Opening 3 eyes. Brain Squeeze and Relaxation Technique

It must be said that most people tend to open their third eye more for fun, out of curiosity. Few people have adequate adult motives.

Ask yourself a question - who really needs a working third eye? It is really needed by practitioners who devote their lives to serving God through helping other people and this is the main thing in life for them, it is needed by Spiritual Teachers who work in the Subtle World to prevent troubles throughout the Earth and fight Evil, by Researchers who receive new knowledge for the spiritual and material enrichment of humanity and others. These are the people who really need a third eye!

Before you start opening your third eye, ask yourself a question - why do you need this? And if you can’t find a worthy, truly meaningful motive for yourself, you don’t even need to start wasting time on it.

Although it must be said that at a minimum, there will be enough motive “for your own development”, because an open third eye gives a person a lot of opportunities, including healing itself, knowledge of the karmic causes of any troubles that may occur in life, and many many others.

Frankly, I am against using the services of dubious mentors who open the third eye at a distance in a few sessions. Well, they opened the third eye, but as a rule, no one explains what to do with it, how to use it correctly, with whom you can interact in the Subtle World and with whom you cannot. And the person is left alone with this powerful and at the same time dangerous tool, like a monkey with a grenade. I myself personally know cases when a person who is not spiritually prepared, with open third quickly ended up in a psychiatric hospital. So this is no joke.

I am a supporter of the third eye being opened only by Higher Powers, the corresponding Patrons, who do this only when the person is ready (has such a karmic right). Only in this case will this ability benefit him and not harm him.

So, how do you open your third eye (astral vision)?

Steps to achieve this goal:

1. Sincerely answer these questions for yourself (in writing): Why do you need a third eye? What will you do with it? Why can the Higher Powers entrust you with this tool? For what To the Higher Powers give you this ability? Answer with utmost sincerity, because it is impossible to deceive God! The answers to these questions will determine your patronage for this goal - who will help you open your third eye.

3. The third eye is located in the center of the Ajna chakra– study this chakra. The development of Ajna will automatically contribute to the opening of the third eye. Ignite the Ajna chakra using the technique, concentrate a dense energy fireball in the forehead area. This will fill Ajna and energy systems third eye energy.

4. Opening the third eye requires special qualities.- this is Sincerity (a huge desire to know the truth, the desire for truth in everything) and (a coward will not see anything, no Subtle world). If a person is prone to self-deception, he will not see the truth, he will not be able to receive adequate information, which means that he will almost certainly be subject to illusions.

5. There are many other purely technical exercises for opening the third eye, which is well described on other sites and in many books. You can add them to your exercise list.

6. Work with a Healer or mentor. And first of all, this work is needed to find out whether there are prohibitions on the possession of these abilities, what are the reasons for these karmic prohibitions, and to clear one’s own in this matter. Only after this can you begin the procedures for opening astral vision.

But remember the main thing! If you are ready and you really need the third eye, the forces of Light will open it for you without any problems. And if you are early or not supposed to (karmic prohibition), you can even break your forehead, but your third eye will not open.

And if you decide to work with a good Healer on these issues, I will recommend a good specialist.

Many people would like to open their third eye. Everyone has several reasons for this. After all, any person with an unenslaved consciousness easily feels the untapped potential within himself. No one can hide this from us! Because we intuitively know that we have enormous capabilities.

However full opening the third eye in the absence of experience is a rather lengthy process. And yet absolutely anyone normal person capable of achieving high results under certain conditions.

There are only three ways to open the third eye. The first is evolutionary. Second - methods conscious self-development. The third is a method of directly eliminating the energy mechanism blocking the third eye.

In the evolutionary method, people as a species acquire changes over time under the influence of evolutionary forces. Natural factors contribute to the development of certain abilities. This is a long process, taking hundreds and thousands of years of evolution.

Method of conscious self-development.

This is a method in which the practitioner, knowing his energy structure, applies timely techniques development of abilities. Under the influence of the techniques, it accumulates energy and receives quite natural changes that allow it to open the third eye without negative consequences.

As you know, at all times there have been people in to a large extent ahead of their contemporaries in ability.

If you know the scheme by which certain abilities are revealed, it can be successfully applied to almost all people.

The organs of clairvoyance are represented by a system of channels and a clearly visible energy structure. The third eye is not physical organ, but a thin-plane structure. It has a connection with the energies of the pituitary gland, pineal gland, and ajna.

Man it's a certain way arranged system, the structure of which must be studied by anyone who intends to open the third eye.

The structure of the third eye for many is in a dormant state, but it can be awakened and brought into action by certain practical techniques. First you need to cleanse the channels leading to the ajna chakra.

If we want to open the third eye, we must naturally increase the flow of energy through the channels of the clairvoyant organs. Otherwise, no vision will follow. All this should be done sequentially.

When a practitioner's third eye opens, he begins to see energy, subtle plans, and the aura of people. At further development It becomes possible to communicate with angelic evolution and beings of the Higher planes.

If your intentions to open your third eye and develop clairvoyance are serious, and you want to use them for the benefit of your own development, we will be happy to help you. Thanks to the right techniques, you will begin to see amazing things on your own experience make sure of Beauty and Harmony Higher worlds. You will see how wonderful the world and you yourself look if you look at objects as energy.

You can learn more about the structure of the third eye and methods for opening it in classes at our school or in correspondence Courses on opening the third eye and developing clairvoyance.

School is looking for capable people, so if you are talented, we will be especially glad to see you.

If you have no experience yet, but your intention for self-development is high, write too, there are wonderful methods for you.

As in any practice, there are many nuances in the methods for opening the third eye, which only the author of the system can explain.

Therefore, those who wish to study, come to us for in-person camping or, if you do not have such an opportunity, sign up for distance learning, where you can also ask questions about the topics of our site.

Method of direct opening of the third eye.

This method is used extremely rarely, and only for those students who have difficulty in independent work and need help.

The method for directly eliminating the energy mechanism blocking the third eye is for a clairvoyant who has high level development of consciousness and abilities, opens the third eye of another person with the help of his vision, eliminating the energy plug that blocks clairvoyance.

The mechanisms that block the third eye have their own device on the energy plane, which can be observed by a clairvoyant.

This mechanism is formed by nature so that a person can calmly work in the reality given to him, developing his intellect and not be shocked by the huge volume of high-frequency information of all kinds.

Imagine if a huge stream of pictures, sounds, events poured into your sensory channels, which would no longer be filtered. Everything would happen at the same time, the events of the past and future would happen simultaneously. Only creatures that have higher consciousness are able to perceive this normally.

This is why the method of directly opening the third eye is dangerous.

Because during it, the energy plug blocking the third eye is eliminated, and we begin to perceive entire streams of visions. Naturally, our energy bodies must be built by specially selected practices.

The method of directly opening the third eye is comparable to surgery and is carried out only if the person is ready for it. This is extremely rare and can only be performed by an experienced craftsman.

It should be taken into account that some of the creatures that we begin to see when we open our third eye may be unpleasant to us. An unprepared person, when directly opening the third eye, may be shocked or at least surprised by how objects of the subtle world look.

Therefore, long preparation always follows before directly opening the third eye. Which includes cleansing the channels, working out connections in the system of clairvoyant organs, opening internal reserves that improve the energy structure.

Namaste everyone! How to open the third eye quickly - this is the question that all novice esotericists ask. No problem, I'll explain it to you now.

How to open is not quite the question. Correct question- how to feel. After all, before you open your eye, you need to feel it. And if you learn to feel it, then you can open it quickly and easily.

Now we'll get to the heart of the matter. What does it mean to feel the third eye? How can you do this? It is clear that we will feel an energy clot in the forehead area. But can we feel energy?!

- Of course we can! – you will shout and you will be absolutely wrong.

- Unfortunately, human body“I’m not able to feel energy,” I’ll object to you.

- How can he not?! What then do numerous yogis and spiritual teachers feel?!

– They feel warmth or tingling or some other bodily sensations, which are interpreted as energy. When they say they feel energy, they are most likely feeling warmth or tingling. Do you agree with me?

Did they say? Good! It turns out that the task of opening the third eye comes down to the task of learning to feel the warmth on your forehead! It's already easier! But don’t rush to run for a heating pad, it won’t help. Moreover, there is a much more elegant way!

Here I have to make a small lyrical digression. For your own good, so to speak, for better absorption material.

Three months ago I read a tabloid article about a guy who bought a defective laptop with a missing electromagnetic protection. While working, he often held it on his lap. And as a result, after just two weeks of using the miracle device, inflammation began, and the doctors cut off his balls (probably also along with his penis).

It was a small note, just a few paragraphs long, but its power was great. Even though it's been three months, I still feel a slight pang in my pants every time the laptop touches my knees for even a few seconds.

A small note has enormous power! Can you imagine the power of thick volumes of esoteric literature? And it is this power that will allow us to understand how to open the third eye quickly.

Just start reading - book after book, volume after volume. And after just a few weeks of such self-hypnosis, the degree of your insanity will reach its climax. And, as a result, not only will your third eye open, but your kundalini will also trample terrible force. And if it doesn’t help, so be it, go get a heating pad.

  • Olga Muratova: You are clairvoyant! How to open the third eye;
  • Boris Monosov: Clairvoyance as reality. Practices for opening the third eye;
  • Boris Sakharov: Opening the third eye. Practice.

Well, if you prefer the heating pad method, then before starting the experiments, do not forget to buy the book “Eye Burns” edited by N.A. Puchkovskaya.

That's all! In the next issues, even more truth awaits you - quickly subscribe to the newsletter.

It is believed that absolutely all people have a third eye, but often it turns out to be closed and practically not used. The third eye, or ajna chakra, is located in the middle of the forehead. With its help, you can see and hear not only on the physical, but also on the intangible level. Some believe that we got such an organ from alien inhabitants who once visited Earth.

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Astral vision can be used not only by psychics, but also by ordinary people. The third eye allows you to better control your emotions and mind, awakens intuition.

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      What is the third eye?

      The third eye is most often referred to as the pineal gland in the brain. Normally he is responsible for circadian rhythms(biorhythms of sleep and wakefulness), the production of certain hormones.

      • In ancient times, this gland was considered the habitat of the human soul, the point of contact between mind and body. It is believed that the pineal gland plays the role of an antenna and serves as a conductor of cosmic energy into human consciousness. And despite the fact that this organ is not usually used by humans for this function, if desired and diligent, it can be trained: awaken superintuition and open the third eye.

        General rules for performing exercises

        To open the third eye, when using any of the methods, you need to follow several basic rules:

    1. 1. Privacy. It is important to find a quiet and peaceful place - one where you can be alone with yourself. During exercises, you must turn off electrical appliances and eliminate any possible irritants.
    2. 2. Correct breathing. It is this that allows the body and mind to resonate, releasing energy. Breathing should be measured, inhalation and exhalation should be equal in duration and intensity. It is very important that your breathing matches your heartbeat. It should be continuous, smooth, without sharp transitions between inhalation and exhalation.
    3. 3. Relaxation. When performing exercises, it is important to be calm and have positive attitude- otherwise there is a risk of attracting negative energy.
    4. 4. A competent teacher. He helps the future clairvoyant by following the course of studies.

    The main rule, the observance of which is necessary to open the third eye, is faith. Negative thoughts, for example, about failures, block the flow of energy. In this case, awakening clairvoyance becomes almost impossible.

    Exercise with a candle

    This is one of the most ancient ways to awaken the Ajna Chakra. It will help you concentrate and regulate the flow of cosmic energy through the body. It needs to be done on a regular basis.

    The exercise must be performed in the dark. Need to borrow comfortable position: sit down so that it is comfortable. Place a lit candle in front of you. You need to concentrate all your attention on the flame, look at it, not forgetting to breathe correctly. It is advisable to blink as little as possible. If you want to close your eyes, you can do this, but slowly, then smoothly open them again. Making sudden movements is highly undesirable.

    You should try to see all the shades of the flame: from red to blue and white. It is advisable to try to see as many colors as possible, even their halftones: white with a hint of purple or red with a hint of crimson.

    After some time - usually 1-5 minutes - you need to close your eyes again. Colored spots will remain after the flame image. You must try to see them as best as possible. The essence of the exercise is for the practitioner to learn to see “through the eyelids.”


    This is the most ancient, proven method. It was invented by Tibetan monks thousands of years ago. It takes a lot of time, but despite this, it is considered one of the most effective methods awakening intuition.

    When starting meditative practice, you need to relax as much as possible, take a comfortable position, and close your eyes. After this, begin to slowly inhale and exhale in time with your heartbeat, relax your mind, and allow all everyday thoughts to “leak” from your consciousness. There should be a feeling of stopping, like a meditator frozen in time. This feeling must be preserved, listen to the silence. It is important to remember to breathe correctly.

    By resorting to meditation, a person learns to focus on himself, his body, his mind, without thinking about anything. To help yourself, you can turn on relaxing music or mantras. Over time, the state of meditation will become more like a lucid dream.

    The key point in this practice is concentration on yourself. You should focus on the gradual expansion of your own mind, as if it were slowly expanding beyond the body, covering more and more space around the person.

    During meditation, you need to periodically focus your attention on the point between your eyes. Warmth or vibration in this area will indicate that the practitioner is on the right path.

    Meditations are aimed at developing the energy body and increasing the aura. Without this, it is impossible to open the third eye.

    Blue ball method

    This method is a type of meditation and is performed for 10–15 minutes. Step-by-step instruction on its implementation:

    1. 1. The practitioner takes a comfortable position, calms down, and stops the inner turmoil. You can turn on music or mantras.
    2. 2. Closes his eyes.
    3. 3. Directs the inner gaze to the third eye area. When heat or vibration appears there, you need to imagine a small blue ball in this part, no larger than an eyeball.
    4. 4. You need to imagine its rotation, no matter in which direction: the ball itself must begin to rotate, the direction is usually chosen on a subconscious level. It often changes between sessions.
    5. 5. Next, the work of imagination begins. The practitioner imagines how a blue ball attracts pure bright blue energy from the surrounding space. This is how a person subconsciously absorbs positive energy, which saturates him energy body. It will protect the beginning psychic in the future from negative energy that he may accidentally attract during further training.
    6. 6. As you exhale, you need to imagine how this pure energy flows into the ball, is sucked inside, making it denser and brighter.

    It is necessary to ensure that the flow of energy entering the ball is pure of blue color- if it is dirty and cloudy, then it is recommended to postpone the lesson.

The desire for self-development and disclosure of one’s abilities is a worthy goal for life, realizing one’s potential and obtaining life experience for future incarnations. In this article I will try to reasonably describe one of the stages of self-discovery, namely, the technique of opening the third eye.

All people have moments when we think about a person and soon unexpectedly meet him. Or we really want something, and soon we get it. U modern man The desire center is very poorly developed and is used to serve habits through visualization. Remember how before we follow a desire, we often unintentionally imagine it. Complex orders without energy support do not arrive at all, or are implemented after a while and are often no longer needed.

Activation of the pineal gland allows at least to reduce the implementation time. The development of each person is individual, and it depends only on the practitioner how far he will go in training in order to open up the capabilities of the third eye to a greater extent.

It is important to understand that thought is not just energy contained in a form, it is an essence or, as the Sufis say, an elemental. By giving birth to a desire, we send our elemental into the universe, and how quickly it will fulfill its destiny depends on your strength contained in it. Desire can be called intention, which works thanks to the third eye. How bad do you want what you want? Each person has a certain supply of energy, our body is a vessel that is constantly emptied and refilled; we cannot immediately gain more than the capacity of the vessel allows. You can strengthen the “walls” and “increase” the capacity of your vessel, but first you need to learn to “correctly” use your energy reserve (operational asset), regardless of its volume. We can be impeccable right now, it is only important to maintain this state.

Practice of opening the possibilities of the third eye

Attention between the eyebrows, let the mind be in front of the thoughts. Let the form of the breath fill the body to the top of the head, and there the flow is like light.

In this short quote expresses the essence of the technique for opening the ajna chakra (third eye), into which one of the greatest personalities ancient world. A brilliant mathematician, philosopher and mystic, whose works are studied in schools all over the world, Pythagoras of Samos, he can be called the founder of all Western mysticism. For 12 years he studied in the secret priestly school of the “left eye of Horus” and was familiar with the legendary figure Hermes Trismegistus. After undergoing long training and final initiation, Pythagoras went to Greece to give impetus to the evolutionary development of human abilities.

Close your eyes and let both your eyes feel the point between your eyebrows, you should feel it. The pineal gland is magnetic, you will not easily turn your attention away from it. When you use the third eye opening technique in meditation, imagine the life force pouring out from the top of your head, imagine this, feel the prana falling and relaxing your body. There is no difference between the real and the imaginary if you are fixed on the third eye. Your entire consciousness is a stream of attention.

When attention is focused on the ajna chakra, a phenomenon that is unusual for most people is observed. In this condition internal dialogue subsides, and a person can “see with attention” his thoughts. In other words, consciousness is disidentified from thoughts. Usually people are absorbed in their thoughts and merge into one with the object of attention. Energy is spent on identification, so it is necessary to consciously learn to identify and detach at will. This is useful for contemplation, concentration and creative exploration, but very detrimental in the manifestation negative emotions(since the effect will be enhanced by the action of the gland).

The pineal gland or pineal gland secretes hormones that change the biochemistry of the brain and, consequently, the state of consciousness and perception of reality. The ancient tantra texts say that shiva-netra or the eye of Shiva “starves” for many lives and needs “food”, which is attention. It is the directed flow of attention into the pineal gland that activates its activity, but in reality everything is not so simple.

Each personality is unique, each of us has huge potential to realize yourself and your capabilities to achieve everything you want. From your own experience, living it in its entirety, and not from books or methodological manuals, you find yourself, reveal all the strength and power of your potential and capabilities. You can be nobody, you can fit into the framework and parameters set by society, or you can create yourself anew, gain complete independence and freedom from other people’s opinions, judgments and any obligations. The choice is yours. .

Using Strength and Training the Pineal Gland

First you need to remove all unnecessary channels of energy leakage and tension. emotional background. Engage in not-doing all the things you are used to doing in Everyday life. It is important to stop wasting energy on indulgence and fruitless “dreams” about the past, which are inherent in most people; on this topic, I recommend from “The Teachings of Don Juan” by Carlos Castaneda.

Once the pineal gland begins to receive “food” on a regular basis, all you need to activate the pineal gland is regular exercise. Your intention will become stronger, and the time frame for implementing your intention will decrease (depending on the complexity of the task). To make our desires come true faster with less physical effort, we make conscious efforts. It is necessary to put consciousness at the forefront and work on yourself all your life for the sake of a higher goal.

Just in time interesting fact- when they performed an autopsy on the body of a Buddhist monk who long time did meditation on the pineal gland, they discovered that the gland in his brain was the size of Walnut(y ordinary people pineal gland is the size of a pea). In nature, everything that is used is transformed and modified, and everything that is not used dies over time. The further man evolves into mental process, the more volume the entire brain acquires.

There is evidence that some ancient magicians developed such a strong intention that they could change reality at their discretion literally at the current moment or leave it in effect for many centuries. Several of these magical long-term messages are so powerful that even now, those who have touched this power are drawn to their influence and are internally transformed.

Important Note

You should be wary of the uncontrolled activity of your mind, so you need to adhere to spiritual hygiene - cleanse and maintain your spirit clean and your consciousness clear. Otherwise, you can easily go crazy from your own “demons inside”, which will soon gain great power. One of Buddha Shakyamuni's disciples meditated a lot and soon began to see heaven and hell, gods, demons and the most amazing things. Amazed by what he saw, Shariputra turned to Buddha for advice, but he said that all this was just maya (deception).

For your intention to work, “in the first few days” it is not enough to simply cultivate the “third eye” with attention; under successful circumstances, boldly act and express yourself through actions. Don’t be afraid of anything new, imagine that your life is a long dream, and very soon you will certainly wake up.

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