Garlic tincture is the best remedy for colds and diseases. Vessel cleansing with vodka-based garlic tincture

Back in the 70s of the last century, a UNESCO expedition to Tibet discovered a Tibetan recipe for cleansing vessels. It turns out that the monks in Tibet have long known the method of cleansing vessels with garlic and actively used it. The Tibetan way of cleansing blood vessels allows you to get rid of headaches, reduce accumulated bad cholesterol, salt deposits. Tibetan garlic tincture increases the elasticity of blood vessels while strengthening them.

Due to the fact that the Tibetan method of cleansing the vessels is potent, it must be used with caution. In order not to harm, a consultation with a doctor is required. If there are no serious contraindications to the use of garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels, the first results will appear no later than the tenth day of use. Sometimes this Tibetan vasopurative treatment alone is the most effective, even when traditional methods fail.

After all, age-related changes in blood vessels are inevitable; over the years, cholesterol plaques and salt deposits form in them, which, in order to avoid trouble, must be disposed of. And here the Tibetan garlic tincture recipe comes to the rescue.

The recipe for garlic tincture consists of two ingredients: ethyl alcohol (96%) and garlic. One can only guess how the Tibetan monks knew about the technology of making alcohol.

The preparation of garlic should begin in the fall, at this time it retains the maximum amount of useful substances. Since garlic is harvested in the fall, it is also necessary to use an infusion from it for treatment in the fall. So, the recipe for the tincture.

In autumn, collect 350 g of garlic, grind it in a mortar and pestle until smooth. Grind garlic only in ceramic or wooden dishes. And you can put the garlic mass for infusion into ceramic, glass or earthenware dishes of half a liter volume. Let stand for a while, and then collect the bottom, juiciest layer of garlic (200 g) and mix it with alcohol (200 ml).

Cover the dishes with a dark thick cloth and infuse strictly in a dark, cool place, but not in the refrigerator. After ten days, squeeze the mass thoroughly, to the last drop, with a dense cloth. Wait a couple more days. Everything, the means for cleansing the body is ready.

Drinking the resulting garlic infusion with alcohol, according to the Tibetan method of cleansing the body, must be strictly in the dosage according to the scheme. Before use, the infusion is diluted with 50 ml of cool milk or water and taken exclusively on an empty stomach, approximately 15-20 minutes before meals.

Milk coats the walls of the stomach so that the aggressive garlic with alcohol does not irritate it, while eliminating the smell of garlic in the mouth.

Add drop by drop in strict accordance with the scheme:

  • Day 1: 1 drop first dose, 2 - second dose, 3 - third dose;
  • Day 2: 4 - the first reception, 5 - the second reception, 6 - the third reception;
  • Day 3: 7 - the first reception, 8 - the second reception, 9 - the third reception;
  • Day 4: 10 - the first reception, 11 - the second reception, 12 - the third reception;
  • Day 5: 13 - the first reception, 14 - the second reception, 15 - the third reception.
  • Day 6: 15 - the first reception, 14 - the second reception, 13 - the third reception;
  • Day 7: 12 - the first reception, 11 - the second reception, 10 - the third reception;
  • Day 8: 9 - the first reception, 8 - the second reception, 7 - the third reception;
  • Day 9: 6 - the first reception, 5 - the second reception, 4 - the third reception;
  • Day 10: 3 - first dose, 2 - second dose, 1 - third dose.

Further, until the end of the course of cleansing the body, until all the liquid is over, take 25 drops before meals three times a day. It must be said that this scheme is not the only one. Everyone can choose the most suitable scheme for themselves.

Another scheme differs in that the number of drops increases to 25 (and not up to 15, as in the first one) and the remedy is drunk at each dose of 25 drops until it ends (25 drops are drunk starting from the tenth day).

It is recommended to rewrite the scheme for taking the tincture to cleanse the vessels on a piece of paper and always keep it in front of your eyes, even better - always keep a duplicated piece of paper with the scheme along with an additional vial of infusion cast from home.

If suddenly the reception of the tincture was missed - it's okay, you need to continue to drink according to the scheme, as if there was no pass.

To avoid the strong smell of garlic, you can chew parsley grass, lemon wedge or chewing gum. If garlic tincture provoked frequent urination or bile flow, it is not necessary to interrupt treatment. To soften the effect of the tincture, it is better to drink mint tea, as well as at least two liters of water. After cleaning with garlic tincture, be sure to drink vitamins and fish oil.

Due to the fact that this is a very powerful tool, it should be cleansed by the method of Tibetan monks no more than once every three years.

Side effects

Side effects that may occur when applying the garlic cleaning method: heartburn, heart palpitations, insomnia. For this reason, this method should not be used for people with stomach and kidney problems, mental illness (for example, with epilepsy), in the acute stages of a heart attack, and pregnant women. If the side effects that appear cause anxiety, you can stop taking it on the tenth day, but it is better to try to drink it to the end.


In addition, there are contraindications to this method. In addition to the listed diseases, garlic tincture should not be used for people with various types of tumors, including prostate adenoma, oncopathologies; in acute conditions of strokes, thromboembolism, exfoliating aneurysm. Contraindications are also an allergy to garlic or an exacerbated stage of hemorrhoids.

Under all conditions, according to the reviews of those who applied this method, there is an improvement in overall well-being, an increase in vitality and an improvement in blood supply. In those who previously suffered from rigor mortis, the hands and feet no longer freeze. Oddly enough, garlic also helps people with varicose veins. In those who previously suffered from hypertension and atherosclerosis, pressure normalizes, headaches associated with these diseases disappear. In addition, tincture with garlic has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints, thyroid and thymus glands.

Cleansing the body with garlic should begin no earlier than forty years, repeating at intervals of 3-6 years. It is impossible to use alcoholic beverages, spicy or spicy dishes, strong coffee or tea, cocoa at the same time as the infusion. This treatment must be approached with all seriousness, without violating the scheme and conditions of use. If in any doubt, it is best to consult your doctor. Tibetan tincture is rightfully considered an elixir of health and longevity.

In the article we discuss cleaning vessels with garlic and alcohol, treatment regimens and main contraindications. You will learn how to make a medicine according to the Tibetan garlic recipe for alcohol, how to use it to completely cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, and what is the difference between vodka and alcohol tincture.

Tincture of garlic on alcohol for cleaning blood vessels is used to prevent heart attack, hypertension, stroke and other diseases of the cardiovascular system..

Tincture of garlic is used to cleanse blood vessels

Garlic contains a large number of useful substances:

  • fatty unsaturated acids;
  • organic acids;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • vitamins of the PP, B and C groups;
  • disaccharides and monosaccharides;
  • iodine, iron, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, zinc, potassium, copper and other minerals.

The positive effect of garlic extract:

  1. Alcohol and garlic to cleanse blood vessels increase the synthesis of bile acids, which provoke the formation of "good" cholesterol in the blood and slow down the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  2. Garlic dissolves blood clots and blood clots, improves blood flow.
  3. Alcohol tincture of garlic - a Tibetan recipe for cleansing blood vessels or any other - increases concentration and memory, relieves pain in the heart, eliminates dizziness in the elderly.

tincture recipe

Garlic tincture can be prepared at home

Most often, a recipe for Tibetan garlic tincture is used to clean vessels.


  1. Fresh garlic - 350 g.
  2. Alcohol 70-96% - 200 ml.
  3. Boiled milk - 50-60 ml.

How to cook: Peel garlic and rinse with cold water. Grind the cloves to a mushy state with a meat grinder or blender. Transfer the slurry to a half-liter glass jar, close tightly with a lid and leave for 60 minutes in a dark, cool place. When the gruel starts juice, remove the top of the garlic mixture, squeeze into a jar and discard the pulp. Pour the remaining wet raw materials with alcohol and place the jar in a dark place. Cover the container with dishes like a cap and wait 10 days. Shake the contents of the jar once a day. On the 11th day, take a gauze, fold it three times and strain the mixture. Squeeze out the pulp thoroughly. Then infuse the resulting liquid for another 3 days.

How to use: Add a few drops of Tibetan tincture of garlic in alcohol to cold milk. The number of drops depends on the treatment regimen.

Result: The Tibetan method of cleansing blood vessels with garlic prevents the development of varicose veins and atherosclerosis, relieves vasospasm, normalizes the chemical composition of the blood and has a beneficial effect on the vessels of the brain.

Also popular is the recipe for vodka tincture of garlic to cleanse blood vessels.


  1. Garlic - 40-60 g.
  2. Vodka - 400 ml.

How to cook: Peel the garlic from dirt and husks, rinse, chop finely and pour a liter jar into a clean glass floor. Pour in vodka so that the liquid covers the garlic 3 cm from the top. Hide the jar for 14 days in a dark place. Shake the tincture every day. After 2 weeks, strain the garlic through a thick layer of gauze. Store garlic infusion in a cool place.

How to use: Take the tincture after meals according to the treatment regimen.

Result: Garlic extract on vodka prevents the development of atherosclerosis, acts as a tonic and tonic.

Store an infusion of garlic on alcohol for cleaning vessels in a dark room for no longer than 1 month.. If the medicine is left, make a new one.

The scheme of treatment with garlic tincture

Take a few drops of tincture 3 times a day - after breakfast, lunch and dinner. The number of drops at a single dose depends on the chosen recipe.

If you are making a Tibetan tincture of garlic in alcohol to cleanse the vessels, the treatment regimen is divided into three periods.

In the first five days, take the medicine, gradually increasing the dosage:

  • the first day - 1, 2 and 3 drops;
  • the second day - 4, 5 and 6 drops;
  • the third day - 7, 8 and 9 drops;
  • the fourth day - 10, 11 and 12 drops;
  • the fifth day - 13, 14 and 15 drops.

Starting from the sixth day, reduce the dosage of the tincture:

  • the sixth day - 15, 14 and 13 drops;
  • seventh day - 12, 11 and 10 drops;
  • the eighth day - 9, 8 and 7 drops;
  • the ninth day - 6, 5 and 4 drops;
  • the tenth day - 3, 2 and 1 drops.

From the eleventh day of cleansing the vessels with garlic according to the Tibetan recipe, the drops are standard, 25 drops after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Take the medicine for 2-3 months. Repeat the course only after 5 years.

Use garlic with vodka for cleaning vessels according to a different scheme - 3 times a day, 7-10 drops for 10 days. Treat with tincture no more than 1 time in 3 years.

  1. Before starting treatment, check with your doctor about your diagnosis and whether a recipe for garlic with alcohol or vodka is suitable for cleansing blood vessels.
  2. Follow the schedule for taking the Tibetan tincture exactly.
  3. During the treatment, try to move a lot, give up strong tea, coffee and cocoa, do not add hot spices and seasonings to the dishes.
  4. Do not exceed the dosage of the ingredients that are indicated in the recipe for vodka tincture or the recipe for tincture of garlic in alcohol to cleanse the vessels.
  5. During the day, drink 2-2.5 liters of water so that the liver works well and the process of cleansing the vessels is as efficient as possible.

You will learn more about cleaning vessels with garlic in the video:


Vodka and alcohol tincture of garlic for cleaning vessels should not be taken if you are under 18 years old or over 70 years old, during pregnancy, during the lactation period, as well as with the following diseases:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids in a chronic form;
  • serious mental disorder;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

Since the vodka tincture and garlic tincture for cleaning vessels of the Tibetan recipe contain alcohol, they should not be taken while driving a car and while working with complex mechanisms.

Side effects

Alcohol tincture of garlic for cleaning vessels may be accompanied by:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • increased appetite;
  • weak diuretic effect.

These symptoms are not dangerous and do not require intervention in the treatment regimen. If you have tachycardia, heartburn, insomnia and shortness of breath when cleaning vessels with garlic on alcohol, stop taking the tincture and consult a doctor.

What to remember

  1. Garlic extract prevents the formation of “bad” cholesterol, cleanses the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and normalizes blood flow.
  2. To clean the vessels, use the Tibetan recipe and the vodka tincture recipe.
  3. Take Tibetan tincture according to a certain scheme, increasing the number of drops by one every day.
  4. The main contraindications for taking garlic extract are pregnancy, lactation, liver and kidney diseases, epilepsy and allergies.

One of the simplest and very healthy drinks is homemade garlic tincture. Such a recipe does not require any overseas ingredients, everything that we need can be easily found in our kitchen or garden. Garlic tincture refers to such drinks that can be drunk both for pleasure and for medicinal purposes. Garlic tincture is very often taken to cleanse blood vessels and prevent colds in the autumn-winter period.

Action on the human body

Contraindications for use

  • Do not apply to people with kidney stones, chronic cirrhosis, epilepsy, and also prone to sudden pressure surges;
  • It is forbidden to use by pregnant and lactating women.

We bring to your attention some of the most popular garlic tincture recipes.

Regardless of the recipe you choose, you must use homemade garlic, which you are 100% sure of, because recently Chinese garlic has become very popular on the market. So, it is not recommended to take it for the preparation of tinctures, so the taste and usefulness will be significantly inferior to homemade.

Tibetan recipe for tincture for cleaning vessels

In 1971, a UNESCO expedition, while studying the local culture, discovered this recipe in one of the Tibetan monasteries. The monks used garlic tincture with milk to preserve youth and cleanse the vessels. But they drank not as an alcoholic drink, but as a medicine, just a few drops at a time.


  • 200 ml. — medical alcohol 96%;
  • 350 g - garlic.

Cooking technology:

  1. Peel the garlic and grind until smooth. A garlic press (garlic maker) is very good, but if there is none, you can use a meat grinder or a blender.
  2. The resulting "mashed potatoes" are transferred to a jar and poured with alcohol. Close tightly, mix and set for 10 days in a cool and dark place.
  3. Ten days later, we filter the tincture through a cotton swab with gauze. The resulting drink must be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

A course of treatment:

garlic tincture for cleaning vessels is used according to the following scheme (see figure).

After counting the required number of drops, you need to take them three times a day with 50 ml of cold cow's milk 20 minutes before meals. A second course of treatment can be taken no earlier than after 5 years.

During treatment, be very careful, watch for any exacerbations of chronic diseases, etc. Remember that self-medication can be hazardous to health, if you are not sure about something, be sure to consult your doctor.

Classic vodka garlic recipe

Now it's time to talk about garlic tincture not as a fun and warming alcoholic drink.

To prepare it, we need:


Finely chop the garlic, while trying to remove the green core.

Pepper cut into 2-3 pieces, seeds can not be cleaned. Peppers are different in size, so to make it more clear how much to add, see the implementation of this recipe in the video below.

We put all the ingredients in a jar and fill it with vodka. We close the container tightly and put it in a cellar or other cool and dark place for 3-4 days.

After the drink has been infused, it must be filtered through a regular cotton wool.

Important point! Such a garlic tincture deteriorates in taste very quickly, so it is advisable to drink it within a couple of days after preparation.

Garlic tincture prepared according to this recipe is perfect for real men. Especially if you take it with friends for fishing or hunting, and use meat baked at the stake as a snack. Such a drink will lift and warm the body on a cold autumn evening.

Garlic tincture with apple cider vinegar

Important! This acetic-alcohol tincture is intended for external use only, it is used to treat muscle strain and various skin diseases. Orally (in the mouth) it can not be used.

It is quite easy to prepare. We take:

  • 8-10 garlic cloves;
  • 0.5 liters of apple cider vinegar;
  • 100 ml of vodka.


  1. peel the garlic and grind until smooth;
  2. Pour vinegar, add vodka, close tightly and let it brew for two weeks in a dark place. Shake the container periodically.
  3. Then strain. You can also add a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil.

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Tincture of garlic deals a powerful blow to many diseases

But garlic tincture is considered the most effective remedy. It is a magical elixir that protects the human body from the harmful effects of the environment and, once inside, helps to cope with a variety of diseases.
This tool effectively rejuvenates organs and tissues, promotes a speedy recovery and blocks the harmful effects of pathogenic bacteria.

Important! When taking garlic tincture, you should be extremely careful, as it has the strongest effect. And in order not to suffer from negative consequences, it is necessary to strictly observe the recommended daily allowance and in no case exceed it.

Basic admission rules

First of all, you should focus on how to drink garlic tincture:

  • be sure to drink the product with milk to neutralize the sharp effect on the gastric mucosa;
  • despite the fact that the treatment cycle is 10 days, you should continue to drink the drug 25 drops for another several weeks. This is necessary for active prolonged exposure, during which the body will be cleansed of toxins and toxins;
  • a second course of treatment can be carried out no earlier than five years after the primary;
  • and do not be afraid that after taking the tincture, an unpleasant smell of garlic will come from you - milk neutralizes it to some extent;
  • during the use of the drug, you should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and do not overload the digestive system with heavy food.

Therapeutic effect

Garlic is rich in protein and selenium, it contains B vitamins and ascorbic acid, as well as sugars and very useful minerals, including phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium. That is why the treatment with garlic tincture brings positive results.

As you can see, tincture can have a positive effect in a variety of situations. This is a real healing elixir that gently and carefully takes care of the human body, and helps to get rid of not only acquired, but also hereditary ailments.

Healing Recipes

You can prepare garlic tincture using various methods - on alcohol, on vodka, on red wine and even on water. Choose for yourself any of the proposed options and be sure to follow the instructions. And pay attention to the following recommendations:
  • it is necessary to stand the product on alcohol or vodka in a cool shaded place;
  • in the cooking process, you can not use metal utensils and metal objects, as the product will oxidize;

    Important! Garlic can not even be cut with a knife. Clean it with your hands and put it in a glass or ceramic dish.

  • crush garlic in a mortar should be extremely careful, and avoid getting it on exposed skin, as you can get burned;
  • it is necessary to drink the remedy with milk half an hour before meals three times a day.

The infusion will bring additional benefits in that the meal will be streamlined, since a four-hour interval should be observed between breakfast, lunch and dinner.

on alcohol

Garlic tincture for alcohol is prepared as follows:

  • it is necessary to take garlic in the amount of 360 g and peel;
  • put the raw materials in a mortar and grind to a mushy state;
  • pour in 200 ml of alcohol 96%, mix;
  • close tightly and put in a cool shaded place;
  • after 10 days, filter the infusion and leave for another 3 days.

After the specified time, the product is completely ready for use. The scheme for taking alcohol tincture of garlic is as follows:

  • 1st day - before breakfast 1-2 drops, before lunch 2, before dinner 3;
  • 2nd day - according to food intake 4-5-6;
  • 3rd day - 7-8-9;
  • 4th day - 10-11-12;
  • 5th day - 13-14-15;
  • 6th day - 15-14-13;
  • 7th day - 12-11-10;
  • 8th day - 9-7-6;
  • 9th day - 6-5-4;
  • Day 10 - 3-2-1.

On vodka

The recipe for garlic tincture on vodka involves the use of the freshest raw materials. Choose a product with large and juicy "cloves", and make sure that the peel does not show signs of mold.

Advice! It is better to use homemade garlic, as store-bought products could be treated with chemical compounds.

Vodka should also be of high quality, without impurities and flavorings. The tincture container is pre-washed, sterilized and dried. Garlic tincture on vodka is used in the same way as alcohol tincture, according to the scheme described above.

So, let's move on to cooking:

  • peel a large head of garlic;
  • put the prepared raw materials in a mortar and crush;
  • transfer to a jar and pour 400 ml of vodka;
  • close tightly and put in a cool shaded place for two weeks;
  • after the specified time, filter the infusion.

Keep the finished product out of the reach of children - on the top shelf of the refrigerator or put it in a cool cellar.

On red wine

Tincture of garlic on red wine is prepared as follows:

  • 12 "cloves" of garlic, cut into small pieces with a knife;
  • put the raw materials in a glass jar and pour the contents of a bottle of red wine;

    Important! Use only dry wine.

  • close the lid and transfer to the window so that the container is in direct sunlight;
  • leave for two weeks, shaking the contents daily;
  • after the specified time, filter the product and pour into a dark glass bottle.

Tincture of wine with garlic should be taken three times a day, 5 ml for a month. This drug will help remove salts, purify the blood, strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle, improve metabolism and increase efficiency.

On the water with lemon

Tincture of garlic with lemon cleanses blood vessels very well. To prepare it, you need to do the following:

  • 4 heads of garlic, peeled and crushed with a mortar;
  • 4 lemons washed and chopped with peel in a blender;
  • put the prepared components in a glass container and pour three liters of warm boiled water;

    Attention! Here you can not use boiling water or too hot water, cool it to + 35 ° C - this temperature will be optimal.

  • close the container with a lid and infuse the contents at room temperature for three days;
  • after this time, the liquid should be filtered and stored in the refrigerator.
Tincture of garlic in water with lemon is taken on an empty stomach three times a day, 100 ml each. The duration of the course is 40 days. During the time of admission, the tincture will need to be prepared several times, since one serving will not be enough.

Important! Be sure to consult your doctor before using the product. But if even after that you still fear for your health, then start taking it with small doses, which will allow you to treat it in a milder mode.

The best time to prepare this remedy is autumn, since it is at this time of the year that garlic is at its most effective. The course of drug consumption should be completed in January. It will be possible to repeat the treatment with lemon-garlic tincture no earlier than in a year.


Like any other healing agent, garlic tincture has its own contraindications, including:

  • epileptic seizures;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in acute form;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diseases of the bladder in chronic and acute form;
  • hemorrhoids in acute form;
  • liver disease;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the remedy.

In addition, while taking garlic infusion, some side effects may be observed.

The benefits of garlic have been known for a long time, it was not in vain that people talked about it: onion heals seven ailments, and garlic plagues seven ailments. Garlic and garlic tinctures are mainly used to cleanse blood vessels, but the beneficial properties and unique chemical composition of the “hot” vegetable make it possible to use it in the treatment of various diseases. Most often, alcohol tinctures are made from garlic or mixed with other products that have healing properties.

Impact on the body

Garlic and garlic tincture have a beneficial effect on the entire human body, they:

As you can see, the "track record" of garlic is quite wide and varied, besides, it is much cheaper and safer to treat diseases with garlic than expensive medicines with many side effects and complications.

tincture recipes

According to these recipes, you can make tinctures and mixtures based on garlic, which can simultaneously treat and cleanse the body. Garlic oxidizes from contact with metal, and if in cooking it is allowed to use garlic, a meat grinder and metal knives to grind it, then for the preparation of medicines it is better to crush garlic in a wooden mortar, or cut with a ceramic knife.

It is better to prepare tinctures from autumn garlic, when more useful substances accumulate in it.

Recipe 1.

Tincture of garlic on vodka or alcohol for hypertension. Chop two heads of garlic, put the mass in a jar and pour 250 ml of vodka or alcohol. Insist in a dark place for 10-12 days.

You need to drink tincture 3 times a day, 20 drops 20 minutes before meals for 3 weeks. After that, you can take a break, and then start taking the tincture again.

Recipe 2.

Tincture of garlic on vodka or alcohol for hair. Take 5 heads of garlic, cut together with the husk, put in a liter jar and pour 500 ml of alcohol or vodka. Put the dishes in a dark place for 15 days, then strain and use to rub into the scalp.

For hair treatment, you can make a mixture on water - for this you should crush 3-4 cloves of garlic, mix with water and rub into the scalp. The garlic mask should be kept for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo, rinse with a decoction of herbs.

The use of garlic tincture will relieve you of seborrhea, dandruff, strengthen hair roots, enhance their growth, make them more lush and shiny.

Recipe 4.

Folk remedy for colds. A clove of garlic needs to be chopped and poured with two tablespoons of vegetable oil, and mixed - the medicine is ready, and it can already be used for treatment. Oil can be taken with a pipette and dripped into the nose, or moistened with a cotton swab and smeared inside the nose. You need to instill oil in your nose twice a day, you can wipe the nasal mucosa with a cotton swab 3-4 times a day.

Recipe 5.

Garlic tincture can be made not only with vodka or alcohol - red wine is also used for these purposes. Take 12 cloves of garlic, cut each into 4 pieces, put in a jar and add 600 ml of dry red wine.

Close the jar and put it in the sun for 15 days, shaking its contents daily. After that, the tincture will need to be filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

You need to drink tincture 1 tsp. three times a day. The use of red wine tincture will help remove salt from the body, increase immunity, performance, strengthen the cardiovascular system, and speed up metabolic processes. According to the same scheme, tincture can be taken for inflammation of the female organs.

Recipe 6.

Garlic tincture on vodka or alcohol from dysbacteriosis. Peel 200 grams of garlic, chop and put in a jar. Pour 1 liter of vodka or alcohol, close the jar tightly and put it in a dark place. Take the tincture twice a day before meals, 20 drops each.

Recipe 7.

Tincture with alcohol or vodka to cleanse the vessels. Take 350 grams of garlic, grind in a mortar, and put the mass into a glass jar with a wooden spoon. Pour 300 ml of alcohol or vodka, close tightly and place in a dark, cool place. After 10 days, the tincture should be filtered through gauze, and taken to cleanse the vessels.

You can take tincture 5 drops three times a day with meals, drinking water, or dissolving in milk. The use of tincture will help cleanse the vessels of cholesterol, improve memory, activate the brain, lower blood pressure.

Recipe 8.

Tincture on vodka and apple cider vinegar for external use. Take 10 cloves of garlic, chop them, put them in a glass jar and pour 500 ml of apple cider vinegar and 100 ml of vodka. Put the jar in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks, and then strain. The tincture can be used for rubbing joints with rheumatism, rubbing with radiculitis, myositis, sprains of muscles and ligaments.

Medicine for men

Among the advantages of garlic there is another remarkable property - it increases the potency in men. Garlic contains a great variety of substances useful for men's health - vitamins, phosphoric and sulfuric acid, essential oils, micro and macro elements, including selenium, which is necessary for the health of the male sexual sphere.

All in a complex, and each separately, these substances contribute to an increase in the level of potency, prevent the development of prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

Traditional healers from different countries have come up with many garlic-based recipes to increase potency and prevent male diseases. According to these recipes, you can make the medicines you need.

Recipe 1.

Tincture of garlic to enhance potency on vodka or alcohol. Take 1 kg of garlic, grind in a wooden mortar and pour alcohol (50%) or vodka. Insist in a dark place for 7 days, then strain.

You need to take tincture 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. before eating.

Recipe 2.

Quick tincture of garlic to enhance potency on vodka or alcohol. one head of garlic is enough for its preparation. Cut each clove lengthwise, put it in a glass jar and pour 300 ml of vodka or alcohol. Put the jar in a dark place. The tincture will be ready in three days, it will need to be filtered and drunk 3 times a day, 1 tbsp.

Recipe 3.

Alcohol tincture to enhance potency. 1 kg of garlic, peel, cut and put in a three-liter jar. Pour in alcohol, close tightly, wrap with foil or a thick cloth, put in a dark, cool place, shaking the jar from time to time.

After 1 month, strain the tincture and pour into another bowl. You need to drink tincture 1 tsp. a day, drinking milk until it runs out, then take a break for 1 month. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment.

Recipe 4.

Garlic tincture to enhance potency on fortified white wine. Take 1 head of garlic, chop and pour 200 ml of wine. Put the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil, cook for 30 minutes. When the broth has cooled, pour it into a glass jar, close with a tight lid and store in a dark place.

You need to drink tincture 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment lasts three days, then you need to take a break for 10 days. To increase potency, you will need 3 courses of treatment in total.

To enhance potency, along with taking garlic tincture, you can take other drugs of a similar effect. Eat high-calorie foods, get rid of stress, depression, forget about constant worries and problems.

And yet - increased potency, and the unpleasant smell of garlic from the mouth are incompatible from an aesthetic point of view. To eliminate the aroma of garlic, you can seize the tincture with parsley, lemon, drink a glass of milk or cream.


The benefits of garlic tinctures are obvious, but not for everyone. For some people, it can cause harm that can be easily reversed once you stop taking it.

Garlic tincture tones up the cardiovascular system and the whole body, so it can cause insomnia and tachycardia.

The irritating substances of garlic can provoke heartburn, they are harmful to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, the tincture is contraindicated in people suffering from gastritis with high acidity, and duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer. Garlic tincture improves appetite and this should be known to those who want to lose weight.

All this negativity goes away after you stop taking the tincture. But for patients with epilepsy, people suffering from inflammation of the kidneys and pregnant women, the tincture is clearly contraindicated.



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