The back of the human body. Body parts

Heads, shoulders, knees and... lacrimal caruncle?

We are used to thinking that we know everything or almost everything about ourselves. But in the human body there is great amount parts of the body whose names we don’t even know. And now you have the opportunity for the first time to call a spade a spade and get to know the nameless parts of yourself.

Additionally, you will be able to impress people with your amazing knowledge of anatomy and physiology. And from now on it will be much easier for you to communicate with doctors (believe me, they also like to call things by their proper names).

Body part called glabella

Well hello, dear reader - meet Glabella! This is the place above the bridge of the nose and between the eyebrows. Its name goes back to the Latin "glabellus", which means "hairless", but even the most beautiful people planets may have problems with hairiness in this part of the body. But wait... If Frida Kahlo can sport a unibrow and still become one of the world's greatest artists, then why should mere mortals care about some glabella hairiness? Perhaps you just need to invest in some good tweezers - and the problem is solved.

By the way, the glabella can be useful: if you pinch the skin on it with your fingers and it does not smooth out, this is a sign of dehydration. This simple test could one day save your life.


The small hollow under the nose is the “filtrum,” or philtrum. In fairy tales, this is the place of the touch of an angel, erasing memories of a past life.

In mammals like dogs, the philtrum helps keep the nose moist, which contributes greatly to any canine's amazing olfactory abilities.

In humans, the philtrum has ceased to perform practical functions, however, it can also help in diagnosing diseases: contracted walls of the philtrum may indicate alcoholism or Prader-Willi syndrome. A wide philtrum is associated with Down syndrome (most often in boys).

Human nostrils

Let's focus on the nose area. Essentially, each of your nostrils is made up of many small nostrils. The nasal septum, which “cool” young people love to pierce, has its own wings, which are called “columella nasi”. Now you know everything about your nose.


You still call this body part your big toe. Sounds somewhat ordinary, don’t you think? But they could proudly call him “Hallux”, like some ancient Greek god!

Most likely, you do not remember its existence until the moment you hit a piece of furniture, however, it is it that helps you maintain balance and vertical position. Absence thumb - a respectful reason for refusal to serve the Motherland (which is why many “craftsmen” shoot themselves in the feet).

Morton's finger

Continuing the topic of leg mysteries, let's talk about what many people experience.

Morton's finger is a physiological feature in which forefinger the legs are longer than the big one. This does not cause any harm to health (not counting problems with choosing shoes). However, in Ancient Greece such a finger was considered the standard of beauty, and even the Statue of Liberty was created with such a “defect.”

Fistful (Gowpen)

Oddly enough, there is not even a hint of a similar word in the Russian language. If you believe the encyclopedias, it reads “geupen”. In fact, this word does not denote a part of the body as such, but denotes the function of carrying something in the folded palms in such a way that they turn into a vessel (the closest translation is “cupping” or “handful”).

The etymology of the word itself goes back to the Old Norse gaupn, which means "a hollow made of hands joined together to form the shape of a bowl." After all, the Vikings thought creatively.

Anatomical snuff box

It sounds like something from the sexual sphere, but it is far from true. The snuffbox is a natural indentation on the outside of the hand, between the thumb and index finger.

This part of the body got its name due to the fact that it was convenient to sniff tobacco from it. A very pragmatic attitude towards your body.


A simple bridle, but how beautiful it sounds! In fact, there are many frenulums on the human body. It is connective tissue that helps moving parts move in a given area. For example, holding his tongue or upper lip.

As you know, men have another frenulum - on the penis. Because of it, problems may arise during sexual intercourse. In addition, this place is popular for piercings. Therefore, you should not Google the word “bridle” at work if you do not want questions from colleagues or superiors.


Tragus is a small triangular cartilage on the outer ear. You can use it to close ear canal, if you press.

Like the frenulum, this body part is popular for piercing, but its natural function is still unknown. Perhaps it serves to detect the source of the sound.


The white crescents at the base of the nail are the “lanula.” As one might expect, they got their name from the Latin “lun”, which translates as “moon”. Essentially, this is a second nail under the first, and a very sensitive one at that. Any injury to the lanula entails lifelong deformation of the nail, so it should be protected like the apple of your eye.

Dimples of Venus

The dimples of Venus, or simply the dimples on the back, have long been considered a symbol of sexuality and female beauty, so it is not surprising that they were named after the Roman goddess of beauty.

There is a common misconception that people with Venus dimples are more sensual, passionate and reach orgasm faster. There is no scientific evidence for this version.

The bad news for those who want to get these cleavages: they can't be created through diet and exercise. Only genetics and nothing more.


The canthus is the name given to the outer corner of the palpebral fissure, where the upper and lower eyelids touch. The reason this place needs a name is a mystery shrouded in darkness.

Lacrimal caruncle (Lacrimal curuncle)

Everyone wondered what that ball of flesh was in the inner corner of the eye. And this is exactly it - the tearful caruncle. Thanks to him, we cry, or rather, we bring our tears out. Scientists note that the caruncle is a rudimentary part of the so-called “third eyelid” (which can even be found in cats - try looking into their eyes while sleeping). For some unknown reason, the human body has abandoned them, although most mammals still boast additional eye protection.

Supersternal groove

Like the dimples of Venus, the supersternal groove is a completely non-sexual part of the body, but is considered one.

If we move away from the topic of sex, then this part of the body is an excellent point to strike when defending against an attack. Which side you look at is up to you.


The axilla, or simply the “armpit,” is an important part of any person’s body, no matter how much we sometimes want to get rid of it. Sprays, shaving, even removing sweat glands - this is what many people do to get rid of the smell of sweat. Meanwhile, it is the glands located in the axillas that transmit information about their owner to the olfactory receptors of potential sexual partners.


The male breast is a very peculiar part of the body. And in many representatives of the stronger sex they turn not into steel plates of the torso, but into the semblance of female mammary glands. This is possible in adolescence, during the period of hormonal changes. Moreover, in adulthood, gynecomastia is also possible - it is observed in bodybuilders who take steroids for too long. The deviation may go away on its own, but most often surgical intervention is necessary.

Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi muscle

The favorite muscle of the king of rock and roll, Elvis Presley, has received the status of the muscle with the longest name. She is responsible for your ability to be ironic and smile sarcasticly. Its use would be great for Draco Malfoy to show his hostility at a Muggle party.

The name of this muscle is translated as “lift of both edges of the lip and wing of the nose.” Given that the “sarcastic muscle” is located on both sides of the mouth, most people can demonstrate irony with only one part of it.

There are still a lot of names in the human body, from which to an ordinary person it might get bad. However, with this set you can already pass for an expert in the field human nature, so keep it for yourself - you won’t regret it.

Heads, shoulders, knees and... lacrimal caruncle?

We are used to thinking that we know everything or almost everything about ourselves. But in the human body there are a huge number of body parts whose names we don’t even know. And now you have the opportunity for the first time to call a spade a spade and get to know the nameless parts of yourself.
Additionally, you will be able to impress people with your amazing knowledge of anatomy and physiology. And from now on it will be much easier for you to communicate with doctors (believe me, they also like to call things by their proper names).

Body part called glabella

Many people would do well to thin it out

Well hello, dear reader - meet Glabella! This is the place above the bridge of the nose and between the eyebrows. Its name comes from the Latin “glabellus,” which means “hairless,” but even the most beautiful people on the planet can have problems with hair in this part of the body. But wait... If Frida Kahlo can sport a unibrow and still become one of the world's greatest artists, then why should mere mortals care about some glabella hairiness? Perhaps you just need to invest in some good tweezers - and the problem is solved.
By the way, the glabella can be useful: if you pinch the skin on it with your fingers and it does not smooth out, this is a sign of dehydration. This simple test could one day save your life.


An angel's fingerprint or just a cleavage?

The small hollow under the nose is the “philtrum,” or philtrum. In fairy tales, this is the place of the touch of an angel, erasing memories of a past life.
In mammals like dogs, the philtrum helps keep the nose moist, which contributes greatly to any canine's amazing olfactory abilities.
In humans, the philtrum has ceased to perform practical functions, however, it can also help in diagnosing diseases: contracted walls of the philtrum may indicate alcoholism or Prader-Willi syndrome. A wide philtrum is associated with Down syndrome (most often in boys).

Human nostrils

A nostril made up of nostrils - the world will never be the same

Let's focus on the nose area. Essentially, each of your nostrils is made up of many small nostrils. The nasal septum, which “cool” young people love to pierce, has its own wings, which are called “columella nasi”. Now you know everything about your nose.


It sounds proud, but it means something that causes pain in the night.

You still call this body part your big toe. Sounds somewhat ordinary, don’t you think? But they could proudly call him “Hallux”, like some ancient Greek god!
Most likely, you do not remember its existence until the moment you hit a piece of furniture, however, it is it that helps you maintain your balance and vertical position. The absence of a thumb is a valid reason for refusing to serve the Motherland (this is why many “craftsmen” shoot themselves in the feet).

Morton's finger

Even the Statue of Liberty has it. And you?

Continuing the topic of leg mysteries, let's talk about what many people experience.
Morton's toe is a physiological feature in which the index toe is longer than the big toe. This does not cause any harm to health (not counting problems with choosing shoes). However, in Ancient Greece such a finger was considered the standard of beauty, and even the Statue of Liberty was created with such a “defect.”

Fistful (Gowpen)

An unknown Scandinavian word, knowledge of which will be useful

Oddly enough, there is not even a hint of a similar word in the Russian language. If you believe the encyclopedias, it reads “geupen”. In fact, this word does not denote a part of the body as such, but denotes the function of carrying something in the folded palms in such a way that they turn into a container (the closest translation is “cupping the hands” or “handful”).
The etymology of the word itself goes back to the Old Norse gaupn, which means "a hollow made of hands joined together to form the shape of a bowl." After all, the Vikings thought creatively.

Anatomical snuff box

All literary heroes took snuff from her

It sounds like something from the sexual sphere, but it is far from true. The snuffbox is the natural indentation on the outside of the hand, between the thumb and index finger.
This part of the body got its name due to the fact that it was convenient to sniff tobacco from it. A very pragmatic attitude towards your body.


Bridle and bridle are different

A simple bridle, but how beautiful it sounds! In fact, there are many frenulums on the human body. It is connective tissue that helps moving parts move in a given area. For example, holding the tongue or upper lip.
As you know, men have another frenulum - on the penis. Because of it, problems may arise during sexual intercourse. In addition, this place is popular for piercings. Therefore, you should not Google the word “bridle” at work if you do not want questions from colleagues or superiors.


An obscure part of the body, but more interesting with it

Tragus is a small triangular cartilage on the outer ear. It can be used to close the ear canal by applying pressure.
Like the frenulum, this body part is popular for piercing, but its natural function is still unknown. Perhaps it serves to detect the source of the sound.


A beautiful name for a tender part of the body

The white crescents at the base of the nail are the “lanula.” As one might expect, they got their name from the Latin “lun”, which translates as “moon”. Essentially, this is a second nail under the first, and a very sensitive one at that. Any injury to the lanula entails lifelong deformation of the nail, so it should be protected like the apple of your eye.

Dimples of Venus

So tasty for many cavities

The dimples of Venus, or simply the dimples on the back, have long been considered a symbol of sexuality and female beauty, so it is not surprising that they were named after the Roman goddess of beauty.
There is a common misconception that people with Venus dimples are more sensual, passionate and reach orgasm faster. There is no scientific evidence for this version.
The bad news for those who want to get these cleavages: they can't be created through diet and exercise. Only genetics and nothing more.


A mysterious place with its own name

The canthus is the name given to the outer corner of the palpebral fissure, where the upper and lower eyelids touch. The reason this place needs a name is a mystery shrouded in darkness.

Lacrimal caruncle (Lacrimal curuncle)

Perhaps the strangest part of the body

Everyone wondered what that ball of flesh was in the inner corner of the eye. And this is exactly it - the tearful caruncle. Thanks to him, we cry, or rather, we bring our tears out. Scientists note that the caruncle is a rudimentary part of the so-called “third eyelid” (which can even be found in cats - try looking into their eyes while sleeping). For some unknown reason, the human body has abandoned them, although most mammals still boast additional eye protection.

Supersternal groove

Another non-sexual, but erotic body part

Like the dimples of Venus, the supersternal groove is a completely non-sexual part of the body, but is considered one.
If we move away from the topic of sex, this part of the body is an excellent point to strike when defending against an attack. Which side you look at is up to you.


Common armpit

The axilla, or simply the “armpit,” is an important part of any person’s body, no matter how much we sometimes want to get rid of it. Sprays, shaving, even removing sweat glands - this is what many people do to get rid of the smell of sweat. Meanwhile, it is the glands located in the axillas that transmit information about their owner to the olfactory receptors of potential sexual partners.


Not only women have...breasts

The male breast is a very peculiar part of the body. And in many representatives of the stronger sex they turn not into steel plates of the torso, but into the semblance of female mammary glands. This is possible in adolescence, during the period of hormonal changes. Moreover, in adulthood, gynecomastia is also possible - it is observed in bodybuilders who take steroids for too long. The deviation may go away on its own, but most often surgical intervention is necessary.

Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi muscle

Elvis left this world, but his smile remained

The favorite muscle of the king of rock and roll, Elvis Presley, has received the status of the muscle with the longest name. She is responsible for your ability to be ironic and smile sarcasticly. Its use would be great for Draco Malfoy to show his hostility at a Muggle party.
The name of this muscle is translated as “lift of both edges of the lip and wing of the nose.” Given that the “sarcastic muscle” is located on both sides of the mouth, most people can demonstrate irony with only one part of it.
There are still a lot of names in the human body that can make an ordinary person feel ill. However, with this set you can already pass for an expert in the field of human nature, so keep it for yourself - you won’t regret it.

The structure of the human body is unique. The coordinated work of each organ ensures vital activity. Each region consists of a specific set of organs.

Humans are the most complex organism on our planet, capable of performing several functions simultaneously. All organs have their responsibilities and carry out their work harmoniously: the heart pumps blood, distributing it throughout the body, the lungs process oxygen into carbon dioxide, and the brain processes thought processes, others are responsible for a person’s movement and his life activities.

Anatomy is the science that studies the human structure. She distinguishes between the external (what can be observed visually) and internal (hidden from view) structure of a person.

Human structure based on external features

External structure- these are parts of the body that are open to the human eye and can easily be listed:

  • head - the upper round part of the body
  • neck - part of the body connecting the head and torso
  • chest - front part of the body
  • back - rear end torso
  • torso - human body
  • upper limbs - hands
  • lower limbs - legs

The internal structure of a person - consists of a series internal organs, which are located inside a person and have their own functions. The internal structure of a person consists of the main, more important organs:

  • brain
  • lungs
  • heart
  • liver
  • stomach
  • intestines

main internal organs of a person

A more detailed listing of the internal structure includes blood vessels, glands and other vital organs.

It can be noted that the structure of the human body is similar to the structure of representatives of the animal world. This fact is explained by the fact that, according to the theory of evolution, man descended from mammals.

Man developed together with animals, and scientists often notice his similarity with some representatives of the animal world at the cellular and genetic level.

Cell - elementary particle of the human body. A cluster of cells forms textile, which actually makes up the internal organs of a person.

All human organs are united into systems that work in a balanced manner to ensure the full functioning of the body. The human body consists of the following important systems:

  • Musculoskeletal system- provides a person with movement and supports the body in the required position. It consists of a skeleton, muscles, ligaments and joints
  • Digestive system - the most complex system in the human body, it is responsible for the digestion process, providing a person with energy for life
  • Respiratory system - consists of the lungs and airways, which are designed to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide, oxygenating the blood
  • The cardiovascular system - has the most important transport function, providing blood to the entire human body
  • Nervous system - regulates all functions of the body, consists of two types of brain: the brain and the spinal cord, as well as nerve cells and nerve endings
  • Endocrine system regulates nervous and biological processes in organism
  • Reproductive and urinary system - a number of organs that differ in structure between men and women. Have important functions: reproductive and excretory
  • Integumentary system - provides protection of internal organs from the external environment, represented by the skin

Video: “Human Anatomy. Where is what?

The brain is an important human organ

The brain provides a person with mental activity, distinguishing him from other living organisms. It is essentially a mass of nervous tissue. It consists of two cerebral hemispheres, the pons and the cerebellum.

  • Large hemispheres necessary to manage all thought processes and provide a person with conscious management with all the movements
  • At the back of the brain is cerebellum. It is thanks to him that a person is able to control the balance of the entire body. The cerebellum controls muscle reflexes. Even this important action how to pull your hand away from a hot surface so as not to damage the skin - controlled by the cerebellum
  • Pons lies below the cerebellum at the base of the skull. Its function is very simple - to receive nerve impulses and pass them on
  • The other bridge is oblong, located slightly lower and connects to the spinal cord. Its function is to receive and transmit signals from other departments

Video: “Brain, structure and functions”

What organs are inside the chest?

There are several vital organs in the chest cavity:

  • lungs
  • heart
  • bronchi
  • trachea
  • esophagus
  • diaphragm
  • thymus

structure of the human chest organs

Rib cagecomplex structure, mostly filled with lungs. It contains the most important muscular organ - the heart and large blood vessels. Diaphragm- a wide flat muscle that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity.

Heart - Between the two lungs, in the chest there is this cavity organ-muscle. Its dimensions are not large enough and it does not exceed the volume of a fist. The organ's task is simple but important: to pump blood into the arteries and receive venous blood.

The position of the heart is quite interesting - oblique presentation. The wide part of the organ is directed up, back to the right, and the narrow part is directed down to the left.

detailed structure of the heart organ
  • The main vessels come from the base of the heart (the wide part). The heart must regularly pump and process blood, distributing fresh blood throughout the body
  • The movement of this organ is ensured by two halves: the left and right ventricle
  • The left ventricle of the heart is larger than the right
  • The pericardium is the tissue covering this muscular organ. The outer part of the pericardium is connected to blood vessels, the inner part grows to the heart

Lungs - the most voluminous paired organ in the human body. This organ occupies most of the chest. These organs are exactly the same, but it is worth noting that they have different functions and structure.

lung structure

As you can see in the picture, right lung has three lobes, compared to the left, which has only two. Also, the left lung has a bend on the left side. The task of the lungs is to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide and saturate the blood with oxygen.

Trachea - occupies a position between the bronchi and larynx. The trachea is cartilaginous semi-rings and connecting ligaments, as well as muscle on back wall covered with mucus. Inferiorly, the trachea divides into two bronchus These bronchi go to the left and right lungs. In fact, the bronchus is the most common extension of the trachea. The lung inside consists of many branches of the bronchi. Functions of the bronchi:

  • airway - carrying air through the lungs
  • protective - cleansing function

trachea and bronchi, structure

Esophagus - a long organ that originates in the larynx and passes through aperture(muscular organ) connecting to the stomach. The esophagus has circular muscles that move food to the stomach.

location of the esophagus in the chest

Thymus gland - gland, which has found its place under the sternum. It can be considered part of the human immune system.


Video: “Organs of the thoracic cavity”

What organs are included in the abdominal cavity?

The abdominal organs are the organs of the digestive tract, as well as the pancreas along with the liver and kidneys. The spleen, kidneys, stomach and genitals are also located here. The abdominal organs are covered with peritoneum.

internal organs of the human abdominal cavity

Stomach - one of the main organs digestive system. Essentially, it is a continuation of the esophagus, separated by a valve that covers the entrance to the stomach.

The stomach is shaped like a bag. Its walls are capable of producing special mucus (juice), the enzymes of which break down food.

structure of the stomach
  • Intestines - the longest and most voluminous part of the gastric tract. The intestines begin immediately after the outlet of the stomach. It is built in a loop shape and ends with an outlet. The intestines have thick, small intestines and direct
  • The small intestine (duodenum and ileum) passes into the large intestine, the colon into the rectum
  • The task of the intestines is to digest and remove leftover food from the body

detailed structure of the human intestine

Liver - the largest gland in the human body. It is also involved in the digestion process. Its task is to ensure metabolism and participate in the blood circulation process.

It is located directly under the diaphragm and is divided into two lobes. Vein connects the liver to duodenum. The liver is closely related and functions with the gallbladder.

liver structure

Kidneys - paired organ located in lumbar region. They perform an important chemical function- regulation of homeostasis and urination.

The kidneys are bean-shaped and are part of the urinary organs. Directly above the kidneys are adrenal glands

kidney structure

Bladder - a kind of bag for collecting urine. It is located immediately behind pubic bone in the groin area.

structure of the bladder

Spleen - located above the diaphragm. Has a number of important functions:

  • hemorrhage
  • body protection

The spleen has the ability to change in size depending on the accumulation of blood.

structure of the spleen

How are the pelvic organs located?

These organs are located in the space limited by the pelvic bone. It is worth noting that women's and men's pelvic organs to differ.

  • Rectum - a similar organ in both men and women. This end part intestines. Digestive products are removed through it. The length of the rectum should be about fifteen centimeters
  • Bladder differs in location, female and male placement in the cavity. In women, it is in contact with the walls of the vagina, as well as the uterus; in men, it is adjacent to the seminal vesicles and streams that remove the seed, as well as to the rectum

female pelvic (genital) organs
  • Vagina - a hollow tubular organ that is located from the genital slit to the uterus. It is about 10 centimeters long and is adjacent to the cervix, the organ passes through the genitourinary diaphragm
  • Uterus - an organ made up of muscles. It has a pear shape and is located behind bladder, but in front of the rectum. The organ is usually divided into: fundus, body and neck. Performs reproductive function
  • Ovary - paired organ ovoid in shape. This female gland, which produces hormones. The maturation of eggs occurs in them. The ovary is connected to the uterus by the fallopian tubes

male pelvic (genital) organs
  • Seminal vesicle - is located behind the bladder and looks like paired organ. This is secretory male organ. Its size is approximately five centimeters in diameter. It consists of bubbles connected to each other. The function of the organ is to produce seed for fertilization
  • Prostate - an organ consisting of muscles and glands. It is located directly on the urogenital diaphragm. The base of the organ is the urinary and seminal canal

Video: “Human Anatomy. Abdominal organs"

Anatomical terminology. Axes and planes used in anatomy.

To determine the position of organs, three mutually perpendicular planes are used: sagittal(from Latin sagitta - arrow), vertically cutting the body from front to back; frontal(from Latin frons - forehead) a plane perpendicular to the first, vertical (oriented from right to left) according to the plane of the forehead; And horizontal(a plane perpendicular to the first two). In the human body, many such planes can be conventionally drawn. The sagittal plane, which divides the body in half into right and left half, called median. To indicate the location of organs in relation to the horizontal plane, the terms are used upper(cranial - from Latin cranium - skull), lower(caudal - from Latin cauda - tail); in relation to the frontal plane - front(ventral - from Latin venter - belly), rear(dorsal - from Latin dorsum - back). There are also concepts side(lateral), located away from the midsagittal plane, and average(medial), lying closer to the median plane. To refer to parts of the limbs, the following terms are used: proximal(located closer to the beginning of the limb) and distal, located further from the body.

Vertical lines. These are the anterior and posterior median, right and left sternal, drawn along the corresponding edges of the sternum; midclavicular, carried through the middle of the clavicles; axillary: anterior, posterior, middle, drawn through the corresponding edges and the middle of the axillary fossa; scapular - drawn through the lower corners of the shoulder blades.

Organs and organ systems. Body types.

In the process of anatomical study of a person, its structures are conventionally divided into cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems, which form organisms. The organism is one; it can exist only thanks to its integrity. Basic structural unit The structure of a living thing is a cell.

Cells and their derivatives form tissues from which organs are formed, forming organ systems. And finally, the systems are integrated into the whole organism. The integrity of the body is ensured thanks to the unified neuro-humoral-hormonal regulation of its functions. I.P. Pavlov proved the leading role of the nervous system in the integration of the body and the implementation of its connection with the external environment.

Cells are part of tissues. Tissue is a historically established community of cells and intercellular substance, united by a unity of origin, structure and function. There are 4 types of tissues in the human body: epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous.

An organ (from the Greek organon - instrument, instrument) is distinguished by its unique form and structure, adapted to perform a specific function. Organs are built from tissues. Each organ contains all types of tissues. One of the tissues is the main, “working” one, performing the main function of the organ.

Organs are anatomically and functionally combined into organ systems. A system is a number of organs that have a common structural plan, unity of origin and perform one large function (for example, digestion, respiration). In the human body they secrete following systems organs: digestion (digestive), respiration (respiratory), urinary, reproductive, nervous, circulatory, lymphatic and immune. Some organs are united by functional principle into devices: they often have different structure and origin may not be anatomically related, but they are united by participation in the performance of a common function (for example, musculoskeletal, endocrine devices), or these organs are different in their functional tasks, but are related ontogenetically (for example, the genitourinary apparatus).

Parts of the human body. Areas of the body and their boundaries.

The human body (human body: often used in anatomical terms) is the material, physical component of the living human body. It is the lowest in the hierarchy of three parts, irreducible to each other and inseparable private essences that make up a person: Spirit - soul - body. The human body is divided into a trunk (axial) part and a peripheral part (limbs). The human body is composed of organs. An organ is a part of the human body. The organs are differentiated as a whole. Each organ is the object of control of one of the body systems.
A generalized direct indicator of the harmony of the structure of the human body and an indirect indicator of a rational lifestyle, nutrition and health, based on the ratio of body weight and its length (height) is the human body mass index, or Quetelet index. Body mass index as an indicator was first proposed by the Belgian scientist Quetelet. Quetelet, (Lambert) Adolphe (Jacques), 1796-1874, mathematician, astronomer, meteorologist, sociologist; one of the creators of mathematical statistics.
Body parts: head, neck, torso, upper limbs (arms) and lower limbs (legs), organs.

Topographic anatomy of body surfaces contains common guidelines for all studies of the human body, for the exchange of information about research results, for medical manipulations, for ergonomic practice and for other purposes.

Experts examined the topography of body surfaces and divided all surfaces of body parts into certain areas.

The main areas of the surfaces of body parts are:
– in the head: the cranial vault area and the face area, in the torso: the chest area, the abdominal area and the back area.

Landmarks on the surface of the body.

The guidelines on the surface of the chest are the following lines:

– Anterior midline.

– Sternal line, running along the edge of the sternum.

– Midclavicular (nipple line), passing through the nipple or through the middle of the collarbone.

– Parasternal line, in the middle between the two previous ones.

– Anterior axillary line passing through the anterior edge axillary fossa.

– The median axillary line, passing through the middle of the axillary fossa.

– Posterior axillary line, passing through the posterior edge of the axillary fossa. – Scapular line passing through the lower angle of the scapula.
The abdomen is divided into three sections lying on top of each other using two horizontal lines drawn between the ends of the X ribs and between both anterosuperior iliac spines:

- Epigastrium, epigastrium.

– Mid-abdominal region, womb, mesogastrium.

- Hypogastrium, hypogastrium.

Each of the three sections of the abdomen is divided by two vertical lines into three more secondary areas.

– The epigastric region, the epigastrium, is divided into the middle part (epigastric region) and two lateral, subcostal regions, the hypochondrium.

– The middle region of the abdomen, the womb, the mesogastrium is divided into a mid-umbilical region and two lateral abdominal regions.
– Hypogastrium, hypogastrium is divided into pubic area and two groin areas,

lying on the sides.

The areas of the back are: vertebral region, right and left scapular areas, right and left subscapular regions and deltoid region.
The upper limb is divided into the shoulder, forearm and hand. The hand is divided into areas of the palm, back and fingers. The lower limb is divided into the following areas: gluteal, thigh, lower leg and foot. The foot is divided into the sole, dorsum of the foot and toes. The average body length of an adult (20 ÷ 60 years) is ~165 for men cm, in women ~154 cm. Body length growth stops in women at ~16 ÷ 17 years, in men - at ~18 ÷ 19 years. Body proportions.
Body proportions depend on age and gender. During the development of the fetus, it first grows rapidly upper sections bodies, and after birth - lower. Therefore, after birth, the height of the head increases only 2 times, the length of the body - 3 times, the length of the arms - 4 times, and the length of the legs - 5 times.

Sex differences. Gender differences in body proportions: women have somewhat narrower shoulders and a much wider pelvis, slightly shorter arms and legs, and a longer torso. Sexual characteristics that distinguish a man from a woman are divided into primary sexual characteristics and secondary sexual characteristics. Primary sexual characteristics include the reproductive organs inherent to the sex, primarily the gonads. The remaining characteristics relate to secondary sexual characteristics. Women are shorter in height (on average ~12 cm) and body weight. The average body weight of an adult male in Russia is ~66 kg, women ~59 kg. Individual deviations of body weight from the average value are ~18 ÷ 25 kg.

A woman's chest is shorter and narrower than a man's. As a result of this, and also due to the greater tilt of the pelvis, a woman’s abdomen is longer. Total muscle mass in men it averages ~40% of total body weight, while in women it is only ~32%. Hence, on average physical strength women have less than men. In a woman adipose tissue much more abundantly developed than in men. A characteristic secondary sexual characteristic in a woman is the presence of developed mammary glands, which in a man are in their infancy. A man's skin is thicker and rougher, with more hair (especially on the face).



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs