elderly and small children.

A frequent peak of the occurrence of allergies is the period of cold weather - autumn and winter. This is due to rare ventilation and insufficient circulation of air masses in the room. In such cases, ticks and their waste products accumulate in the premises.

The causative agent of an allergic reaction is a microorganism and the dimensions do not exceed 0.5 mm. To see it, you need to use a microscope that magnifies 40 times.
It is the feces that dust mites produce during their metabolism that contain toxic substances that cause allergies.

One individual of a dust mite lives no more than 2 months, during this period of time, the microorganism is able to produce waste that exceeds its own weight by 20 times. One female lays up to 60 eggs in one visit. Ticks feed on dead particles of the epidermis of humans and pets. This causes their accumulation where there are the most places for feeding.

One gram of dust can contain from 10 to 10 thousand mites. Together with dust, the toxic waste products of the mite rise into the air, and there they fall on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and human skin. This is the beginning of a specific allergic reaction.

Dermatophagoid mites settle where the room temperature is from 18 to 27 degrees, and the air humidity is more than 75%. This type of conditions is considered comfortable for the life of ticks.

Dust mites are found in a person's bed, there is a rich place for microorganisms to live. They like to settle and live in mattresses, feather pillows, feather beds, because it is always warm and humid there. It can inhabit soft toys, sofas, upholstered chairs, carpets and clothes. There are species whose favorite habitat is books and other types of paper accumulations.

Causes of allergies

An allergy develops to a persistent intolerance to substances that are contained in the feces and chitinous cover of the tick. If there is a large concentration of accumulations of this microorganism in the room, the human body is negatively affected. Inhaling house dust, which gets on the mucous membranes of the nasal membranes, pharynx and settles on the skin, allergy symptoms appear. The likelihood of the disease increases in those who are prone to frequent colds and have a weakened immune system.

Children are most often at risk. This is due to the fact that the children's body is not yet perfect and their immune system reacts completely differently.


Symptoms: skin irritation, sneezing, nasal congestion, allergic dermatitis

Manifestations of an allergic reaction can be noticed when cleaning the room. Having a predisposition to this type of allergic reaction, with a high content of particles of dust mite metabolism in the air, a person shows different symptoms. The main ones are:
  1. sneezing, nasal congestion;
  2. shortness of breath and wheezing, manifested in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe respiratory passages;
  3. the appearance of lacrimation and itching in the eyes, manifestations of conjunctivitis;
  4. the appearance of dry cough;
  5. signs of suffocation;
  6. irritation on the skin;
  7. allergic dermatitis;
  8. itching in the sky;
  9. swelling of the eyelids;
  10. symptoms of bronchial asthma.

Manifestations of allergic rhinitis can occur immediately, when a person is in a room with a high content of dust, and after a few hours.

Conjunctivitis is manifested by blurring of the image and itching of the eyelids. This causes discomfort to people who are forced to wear contact lenses.
Manifestations of bronchial asthma - appear in children and can become stronger over time.

Dermatitis - exposure to a factor that negatively affects the skin, causes irritation, and other manifestations. Often occurs in children and can cause eczema.

There is a possibility of angioedema. Few of this type of manifestation have been recorded, but it should not be ruled out.
It happens that a serious condition is caused by a complex of allergens: mites, pollen of flowering plants and substances of chemical origin.

Diagnosis and treatment of tick allergies

The specialist must collect an anamnesis, prescribe additional laboratory tests, such as: skin tests and a biochemical blood test

To identify the cause of an allergic reaction, you need to visit an allergist or immunologist. The specialist must collect an anamnesis, prescribe additional laboratory tests, such as skin tests and a biochemical blood test.

With the help of modern methods of laboratory diagnostics, it is possible to identify 25 allergens that are contained in ticks adjacent to humans. This is necessary in order to select the appropriate method of treatment.

With any method of therapy, it is necessary to limit contact with the irritant. It is necessary to remove various objects from the room that may contain dust, as well as carry out wet cleaning.
The doctor will prescribe antiallergic drugs to alleviate the patient's condition and relieve the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Enterosorbents are prescribed, which remove toxic substances from the body using the adsorption process.

To eliminate the types of allergic manifestations, eye drops against conjunctivitis and nasal drops are prescribed to eliminate the manifestations of rhinitis.
To eliminate skin manifestations of allergies, gels and ointments that have a local effect are prescribed.

In methods of treating manifestations of allergic reactions, therapy is prescribed, which consists in injecting minimal doses of the allergen into the subcutaneous tissue of the patient. This leads to the fact that desensitization is manifested and the human body reacts differently to the presence of stimuli.

This allows you to get rid of the manifestations of allergic reactions.

Prevention measures

For prevention in residential premises, carry out wet cleaning every day

Get rid of dust mites in the home will not work. They will always live next to a person, but you can make sure that their number is minimal.

Preventive measures will help in this:

  1. Getting rid of things containing these microorganisms: furs, soft stuffed toys, antiques and books.
  2. Wash clothes at least 65 degrees.
  3. The use of blinds or light types of curtains in the house, since dense types of curtains accumulate dust and wash them less often.
  4. Store clothes, pillows, fur products in places that are tightly closed.
  5. Feather pillows and wool-filled blankets need to be changed, and in return, get those that can be washed and those that are not able to accumulate dust.
  6. In residential areas, carry out wet cleaning every day. When exposed to salt, mites die, so for mopping and cleaning carpets, it is advisable to add salt to the water.
  7. Indoors, it is desirable to install air purifiers with replaceable filters.
  8. The premises need daily ventilation.
  9. Freeze bedding in winter for a couple of hours. Dry summer things under the sun, high and low temperatures lead to the death of microorganisms.

House dust is considered by many to be the cause of allergies, but few people know that only one of its components, the dust mite, causes negative reactions in most people.

Allergy to a dust mite provokes the development of bronchial asthma in the future.

Dust mite features

The dust mite cannot be seen with the naked eye, the size of this arachnid does not exceed 0.5 mm. House dust mites are synanthropic organisms, as they feed on desquamated epithelium of humans and animals, food debris. Their life expectancy is about two months, during which time the female tick manages to lay 60 or more eggs, thus leaving numerous offspring. Allergenic properties are possessed not only by excrement, but also by the chitinous cover of house dust mites, so even dead mites can cause a negative immune system response in a child and an adult.

The ideal habitat for a dust mite is a room with a temperature of 20°C - 25°C and a high level of humidity. The maximum number of house dust mites is found in the thickness of mattresses, pillow and blanket stuffing, carpet pile, furniture upholstery, and children's toys. Some types of these mites (flour, barn or hairy common mites) live in food - flour, seeds, dried fruits, cereals.

Signs of a dust mite allergy

In many cases, an allergic reaction to a tick manifests itself as rhinitis. The symptoms of this condition are as follows:

  • sneezing (may be repeated, in the form of seizures);
  • watery or thick mucous discharge from the nasal passages;
  • itching and burning in the nose;
  • nasal congestion.

In infants, allergic rhinitis is especially severe. At this age, the mucous membrane of the nasal passages of the child is richly vascularized, so its edema develops quickly. Breathing through the nose is very difficult, which makes it difficult to feed. Thus, the lack of appetite, insomnia and irritability of the child join the symptoms of rhinitis.

In addition, the house dust mite can provoke the development of conjunctivitis, dermatitis and asthma. In such cases, the following symptoms may occur:

  • tearing and redness of the whites of the eyes;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • poor tolerance to bright light;
  • skin itching;

  • skin rashes localized in the face, neck, armpits, elbow and knee joints, perineum, scalp of the child;
  • inspiratory dyspnea (difficulty in inhaling), wheezing, paroxysmal cough, accompanied by the discharge of a small amount of viscous transparent sputum.

Rarely, allergy to dust mites is accompanied by the development of angioedema. If symptoms of such a condition occur (hoarseness of voice, feeling of suffocation, swelling of the face, upper or lower extremities), you should consult a doctor urgently.

When the dust mite was the cause of the feeling of poor health, the following features of the course of the allergy attract attention:

  • remission away from home;
  • relapse upon contact with a large number of ticks (during cleaning or a night's sleep);
  • seasonality of exacerbations of allergies (August - October), associated with the active reproduction of ticks;
  • exacerbation in the autumn and winter, due to the presence of the child at home and the refusal to ventilate the rooms;

  • concomitant feather allergy, as well as food allergy to seafood (crabs, shrimp, crayfish).

Most often, allergic reactions to house dust mites occur in children. This is due to the increased reactivity of the child's immune system. In addition, sensitization in children occurs faster because they are more in contact with the tick (crawling, playing with soft toys).


When there are obvious symptoms of an allergy to a tick, you can not do without the use of medications. Systemic treatment involves taking antihistamines (Claritin, Semprex, Astemizol). In some cases, local treatment is necessary. To eliminate the symptoms of allergies, the doctor prescribes the following antihistamines:

  • nasal spray "Histimet" for rhinitis;
  • eye drops "Allergodil" with conjunctivitis;
  • gel "Soventol", "Fenistil" or ointment "Zyrtec" for dermatitis.

In case of a severe allergic reaction to a house tick, it is necessary to use nasal and eye drops with a vasoconstrictive effect (Sanorin, Afrin, Octilia, Vizin), as well as creams and ointments with a hormonal component. Treatment with these drugs should be brief, as long-term use they cause serious adverse reactions. Many of them are contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women. It is highly undesirable to use such drugs without first consulting a specialist, especially if a child is being treated for allergy to ticks.

To alleviate the course of rhinitis and dermatitis in children, you can use safe products: Aqua Maris, Quicks or Aqualor nasal spray, Losterin, Videstim or Desitin cream. Auxiliary treatment includes vitamin therapy, taking warm baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula). Special sprays are produced that destroy dust mites, they are designed to treat rooms and objects. Their use allows you to reduce contact with ticks and make drug treatment more effective.

To prevent exacerbations of allergy to a tick, you can do desensitization. The essence of this procedure is that the dust mite extract is introduced into the body. Usually, injections are carried out intermittently during the year, gradually increasing the dosage of the injected mite extract. As a rule, such treatment after a while leads to a decrease in the frequency and severity of relapses. Specific immunotherapy has contraindications and some risks, so it is allowed to do it only after a full examination.

Preventive actions

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to completely eliminate contact with a dust mite, since it is ubiquitous. However, in order to reduce the frequency of exacerbations and alleviate the symptoms of the disease, it is enough for many to do prevention.

  1. Remove carpets that you can do without (especially if they have a thick and high pile).
  2. Reduce the amount of furniture with fabric upholstery, replacing it with leather or imitation furniture.
  3. Air the rooms several times a day.
  4. Do wet cleaning every day, paying special attention to hard-to-reach places where the greatest amount of dust accumulates.
  5. Buy a vacuum cleaner with a water filter.
  6. Wear a mask or respirator while cleaning.
  7. Get rid of pillows and blankets filled with down or feathers, instead use products with synthetic fillers.
  8. Periodically knock out and dry pillows and blankets.
  9. Change bed linen at least once a week, dry it thoroughly in the fresh air.
  10. Take a shower and wash your hair daily.
  11. Remove soft toys from the child's room, and wash and dry the rest in the fresh air once a month.
  12. Buy a hygrometer (a device that measures air humidity) and make sure that the humidity in the room does not exceed 40 - 50%.
  13. Use dehumidifiers (with caution in bronchial obstruction).
  14. Clean the air with air conditioners or special cleaners.
  15. Refrain from eating food outside the kitchen, crumbs are an excellent breeding ground for ticks.

To clear the respiratory tract from the tick and its excrement, it is advisable to rinse the nasal passages. To do this, use a special saline solution. It can be done independently, it is enough to dissolve a teaspoon of table salt in a liter of boiled water.

Dust mite allergies are not uncommon these days. The abundance of carpets, books and soft toys indoors makes it a constant companion of modern man. This type of allergy develops under the influence of fecal masses present in the air and parts of the chitinous cover of dead arthropods. Close contact with the mites themselves and their waste products makes the mucous membranes and skin more vulnerable and causes a corresponding reaction of the autoimmune system. How to get rid of a household pest and is it possible to do this?

This is what a dust mite looks like

Brief description of the dust mite

Dust mites cannot be seen without a microscope. Its size ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. The normal lifespan for both sexes is 70–80 days. During this time, the female manages to lay more than 50 eggs. The best habitat is a room with high humidity and temperature in the range of 20-23 ° C.

Attention. A huge number of dust mites are found in soft toys, the filler of blankets and pillows, pile of carpets, fabric upholstery of furniture and thicker mattresses. Especially a lot of them in the beds.

Contrary to popular belief, the bulk of ticks are not in the far corners of the apartment, but very close to a person - in bed linen. The right temperature, optimal humidity levels and, most importantly, plenty of food all make the fibers a very comfortable place to be.

Children and adults with poor health and low immunity are especially affected by the presence of small arachnids. In the cold season, the number of cases of allergy to dust mites increases dramatically. This is due to the rare ventilation of the room and the lower quality of cleaning. At this time of the year, it is difficult to knock out and dry bedding and carpets. In addition, many lay back the floor coverings, rugs and paths removed for the summer.

How dangerous is the house dust mite?

A dust (common) mite can feed on any organic matter that can decompose, but it especially likes dandruff and dead skin flakes. The pest does not like the living epidermis, therefore small arthropods do not bite and are not at all dangerous from this point of view. And the gnawing mouth apparatus is unsuitable for damaging the skin.

Dust mites cause several types of allergies: food, respiratory, contact. In addition to the defeat of the nasopharynx and skin, arthropods provoke many diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • all kinds of dermatitis.

It is skin lesions that are often confused with tick bites. Under the influence of digestive enzymes, a minimal effect on the epidermis causes severe itching, redness and swelling with a small rash.

Thus, neither adults nor their larvae directly harm humans. The main danger lies in the excrement of the dust mite, which it releases at least 20 times a day. Fecal masses contain specific digestive enzymes that corrode the living epidermis and provoke severe allergies.

Interesting. If the concentration of ticks does not exceed 100 individuals per gram, then the effect of enzymes is almost imperceptible. With an increase in the number of individuals to 500, a reaction of the body appears.

Signs of a dust mite allergy

The presence of a tick in an apartment is most often manifested by allergic rhinitis. Malaise symptoms include:

  • repeated sneezing;
  • copious liquid discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • eye redness and watery eyes;
  • difficulty breathing.

In infants, dust mite allergy symptoms are more pronounced. The mucosal edema develops rapidly, nasal congestion and a severe runny nose appear. The child cannot eat normally and refuses to breastfeed, constantly cries and is naughty. These symptoms are accompanied by loss of appetite and insomnia.

In addition to allergic rhinitis, a dust mite can provoke bronchial asthma, dermatitis or conjunctivitis. In this case, the following signs of a pathological condition will be added to the manifestations of the common cold:

  • photophobia, itching and pain in the eyes;
  • skin rash located on the face and neck, in the groin, armpits or elbow and knee joints;
  • shortness of breath of an inspiratory nature, wheezing when breathing, cough with sputum discharge.

Attention. In rare cases, an allergy to a tick is accompanied by Quincke's edema. With an increase in the face and signs of suffocation, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

If a dust mite really became the cause of the ailment, then an allergic reaction will be accompanied by some features:

  • the disappearance of all symptoms of malaise outside the home;
  • exacerbation of signs of rhinitis or asthma during sleep and cleaning the premises;
  • seasonality of relapses associated with the period of active reproduction of unpleasant neighbors and the cold season;
  • concomitant reaction to down and feather.

Most often, babies suffer from allergies to dust mites. This is due to the weakness of the child's immune system and more frequent contact with arthropods. After all, children constantly crawl on the floor and have fun with soft toys.

Treating an Allergic Reaction to a Dust Mite

Advice. If an autoimmune reaction of the body is suspected, it is recommended first of all to visit an allergist, who, if necessary, will involve an immunologist and other narrow specialists in the examination.

Dust mite allergy treatment includes the use of the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antihistamines.
  2. Nasal vasoconstrictor sprays and drops.
  3. In especially severe cases, corticosteroids are prescribed, which are selected individually.

When taking medications, it must be remembered that they eliminate only the symptoms of malaise, and not the underlying cause. In addition, the drugs do not last long, only a few hours, so the fight against dust mites comes first.


This group of drugs underlies the treatment of allergies. They are produced in the form of tablets, drops, including eye, nasal sprays and solutions. In emergency cases, intramuscular administration is possible.

There are currently four generations of allergy medications. With each modification, the effectiveness and time of influence increase, the strength of side effects and addiction decrease. For the treatment of immune reactions to dust mites, all types of drugs are used:

First generation drugs (sedatives)

They produce a good antihistamine effect, but have many contraindications. The duration of their action is 4-6 hours. This group includes:

  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Promethazine;
  • Tavegil;
  • Suprastin;
  • clemastine;
  • Peritol;
  • Meclizine;
  • Pipolfen;
  • Fenkarol.

Such drugs are usually used to treat allergic pathologies, which are characterized by shortness of breath.

Second generation drugs (non-sedative)

This group of medicines does not cause drowsiness and has fewer contraindications. Means are most in demand for dermatitis and itching of the skin.

Second generation drugs include:

  • Claritin;
  • Astemizol;
  • Trexil;
  • Zodak;
  • Levocetirizine;
  • Histalong;
  • Loratadine
  • Fenistil;
  • Semprex.

Such drugs are prohibited for use by people with cardiovascular diseases, since they have a cardiotoxic effect.

Medicines III generation

They are characterized by a good antihistamine effect and a minimum of adverse reactions. It is Zirtek, Telfast and Erius that are most often taken as the basis for antiallergic therapy in case of a reaction to dust mites.

The products do not have a cardiotoxic effect and do an excellent job with dermatitis and asthma symptoms.

Medicines IV generation

This group of drugs has a great advantage over its predecessors. Medicines do not affect the heart and do not cause drowsiness, but are contraindicated in pregnant women and children. This group includes: Levocetirizine, Desloratadine, Bamipin and Xizal.


In addition to antihistamines, vasoconstrictor drugs and all kinds of solutions to cleanse the nose of dust mite waste products are widely used to alleviate symptoms. The choice of such nasal medicines is huge, so we will consider only some of them:

  1. Aquamaris - goes on sale in the form of a solution for washing the nose, drops and spray. It is completely safe and can be used to treat pregnant women and young children.
  2. Spray Atomer Propolis is a combined nasal preparation containing Aegean salt water and propolis solution. Indicated for children from an early age and adults.
  3. Drops Tizin Allergy. Good for allergic rhinitis. It should be used with caution during the period of bearing a child.
  4. Nasal spray Reaktin. Perfectly eliminates the symptoms and significantly alleviates the patient's condition.
  5. Vasoconstrictors - Nazivin, Sanorin, Afrin, Vibrocil (for the smallest).

Additionally, the patient may be prescribed eye drops and ointments that relieve itching and redness of the skin with contact dermatitis.


A modern way to combat allergic reactions is ASIT (allergen-specific immunotherapy), based on the subcutaneous administration of minimal doses of a tick-borne substrate. This kind of vaccination allows you to get used to the irritant and not react so sharply to it.

Important. Very often, desensitization allows you to permanently get rid of the manifestations of allergies to house dust mites.

ASIT has contraindications, so it can be performed only after a thorough diagnostic examination.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine is not able to cope with the manifestations of dust mite allergy, but it is quite capable of boosting immunity. And this, in turn, will lead to a decrease in symptoms and a decrease in the frequency of relapses.

Perfectly strengthens the body tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus, magnolia vine. All immunostimulants are recommended to take courses of 20-30 days. After a short break, treatment is resumed.

Instead of pharmaceutical preparations with sea water at home, you can prepare a saline solution and rinse the nasal cavity with it.

Prevention of dust mite allergy

It is impossible to completely get rid of dust mites. They will always live next to us, eating dead organic matter. But to reduce their number and thereby reduce the negative impact on health is within the power of each person.

Dust mite allergy prevention includes the following activities:

  1. Remove excess carpets, rugs and paths, and regularly shake out and dry the rest in the sun.
  2. If possible, replace furniture with fabric upholstery with artificial or natural leather.
  3. Freshen bedding at least once a week.
  4. Monitor the humidity of the air, avoiding its increase.
  5. Remove unnecessary soft toys from the house.
  6. Replace feather pillows and duvets with synthetic fillings. This, of course, will not get rid of the tick, but it will significantly reduce its number.
  7. As often as possible, do wet cleaning of the room and ventilate the apartment.

Large items such as a sofa, armchairs, mattresses can be periodically treated with a steam generator. The temperature in such devices is maintained at 95–115 ° C, which is more than enough to destroy an unpleasant neighbor.

As you can see, there is no need to do anything supernatural in the fight against dust mites. These measures will be enough, but they should become regular and routine. And allergy problems will be a thing of the past.

Attention. The article is for informational purposes only. A doctor's consultation is required.

Allergy is a real scourge of our time. Such a disease is now diagnosed very often, in almost every family. And no specialist can identify the exact causes of its development. An allergy that occurs in children is considered a particularly serious violation. Sometimes this disease develops even in newborn babies, but more often older children face it. Dust intolerance is also considered a possible allergic disease. Dust is not really homogeneous and does not consist only of small particles of "sand". House dust contains outdoor plant pollen, pet hairs, bed mites, etc. particles. Let's talk about what a house dust mite allergy is in a child, and what to do with such a violation.

Child allergic to house dust

As practice shows, about two-thirds of young patients suffer from allergies to ticks, as well as to their waste products. But timely detection and correction of such an allergy helps to prevent such a complication.

An allergic reaction in children to a dust mite can manifest itself in different ways. Most often, such a pathological condition makes itself felt by a constant runny nose. This is not a serious, but unpleasant violation of health. The baby can be tormented not only by discharge from the nose, he can also sneeze a lot, he may experience tearing, frequent and even a headache.

Dust allergy can also be manifested by allergic conjunctivitis. In this case, the ingress of aggressive particles on the mucous membranes of the eyes leads to reddening of the proteins, swelling and redness of the eyelids, and lacrimation. In addition, the baby may be disturbed by itching and burning in the eyes.

The most dangerous manifestation of dust mite allergy is bronchial asthma. In this case, the penetration of allergens into the bronchi leads to inflammation of the mucous membranes of this part of the respiratory system, it is accompanied by the release of a significant amount of thick mucus of a viscous consistency. Such secretion leads to bronchospasm, which is manifested by a painful cough, a feeling of lack of air and severe shortness of breath. The breathing of a sick baby becomes as if whistling, it can be heard at a distance.

What to do if there is an allergy to house dust, what to do if a child is allergic to a house dust mite?

If you suspect a child has a similar allergy, it is extremely important to take measures to reduce the child's contact with aggressive substances. Parents need to organize a thorough cleaning of the premises, as well as deprive dust mites of the opportunity for comfortable life.

It is extremely important to reduce the amount of upholstered furniture upholstered in fabric. It is better to use products covered with leather or its substitute. Woolen carpets, as well as carpets or rugs with a high and / or natural pile, should be disposed of. You should not buy soft toys for your child, and if you still have them, wash them as often as possible and vacuum them with a water filter or hot steam.

Replace all down and feather pillows with blankets in your home with products with synthetic filling. To eliminate dust mites, bedding should be washed hot (at least at 60C), it is better to dry them in the air.

It is important to get rid of heavy curtains. It is better to hang blinds on the windows, and do not forget to clean them from dust in a timely manner.

You should also systematically carry out wet cleaning of the floor with skirting boards. For this treatment, it is worth using a saline solution, to prepare it, dilute five to ten tablespoons of salt in a bucket of water. All books and various little things on the shelves must be wiped with a damp cloth. In addition, it is better to hide them behind glass. Dishes should be doused with boiling water.

The best solution for a family with an allergic child will be minimalism in the interior. Only the essentials, walls with wallpaper, the floor is covered with linoleum, laminate, tiles. This will make cleaning much easier for you. When cleaning, it is better to send the baby for a walk. By the way, very useful for many reasons.

Hard-to-reach places in the apartment should be treated with a vacuum cleaner with special filters (aquafilter, HEPA filter). In addition, it will not be superfluous to acquire an air washer. Air conditioners and ionizers are not able to replace filter cleaners. Filters are especially important to change on time.

It should be noted that in dry air, dust accumulates especially actively and can hang in the air for hours. Therefore, it is extremely important to provide sufficient humidity in the room, preferably from forty to sixty percent.

To eliminate allergens from the mucous membranes, it is worth rinsing the baby's nose with a saline solution, for example, use Humer or your own prepared remedy. To create such a medicine, it is necessary to dilute a teaspoon of salt (with a slide) in one liter of boiled water. Strain the product and pour it into a convenient container, for example, from the same Aquamaris.

Methods of specific therapy for house dust mite allergy are selected exclusively by a doctor. Self-medication can cause serious harm to the health of the child and cause serious complications (for example, bronchial asthma).

To temporarily eliminate the symptoms of allergies and to alleviate the condition of the baby, antihistamines that block histamine can be used. The drug of choice often becomes which we have already considered earlier. In some cases, sorbents can be used, they help to remove aggressive substances (allergens) from the body.

If you suspect an allergy in a child, you should definitely visit an allergist.


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Ticks love:

  • warm places;
  • moderate humidity;
  • areas where dust accumulates.

Main habitats:

  • feather pillows;
  • wool blankets;
  • floor paths;
  • carpets made from natural materials;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • cabinets where rags and rubbish have not been sorted out for a long time;
  • mattresses;
  • corners, areas behind cabinets and bedside tables, where the hostess does not always get when cleaning the premises.

How to get rid of and prevent the reappearance of rodents? Read helpful information.

The result of the activity of the dust mite:

  • cough;
  • lacrimation;
  • sneezing
  • chronic runny nose;
  • allergic reactions;
  • sore throat;
  • conjunctivitis.

Reasons for the appearance

The risk of an unpleasant "neighborhood" increases in the following cases:

  • a large amount of trash, old clothes, accumulation of boxes on the mezzanine;
  • rare cleaning of uncomfortable areas;
  • old pillows, blankets, especially woolen or stuffed with cotton, down;
  • carpets, rugs, fabric covers on chairs, thick, heavy curtains;
  • lack of regular wet cleaning;
  • living in settlements with a high degree of dustiness.

How to recognize presence


  • sneezing, often repeated;
  • paroxysmal cough, practically without sputum;
  • sore throat;
  • burning, itching in the nasal passages;
  • secretion of clear, thin mucus from the nose;
  • irritation of the conjunctiva;
  • wheezing, shortness of breath;
  • irritation of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • chronic runny nose.

Important! Allergy to house dust has a characteristic feature: there are no seizures outside the home, the patient's condition is good. Another detail: the problem worsens from August to October (ticks actively breed) and in the winter months (the room is less ventilated, people, especially children, spend more time at home).

What to do:

  • visit an allergist, clarify the diagnosis;
  • upon confirmation of an allergy to house dust, conduct an audit in all rooms and utility rooms;
  • get rid of unnecessary things, old clothes, trash in the pantry and on the mezzanine;
  • remove excess textiles, replace thick curtains with aluminum or plastic blinds;
  • take out carpets, bedspreads, minimize the number of things that attract dust particles;
  • change the cleaning schedule of the apartment: if possible, vacuum and mop the floors every day;
  • regularly wash bedding, towels and textile decor.

For an overview and rules for the use of effective flea remedies in cats, see the page.


  • tablets and syrups for allergies. Erius, Cetrin, Fexofenadine, Suprastinex, Claritin, Tavegil, Diazolin, Fenistil-gel. The best option is 3rd and 4th generation drugs. For a day, you need 1 tablet of an antihistamine, the drugs do not cause drowsiness, have fewer side effects;
  • vitamins to strengthen immunity according to age for adults and children;
  • agents that relieve irritation on the skin and mucous membranes. Fenistil-gel, Allergodil eye drops, Rescuer balm, Bepanten cream, Zirtek ointment, Sovintol gel, Histimet nasal spray;
  • to combat allergic rhinitis, Aqua-Maris, Aqualor, Desitin, Losterin creams are suitable;
  • specific immunotherapy is carried out in the absence of contraindications. The essence of the method: a minimum dose of dust mite extract is introduced into the body. The course (about a year) requires several injections, the dosage gradually increases. With this approach, the body fights the allergen, the strength and frequency of attacks decreases.

Prevention of the appearance

Basic Rules:

  • regularly vacuum rooms, upholstered furniture, carpets;
  • clean the vacuum cleaner filter more often;
  • pick up decor items that poorly absorb dust;
  • do not accumulate old clothes, rags, wallpaper residues, unnecessary boxes, rugs, other rubbish;
  • wash bedding more often;
  • choose upholstery for furniture from high-quality materials with a dust-repellent coating;
  • avoid excessive humidity in the premises;
  • wash floors with disinfectants. The easiest way is to wipe the floors with a saline solution (take 3 tablespoons of salt per 10 liters of warm water), then rinse off with clean water;
  • abandon multilayer curtains made of soft fabrics;
  • after sleep, make the bed not immediately, but after half an hour - an hour. Fresh air and light are detrimental to dust mites;
  • monitor the condition of soft toys, clean and wash them regularly;
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