How to remove bags and bruises under the eyes? Exercise for bags under the eyes. Special exercises for the face

  • What are bags under the eyes
  • Fighting methods
  • Lifestyle
  • Care rules
  • Massage
  • Gymnastics for the eyes
  • Cosmetical tools
  • Salon procedures
  • Cosmetics Review
  • Cosmetics with caffeine: video

What are bags under the eyes

Bags under the eyes are called two different phenomena. However, both of them are associated with the physiological characteristics of the periorbital zone, which tends to accumulate fluid due to loose subcutaneous fat.

The area around the eyes is prone to puffiness. © iStock

  1. 1

    Fatty hernias - is adipose tissue that has increased in size and became noticeable. Hernias are permanent, can appear at a fairly young age, and often have a hereditary origin.

  2. 2

    Edema is a direct consequence of fluid stagnation. They are familiar to everyone, and with age, puffiness from a temporary problem that is faced the next morning after a party can turn into a permanent one.

Why do bags appear under the eyes

In most cases, we ourselves provoke swelling. This means that the situation can be controlled and changed for the better. But first, what are we doing wrong.

    Abuse of salty foods

    As you know, salt retains water, and the hernial sac and loose fiber are conditions suitable for fluid stagnation.

    Drink plenty of fluids at night

    Yes, doctors advise drinking at least 1.5 liters of water per day (at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight) so that all processes in the body proceed optimally. But it is necessary to distribute this amount so that a small part of the daily norm falls on the evening. And in general, by 19.00 it is better to finish eating and drinking. And certainly do not drink tea, coffee and alcohol before bedtime - they retain fluid in the body.

    Little sleep

    With a short and poor-quality sleep, the eyes do not have time to recover and look red and swollen. An unhealthy regime negatively affects the condition of the skin as a whole (on its protective functions, moisture level, immunity), and especially on the fragile and weak skin of the eyes. In addition, with lack of sleep, we involuntarily begin to rub our eyes, injuring the eyelids.

    We move a little

    While we are lying on the couch, sitting in an office chair, or driving in a traffic jam, the muscles that help eliminate fluid are inactive. As a result, it stagnates where it is easiest for her to do this - in the area around the eyes.

    Of course, we are not to blame for this. But it is worth remembering: with age, metabolic processes in the body slow down, the production of collagen and elastin decreases, which causes the skin to lose elasticity. Especially quickly and noticeably, these changes occur in the eye area.

In people with hereditary severity of the hernial sac, as well as with naturally large eyes, puffiness worsens with age.

Fighting methods

© IStock

Bags and puffiness around the eyes age, so I want to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Hernias- These are well-defined bags under the eyes, which are difficult to correct, especially after a certain age. They can only be removed by surgery.

But to remove swelling and reduce edema quite real if:

    adjust lifestyle;

    choose cosmetics for the skin around the eyes and use it wisely.


No, we are not agitating you to join the army of healthy lifestyle fans and completely change your habits. To unload the eyelids from bags and “open your eyes”, just remember two words: "water" and "movement". It is this combination that is the key to optimal fluid circulation in the body.

Care rules

Skin care around the eyes has its own characteristics. Check if you are doing everything right.

  1. 1

    Use only products for the skin of the eyelids. A regular face cream or gel applied under the eyes provokes swelling.

  2. 2

    Apply evening care products 1.5-2 hours before going to bed. Why only this way and not otherwise, the expert explains Vichy Elena Eliseeva:

“Moisturizing ingredients attract water from the deep layers of the skin, so it is important to stay upright for a while after applying the cream, and also provide lymphatic drainage through mimic activity. In this case, the tool will saturate with moisture precisely those layers of the skin that really need it.

How to quickly deal with bags under the eyes

© iStock

    Contrasting wash. The change of cold and warm water activates the blood and lymph flow, helps to speed up the outflow of fluid from the eyelid area. For the contrast procedure, “compresses” from cotton pads soaked in water of different temperatures are suitable.

    Massage. Special manipulations stimulate the outflow of fluid.

    Movement. Walking at a brisk pace is one of the most effective ways to quickly relieve puffiness.

Bags under the eyes in men: methods of elimination

Men's skin is thicker than women's, it has more collagen and elastin, so it ages more slowly. But the blood flow in men is more active, and this is reflected in the state of the area around the eyes, which is equipped with a dense network of capillaries responsible for local blood supply and lymph movement.

Due to physiological characteristics, the periorbital zone in men is more likely to accumulate fluid. Hence the frequent swelling. There is only one conclusion: all the rules for the prevention of edema and eyelid skin care concern men in the first place.

    to refuse from bad habits;

    drink water during the day, not in the late afternoon;

    do not overeat(first of all, this applies to semi-finished products and fast food);

    lead an active Lifestyle;

    buy cosmetics with marking Men / Homme / "for men".

Cosmetical tools

Do you want to remove bags under the eyes and get rid of edema? You will need these two types.

  1. 1


    Cosmetics manufacturers have long known that this substance improves local microcirculation, so it is always included in the formulas of anti-puffiness sticks and gels.

  2. 2

    With cooling effect

    The effect of the "ice cube" is provided by products with an applicator made of smooth cool metal. The second way to cool the skin of the eyelids is to use cosmetics with menthol and mint.

Salon procedures


Weak pulses of electric current tone the blood vessels and speed up metabolic processes. This technique works great in the area around the eyes to activate blood circulation and lymph flow.

Lymphatic drainage massage

It is carried out both separately and as part of a multi-stage care for the eye contour. The result will be instant, but to be sure, it is better to take a course. Success largely depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist and the duration of the course.

Cosmetics Review

Name Features and composition Application rules
Cream for the skin around the eyes with a cooling effect against swelling and dark circles AQUASOURCE TOTAL EYE REVITALIZER, Biotherm Cools the surface of the epidermis by two degrees, contains vitamin B3 and sakura leaf extract. Apply twice a day after cleansing the skin with light patting movements.
Male gel stick against bags and dark circles under the eyes, Kiehl's Cools the skin due to rosella extract, reduces puffiness. Apply in the morning after washing.
Roller around the eyes "BB Cream, the secret of perfection", Garnier Massage roller relieves signs of fatigue, grapefruit extract and haloxyl fight dark circles and bags. Use in the morning as an eye cream and concealer.
Moisturizing gel for skin care around the eyes Énergie De Vie, Lancôme Moisturizes and promotes a noticeable reduction in puffiness thanks to a massage applicator, lemon balm, ginseng and cranberry extracts. Apply morning and evening with the applicator, spread with fingertips until completely absorbed.

Name Features and composition Application rules
Intensively moisturizing cream-gel Hydraphase Intense Yeux, La Roche-Posay The refreshing texture, as well as the formula with hyaluronic acid and caffeine, provide an intense moisturizing effect and reduce puffiness. Apply twice a day with light, non-stretching movements.
Eye contour cream Idéalia, Vichy Cream with shining particles contains caffeine, vitamins B3 and C. Distribute with patting movements under the eyes, stepping back from the ciliary edge. Use twice a day.
Eye care REVITALIFT LASER x3, L "Oréal Paris Caffeine and a cool applicator tip help reduce under-eye bags, while hyaluronic acid hydrates skin and fills in wrinkles. Lightly pressing the tube, squeeze a little of the product onto the roller and apply it around the eyes with light massage movements, starting from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one.
Rejuvenating Eye Cream OrexcellEnce, Decléor Cream with caffeine tonic reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. The patented anti-aging peptide complex stimulates microcirculation and restores skin elasticity. Apply with light patting movements along the eye contour in the morning and evening.

The delicate skin around the eyelids is the thinnest on the body, so it needs protection and care after the age of 20. The first signs of aging on it are noticeable much earlier than on other parts of the face.

And you need to take care of this area comprehensively, using not only high-quality cosmetics and natural masks, but also performing special exercises for wrinkles around the eyes. There are several complexes, and every woman can choose the most convenient one.

Causes of wrinkles

For some women, the first wrinkles appear much earlier than others.

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities who wanted to look younger have passed through me. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance. science does not stand still, more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body appear, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year on the European market there is a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN, which can be obtained FOR FREE. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see the most important effect of it instantly. It is no exaggeration to say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more>>

And these are not individual characteristics of the organism, but the consequences of poor care or specific factors affecting a person:

  • The reluctance to wear glasses is fraught with regular squinting and the appearance of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes;
  • Reading while lying down or in poor/too bright light leads to wrinkles;
  • Ultraviolet, which directly affects the epidermis, also negatively affects it, so it is important to wear sunglasses in summer;
  • The only individual feature that leads to wrinkles, in which even gymnastics may be ineffective, is the severity of facial expressions and emotionality;
  • Daily use of decorative cosmetics;
  • Rubbing and stretching the epidermis after washing;
  • Incorrect application of the cream - it needs to be lightly driven in with pads at the top from the inner corner to the outer, and at the bottom - vice versa;
  • Often wrinkles appear with a long absence of teeth or in the process of sharp weight loss;
  • Hormonal disorders, infections and problems with the digestive organs, the nervous system, also lead to this pathology.

Gymnastics against wrinkles around the eyes does not require much time, can be performed in almost any conditions.

Complex of basic gymnastics from wrinkles

With the help of exercises for the muscles of the eyes from wrinkles, you can improve the condition of the skin of the eyelids, relieve fatigue from the eyes, and also get rid of slight puffiness. The skin becomes elastic, and new wrinkles form at a slower rate. You can use special decoctions and oils before exercises that help moisturize and tone.

Consider the exercises that are included in the complex:

  • You will need a pendulum clock or any weight on a string. Without turning your head, follow his movements for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat exercise No. 1 for another 5 minutes, but hang the clock higher and do not raise your head.
  • For a few seconds, they carefully peer at a distant object, then sharply shift their eyes to a close object.
  • At a distance of 25 cm, a small object is suspended in front of the eyes, then they begin to move it in different directions, and they follow with their eyes without turning their heads, after which several circular movements must be made in different directions.
  • Having tightly closed the eyelids, count up to 3, then sharply open the eyelids and again count up to 3. You need to repeat the exercise at least 8 times.
  • They tightly close and sharply open their eyes several times, and the muscles where “crow's feet” are formed are held with the index and middle fingers.
  • Close your eyes, and put 3 fingers on top. The index finger should hold the outer corner, and the middle one - the middle and eyebrows, while the nameless one focuses on the inner corner. They try to squint their closed eyes, and resist with their fingers.
  • They look forward, and with 2 fingers pull the lower eyelid to the upper one, count to 2 and release the eyelid;
  • This exercise will help from light bags around the eyes - the eyelids are closed, the eyes are raised up, the lower eyelids should straighten out.
  • Fingers are placed to the outer corners of the eyes perpendicular to the wrinkles, the skin is pulled back, the palpebral fissure should decrease. Opened and closed several times.
  • The head is kept still and straight, looking forward. Eyes need to be raised up, counting to 5, then look forward and lower their eyes in the same way, counting to 5.
  • Another effective exercise against wrinkles under the eyes is to hold the head straight, look forward, move the eyes very slowly to the left, count to 5 and return to their place. Repeat to the right side.

To increase the effectiveness of gymnastics for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles, you need to start monitoring your diet. Proper nutrition is very important for the overall health of the skin.

List of folk remedies for massage and gymnastics

Olive oil is perfect for the epidermis. Just apply it before gymnastics. It will improve the skin, increase its elasticity, improve blood circulation and saturate with important minerals. You can also use pure aloe juice, which is deadly for all mimic wrinkles around the eyes. You can make a recipe with aloe juice and olive oil.

And ordinary ice helps to cope with swelling and unpleasant wrinkles around the eyes. You can freeze not only plain water, but also useful decoctions of herbs - chamomile, calendula and others. Use ice after gymnastics, applying for 3 minutes around the eyes.

Special complex from bags

If dark circles and swelling constantly appear under the eyes, then this can also be eliminated with the help of special gymnastics from wrinkles around the eyes. However, first you need to determine the cause of edema and eliminate it, otherwise no exercise will be effective enough:

  • Edema appears due to alcohol abuse or excessive fluid intake before bedtime;
  • Bad cosmetics often lead to darkening of the skin and the formation of bags;
  • Too much salty foods in food inevitably leads to this pathology after 30-35 years;
  • Excess weight also causes strong bags, and many other problems leading to fluid accumulation are added here;
  • Heart disease, kidney disease, and allergies often lead to pouches.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still looking for a way to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles that make you feel uncomfortable when you see them in the mirror.

We have conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the ways and means against wrinkles, from folk methods to the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only an insignificant temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything came back.

The only drug that has shown significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative to Botox. The main feature is that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. In just a few minutes, you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and distributed FOR FREE. Reviews about NOVASKIN can be read here.

If all the symptoms of violations are eliminated, you can use a small set of exercises that will remove the bags and help smooth out the wrinkles that have formed:

  1. In the morning, you need to cleanse the skin, and then apply a special cream that matches your type. Within 2-3 minutes, it is driven in with fingertips. The procedure helps to dissolve edema.
  2. Squinting exercise. Close your eyes tightly to tighten the muscles under the eyes, hold for up to 10 seconds and relax. You can repeat 12-15 times.
  3. This exercise is best done outdoors. Spread your legs wide and relax completely, straightening your shoulders. The palms need to be rubbed against each other, and the brushes should be kneaded. Then, while inhaling, the palms are placed on the face and begin to rub it intensively until it turns red. You need to repeat 2 times. Don't forget to wash your hands well before class!
  4. Sitting on a chair, rest your hands on the table. The palms should be pressed to the temples, stretching the skin near the eyes, count to 10 and release the skin. Repeat 3-4 times.
  5. Again, sitting on a chair, put your palms on your cheekbones, count to 10. Repeat 3-4 times.
  6. Standing, straighten your shoulders and relax your arms well. Open your eyes as much as possible to feel the tension. Count to ten, then close and relax your eyelids.
  7. Fingers should be attached to the lower eyelids and press the skin. Close your eyes and count to 5. Repeat 4 times.
  8. The lips are stretched in a smile, trying to put the muscles of the face into tension as much as possible. Count to 10 and relax. Repeat about 10 times.

The effect of exercises from wrinkles around the eyes will be noticeable after 7-10 days, but only with regular gymnastics can a significant result be achieved.

The complex against edema, when used correctly, gives a noticeable decrease in bags with the exclusion of other adverse factors as early as 3-4 days.

Everyone at least once in their life faced such a problem as bags under the eyes. Even the most healthy people can face such a scourge. The reasons can be the most banal - lack of sleep, a stormy party, malnutrition, but it can also be serious health problems. Most of all, this defect upsets women, because bags are the first sign of aging. Of course, this unpleasant moment can be delayed by regular performance of special exercises. against bags under the eyes - this is one of the most effective and safest ways to deal with such a nuisance as swelling under the eyes. A set of exercises will tone the muscles and refresh the face.

What can cause bags to appear?

As mentioned above, the causes of edema can be very different. Some of them are easily eliminated, others require serious treatment. from bags under the eyes - this is an opportunity to correct the situation painlessly and without financial investments.

Temporary symptoms

The causes of swelling can be easily eliminated. For example, alcohol and smoking provoke not only the development of diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys, but also the formation of bags under the eyes. Age is also of great importance, but here everything is strictly individual, in some people, with age, fatty tissue becomes thinner, while in others, on the contrary, it grows. Women may experience swelling at different periods of the menstrual cycle, and they depend on hormonal changes in a given period of time. The most common problem is a banal lack of sleep. People who are nocturnal or have little sleep due to working at night are most likely to suffer from such an unpleasant scourge. Stress, overwork, long work at the computer, inactive lifestyle, lack of fresh air also significantly affect our appearance and provoke the appearance of edema. It is dangerous to expose your face to the sun too often, since the frequent presence in the bright sun without glasses, bright rays negatively affect the delicate skin of the eyes, as a result, excess fluid is retained in it, hence bags under the eyes are obtained. We must also not forget about the individual characteristics of the body, bags under the eyes can be a common hereditary element. Here, the ideal solution would be gymnastics from bags under the eyes.

Diseases that cause edema

In addition to causes that do not harm health, there are diseases, a symptom of which is the appearance of puffiness. These include the following:

  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hernia of the eyelids;
  • hyperaldosteronism;
  • diseases of the kidneys, heart, intestines, liver;
  • Parkhon's syndrome;
  • diabetes.

If you have a predisposition to one of the listed diseases, you should definitely consult your doctor. This may be a serious call for further examinations. Here, gymnastics from bags under the eyes will not help.


In order to avoid puffiness, you should take control of external factors that provoke the appearance of bags under the eyes. First of all, for prevention, you should normalize sleep and rest, do not forget about proper nutrition, do not drink fluids before bedtime. Avoid stress, conflicts, take a break from the computer and TV, try to spend more time outdoors and do not forget about sports and an active lifestyle.

Correct the situation will help special gymnastics from bags under the eyes, which is called "facebuilding". Experts note that cosmetic lymphatic drainage massage will help to cope with the problem and prevent its occurrence. It will create conditions that will help remove excess fluid from the area under the eyes, as well as improve blood and lymph circulation, which will give the face a rested and fresh appearance. The procedure allows excess fluid to be distributed evenly over the tissues of the face, and the muscles to relax. But massage is only a temporary measure, the appearance will become better, but not for long. Modern cosmetic brands offer a huge number of varieties of eye patches, which can also temporarily improve the condition of the face.

How to get rid of bags forever?

But you can get rid of an unpleasant scourge only by regular gymnastics from bags under the eyes for the face. This allows you to train and strengthen the circular muscles of the face, so that they can independently disperse excess fluid under the eyes, therefore, the problem can be eliminated forever. Many doctors and cosmetologists have developed their own set of exercises. Therefore, it is important to choose the right gymnastics and regularly perform the complex. Dark circles, puffiness and wrinkles will not be a problem. An excellent assistant for gymnastics will be patches under the eyes.

Effective gymnastics

Exercises from bags under the eyes will become effective only if they are performed regularly, make it a habit to do daily morning exercises for the face. Although you can study at any convenient time, even in the middle of the working day in the office. As a basis, you can take the following exercises, which are considered universal:

  • Close your eyes, place your fingers on the cheekbone so that you can feel the movement of the eyeballs. Now you should look up, eyes still closed, and return to the starting position. And again look up, and again come back. After completing the procedure, take a deep breath and relax your face.
  • The next exercise is quite simple: close your eyes and open your eyes sharply. Repeat the exercise for 10 seconds.
  • Relax and close your eyes slightly, then open them wide, look up and close your eyes again.
  • Close your eyes and in this position make circular movements.
  • Blink rapidly, then quickly open your eyes as wide as possible and close them again. Relax for a few seconds and repeat again.
  • Touch the bridge of your nose with your fingertip and press lightly, then start blinking frequently. The exercise is performed for 5 seconds. At the end, be sure to relax.
  • Place your fingertips on the swelling under the eyes, start stroking lightly, starting from the zygomatic bone and slowly moving to the temples, while the fingertips should not come off the skin. The movements should be smooth.

In order for the described exercises to bring maximum benefit, they should be performed as regularly as possible. And we are not talking about several times a week, you need to perform them several times a day, at any convenient time. It was then that swelling, wrinkles, swelling and hated bags can be forgotten. Regular gymnastics will tighten the skin of the face, refresh the look and rejuvenate.

Paradoxically, to get rid of edema, you need to drink more water. Because often they appear due to salt, which inhibits the excretion of fluid. And water helps flush salt out of the body (along with toxins).

If you ate a salty dinner the day before, cried or overdid it with alcohol, clean drinking water should be your best friend for the whole day.

2. Apply something cold

Cold constricts blood vessels and helps with any swelling. The area around the eyes is no exception. You can cool it with metal spoons. It is better to put 4-6 pieces in the freezer in advance, and then apply them to the eyes in turn: when one spoon is heated, it can be replaced with a new one.

Another option is to wash your face with ice cubes. In this case, both frozen water and milk or herbal decoctions are suitable.

An alternative to ice is cold compresses. They can be made by soaking a regular cotton pad in cold milk or rose water.

Keep the compress on your eyes for 10-15 minutes.

By the way, it is also better to pre-freeze such well-known edema fighters as cucumber, potatoes: the effect will be more noticeable.

3. Make a mask with natural ingredients

Aloe copes well with swelling, and at the same time moisturizes the skin and helps to smooth fine wrinkles. You can squeeze the gel from the leaves of a living plant, spread it on the skin immediately, leave it for a few minutes until it dries and rinse with water. Another option is to soak cotton pads with aloe juice, put them in the freezer and use these compresses as needed.

An anti-edema shock mask is obtained by mixing 2 tablespoons of aloe gel with ½ teaspoon of cucumber juice. The mixture can be applied at bedtime and washed off in the morning.

Beaten egg white also helps to tighten the skin and reduce puffiness. It must be distributed with fingers or a brush under the eyes, wait 10-15 minutes and rinse with cold water.

In addition, the protein can be mixed with used natural coffee (2 teaspoons of coffee waste is enough for 1 protein). After 10 minutes, the mask should be washed off and a moisturizer should be applied to the skin.

4. Use cosmetics

If you don't want to spend time on homemade cosmetics, buy ready-made products. For example, masks or eye patches. As a rule, they not only remove swelling, but also have a moisturizing and anti-aging effect.

Do not forget about the cream for the skin around the eyes. To enhance its effect, store it in the refrigerator.

You can mask the bags if you apply concealer to their borders, and not to the swelling itself.

If your eyes are not only swollen in the morning, but also red or itchy, it is possible that you are allergic to an eye cosmetic product. Try not using your usual remedies for a few days. If the problem disappears, get rid of this cosmetics.

5. Take care of your sleep

First, try to get enough sleep. 8-9 hours of sleep can already help to cope with bags and circles under the eyes.

Second, pay attention to your posture while you sleep. Sleeping on your stomach promotes fluid flow to your eyes. It is best to sleep on your back with an extra pillow under your head. Then the fluid that accumulates under the eyes will tend to go down.

6. Take care of the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is very, rough handling can lead to stretching and, as a result, the appearance of bags. Therefore, try not to stretch the skin and do not rub your eyes, do not use aggressive products like scrubs and do not forget about a moisturizer.

7. Fight Bad Habits

Often the cause of swelling is the love of salty foods, smoking or alcohol abuse. Get rid of these bad habits, and you will not only forget about bags under the eyes, but in general you will look better.

8. Go to the doctor

Sometimes swelling around the eyes signal diseases or changes in the body. We are talking about pregnancy, dermatitis, allergies, mononucleosis - the list goes on.

If swelling appeared suddenly despite the fact that you lead a healthy lifestyle, it would be useful to consult a doctor.

Look for other ways to deal with bags and dark circles under the eyes in our video:

Or maybe you have your own method? Then tell us about it in the comments.

Gymnastics from wrinkles around the eyes does not take much time, it is enough to do the exercises a few minutes a day in order to get a visual result that will please you in a couple of weeks.

At the same time, regular exercise from wrinkles around the eyes will make the skin more elastic and lead to the disappearance of wrinkles, as well as relieve swelling of the eyelids. And this is what every woman dreams of.

Exercise "On the horizon line"

Place your fingertips on your temples so that your little fingers are at the outer corners of your eyes. Look into the distance and close your eyelids slightly, as if you want to see some very distant object.

Do not strain your eyes and do not squint: only the muscles around the eyes should work. Gradually tighten these muscles, and gently stretch the skin with your fingers

. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

After 3 weeks go to accelerate the pace of this exercise: for 2 seconds, tighten the muscles, for 1 second - relax. Practice in this mode for 2-3 weeks. Next, alternate between fast and regular tempo. Do 5 repetitions. Do the exercise 3 times a week.

This exercise is aimed at reducing the tear sacs under the eyes, as well as the prevention and reduction of wrinkles around the eyes.

Exercise "Tight Collar"

Place the pads of your fingers on your cheeks at the base of your temples. Tighten your chin muscles as if you were trying to loosen a very tight collar. Gradually increase the tension of the temporal muscles and muscles of the neck and chin

Having reached the maximum voltage, hold this position for 4 seconds, and then relax for 2 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times. After 3 weeks, start increasing the number of repetitions and gradually bring them up to 10. Then do the exercise every day 7-10 times.
This exercise will help smooth wrinkles around the eyes, reduce bags under the eyes and make the skin on the temples taut and supple.

Exercise "Bye-bye"

Close your eyes with your eyelids closed tightly. Don't blink: the skin on the bridge of the nose should not wrinkle. Gradually increase eyelid tension

Having reached the maximum voltage, hold this position for 5 seconds and then relax for 3 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

After 2 weeks, go to an accelerated pace of this exercise: tighten your muscles for 2 seconds, relax for 1 second. Practice in this mode for 2-3 weeks. Next, alternate between fast and regular tempo. Do 10 repetitions.

This exercise will make the skin around the eyes more elastic.

Exercise "Eyes wide open"

Open your eyes wide and gradually increase muscle tension

Having reached the maximum voltage, hold this position for 7 seconds, and then relax for 3 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

After 3 weeks go to accelerated pace of this exercise: tense the muscles for 4 s, relax for 2 s. Practice in this mode for 2-3 weeks. Next, alternate between fast and regular tempo.

This exercise will strengthen the ring-shaped muscles of the eyes.

Exercise "Day and night"

Position with eyes open. Spread your index and middle fingers in a "V" shape. Attach the pads of the middle fingers to the bridge of the nose at the inner edges of the eyebrows, and the tips of the index fingers to the outer edges of the eyebrows and lightly press on the skin. Look straight ahead and slightly up. Tighten your lower eyelids, as if trying to squint, and then relax. Only the lower eyelids should work, the upper ones should remain relaxed.

The "squinted" position. Continuing to strain the lower eyelids, close your eyes tightly, stay in this position for 40 seconds and relax

Repeat the exercise 10 times.
This exercise is aimed at increasing the size of the eyes.

Exercise "Thoughtful Lady"

Forward facing position. Place the pads of the middle fingers on the bridge of the nose at the inner edges of the eyebrows, and the tips of the index fingers on the outer edges of the eyebrows and lightly press on the skin. WITH look straight ahead and slightly up. Tighten your lower eyelids, as if trying to squint, and then relax. The upper eyelids should not move.

Repeat the exercise 10 times.
The "gaze is directed upwards" position. Continuing to strain the lower eyelids, roll your eyes as if you are trying to examine some object hanging above your head, linger in this position for 40 seconds and relax

This exercise is aimed at strengthening the lower eyelids.

Exercise "Up and down"

Raise your eyes up as if you want to see your own forehead, and stay in this position for 5 seconds and relax your muscles for 2 seconds. Then lower your eyes down, trying to "see" the chin, tighten the muscles for 5 seconds and relax for 2 seconds. When performing this exercise, only the eyeballs should move. Don't help with your head or neck. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

After 2 weeks, go to an accelerated pace of this exercise: tighten your muscles for 2 seconds, relax for 2 seconds. Practice in this mode for 1.5 - 2 weeks. Next, alternate between fast and regular tempo.

This exercise is aimed at strengthening the eye muscles.

Exercise "Coquette"

Raise your eyes to the right hold your gaze on an imaginary point for 5 seconds and relax for 2 seconds

Then lower your eyes to the left down, tighten the eye muscles for 5 seconds and relax for 2 seconds

At the same time, look up to the left and down to the right. During the exercise, the head should remain motionless. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

After 2 weeks, begin to gradually increase the pace of the exercise and increase the number of repetitions. After about 2-3 weeks of training, you should do 20 repetitions, taking 2 seconds to relax and tighten the muscles. Next, alternate between fast and regular tempo.
This exercise strengthens the eye and eye muscles, gives the look fluency and mobility.



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