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To get a beautiful manicure, sometimes you have to resort to nail extensions. But this method is not convenient for everyone - it takes a lot of time, and the artificial nails will have to be removed after a few weeks. Then the question arises, how to quickly grow your nails at home. To make them strong and beautiful, you need to use some recommendations.

What to do for proper growth of nail plates

Natural nails grow long within two weeks. But the process should not take place for granted - you need to monitor your nails from time to time and adjust their shape. You should also include in your diet foods containing useful vitamins and minerals that nourish nails and prevent their splitting and fragility. The main complex of vitamins that is needed for proper growth of the nail plate:

  • Vitamin A - found in carrots (carotene), chicken eggs, butter, animal liver, and peaches. If you drink coffee and alcoholic drinks, be aware that they destroy this vitamin.
  • Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) – found in citrus fruits, berries, cabbage, and herbs. Prevents yellowing of nails, their separation and fragility.
  • Vitamin B – found in yeast (bread products), chicken eggs, dairy products, and cereals. Makes nails long and strong.
  • Vitamin E – helps improve blood circulation, which helps to grow nails quickly. This vitamin is found in foods such as: greens, chicken eggs, meat, vegetable oil, nuts.

  • In order for your nails to grow quickly, you need to take foods containing microelements such as zinc, calcium and iron. Zinc affects tissue growth; it is found in dairy products and bananas. Calcium strengthens nails, helps them grow, and forms their structure. There is a lot of calcium in milk, fish, sesame, and almonds. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, as a result of which nails become brittle and thin. Don't forget to eat apples, pomegranates, buckwheat porridge, and meat.

Watch a video with tips from a beauty blogger on growing your nails.

Baths for growing and strengthening nails

If you want to quickly grow your nails at home, you need to prepare a special bath for them at least once a week. The bath should contain warm water, in which you should soak your nails for 5-10 minutes. Before any bath, you need to wash your hands with soap and remove old nail polish. Recipes for baths for hands and nails:

  • Bath with oil and iodine. Very useful - helps strengthen nail plates and helps them grow quickly. Heat the almond or olive oil, add 5 drops of iodine and 5 drops of glycerin to it.
  • Herbal decoction - brew 2 tablespoons in a glass of boiling water herbal collection. Use St. John's wort, burdock root, chamomile flowers. Leave the broth for half an hour, then add 5 tablespoons of white wine to it. The bath helps to grow a natural manicure of the desired length.

  • Lemon bath is effective for hair growth and whitening. Pour 2 teaspoons into a container with water lemon juice, dip your fingers into the solution for 2-3 minutes.
  • Baths with sea salt strengthen nails. Add 20 grams to warm water sea ​​salt, 1-2 drops of almond oil.

  • Baking soda helps nails grow in 2 weeks. Dissolve 1 tablespoon in a glass of water baking soda. After the procedure, rinse your hands and apply cream to the skin.
  • Bath with calendula flowers and string - pour a glass of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of calendula and 2 tbsp. l. successions. Let the broth brew for 15 minutes.
  • A decoction of celandine and sea salt - add 1 tbsp to the container. a spoonful of sea salt, and 2 tbsp. spoons of celandine. Pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. When the broth has cooled a little, it can be used.

See how to make a bath with sea salt or soda for nail growth.

How to speed up your growth in one week

Beautiful and long nails can be obtained at home in just one week if you use special methods. They do not require the purchase of expensive products. It is enough to use them periodically to ensure that your nails grow long and healthy.

  • Once every few days, apply lemon juice to your fingertips, gently rubbing it into the nail. Do not use a solution from citric acid– it is harmful to the skin.

  • Lower cotton swab in iodine, and wipe your nails with it before going to bed. If iodine remains on the surface in the morning, paint it with a translucent or dark coating.
  • If you are looking to speed up the growth of a natural manicure and expect results in 7 days, then buy nail wax at the pharmacy. It can be used to create a seal, which is very beneficial for their structure.
  • Periodically massage your fingers using any vegetable oil. The procedure improves blood circulation, due to which the nails are saturated with oxygen and grow faster.
  • Use a glass or ceramic file for manicure. Metal files damage the manicure, which interferes with its growth.
  • If you want to quickly grow out your manicure, try not to touch the edges of your nails while typing on the keyboard. Always use rubber gloves when doing household work. Don't collect at home small items, do not scratch hard surfaces.
  • Do not use nail polish remover containing acetone - this component corrodes the structure, which makes your nails thin and brittle.
  • Try to open packages, boxes, jars or plastic boxes with scissors. It is important not to touch price tags or labels with the tips of your nails.

  • If you want to grow your nail plates after an extended manicure, remove the artificial coating by contacting a professional. After extensions, your arms should rest for another 2 weeks.
  • Periodically apply a fixative varnish that contains vitamins to the surface of your nails. This simple procedure will help lengthen them and protect them from damage and delamination. With proper hand care, your manicure will be spectacular and will last a long time.

Graceful fingers with a magnificent manicure are the pride of any representative of the fairer sex. But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of perfect nails. Therefore, such a simple question of how to quickly grow nails at home is always relevant.

The nail plate is part of the epithelium. It, like the skin, is negatively affected by aggressive chemical substances, lack of nutrients and proper care.

The main indicators that negatively affect the growth and health of nails are:

  • Chemically aggressive substances contained in household chemicals
  • Substances in water
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Dehydration
  • Diseases
  • Sudden temperature changes

All factors, in one way or another, interfere with the healthy growth and integrity of nails. By eliminating the cause of nail problems, you can improve growth and appearance.

The main reason for the slow growth of the nail plate is the lack of salts and vitamins in the body. Often, maintaining a balanced diet will help promote faster growth and stronger nails.

Factors contributing to rapid nail growth

The rate of nail growth is influenced by many factors. On average, a healthy nail grows 3 mm per week. This is facilitated by factors such as:

  • Favorable environmental conditions
  • Correct sleep and rest routine
  • Balanced diet
  • Sports activities
  • Proper nail care

If nothing can be done about the environment, then a healthy lifestyle will become the main assistant in maintaining the natural beauty and health of the whole body. Moderate physical exercise And good rest improve blood circulation, which, in turn, helps accelerate nail growth. Balanced diet will fill the body with vitamins and minerals. Another important factor is quitting smoking, which causes not only lung cancer, but also a deterioration in the condition of the nail plate - it becomes yellow, and large cracks often appear.

Make your nails presentable appearance capable of home cosmetic procedures. Using folk recipes, store-bought preparations and masks, you can easily solve the problem of how to grow long nails.

Ways to strengthen your nails in a week

It happens that nails grow quickly, but at the same time they are thin and brittle - then you can only dream of a beautiful decorative manicure. But when preparing for a date or a holiday, you really want everything to be perfect. Simple remedies available to every woman will help you solve the problem of how to grow your nails in a week and improve their appearance. By paying attention to your hands for 15-20 minutes a day, in a week you will become the owner of a beautiful manicure.

Baths with salt and decoctions of medicinal plants

For nails, it is especially important to have sufficient calcium, iodine and salt in the body - these are the three main components for strong and beautiful nails. Procedures with decoctions and infusions useful herbs will be a great addition to improve the appearance of the nail plate.

Basic recipes for strengthening baths:

  • Saline solution – dissolve 20 g of sea salt in 250 ml. warm water;
  • Iodine - saline solution–15 g of salt diluted in 250 ml. warm water and add 3 drops of iodine;
  • Oil bath - 20 g of salt, a few drops of iodine and 15 ml of vegetable oil.

The duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes.

Baths with decoctions are also good for strengthening. medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, rose hips, burdock.

The basic course consists of salt baths, but they can be alternated if desired. herbal decoctions and clay suspensions - here lies the secret of how to grow strong nails at home, without resorting to cosmetics.

Clay is another means of strengthening. For one procedure, you need to dilute 100 g of blue clay in 250 ml. Only your fingertips should be dipped into the bath. Then pat your hands dry with a cotton napkin and grease with rich cream.

At the core cosmetic procedure lies beeswax. Thanks to many useful minerals and vitamins, this effective substance helps strengthen nails almost instantly. For home treatments, use fresh soft wax diluted with vegetable oil. He is also able to solve the question of how to speed up the growth of nails.

The procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Place clean fingertips for 10 minutes salt bath. When finished, wipe your hands with a dry towel.
  2. Lubricate the skin around the nail with nourishing oil.
  3. Then the nail plates are polished.
  4. The wax composition is applied.
  5. Nails are polished.
  6. After polishing, you need to soak your nails in cold water so that the wax seals all micro cracks

Recipe for preparing an oil-wax mixture: Add 85 ml to warm melted wax – 25 g. olive or any vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth and add 5-10 ml. stir the water again. The slightly cooled mixture can be applied immediately after preparation.

Correct shape and treatment of problem nails

How to quickly grow nails and give them correct form? Oval and almond shapes are not suitable for brittle and peeling nails. But the square one will strengthen the plate and prevent it from breaking, since the main part of the plate is preserved.

Decorative manicure using gel polish will further strengthen the nail and prevent cracking and delamination. Until the nail is strong, you should not increase the length, this will protect the plates from becoming brittle. However, it is extensions that can solve the question of how to grow nails in 1 day, but this is only for healthy nails.

In order to grow your nails in a short period of time, you can use special cosmetic preparations. Today, pharmacies offer varnishes, enamels and emulsions to solve this problem. When purchasing cosmetics, you need to pay attention to the components of the vitamin complex. Usually greatest effect They provide products that contain retinol and tocopherol, as well as vitamins B and C.

Home Recipes to Stimulate Nail Growth

Beauty salons offer their services to stimulate nail growth - burning manicure, sealing, and silk strengthening. Of course all this effective methods. But they can be completely replaced with home procedures without loss of quality and results.

How to grow nails at home - a recipe for strengthening and growing nails using clay


  • Juice of a quarter of a lemon or lime
  • Dry clay 30 g.
  • Boiled or distilled water 50 ml.
  • Vodka 25 g.

Cooking method: Dilute the clay in a full volume of water, add vodka and lemon juice to the resulting solution - mix everything thoroughly. The lotion can be stored for a long time in a dark place.

Application: The lotion is applied with a brush or cotton swab. After drying, do not wet your nails for 30 minutes, and then rinse them in chamomile or calendula infusion.

When asking the question of how to speed up nail growth at home, many do not assume that it can help regular cottage cheese. Everyone knows how useful it is when consumed as food, but the external use of cottage cheese is not so common, although no less effective.

Curd and oil lotions based on medicinal herbs


  • Soaked and crushed herbs - chamomile, dandelion or nettle
  • Cottage cheese
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking method: Pour boiling water over the herbs, then drain the water, stir the remaining mixture with cottage cheese and a couple of drops of oil.

Application: Spread the curd mixture evenly over the nail and leave for 30 minutes. Then remove and rinse your nails with warm water.

Video master class on how to quickly grow nails at home

Carrying out the procedure to stimulate nail growth correctly is quite simple - the main thing is to follow all the nuances exactly. Watching a video that clearly shows all the stages of the procedure will help here. After watching the video lesson, you can begin the procedure to strengthen and stimulate nail growth at home.

All the procedures presented will help you grow your nails by more than 1 mm in 1 day. And in a week of active care you can get a length suitable for any manicure.

Today there are many ways of nail extensions. And they help us out in case of emergency. But every woman wants to have her own - healthy, well-groomed, long - nails. We reviewed ways to strengthen and accelerate nail growth at home.

How do nails grow?

To properly care for your nails, it is worth learning important things about their structure and features.

The nail grows from the hole to the outer and lateral edges. The main zone of cell division is matrix- located inside the soft tissues, immediately behind the visible nail. The second important area is hyponychia- underlies the nail plate. It is the condition of these internal parts of the nail that determines its appearance and growth rate. Massages and warming procedures are well suited for their stimulation.

Normally, the nail grows by 1-2 mm in a week (slower in winter). Thus, it will grow by 1 cm in approximately 1.5 - 2 months.

The nail itself has its own characteristics. It has a layered structure. In healthy nails this is practically not noticeable. And if their condition is violated, the layering immediately becomes obvious. Thickness healthy nail is 0.3 - 0.4 mm.

Despite the apparent density, the nail tissue perfectly absorbs liquid and oils. Therefore, baths and masks can bring good result. This also means that any harmful substances from low-quality varnishes, liquids for removing them, and so on. The reverse process—discharge—is also actively underway. Therefore, nails need to be protected from drying out.

What is good for nails

Below we will talk about ways to quickly grow nails. But for this it is important regular and proper hand care. Otherwise, no effort will bring results.

Nails can be cut and filed only in a steamed state. It is better to use paper or plastic nail files. Cutting shouldn't be chaotic- move the file only in one direction (for example, from left to right). You can only treat the outer front edge of the nail - do not touch its side areas.

Don't get carried away with polishing. At the same time, you remove the top - protective - layers, which allow the tissues to maintain sufficient moisture. It is better to apply a layer of shiny transparent varnish to the nail or rub protective wax into the nail - it fills microcracks and gives the surface a smooth, well-groomed appearance.

The condition of your nails depends on your diet. It should contain enough vitamins and minerals, biologically active substances. Especially useful:

  • Vitamins - A, E, C, B, D;
  • Microelements - calcium, iron, zinc.

Use only high quality varnishes and removers for nails. Be sure to take breaks when your nails are left uncovered for several days. During this period, do baths and masks. If you usually don’t paint your nails, then use colorless varnishes with protective and healing effects.

Daily massage your fingertips to improve blood circulation and nutrition of the matrix and hyponychium.

How to grow nails in 1-2 days

Even if your nails naturally grow very quickly, in a couple of days you can grow them by only 1 mm. And this is provided that you constantly keep your hands in excellent condition. Be sure to remove the cuticle on time - it inhibits nail growth.

We will list several recipes for stimulating nail plate growth.

Method No. 1 - paraffin heating

Warm up beeswax or paraffin and apply to the cuticles, skin around the nail and the plate itself. Warming will ensure increased blood flow and stimulate rapid growth.

Method number 2 - masks with pepper

Mix half a teaspoon of ground red hot pepper with half a teaspoon of any moisturizer. Warm the mixture and rub into the tissue around the nail (especially behind the nail). You can wrap your fingers in plastic or put on finger guards and then wool gloves. Don't forget to remove the mask by washing it off with oil (sunflower, olive). Avoid getting the mixture in your eyes!

Method No. 3 - baths with sea salt

Dissolve in a glass hot water a tablespoon of sea salt and 10 drops of iodine. Immerse your fingers in the bath for 15-20 minutes. After the bath, dry your hands with a napkin.

It makes sense to use all three methods simultaneously. For example, in this sequence:

  1. Paraffin heating;
  2. Salt bath;
  3. Pepper mask.

How to grow nails 1 cm

This is a more realistic goal. If you properly care for your nails and actively stimulate their growth, you can get an elegant manicure 1 cm long in a month.

Method number 1 - using gelatin

This natural compound contains essential components for nail and hair growth. nutrients. On an empty stomach in the morning, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of gelatin with a glass of water.

Method No. 2 - masks with vitamins A and E

Pharmacies sell fat solutions of these vitamins. There are capsules in which they are mixed. These solutions (or the contents of Aevita capsules) should be rubbed into the nails morning and evening.

Method No. 3 - special means

There are healing and healing gels and coatings for nails with the effect of accelerating growth. The brands Sally Hansen, Trind, Smart Enamel and others have such series. Pay attention to special finger pads soaked in substances beneficial for nails.

More useful products to speed up nail growth

We must not forget about other means. Moreover, they should be selected individually.

  1. Iodine - be sure to add a few drops of iodine to your nail baths or simply apply it to your nails (the yellowness goes away quickly). Not suitable for dry, brittle nails.
  2. Lemon juice - rub into the nail or keep your fingertips in the lemon pulp. It is better to do this after baths.
  3. Oils - peach, olive, flaxseed and others. It is useful to rub them into the nail plates.
  4. Taking this medicine will help improve the condition of your nails fish oil, brewer's yeast, vitamin complexes, fermented milk products.

Here real experience beauty blogger who tells how she managed to grow long beautiful nails:

You need to start with the main thing - proper nutrition . Many problems with nails, such as thinness, brittleness, splitting, arise due to a lack of necessary vitamins and minerals in your diet. If your goal is to grow your nails, you won't get far with such problems. So let's eradicate them.
The main vitamins that help form a strong, healthy nail plate are vitamins A, C, E and B.

  • Vitamin A promotes nail growth. It is found in carrots, liver, and butter. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which reduce the amount of vitamin A in the body.
  • Vitamin C prevents premature aging and yellowing of the nail plate. Due to geological deficiency, the nails peel off and become brittle. Eat more citrus fruits, berries, gooseberries to avoid this
  • Vitamin B strengthens nails, enhances their growth, helps microelements be better absorbed in the body. It is contained in large quantities in milk, herbs, eggs, brewer's yeast
  • Vitamin E- firstly, it has antioxidant properties, and secondly, it improves blood circulation, which has a positive effect on nail growth. It can be found in greens, butter and vegetable oil, eggs, liver, and meat.

In addition to vitamins, minerals are necessary for the growth and nutrition of nails, such as zinc, calcium and iron.

  • Zinc regulates the formation of proteins and is responsible for tissue growth. Goat milk and bananas are great sources of it
  • Calcium is one of the most important elements for nail formation. It is found in large quantities in dairy products
  • Iron. The result of iron deficiency is anemia and, as a result, fragility and brittleness of nails. Eat apples and buckwheat porridge!

2. Give your nails a comfortable shape

Nails need to be shaped so that they grow quickly and do not break. Make it comfortable for you, the most important thing is to remove all sharp corners and burrs. A manicure file, preferably not metal, is best suited for this procedure. A plastic or plastic-paper file will carefully care for your nails. It is better to choose a fine-grained one so that it does not damage your nail. In order not to disturb the structure of the nails, movements with the file should be made from the base to the center, in one direction.

3. Baths will help you grow your nails

Oil baths for nails with iodine. Take any vegetable oil - olive, castor, almond, sesame or any other, heat it, and add a few drops of iodine and a few drops of glycerin. Dip your fingertips into the resulting solution and hold there for several minutes. Then dry your fingers with a napkin. This bath nourishes the nails and accelerates their growth.

Sea salt is great for nail growth. For the bath you will need 15-20 g of salt, which must be diluted in 2 glasses of warm water. You can also add a few drops of iodine there. Place your hands in this solution for 15 minutes. It is advisable to repeat this procedure 2-3 times a week.

Baths for nails with soda. Add one tablespoon of baking soda to a glass of warm water. A few drops of iodine if desired, it has a beneficial effect on strengthening the nail plate, the main thing is to use it in moderation. You need to hold your hands in this bath for 10-15 minutes, then lubricate them with vegetable oil or cream. Such baths can be done several times a week.

Herbal baths for nail growth. You will need a glass of boiling water and 2 tbsp. spoons herbal mixture from chamomile, burdock root and St. John's wort. You can only use chamomile. The solution should sit for half an hour. Then you need to heat it up and, if available, add 5 tbsp. spoons of dry white wine. You need to keep your hands in this decoction for 20-30 minutes. It is advisable to carry out this procedure every day for a week.

Baths for nail growth with lemon. Lemon juice is great for you and your nails. Cut the lemon in half and use one half for each hand. Place your clean, washed fingertips into these halves and hold for 2-3 minutes. You can also make a bath with a tablespoon of lemon juice and a few drops of iodine. Keep your hands in it for 10-15 minutes daily and you will see how your nails change.

4. Massage in the cuticle area

Massage at their base will help for nail growth. It improves blood circulation, due to which nails begin to grow better and peel less. For massage, use vegetable oil or nourishing cuticle cream. If you play the piano or type a lot, your nails will get a great massage too!

5. Paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy is considered an excellent method for improving nail growth. During this procedure, melted wax or cosmetic paraffin is applied to the cuticle. In action, this is reminiscent of a cuticle massage - blood circulation improves, which stimulates the flow of oxygen to the nail plate.
For this procedure at home, you can use pure natural beeswax purchased from beekeepers. Dip your nails into wax heated to the desired consistency (in a water bath) for a few seconds. Then you need to let the wax on your nails cool, put gloves on the resulting caps and preferably leave them overnight; if that doesn’t work, leave them for 2-3 hours. If you perform the procedure daily, you will see results within a week.

6. Products for strengthening nails

You shouldn’t give up on products to strengthen and grow your nails. Try trusted brands Sally Hansen, Artdeco and Vivienne Sabo

7. Protect your nails

  • Apply nourishing cream to your hands and nails every day.
  • To protect against cold and frost, be sure to wear warm gloves.
  • When cleaning, be sure to use rubber gloves.
  • If you often use polish, give your nails a rest from it - at least a couple of times a year for 2-3 weeks
  • Use gentle nail polish removers.

Beautiful long nails are every girl's dream. However, in the everyday hustle and bustle and crazy rhythm of life, it is rarely possible to grow beautiful nails on your own or maintain their length and attractiveness for a long time. In this article we will tell you, how to strengthen and accelerate nail growth at home.

Before starting any procedures to strengthen and accelerate nail growth, it is useful for any girl to know about the reasons why nails weaken, constantly break and grow slowly.

Factors that influence nail health include the following:

  1. Low immunity and the presence of chronic diseases;
  2. Bad habits that lead to mechanical damage nail plate (a person bites his nails, picks his teeth with them, uses them instead of a screwdriver, and so on);
  3. Chemicals (this applies to the fair sex who clean the house and wash dishes without gloves);
  4. Poor-quality manicure (if you do not follow the rules for creating a manicure, often use false tips or cheap varnish, your nails will deteriorate and stop growing);
  5. Poor nail hygiene (it is necessary to regularly trim the cuticles and remove dirt from under the nails if it has collected there, as otherwise fungal diseases may develop);
  6. Cold temperature conditions (nail growth will not happen if you wash your hands under cold water and don't wear gloves winter time of the year).

If you are ready to exclude all of the above factors from your life, then in 7 days you can achieve a quick, natural beauty manicure. About all kinds of methods, how to grow nails in a week at home on your own, we will tell you in detail.

Professional products for strengthening and growing nails

Most effective method, how to grow long nails behind a short time, use professional cosmetical tools, which are on modern market are presented in a wide range from the world's leading brands, such as:

  • Clean line
  • Green pharmacy
  • L'Oreal
  • Sally Hansen
  • Artdeco
  • Vivienne Sabo

All drugs that stimulate nail growth and strengthen them are divided into three groups:

  1. Hand and nail creams (they nourish the skin of the hands and strengthen the nail structure)
  2. Smart nail enamels (they are applied to the nail plate before the main polish is applied)
  3. Medicinal nail polishes(they are also called “breathing varnishes”)

It is worth noting that all of the above products cost a lot of money, so not every woman can afford to regularly purchase professional nail growth stimulants. Fortunately, there are many folk recipes, which can be used at home to speed up nail growth and strengthen them in just one week.

Folk remedies for nail growth

From products that everyone has in their kitchen, you can prepare effective homemade masks for nail growth and baths. Any of these procedures can be performed daily, no side effects they will not work unless you are allergic to some component of the drug.

Now let's move on to specific examples, how to grow fingernails using traditional methods:

  1. Masks for nail growth:
  • From lemon juice– you don’t have to prepare anything specially, just lubricate the nail plates with the juice of this citrus, and after it is absorbed, cover them with a moisturizer nourishing cream. This procedure will not only strengthen the nail plate and stimulate nail growth, but also give them a healthy shine;
  • From beeswax, which needs to be melted in a water bath. You need to dip your hands into the resulting liquid so that your nails are completely covered with wax. After a few seconds, take your hands out, wait until the wax on your nails hardens, put on gloves and go to bed. This mask should be left on your nails throughout the night. In the morning, it should be washed off with regular running water. Some people add calendula oil and egg yolk to beeswax.

  1. Baths for nail growth:
  • Iodine bath with the addition of glycerin and vegetable (olive, sesame or almond) oil for nail growth. The process of preparing such a bath is as follows: you need to heat the oil (for this you need to use water bath), literally add iodine and glycerin to it (5 drops of each component), and then lower your hands into the resulting liquid;
  • Herbal bath containing St. John's wort, burdock root, chamomile flowers and white wine. All of the above herbs should be poured into 2 cups of boiling water, and the broth should be allowed to steep for half an hour. After this, you need to add a few tablespoons of wine, mix everything thoroughly and use the bath for its intended purpose;
  • From sea salt with added iodine. You will need to dissolve 20 g of sea salt in two glasses of boiling water. If desired, you can add iodine to this bath.
  • From soda. Soda (one tablespoon) must be dissolved in a glass of water and dip your hands into the resulting mixture. Very important after each soda bath use a moisturizer, since baking soda is a lye that can corrode and dry out the skin.

Vitamins for nail growth

Most often, nails stop growing due to the fact that the human body is exhausted. That is why, first of all, every woman, in order to improve her manicure, needs to take her health seriously. The main thing is to strengthen the immune system, and this can only be done through proper nutrition and healthy image life.

Start eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables and take extra vitamin complexes and minerals, because that's exactly what what you need for nail growth.

Make sure your diet includes dishes containing the following products:

  • Carrots, liver and butter– sources of vitamin A
  • Citrus fruits, berries, gooseberries, potatoes, tomatoes are sources of vitamin C
  • Milk, greens, eggs, brewer's yeast are sources of vitamin B
  • Nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, meat, fish are sources of vitamin E and magnesium.
  • Fermented milk products, figs, spinach are sources of calcium and vitamin D
  • Seafood is a source of iodine
  • Brown bread, leeks, radishes, sunflowers, turnips are sources of silicon
  • Apples and buckwheat– sources of iron

Treat your hands and nails carefully and carefully, because they should look neat not only so that women’s hands look graceful and beautiful. In modern society it is unethical to appear in in public places with unkempt hands is a sign of bad taste. Be beautiful and take care of your health!

Video: Fast nail growth in a week



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