Skin diseases - a list of the most common ailments. Diagnosis of skin diseases Causes and symptoms of skin diseases

Diagnosis of skin diseases determines the direction of the appropriate course of treatment used, making it possible to identify the cause of the development of a pathological condition. The examination procedure plays an important role, determining the compliance of the manifested signs with the parameters of the disease, through the additional use of laboratory and instrumental methods.

A variety of dermatoses has signs of an external manifestation of the disease, but visual data characterize the pathology only partially, since many have a similarity of a typical manifestation, which makes it difficult to make a diagnosis and requires a more thorough examination of damaged skin areas.

Diagnosis structure of skin diseases

The technique for carrying out measures for examining the skin cover, in order to determine the parameters of the current pathological condition, contains the following procedures:

  • Obtaining information from the patient on manifestations that cause him anxiety and concern a certain area or the whole organism, allowing to determine the subjective characteristics of the process, which depend on the intensity of the manifestation of symptoms on the characteristics of the organism, expressed individually, the state of its immune system and the reactivity of nerve fibers.
  • The collection of data on the disease and the life of the patient, taking into account the circumstances conducive or concomitant to the development and course of the pathological process, allows you to find out such parameters as professional conditions, seasonality of exposure, the use of products or drugs that cause skin manifestations, etc.
  • Determination of the objective parameters of the pathology by visual examination of the features of the affected surface. The entire skin of the patient is subject to examination, taking into account the localization of the rash, the symmetry of the location and morphology of the structures of the formations, the dispersion of manifestations or their grouping, the presence of clear or vague boundaries of the lesion, the presence of traces of scratching, the shade of the areas, their shape and outline. Using the method of palpation, the turgor of the skin cover is characterized, and the structural features of the rashes, the presence of elevations or depressions above the surface are revealed.

Additional Survey Activities

An important role in the diagnosis of skin diseases is played by a laboratory study of material taken from the affected area in the form of scrapings, detachable vesicular or ulcerative formations, particles of hair or nail plates, blood, etc. The scope of research includes the use of the following methods of analysis:

  • serology;
  • histology;
  • microscopy;
  • pathomorphology, etc.

The examination complex also includes the following types of instrumental diagnostics:

    diascopy, which characterizes the method of provocation of manifestations of pathology by local pressure on a certain area of ​​the skin;

    dermatoscopy, examination of the surface cover under optical magnification through the oil layer, which effectively diagnoses violations of the pigment composition of cells;

    dermatography, the study of the layers of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue by acoustic scanning, which determines the structural features of the organ.

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From the outside, the human body protects its largest organ and is therefore very vulnerable. The skin consists of 3 layers, epidermis, dermis and adipose tissue, each of which is subject to many diseases. In order to start treatment in a timely manner, it is important to know the forms and symptoms of such pathologies, their external manifestations.

Types of skin diseases

There are several options for classifying the described group of ailments, depending on their localization, the nature of the course, and the clinical picture. To simplify, skin diseases are usually distinguished according to the cause of occurrence. By clarifying the factors that provoked the problem under consideration, it is easier to establish a correct diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment regimen.

Classification of dermatological diseases

By origin, the presented group of pathologies is divided into the following types:

To obtain information about any problem, it is important to know its exact name. Microbial dermatological skin disease - names:

  • acne
  • leprosy;
  • balanitis;
  • granulomatosis;
  • furunculosis;
  • ecthyma;
  • sycosis;
  • small cell keratolysis;
  • erysipeloid;
  • meningococcemia;
  • lymphangitis;
  • intertrigo;
  • abscess;
  • other.

Viral skin diseases:

  • smallpox;
  • herpes;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • shingles;
  • warts;
  • papillomas and others.

Fungal diseases:

  • epidermophytosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • seborrhea;
  • nodular trichosporia;
  • trichophytosis;
  • multi-colored lichen;
  • scab;
  • rubrophytia;
  • microsporia and others.
  • scabies;
  • demodicosis;
  • leishmaniasis;
  • pediculosis and others.

Autoimmune diseases:

  • hives;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • pemphigus;
  • scleroderma;
  • dermatomyositis;
  • acrosclerosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • vasculitis;
  • pemphigoid;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus with manifestations on the skin;
  • dermatitis herpetiformis Dühring;
  • chloasma and others.

Oncological diseases:

  • adenocarcinoma;
  • squamous cell skin cancer;
  • basalioma;
  • melanoma and others.

Symptoms of skin diseases

The clinical picture of dermatological pathologies corresponds to their type and severity. Skin diseases also have common symptoms, among which may be observed:

  • rashes;
  • cracks;
  • ulcers;
  • redness, bruising and other changes in skin tone;
  • acne;
  • abscesses;
  • growths;
  • peeling;
  • erosion;
  • dryness;
  • blisters;
  • change in skin pigmentation;
  • inflammation;
  • pustules, papules and the like.

Skin diseases on the face

The most common problem in this area is acne. Acne is provoked by propionic bacteria, but various factors can stimulate their reproduction:

  • demodicosis;

  • herpes;

  • seborrheic dermatitis;

  • rosacea;

  • rosacea;

  • chloasma.

Skin diseases on the head

The epidermis of the hairy areas is also prone to dermatological ailments. Their main symptom is dandruff. Often, diseases of the scalp are accompanied by other characteristic signs:

  • hair loss;
  • peeling;
  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • end section;
  • fragility, fragility and dullness of hair;
  • rash on the scalp;
  • redness.

Common dermatological diseases of the hairy areas:

  • seborrhea;

  • ringworm;

  • pediculosis;

  • folliculitis.

Skin diseases on the body

The maximum amount of epidermis, dermis and adipose tissue protects the human body. The most pronounced and extensive lesions are provoked by the skin disease psoriasis, plaques sometimes cover up to 80% of the body. They have a specific appearance and structure, as seen in the photo, so the pathology is easily diagnosed even during the initial appointment with a dermatologist.

Other common skin ailments on the body:

  • shingles;

  • eczema;

  • acne;

  • pink deprive Zhibera;

  • allergic dermatitis;

  • hives;

  • skin melanoma;

  • warts.

Skin diseases on the hands

Palms and hands are constantly in contact with contaminated surfaces, chemicals and other irritants. The result of this can be a skin disease dermatitis, which has an autoimmune (allergic) nature. It manifests itself in the form of a reddish rash, prone to confluence and the formation of extensive foci of inflammation, peeling and itching.

The following diseases can also be found on the skin of the hands:

  • scabies;

  • eczema;

  • psoriasis;

  • mycosis;

  • felon;

  • neurodermatitis;

  • vitiligo;

  • warts.

Skin diseases on the legs

Feet most of the time are covered with shoes, subject to rubbing and minor damage, which contributes to the reproduction and spread of fungal infections. For this reason, fungal diseases of smooth skin are often diagnosed on the legs, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, exfoliation of the epidermis, and destruction of nails. Without treatment, such pathologies progress rapidly, becoming chronic.

Less often, the legs are affected by other skin diseases, the symptoms of which are shown in the photo:

  • dermatitis;

  • psoriasis;

  • hyperkeratosis;

  • corn;

  • plantar warts.

Skin diseases - diagnosis

To prescribe adequate treatment, a dermatologist needs to find out the type of pathology and the cause of its occurrence. Human skin diseases are diagnosed using the following methods:

  • clinical examination by a specialist;
  • collection of anamnesis;
  • registration of patient complaints and visual symptoms;
  • establishing the presence of an isomorphic reaction;
  • vitropressure (diascopy, pressure on damaged areas with glass);
  • layered scraping;
  • bacterioscopic or bacteriological examination;
  • cytological analysis of prints, smears;
  • determination of the cellular composition of the fluid separated from the affected surface;
  • histochemical and histological examination of the epidermis;
  • dermatography or dermatoscopy;
  • skin tests;
  • serological tests;
  • microscopic analysis of scrapings.

In addition to specific methods of examination, general methods for diagnosing diseases are used. Analysis is required:

  • blood (standard and biochemical, for sugar);
  • urine;
  • feces.

Depending on the suspected causes of the disease, the dermatologist may recommend the following tests:

  • hormonal panels;
  • allergy tests;
  • immune status;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • virology and others.

Treatment of skin diseases

The therapeutic approach is selected taking into account the cause of the established pathology. Diseases of the skin are treated with systemic and local drugs aimed at eliminating symptoms and combating pathogens:

In addition, phyto- and physiotherapy are used, general methods of treatment are suitable regardless of which skin disease has been detected:

  • rejection of harmful addictions;
  • diet correction;
  • normalization of the daily routine;
  • selection of the right skin care;
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • taking vitamins and minerals;
  • compliance with hygiene standards.

Skin diseases and their prevention

Some dermatological ailments cannot be prevented, especially if the cause of their occurrence is not yet known to medicine, for example, psoriasis or eczema. In other cases, the prevention of skin diseases comes down to the following recommendations:

  1. Choosing the right cosmetics
  2. Avoid visiting public places with high humidity (pools, saunas, baths and beaches), where sanitary requirements are not observed.
  3. Adhere to hygiene rules, take a shower regularly, using cosmetic soap (gel) and a washcloth.
  4. Avoid unprotected sex with unfamiliar partners.
  5. Keep nails clean.
  6. Do not use other people's towels, washcloths, razors and other personal items.
  7. Do manicures, pedicures and hair removal only by certified masters who follow sanitary rules.
  8. Follow nutrition.
  9. Wash hands before eating, after going to the toilet and after coming from the street.
  10. Use disinfectant spray or skin wipes when traveling on public transport.
  11. Observe quarantine if a family member has contracted a dermatological disease.
  12. Do not come into contact with infected people and animals.

Methods for diagnosing dermatological diseases are no less diverse and complex than skin diseases themselves. Sometimes a visual inspection is enough, and sometimes a comprehensive study of the whole organism is necessary. Skin diseases sometimes affect the general condition of a person, and vice versa - diseases of other systems affect the condition of the skin. When a person complains to a dermatologist, it is important to understand whether skin manifestations are the cause or effect of the disease.

It would seem that the skin is the largest organ of the human body in terms of area and the most accessible for diagnostics. But it is the skin that serves as the first protective barrier against all kinds of harmful environmental influences; in addition, skin diseases are so diverse that their diagnosis is sometimes a more difficult problem than the analysis of the state of internal organs.

Accuracy in making a dermatological diagnosis is largely determined by the "human factor": the attentiveness and experience of the doctor, his ability to logically analyze and synthesize. Diagnosis of any dermatological disease includes several stages.

The first stage of a dermatological examination is the collection of an anamnesis, which involves an external examination and a conversation with the patient, and sometimes with his relatives. It is necessary to find out the possible causes and presence of factors contributing to the occurrence of skin diseases, the presence of comorbid (comorbid or background) diseases, information about heredity, lifestyle, nutrition, psychological state, medications taken. Sometimes, with the same observed symptoms, the presence or absence of itching, the persistence of skin rashes, the frequency and area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir appearance can be very important.

2. Examination of the patient

When answers to the main questions are received, a skin examination is performed, which begins with the affected area and necessarily covers the entire body. The most objective results are obtained by examining the skin in diffused daylight. Often a magnifying glass is used. In many diseases, lesions on the skin have a certain, “recognizable” shape, structure and color.

The first two stages of skin diagnosis, as a rule, allow the dermatologist to make a preliminary diagnosis or suggest several possible ones. In addition, the nature of the disease becomes clear - an acute or chronic condition, hereditary or acquired; it also turns out the stage of development of the disease and the degree of damage to the skin.

3. Laboratory research

Laboratory studies are especially important if skin manifestations are suspected to be due to other, non-dermatological diseases. If this is confirmed, symptomatic treatment is prescribed, and the main measures are focused on the treatment of the somatic disease. To identify the relationship between skin pathology and other diseases allows:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • stool analysis;
  • immunogram.

If necessary, the dermatologist directs the patient for a consultation with other specialists who can prescribe a number of more specific studies.

4. Special diagnostic methods

Actually dermatological diagnostics includes a number of methods and techniques that complement the visual examination of the skin:

  • palpation (to assess the elasticity and structure of the skin);
  • skin-allergic tests (to determine allergens);
  • sowing the affected area (growing microorganisms from the surface of the skin in a special environment);
  • microscopy of scrapings (examination of parts of the skin under a microscope);
  • scraping (to detect peeling);
  • diascopy (assessment of the reaction of the skin when pressed with a glass slide);
  • histology (examination for the presence of cancer cells).

Most diagnostic techniques in dermatology are safe and painless. Early detection of the disease gives a better chance of recovery. Even if skin rashes do not bother you with pain or itching, but only attract attention as something new on the body, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

Diagnostics and treatment of skin diseases includes work in several key areas. So, there are clinical sections for certain types of pathologies: fungi - mycology, diseases of the scalp and hair - trichology. Dermatology is closely related to venereology, cosmetology, and allergology.

The skin not only hurts itself, but also signals damage to internal organs or systems. Often a dermatological disorder is a consequence of unhealthy habits, lifestyle. Features of the structure and functions of the skin are taken into account when determining and treating numerous dermatoses.

When diagnosing and treating skin diseases, the doctor needs to determine the cause of the symptoms. The impact of external factors is varied.

Internal factors in the development of skin diseases:

  • violations of the functions of internal organs,
  • chronic infections,
  • metabolic disorders,
  • hypovitaminosis,
  • damage to the nervous system.

Internal causes lead to changes in the skin and mucous membranes: pigmentation, hemorrhages.

Itching, burning, soreness, changes in skin color or texture, rash are reasons to see a specialist. Come to the appointment of a dermatologist in Maryino at the Euromed S clinic. An experienced doctor will examine you, collect an anamnesis and make a preliminary diagnosis already at the first appointment. If a fungal or infectious lesion is suspected, tests are indicated. Our clinic conducts laboratory diagnostics, so take the tests on the same day to start therapy faster. Instrumental, X-ray diagnostic methods, skin tests are also used.

The elimination of any dermatological pathologies requires patience and strict adherence to prescriptions from the patient. Of great importance are:

  • meticulous hygiene, especially for affected skin, with the use of antiseptics and other drugs,
  • dieting - there are a number of products that complicate the course of skin diseases, slow down treatment; a change in diet is necessary for allergic skin lesions,
  • use of medicines.

If there is no response to conservative treatment, the following ways are possible:

  • surgical intervention,
  • assistance of narrow profile specialists: neurologists, endocrinologists and others.

After a thorough diagnosis, treatment of skin diseases is carried out using several methods.

Many diseases, such as psoriasis, are chronic relapsing. In this case, the task of the doctor and the patient is to achieve a stable remission and maintain it.


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Dermatology(Greek derma - skin, logos - doctrine, literally "the doctrine of the skin") - a medical discipline, the objects of study of which are the skin, its appendages (hair, nails, sebaceous and sweat glands), mucous membranes, their structure and functioning, and also disease and diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Within dermatology as a medical science, there are special clinical sections that study individual diseases and their treatment (mycology, trichology). Dermatology is closely related to venereology, cosmetology, allergology and other medical disciplines.

The skin is part of the holistic structure of the body and is the largest human organ visible to the eye. It, as an indicator, reflects the state of all organs and systems of the body, protects them from mechanical damage and infection. As a rule, skin diseases indicate some kind of dysfunction of the internal organs, unhealthy habits and lifestyle of the patient. Skin diseases, in turn, can lead to serious consequences for the body as a whole, if they are not treated in a timely manner.

Features of the structure of the skin, the variety of its functions and the impact of a large number of internal and external factors, determine the variety of skin diseases, or dermatoses.

The impact of external, or exogenous, factors is very diverse. Physical and chemical agents cause inflammatory skin diseases - dermatitis

At the first signs of skin diseases (such as itching, burning, soreness, discoloration and skin relief, skin rashes), you should consult a specialist dermatologist. An experienced doctor, already at the first careful examination of the skin and a thorough history of the patient's life, can make a correct diagnosis. To clarify or confirm the diagnosis in dermatology, additional methods for examining the skin, mucous membranes, hair, and nails are widely used: instrumental, laboratory, radiological, special skin tests, etc.

The treatment of skin diseases requires patience and strict adherence to the treatment algorithm from the patient. An important role in successful treatment is played by hygienic care of the affected skin, adherence to a diet and a drug therapy regimen. Drug treatment of skin diseases can be general and local. In dermatological practice, physiotherapy and apparatus procedures, psychotherapy, spa treatment, herbal medicine, homeopathy are widely used. In some cases, in the absence of a clinical effect from conservative treatment, surgical intervention or the involvement of narrow specialists is indicated. Most often, the treatment of skin diseases is complex and combines several different methods at once. Today, with the help of the latest diagnostic and treatment methods, dermatology makes it possible to achieve a cure for diseases that until recently were considered incurable.

Skin diseases are among the most common human diseases, and almost everyone faces one or another of their manifestations in their life. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 20% of the world's population suffers from skin diseases.

Many dermatoses have a chronic relapsing course and are difficult to treat. The most common skin diseases are dermatitis of various origins, eczema, fungal diseases, acne (acne), skin warts, herpes simplex, psoriasis, skin cancer.

Modern dermatology pays great attention to the restoration of skin health, the study of the mechanisms of age-related and pathological changes in the skin, nails and hair, the treatment of cancer, the search for new methods for diagnosing and treating dermatological diseases.

With the Beauty and Medicine website, you will always be up to date with the most up-to-date information about skin diseases and methods of their treatment.

The popular scientific Internet publication "Handbook of Dermatology", which is included in the Medical Directory of Diseases posted on the website, does not claim to be an exhaustive presentation of all information about skin diseases, but contains the most necessary general practical recommendations in everyday life.



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