What vitamin e do pregnant women need. Vitamin E during pregnancy: dosages and natural sources

The quality of our modern diet is so poor, and the nutritional value of the foods we eat is so low that scientists are sounding the alarm. In vegetables, fruits, herbs and meat, there are less and less substances that are so necessary for the normal development of the human body. Therefore, each of us, leading an active lifestyle, must ensure the supply of essential vitamins and minerals to the body from the outside in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes or monopreparations.

During pregnancy, the need for many of the substances increases several times. First, a significant part of the mother's resources (if any) is taken over by the child. Secondly, some of them should enter the body of a woman in increased quantities, since they take part in the process of formation, development and bearing of a child. Such vital vitamins for the fetus include vitamin E during pregnancy.

Why should you take vitamin E during pregnancy?

Vitamin E or tocopherol is probably the most important and necessary during pregnancy. It even has a corresponding name: in Greek, “tokos” means “birth”, and “ferro” means to wear. So it is not difficult to guess that it helps to bear a healthy baby.

Tocopherol is an antioxidant, that is, it protects against cancer. A lack of vitamin E leads to muscle weakness, a decrease in the protective functions of the body and development, as well as infertility and menstrual problems. It helps fight and protects against adverse environmental influences, especially for rapidly dividing cells (including the embryo). And in combination with vitamin C, tocopherol prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease and atherosclerosis.

Vitamin E improves the transport of oxygen, prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels, reduces the lower extremities, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Among all the vitamins needed by our body, vitamin E is the most “feminine”: it helps to restore the disturbed menstrual cycle in girls, the maturation of the infantile uterus, is used with a late onset of menstrual function, and treats ovarian dysfunction that has already begun. In addition, it increases reproductive functions (which is important when trying to get pregnant) and improves the work of the gonads in men and women.

Vitamin E helps to bear a child and prevents possible threats. It is necessary for the normal development of the fetus (in particular, it takes part in the formation of the baby's respiratory system), therefore, together with vitamin E, it is the first thing that a newly-made pregnant woman must necessarily prescribe. It improves ovarian function, maintains a normal hormonal background (restores the disturbed balance of hormones, the production of estrogens and progesterone) and prevents involuntary abortion.

Vitamin E is similar in its effect to the hormone progesterone. It preserves pregnancy, improves the maturation of the placenta, regulates its work and the condition of its vessels, prevents abruption and other disorders. It also participates in the production of prolactin, a hormone that provides lactation.

Dosage of vitamin E during pregnancy

However, despite all the positive properties of this vitamin, it should not be abused during pregnancy. Since tocopherol is a fat-soluble vitamin and can accumulate in adipose tissue, and adipose tissue tends to be deposited just during pregnancy, some doctors believe that this can lead to an overdose with unpredictable consequences. In addition, vitamin E makes muscles elastic, which is undesirable during childbirth. So at the end of pregnancy it is usually not prescribed.

So, do not exceed the daily human need for this vitamin. Yes, and there is no particular point in doing this, since it is believed that an increase in the dose of tocopherol does not lead to an increase in the positive effect on the course of pregnancy and fetal development.

The daily human need for vitamin E is about 20 mg. Doses of drugs are indicated in international units (IU). 1 IU corresponds to 0.67 mg of tocopherol or 1 mg of tocopherol acetate.

Many women may be indignant, because the doctor prescribed them 200 or even 400 mg per day! Well, in each individual case, the recommended dosage of vitamin E may differ - everything is selected according to indications. During pregnancy, a dose not exceeding 1000 mg of tocopherol per day is considered safe. But still, you should not get carried away with vitamins.

Often gynecologists do not separately prescribe vitamin E to their wards. However, at the same time, multivitamin complexes containing a daily dose of tocopherol are necessarily selected. If you do not take vitamin E alone, you can take it with food. This vitamin is not synthesized by animals and is found only in plants: in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, rose hips, green vegetables, eggs, brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat. Especially a lot of tocopherol is found in wheat germ oil, bran and whole grain products.

It is important to know that inorganic iron, upon contact with vitamin E, is completely or to a large extent destroyed. Therefore, it is recommended not to use iron-containing preparations together with tocopherol, and boiled foods rich in iron should be consumed only 8, and preferably 12 hours after taking vitamin E.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Every woman planning to become a mother should take care of a sufficient intake of nutrients. For this reason, many girls are trying to understand why doctors recommend drinking vitamin E during pregnancy. It is difficult to overestimate the positive effect, and experts recommend taking it with strict observance of the optimal dosage.

Beneficial features

Support for ovarian function and optimal hormonal levels to eliminate the risk of involuntary abortion. For this reason, E is useful for pregnant women and their future children.

Why pregnant women are prescribed vitamin E:

  1. cancer prevention;
  2. improving the condition of the muscles and giving them additional strength;
  3. strengthening immunity;
  4. preventing the development of anemia;
  5. activation of oxygen transportation throughout the body, eliminating the risk of blood clots in the vessels;
  6. increasing the chances of maintaining pregnancy due to the support of reproductive functions, normalization of the sex glands, elimination of the risk of miscarriage in the early stages;
  7. participation in the normal development of the fetus (first of all, vitamin E is involved in the formation of the child's respiratory system).

In the 21st century, experts still recommend taking a useful component, the effect of which can be compared with the hormone progesterone. Doctors prescribe vitamin e to pregnant women to maintain an interesting position and preserve the possibility of having a beautiful baby after 9 months.

Basic Reception Tasks

It is imperative to understand why it is necessary to drink vitamin E for pregnant women and those who are still planning their conception. In each period, the useful properties of the component manifest themselves in different ways.

  1. removal of toxins and toxins from the body;
  2. gradual decrease in blood pressure;
  3. normalization of the ovaries;
  4. improvement of metabolic processes;
  5. the formation of the placenta and the synthesis of lactation hormone;
  6. increasing overall physical endurance for conception;
  7. regulation of the production of progesterone, which can protect against infections and diseases of an intimate nature.

Subsequently, the beneficial properties are manifested to an even greater extent, which can be noticed by every woman.

Experts advise drinking vitamin E during pregnancy to have the following effect on the expectant mother and her baby:

  • improving the movement of oxygen to the fetus;
  • prevention of blood clots;
  • exclusion of the threat of miscarriage;
  • support for the development of the baby and the formation of all his life systems;
  • normalization of the hormonal system.

The deficiency of a useful substance is dangerous for the health of many girls. In such situations, there is a risk of uterine dysfunction and serious problems with the onset of pregnancy.

After the baby is born, vitamin E improves lactation.

If, nevertheless, conception has occurred, the risks of spontaneous abortion increase. Taking into account these scientifically proven facts, experts recommend taking vitamin E.

Doctors note that it is best for pregnant women to follow a certain schedule for taking vitamin E. It depends on this whether it will be possible to note a positive effect on the body.

Capsules. In the first trimester, it is recommended to take vitamin capsules with meals. The minimum dose per day is 0.8 mg, the maximum is 3 mg. The doctor determines the exact number of capsules.

Multivitamins. In the second and third trimester, capsules are not required. Taking into account the fact that pregnant women still need vitamin e, it is recommended to take a vitamin complex with the presence of the required component.

Products. The diet should include eggs, milk, liver, sprouted wheat grains, vegetable unrefined oils, avocados, mangoes, peaches, broccoli, spinach, nuts. In this case, you need to take care of the absence of the risk of developing an allergic reaction. Specialists prescribe vitamin e to pregnant women and recommend diversifying their diet.

Vitamin support for the female body when carrying a baby is a mandatory task. Taking multivitamins, capsules is required for the proper development of the baby and eliminating the risk of spontaneous miscarriage.

Conducting a course of taking vitamin E activates reproductive functions, so that the pregnancy will successfully end in 9 months with the birth of a healthy baby.

The beneficial properties of tocopherol are beyond doubt. This antioxidant is found in many plant foods. It is recommended to use it not only for women, but also for men during the planning of a child. However, not everyone thinks about why pregnant women need vitamin E, and what benefits it brings to the baby.

Why is vitamin E needed during pregnancy?

Vitamin E during pregnancy is of great importance. It helps not only the proper formation of the child's organs, but also the health of the expectant mother. Gynecologists advise prescribing it to women throughout the entire gestation period so that stretch marks do not appear on the chest and abdomen. The vitamin is good for both hair and nails. The correct dosage must be observed, otherwise the benefit may turn into harm.

According to most doctors, vitamin E and pregnancy are strongly linked. The name "tocopherol" is translated from Greek as "promoting birth." In addition, vitamin E during pregnancy has an effect similar to the important hormone progesterone, performs very important functions:

  1. Allows the embryo to settle in the uterus.
  2. Prevents spontaneous miscarriage.
  3. Protects against infections and inflammatory diseases.
  4. Supports hormone balance.
  5. Improves blood circulation in the placenta, prevents its detachment.
  6. Helps the proper development of the fetus.
  7. Prevents thrombosis.
  8. Lowers blood pressure.
  9. Synthesizes the production of the lactation hormone prolactin.
  10. Removes toxins and toxins from the body.

Vitamin E during early pregnancy

Attachment in the uterine cavity and the formation of many organs of the fetus occurs at 3-12 weeks. For this process to proceed correctly, vitamin E should be prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy. Doctors do not recommend taking the substance in capsules: you need to balance the diet so that it includes foods enriched with this component:

  • avocado;
  • wheat germ;
  • sesame seeds;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • rose hip;
  • milk;
  • meat;
  • spinach;
  • almond;
  • egg yolk;
  • walnuts;
  • broccoli;
  • legumes.

Oil is made from some products, which is also a source of useful substances. Vitamin E in early pregnancy is in most cases prescribed as maintenance therapy in order to increase the endurance of the embryo. It strengthens the walls of the vessels of the fetus and prevents hypertonicity of the uterus. It is recommended to drink it before meals along with folic acid tablets.

Vitamin E in the second trimester of pregnancy

Vitamin E intake during the second trimester of pregnancy should increase slightly. The fetus grows and requires more nutrition. Many women during this period begin to feel the first movements of the child. To the diet that the mother had in the first weeks, multivitamins should be added, in which the exact dosage of substances necessary for the formation of the internal organs of the unborn baby is selected. Vitamin E for pregnant women from 14 to 27 weeks helps to normalize blood flow in the placenta, which is very important at this time.

Vitamin E in the third trimester of pregnancy

From the 27th week, the final stage in the development of the child in the womb begins. He is actively gaining weight, the respiratory system and internal organs are being formed. Vitamin E in the third trimester of pregnancy is especially important, but you should not take it in addition to multivitamins. In some cases, the doctor increases the dosage at his discretion, if there is evidence for this.

Vitamin E for threatened miscarriage

The diagnosis is most dangerous in the early period up to 12-14 weeks. If a drug containing tocopherol has not yet been prescribed, then you should start taking it after consulting a doctor. Together with vitamin E, with the threat of miscarriage, folic acid is prescribed. It should be borne in mind that even the correct intake of vitamins will not help maintain a pregnancy if you do not follow the regimen established by the gynecologist.

Vitamin E at conception

Scientists during the experiments found that the experimental mice stopped reproducing as soon as the products containing the necessary substances were removed from the diet. Even before the onset of pregnancy, vitamin intake should be prescribed. For the female body, it is especially useful. Tocopherol acts as a regulator of processes in the entire reproductive system:

  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • treats ovarian dysfunction;
  • regulates metabolism;
  • contributes to the maturation and fertilization of the egg;
  • normalizes the hormonal background.

Vitamin E at conception is needed not only by a woman. During the planning period, a man should also eat foods enriched with this vitamin. It improves the quality of sperm, makes sperm more mobile. According to reviews and medical statistics, couples who previously had problems with conception, after 2 months of taking vitamin preparations, were able to conceive a child.

Daily value of vitamin E

When using any components, it is important to observe the exact dosage. It depends on gender, age, weight and the presence of diseases. The daily requirement of vitamin E for a simple average person is about 15 mg. As time goes on, the need may increase. The norm of vitamin E during pregnancy in the second and third trimester is 20-25 mg per day. The optimal dose is contained in the Meligen alpha-tocopherol acetate preparation.

How to take vitamin E during pregnancy

At this time, it is especially dangerous to self-medicate. How to take vitamin E during pregnancy and according to what scheme, the attending physician should establish. Based on the data obtained from the patient's tests and ultrasound, he makes a diagnosis and decides how much vitamin E to take during pregnancy. In some cases, it is required to correct nutrition or prescribe complex vitamin preparations.

Vitamin E Contraindications

Even before you start drinking vitamin E, pregnant women need to find out if there are any contraindications. To do this, carefully read the instructions for the drug. General contraindications for vitamin E:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • thromboembolism.

Vitamin overdose during pregnancy

Exceeding the daily intake is very dangerous. This can happen if the dosage of vitamin E during pregnancy is chosen incorrectly. In this case, the patient notices side effects:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • allergic rash;
  • nausea;
  • bowel disorder.

For an accurate calculation, all sources of tocopherol intake into the body must be taken into account. The doctor should ask the woman in detail about the foods she eats and carefully study the composition of complex vitamins. An overdose of vitamins during pregnancy leads to the development of serious pathologies in the child, but for this the norm must be exceeded several times.

Video: why drink vitamin E

Being in an interesting position, girls need to saturate their diet with useful substances: minerals, amino acids. Vitamin E during pregnancy is prescribed, if not during planning, then in the early stages. It is one of the most important compounds for both mother and child.

Why are they prescribed

It is believed that girls need to take certain vitamins regularly, regardless of various factors. Vitamin E is one of these. It is called the elixir of beauty, because it contributes to the elasticity of the skin, the strength of the nails and the good condition of the hair.

Why is vitamin E useful in planning and pregnancy:

  1. Tocopherol improves reproductive functions. Before conception, many women have various problems, to eliminate doctors often prescribe vitamin E;
  2. It helps protect the skin from stretch marks and acne. It is a well-known fact that the state of the epidermis depends on a number of external and internal factors. This care, proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air. Tocopherol promotes the production of elastin, as a result of which it protects against the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks. It can be taken orally and smeared on problem areas;
  3. Its lack can be the main cause of hair loss and brittle nails;
  4. Like magnesium, it is an antioxidant. Its use will help normalize the functioning of the nervous system, protect against stress;
  5. Folic acid, calcium and substance E contribute to the normal development of the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy. They are responsible for the work of the future nervous system of the child. In addition, they protect it from aggressive external factors.

But, tocopherol can also be harmful for the female body. First, it is possible to be allergic to it. It manifests itself in a rash and indigestion. Secondly, according to some doctors, this substance dissolves in adipose tissue, which actively grows during pregnancy. Ultimately, its amount may exceed the allowable rate.

Thirdly, it is undesirable to drink it in the third trimester. At this time, it can be extremely dangerous because of its ability to increase the elasticity of the uterus - this can contribute to premature birth.

Video: important vitamins during pregnancy

How to take vitamin E

Vitamin E is sold in capsules and solution, any kind can be taken both during pregnancy and during planning and after childbirth. The doctor prescribes a dose based on the individual characteristics of the body. Given that its excess in the body is very dangerous, you need to be careful about choosing the right dose.

The optimal daily dosage of vitamin E for an average adult is 20 mg, but during pregnancy this figure can vary greatly. In some cases (with the likelihood of miscarriage at first), the dose is up to 400 mg. In this case, it is better to buy yourself tablets or multivitamins.

Photo - Vitamin E in products

When preparing for pregnancy, products containing this compound will be the best solution.

Table of products containing tocopherol and its dosage in it:

Product The amount of tocopherol in 100 grams The required amount per day (calculated as 300 mg / day)
almond 27 1000
Wheat germ oil 300 100
sunflower oil 75 400
olive oil 7 4250
red fish 30 1000
Walnut 23 1100
Dried fruits 5 6000

Instructions on how and how much to drink vitamin E during pregnancy:

  1. It is worth drinking it for the entire first trimester - twice a day before meals. Depending on the chosen regimen, the doctor may prescribe once in the morning, and once at bedtime. Dose of vitamin E - the smallest 200 mg, the maximum - 400 mg (only with the threat of miscarriage);
  2. In the second trimester, this pattern changes slightly. During the period of active development of the fetus, the vitamin is prescribed in a complex of various minerals (calcium, zinc, magnesium). In most cases (if the pregnancy passes without pathologies), it should be drunk once a day on an empty stomach. Best of all - in the morning;
  3. This course lasts a month, after which you need to take a break. You should start taking tocopherol again only after passing the tests to the doctor. According to the general condition of the body, he draws a conclusion. Many girls are forbidden to take it until the end of pregnancy;
  4. In this case, food comes to the fore. Containing foods should be present in the daily diet: nuts, dried fruits, fats.

Photo - Vitamin E capsules

After childbirth, an overdose of vitamin E is no longer as terrible as during pregnancy, and the intake rate is completely different. The first month it is not recommended to take it - the body has accumulated enough nutrients, but from the second you can already start. Doctors recommend returning to the usual dose - from 20 to 60 mg (taking into account lactation).

Sometimes specialists in the antenatal clinic also prescribe tocopherol injections. The solution for injection is practically no different from drinking, except that it is absorbed faster. Used for critical deviations.

  • Possible negative effects of tocopherol

    Incorrect and excessive dosage of vitamins during pregnancy can have an extremely negative impact on the condition of both the mother and the child. The argument against prescribing a synthesized vitamin to a pregnant woman is that tocopherol is able to linger in adipose tissue, being there until it dissolves. During the period of bearing a child, significant changes occur in the woman's body, as a result of which fat is burned more actively, and tocopherol is released into the blood in greater quantities.

    Due to these processes, an overdose may occur, which is expressed in unpleasant symptoms:

    • Changes in the functioning of the nervous system.
    • Decreased liver and kidney function.
    • Increased uterine tone, which is especially undesirable in the second or third trimesters.

    The risk of excessive accumulation of tocopherol increases if a woman takes vitamin-mineral complexes without following the instructions - more than once a day, without understanding the dosage, or the period of taking the drug is too long.

    Canadian scientists believe that the benefits of synthetic vitamin E for pregnant women are exceeded - it does not fully perform some functions. For example, it does not relieve miscarriages in the first trimester and does not prevent the development of late toxicosis (preeclampsia and eclampsia).

    A high dosage of vitamin preparations can lead to sad consequences:

    • Increases the risk of stillbirth.
    • Promotes low weight gain in the child.
    • Increases the likelihood of malformations of the cardiovascular system.
    • Increases the risk of developing health problems in infants.

    Studies conducted in the United States helped to establish that children who were additionally supplemented with synthesized vitamins were at risk for developing allergies and bronchial asthma. Scientists are inclined to think that the issue of prescribing vitamin E in capsules should be decided individually, based on the nature of the woman's diet.

    Experts advise to get the lack of an element with the help - it is a varied and complete diet that allows you to fully and safely satisfy the needs of the body. It is unacceptable to take synthetic vitamins in capsules in the later stages - tocopherol provokes thickening of the muscles of the uterus, thereby creating a threat of premature birth.

    Menu for pregnant women

    According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the diet of a pregnant woman should include meat, seafood, cereals, nuts, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits, and vegetable oils. A complete diet with all of the listed products will provide a full amount of calories and all the useful elements, while the need for prescribing synthetic vitamins in capsules is eliminated.

    One tablespoon of unrefined, non-deodorized sunflower oil can meet a woman's daily requirement of vitamin E during pregnancy, so it doesn't take much effort. In addition to vegetable oils, tocopherol is found in green peas, legumes, spinach, cereals and butter. Ideally, foods high in vitamin E should be consumed in combination with foods containing light fats - since tocopherol is a fat-soluble vitamin, it is better absorbed in this tandem.

    When Pills Are Necessary

    More than half of the inhabitants of our country are deficient in vitamins. To a greater extent, this applies to people living in areas with a cold climate, where there are significantly fewer sunny days per year and the cost of fruits and vegetables is higher. In this case, the doctor may advise the pregnant woman to take additional synthetic tocopherol capsules.

    In addition, there are other situations in which the doctor will prescribe a vitamin preparation:

    • The impossibility of eating foods containing tocopherol in large quantities for any good reason.
    • Chronic diseases that provoke a deficiency of useful elements.
    • The presence of miscarriages, premature births, stillbirths and anomalies in the development of the fetus in history.
    • Diabetes.

    If the attending physician has decided on the need to take a synthetic drug, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules in advance. You should find out why the medicine is prescribed and for how long it is taken. It is highly undesirable to independently make appointments and change the dosage, since this can lead to a deterioration in the condition of both the mother and the child.

    In pharmacies, tocopherol is supplied in capsules, tablets and injection solutions. In most cases, capsules with oily contents are prescribed - in this form it is better absorbed. In addition, the substance is part of the complex. For example, it just contains the recommended daily allowance of vitamin E.

    Tocopherol is considered one of the essential elements for the full development of the fetus and the prevention of pregnancy complications. However, as with any pharmaceutical product, there are limitations to its use. Do not use it without the recommendation of a doctor or in excessive amounts. A woman always has a choice, to drink synthetic drugs or to fill the need with food.



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