Remember: do not start any workout until you are physically ready for it. Consult your physician before performing any of these exercises.

Perfect Push Up Workout Plan

4 weeks/3 times a week/Master level

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If I were asked to remember the most popular question that I have read in my section on the site over the past few years, I would... refuse! I have nothing else to do, or what? But if I was forced to do this, then, of course, I would remember the question about push-ups. For example: “Hello, Dima! I really like to do push-ups, can you tell me how to increase the number of push-ups?” And then there are various fantasies that are little compatible with the harsh reality of fitness.

Of the many bodyweight exercises, many people like push-ups, but I don’t know why. Here, of course, it wouldn’t hurt me to get smarter - remember, for example, that exercises with your own weight are calisthenics (an independent training system); that push-ups are great for training your anterior core; that when performed correctly, they have a beneficial effect on the health of the shoulder joints, and so on. But it doesn’t help me - just as I loved the barbell, I will continue to love it! However, this does not stop me from telling you a secret about several ways to improve your performance in push-ups.

But first, a couple of important points...

1. Blessed monotony. Let's get this straight: if you want to do more push-ups, train your endurance. This does not mean that the development of others physical qualities will be insignificant or unnecessary - not at all (and even vice versa). But in order for your success in push-ups to increase, you will need to train only by doing the push-ups themselves (well, maybe not exactly “only”, but mostly accurately): the body will begin to get better over time, and better adapt to performing this particular exercise, spending less and less energy, including nervous energy.

2. Damn cor. A weak anterior core - abdominal muscles, hip flexors, calf extensors - will easily kill your attempts to "grow" push-ups. This is because usually in this exercise the body gives up not when the direct movers (agonists) - triceps, pectoral and deltoids - get tired, but when the not so important assistants that stabilize the correct position of the body refuse to work. The anterior core is what they are.

If you want to do more push-ups, train your abdominal muscles with exercises that include hip curls: any variation of leg raises and front planks will do (this is a great help!). Arm yourself with a calculator and calculate how many push-ups you dream of doing and in what time (based on the calculation of 3 repetitions in 2 seconds). For the resulting time, try standing in the plank 4-5 times a week, this will make the main task much easier.

Well, now let’s move on to the methods themselves...

Method 1: Increase your strength threshold

Everything is simple here. Here's an example: than with big amount kilograms on the barbell you squat, the easier it will be for you to squat with a small weight. If you are able to squat with 200 kg, then with a hundred you can easily squat 20 times. If you can only squat with 110 kg, then with a hundred, God willing, you will squat a couple of times. The analogy is clear, I hope? Try increasing the working weight in push-ups with plates on your back. Focus on increasing 8-10 RM. Train 3-4 times a week.

Method 2: Be patient

Tense physical labor the body cannot last indefinitely - it is “clogged” with decay products. Unpleasant sensations problems that arise as a result make you refuse to continue performing the exercise that develops muscle endurance. But the body’s ability to “tolerate”, to resist this phenomenon- trainable quality. To delay the onset of the threshold “repetition X”, do 1-2 sets of push-ups with your own weight until failure. Daily or even twice a day is best.

Method 3: Practice your technique

For this purpose, nothing better than a repeated method has yet been invented. Do more approaches. If you can do 30 push-ups, do 5-10 sets of 5-8 reps per workout. This will help you practice your push-up technique without faltering as fatigue increases.

Method 4: Combine

Combine all the methods described above - and you will get the most from each. Inform the editors immediately about new records!

How many push-ups can you do? 20 or 30? 50? More? Perhaps you are a beginner who can only do 5 reps somehow. When you hear the word “exercise,” the first thing that comes to mind is push-ups. They are chosen first. For decades and perhaps centuries, men have considered push-ups to be a true test of not only strength, but also masculinity. What could be easier than just falling and starting to swing?

Despite all this, attitudes towards push-ups have changed over the years. They could either be in the system of maintaining good physical shape or be outside it. In the military and some other fields of activity, this exercise is used as component checks physical capabilities, but at the same time, it disappears from the field of view of bodybuilding.

Whether you're a functional training obsessive, a conservative old-school guru, or maybe you just want to incorporate this classic exercise into your current routine, Either way, push-ups are one of the powerful additions to any training system. With benefits ranging from increased endurance in individual muscles to overall tone and strength and stability in the core-supporting muscles, you'd be foolish not to include this exercise in your workout routine.

As the emphasis in fitness programs has shifted toward bodyweight work, you may want to learn how to do more push-ups. After all, just like doing pull-ups, dips, power-ups, squats on one leg, you can test your true authentic strength and resilience. These exercises are also proof of complete control over the body.. Increasing repetitions, strength, and muscular endurance should be a priority in your self-training program. In addition, push-ups should be a significant part of your workout.

Below is an eight-week program that will ensure you increase the number and quality of push-ups you perform. By getting used to a serious, regulated system, you will be convinced that you are improving the technique of performing this classic and effective exercise for muscle development.

Avoid heavy bench presses for the duration of the program. When you do incline presses and other heavy and difficult exercises, it may take quite a long time to recover. In addition, it usually has a significant impact on shoulder joints. So these exercises should be avoided.

Since the strength and elasticity of the press are important factor when performing push-ups, Make sure your program includes enough exercises to target these muscles. If your abs are weak, you'll likely perform push-ups incorrectly by bending or tilting your waist.

While working on this system make sure you perform the exercises properly. Your arms should be slightly wider than your shoulders, you should lower yourself until your chest touches the floor, and then you should push off so that your back becomes straight and tension appears in the muscles that support your body.

First and second weeks

Your first step is to perform a short preliminary check. Do as many repetitions as possible with good technique and no pauses at the top or bottom while doing them. Seek the largest number repetitions This will be the basis for your further actions. If you have recently trained pectoral muscles, shoulder muscles or triceps, make sure that a sufficient amount of time has passed before starting the test. This will ensure you are in the best shape possible to get the best results.

  • first determine your maximum that you will strive for. Start with an amount that is approximately four times the result you achieved during the preliminary test. For example, if you were able to do 20 push-ups, then your new goal should be 80 reps. Now you should perform as many approaches as necessary to achieve your goal. You can first do 20 push-ups in the first set, 15 in the second, 12 in the third and so on until you reach 80 repetitions
  • During the first week, rest one minute between sets. During the second – 30 seconds. Also, work to reduce the total number of sets required to achieve the goal each time.
  • conduct classes twice a week
  • if you want to add some additional exercises During breaks from this program, feel free to include incline presses, close-grip incline presses, standing presses, front raises and dips. But remember, when doing these exercises, you don’t need to overload yourself.

Third and fourth

By this time, you are already performing quite a few repetitions with reduced rest time. Over the next two weeks, you will increase the frequency of exercises, the total number of repetitions and continue to keep rest times to a minimum. You will effectively improve the overall endurance of your muscles.

  • increase the frequency of doing push-ups to three times a week. By this time you should be used to doing exercises more frequently, so don't worry about strength training which can be combined with this push-up program
  • increase the number of repetitions by more than even 150% of the original goal. Based on the example above, your new total reps should be 120. This may seem like a lot, but just do as many sets as needed
  • You still only need to rest for 30 seconds or less. Your goal should be to eliminate breaks between sets so you can complete more reps per set.
  • continue to closely monitor the form and technique of doing push-ups

Fifth and sixth

Over the next two weeks, you will again increase the frequency of the exercise and the number of repetitions, and reduce the rest time. Most likely you will be able to perform a large number of push-ups, which means it's time to use alternative techniques their implementation: change the position of the hands and elbow angles.

  • the frequency of execution should be increased to four times a week
  • rest between sets should be reduced to 15 seconds
  • the total number of repetitions needs to be increased by another 50% of the original goal. According to the example described above, you should perform 160 push-ups
  • Experiment with different arm positions and elbow angles: use a narrow or wide elbow angle, keep your elbows close to your body or spread them out to the sides, etc.
  • It would not be amiss to emphasize again: continue to do push-ups correctly. You can't rush through reps and sets just so you can do more pushups.

Seventh and eighth

The last two weeks will be exhausting, to say the least, especially if you additionally exercise with an elastic band and do it regularly. During this period, you will again increase the number of repetitions and frequency of push-ups, and also reduce the rest time between sets. Add some new and challenging ways to do the exercises to increase the intensity of the program

  • the frequency of classes should be increased to 5 times a week
  • try to keep your rest time to 15 seconds or less. When performing the first few sets, you should rest only a few seconds, and when performing further sets, gradually increase this time to 15 seconds.
  • the total number of repetitions must be increased by another 50% of the original value. Yes, for the example described above, it should be equal to 200 push-ups
  • continue to use different hand positions and different elbow angles
  • include several sets of one-arm or one-leg elevated push-ups
  • again, pay attention to the technique of doing the exercises


Now it's time to check the results achieved. Complete this test in the same way as the preliminary test. At this time, you should notice a significant increase in the number of push-ups you can do, as well as feel your shoulder muscles become stronger and more resilient.

After these eight weeks you will feel that you have become stronger and you can perform push-ups using improved technique. In the future, you can either maintain the achieved results or put new goal, starting the set of exercises again.

Difficult version of performing push-ups: “typewriter”

Push-up program table

By following this training program, you will seriously work on your pectoral muscles and increase your baseline to at least a high enough physical readiness test (push-up section).

For example, on Monday of the first week you should perform 3 sets of 10 push-ups, rest for 10 minutes, and then perform 2 sets of 10 push-ups.

10 x 3
10 x 2
10 x 5
15 x 4
10 x 3
10 x 2
15 x 3
15 x 2
15 x 5
20 x 4
15 x 3
15 x 2
20 x 3
20 x 2
40 x 2
40 x 1
Maximum x 3
20 x 3
20 x 2
25 x 3
25 x 2
25 x 5
30 x 4
25 x 3
25 x 2
30 x 3
30 x 2
60 x 2
60 x 1
35 x 4
30 x 3
30 x 2
35 x 3
35 x 2
25 x 5
Maximum x 3
35 x 3
35 x 2
Exercise Approaches Replays Rest
Day 1 (chest exercises)
Side to side push-ups (chest/mid level) 3 20 01:00
Push-ups using rotating bars as parallel bars (triceps/intermediate) 3 20 01:00
Shoulder push-ups (shoulders/mid level) 3 20 01:00
Day 2 (exercises for chest and shoulder muscles)
Incline push-ups (chest/mid level) 3 20 01:00
Double-grip push-ups (chest/mid) 3 20 01:00
3 10 01:00
Day 3 (exercises for all muscles of the upper body)
Push ups " swipe» (chest/mid level) 3 20 01:00
One-arm push-ups (chest/master level) 3 20 01:00
Dive Bomber Push-Ups (Shoulders/Master Level) 3 10 01:00

This perfect push-up workout plan works more than just your pecs. Using the rotation of the support, you can work the muscles of the entire upper body. Ideal push-ups help target only certain muscles to increase their strength. If you cannot complete all the required repetitions of the exercise at once, kneel down and complete them in this position.

Muscles that move during push-ups

First of all: the pectoral and shoulder muscles, as well as the triceps muscles of the shoulder (triceps) Secondly: biceps muscles shoulders (biceps), forearm muscles, abdominal muscles, quadriceps muscles

Brief description of the training system

This training regimen uses rotating weights that will allow you to target your upper body muscles to make them stronger and stronger, making your body one that will definitely be looked at. The unique design of the tool used in these classes allows you to stimulate all of the specified muscles. This training system takes full advantage of all possible benefits.

This workout plan will work your muscles to the max. It is designed for those who desire significant changes and incredible results.

Three days to achieve results

The exercises of this training regimen only need to be performed three times a week. By doing this, you'll be doing push-ups that work your pecs, shoulder muscles, and all the muscles in your upper body. Each group of exercises has something new that allows you to achieve results that have never been seen before.

Since this plan allows at least 48 hours between sessions, there is room to add other exercise routines outside of the main schedule of the plan.

More than just working the pectoral muscles

The circuit offers a complete system of ideal push-ups, thanks to which your arms, shoulders and chest will become stronger. At the same time, the muscles supporting the core will become more stable and, in addition, grip strength will increase.

Strengthening your muscles will change you

The ideal push-ups of this training scheme differ greatly from the standard methods of performing them, mainly in the height of the support and the possibility of its rotation. Carrying out various groups exercises that are used in this training regimen, you will not be as easy to use the stabilizing muscles and overcome increasing fatigue. But all this will allow you to do top part your body is excellent.

Complete the program to the end

Don't even think that this training regimen is simple. It is quite complex. Many who undertake this program, even those who have tangible experience in fitness, will find that they are unable to complete the number of repetitions required, especially in the early stages.

This should not discourage you, since the whole essence of the program is self-development and overcoming oneself.

A training regime with the perfect push-up will take you on a whole new trajectory for your body's development. All that is required is to learn and improve a few new exercises and properly tune in to it psychologically. This workout regimen will get you stronger, leaner, and in better shape than you've ever been before.



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