Conjunctivitis in a newborn: how to treat. Symptoms of conjunctivitis in infants and children under one year old, methods of treating the disease Purulent conjunctivitis in a newborn than to treat

The disease is quite common, and even in infants. Lachrymation, redness, itching and burning appear. This type of inflammation is caused by a virus. Conjunctivitis is allergic, viral and chlamydial.


In the first case, inflammation of the connective membrane of the eyes occurs. When the child wakes up, his eyelids may look glued together. The kid pulls his hands to his eyes, scratches them. There are seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, which manifests itself during the flowering of allergy-causing plants and shrubs. What else can provoke the occurrence? Animal hair, a number of foods and medicines, and ordinary dust are strong allergens. Year-round inflammation is expressed by chronic runny nose and bronchial asthma. The viral type of the disease occurs as a result of pneumonia and tonsillitis.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis in infants cannot appear. It affects adults. And they can suffer from allergic, viral and bacterial types of illness. By the way, they get sick quite often. But how and where can a baby become infected, before it has had time to interact with the environment, because it has just been born? It turns out that bacteria can enter the child's body through the birth canal.


The procedure is simple. Using a gauze swab dipped in a decoction of chamomile, sage and nettle, wipe the eyes after two hours. Direction - from the outer corner to the inner. Thus, pus and dried crusts are perfectly removed from the baby's eyes. Wiping should not be done with cotton wool to avoid getting fibers into the eyes of the child.

Aloe juice and tea

We should not forget about folk remedies. Aloe juice is used for the purpose. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice from the leaves of the plant, dilute it with water: one part to ten. Three times a day, instill in each eye.

Black tea is a great known drink that relieves inflammation of the eyes. Brew strong tea and make compresses on both eyes. This will speed up the cleansing of the eyes.

A solution of furacilin will help remove the discharge of pus. Of the drugs, chloramphenicol drops, tetracycline eye ointment are preferred.


Purulent conjunctivitis occurs due to infection. Bacteria enters the eyes due to dirty hands and dust. The eyelids become heavy, in the eyes there is a feeling of pain and severe itching. The child may have photophobia.

Purulent conjunctivitis in newborns occurs due to a decrease in the immunity of the baby itself, the birth of premature babies, births from mothers who use alcohol and drugs. Sometimes, unfortunately, there is unsanitary conditions in the hospital for women in labor.

Among the preventive measures, one very important thing can be mentioned: the correct treatment of the eyes of babies.


Acute conjunctivitis occurs with a sensation of pain and redness. Mucus with pus also begins to appear. Acute conjunctivitis is accompanied by general malaise, headache and fever. Constant burning and sensation of a foreign object in the eye are present with this form of the disease.

Young mothers are tormented by the question: if conjunctivitis is found in a baby, is it possible to walk with him on the street? Of course, it is possible if the child does not have an increase in body temperature and a runny nose.

Conjunctivitis in infants can occur along with a cold and goes away on its own after seven days. In adults, this period lasts longer.


Prevention of conjunctivitis in infants is the observance of hygiene procedures. Eye disease is a serious ailment, especially conjunctivitis in infants. How to treat if the baby became infected during childbirth, and the inflammation begins almost immediately from the moment of birth? The baby cannot open his eyes, the eyelids are swollen, the conjunctiva is red, purulent mucus is released. It should be washed with special solutions that have a disinfectant effect. You also need to apply drops and anesthetics. Treatment should not be abandoned, it should be continued until the final recovery.

Temperature often accompanies conjunctivitis. This symptom indicates the presence of pathogens in the body of the baby. The temperature stays for about three days. It is imperative to consult a doctor.


If a child has conjunctivitis, Komarovsky E. O. recommends giving him the safe drug Suprastin. It can be used by babies from the first days of life.

We figured out what conjunctivitis is, Komarovsky gives some useful recommendations about this: it is better for a baby with a disease not to walk on public playgrounds, not to visit crowded places, so as not to add another infection.

Conjunctivitis is different. Drops are selected in accordance with the purpose and type of disease.

The bacterial species is treated with drops of Tobrex, Levomycetin and Tsipromed. With a viral variety of conjunctivitis, the drug "Ciprofloxan" is used.

The most important thing to remember is that it is very difficult to cure such a disease in a newborn baby. And if it so happened that the baby still fell ill, there is no need to reproach yourself and assume that all the blame falls on the mother. This is possible even with the most careful care. It is important to know exactly how to treat the baby.

If the disease is not properly treated, serious consequences are not excluded: a chronic form may develop, which will affect visual acuity.

You can not abuse folk remedies, such as washing with baking soda, compresses from dairy products, using castor oil instead of eye drops, applying grated potatoes and black bread.

It should be remembered that children born prematurely as a result of conjunctivitis may experience complications in the form of meningitis, sepsis and otitis media. Do not relax and consider inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes as a harmless, easily passing disease.

Every mother wants to see her baby strong and healthy. And the foundation of a child's health is laid in the first years of his life. Immunity is developed and strengthened, physical and mental qualities develop, the baby acquires useful communication skills and creative imagination. I would not want one disease to cross out all of the above.

You can not completely protect the child from communication with other children and adults. And maybe even with those who are already sick. But a mother must remember that her son or daughter must be treated with great attention, since any disease is easier to prevent or cure at the very first stage than to treat an already running variant. Another rule: do not overdo it with folk remedies. And in everything you need to consult with your doctor.


To summarize, it must be said that conjunctivitis is the most common disease of newborn children. And in young inexperienced parents, any ailment of their first child can cause a state of panic. Do not rush, find out the causes of purulent discharge from the eyes, consult a pediatrician - these are the first steps for parents with suspected conjunctivitis. Any state of the mother is transmitted to her child. This connection is invisible. If the mother panics, worries, the baby will become restless, tearful. And any excitement and irritability have a bad effect on the healing process. Good mood, faith in the best has always had a positive effect in the treatment of any disease.

Conjunctivitis is an eye disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva). This disease is often diagnosed in newborns. It is manifested by redness of the eyes, excessive secretion of lacrimal fluid, photophobia, purulent discharge. The baby's eyes swim, the eyelids stick together, he becomes restless and capricious.

Children are most often diagnosed with conjunctivitis of bacterial, viral and allergic origin. The symptoms and treatment of different types of the disease are different. It is important to correctly differentiate conjunctivitis and conduct competent treatment.

Types of conjunctivitis

Depending on the origin, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  • Bacterial conjunctivitis - the disease occurs as a result of the penetration of staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci and other bacteria into the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • Viral - the inflammatory process is provoked by herpes viruses, enteroviruses, adenoviruses, etc.
  • Allergic - the disease is provoked by various allergens (plant pollen, chemicals, medications, animal hair, etc.).

In addition, conjunctivitis in infants is caused by fungi, chlamydia, and autoimmune processes.

Causes of the disease

Even if the mother observes personal hygiene and carefully cares for the newborn, the risk of developing inflammation still exists. The causes of the disease in a child are different, an experienced doctor will help determine them.

Conjunctivitis in newborns occurs for the following reasons:

  • Weakened immune system.
  • Infection during childbirth. At the time of passage through the birth canal, the child caught gonococci or chlamydia, which actively affect the conjunctiva.
  • The disease is provoked by a variety of bacteria that live in the mother's body.
  • Genital or oral herpes, which the mother is sick with, also provokes conjunctivitis in infants.
  • A woman does not follow the rules of personal hygiene or does not maintain the cleanliness of the child's body.
  • A foreign body or contamination has entered the eye of a newborn.
  • There was an infection of the conjunctival membrane with pathogens (viruses, bacteria).
  • Infectious diseases of viral origin also often provoke conjunctivitis.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes occurs as a reaction to various allergens.
  • Blockage of the lacrimal canal.

To protect the baby from conjunctivitis, the mother should take into account the factors that depend on her. We are talking, first of all, about the observance of cleanliness and the treatment of infectious diseases before pregnancy.

Clinical picture

In the first time after birth, the child still develops tear ducts, which means that they do not let tear fluid through. That is why any discharge from the eyes may indicate the development of conjunctivitis. To confirm or refute this diagnosis, you should visit a doctor.

Specific signs of inflammation of the conjunctival membrane in infants:

  • Secretion of lacrimal fluid. A clear liquid is released from the eyes of a newborn.
  • Redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes. This symptom indicates the development of an inflammatory reaction on the conjunctival membrane and the eyeball. In most cases, the outer surface of the eyelid also turns red.
  • Photophobia. The child has a painful sensitivity of the eyes to light. When a light source appears, the baby turns away or closes his eyes.
  • The appearance of purulent discharge. After sleep, the eyelids of the child stick together, and during the day pus is released from the eyes.

It is difficult to identify conjunctivitis in a newborn in the early stages, because he cannot describe what he feels.

After identifying at least one symptom, you should visit a doctor who will help differentiate the disease and prescribe a treatment regimen. This is necessary, since not all mothers know how different types of conjunctivitis manifest themselves:

  • Bacterial - abundant mucous secretions are observed. With this type of disease, both eyes are affected. A scenario is also possible when the infection affects one eye, and then moves to the second. The lower eyelid swells, the eyes turn red, the baby reacts painfully to light. A yellowish-green discharge is released from the eyes, itching, burning is present.
  • Viral inflammation of the conjunctiva is easily recognized by photophobia, the release of purulent fluid from the eyes. Most often one eye is affected. With herpes infection, the disease lasts a long time, bubbles appear on the eyelids, tear fluid is secreted. If the cause of the disease is adenovirus, then in addition to the symptoms of conjunctivitis, there are signs of a cold.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis is manifested by a sharp swelling of the eyelids, redness of the mucous membrane, itching, burning in response to an allergen. A clear liquid comes out of the eyes. Both eyes are affected.

Fungal inflammation of the conjunctiva is accompanied by severe itching, tearing, sensation of a foreign body in the eye, and a painful reaction to light. Allocations are purulent-transparent with a white crumb.

If you notice at least one of the symptoms, go to the doctor, who will determine the nature of the disease and draw up a treatment plan.

Treatment of conjunctivitis

Treatment of the disease depends on its type. Bacteriological examination will help to identify the type of pathogen. To do this, a smear is taken from the mucous membrane, which is then studied in the laboratory.

It is necessary to consult a doctor, as patients of a younger age group are susceptible to the rapid spread of infection. Proper treatment in the early stages of the disease guarantees a quick recovery and the absence of complications.

Many mothers wonder what to do if the baby has bacterial conjunctivitis. As part of complex therapy, local antibiotics are used in the form of eye drops and ointments. Medicines are applied to previously cleansed eyes.

To clean the eyelids, use cotton or gauze swabs soaked in a weak antiseptic solution () or herbal decoction. You can prepare an infusion from chamomile, sage, nettle and other anti-inflammatory herbs. Wipe the eyes from the outer corner to the inner.

After elimination of purulent crusts, the conjunctival cavity is treated with ointment or drops. The frequency of use of the drug depends on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient. In the acute period, the eyes are treated 6 to 8 times in 24 hours, and in the period
relief - from 3 to 4 times.

Ointment is recommended to be placed in the conjunctival sac before going to bed. The average duration of the therapeutic course is from 1 week to 10 days. If the doctor has prescribed several medicines at once, then the interval between their use is 5 minutes or more.

Acute conjunctivitis (gonoblennorrhea), the causative agent of which is gonococcus, is one of the most dangerous ophthalmic diseases. It is manifested by severe swelling, redness, purulent-bloody discharge. You can cure gonoblenorrhea at home. To do this, the eyes are abundantly washed with antiseptic solutions several times a day.

In addition, it is recommended to use keratoplastic agents that accelerate the healing and regeneration of damaged eye mucosa (Solcoseryl, sea buckthorn oil, etc.). Antibiotics are used in the form of ointment and solution for injection.

To eliminate conjunctivitis of viral origin in children, antiviral drugs are used in the form of ointments and drops. Antibiotics are used for secondary infections. It is important to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor, only then the disease will pass.

To get rid of conjunctivitis of allergic origin, you must first cure the allergy. To do this, you should determine the allergen and limit the child's contact with it. To alleviate unpleasant symptoms, anti-allergic eye drops are used.

If your newborn's conjunctivitis persists, talk to your doctor. You may be using the wrong drugs. In this case, it is recommended to conduct a second bacteriological examination.

Preventive measures

Preventing the disease is always easier than treating conjunctivitis in a newborn. To protect the baby from an unpleasant illness, the mother must observe the following rules:

  • Observe personal hygiene, keep the baby's body clean.
  • Keep bedding, baby toys and the entire nursery clean.
  • Try to wash your hands often with a newborn, teach your child to wash his hands on his own when he grows up.
  • Ventilate the room, use to improve the microclimate of the room.
  • Include foods rich in vitamins and minerals in your child's daily diet.
  • Make sure that children eat only clean foods.
  • Give your child a personalized towel that only he or she will use.
  • Walk outdoors daily for at least 4 hours.
  • Do not let your baby come into contact with sick children.

By following these rules, you will protect the newborn not only from conjunctivitis, but also from many other diseases.

To successfully treat conjunctivitis in infants, follow these guidelines:

  • Until the diagnosis is established by a doctor, it is forbidden to use drugs. But, in extreme cases, a single use of eye drops is allowed (for viral or bacterial inflammation of the conjunctiva). If allergic conjunctivitis is suspected, an antihistamine in the form of a suspension or tablets is used.
  • Eyes from purulent crusts are recommended to be washed every 2 hours.
  • If one eye is affected, both are treated with an antiseptic solution, as the infection spreads rapidly. A new swab is used for each eye.
  • It is forbidden to wear a bandage on an inflamed eye. Otherwise, the likelihood of further development of pathogens and injury to the inflamed eyelid increases.
  • For the treatment of conjunctivitis in infants, Albucid (10%) is used, and for older patients - in the form of a solution, Vitabact, Eubital. Antiseptic drops are used at intervals of 3 hours. Erythromycin and tetracycline ointment are also used to eliminate inflammation.

Thus, conjunctivitis in a newborn is a serious illness that requires a responsible approach to treatment. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, consult a doctor who will determine the pathogen and prescribe adequate treatment. Self-treatment threatens with dangerous consequences for the baby.

Conjunctivitis in newborns and infants in the first year of life is a problem that more than 15% of new mothers have to face. By itself, the pathology does not pose a great threat to the health, and even more so the life of the baby. But the disease is accompanied by symptoms that are extremely unpleasant for the child, the baby becomes capricious, tearful, eats and sleeps poorly. In addition, there is a risk of complications.

Conjunctivitis in infants is often confused with dacryocystitis, a disease in which the lacrimal sac becomes inflamed in an infant, or a banal blockage of the lacrimal canal. Pathologies are similar in manifestations, but still have differences and require a completely different approach to treatment. With a timely visit to the doctor and the correct diagnosis, it will not be difficult to cure conjunctivitis in a few days. But for this, parents need to know the characteristic symptoms of the pathology, be able to recognize it in time and take appropriate measures.

What it is

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes caused by chemical irritants or pathogens. To correctly determine how to treat conjunctivitis in infants, it is important to establish the cause of its origin. The causative agents of the disease can be either bacteria or viruses. Accordingly, conjunctivitis is distinguished:

  • bacterial;
  • viral.

Recently, allergic conjunctivitis has become more common, developing against the background of seasonal allergies in a child or under the influence of histamines. At the same time, anything can act as histamine: food, drugs, household chemicals, and even house dust.

The photo shows what purulent conjunctivitis looks like in a baby under the age of one year

But the most common is the bacterial form of the disease. Depending on the type of pathogenic microorganisms, the following subspecies of bacterial conjunctivitis are distinguished:

  • staphylococcal;
  • pneumococcal;
  • gonococcal;
  • chlamydial.

Bacterial conjunctivitis is often called purulent, as the disease is accompanied by abundant purulent discharge, souring of the eye and sticking of the eyelids. Such manifestations of the disease frighten parents, but the treatment of this form is much faster, easier than the viral one, and without serious consequences.

Viral conjunctivitis in an infant develops and proceeds, at first glance, easier, purulent discharge is absent. But often it is this form of the disease, if not treated on time and to the end, that leads to serious complications. In this case, not only the eyes can suffer if the viral infection spreads throughout the body. The greatest danger lies in the fact that the systems and internal organs of the baby are not yet fully formed, the introduction of the virus can disrupt the process of their full development and cause various dysfunctions and irreversible changes.

That is why it is important that parents know the symptoms of various forms of mucosal inflammation in a newborn, be able to recognize it in time, consult a doctor and begin adequate treatment.

How the disease manifests itself

Conjunctivitis in children under one year old can only be accurately diagnosed by a doctor, since numerous ophthalmic pathologies have similar symptoms. Nevertheless, there are certain signs by which parents may suspect this particular disease and seek medical help.

Conjunctivitis caused by bacteria can be recognized by the following signs:

  • severe redness and irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • purulent discharge from the eyes.

In the daytime, the pus is washed off with tears or removed when washing. But during the night it accumulates, dries up, the resulting crusts stick together the eyelids. In severe cases, the child cannot open his eyes on his own after sleep.

The viral form of the disease, like the allergic one, is manifested by lacrimation and swelling of the eye without purulent discharge, but it is more difficult to treat than the bacterial one.

Viral conjunctivitis manifests itself as follows:

  • intense lacrimation;
  • redness of the mucous membrane of the eye and eyelids;
  • puffiness (it can be recognized in a one-year-old child and older children, since in a newborn the eyes themselves are as if swollen);
  • the surface of the eyeball is often covered with a whitish film;
  • first, one eye becomes inflamed, then the infection passes to the second.

Viral conjunctivitis is also often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, children over two years old can quite clearly explain what worries them. As a rule, these are headaches, weakness, malaise, aching joints, lack of appetite - that is, typical symptoms of SARS, which caused viral conjunctivitis.

Important: Even if parents are experienced, have already encountered purulent inflammation of the conjunctiva in children and, in principle, know what to do, you still need to see a doctor. Each child is individual, this time the pathogen may be completely different, which means that another therapy will be needed. In addition, for the treatment of children at 5 months, for example, or at 2 years, various drugs are used in different dosages. Self-medication can lead to serious complications in a child, so it is better not to take risks and not rely solely on your own experience.

Ways of infection and causes of development

It is believed that if the disease in infants is non-congenital, the cause of all troubles is insufficient care and non-observance of hygiene rules. However, in this case, this is not entirely true. Even the cleanest baby living in ideal sanitary conditions can get sick with conjunctivitis.

A pregnant woman must treat all gynecological and venereal diseases before giving birth in order to minimize the risk of infection of the baby

The main causes of the disease are as follows:

  • Weak immunity. In all newborns, without exception, the immune system does not work at full strength; without proper supervision, the baby can easily catch any infection. If, in addition, the child has suffered an infectious disease of the nasopharynx or other organs, was born prematurely or with low weight, is malnourished, the risk increases several times.
  • Infectious diseases of the mother. Bacterial conjunctivitis caused by chlamydia or gonococcus, in most cases, passes to the baby from the mother during the passage of the birth canal.
  • Getting into the eyes of dust, sand, chemical fumes and other irritants that can provoke an inflammatory process.
  • Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules.
  • Acute viral infections of the nasopharynx. Very rarely, viral conjunctivitis develops in isolation, as a rule, these are complications of adenovirus infection, influenza, etc.

Even the most experienced and caring mother cannot foresee absolutely everything and protect her baby 100% from all diseases. But nevertheless, a lot is in her hands. A pregnant woman must definitely treat all diseases before giving birth. And after the birth of a child, do not be lazy to fully and regularly care for him.

Treatment Methods

Conjunctivitis in a child, like in an adult, can be cured at home in a few days, but only if all the recommendations of the attending physician are followed from the beginning of the course of treatment until complete recovery. It should be understood that the children's body is not yet fully formed, the baby's immunity is not strong, and the slightest omission on the part of the parents can result in serious complications.

Regular flushing is the main treatment for conjunctivitis of any form in infants.

Ideally, at the first suspicious symptoms, you should visit an eye doctor. If this is not possible, rinsing the eye will help alleviate the condition of the baby. You can use the pharmaceutical antiseptic drug Furacilin or decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, sage. The solution for washing should be made weak, and the procedure itself should be carried out every two hours during the day and once or twice at night, when the baby wakes up for feeding.

Some sources recommend instilling eyes with Levomycetin before the doctor arrives or laying Tetracycline ointment. Indeed, these antibacterial drugs are widely used in the treatment of conjunctivitis caused by pathogenic microflora. But at the same time, they have a number of contraindications and are prescribed to newborns and infants only if, for some reason, more modern and sparing drugs are not suitable. Therefore, it is not recommended to start using them on your own, without the approval of a doctor, especially if the baby is not yet 2 months old.

One of the safest and most effective methods of treating conjunctivitis in newborns is to massage the nasolacrimal canal. Every mother, even the youngest and inexperienced, can learn how to do it on her own at home, the main thing is caution, attention and love.

How to properly rinse your eyes

It is with this procedure that effective treatment of conjunctivitis in young children begins. In no case should antibacterial drugs be administered if the eyes are not previously cleaned of secretions and disinfected. To do this, you must first prepare an antiseptic solution. If there is nothing at hand, then you can rinse the baby's eyes with ordinary boiled water, the main thing is not to ignore this procedure and remove crusts and pus several times a day. But the treatment will be more effective and recovery will come faster if Furacilin is used.

In pharmacies, it is usually sold in tablets and is quite inexpensive. One package is enough for a full course of treatment.

The solution is prepared as follows:

  1. Remove the tablet from the package and carefully crush into powder. The better this is done, the faster Furacilin will dissolve in water.
  2. Pour the powder into a sterilized container, pour 100 ml of boiled water at a temperature of about 38 degrees, but not higher.
  3. Stir, leave for half an hour, so that the powder is completely dissolved. You should get a yellow liquid.
  4. Furacilin always gives a balance. So that small particles of the drug do not injure the baby's eyes, before washing, the resulting solution is filtered through a sterile bandage folded in several layers.

The solution is not stored for a long time without a refrigerator, it should be used within one day. In the refrigerator, you can store Furacilin solution in a sterile, tightly closed container for up to two weeks. But it’s better not to be lazy to prepare fresh medicine every day.

Chamomile officinalis is an excellent natural antiseptic, a decoction of a medicinal plant can be safely used to treat sore eyes in infants

Washing is performed directly with a cotton sponge, it is moistened in the prepared solution, slightly squeezed and the crusts and pus are carefully removed, moving in the direction from the inner corner of the eyes to the outer. One sponge is used once for one eye, for the second eye you should take a clean cotton pad. Washing with tea leaves or a decoction of medicinal plants is performed in a similar way. The main thing to remember is three rules:

  • the temperature of the liquid should be no higher than 38 degrees;
  • decoctions and infusions must be carefully filtered so that not a single blade of grass or grains remains in them;
  • rinse solutions do not keep for a long time, ideally prepare fresh every day.

Helpful information: in pharmacies you can buy a ready-made furatsilin solution for washing. If preference is given to medicinal plants, then the infusion is prepared very simply. A small spoonful of dry collection or fresh grass is poured with a glass of boiling water, covered tightly and infused for two to three hours. Then the remedy is filtered - the medicine for the baby against conjunctivitis is ready!

How to apply ointment

If the doctor deemed it necessary to prescribe Tetracycline or any other antibacterial ointment, put it behind the lower eyelid 10-15 minutes after washing. It is done like this:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Lay your baby on a changing table or bed so that he cannot roll off.
  3. Open the tube of ointment and squeeze the required amount onto the finger of the right hand.
  4. Pull the lower eyelid with the fingers of the left hand and gently inject the ointment.
  5. Repeat the procedure with the second eye.

Tetracycline ointment is a traditional remedy for conjunctivitis, but it is strongly not recommended for use in infants without the approval of a doctor.

Important! Do not apply more ointments than recommended by the doctor to speed up recovery. This will not happen anyway, but it is possible to provoke unwanted side effects and allergic reactions.

How to massage

With purulent conjunctivitis, copious discharge can clog the nasolacrimal canal. This increases the discomfort for the baby and delays the treatment. In this case, massage of the nasolacrimal canal will help. Ideally, a pediatric nurse will show you how to do it correctly. But, in fact, this is a completely non-false process, which you can teach yourself. The main thing here, again, is accuracy and attention.

  1. First, the eyes of the crumbs should be washed with Furacilin to remove all crusts and accumulations of pus under the eyelids.
  2. Next, the tips of the index fingers are placed in the corners of the child's eye.
  3. With vibrating, slightly pressing movements, the fingers descend to the wings of the spout.

Regular massage of the nasolacrimal canal will help to cure purulent conjunctivitis faster and prevent complications

There should be at least ten such passes. If the doctor has prescribed antibacterial drops or ointments, then they are administered after the massage.

What drugs can a doctor prescribe

Treatment of newborns, and not only for conjunctivitis, is always complicated by the fact that most drugs cannot be used due to the long list of possible side effects. The doctor selects the most benign medicines of the latest generations with a minimum of "side effects", while it is equally important to correctly determine the dosage.

If we are talking about conjunctivitis in newborns, then these will be eye drops and ointments of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory action. The following medicines have proven themselves best:

  • Albucid - the drug is administered 1-2 drops after washing into each eye up to 8 times in the first two days of illness, then as the condition improves, the number of instillations is reduced to 4 times a day.
  • Vitabact - these drops must be used for at least 7 days, but not more than 10, the drug is administered one drop up to 4 times a day.
  • Oftalmoferon - also has an antiviral effect, in the first days of the disease, one drop is administered every two hours, then the number of instillations is gradually reduced to 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment lasts until the symptoms disappear completely.
  • Tobrex is an eye ointment with antibacterial action, it is enough to lay it once a day for ten days.
  • Tetracycline ointment is a traditional drug against eye inflammation, which is allowed to be used in pediatrics. The ointment is applied two to three times a day after washing, alternating with instillations. The course of treatment lasts up to two weeks.

If the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor does not give positive results for two to three days, you should re-contact an ophthalmologist and correct it. With the right approach, the symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis completely go away in 5-7 days, viral - 7-10 days. During this period, it is important to carefully monitor the hygiene of the baby, and after recovery, remember about preventive measures.

Summary: Conjunctivitis in infants is a common ophthalmic pathology, not the most dangerous, but capable of provoking serious complications without proper treatment. It is quite possible to get rid of the disease in a few days, if you strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor. Otherwise, the treatment may take several weeks or the disease will recur again and again. The main method of treatment is washing the eye with antiseptic solutions. In severe cases, the doctor prescribes local and systemic antibiotics. If parents want their baby to smile again as soon as possible and look at the world with clean and clear eyes, they will be patient and follow all the doctor's instructions without deviation.

Conjunctivitis in a newborn child up to a year old is not uncommon and can lead to unpleasant complications, but with timely treatment, in most cases, the disease can be dealt with easily and quickly. Therefore, parents should know in advance what to do, how to recognize and treat such eye damage in a child.

This common disease can develop in a person at any age, including soon after the birth of a baby, in a month-old and one-year-old child. In this article, we will look at why this happens and how to deal with the disease.

The term "conjunctivitis" refers to a group of diseases in which a specific eye lesion develops: it is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the white of the eye and eyelids from the inside. This mucosa is called the conjunctiva. Conjunctivitis in infants can develop even in the first days after birth - this may be due to infection during childbirth and some other factors.

Types of disease in infants

Conjunctivitis in an infant can be of several types, which differ in the underlying cause of the condition. There are three main types of it:

Most often, a newborn develops a viral or bacterial form of the disease. In the first case, the condition is caused by specific viruses getting into the child's eyes, and in the second, bacteria. Allergic conjunctivitis is caused by allergens: plant pollen, animals, dust. The form of the course of the disease varies depending on what cause it is caused by.

If conjunctivitis in an infant occurs shortly after birth, it is called congenital conjunctivitis. This happens if the child becomes infected during childbirth. In this case, it manifests itself after a few days.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The most common causes of conjunctivitis in infants up to a year:

  1. Infection in the eyes during childbirth, if the mother is infected with chlamydial, gonococcal or other infection.
  2. Reduced immunity, which in a newborn is not yet formed and is easily susceptible to infection.
  3. Contact with dirt due to poor hygiene or by accident.
  4. The mother is infected with herpes.
  5. There is a high concentration of the allergen in the room, to which the child has developed sensitivity.

Bacteria and viruses that cause conjunctivitis can easily make a newborn sick because the immune system is not yet perfect and cannot fight off an infection attack.

Main signs and diagnosis

Recognizing conjunctivitis in a newborn is not difficult, since the involvement of the eyes is quite obvious. However, depending on the cause of the disease, it has different distinguishing features. According to them, the doctor makes a diagnosis. For example, in newborns, a bacterial infection causes.

Signs of bacterial conjunctivitis:

  • copious purulent discharge appears;
  • eyelids swell;
  • the eyelids begin to stick together, after sleep the eyes do not open or open with difficulty;
  • At the beginning, one eye is affected, the second may not be affected at first.

Among the symptoms of viral conjunctivitis in infants:

  • in most cases accompanies SARS;
  • copious discharge, but clear, without pus;
  • the infection affects both eyes at once or quickly passes to the second;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • swelling is not strong.

The allergic form is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • detachable light, similar to mucus;
  • pronounced swelling of the eyelids;
  • severe itching, the baby tries to rub his eyes, shows great anxiety, screams.

Depending on the form of the disease in children under one year old, appropriate treatment is prescribed and carried out.

How and how to treat conjunctivitis in newborns?

Treatment of conjunctivitis in newborns depends on the type of disease.

First of all, the eyes must be washed from pus. To wash a newborn, you need to use a sterile cotton swab and a mild agent: it can be decoctions of chamomile or calendula, furacilin solution, or simply boiled water.

In the bacterial form of the disease, therapy is carried out with the help of drugs containing an antibiotic. It can be:

  • antibiotic drops: "Floxal", "Tobrex" are approved for use in children from birth;
  • ointment for conjunctivitis for newborns (it is most effective to use at night): "Floxal", tetracycline 1%.

Massage of the nasolacrimal canal is also effective for better discharge of the inflammatory discharge, but it should be carried out by medical personnel or parents after training.

A solution of sodium sulfacyl (albucid) can only be used at a concentration of 10% (for a newborn) and 20% (after 1 year). This is an effective remedy, but these drops cause a strong burning sensation in the inflamed eyes.

Bacterial conjunctivitis looks scary because of the discharge of pus, but with proper and timely treatment, it can be cured in just a couple of days.

How long the disease lasts depends on the cause and on the form. Viral conjunctivitis in a newborn may take longer than bacterial conjunctivitis until the baby's body copes with the virus. You can help him by washing his eyes and instilling drops with interferon or its inducers: Ophthalmoferon, Aktipol. Such drops also have anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, helping the conjunctiva recover from inflammation.

Eye drops containing interferon must be stored in the refrigerator, therefore, before burying the baby in the eyes, the bottle must be warmed by hand to room temperature.

allergic conjunctivitis

If the inflammation does not go away, and its signs are similar to allergic ones, you should immediately show the newborn baby to a specialist. All remedies used in the allergic form of the disease only relieve the symptoms of the disease and alleviate the condition, but do not fight the cause.

You can get rid of allergies only by removing the allergen and avoiding its contact with the newborn. In addition, eye drops for allergies have a restriction on the age of the child (he must be at least older than a year). Therefore, the most important thing is to determine what exactly caused the reaction: flowering trees, pets, household or book dust, or other possible sources of allergens.

In addition, we invite you to watch a video in which an ophthalmologist talks about the forms of childhood conjunctivitis and methods of treatment, and also dispels popular myths:

How to drip the eyes of the baby?

Drops for the eyes of a newborn are not easy to drip. For effective treatment, follow simple rules:

  1. If the drops are stored in the refrigerator, warm the vial in your hand before instillation.
  2. Don't try to put more than 1 drop in each eye - a newborn's conjunctival sac just won't hold more.
  3. If the baby closes his eyes, drip on the junction of the eyelids - when the eyes open, the medicine will fall on the conjunctiva.
  4. If a pipette is used, then its end must be rounded.

Prevention and prognosis

The prognosis of the disease with proper treatment is favorable: the treatment takes an average of several days and passes without consequences.

In no case should inflammation be left unattended in the hope that it will go away on its own: the body of the newborn is still too weak, and the infection can lead to complications and irreversible changes in the cornea, which will lead to a drop in vision.

To avoid the development of pathology, you need to follow a number of simple rules. Prevention of inflammation of the eyes in a newborn should be comprehensive, and it should begin even before pregnancy, and continue - always:

  1. Before you start trying to get pregnant, the expectant mother should be examined for the presence of latent genital infections, which may be asymptomatic.
  2. The newborn should have a separate face towel.
  3. Wash your baby's and yourself's hands regularly before touching them.
  4. and wash your baby regularly.
  5. Maintain cleanliness in the nursery.
  6. Ventilate the room regularly and maintain air humidity.
  7. Avoid contact with sick people.

In the video below, you will learn how to care for the eyes of a newborn baby and get answers to frequently asked questions of parents. Enjoy watching:

Conjunctivitis is a rather unpleasant, but easily treatable disease for a newborn baby, and if the recommendations are followed, it passes quickly and without consequences.

One of the most common diseases in newborns and young children is conjunctivitis. . Conjunctivitis- this is an inflammation of the transparent membrane of the eye (conjunctiva), manifested by lacrimation, photophobia, redness of the eye, the presence of a mucous or mucopurulent discharge, pain and a feeling of a foreign body in the eye.

There are many causes that lead to the development of conjunctivitis, but the most common are bacterial, viral and allergic conjunctivitis.

Causes of conjunctivitis in newborns

The development of a purulent conjunctiva can be caused by the presence of purulent-septic diseases in a newborn, non-compliance with the hygienic regime in the maternity hospital, and defects in the care of the newborn. Often the cause of conjunctivitis is the pathology of the lacrimal ducts.

Types of conjunctivitis depending on the etiology

  • Bacterial - caused by bacterial agents (staphylococcal, streptococcal, pneumococcal, diphtheria, gonococcal, etc.);
  • Viral - caused by viruses (adenoviral, herpetic, etc.);
  • Chlamydial;
  • Allergic - as a result of the action of an allergen (drug, hay conjunctivitis, spring catarrh, etc.);
  • fungal;
  • Autoimmune - caused by autoimmune processes in the body.

Common symptoms characteristic of all conjunctivitis

  • Itching and pain in the eyes;
  • Feeling of a foreign body, sand in the eye;
  • Photophobia and lacrimation;
  • Redness (hyperemia) of the eye;
  • The presence of discharge, the nature of which depends on the pathogen. The discharge can be serous, purulent, mucous, hemorrhagic, crumbly, membranous;
  • The palpebral fissure is narrowed, the eyelids are edematous, hyperemic.

Let us consider in more detail the most common types of conjunctivitis in children.

Bacterial conjunctivitis

causative agents bacterial conjunctivitis, most often, are: aureus and epidermal staphylococcus, streptococcus, Escherichia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, gonococcus.

Cause development of purulent conjunctivitis may also be chlamydial infection.

The causative agents of bacterial conjunctivitis can get on the mucous membrane of the eye with dirty hands. A newborn baby can get an infection while passing through the mother's birth canal.

Symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis

Of course, the symptoms of conjunctivitis depend on the pathogen that led to the development of the disease, but there are still a number of general symptoms that indicate its bacterial nature.

Bacterial conjunctivitis is characterized by inflammation of both eyes at once. Inflammation may appear first in one eye, and then move to the other. The lower eyelids are edematous, the eyes are red, there is increased lacrimation and photophobia. A purulent discharge (yellowish-greenish) appears from the eyes. Often the eyes "stick together" from abundant purulent discharge, this is especially noticeable in the morning, when the discharge dries up and it is difficult for the baby to open his eyes. There may be itching and pain in the eyes, from which the child constantly rubs his eyes.

It helps to accurately determine the type of pathogen bacteriological examination- sowing discharge from the eyes, for this they take a smear for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics.

Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis

It is necessary to consult a specialist, since young children and especially newborns are prone to rapid generalization of the process, that is, the infection can easily pass to other organs and systems. Timely and proper treatment contributes to a quick recovery and helps to avoid unwanted consequences.

Used to treat bacterial (purulent) conjunctivitis special eye drops and ointments with antibacterial action. Before applying the ointment or drops, it is necessary to clear the eyes of purulent crusts and secretions.

To do this, wipe the eyes with gauze swabs, which are pre-moistened either in a decoction of herbs, or in a weak solution of furacillin, or simply in boiled water. Wipe should be from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.

For the preparation of a decoction, herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect are suitable - chamomile, sage, nettle and others.

After removing the crusts, an eye ointment is applied or drops are instilled. The frequency of instillation depends on the drug and the age of the child. On average, about 6-8 instillations per day, in the acute period, and about 3-4 times during the improvement period. Ointment is better to lay under the eyelids before going to bed. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, on average it is 7-10 days.

If several drugs are prescribed at the same time, then the interval between the administration of drugs should be at least 5 minutes.


Gonoblenorrhea belongs to the group of acute conjunctivitis, caused by gonococcus. Depending on age, they distinguish:, children, adults.

Gonococcal conjunctivitis of the newborn

Infection occurs from the mother, when passing through the birth canal, it is also possible to become infected through baby care items.

Symptoms gonorrhea: develops 2-3 days after the birth of a child; has an acute character; the child has a pronounced swelling and redness of the eyelids. The eyelids are swollen, dense, the palpebral fissure almost does not open, the presence of a small amount of serous-cowy discharge, reminiscent of meat slops in color, is characteristic;

The sealing of the eyelids lasts for about 3-4 days, after which it decreases, edema and hyperemia persist. Appears abundant purulent discharge of a yellowish color. At the edges of the eyelids, the discharge can dry out and stick together the eyelids.

The danger of gonoblenorrhea in newborns lies in the fact that the cornea of ​​​​the eye can be involved in the inflammatory process, with the formation of infiltration on it first, and then ulcers. The infection can penetrate into the deep structures of the eye, which can lead to the development of endophthalmitis or panoflamitis. Another complication is the appearance of scars and clouding of the cornea, which leads to decreased vision.

Treatment of gonorrhea in newborns

  • Abundant washing of the eyes with disinfectant solutions several times a day.
  • The use of keratoplastic agents that promote healing and epithelialization of the mucous membrane of the eye (solcoseryl, sea buckthorn oil, and others).
  • Antibacterial ointments are also used for treatment, both locally and in the form of retrobulbar injections, subconjunctiva.

Viral conjunctivitis

Most often caused by the simplex virus herpes. Viral conjunctivitis is characterized by a unilateral lesion, a long course, the appearance of bubbles on the skin of the eyelids, and profuse lacrimation.

adenovirus infection can also cause the development of viral conjunctivitis. At the same time, in addition to the signs of conjunctivitis, the child has signs of SARS.

In most cases, with viral conjunctivitis, a layering of a secondary infection is noted and the process takes on a bacterial character.

Treatment of viral conjunctivitis

To treat viral conjunctivitis, your doctor may prescribe antiviral eye drops and ointments. In the case of a secondary infection, antibiotics cannot be dispensed with.

It should be remembered that bacterial and viral conjunctivitis are contagious. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the contact of other children with the patient and to take care of him, allocate items for individual use (towel, scarf, and others).

allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis occurs in response to an irritant of an allergenic nature - plant pollen, dust, animal hair, drugs, food, and others.

It is rare in newborns.

Main clinical manifestations allergic conjunctivitis are: connection with the allergen, bilateral damage, severe itching and pain in the eyes. There is a sharp swelling and redness of the eyes, profuse lacrimation. Discharge from the eyes is serous in nature (transparent).

Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

It is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause (allergen). To alleviate the symptoms of the disease, antihistamine drops are used.

Fungal conjunctivitis

Clinical manifestations of fungal conjunctivitis are: severe itching, lacrimation, feeling of a foreign body in the eye, there may be a slight photophobia. Fungal conjunctivitis is characterized by the presence of a white, crumbly discharge, with the addition of a bacterial infection, the discharge may acquire a mucopurulent character.

On examination, the conjunctiva is loosened, hyperemic.

When examining a smear, mycelium filaments are found.

Treatment of fungal conjunctivitis

Apply antifungal drugs (ointments, drops) - nystatin, livarin and others.

In severe cases, it may be necessary to prescribe glucocorticosteroids (dexomethasone and others).

Prevention of conjunctivitis in children

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene - washing hands with soap, those who touch and do not rub their eyes with their hands, have a personal towel, handkerchief and other household items.

Strengthening the immune system - vitamins, minerals, the inclusion of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, hardening, physical education and others.

Maintaining cleanliness in the house - regular wet cleaning, airing the room.

If a child has conjunctivitis, then (if possible) it should be isolated from other children.



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