Star sickness of some people in power. Why some are susceptible to star fever and how to understand that you have a tendency to it

Do you know what " star fever"? This is not exactly what you thought. This disease does not at all apply to social giants like Philip Kirkorov or Paris Hilton; it is characteristic mainly... of astronauts.

The second name for this disease is Space Adaptation Syndrome, which affects astronauts while moving between areas with different levels gravity during flight. This ailment lasts only a few days, fortunately, but most astronauts are susceptible to it, regardless of experience and age. According to statistics, more than half of them complain about this syndrome (and how many don’t complain and tolerate it? That’s just me, by the way...)

Typically, adaptation to changes in gravity takes certain time. Gravity accompanies our entire lives, and all body systems are adapted to normal, earthly gravity. When flying spaceship astronauts experience several phases of sensations associated with its changes. First, during takeoff, an astronaut may experience nausea, hallucinations, and disorientation. Secondly, when weightlessness sets in, a person also adapts to the disappearing force of gravity, which also does not add to his pleasant sensations- the same nausea, loss of orientation and other troubles.

Document written by researcher Suzanne Nooy, Dr. medical sciences from the University of Delft, shows that such effects can be caused (naturally) by the application of increased gravity, for example with the help of centrifuges in which pilots and astronauts are trained. Despite the fact that such high-gravity sessions last on average about an hour, pilots often complain of symptoms of space sickness. As it turned out, such symptoms are not caused by changes in gravity, but by the inability to adapt to this change. The results of a study carried out using the Soesterberg centrifuge showed that symptoms obtained in the centrifuge and during space flight were caused in the same way.

The human organ that controls position in space and balance is located in inner ear. It is called an otolith and consists of two perpendicular canals rolled into a ring, lined with sensitive cells on the inside and half filled with fluid. This gives them sensitivity to tilt and acceleration in different directions. In my opinion, the system, despite its simplicity, is ingenious (not surprising, since it was created by nature). By the way, humans have two such organs - in the left and right ears.

Previously, experts believed that this syndrome was caused by an imbalance in the left and right otoliths. The above study showed that the disease is caused when there is prolonged rotation of fluid within the channels. At the same time, the asymmetry of the left and right organs does not have balance of great importance, because discomfort caused precisely by the unusual behavior of the fluid inside each individual canal and otolith.

In the process of writing this article, I realized that it could be called not “Star fever”, but “The Genius of Nature-222”. You can substitute any number, because the nature that created us is infinitely ingenious, and the complexity of even such a small organ as the “position sensor” in a person once again confirms this.

Your successes have made you incredibly important in your own eyes. It’s good that you have high self-esteem, but it’s still better when our successes are assessed not by ourselves, but by other people. It's not your friend's fault that she was less fortunate. Your career and wealthy boyfriend are not a reason to turn away from your loved ones. It sounds sad, but a boyfriend in the capital can leave, or be fired from his job. Will you then go to that same “ex-girlfriend” for advice and consolation? No matter how high you rise, continue to value your friends. Otherwise, you risk being left completely alone.

The cuckoo praises the rooster

Your star fever began in childhood. Every day your mom told you that you were the most beautiful, and the teacher insisted that there was no one smarter than you in the class. You are used to praise and now you literally demand it from others. It’s good if your expectations coincide with reality, and you continue to be praised by your boss, husband and business partners. Just make sure that the praise is not flattery and be prepared for constructive criticism. Ideal people does not happen, and you are no exception. Even if you want to think differently.

Moment of glory

Star fever is well known to celebrities - singers, actors and other showbiz figures. But many people don’t need to release albums and sell out stadiums to get sick. It’s enough just to “light up” somewhere once. Did you go to the set of a talk show? Won the regional poetry competition? Yes, this is your small victory. But this is no reason to turn up your nose. First, make people appreciate your talents. Do not succumb to the tempting shine of the spotlight: it often deceives even very high hopes.

Cure for illness

For whatever reason you get star fever, it needs to be treated. Remember that at school you probably teased arrogant people. Why did you become like this when you grew up? No matter how significant your successes are, remain yourself. Continue to value your family and friends, respect the opinions of others and themselves. Don't gloat if you managed to leave your friends far behind. And don’t forget that difficult times happen to everyone, when those who lavished praise yesterday may turn away from you. For real successful people They do not take unnecessary credit for themselves, do not judge others, and help those who need it. Be truly successful!

We live in an age information technologies when the uncontrolled flow of information and information noise become additional factor affecting the psyche. This is why doctors say that mental disorders and addiction is a disease of the 21st century that must be taken seriously.

At the same time, those whose profession requires them to always be visible - stars - are more prone to prolonged depression and other mental health disorders. We talk about those who have successfully coped or are still struggling with mental illness.

Catherine Zeta-Jones: bipolar disorder type 2

In April 2012, Catherine Zeta-Jones went to a rehabilitation clinic for examination, where doctors concluded that the actress suffered from bipolar disorder type 2 - a form manic depression. At the time, her husband, actor Michael Douglas, was in the final stages of treatment for throat cancer, so Zeta-Jones tried to attract as little attention to her problem as possible.

“I'm not one of those people who likes to shout about it, but I hope that by recognizing bipolar disorder“, I will give hope to my fellow sufferers in the sense that they will understand that this disease can and should be controlled,” the actress said in an interview with InStyle US magazine. She also admitted that at the height of her illness she constantly Googled negative comments about herself on the Internet, but for an effective recovery she tried to limit access to the Internet and learned to find joy in such seemingly simple things as chamomile tea and a good book.

Brooke Shields: postpartum depression

Some celebrities - including actress and model Brooke Shields - have even written about their experiences. Shields brought to the public attention her postpartum depression, which occurred in 2003 and lasted noticeably more than a few months after the birth of the child (which is typical for young mothers).

The actress noted that postpartum depression includes constant feeling anxiety, self-worthlessness and anxiety, in the most dangerous stages reaching the desire to commit suicide. Fortunately, Shields applied for help in time. professional help and medications that helped her return to normal life.

Elton John: drug addiction

British singer, composer and pianist, Sir Elton John discussed his long struggle with abuse narcotic substances and bulimia on The Larry King Show in 2002. Remember that bulimia is a disorder eating behavior characterized by uncontrolled consumption large quantity food and subsequent induction of vomiting in order to get rid of what was eaten and not gain weight.

John noted that those “sober and clean years” he spent trying to get rid of addiction, were "the best thing that ever happened to him." At the same time, the musician reminded everyone who is only at the beginning of the journey about three important words that should be said on time: “I need help.”

Angelina Jolie: depression

Angelina Jolie always pleases the paparazzi with a smile on the red carpet, but the actress's family and friends know very well that for a long time she struggled with depression triggered by the death of her mother Marcheline Bertrand in 2007. Then Jolie agreed to film “Wanted” in order to somehow take her mind off negative thoughts. "My mother had just died, and I wanted to do something physical to get that fact out of my mind, at least for a while," she said in a July 2008 interview.

Jolie faced depression before: success in quite at a young age made her feel guilty in front of everyone. “I grew up in a place where people who had fame and money had everything they needed in this world. It's a feeling of emptiness. I didn’t know what to do next,” said the actress.

In 2013, Angelina Jolie admitted to fans that she had to undergo surgery to remove her mammary glands due to a genetic predisposition to breast cancer. A year after this, Jolie announced that she had also decided to have her ovaries removed and fallopian tubes as part of disease prevention. All this led to Jolie withdrawing into herself again, and caring fans noticed changes in her body that were similar to signs of serious anorexia. However, even after high-profile divorce with Brad Pitt, the actress did not confirm either this or any other information related to mental health.

JK Rowling: Depression

"Harry Potter" is one of the most recognizable, readable and, of course, one of the most amazing books in modern literature. And if you are not a fan of JK Rowling's work, you are unlikely to know that the story about the boy who lived was written during a period of serious depression for its author. Creating Magic world Around Hogwarts in her small Scottish apartment, Rowling fought her own Dementors and, fortunately, defeated them.

Joan began writing books when, after her divorce from Portuguese television journalist Jorge Arantes, she was left with unemployment benefits and a small child in her arms. “We were broke, everything around me scared me, and at that moment I was in such a depression that I would not wish anyone to face,” Rowling said in an interview. She decided to talk about this so that people who find themselves in a similar situation understand: perhaps depression is a fall before the crazy rise that lies ahead of you.

Demi Lovato: bulimia

“I responded well to threats for many years, but there was one thing that prevented me from feeling comfortable, and I only realized how much it affected me. I mean those people who said, “You’re so fat.” “And it started in childhood,” Disney star Demi Lovato admitted in an interview. Her doubts gradually turned into a dangerous habit.

“I developed an eating disorder, which I still haven’t fully overcome,” says the girl. Moreover, at the age of 11, Demi began cutting her wrists, not trying to commit suicide, but trying to cope with emotions in this way. Then her family sought professional help, and the girl was helped to establish a normal relationship with food. This did not last long, however, and Demi does not hide the fact that the struggle is still going on with varying success.

Jim Carrey: depression

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that Jim Carrey is one of best actors in the comedy genre. However, you might be surprised to learn that the actor has dealt with severe depression for most of his adult life. IN certain moment it became so debilitating that Jim didn't know how to overcome it and sought help from a doctor, who prescribed him Prozac, an antidepressant from the group selective inhibitors serotonin reuptake.

Among possible reasons The reasons why this happened is a lack of socialization. When Jim Carrey was 15 years old, he was forced to quit high school and go to work to support the family. This meant that at his formative years he did not have sufficient quantity communication with children of the same age. As a result, he grew up emotionally faster, and this discrepancy affected the actor in the future.

Amanda Bynes: bipolar disorder

Rumors that American actress and ex-participant of the show “All This” Amanda Bynes is close to a breakdown emerged after the girl was urgently hospitalized and placed in a psychiatric hospital. After some time, the 28-year-old star shared information about her mental health with followers in in social networks: “I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and manic depression. I'm taking medication now and talking to a psychologist every week, so I'm fine."

Some time later, Amanda wrote on Twitter that her father was in orally, and physically and sexually abused her. Later, the girl retracted her words, explaining this by her mental disorders. Long-term treatment in clinics bore fruit, and at the end of 2016, Bynes began to appear in public again.

Owen Wilson: depression

Another comedian who had to struggle with prolonged depression And drug addiction- Owen Wilson. Perhaps this fact would have remained unknown for some time, but everything was decided by the suicide attempt on August 26, 2007, which became a real revelation for both Wilson’s fans and friends.

The day after the shocking news hit the press, Wilson issued a public statement asking the media to allow him to receive help and treatment privately (that is, with minimal interference from reporters). The actor later admitted that his close friends from the acting community - Woody Harrelson, Wes Anderson, Samuel L. Jackson, as well as his loving family - helped him get through this difficult time.

Paris Jackson: PTSD

Just recently, Paris Jackson, daughter of the King of Pop Michael Jackson, spoke candidly about her lifelong struggle with depression and anxiety. Since childhood, she tried to communicate with people as little as possible and grew up as a rather closed child. This, however, did not save Paris from rape at the age of 14 - perhaps the most scary experience. “I have never told anyone about this, and even now I don’t want to go into details. I'll just say that it was stranger much older than me,” Jackson commented in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine.

It was not always possible to cope with emotions and fears, which led the girl to several successive suicide attempts. The last attempt was so serious that Paris went to a therapeutic school in Utah, from where, according to the girl herself, she returned a different person. Today, Paris Jackson manages to do without medication, and she hopes that it will continue to be so.

How do you get infected with this disease?

Exalting yourself, falling in love with your ideal image, idealizing your person. And as a result - temper, screams and scandals, if someone dares to express their disagreement with the above. All this - obvious symptoms star fever.

Video by Oleg Tereshchenko and Tatyana Danilova.

Nowadays, everyone strives to become famous and popular. The media responds to this with a bunch of opportunities: castings for television projects and talent shows are ongoing. The main thing is to come and prove yourself! And when a person turns out to be chosen from hundreds, thousands (and the organizers will tell him - out of a million!) people like him; when producers, stylists, designers, etc. will work on his image; when crowds of fans gather under the windows, and the stage begins to be covered with flowers and toys, an idea will arise in his head intrusive thought: "I am a star!"

From rudeness to assault

American pop singer Justin Bieber does not hide his stardom. Stories regularly appear on the Internet about how, for example, Justin comes to a restaurant, orders food, and then suddenly makes another order. Because he doesn’t like what they brought him. If they start arguing, they throw plates and leave. Or starts fights in nightclubs. Or destroys hotel rooms. Or... The list goes on for a long time.

But here is an example not from the world of show business. After losing at the European Championship, the Russian national football team blamed the fans for the failure: they say they played the way they were rooting for them. Moreover, some of the athletes spoke in an obscene manner.

And how can one not remember the One who should not be asked about remakes? Who regularly sends away journalists in pink blouses, humiliates their management, beats up workers at concert venues...

From personal experience

Almost all manifestations of star fever are associated not only with the “main character”, but also with those people who surround him. Moreover, the latter often suffer either morally or physically. Therefore, you need to be able to catch the moment when your “stardom” is still in its infancy. Otherwise it will be more difficult later.

What to hide - we fully felt the symptoms of the disease on ourselves (and according to some, we are still suffering chronic form"stars"). When we were just taking our first steps in show business, we developed self-confidence and disdain for the opinions of those who worked with us, prejudice to those around me - the thought often crossed my mind that everyone wanted the worst. The fact that there were two of us helped us cope with this. And when one began to “star,” the second explained: “Dude, you’re wrong!” It helped! Probably because we are brothers, dear people, and can evaluate each other’s actions without bias.

Yes, and star fever can be different. For some this is a problem, but for others it is a clever PR move. How can one not remember Sergei Zverev, who says that he is a star and is in shock all the time? Pretense, surprise and stellar antics are part of his image. Thanks to this, he is recognized, not forgotten, and some even love him.


This week, the Komsomolskaya Pravda editorial office was replenished with two star reporters. These guys are so used to working in pairs that they are no longer perceived as individuals. The Borisenko brothers undertook to cover the topic of star fever - who does it happen to and how to fight it, and is it necessary... Sasha and Vova do not hide the fact that they themselves suffered for some time similar illness. The wild popularity at the “Star Factory” made itself felt, but they developed their own way of diagnosing and treating the disease. That's what they talked about.



I believe that star fever is not a disease, but arrogance and some kind of brain damage.

Anna DOBRYDNEVA, lead singer of the group "Pair of Normal":

I suffered from star fever at the very beginning of my career. Vanya Dorn and I released a very successful video and became mega-popular in two weeks. Our song sounded from everywhere, we occupied the first lines of the charts... But after a while, our popularity began to decline as suddenly as it had arisen. That’s when I began to understand that if I’m going to remain an artist, I should forget about vanity. Excellent product- work, and not indulge in narcissism.

Photo: Maxim LYUKOV.

Stas SHURINS, singer:

At one time I experienced for myself what star fever is. We had a very tight schedule back then, and being tired, I just wanted to isolate myself from everyone. Well, such popularity falls... It seemed that you could afford to go beyond the bounds of decency. Probably, youthful maximalism is also to blame. You know little, you want a lot - so it turns out that you are “catching a star.” How to get rid of this? Well, the main thing is that close people say in time: “Hey, wake up! You are a person like everyone else.”

Photo: Maxim LYUKOV.

Alexander PEDAN, TV presenter:

I suffered from this disease more than once, especially during the KVN era. You are young, and then they begin to recognize you. Arrogance and excessive self-confidence appear. But time also heals the situations in which you find yourself. After ups there are downs, you land as soon as something doesn’t work out for you. The problem with star fever is that you stop developing and begin to slowly degrade.

Photo: KP archive.

Lyuba YUNAK, singer of the group "Lavika":

Star fever can only affect people who are intellectually uneducated and uncultured. Well, young age also takes its toll. As a rule, these are those who suddenly became famous without serious effort. The risk group includes participants in various talent shows. The guys instantly find themselves at the top, which they never dreamed of just yesterday. Hence the "stardom".

To understand the cause of “star fever” and recommend an effective “treatment”, it is worth first defining the terms and finding out whether it is actually a disease, and who suffers from it more than others.

In psychology there is no concept of “star fever” as such. Psychologists look at a number of signs that appear in some people under the influence of success, in this case, in sports activities, and work with the reasons for their occurrence.

These are signs such as: arrogance, intolerance to criticism, arrogance, arrogance, condescension towards coaches and classmates, disdainful attitude towards opponents. This period is difficult for those around the “sick” athlete, who are forced to observe such unpleasant behavior. But paradoxically, the “star” athlete himself experiences this moment no less dramatically. The fact is that “stardom” and the feeling of one’s own imperfection and insignificance are two sides of the same coin. And in order to understand how these, at first glance, polar experiences coexist in one person, it is worth going back to the time when the child had not even thought about sports.

Similar violation originates in early childhood when a child is praised only for successes or not praised at all, but is punished or ignored for failures, thereby showing him that without achievements he is nothing. Or, in another version, the child is presented as special: the most talented, the smartest, the most beautiful, etc. At the same time, parents notice and recognize the child only when he approaches them. ideal model, thereby letting the child understand that only by being “the very best” he can earn their love. In such families, parents tend to compare their child with other children, and often not in favor of their own child. The eternal dissatisfaction of parents, who for some reason cannot be sincerely interested in the child or at least simply happy that he exists, forms in the child a persistent feeling that he is still not good enough, which means that his achievements and successes mean nothing. Such a child understands early on: in order to earn the attention and recognition of his parents, he must constantly achieve success, as if buying their love. Sports in this case - fertile soil, here you can take high places, break records, receive titles.

Growing up, such a child becomes very dependent on external evaluation. At the same time, he always criticizes himself, but with the same ease he blames others. Therefore, he is always dissatisfied with himself and the world around him. He has not learned to look for himself, understand and accept own characteristics, his parents taught him to endlessly and meaninglessly compare himself with someone, and since the criteria are high, the comparison, as a rule, is not in his favor. This inevitably gave rise to a hidden conflict in the child: on the one hand, he wanted to feel unique and inimitable, on the other, he quickly got used to the feeling that he was just “one of”, and more often than not, not the best.

Thus, “star fever” is nothing more than defensive reaction a grown-up person, when he himself learned to perceive (evaluate) himself exclusively through the prism of achievements. This is the desire to gain recognition, to take some special place in the circle of acquaintances. This is some attempt to smooth out the experience of his own imperfection, since being better is the only mechanism known to him for receiving love or recognition. Even when he treats others with contempt - “let him, the other one, now experience his imperfection, and not I myself.” Pushing away the disdain of other people, the “sick” person does everything so as not to be exposed, so that under beautiful mask success, they did not notice a deeply suffering person experiencing his low value (significance) for himself. Inside himself, he most likely does not consider his achievements particularly significant, but he really wants others to consider them as such. Although during the period of recognition of his achievements, such a person really feels great and powerful. However, this moment is very short - just a few minutes or hours, and everything returns to normal.

Having understood the mechanism of occurrence of “star fever”, one cannot fail to mention the methods of its “treatment”, or rather prevention. So, for parents whose children are just starting their sports careers, the recommendation may seem strange at first: don’t be afraid to praise your own child. It is a big misconception that praise leads to star fever. Praise is those nutrients, without which it cannot develop adequate self-esteem. However, praise must be appropriate. You should not raise a child to heaven if his success is undeserved. But those achievements to which the child has made an effort should not go unnoticed. But the most important thing is to praise not even for achievements, but simply to be happy that he exists, that he is who he is, with all his characteristics.

You cannot punish a child for failures and failures - this is an experience, albeit a negative one. It’s better to help him analyze what happened and draw conclusions that can protect him from repeating his mistake in the future.

It is important for a child to realize that he is important and valuable to his parents, regardless of his success.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs