What is almag. Freedom of movement and life without pain - that's our goal! New device model

Many of us, in order to maintain health and defeat a certain disease, do not stop at any particular method of treatment. We try many methods that both traditional and alternative medicine offer us. The main thing is to get a positive result.

One of the most effective healing methods is magnetotherapy. It has a beneficial effect on the body with the help of low-frequency alternating or constant magnetic fields. Almak, a device for treatment, helps to carry out this procedure. Scientists' comments on the effects of magnetotherapy on humans are based on numerous studies.

According to them, running impulses have a positive effect already at the intercellular level, accelerating metabolic processes. Thus, the Almak device is a kind of biological stimulator that helps the process of tissue repair.

Magnetic field treatment

Anyone who is trying to find a means and methods of non-drug healing of the body should try "Almak" - a device for treatment. Reviews of numerous patients positively characterize this device.

Users are advised to use the miraculous power of the magnetic field to relieve pain syndromes, heal inflammatory processes and get rid of a large number of various ailments. Experts also note the fact that recovery occurs due to the strengthening of the regenerative abilities of the body, that is, in a natural way.

That is why it is recommended to use Almak (a device for treatment) to eliminate various pathologies. Reviews of numerous patients note that there is no need to take a large number of drugs, which are known to negatively affect the intestines, stomach and many other organs.

Operating principle

The device "Almak" has an effective analgesic effect due to the blockade of the nerve impulse coming from. When using the device, inflammation is reduced and puffiness is removed, as well as muscle tissue tension is eliminated. The pulsed magnetic field increases the lumen of the capillary vascular bed, which makes it possible to accelerate the regeneration process. Thanks to the device in the lesion, the outflow of blood is normalized and the level of waste substances and toxins is reduced. More oxygen (which is a powerful antioxidant) enters the places of pathologies, as well as nutrients needed to build new cells.

The bulk of chronic ailments cause the replacement of healthy tissues with connective tissues that have destructive forms. This, in turn, worsens the functionality of organs and is the cause of various irreversible processes. "Almak" is a device for treatment that does not allow tissue degeneration. Thus, it contributes to the restoration of diseased organs. Using this device, you can speed up the process of removing toxins and lower cholesterol.

Home health equipment

We all want to be full of strength and energy. However, with age, a person's health deteriorates. The most vulnerable place of our body is the spine, for the maintenance of which in a normal state it is necessary to play sports and maintain an active lifestyle. However, there is simply not enough time for this. As a result of congestion in the spine, pinching, curvature and, worst of all, hernia appear. When these pathologies occur, the negative impact extends to the internal organs. Head blood circulation worsens and various ailments occur. To eliminate them, you will need to visit a physiotherapy room or a massage therapist. And it's simply not possible to allocate additional time for this.

Find a way out of this situation will allow "Almak" - a device for treatment. Reviews of this household device indicate pain relief and increased human performance. The device acts on the body with the most useful pulsed traveling magnetic field. The frequency of these pulses is programmed in a certain way. In its rhythm, it coincides with the rhythms of the tissues and organs of the human body. It is remarkable that you can use the Almak (a device for treatment) without medical education and any special skills.

Mode of application

Almak, a device for treatment, has many advantages over other methods of eliminating diseases. Instructions for its use indicate that the impact on the lesions is without direct contact of the parts of the device.

The device is designed in such a way that anyone can use it without assistance. The kit includes four inductors that are interconnected and form a flexible chain. These links easily wrap around the diseased joint. You can also lie on your back on the flexible chain. The device is driven by an electronic unit.

The device can be used at any age. It has a gentle effect on the body and is suitable for those patients who are weakened and cannot receive other treatment. The course of magnetotherapy should be at least 10-20 sessions, which are held from ten to twenty minutes once or twice a day.

Application area

The device "Almak-1" is produced by the Russian plant "Elamed" for a short time. However, numerous users have already highly appreciated its positive effect on the body. The device for carrying out magnetotherapy serves to eliminate more than sixty-two acute and chronic diseases. Moreover, many patients feel the positive effect after the first time they used the Almak-1 device.

The impact on the body of a weak electromagnetic field can reduce pain syndromes and increase the physical activity of the patient with such ailments as:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical or deforming type;
  • bursitis;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine, accompanied by radicular reflex syndrome.

"Almak 01" is an indispensable device for various injuries, tissue and musculoskeletal injuries, as well as for burns, bruises, sprains, muscles and joints. It is effective to use a device that creates magnetic impulses to eliminate cardiovascular pathologies, such as:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension.

"Almak-1" - a device for the treatment of pneumonia, asthma and bronchitis. It generates an electromagnetic field that stimulates tissue respiration of the bronchi and lungs. As a result of this process, the production of mucus decreases and the inflammatory process is eliminated.

Effective device for dermatological diseases. When using it, the problem of treatment is solved. Reviews of experts highly appreciate "Almak 1" as a means for quick post-plastic surgery and surgical intervention.

The device should be used not only for treatment. It is also suitable for the prevention of such ailments as stroke and diabetes, heart attack and hemorrhoids, prostatitis and depression. Weak electromagnetic fields reduce the risk of headaches and can maintain visual acuity.


Unfortunately, it is not always possible to use the device. The instructions attached to it contain a list of cases in which procedures with this device are prohibited. Among them:

  • bleeding;
  • inflammatory processes in the acute stage;
  • severe form of ischemia;
  • rehabilitation period after a heart attack;
  • oncology, as well as systemic blood disease;
  • the presence of a pacemaker;
  • pregnancy;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain (severe form).

Advantages of the device

Magnetic therapy sessions can be performed using various devices. However, in comparison with them, the Almak-1 device has some advantages. First of all, it is a large area of ​​influence. A chain of soft links is able to cover the entire spinal column. Differs "Almak-1" and a greater depth of penetration of magnetic pulses.

The advantage of the device is the absence of the likelihood of addiction, as well as the occurrence of various kinds of side effects. In addition, the list of contraindications for using the device is relatively small. This makes it possible to carry out procedures with this device in cases where it is forbidden to use other methods.

The duration of magnetic therapy, the number and time of each procedure depend on the existing pathology. For example, it should include three courses. The first one lasts nine days. The time of the procedures starts from 10 minutes and gradually, starting from the fifth, is brought to 15. Two exposures are recommended per day. In addition, during this course you need to take breaks. They should last one day every three days of procedures.

The second course should be held in a month. It will be reinforcing. Maintenance, the third course of procedures is carried out after another three months.

New device model

The Elamed plant offered users a new device that works on the principles of electromagnetic field exposure. This is "Almak-2" - a device for the treatment of many pathologies. Its differences from its predecessor lie in greater power. In this regard, "Almak-2" is a device used not only for home procedures, but also in a hospital setting.

Device Application

Unlike the apparatus "Almak-1", "Almak-2" has a great physiotherapeutic effect. When using this powerful model, a traveling magnetic field also affects the human body. At the same time, Almag-2 gives its positive effect thanks to a system of twenty-eight plates that transmit magnetic impulses.

When using the device, it must be borne in mind that both sides of the coils have a healing property. During the procedure, they are placed on the skin, eliminating the lesion and at the same time healing the adjacent tissues.

The device "Almag-2" has a fairly high penetrating effect. In this regard, the plates of the apparatus can be applied to clothing or to a bandage having a thickness of up to one centimeter.

Application area

  • mental disorders;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • pathologies of the nose, ear and throat;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • respiratory ailments;
  • pathologies of the digestive tract;
  • diseases of the subcutaneous tissue and skin;
  • pathologies of the connective tissue and the musculoskeletal system;
  • ailments of the genitourinary system;
  • injuries, dislocations and bruises;
  • diseases of the venous and cardiovascular systems.

In what cases is the use of the Almak-2 device prohibited?

The device for magnetic therapy sessions has a number of contraindications. You should refrain from using the Almak-2 device when:

  • the presence of a pacemaker in the patient's body;
  • pregnancy;
  • purulent abscesses;
  • acute stage of inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • exacerbations of diseases such as ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, as well as myocardial infarction;
  • aneurysm of the heart and large vessels;
  • oncology;
  • the presence of bleeding.

Patients who suffer from cardiac arrhythmias should use the device with caution.

Acquisition of a device for magnetotherapy

Many people who want to get rid of various ailments and improve their health want to purchase "Almak" - a device for treatment. The purchase price will depend on the chosen model. Thus, the Almak-1 apparatus from the Yelamed plant costs approximately 8,300 rubles. This price is offered by pharmacy chains and numerous intermediaries. On the site of the plant itself, this device is sold for 7800 rubles.

A more expensive purchase will be the Almak-2 apparatus. Its release is carried out in two versions - at a price of about 43,000 and 53,000, respectively. The factory website offers a discount, using which you can purchase a device for 10,000 cheaper.

In order to strengthen the body and in the treatment of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, one of the leading roles is assigned to physiotherapeutic methods of influence. Awakening internal reserves, adjusting the natural forces of the body, they start the process of self-healing. This allows you to reduce or gradually get rid of the use of medications and avoid possible side effects. The arsenal of physiotherapeutic means is huge. The most famous and effective is Almag - a magnetotherapy apparatus. For 15 years it has been widely used in medical institutions, clinics and hospital departments. Especially for treatment at home, a portable version of Almag-01 was developed - instructions for use and reviews will help you get to know this device better.

Device device Almag-01

The device was created in the early 90s by order of the leading physiotherapists of the country to replace the highly effective, but cumbersome and inconvenient in practical use, the ALIMP apparatus. The Almag-01 device, which has the same properties, was developed and manufactured by the Elatom Instrument Plant:

  • compact;

  • does not need protective grounding during operation;

  • easy to use, does not require medical knowledge and special skills;

  • affordable.

Almag-01 is a magnetic device (N 1 is a number indicating a modification in the series, since a more complicated version N 2 was later released for the most difficult cases of the disease). The therapeutic factor is a traveling electromagnetic field. The generation mode is pulsed, intermittent. Unlike the continuous type, the impulse action has a number of advantages:

  • being very sensitive to the action of magnetic fields, the body adapts more easily, but gets used to the impulse effect less, which allows to achieve a much greater therapeutic effect;

  • shows selectivity due to the ability to regulate the frequency of modulation and repetitive pulses, shape, duration of exposure, intensity in a wide range - the main parameters are: magnetic flux, induction, permeability, tension;

  • penetrates deeper into tissues and organs;

  • has pronounced biological effects;

  • It affects almost all structures at the cellular level, the nervous, bone, endocrine systems, heart, blood and lymphatic vessels are especially sensitive.

What is included in the Almag-01 delivery set and how the device works is described in detail in the instructions attached to it. The package contains:

  • electronic unit - pulse current generator, rectangular box 137x60 mm in size, 4.5 cm high;

  • a light indicator (green and yellow) located on the unit body showing the phase of operation and a separate control indicator for checking the presence of a magnetic field pulse;

  • network cord;

  • 4 double-sided coils interconnected by a soft tape - impact nodes or emitters applied to the skin. Their diameter is 90 mm, thickness is 15 mm;

  • flexible cable connecting the generator to the applicators;

  • elastic medical bandage for fixing the device;

  • the weight of the device is not more than 6-7 kg.

Magnetic therapy is a method of treatment based on the positive effect of a low-frequency magnetic field on the human body. The body consists of cells of various types formed by ionized molecules, each with an electrical charge. The principle of operation of Almag-01 is based on the fact that a magnetic field acting on human tissues creates electric currents. They affect the water systems of the body, free radicals, ionized biological molecules - proteins, enzymes. A change in the physicochemical properties and orientation of the charged particles of the body contributes to:

  • changes in the permeability of intracellular membranes, acceleration of biochemical and biophysical processes, improvement of tissue trophism, faster removal of toxic decay products;

  • restoration of natural electromagnetic indicators disturbed as a result of injury or illness;

  • a decrease in viscosity, blood thinning, which makes it difficult to form blood clots;

  • normalization of metabolism, blood circulation in certain areas and the body as a whole;

  • the launch of regeneration - the restoration of lost or damaged areas of tissues and organs;

  • blocking the transmission of nerve impulses from the damaged area, responsible for pain;

  • stimulation of nerve fibers that regulate vascular tone. This causes the expansion of blood vessels, a decrease in inflammatory edema, and returns mobility to the joint;

  • activation of immune processes, general strengthening effect.

The field generated by the device is characterized by the following indicators:

  • frequency of repetitive magnetic pulses - 6 Hz;

  • the duration of the impact of the supplied pulses is in the range from 1.5 to 2.5 ms;

  • induction or magnetic flux density - 20 mT;

  • the effective penetration depth of traveling waves is 6-8 cm.

Such technical characteristics explain what the Almag-01 device treats due to the impact at the cellular level not only on bones and joints, but also on internal organs.

How to use at home

Almag-01 is an unparalleled portable device for the treatment of many diseases. Efficiency is confirmed by numerous medical tests and protocols signed by officials of leading clinics in Russia.

The device is designed taking into account the maximum safety and comfort of the patient, since it is allowed to use it outside the walls of the medical facility, but independently, right at home. No special qualification is required.

How to use - the correct sequence of actions, the nuances of Almag-01, recommendations and warnings are indicated in the instructions for use. To make the best use of the device's capabilities, the following rules will help:

  • Before using, keep the device at room temperature for at least 4 hours, make sure that the connecting wires, the plug are intact, that there are no external damage to parts or any other malfunctions. If necessary, wipe the outer, skin-contact surfaces of the parts of the device with a cloth moistened with a disinfectant solution for medical purposes for plastic products. Avoid getting the solution inside.

  • It is connected to a regular household electrical outlet with a rated supply voltage of 220-230V, designed for household appliances. Away, at least 0.5 m, from magnetic storage media (flash drives, disks, credit cards, videos, key cards).

  • The illuminated green indicator located on the generator body indicates that the device is in good condition and ready for operation. Simultaneously with it, a yellow lamp lights up, signaling the beginning of the formation and distribution of current pulses over the emitters. A pulsed magnetic field running from one coil to another will be formed and distributed in space - you can start a therapy session. The operability of the device is also indicated by 4 green indicators flashing with equal frequency, located in the center of the applicator coils. Additionally, you can verify the presence of a magnetic field using a special testing indicator - applying it to the coils and observing the reaction. Depending on the variety, the control indicator will vibrate or flash green.

  • After 22 minutes, the yellow lamp associated with the timer will automatically turn off and the radiation will stop. The device takes 10 minutes. a break during which it is disconnected from the power supply. After it is ready for reuse. In this intermittent mode, Almag-01 provides 6 hours of uninterrupted operation.

  • Apply inductors with any working surface directly to the skin or, in order to maintain hygiene, to the diseased area, covered with a light cloth. The effect is preserved when exposed through a plaster or gauze bandage.

  • During the session, the patient should be in a comfortable, relaxed position - sit or lie down. It is advisable to choose the time in the morning and evening hours, 1 hour before meals or after waiting 2-3 hours after eating. It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages during the entire period of treatment.

  • The duration of the course and the exact time of exposure is determined by the doctor based on the type of disease, the individual characteristics of the body and why Almag-01 is prescribed - for therapeutic, prophylactic or general health purposes. The procedures are carried out daily, preferably 2 rubles / day at the same time. Start therapy from 10 min. sessions, gradually increasing the time: after 4 procedures for 5 minutes, after 8 - for 10 minutes. The duration of the course is usually 10-20 sessions, followed by a mandatory 4-week break.

  • At the end of the session, turn off the device. Keep away from direct sunlight, heating elements and heat source.

Indications and contraindications

The need to use the Almag device for the treatment of joints, problems with the spine or other diseases is decided by the doctor after examining the patient and making a diagnosis. The instruction contains the method of application of Almag-01, indications and contraindications.

The device is useful in a number of diseases.

Main indications:

  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: injuries, inflammatory diseases, hernia, osteochondrosis of any of the sections of the spine. Also, damage to the ligaments and muscles, purulent inflammation of the cellular spaces, difficult to heal wounds, burns and their consequences;

  • neurological syndromes, incl. orthopedic neurology, vascular lesions of the brain;

  • venous insufficiency of the upper and lower extremities, diseases of the heart and blood vessels: hypertension, ischemia, atherosclerosis, endarteritis;

  • inflammation of the vein wall (phlebitis), blockage of veins or arteries by a thrombus, phlebectomy performed - an operation to remove varicose veins;

  • gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis;

  • endocrine diseases associated with disorders of the pancreas, complications associated with diabetes mellitus;

  • violations of the respiratory function of the lungs - bronchial obstruction, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchiectasis;

  • dermatological diseases, diseases of the genital organs in women, reproductive, genitourinary spheres.

Physiotherapy or therapy with magnets is considered a safe method, it does not directly harm the body, because. natural to man. Some patients who have a certain disease and pathological condition are prohibited from using magnet treatment. In order for Almag-01 not to be harmful, it is important to take into account the limitations, the complete list contains instructions. Here are the main ones:

  • acute purulent infections, inflammatory processes of various localization caused by pyogenic microflora;

  • predisposition to bleeding, diseases of the blood, hematopoietic organs - bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, spleen;

  • hypothalamic syndrome, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;

  • hypotension - reduced muscle tone or general, expressed by low pressure;

  • cancerous growths;

  • early period of myocardial infarction, severe form of cardiac ischemia;

  • pregnancy;

  • alcohol intoxication;

  • an implanted pacemaker in an area affected by a magnetic field.

Side effects may develop if the instructions for use are not followed or if the doctor's prohibition is ignored. This may be an increase in pain, a feeling of discomfort, individual reactions - headache, dizziness, itching, rash, gag reflex.

How to be treated with Almag-01

Having studied numerous reviews about Almag-01, we can conclude:

  • the effect is not immediately noticeable, only after 2-3 days of use, pain and swelling begin to subside little by little. For more tangible improvements, regular long-term treatment is required;

  • Almag is especially useful for the back - after 4-5 sessions of complex treatment, pain, muscle flaccidity subsides, stiffness in the spine disappears;

  • with arthritis, osteochondrosis, gout and other inflammatory diseases of the spinal column and joints, drugs are often ineffective, their combination with Almag-01 provides a quick analgesic effect without the use of large doses of nonsteroidal drugs;

  • some note an improvement in overall well-being - normalization of sleep, stress relief, anxiety. Wounds heal faster, postoperative scars, Almag-01 helps to get rid of or reduce such unpleasant phenomena as belching, bloating, flatulence, nausea;

  • with regular use, a decrease in the size of the veins is noticeable, a beneficial effect of Almag-01 on visual acuity, respiratory functions is noted;

  • successfully used in hypertension: primary hypertension, renal origin and vegetative-vascular dystonia of hypertensive type. In the first case, 12 sessions are required - to apply the device to the collar area, this is a reflexogenic zone responsible for ensuring the work of the heart and constancy of blood pressure. Impact on the receptors located in this place reduces the force of heart contractions and frequency, and the pulsed magnetic field promotes the expansion of blood vessels. In two other cases, it is prescribed to alternate the impact on the collar zone with the zone with a direct projection of the adrenal glands - located on the back, in the lumbar region, under the ribs. It will take about 18 procedures, during the treatment to constantly monitor blood pressure.

Most patients are satisfied with the result, noting positive qualities, but there are negative reviews:

  • at the beginning of use, the pain syndrome intensifies;

  • unpleasant tingling, feeling of discomfort during the session;

  • lack of a pronounced therapeutic effect.

The ability to favorably influence human health is confirmed by many experts, but you should not count on an instant result and rely on Almag-01 as a panacea for all diseases. According to practicing physicians, the device is not capable of completely curing serious ailments. But, as evidenced by the reviews of doctors, as part of complex therapy, Almag-01 has an additional therapeutic effect. It is based on the trace effect, i.e. the magnetic field creates conditions for the restructuring of the body, after which it begins to function normally. It's important to be patient.

How you use the device also matters. Each disease has its own area of ​​application of the applicator and the direction of movement of the pulses. In case of damage to the joints, osteochondrosis, it is enough to place a flexible radiating ruler along the diseased area in any order, but in the treatment of varicose veins or problems with the peripheral nervous system in the lower extremities, it is important that the running impulses follow from the bottom up. Do not treat more than 2 joints at the same time or apply a magnetic field to the heart, brain or eyes.

Device cost

They buy Almag-01 in medical equipment stores, a stationary pharmacy network, via the Internet or order directly from the factory. The price varies from 8 to 9.5 thousand rubles. The official website of the manufacturer (www.almag-01.ru) provides an opportunity to buy Almag-01 at a discount. Including delivery, the price will be 8500 rubles. The manufacturer provides service and maintenance, the warranty period is 24 months. The price of the device is high, but if all the requirements are met, the manufacturer guarantees 5-8 years of impeccable service and physiotherapy at home.

Before using, be sure to consult with your doctor, undergo the necessary examination.

In the 21st century, medical advances are constantly evolving. Along with traditional medicines and medical preparations, the role of herbal medicine and various devices for the treatment and prevention of diseases, both in stationary conditions and at home, has already been recognized. One of these devices is the invention of the Elatom Instrument Plant "Almag-01". The plant's products are widely advertised in the media, its operation is described in detail on television.

Video - overview of the device

To date, this is a unique device that has no analogues on the Russian market. Consider the features of the device, its characteristics, indications and contraindications.

Magnetic field and its effect on the human body.

When the device was invented, the theory that a magnetic field affects charged particles in the human body was taken as a basis.

A special effect in this process is achieved due to its impulsive nature. Manufacturers guarantee the effect of a “travelling magnetic wave”, which is able to penetrate quite deeply into tissues (up to 8 cm). As a result, metabolic processes are accelerated, osmotic pressure in cells changes and normalizes, an environment for cell regeneration is formed, inflammation is relieved, which leads to improved well-being, increased tone.

The impact of such a field contributes to the blocking of nerve impulses, the restoration of the biological field of cells, tissues and organs, and the normalization of electrical balance. The accelerated field, enriched with pulses, allows you to normalize blood flow, enrich the blood supply to diseased tissues, and as a result, inflammation and swelling are removed.

Indications and contraindications for the use of the device

According to the manual for the device, indications for the use of the device are extensive:
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system and all kinds of injuries;
- neuritis of various origins;
- problems with the cardiovascular system;
- diseases of the respiratory system, reproductive system;
- diseases of the digestive tract and skin.

It should be noted that the Almag device is not a "panacea for all ills." Not always exposure to magnetic impulses can lead to the desired result. It is mandatory to inform the attending physician about the procedures, consult about possible complications. So, you should refrain from using the device at any stage of exacerbation, even if several days have passed after it. Categorically, you should not use the device for other purposes, apply it to all parts of the body, achieving the best results. The impact is calculated only on a specific problem.

The Almag apparatus makes it possible to influence the foci of inflammation, which are located deep. Coils, inductors, interconnected, capture a large area. It has been proven that the electromagnetic field improves blood circulation, contributes to the fact that cells are better saturated with oxygen, relieves pain, muscle tension, swelling, and inhibits the development of the disease.

With regular use, Almag 01 allows you to reduce the amount of drugs used (antispasmodics and painkillers). Studies have shown that the range of application of Almag 01 is wide: osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, injuries, bruises. The device is used in the treatment of varicose veins, chronic pneumonia and bronchitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous, cardiovascular systems, skin and gynecological diseases.

Instructions for use Almag 01

The device is applied either to the skin or to gauze, dry tissue: to the diseased area in case of injuries of the musculoskeletal system. The course includes up to 18 procedures. With such a long-term treatment, after the 6th and 12th sessions, a break of one day is taken. The minimum duration of exposure to Almag is 10 minutes (the first 4 sessions), the next 4 days increase the time to 15 minutes, after 8 sessions the procedure lasts 20 minutes. After a month and a half, it is recommended to conduct a second course, then maintenance physiotherapy is provided every three to four months.


  • Osteochondrosis of the spine with reflex radicular syndrome of the cervical spine
  • Osteochondrosis of the spine with reflex radicular syndrome of the lumbar
  • Osteochondrosis of the spine with reflex radicular syndrome of the thoracic region
  • Deforming osteoarthritis
  • Arthritis and arthrosis of various joints, humeroscapular periarthrosis, arthritis, epicondylitis, gout
  • Bursitis
  • Myositis
  • Parathenoitis
  • bone fractures
  • Internal joint injuries
  • Wounds, soft tissue contusion, hematoma, post-traumatic edema
  • Ligament and muscle injuries
  • Postoperative wounds
  • Keloid scar
  • Slow-healing purulent wounds, phlegmon, burns
  • Diseases of the peripheral nervous system
  • Neuritis of the facial nerve
  • Radial neuritis
  • Neuritis of the ulnar nerve
  • median nerve neuritis
  • Neuritis of the sciatic nerve (sciatica)
  • Neuritis of the peroneal nerve
  • Plexit
  • trigeminal neuralgia
  • Neuralgia of the occipital nerve
  • Intercostal neuralgia
  • Nervous system trauma
  • Spine and spinal cord injury
  • Vascular diseases of the brain (with a combination of transient disorders of cerebral circulation with chronic coronary heart disease)
  • Violation of the spinal circulation
  • Ischemic stroke
  • Hypertension stage 1-2
  • Renal hypertension
  • Vegetovascular dystonia by hypertensive type
  • Ischemic heart disease with stable exertional angina
  • Obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities (obliterating endarteritis)
  • Diabetic angiopathy
  • Diabetic polyneuropathy
  • Itchy dermatoses
  • Conditions after skin plastic surgery
  • Chronical bronchitis
  • chronic pneumonia
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Pancreatitis in subacute and chronic stages of the disease
  • Biliary dyskinesia
  • Chronic gastritis
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer
  • Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages during the period of subsiding of the acute process
  • Diseases caused by ovarian hypofunction
  • Condition after operative delivery (caesarean section)
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Chronic thrombophlebitis in the stage of trophic disorders
  • Varicose disease

Almag 01 contraindications

  • Acute purulent-inflammatory diseases;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Systemic blood diseases;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • Alcohol intoxication;
  • The presence of an implantable pacemaker in the affected area;
  • Atrial fibrillation;
  • Aortic aneurysm.

Where to buy Almag 01

For Almag 01, the price reaches 8-9 thousand rubles, over time it pays for itself, due to the long service life, savings on medicines and the road to the clinic. Almag can be bought in pharmacies of the city, in online stores. In our online store, the device is somewhat cheaper, the discounted price is 7850 rubles.

Remember that Almag 01 does not just eliminate painful symptoms, the electromagnetic field allows you to influence the root cause at the cellular level. It is practical and easy to use, does not require special skills. It is better to coordinate the course of procedures with a specialist or attending physician.

The healing properties of magnetotherapy have been known to mankind for a long time. Scientists in the course of research found that the body is very sensitive to radiation of this kind. Moreover, a person does not feel the action of the magnetic field, but receives a favorable result in the form of pain relief, improved well-being.

Based on a number of studies, Russian scientists have invented a unique device "Almag-01". Feedback from patients who have used this amazing device is only positive. What is this device and how does it work?


By middle age, most people begin to experience back pain. This problem is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, which today, unfortunately, leads the vast majority of our compatriots. A sitting posture is unusual for a healthy active person and significantly affects the condition of his back, as well as internal organs. Staying in this position for a long time leads to the fact that the back muscles are subjected to excessive stress.

Other causes may be muscle strain during sports activities, hard work in the country or lifting weights. The consequences are deplorable: an unbearable appears which signals that violations have occurred in the musculoskeletal system.

This leads to various diseases: arthritis, osteoarthritis of various joints. These ailments are the worst amenable to drug treatment, and ointments and pills just muffle the pain for a while.

There is a solution!

More recently, a new unique device has appeared on sale that can save a person from many diseases. This is "Almag-01" - a device whose action is based on magnetic radiation. The device is very easy to use. The device produces traveling magnetic fluxes that have a beneficial effect on damaged organs.

The use of the device allows you to get rid of back pain, relieve symptoms of inflammation, increase efficiency. Due to its unique design, the device covers a large area of ​​impact: almost the entire spine, upper or lower limbs, torso.

It is quite easy to use Almag-01: the instruction says that the device can be used independently at home. Let's get acquainted with this amazing device.

Apparatus "Almag-01": instructions, reviews

The device is a small chain of interconnected coils (nodes). Its weight is only 620 grams. One pulse is produced with a duration of 1.5 - 2.5 ms and a frequency of 6 Hz. The device works from a network, at its inclusion the light signal is lit.

During use, it is necessary to adhere to the operating mode, which is designed for the Almag-01 device. The scheme is simple, but it must be followed. The device can work for 6 hours, but every 20 minutes you need to pause. This is necessary in order to avoid overvoltage. The break is maintained for 10 minutes.


Before the first use it is necessary to check the serviceability of the device. Instructions for use "Almaga-01" must be present in each package. It describes in detail the scope of its application and the sequence of actions when using it.

The device is intended for the treatment of:

  • problems in the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis of various localization, arthrosis, bursitis;
  • damage to the joints or bone tissue of a different nature: injuries, bruises, bruises, sprains or muscles, edema, burns;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, heart murmurs, hypertension;
  • problems of the digestive system: gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, colitis, and chronic flatulence;
  • in women: inflammation, complications after caesarean section, painful menstruation;
  • venous diseases: thrombosis of vessels of the lower extremities (chronic and acute), thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • complications of diabetes mellitus and concomitant diseases;
  • dermatological problems: healing of scars in the postoperative period,;
  • respiratory diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and other lung ailments;
  • neurological diseases: vascular dysfunctions of the brain, various disorders of the nervous system.

Magnetic pulses penetrate the tissues of the body to a depth of 8 cm, which allows the device to subtly affect the internal organs, quickly relieve pain and successfully treat various ailments.

Using the instrument

The device is rather unusual in shape, so a lot of questions may arise during the first use. What is the best position to take, how to use?

"Almag-01" is a small device consisting of a chain of elastic coils. Feedback from patients who have used the device indicates that it is easy to use and does not require special skills.

Rules for using the device:

  • When the device is turned on, the indicators light up. This indicates that it is ready for use and in good working order.
  • Before the first session of treatment, the patient must be sure to read the instructions for the use of "Almag-01".
  • For the procedure, you need to take a comfortable position (lie on a bed or sit comfortably on a chair). Then the device should be applied to the problem area.
  • The affected area can be covered with a light cloth, but the best effect is achieved during direct exposure of the device to the body, without unnecessary objects.
  • The duration of one procedure is 10-20 minutes. Such a short session is quite enough for the penetration of magnetic impulses into the tissues. The duration of the first dose should not exceed 10 minutes. Then the procedure time can be gradually increased.
  • Sessions should be carried out every day, preferably twice a day. Instructions for use "Almaga-01" indicates that the treatment procedure is best done before a meal or 3 hours after a meal. It is advisable to do this at the same time.
  • The full course of treatment is 10-20 sessions, depending on the complexity and characteristics of the disease.
  • The repeated course is carried out not earlier than in 1 month.
  • During the first procedure, the patient may feel some pain, which goes away on its own. Throughout the process, the patient will feel the heat emanating from the apparatus.
  • It is not recommended to drink alcohol during treatment sessions.

The attached instructions describe in detail how to use Almag-01. If you have any questions, please consult your doctor.

Magnetic device "Almag-01": contraindications, reviews

The device has a strong effect on the entire human body. Therefore, before using it, you should obtain the permission of a specialist and study all available information about the device in order to avoid troubles or complications.

There are the following contraindications to the use of the device:

  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • newborns and children of the younger age group (up to 2 years);
  • purulent ulcers;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • hyperthyroidism syndrome;
  • diseases associated with circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • recovery period after a heart attack;
  • systemic blood diseases.

The presence of metal implants in the body of a small size is not a contraindication to the use of the device. However, before using it, you should consult your doctor.

Of course, you can purchase a device and conduct sessions yourself at home. The only thing that should stop you before using the Almag-01 device is contraindications.

Reviews of patients who managed to get rid of pain with the help of this device are positive. The device has a lot of advantages that confirm its uniqueness and high therapeutic effect.

Before starting a course of treatment, the patient should familiarize himself with all the nuances of using the device. Instructions for use "Almaga-01", which is in the package with the device, describes in detail the indications, its equipment and technical characteristics.


Of course, many patients are perplexed: how can a small device solve problems that have arisen for a long time and disturb with their regular manifestations in the form of pain, tension? However, this device really works and has a number of the following advantages:

  • Treatment with Almagom-01 is affordable and simple. The session does not require special knowledge or skills.
  • The penetration depth of magnetic fluxes is 6-8 cm. They affect not only the external integument of a person, but also his internal organs.
  • The effectiveness of the device is obvious. This is evidenced not only by the testimony of people who used the Almag-01 device. Reviews of doctors whose patients have been treated with the device also speak of its beneficial effect on the body. In 30% of patients there was a clear improvement in health, and in 50% of cases there was a small but obvious recovery dynamics.
  • The device is completely safe. It can be used in a weakened state and in old age.
  • There is no dependence or addiction effect at all.
  • The device is always at hand. For a session, you do not need to go to the hospital, take a queue at
  • The device "Almag-01" enhances the effect of medications, which allows you to significantly reduce their dose.
  • Long-term use and tangible savings. The service life of the device is 6-8 years.

Mechanism of action

It has long been known that under the influence of diseases, the electromagnetic parameters of body cells undergo changes. This leads to poor health, weakened immunity and the emergence of various diseases. Under the influence of magnetic traveling currents, which are much more effective than alternating and constant fields, damaged cells and tissues are restored, their structure takes on its original integral form.

It is these healing properties that the Almag-01 device has. Reviews of specialists who have conducted numerous studies in the field of the influence of magnetic fluxes on the human body are direct evidence that they can be used to reduce pain or prevent dangerous diseases.

People who have problems in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system should definitely use the Almag-01 device. Reviews of patients who have experienced the healing effect of this amazing device confirm its effectiveness.

In the body, cellular metabolism is fully adjusted, there is a normal interaction of chemical elements that are involved in the regenerative processes of cells. This leads to recovery and overall well-being.


An important function of the device is the normalization of blood circulation in the body. Under the influence of magnetic fluxes, blood counts improve, the risk of blood clots decreases.

The elasticity and permeability of blood vessels increase, there is a normal supply of cells with oxygen, proteins and immunoglobulins. The restoration of metabolism in the body eliminates the occurrence and development of diseases, cell regeneration is accelerated, and cells are renewed.

Malfunctions of the nervous system, disorders of the endocrine system, insomnia - is it really possible to get rid of these disorders with the help of magnetic radiation? This is possible if you use the Almag-01 device. Reviews of doctors confirm its healing effect.

Under the influence of magnetic fluxes, special hormones are produced, which favorably affects the restoration of the body and cures some hormonal disorders.

The device affects absolutely all parts of the body and its organs. The most sensitive are the nervous and endocrine systems. Each organ reacts to the flow of impulses coming from the device in different ways. When the apparatus acts on the brain, complex processes begin to occur in it, which send signals to all parts of the body. This stimulates their work, reduces stress and increases the body's resistance to various diseases.



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