Winter footwear guarantee. When they read the permissive prayer

Not only is mustard a delicious seasoning, but it is also a great helper to our health. Mustard can also be used for household applications.

Composition of mustard

Mustard seeds, from which mustard is made, contain protein (more than 25%), fats (up to 35%, in the bulk they are unsaturated fatty acid), essential oil. As well as micro and macro elements: potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium.

Mustard contains many vitamins: B, E D, A, and the latter is stored in it for more than six months. The fatty component is erucic, linolenic, oleic, linoleic, peanut acids. The glycosides sinalbin and snigrin, which are found in mustard, help in the treatment of coughs and bronchitis.

Mustard - well known medicine used both in folk and official medicine, which has a lot of useful properties:

Relaxes muscles

You frequent pain in the muscles? Mustard will help to effectively deal with the problem. If your big muscles are tight (in your back or legs) try a warm mustard bath.

Mix two tablespoons of mustard with two tablespoons mineral salt bath and add this mixture to a hot bath. Mustard increases the effectiveness of salt and is great for relieving painful tension.

To relieve pain in smaller muscles, make a soothing ointment:

Mix one part dry mustard with two parts flour. Add some water, mix the ingredients until smooth. Apply the ointment to the painful area, then wrap it with a bandage and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Restores skin elasticity

Mustard can be used to make a wonderful face mask. Mustard contains vitamin E, antioxidants, and other anti-inflammatory properties. Apply thin layer mustard on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly warm water. Done right, your skin will glow!

Helps with cramps

Are you suffering from seizures? Mustard should always be on hand when traveling and hiking. If you feel your leg cramping, apply mustard to the painful area. The cramp will pass quickly.

Great hair conditioner

Mustard oil is a wonderful hair product! After using the conditioner as usual, massage into the roots of the hair mustard oil. Let the oil soak in well, soak for up to eight hours. If you'll be applying mustard oil at night, be sure to wear a bathing cap to protect your bedding. Wash your hair with shampoo in the morning. As a result, you will get shiny and velvety hair, and very silky to the touch.

Remedy for angina

To relieve a sore throat, try this recipe:

Brew a tablespoon of mustard seeds with boiling water - 300 ml. Let cool to 50 degrees. Mix with the juice of half a lemon, a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of honey. Gargle with this mixture 2 or 3 times a day, the inflammation will be greatly reduced. If your symptoms persist for more than 3 days, it is best to see a doctor to rule out any other possible infections.

Eliminates bad odors

Who is not familiar with musty smell utensils? Here's a simple tip: Wash the dishes with mustard powder. Use mustard to wash food containers, pots and pans.

Heals colds

Do you have mild cold symptoms? Mustard can help here too! Pour dry mustard into your socks and put them on at night. Mustard will warm up your feet and relieve colds.

With these useful properties mustard is now at the top of our list of favorite spices. Now it's the only thing missing in my first aid kit!

You have probably heard of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, an evidence-based method of psychotherapy aimed at changing negative thoughts and behaviour. This method seems to be mentioned in almost every psychology article on the Internet: “Sleep problems? Try CBT." "Childhood trauma? CBT can help.”

So what is it? Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy really help psychological disorder, And if so, how? How much does it cost, and can you just use CBT techniques on your own? GR found answers to these questions.

What is CPT?

Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the many treatments used in psychotherapy. It is based on the assumption that many problems in life are due to wrong thoughts and behaviors. In practice, cognitive behavioral therapy usually consists of identifying problematic thoughts and behaviors and replacing them with healthier responses.

For example, let's say, a certain nameless girl began to strain exits into society, and she began to constantly stay at home. The therapist can tell her that her fear is irrational, teach her how to restructure her thoughts and relax her body, develop a plan of action to help the patient stay calm at parties. In the next session, they will evaluate what worked and what didn't and tweak the girl's behavior and thoughts until she is comfortable interacting with other people.

What problems can CBT help with?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps with everything from phobias, anxiety, depression, trauma, self-esteem issues and ADHD, to relationship problems - shyness, family squabbles. In principle, if the problem is related to thoughts and behavior, CBT can help.

Why is CBT so popular?

One of the reasons CBT is popular and widely used is that it has been widely studied. The purpose of the method is to produce clear and notable changes in thoughts and behaviors that are of interest to researchers in their own right. In addition, the results of CBT are not long in coming.

What happens in a CBT session?

Essentially, you come to a session with problems you would like to overcome or situations that you find stressful and work with the therapist to outline a course of action. You will be asked to identify problematic thoughts or behaviors and look for ways to change them. When the method is accepted, "homework" follows.

What is "homework"?

CBT is fast (8 to 12 sessions, which is fast by psychotherapy standards) and effectively reduces the symptoms of the problem if the patient does well at home. Typical Homework may include relaxation exercises, journaling thoughts and emotions throughout the week, reading a book that relates to your problems, or looking for situations to apply a new approach.

For example, a man is depressed and one of its main factors is his low self-esteem. He is selfish and constantly scolds himself. Then he can be helped by a technique called “thought stopping”, where he abruptly breaks the flow of negative thoughts by shouting (in his mind) “Stop!”. And then he redirects his thoughts to something more positive, like self-praise or meditation. Homework may include practicing this technique at least once a day until the next session.

Who is not suitable for CBT?

Some people like to go to a therapist all the time to gently and gradually get rid of their problems (or maybe they just like talking to a doctor). CBT appears to be a more hands-on and short-term style of therapy and may not be suitable for clients with requests for long-term work with a therapist.

What is the difference between progressive depreciation of long-term assets and degressing? When is it used in management accounting?

Progressive cushioning provide gradual increase the amount of depreciation charges throughout the life of fixed assets, the object is subject to slight depreciation in the first years of operation. Therefore, the lowest depreciation rate takes place in the first year of the object's service life, and the highest - in the last.

Degressive depreciation is based on the fact that significant depreciation occurs in the first years of use. Therefore, in the first year there is highest rate depreciation, and in the latter - the smallest.

If the purpose of the enterprise is to attract investors or receive premiums, then it needs to demonstrate the presence of large profits and, therefore, use a progressive depreciation method.

If the company wants to reduce the amount of profit taxed, then it will use the degressive method.

The cash flow of self-sufficiency of the enterprise is formed, first of all, thanks to its main commercial activities. But at the same time, this flow can be adjusted by the enterprise as a result of the policy of depreciation and profit distribution. So, for example, if degressive depreciation methods are actively used, leading to an overestimation of costs in the first years of operation, this will cause an underestimation of profits in the same period. In subsequent years, according to the accounting data, increased profits will be reflected, from which income tax amounts already greater than under normal circumstances will have to be paid. Within these time limits, both the internal and external economic environment can change, and in these circumstances, the choice and implementation of one or another depreciation policy can significantly affect financial results activities . Commensurate with the expediency and their own capabilities, the management of the enterprise can decide during a period of high inflation to use the progressive method of depreciation, overestimating profits, paying high taxes with depreciating money. But with the stabilization of the economic situation, the untransferred part of the value of fixed assets can be actively involved in the circulation when using depreciation methods that completely form the compensation fund by the end of the term beneficial use one object or another. This situation will lead to a change in the cost structure, an increase specific gravity depreciation, cost growth, reduction of profit and taxes paid from it.

Progressive and degressive depreciation methods have limited opportunities. For progressive depreciation, it is necessary to comply with the conditions according to which the dynamics of changes in the value of fixed assets production means is also progressive. When applying the degressive method, accounting for depreciation along with repair costs, which tend to increase over the life of the facility, ensures a relatively even inclusion of depreciation charges in production and distribution costs. The value of the residual value of the object with degressive depreciation, as a rule, coincides with or is very close to the amount of liquidation proceeds when it is sold.

It would seem quite convenient - if you lose your phone or it becomes unusable, insurance will cover all losses. But in practice, things are different - Insurance companies pay out only in rare cases. In addition, they have some other requirements.

Most users wear their phones incorrectly

According to a Forsa survey, 77% of owners mobile phones wear gadgets in such a way that in case of theft, the insurance company will refuse to cover the losses.

Almost all insurance companies pay out funds only if the user carried the phone with him, close to the body - so that if he tries to steal, he has the opportunity to notice the thief and prevent the theft.

This means that when attending crowded events or traveling to public transport it is not enough to put your phone in your pants pocket or bag, even if you check it from time to time.

Insurance agencies require that the bag in which the phone is stored be secured with a lock, or that the person be able to prove that the phone was in the bag at the time of the theft. Experts are convinced that such conditions are practically possible to fulfill, and some facts can be proven, and therefore they see no point in insuring a phone.

What damage is covered by insurance?

Smartphones are insured against theft, damage due to falls and moisture. But the list of limitations and exceptions is quite long.

In what cases does insurance not cover damage?

There are cases that are not covered by insurance. For example, some companies only pay out money if the phone is stolen from a zippered bag or pocket, and only if the theft occurs within Germany. There are also insurance agencies that pay only if the phone is stolen within a specific period of time.

When should you insure your smartphone?

Experts advise taking out insurance only if the phone is new and expensive.

What services does the insurance policy include?

The insurance covers the cost of phone repairs. You may also be offered an equal (often used) phone as a replacement. If the damage is covered in monetary terms, then only the cost of the insurance object at the time of the occurrence of damage is paid, and this is from 50% to 80% of the original cost. Often, the owner must cover part of the losses himself.

What damage is covered by home contents insurance?

If the phone was stolen during a house break-in, the insurance will cover its full original cost. But in this case, the theft must be reported to the police. If you just drop your phone on the floor and smash it, home contents insurance won't cover that damage.

Is smartphone insurance worth it? In what cases does it cover the damage? updated: December 4, 2018 by: Victoria Holodenina

/ In what cases is grinding necessary and how is it performed? wooden ceiling?

In what cases is it necessary and how is the grinding of a wooden ceiling performed?

Many people have come across the fact that wooden ceiling coverings lose their visual appeal over time. Wood can fade, have cracks that need to be repaired, or just get bored with the color of the paint that everything was painted with. In such cases, grinding of a wooden ceiling is almost always required.

In what cases is it needed

Oddly enough, most often sanding is required in new wooden houses, and not for repairing old coatings. Everything is explained quite simply: a new coating must be prepared for painting or varnishing, and for this, the plane must be flat and smooth.

The second case when this procedure cannot be dispensed with is the application of paint of a new shade. The old one will have to be removed and done with high quality, it is possible only with the help of grinding. You will also have to subject the coating to such a procedure when redecorating the ceilings is carried out, without cardinal changes - you need to remove a thin outer layer of wood to reveal the existing texture of the tree and its natural pattern.

Naturally, the coating will have to be sanded even when the material initially has any defects: knots, protruding splinters and other similar details. The surface must be brought to beautiful view so that after varnishing or staining no flaws spoil appearance ceiling.

What tools are needed

Unlike plastered ceilings, which, in most cases, are processed exclusively by hand, it will be a little easier to work with wood - a variety of power tools are used here, which greatly facilitate the work. At the same time, grinding a wooden ceiling can be done not even with specialized devices, but with that tool. Which is available almost always - with an ordinary drill.

Its performance is not too high and large areas will require a lot of time and effort, but the result will still be better than when working with bare hands and ordinary sandpaper. Sandpaper will be required in any case - a network of places where it is very difficult to get close with a bulky tool and you have to act the old fashioned way - with your hands.

The best option is to have a special grinder. It can be either a special tape or eccentric machine, or a standard “grinder” with a nozzle in the form of a round disk, to which special sandpaper circles are attached. A surface grinder will help to process not too large areas of the surface. Its performance is higher than that of a standard drill, but it will be tedious to work on large spaces.

What to remember

The first thing to understand is that sanding a wooden ceiling is a very tedious and time-consuming task. You will need not only a lot of time, but also physical strength to achieve an acceptable result. You have to work on your head and your hands will constantly get very tired. At the same time, the cost of work, even if self-fulfillment remains considerable - at first glance, grinding discs or a tape for a typewriter are not so expensive, but the main problem is that a lot of discs will be required, as well as sandpaper.

The second nuance is work experience. If you do not have it, it is better to turn to professionals or take an experienced person as mentors. Although the power tool greatly facilitates the work, it will not insure you against mistakes that will inevitably occur. At the same time, there is a chance not only not to make the plane beautiful, but to spoil it even more.

The last nuance is the tool. If it is already available, carefully read the instructions - some models of machines and drills will not be able to withstand a long load and you need to constantly give them a "rest". Otherwise, you will simply lose a specific device - the tool will simply burn out. When purchasing everything specifically for repair, ask the seller which of the selected models better fit for your tasks and do not give preference to the cheapest options - the miser pays twice.



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