Salicylic peel - before and after photos. How to make a chemical salicylic peel for the face at home

Acetylsalicylic acid has amazing properties. It allows you to improve cell regeneration, in addition, promotes rejuvenation and cleansing. The component is part of many means to combat acne. In cosmetology, salicylic peeling for the face is often used.

Salicylic peel - what is it?

Enzymatic salicylic peeling is a type of chemical exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis. During the procedure, the acid acts on the upper layers of the skin, penetrates gently deep into the skin, removes the upper dead cells. And due to this, the epidermis is updated, the production of collagen and elastin is activated, the skin structure improves.

Salicylic peeling (before and after its use, the photos are given in the article below) has a strong anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. It does not irritate the skin at all, does not penetrate into the deeper layers, and also does not have a comedogenic effect. Therefore, the risk of developing any side effects is minimal.


As a rule, salicylic peeling is indicated for problems with the dermis. The procedure can be prescribed for you, for example, with acne. But this is not the only case in which the salicylic mask will be a great help in solving possible problems. In the reviews, many talk about eliminating the effects of sunburn, age spots, and other shortcomings.

Peeling based on salicylic acid is shown:

  • with age-related changes, photoaging, wilting;
  • acne
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • black dots;
  • age pigmentation;
  • post-acne;
  • skin prone to acne, oiliness;
  • folliculitis;
  • actinic hyperkeratosis;
  • coarsening of the skin (including on the knees, elbows).


A solution of salicylic acid has no special contraindications, they resemble recommendations for other types of peeling:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • skin damage where it is necessary to perform the procedure;
  • allergy to the components that make up this peeling;
  • any inflammatory processes;
  • any kind of burns;
  • excessive sensitivity of the skin;
  • strong solar activity.

It is also worth noting that it is not recommended to use products with abrasive properties (scrubs, etc.) before the procedure. In addition, before peeling, it is necessary to avoid exposure to solarium trips, as well as direct sunlight.

Salon salicylic peeling

To do this peeling in the salon, no preparatory procedures are required, except for a thorough cleansing of the skin. The master applies salicylic acid (the price of the service depends on the region and the promotion of the salon) in the form of a solution or paste on the treated areas, where it has been for some time. The time is selected individually, while it depends on the concentration of the substance. Next, the cosmetologist neutralizes it, lubricates the skin with serum or cream.

Salicylic acid: peeling price

Prices for this procedure for facial skin vary depending on the training of the master who does it, as well as the quality of the substance used in the process. Some salons offer a cheap exfoliation session for review, while you need to remember that such care will have the maximum effect only after the full course. The average cost is about 2000 rubles.

Types of salicylic peels

In the store, salicylic acid solution can be found in different forms - with the addition of retinol, herbs, extracts and fruit acids. Each one is suitable for a specific skin type.

Choosing a salicylic peel yourself

To make peeling with salicylic acid at home, you should consider its differences and features:

  1. If you have chosen a home care recipe for yourself, you need to check its safety on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
  2. All products are divided into 2 main groups: superficial peeling (in which up to 20% acid), as well as mid-surface (25-30% acid). For home use, the first remedy is suitable.
  3. Read reviews about companies, as well as recommendations, if possible. Not every mask that contains salicylic acid may suit your skin. The means "Martinex" and "Stopproblem" have proven themselves well.
  4. All products are produced in two forms: paste and liquid. Cosmetologists advise using paste for the body, and liquid for the decollete and face.


You can do peeling with salicylic acid at home. It should be noted that among the advantages of this tool - low cost and availability. Mix the ingredients according to the following recipe:

  • aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) - 1-2 tablets;
  • honey - 1 spoon;
  • fermented baked milk or kefir - 1 tablespoon.

As soon as the salicylic peeling at home (its recipe is given above) is prepared, apply it evenly on cleansed skin, cover with a thin cloth, and then leave for 10 minutes. Then massage the skin a little until a light foam appears and rinse the product with cold water. Dry your face with a towel, then apply a light moisturizer. Sessions should be repeated for two weeks every other day. You can repeat the course only after 2 months.


This procedure does not take much time, while salicylic peeling is performed in several stages, which we will consider in more detail:

  1. Makeup removal. This stage consists in the complete cleansing of the skin from cosmetics. Next, an agent is applied to the dermis that softens its upper layer. This will make the skin more receptive, while the peeling components will act much more effectively.
  2. Degreasing. Now a special disinfectant and degreasing solution is applied to the skin. This reduces the risk of side effects.
  3. Acid exposure. The skin is covered with a thin layer of salicylic acid paste or solution. In this case, you may feel a slight tingling or burning sensation. Interesting, but this is a normal reaction to the chemicals that make up the drug. After the allotted time, the active substance is neutralized with a special preparation.
  4. End of procedure. The last step is the application of special creams to the surface of the skin. They should contain anti-inflammatory, soothing components (for example, aloe, which in the post-peeling period helps to quickly restore cells, in addition, protects our skin from the adverse effects of the environment). In addition, some salons offer masks whose action is aimed at restoring the skin.


Salicylic peeling at home, the recipe of which is given above, is not difficult to do. But it should be borne in mind that it contains components due to the impact of which the skin actually receives a chemical burn. At the same time, its intensity is affected by the concentration of substances that are part of the product, as well as individual susceptibility to these components.

After salicylic peeling at home (the recipe of which is quite simple) is carried out, a slight reddening is observed on the treated areas, which can gradually increase. Then the tightness and dryness of the skin are felt. To prevent the occurrence of these unpleasant phenomena, cosmetic products with a moisturizing effect (lotions, creams, tonics, etc.) should be applied to it.

After the procedure, on the third day, the upper layers of the skin begin to exfoliate (desquamation process). This is not a very pleasant moment, but it is inevitable. During this period, the skin should be carefully protected from direct sunlight by applying a special sunscreen. At the same time, you should refrain from going outside in sunny weather, if possible.

As soon as the peeling is completed, the skin will noticeably change: its smoothness and elasticity will increase, color and relief will improve, small wrinkles will be smoothed out, while deeper ones will not be so pronounced.

Among the skin care procedures, there is one that can be called universal. It's a salicylic acid peel. It helps with various problems, does not cause the need for long-term rehabilitation, and is easy to carry out. In addition, manipulation is available at home.

Read in this article

Who should do

The procedure is indicated for the following skin problems:

  • increased sebum secretion, causing oily sheen;
  • acne disease of the 1st and 2nd degrees;
  • enlarged pores, "";
  • age-related changes (small wrinkles, dryness, peeling);
  • wilting caused by prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • hyperkeratosis provoked by the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • skin roughened over time (in the areas of the elbows, knees, etc.);
  • irregularities that are the consequences of acne;
  • age spots, lifeless skin color.

Types of peeling

Salicylic peeling for the face is divided depending on the concentration of the main substance and the intensity of exposure.

2 types of salicylic peeling For what purpose is it applied?
Surface It is used to treat acne, comedones, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, eliminate irregularities. For this type of procedure, a 15-20% solution of salicylic acid is taken. On the skin, the composition should be no longer than 20 minutes;
mid-surface Such peeling involves the use of a 25 - 30% solution, that is, the impact on the deeper layers of the skin. With it, you can smooth it, increase elasticity, lighten. The composition is applied to the face for 10 minutes.

Features of the

Salicylic acid has the ability to dissolve dead skin cells, sebum and impurities. Therefore, it acts on the surface very carefully, without injuring. Dissolved fat is more easily removed from the pores.

Salicylic acid itself remains in them, flushing the ducts. The antibacterial properties of the substance help to remove inflammatory phenomena and the prerequisites for them. The acid also acts on the sebaceous glands, reducing their activity.

At the same time, the component has the ability to restore the skin, inducing regenerative processes in it. Salicylic acid stimulates cell division of the collagen and elastin layers.

A variety of effects makes the procedure useful at any age:

  • in 20 - 25 years, it will improve the appearance of the skin by reducing the production of fat, narrowing the pores, leveling the surface;
  • in the period from 25 to 35 can be used to prevent aging, whitening, improve the effect of nourishing creams, masks;
  • those who are over 35 years of age are shown a mid-surface peeling to stimulate metabolic processes.

The procedure will give the best effect if you follow a few rules:

  • spend in autumn or winter, on a cloudy day, when you are more likely to protect yourself from exposure to sunlight;
  • do a course of 5-7 sessions for the face and décolleté with a pause of 1-2 weeks (with the same);
  • limit when caring for the skin of the hands 3 - 5 manipulations, each time a month;
  • in case of hyperpigmentation, make a course of 8 sessions with breaks between them of 14 days;
  • 2 weeks before peeling, refuse to visit the pool, bath;
  • carry out the procedure at night so that you can not go out for several hours.


If you do face peeling with salicylic acid yourself, it is important to take care of safety. There are a couple of recipes that will provide the desired effect without harming the skin:

  • 1 tablet of aspirin (should take a non-effervescent preparation) plus 7 ml of oily face cream. The mixture can be kept on the skin for up to an hour. The recipe is suitable for those who have it dry and sensitive.
  • 1 aspirin, 15 ml of water, a pinch of soda and 5 ml of liquid honey. Mix the ingredients well, apply the composition on the face and hold for 5 minutes. This product is designed for oily skin.

You can also buy a ready-made solution of salicylic acid. You need to choose its concentration according to the type of skin.

Salicylic enzyme peeling can also be carried out using a ready-made cosmetic product. It should be used together with the entire line, that is, lotion, cream-gel, mask. The tool is also suitable for sensitive skin, can be used instead of a scrub.


The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • The face should be thoroughly cleansed of cosmetics, dirt. You can use a softening mask. Then be sure to wipe the skin with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine or miramistin).

All this is necessary so that the remnants of pollution do not penetrate into the pores along with the acid and do not provoke a more active inflammatory process.

  • The prepared composition must be applied to the surface of the face, evenly distributing it. To do this, use a cotton swab or disk. You can simply smear the skin or rub the product. But in the latter case, the impact will be more intense. While the product is on the face, it may tingle slightly. If pain, severe burning occurs, the composition should be washed off immediately.
  • After the set time (not later!) Remove the remnants of the product using cool water. Then the skin is again treated with an antiseptic. To restore it, you can make a cool compress from green tea or a decoction of a string. Then apply a cream or gel with aloe vera.

If you experience severe discomfort during the main stage of peeling, you should not immediately refuse the opportunity to carry out the procedure. When the time comes for the next session, you just need to make the concentration of salicylic acid less. Perhaps the skin will perceive such a remedy better.

To learn how salicylic peeling is carried out in the salon, see this video:


  • damage to the skin in the affected area (cuts, scratches);
  • severe local inflammation;
  • intolerance to salicylic acid;
  • exacerbation of herpes infection.

A recent tan is also an obstacle to peeling. It should not be used by pregnant and lactating women. The special balance of hormones that exists in the body in both periods can lead to new skin problems. At best, the procedure will simply be ineffective.

Side effects

Salicylic chemical peeling is a gentle manipulation. But even after
possible manifestation of adverse reactions:

  • slight swelling in the area of ​​exposure to the composition;
  • reddening of the skin of the peeled area in whole or in part;
  • feeling of tightness and dryness;
  • the appearance of crusts;
  • peeling.

All of these symptoms are minimal. And if you properly care for the skin, they quickly disappear without consequences. It usually returns to normal after a week.

Skin care after

Even home chemical peeling with salicylic acid requires special attention to the skin at the end of the procedure. What should be done over the next 10 days to get a positive effect and prevent

  • Use moisturizing "washers", tonics and creams. They must be hypoallergenic.
  • After 2-4 days, when peeling of the skin is detected, do not try to speed up this process by tearing off films and crusts. Renewal must go naturally, otherwise scars will appear.
  • Refuse to swim in the pool, open water, visit the bath. These pleasures can provoke an inflammatory process. After all, the face after salicylic peeling, like other areas that have undergone it, is still deprived of protection. Skin immunity will be restored some time after the completion of the course of procedures.
  • Avoid UV rays. Tanning in a solarium or in the open sun will now cause a burn and may later lead to the formation of age spots. Therefore, before going outside, you should use a protective agent.
  • Avoid hypothermia. This is especially important immediately after peeling, so you will have to stay at home for several hours.
  • Postpone other cosmetic procedures which have an aggressive, irritating effect on the epidermis. These are scrubs, hardware manipulations, deep cleansing products.

To learn how to speed up skin recovery after peeling, see this video:

Salicylic peeling is a fairly safe procedure, even if performed at home. But it is better to visit a beautician before using it to clarify the existing problems with the face, their features. This will help to avoid surprises and get an excellent result - fresh, clean, smooth, toned skin.

The expression “knowledge is power” has been known for a very long time, but in the application to cosmetology, it, unfortunately, becomes far from being so obvious. And the point here is not so much the high cost of modern ultra-effective procedures (after all, if the result is worth the money spent, the material factor fades into the background), but the problem of choosing the one that is right for you. Another problem of women who do not want to put up with a "passport" age is the craze for home-made cosmetology. A huge number of articles on the Internet are full of tips and “tested” recommendations on how to make a mask, massage or facelift at home. And “it doesn’t matter” that after such a mockery, many women end up in a hospital bed. Chemical salicylic peel, which has become very popular in the last few decades, is the best confirmation of what has been said.

It provides an excellent cosmetic effect (acne and pimples go away for a very, very long time), but it should be done only in the salon. Nobody argues with the fact that you can find the reagents and medicines necessary for such a procedure in a pharmacy. Perhaps even flip through your medical record and try to take into account all possible contraindications. But in order to provide normal facial skin care after a session, knowledge is needed, and not feedback from those who risked a course of treatment at home and miraculously avoided side effects. Appropriate qualifications will also be required in order to determine the intensity of procedures that is necessary in your case (note that the effect will only be when the course is calculated correctly), the sequence of actions and, in the end, adequately take into account the available medical indications. It seems to us that the answer to all these questions is worthy of a separate detailed discussion.

Salicylic (or phenolic) acid are colorless crystals, poorly soluble in water, but actively react with ethanol or organic solvents. This substance was first isolated from willow bark by the Italian scientist Rafael Piria. He was able to synthesize it artificially.

Salicylic peel: what is it?

If you do not go into subtleties that are of little interest to an ordinary person, then this is, in fact, a chemical method of deep cleansing of the skin of the face. It is based on the exceptional properties of Salicylic acid, which belongs to the group of isomeric hydroxybenzoic acids. For a long time after the discovery, this substance was obtained exclusively naturally (from willow bark or some ornamental shrubs), but today the Kolbe-Schmitt reaction is most often used for this (carbon dioxide and sodium phenolate are combined in autoclaves at 180 degrees Celsius).

cosmetic effect

  • causes active peeling of the skin around the hair follicle;
  • significantly slows down the formation of comedones;
  • positively affects the structure of the epidermis (pimples and blackheads either disappear completely or become barely noticeable);
  • returns the skin's natural color;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • exhibits powerful antiseptic, cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • promotes narrowing of pores;
  • goes well with other cosmetic procedures (in particular, milk and glycol peels or mechanical facial cleansing);
  • has a positive effect on oily and mature skin with pronounced signs of bio- and photoaging);
  • effective and safe for health cleaning of the epidermis from dead cells (exfoliation);
  • binding of microbial proteins.

Despite the fact that salicylic acid is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription, it is highly not recommended to use it at home for medical purposes before consulting a doctor: the effect can be unpredictable.

Salicylic peeling effect: features

  • The concentration of Salicylic acid is a purely individual criterion. So, with acne, as well as oily and problematic skin, its concentration should be in the range of 15-20%, and the pH of the solution should be less than 3.2 and more than 2. the parameters are somewhat different (concentration - from 25 to 30%, pH - 1.3-3).
  • Salicylic acid in its pure form is used only if there are appropriate medical indications for this. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but only a doctor should decide on such issues based on the results of a comprehensive examination. In SPA salons, Salicylic acid is most often “softened” with various fruit acids.

Approximate application scheme

Salicylic peel can be used in different ways. Therefore, the result in each case will be different. The standard treatment regimen is as follows:

  • face, decollete and neck: a course of 5-7 procedures with a pause between each of 7-14 days;
  • hand skin: from 3 to 5 sessions with an interval of 30 days.

If peeling with salicylic acid is designed to get rid of a specific skin pathology, the recommended scheme may look like this:

  • Salicylic peeling can be twofold. For facial skin, the active ingredient is usually used in the form of a liquid, while care for the elbows, knees and hands requires the use of a paste.
  • Salicylic acid is not combined with some active ingredients used in pharmacology (zinc oxide, resorcinol).


I would like to clarify right away: the following list of problems should not be taken as the ultimate truth. But even worse is to ignore potential contraindications in the careless confidence that you will be “carried away” (salicylic peeling does not forgive such carelessness, punishing for irresponsibility very severely).

  • individual intolerance to one of the components used;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute or chronic inflammatory process;
  • extensive areas of sunburn or burns at the intended treatment site;
  • any violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • systematic intake of glycemic drugs;
  • increased skin sensitivity.

Salicylic peeling at home deserves special mention. If once again you do not go into details, then you will have to recognize such a procedure as an obvious “contraindication”. But many women, after reading dubious articles and talking to a pharmacist in a pharmacy, for some reason decide that the safety rules are written for someone else. The result of such self-confidence is sad and natural (choose what you "like" more: a list is given in the next section).

Side effects

  • an acute allergic reaction (it is almost impossible to stop it at home!);
  • inflammation of the skin at the treatment sites with the formation of persistent swelling (in this case, proper care cannot be provided even in the cabin);
  • exacerbation of herpes or hidden chronic diseases;
  • severe dehydration of the body, provoking excessive tightness of the skin;
  • chemical burn (the effect occurs due to non-compliance with the required concentration of salicylic acid);
  • severe peeling of the skin (only a doctor can write a prescription for a medicine).

Acne can be quickly removed if the face is treated with a 2% solution of salicylic acid. But you must understand that this method belongs to the category of emergency (when you need a decent appearance “for yesterday”) and is not recommended for daily use.

Stages of the procedure

In a salon that values ​​its reputation, you don't have to worry about the safest procedure. But it is necessary to understand why certain measures (both preparatory and final) are necessary, at least for reasons of general security. After all, the “correct” salicylic peeling is a complex, multi-stage process that requires not only experience, but also an appropriate material base.

Preparatory stage

  • 2 weeks before the start of the course, refuse to visit the bath, sauna and pool.
  • Refrain from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight (this applies equally to visiting a solarium).
  • Ask in the salon what preparations they use to exfoliate the skin (the use of scrubs or gommages is highly discouraged).
  • Search online for customer reviews who have already done salicylic peeling: this is certainly not the most reliable source of information, but you can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe possible quality of the services provided).

Basic procedure

  • Complete removal of even minor traces of cosmetics. Each specialist has his own recipe, and we strongly do not recommend giving him advice on choosing.
  • Application of a special composition to the intended treatment area, designed to soften the top layer of the skin and make it as receptive to the procedure as possible.
  • Degreasing the upper layer of the epidermis. This does not affect the procedure itself, but the risk of side effects is significantly reduced.
  • Application of the main composition. As we have already found out, depending on the choice of the treatment area, salicylic acid can be used in the form of a paste or solution. During the procedure, a slight burning sensation or slight tingling is acceptable, but if you begin to feel severe discomfort or pain, the session should be stopped immediately and seek qualified help.
  • Removal of the spent mixture. For this, purified water is most often used, although some formulations must be neutralized with special preparations beforehand.
  • Application of an anti-inflammatory and soothing cream (for example, with aloe extract). Beauty salons offer clients an additional restorative mask, but this procedure is more optional than mandatory. A specific recipe in this case does not play a special role, because the benefits for the skin will be provided in any case.

How often can a salicylic peel be done? We have already answered this question in the section “Approximate scheme of application”: the interval between procedures should be from one to two weeks. But experts say that in this case it is more appropriate to use the turnover “at least”. After all, salicylic peeling (like any other) is a rather tangible load on the skin, which is far from being able to recover in this period in all cases.

One session of salicylic peeling in the salon costs from 1.5 to 6 thousand rubles. The amount seems to be insignificant. But if we take into account the cost of the necessary drugs and medicines (from 7 to 15 thousand rubles), there will be much less reason to call such a procedure budgetary.

Skin care after salicylic peeling

  • Use special skin care products (they are in the line of every self-respecting manufacturer);
  • Avoid prolonged contact with direct sunlight, and even better - do not go outside during daylight hours;
  • Ask your doctor to select a good sunscreen (based on natural ingredients, if possible);
  • Chemical peeling with salicylic acid is an effective procedure, but very traumatic: after it, a lot of crusts form on the skin, which are strictly not recommended to be torn off or combed off.

Beautician review

The effect of salicylic peeling (if, of course, everything is done according to the rules) is really wonderful, but you must understand that this procedure is by no means as harmless as it seems. And this, please note, even if it is done in the salon.
Therefore, qualified facial skin care after peeling should be mandatory, not optional. It is also highly desirable to take into account all possible contraindications, but focus not on rumors and conjectures such as “there will definitely be acne after it”, but on proven and reliable information.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

One of the varieties of chemical peels, which does not involve the mechanical removal of dead particles of the epidermis, but their dissolution. To perform the session, salicylic acid is used, which has a lot of properties that are useful for appearance.

The technique of salicylic peeling and its results are different depending on the content of the active substance:

  • superficial peeling performed with a 15% acid solution, its main purpose is the treatment of acne, limiting the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • medium peeling made using a 30% acid solution, and it is suitable for eliminating skin irregularities and smoothing acne scars.

properties of salicylic acid

Salicylic acid, or 2-hydroxybenzoic acid, has long been used in cosmetology, as it has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. This substance is often included in the composition of creams for oily skin and to combat acne due to its ability to destroy pathogenic microbes, eliminate redness and heal microdamages.

In addition, the acid reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, which causes the effect of drying the skin.

Salicylic acid - great keratolytic . It intensively exfoliates the upper layers of the epidermis, therefore it is successfully used to treat hyperkeratosis, dissolve the contents of acne, comedones. After peeling with salicylic acid, the effectiveness of using other skin care and therapy products increases, the complexion evens out, it looks younger and brighter. The advantage of the acid is that it does not irritate the skin like some of the more aggressive substances, so the salicylic peeling procedure is indicated for a variety of dermatological problems.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure of salicylic peeling

It is a mistake to think that salicylic face peeling is indicated only for young people with problematic skin and acne. Due to the deep exfoliation of the layers of the epidermis, the procedure stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers, therefore it can significantly reduce the depth and size of wrinkles and prevent their further formation. Peeling is also suitable for those who are dissatisfied with the appearance of the face due to the presence of signs of photoaging and pigmentation.

"Salicylic peeling is perfect for those who suffer from acne, oily skin, as well as the appearance of the first wrinkles, sagging skin. "

So the main Indications for a salicylic peel session:

  • acne, acne scars, small scars;
  • comedones, subcutaneous acne;
  • excessive oiliness of the skin;
  • uneven skin relief, seals;
  • sagging, wrinkles;
  • age spots, including freckles;
  • low skin tone;
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

Salicylic peeling with a paste with a high concentration of the active substance is also used to eliminate hyperkeratosis (cornification) on the body - on the hands, elbows, knees.

Among contraindications for facial peeling:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • individual intolerance;
  • exacerbation of herpes and other inflammatory phenomena on the skin;
  • damage and sunburn;
  • diabetes.

Do not exfoliate before sun exposure. The best option is to do this cosmetic procedure in winter or autumn.

How is a salicylic peel session performed?

14 days before the session, you should exclude visits to the sauna, baths and stop sunbathing. Also, do not do home or professional exfoliation in other ways.

Directly at the specialist, a thorough cleansing of the skin from makeup is carried out, after which the epidermis is softened with the help of a special agent. So the peeling procedure will be more effective due to better penetration of the acid into the deeper layers of the epidermis. At the next stage, the face is disinfected to prevent infection of the skin. After that, an active acid solution is applied to the surface of the skin. After the required time has elapsed, the peeling components are washed off with water or treated with special neutralizers.

As a rule, to complete the procedure, the master performs post-peel care: he applies soothing and moisturizing masks or creams. A good specialist will definitely explain the rules for further facial care at home and give recommendations on subsequent peeling sessions. The fact is that the treatment of acne and excessive oily skin requires 5-7 sessions with an interval of 2 weeks, and with hyperkeratosis and pigmentation, up to 10 salicylic peeling procedures may be required.

Results and skin care after the procedure

Even after the first session, the appearance of the face will noticeably improve: it will look younger, become fresh and smooth. The processes of cellular respiration and renewal are optimized, the fat content of the skin and the phenomena of acne and inflammation will decrease. But, since chemically burned skin requires special attention, you should ensure proper home care after a salicylic peel.

Immediately after the session, cleanse the skin with special lotions and apply a moisturizer twice a day. After a couple of days, the cells will begin to intensively exfoliate, and during this period, you need to carefully protect your face from exposure to photoradiation. In no case should you “help” the crusts to detach: in this way, you can get scratches and inflammation of the skin. The ideal option is to use daily nourishing masks from a special post-peel care program that will help the face to quickly find a fresh and renewed look.

Possible side effects

During the session, the patient feels a slight burning sensation, tingling, which is an absolutely normal skin reaction. After the procedure may be concerned:

  • dryness, tightness of the face;
  • irritation and peeling of the skin;
  • swelling and redness (typical for people with acne);
  • exacerbation of viral skin diseases, allergies.

Usually, all unpleasant phenomena disappear on their own within a week after the session. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor.

Can salicylic peeling be done at home?

Now many manufacturers produce cosmetics that will help to carry out salicylic peeling at home. The instructions for the preparation describe in detail all the stages of the procedure.

Such cosmetics have less pronounced results, but they have a minimum of side effects and are allowed for more frequent use. This is due to the low percentage of salicylic acid in the solution, which works gently and accurately.

Typically, in such products, salicylic acid is combined with other acids widely used in cosmetology - glycolic, lactic, fruit, etc. As a rule, the preparations also contain moisturizing, regenerating, nourishing components.

Skin care after home peeling should be based on all the principles that are typical for a salon procedure. With the correct implementation of all stages of peeling, the skin will delight you with freshness and youth, which will more than pay off all the efforts made!

The main active agent is salicylic acid, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. With its help, they get rid of age spots, wrinkles, the face acquires an even tone, tightens.

Cosmetologists say that today this is one of the best varieties of acid peeling, which has a positive effect on the epidermis. You can improve the condition of the skin not only in a beauty salon, but also at home. With proper combination with mechanical polishing, facial rejuvenation, elimination of acne, comedones is ensured.

A few words about the use of salicylic acid in cosmetology

Over the past 2 decades, salicylic acid has held the palm in the fight against acne, whitening post-acne, and treating acne.

The goals of salicylic peeling can be very different - from cleansing the skin to smoothing out deep wrinkles.

In dermatology, the composition is indispensable for the following diagnoses:

  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • warts;
  • psoriasis;
  • acne;
  • demodicosis.

As for cosmetology, the acid in question is included in shampoos, creams, lotions and gels. Due to the rapid solubility in fats, the substance instantly penetrates into the sebaceous glands, pores and epidermis, eliminating pathogenic microflora and activating regeneration at the cellular level.

From the point of view of application in cosmetology, salicylic acid stands out for a number of advantages:

  • does not affect the functioning of the immune system;
  • slows down the natural aging process of the skin;
  • does not increase the level of photosensitivity of the skin, which is typical for acids in general;
  • the composition is universal, i.e. can be used for both dry and oily skin;
  • the components of the drug differ in the direction of exposure - they eliminate pathogens and do not affect the natural microflora;
  • the drug quickly dissolves even the most persistent sebaceous plugs, regulates the secretion of the corresponding glands.

Salicylic acid quickly loosens and softens the stratum corneum of the epidermis, so it is indispensable for peeling. Due to this effect, the preparations used for skin resurfacing penetrate the dermis more intensively, thereby causing an excellent result.

What is Salicylic Acid Peeling?

Salicylic peeling differs from other varieties in that it is aimed not at the mechanical removal of the “dead” layer of cells, but at their dissolution. The composition has a mild effect, it is not able to penetrate into the lower layers of the epidermis, which eliminates the risk of complications characteristic of the post-peeling period.

The severity of the result is determined by the individual characteristics of human skin, its reaction to the active components of the composition, because. In fact, we are talking about a small chemical burn.

Upon completion of the procedure, local redness is observed in the areas of exposure to the substance. In the next 4-6 hours, inflammation increases, subsides. Then the surface of the dermis becomes dry, there is a feeling of "tightness". During this period, it is better to use moisturizing lotions and tonics.

On the 3-4th day, the treated areas of the skin begin to peel off, which is rather unpleasant, but this stage must be endured. The main rule for this period is protection of the delicate epidermis from ultraviolet radiation. It is better not to go outside during the daytime.

You should not pick off the keratinized crusts with your own hands. Patience is the key to success, dead cells of the dermis must fall off on their own. Haste in this context is fraught with unpleasant injuries, longer rehabilitation. Experienced cosmetologists recommend planning salicylic acid peeling in such a way that the recovery period takes place at home.

At the end of a difficult period of getting rid of peeling, the skin is transformed before our eyes. Small folds are smoothed out, deep wrinkles become less noticeable, the relief and elasticity of the epidermis are restored.

Types of salicylic peels

Compositions for peeling with salicylic acid are represented by a paste and a special solution. The first is used to combat the manifestations of age-related changes on the skin of the hands by exfoliating "dead" cells. Cosmetologists recommend using a paste to care for rough areas of the epidermis (elbows, knees).

As for solutions, depending on the concentration of the active agent, there are 2 types of procedures.

Surface Finishing

For surface exposure, a 15-20% salicylic consistency is used, which causes a gentle treatment of the dermis, and therefore the method is considered gentle. This type of peeling is preferred in cases where the patient has oily or problematic skin prone to acne, comedones. The duration of the session does not exceed 20 minutes.

Cosmetologists focus on the incompatibility of salicylic acid and resorcinol, zinc oxide. It is better to stop taking the appropriate drugs 1 month before the cosmetic procedure in order to minimize possible complications.

Superficial exposure effectively eliminates mimic and shallow wrinkles, brightens problem areas, but in the case of deep defects, this method is ineffective.

Mid-surface impact

For a more pronounced and deeper effect, a 25-30% essence with a pH level of 1.3 to 2 is used. The corresponding procedure not only smoothes wrinkles and the dermis as a whole, but also increases the concentration of turgor. Specialists use this type of treatment to quickly eliminate the first manifestations of age-related aging, whiten the dermis by several tones.

Salicylic acid peel procedure

Peeling with salicylic acid is a common and popular cosmetic procedure. Appropriate services are provided in almost every beauty parlor, not to mention beauty salons. We are talking about a chemical method of influencing the skin, which eliminates the risk of side effects, eliminates microtrauma of the epidermis. Acid activates the synthesis of collagen, elastin, tones the cells, so that the face becomes fresh and young.

Salon peel protocol

Procedures carried out in salons are more effective, because. the specialist selects the composition taking into account the characteristics of the skin, monitors the patient, controls his condition. In time, peeling takes from 20 to 40 minutes. In most cases, we are talking about 4 consecutive stages of processing the epidermis.

At the end of the session, you should not go out into the cold air or under direct sunlight for 2-3 hours. After cleaning, the sensitivity of the dermis is very high, it takes some time to recover.

Application results

The results of the use of salicylic acid depend on the professionalism of the cosmetologist who performed the procedure, the condition and characteristics of the skin.

If the protocol was followed very precisely, you can count on the following results:

  • after the first session, the number of acne in the treatment area is reduced;
  • stimulates the synthesis of elastin, collagen;
  • small folds, wrinkles are eliminated;
  • the natural facial tone is restored;
  • scars left after acne are absorbed, leveled;
  • regeneration processes are activated.

Experts emphasize that the final results also depend on the patient himself, more precisely, on the correctness of his skin care after the procedure.

General rules for post-peel care

All efforts aimed at combating age-related skin defects can easily be nullified. Just one day spent on the street without sunscreen can provoke the reappearance of wrinkles, age spots in the "old" places. In this regard, cosmetologists strongly recommend not to be in the sun without first protecting the skin with an appropriate remedy. This rule applies primarily to patients struggling with pigmented neoplasms.

Despite the fact that peelings are often carried out in autumn and winter, in many salons procedures are practiced in spring and summer. Regardless of the season of the procedure, the skin is necessarily protected with lotions and creams. But it is better to refrain from visiting the solarium.

After salicylic peeling, until the residual restoration of the epidermis, it is undesirable to visit the pool, gym, water procedures, because. there is a rice of the appearance of a pustular rash.

It is not recommended to independently get rid of scales extending from the renewed skin. Under these keratinized particles of the epidermis, favorable conditions are formed for skin regeneration. If you get rid of scales ahead of time, the skin is likely to turn red, and then another layer of hard crust will appear.

Salicylic peeling: before and after photos

The effectiveness of the procedure is best indicated by photos before and after peeling with salicylic acid. It should be noted that the corresponding results are achieved under the condition of professional exposure to the skin in a specialized salon. Home sessions are associated with certain risks and complications.

Salicylic peel smoothes forehead wrinkles
Chemical peeling with salicylic acid provides skin rejuvenation
An example of the elimination of age wrinkles with salicylic acid peeling
A striking example of the results of salicylic peeling

Salicylic facial peeling: video

In the video below, the beautician talks about the features of salicylic facial peeling. We strongly recommend that you review this article.



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