How to treat hypertension without pills? Treatment of hypertension without drugs: an effective alternative.

In the fight against hypertension, the main thing is a systematic approach. From the methods, you can choose traditional or folk, non-drug. The treatment of hypertension without drugs for 3 weeks using a set of measures (phytotherapy, gymnastics, and others) is very effective.

Non-drug treatment of arterial hypertension is quite effective. It has the right to use if all the terms, principles, recommendations and an integrated approach to therapy are observed. Before starting treatment, in any case, a consultation with the attending physician is required and the exclusion of allergies to honey and herbs, since the non-drug method of treatment is mainly based on herbal medicine and the use of honey.

There are several schemes and approaches to the treatment of hypertension without pills:

  • various folk recipes using decoctions of herbs and honey,
  • physiotherapy exercises (method according to Shishonin),
  • therapeutic breathing exercises (Strelnikova's method, Evdokimenko's method),
  • diet and lifestyle modifications.

Before starting therapy, it is worth studying in detail the chosen method, preparing and setting yourself up for a full course without interruptions and deviations from the intended path. Throughout the course of treatment, blood pressure should be monitored.

A combination of several methods is possible, for example, the treatment of hypertension with herbs and physiotherapy exercises. With any approach chosen, it is important to refrain from using tobacco and alcohol (at least for the period of therapy, and preferably forever), try to be less nervous and start eating right.

Non-drug methods

You can treat hypertension without pills using many traditional medicine recipes. You can choose for yourself a few and combine them. To combat this disease, use:

HoneyNuts and berriesHerbs
honey combined with citrusrose hipmotherwort
honey combined with garlicchokeberryvalerian
partitions of walnutsviburnum
horse chestnut
shepherd's bag
flax, thyme and dill seeds
pine needles

These plants and honey are used alone in recipes, or combined. The main thing is to keep the proportions and take a course of three weeks.

Folk recipes

  1. You will need: motherwort, valerian roots, dill seed and thyme, 1 tablespoon each.

Preparation: pour this healthy mixture with boiling water (250 ml) and insist for several minutes.

Treatment regimen: drink 100 ml of healing decoction three times a day before meals.

  1. You will need: motherwort grass - 4 parts, swamp cudweed - 3 parts, hawthorn berries, mountain ash, strawberry leaves, shepherd's purse and mint, flax seeds 1 part each.

Preparation: Pour boiling water (1.5 l) over the whole useful mixture and insist in a thermos for several hours.

Treatment regimen: drink 30 ml of a healing decoction three times a day some time before meals.

  1. You will need: pine needles - 5 tablespoons, onion peel, hawthorn and wild rose berries - 2 tablespoons each.

Preparation: pour the whole berry-herbal mixture with cold water (1 l) and simmer for 10 minutes, strain.

Treatment regimen: drink a little of this decoction three times a day some time before meals, 3 weeks. Thanks to this medicine, headache and hypertension go away.

  1. You will need: viburnum berries - 1 cup, liquid honey - 500 ml.

Preparation: Pour berries into a 3 liter jar and pour boiling water (2 liters). Wrap the jar and leave warm for 5 hours. After that, pour all the contents into an enameled container, rubbing the berries through a sieve, add honey.

Treatment regimen: drink 1/3 cup of the remedy three times a day some time before meals for 3 weeks. Take a break and repeat the course.

  1. You will need: viburnum berries - 2 tablespoons.

Preparation: crush the berries and pour boiling water (200 ml), let stand for 4 hours.

Treatment regimen: drink a glass of healing viburnum tea 3 times a day for 3 weeks. This tea will help to overcome discomfort in the area of ​​the heart muscle and high blood pressure.

Alcohol tinctures

Effective treatment of hypertension without drugs can be carried out on the basis of alcoholic tinctures of medicinal plants. They facilitate the course of hypertension, and eliminate pain in the region of the heart muscle.

Recipe for alcohol tincture:

You will need: alcohol (dilute to 55 degrees), rose hips, chokeberry, hawthorn, pine nuts in shell in equal proportions, a pinch of mint, oregano, St. John's wort and thyme.

Preparation: send all the necessary ingredients to a 3 liter container (glass or ceramic), close tightly with a lid and store in a dark place for 2 weeks.

Treatment regimen: drink 1 teaspoon 2 times a day for 3 weeks.

Treatment with honey

There are several healthy and tasty recipes based on regular honey that will help relieve tinnitus, headaches and other unpleasant symptoms of hypertension in a relatively short time.

  1. You will need: honey - 1 kg, lemons -10 pcs, garlic - 5 heads.

Preparation: grind all the ingredients with a blender and leave in a glass container in the refrigerator for 7 days.

Treatment regimen: 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals for 3 weeks.

  1. You will need: honey - 100 ml, juice of 1 lemon, horseradish root juice (before squeezing the juice, soak the root in cold water for a day), carrots -1 glass.

Preparation: mix everything, store in the cold.

Treatment regimen: 1 teaspoon three times a day some time before meals. The full course of treatment with this remedy is 3 months, but after 3 weeks tangible results are visible, the pressure decreases and already critical marks do not often scare patients.

  1. You will need: honey - 0.5 kg, lemons with peel - 10 pcs., 0.5 liters of aloe juice and vodka.

Preparation: add all the ingredients to the sliced ​​lemons and leave in a cold dark place for 6 weeks.

Treatment regimen: 1 teaspoon three times a day some time before meals, take 3 weeks.

Advantages of the method

The effectiveness of the treatment of hypertension with traditional medicines according to the prescriptions of healers has been proven by time. Patients who use herbs in therapy and get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease often recommend folk recipes to their relatives and friends. It doesn't make sense, because:

  • Alternative methods do not give side effects (but there is a contraindication - an allergy to honey and herbal ingredients).
  • The cost of such treatment is low, especially compared to pills.
  • There are a large number of folk recipes. You can choose one or more according to your taste.

Therapeutic exercise and breathing exercises

Specialists in the field of therapeutic gymnastics answer the question of whether hypertension can be cured without the help of pills and medicines, they answer in the affirmative. There are several complexes developed by doctors to get rid of high blood pressure and other unpleasant symptoms of hypertension.

The complex includes only three simple exercises. They can be performed both lying down and sitting or standing, at any time of the day.

  1. During the exercise, abdominal deep breathing occurs. Putting your palms on your stomach, you need to take a very deep breath, while inflating it strongly. Continue inhaling, filling the chest with inhaled air. The chest should be extended forward and the shoulder blades drawn together. Hold your breath for a few seconds (7-8) and exhale very slowly through your nose. Exhaling, you need to tilt your head a little forward and bring your shoulders together and again hold your breath for 5-6 seconds. This exercise is performed in three sets and with a break (1 minute).
  2. After 10 days of the first exercise, you should connect the second, very similar, but without holding your breath, but exhaling as slowly as possible. Do the same for 3 sets, but without interruptions.
  3. After another week of classes, the third exercise is added to the complex. The execution is exactly the same, but after a full slow exhalation, you need to stop breathing for 20-40 seconds, lowering your chin as close to your chest as possible. To complete this exercise, you need 2 sets, rest between them - 1 minute.

Positive side effects of such activities will be: an improvement in the functioning of the digestive system and lung capacity. The course of gymnastics is carried out for 3 weeks with constant monitoring of blood pressure indicators (measured daily, 15 minutes after exercise).

Shishonin exercises

Alexander Shishonin did not specifically work on how to treat hypertension. He developed a complex for the treatment of osteochondrosis, but in the process of using his exercises, patients and doctors recorded a decrease in blood pressure in those who regularly practice this system. Now it is also recommended for hypertensive patients. It consists of exercises that must be repeated several times (this is strictly individual):

  1. Standing straight, tilt your head to the right and left shoulder alternately.
  2. Standing straight, tilt your head down, trying to reach your chest with your chin, fix for 5 seconds.
  3. Slow rhythmic turns of the head to the right and left, while raising the face up.
  4. Place your left hand on your right shoulder and turn your head to the left, lifting your face up. Do the same with the right hand, while turning the head to the left.
  5. Raise your arms to the top with bent elbows and connect your palms above your head. Turn your head to the right and left, lifting your face up.
  6. Sitting, stretch your chin forward and to the top. At the same time, the elbows are retracted as far back as possible.
  7. Standing, with the chin extended forward, turn and reach for the left, then for the right shoulder.

At the beginning of a workout, exercises should be performed daily, and over time (when blood pressure indicators stabilize) - every other day.

Another set of breathing exercises designed for hypertensive patients. The use of this complex will help to defeat dizziness and high blood pressure. All exercises are performed while sitting.

  1. Spread your arms out to the sides, palms forward. Breathe slowly and while inhaling firmly squeeze the fingers of the palms into fists, while exhaling straighten them.
  2. Bring your hands tightly into fists to your stomach, bending at the elbows. On a slow inhale, sharply straighten your elbows, while exhaling, return to your stomach.
  3. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight. Breathe slowly, on a deep breath, lean forward a little, and on a slow exhale, return to the starting position.
  4. Inhaling air, turn the body to the side, and exhaling - return. Perform right and left alternately.
  5. Slight tilts of the head in different directions, forward and backward.

Diet and lifestyle

To cope with such a disease as hypertension, you should lead an active life and follow a certain diet. Doctors recommend limiting yourself from stressful situations, less nervous. Daily walking should become an integral part of the daily schedule.

Nutrition should be balanced and fractional. It is worth eating a little, but often, then there will be no problems with being overweight. Products should be chosen low-fat. Less salty, smoked and sweet, but it is better to exclude them altogether.

To overcome hypertension by these methods, you need about 3 weeks of time. But after completing the course of therapy, it makes sense not to stop following useful recommendations regarding nutrition and an active lifestyle.

Here are the basic tricks on how to get rid of hypertension without resorting to medication. The main condition for the success of each of the methods is daily implementation. If the disease is at an early stage, then it is quite possible to completely get rid of the disease.

Is it possible to treat hypertension without drugs in 3 weeks with folk remedies? This question interests many people suffering from this cardiovascular pathology. Because the medicines that are used for this disease are often quite expensive ...

If you approach the treatment comprehensively, then it is quite possible to get rid of high blood pressure for some time in a little less than a month. In this situation, it is necessary to follow a diet, dosed physical exercises and treatment of hypertension with folk remedies.

Treatment for 3 weeks

Treatment of hypertension without drugs involves a review of lifestyle, starting with the daily routine, as well as getting rid of bad habits that can provoke attacks of high blood pressure.

An important aspect in the treatment of hypertension is to minimize stress factors, you should not overreact to external stimuli, as this can contribute to pressure surges. It is important to stop drinking strong coffee and tea, these drinks should be replaced with chicory, as well as herbal teas.

In addition, it is important to quit smoking forever. Alcoholic drinks can only be used occasionally, that is, on holidays and in a minimal amount. It is necessary to review the diet, while it is recommended to refuse to eat fatty foods, reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, and also minimize the amount of salt in dishes.

Carrying out treatment without drugs with folk remedies, hardening procedures are required, which are recommended to be carried out gradually, starting with rubdowns and ending with dousing, of course, before deciding to take such a step, you should consult a doctor and additionally check your heart. In addition, it is useful to regularly expose the body to dosed physical activity.

To get rid of hypertension in 3 weeks, the patient should get enough sleep, it will take at least eight hours of good sleep, in addition, daytime rest for at least half an hour will be useful. You can master meditation, as well as breathing exercises, all this will set up the body for recovery.

Treatment of hypertension with viburnum berries

You can treat hypertension with the help of viburnum berries, these fruits are a popular folk remedy. You can prepare a medicinal infusion. This will require 600 grams of fresh berries, they are placed in a glass jar, after which the raw material is poured with two liters of boiled water.

Next, a jar of viburnum infusion is placed for five hours in a warm place, for example, next to the battery. Then 500 grams of honey are put into the potion. The resulting composition is ground into a homogeneous mass. Take it 70 milliliters three times a day. The course of treatment lasts three weeks.

Treatment of hypertension with viburnum bark

A good remedy for hypertension is a decoction of viburnum bark. For its preparation, 15 grams of well-ground raw materials are required, it is poured into a container and poured with a glass of water. After that, it must be boiled for thirty minutes, then it is filtered, the bark is squeezed out and the drug is brought to the original volume with boiled water.

This decoction is recommended to take 1 or 2 tablespoons after meals three times a day. For the purpose of prevention, you can use fresh viburnum berries, grated with sugar, and a syrup made from these fruits is also useful.

Treatment of hypertension with cornmeal infusion

Another folk remedy that will help in the treatment of hypertension in three weeks is an infusion of cornmeal. To prepare it, you need 2 tablespoons of this flour, pour it with a glass of boiling water, mix everything and leave this mass to infuse overnight.

Then, in the morning, the water accumulated at the top is carefully drained, it will be a medicine, and the thick will not come in handy. Every day it is recommended to use such an infusion for a three-week period.

Treatment of hypertension with horseradish juice, carrots, beets

A mixture of the juices of these vegetables is an excellent remedy in the fight against hypertension. They must be mixed in equal proportions of 250 milliliters. Horseradish is rubbed on a grater and the resulting slurry is poured with boiled water, letting it brew for some time.

In addition to the above vegetables, you can squeeze one lemon and put five tablespoons of honey into the medicinal mixture. All mix well and insist one day. Then you can use the drug. Treatment with folk remedies is taken in a tablespoon three times a day.

Treatment of hypertension with honey and garlic

As you know, honey and garlic are famous for their medicinal properties. Together they are used at elevated pressure. It will take a kilogram of beekeeping product and five heads of garlic, which are peeled and crushed into gruel. Then juice from ten medium lemons is added to this mass. All ingredients are mixed and cleaned in a cold place for a week. Then the drug is taken once a day for four teaspoons.

In addition, it is useful to eat garlic itself for three days in a row, then a break for two days and the course is repeated again, which will positively affect the work of the heart. In this situation, it is contraindicated to use it raw in the pathology of the digestive tract.


Treatment without drugs is quite possible, it is only necessary to use folk recipes, which will help normalize blood pressure for a while. However, it is important to consult a doctor before embarking on such therapeutic measures. When treating hypertension with folk remedies, carry your usual drugs with you. Be careful and God will save!

High blood pressure (hypertension, hypertension) is one of the most common and serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, requiring a competent approach and comprehensive treatment. There are effective non-drug treatments that can not only reduce high blood pressure, but also control it well.

There are many factors that do not have the best effect on blood pressure. These include, in particular, overweight, stress, bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs, a sedentary lifestyle, an excess of fatty and fried foods in the diet, eating foods containing substances that increase blood pressure, and much more.

While drug therapy only relieves symptoms by lowering blood pressure, it cannot eliminate the factors that cause high blood pressure. An integrated approach to treatment will make it possible to more effectively influence the course of the disease and, with the right approach, significantly reduce the dose of medications taken, and if the situation develops favorably, completely abandon them.

The article will discuss effective ways to treat hypertension, which allowed the author to successfully cope with the problem of high blood pressure without the use of drugs. Despite the fact that the recommendations are of a general nature, their implementation will effectively fight hypertension, significantly improve health and improve well-being.

To confirm the effectiveness of the proposed program, at the end of the article, the results of the experiment conducted directly by the author of the material will be provided.

Unlike drug treatment, the methods described below do not cause insomnia, depression, potency or impotence, blood problems, gastrointestinal disorders, fainting, and other side effects that hypertension drugs are so famous for. That is why in the first place it is worth resorting to non-drug treatment.

Where to begin

The first step is to make a comprehensive examination of the body in order to exclude diseases that may be the cause of high blood pressure. First of all, this concerns diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, kidneys and thyroid gland.

Then you need to consult your doctor about physical activity. Find out exactly what loads are acceptable for you and in what quantity, as well as whether there are contraindications for strength and cardio loads.

If you are currently taking any medications, you should continue to use them, gradually reducing the dose depending on your current health condition.

After the examination and clarification of all contraindications, you can proceed directly to treatment.

Stages of treatment

First of all, it should be noted that this treatment program is a general wellness course and does not contain any drugs. Based on this, even if you have any other diseases, you can safely continue to use this course for the treatment of hypertension, after consulting with your doctor.

The drug-free hypertension treatment program consists of five main steps:

  1. Compliance with the daily routine.
  2. Rejection of bad habits.
  3. Proper nutrition and diet.
  4. Active lifestyle and sports.
  5. Strengthening physical and mental health.

These five steps are enough to reduce high blood pressure and keep it under control. The results of treatment will directly depend on the state of your health and compliance with all points of the plan. Failure to comply with any of them will significantly reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

Daily regime

Most people suffering from hypertension note that non-compliance with the daily regimen and an irregular work schedule negatively affects not only their general well-being, but also the level of blood pressure. The more stressful and chaotic the day, the higher the pressure rises.

  1. Maintain a sleep/wake schedule. Wake up and go to bed at the same time, regardless of the day of the week. The optimal time for falling asleep is before midnight, for example, at 22:00 - 23:00. At the same time, you need to sleep at least 6-7, but not more than 9-10 hours a day. The optimal range is from 7 to 8 hours. This time is enough for a full recovery of the body with an average physical and psychological stress.
  2. Observe the diet. Eat regularly at the same time at least 3-4 times a day. The smaller the portions and the more often the meals, the better. More details about proper nutrition for hypertension will be written in the appropriate section of the article.
  3. Maintain work/rest schedule. It is necessary to strictly control the duration of the working day and take systematic breaks during work. This is especially true when sitting and working at a computer.
  4. Give your body regular exercise and rest. It is necessary to systematically engage in sports and give your body a good rest for recovery. Rest does not only mean sleep and breaks during work, but also how you spend your free time.

To facilitate the process of integrating all of the above recommendations into your life, you should implement them gradually, step by step. Thus, you systematically adapt to the program and the implementation of each subsequent step will become more and more easy.

Rejection of bad habits

Bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol or other drugs are the most common causes of health problems. Avoiding them alone can greatly improve your well-being and stabilize high blood pressure.

First of all, you need to refuse:

  • smoking;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • drug use;
  • the use of stimulants;

To make the withdrawal process more effective and less painful, do it gradually. Gradually replace a bad habit with a new good one. For example, start drinking less coffee and gradually replace it with freshly squeezed juice or at least tea. After some time, the result will be fixed, and you will only have to maintain it at the right level.

Proper nutrition and diet

One of the main problems today is the availability of food and its poor quality. If earlier a person had to make considerable efforts for food, now it is much easier to do it. Stores are literally crammed with low-grade products that literally "want to kill you."

Another problem is the physiology of the person himself, which is not programmed for the availability of food. As a result, we eat more than our body needs. As a result, after some time, many people have problems with metabolism, overweight and various diseases, including high blood pressure.

To prevent this from happening, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Eat the most healthy food of natural origin and follow a diet.
  2. Completely refuse or at least minimize the consumption of sweet, fatty and salty foods, as well as convenience foods.
  3. Be sure to add vegetables and fruits rich in fiber and vitamins to the diet. They will not only slow down the absorption of nutrients, which is very important when losing weight, but also replenish the supply of vitamins and improve digestion.
  4. Eat more often, but in small portions. Optimal - 5-6 times a day. This will speed up the metabolism and positively affect the state of health, energy levels and well-being. At the same time, you need to have dinner at least one and a half to two hours before bedtime.

It goes without saying that you need to completely exclude carbonated drinks, chips, crackers, store dumplings, dumplings, fast food and other garbage from the diet, which are now full of store shelves. The use of such semi-finished products is fraught not only with the development of hypertension, but also with a number of autoimmune diseases, problems with the digestive system, and even cancer.

Active lifestyle and sports

An active lifestyle and regular physical activity have a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as the whole organism as a whole. In combination with proper nutrition and daily routine, after a few weeks, you can notice a decrease in blood pressure levels.

At the initial stages, the pressure does not drop very much and for a short period of time. However, over time, the result is fixed and the pressure normalizes.

For hypertension treatment to be effective, you will need:

  1. Active lifestyle.
  2. Regular cardio.
  3. Regular strength training.
  4. Charging and gymnastics.

These four components are enough to effectively lower the pressure at home. Naturally, you should not have contraindications. This is especially true for power loads.

If everything is simple with an active lifestyle and daily exercises, then with cardio loads and strength exercises everything is somewhat more complicated. Here you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Monitor your heart rate (HR) throughout your workout. To do this, you need a heart rate monitor with a chest strap. If you do not control the heart rate, then you can easily exceed the permissible limits, which is fraught with poor health and health problems.
  2. Increase the load gradually. At first, it is necessary to give preference to more active exercises with less load. As your level of fitness increases and your health improves, you can move on to more complex exercises with a greater level of load.
  3. You should switch to strength exercises in the gym only after preliminary preparation of the body with the help of cardio loads and the absence of serious contraindications. If desired or necessary, power loads can be excluded.
  4. The optimal duration of a workout is from 40 to 60 minutes. This is quite enough to keep fit and effectively train the body.
  5. The frequency of training is 5-7 sessions per week for cardio training and 3-4 for strength training. Cardio training is best done daily, as skipping classes often causes an increase in blood pressure. Alternatively, on weekends, you can limit yourself to a regular walk in the fresh air.
  6. The optimal heart rate for effective cardio training is between 100 and 130 beats per minute. For strength training, the heart rate value is calculated individually based on age and health status. In any case, heart rate jumps should not exceed the maximum allowable value for your age, which is calculated using the formula “220 - age”.
  7. At the first sign of feeling unwell, you should immediately stop training. Incorrect exercise and non-compliance with recommendations can backfire and lead to increased pressure, poor health and health problems.

These were the basic recommendations for physical training. Naturally, there are many more subtleties here, but it would take a whole book to describe them. However, adherence to the basic recommendations alone will greatly increase the effectiveness and safety of physical training, as well as the effectiveness of non-drug treatment of hypertension.

Strengthening physical and mental health

First of all, this step is aimed at strengthening mental health, which naturally affects the physical component. Work on the psyche is very important, since it depends on it whether you will do everything that is required of you or not. Success in any endeavor depends on psychology.

To further strengthen your body and guarantee yourself a successful treatment of hypertension without drugs, use the following techniques:

  1. Start every morning with a cold shower. It is not necessary to pour 10 liters of ice water on yourself while standing knee-deep in snow. A small bucket with 3-5 liters of ordinary cold water from a tap, directly in the bathroom, is enough. It is safe and will not cause hypothermia, unlike a cold shower. Douching will not only improve immunity and reduce the risk of respiratory diseases, but also increase resistance to stress and self-confidence. For example, before each douche, say positive language, and then on the count of three, pour cold water on yourself. In this way, you will get positive suggestions and a healthy habit of doing things that are unpleasant for you on the count of three.
  2. Each morning, answer the stimulating questions that follow the list. This will allow you to form a vision of your life, priorities and goals. In this way, you will clearly understand who you are, what you are, what is important to you and where you are going. Oddly enough, but most people are so involved in the cycle of life that they simply forget such elementary things.
  3. Do self-training. This is a kind of self-hypnosis, but in a milder form. Regular exercise will improve your mental health, increase concentration and resistance to stress, which is one of the main causes of many diseases, including hypertension. To facilitate learning, use special audio courses. The most popular of them are “Relaxation and relaxation”, “Poise and resistance to stress” and “Charging the chakras”.
  4. End your day with answers to evening stimulus questions. They not only contribute to summarizing the day, but also help you better track the progress in your life, which is very important for psychological satisfaction and health.

The list of stimulating questions is taken from the very popular and useful book by Anthony Robbins "Awaken the giant in you." Fortunately, the author does not mind sharing his knowledge with others, so below is a list of morning and evening stimulating questions (click on the image to enlarge).

You can learn more about all the intricacies of these issues directly in the book.


The recommendations given in this article are sufficient for the comprehensive strengthening and restoration of both physical and mental health. Careful observance of all requirements will allow you to effectively deal with high blood pressure and achieve good results in a few weeks.

To confirm the effectiveness of the treatment, below are the results provided directly by the author of the article, who also suffers from hypertension. This program was originally developed for personal use, but after successful testing, it was made available to the public.

Initial data:

  • Paul is a husband.
  • Age - 24 years.
  • The average daily pressure is from 140/80 to 150/90.
  • The usual daily pressure is 145/85.

A week after the start of treatment, the pressure began to decrease down to 120/70. This usually happened after cardio training and lasted from several tens of minutes to several hours. However, after 2 weeks, the results became more stable and more and more often, when measuring pressure, the indicators were close to normal - 120-130 / 70-80.

At the same time, it should be noted that stress, lack of sleep and other overloads had an extremely negative impact on the state of health and caused a sharp increase in pressure up to 150/90. Thus, stress management is an integral and important step for successful non-pharmacological treatment of hypertension.

Almost half of the population over the age of 60 suffers. 15% of patients struggle with the problem, and many of them prefer effective treatment of hypertension without drugs, which prolongs their full life by 10-15 years. The rest prefer to swim at the will of fate, enduring pain and suffering from multiple complications. The insidiousness of a formidable disease called the "gentle killer" is known to all. Usually the disease begins imperceptibly, reminding of itself only with a headache.

Regular medical examination and monitoring of the situation allows you to detect the threat in time and prevent it with the help of safe means.

If alarming symptoms are ignored, then the risk of premature death from or heart attack is very high.

Briefly about hypertension

Victims of high blood pressure traditionally live in anticipation of healing from. At the same time, millions of patients successfully cope with the attack without chemistry, reducing the likelihood of developing cardiovascular pathologies. It is generally accepted that the reason for the increase in arterial parameters lies in the body's reaction to both internal and external stimuli. Experts classify the disease as primary and secondary. If the first of them develops independently, then the second is caused by other malfunctions in the body, and is diagnosed in 10% of cases. The list of main factors includes diseases of the kidneys, heart and thyroid gland. Before treating hypertension, a cardiologist determines the degree of the disease, which is determined by the level of blood pressure, in particular:

  • The first degree is characterized by constant jumps in the indicators of the tonometer, which do not cross the frame of 160/100 mm Hg. Art. and eventually normalize without outside interference.
  • is considered a borderline stage in the development of pathology, the upper threshold of which does not exceed the digital ratio of 180/110 mm Hg. Art. If at the same time the second value is low, then this indicates heart weakness.

With such a picture, it is possible to fight hypertension with alternative methods very successfully.

Side effects from taking pharmaceutical drugs

A disappointing diagnosis makes a person buy a lot of pills that do not guarantee complete relief from the disease. Medicines have side effects, such as:

  • Taking diuretics is fraught with the development of erectile dysfunction, fatigue, frequent urination, the appearance of intense pain in the limbs, obesity, and fatigue.
  • Beta-blockers are dangerous for sleep disturbance, dysfunction, depression, and weight gain.
  • ACE inhibitors, which improve arterial function and protect the kidneys and heart, cause taste loss, skin rashes, and dry coughs. Clinical studies have shown that the use of most pharmacological drugs does not indicate a significant reduction in mortality compared with diuretics.

As a rule, the attending physician prescribes a lot of pills that allow you to quickly stop the symptoms, but you still need to try to cure hypertension without drugs in order to avoid exposing the body to unnecessary risk.

The most effective way to get rid of hypertension

The hopeful treatment for hypertension without drugs lies in an exceptionally healthy lifestyle. Scientists have found that the disease quickly responds to a change in regimen and actively resists pharmaceutical therapy.

If you go on a diet all week, in which the amount of sodium per day does not exceed 1.150 mg, then the tonometer readings decrease to a normal level. If the salt content reaches 5,700 mg, then the numbers increase to 146/80 mm Hg. Art.

Preference should be given to fruits, whole grains, vegetables, fish, poultry, skim milk and beans. It is necessary to limit the consumption of sugar, trans fats, salt, flour dishes. A healthy DASH diet helps to reset numbers by 14 mm Hg. Art.

Helps get rid of adversity:

  • moderate daily physical activity in nature for 30 minutes, due to which the mercury column drops by 5-9 mm,
  • getting rid of excess weight,
  • relaxation sessions,
  • soft music,
  • water procedures and rubdowns,
  • quitting tobacco and
  • yoga classes.

Magnesium B6

Magnesium plays an important role in normalizing blood pressure. Scientists believe that in 80% of cases, a failure in the system occurs due to a deficiency of this component. If this imbalance could be eliminated, then the problem of how to treat hypertension would disappear by itself. The very first step to restore normal functioning should be the intake of magnesium, which is easily absorbed even in tablet form. Until recently, medical practitioners preferred calcium antagonists, however, today priorities have changed and magnesium supplements play a leading role. Antagonists block many of the processes in the body that cause swollen legs, cramps, and constipation, causing harm. Magnesium improves metabolic processes, strengthens the nervous system, reduces cholesterol, relieves insomnia, prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder and bladder, eliminates bone fragility, fights irritability and activates cardiac activity. Within a month after taking this element, all unpleasant symptoms disappear, subject to the dosage, which is determined by the doctor based on the height and weight of the person's body. In the initial stage of the use of the drug, called the "metal of life", an increased dose is prescribed, which is subsequently adjusted, but magnesium must be taken regularly without gaps.

A useful trace element is found in a number of products, in particular:

  • in and nuts
  • in fruits: dried apricots, plums, apples, bananas, figs,
  • in beans, rice, oats, peas, millet, buckwheat,
  • in rye bread, milk, tahini halva,
  • in lettuce, parsley, spinach, nettle, lemon balm, sesame,
  • in bitter chocolate
  • in chicken eggs.

To bring down the hypertonic surge, you should include foods with a potassium content in the diet, which neutralizes the sodium contained in table salt.

Even a slight decrease in sodium to 1500 mg per day reduces the level of pressure to 8 mm Hg. Art. People with hypersensitivity should remember that 1 teaspoon of salt contains 2300 mg of sodium.

Weight loss

Experts consider weight loss to be the best way to overcome the disease. It was recorded that with the drop of 4.5 kg of body weight, an intensive decrease in the digital indicators of the tonometer begins. Particular attention should be paid to the volume of the waist. The thicker the layer of fat, the more neglected the situation. For a man, the critical mark is 102 cm, for a woman - 89 cm. Regular training leads to complete relief from prehypertension and prevents the development of a full-blown disease. Those who perform best are those who dance, swim, walk, cycle, douche, and jog.

Arsenal of traditional medicine in the fight against hypertension

Among the most effective and affordable means are:

Folk remedies to combat hypertension
  • The Chinese in ancient times relieved symptoms with the Golden Star balm, which they smeared on the back area between the thumb and forefinger, and put a piece of pepper plaster on it. The same procedure was done on the opposite side of the palm. After 20 minutes, normalization of the parameters was observed, and after half an hour the patch was removed. To consolidate the result, several courses were conducted lasting 5-12 days every 1.5 months.
  • Milk mushroom healing is carried out in 3 stages:
    • At the first stage, it is necessary to clean the skin as much as possible in a bath or sauna. To obtain the desired effect, it is recommended to use a hard washcloth, which cleans the pores well and improves blood circulation.
    • The next step is to eat a sandwich with honey and a slice of lemon daily in the morning and evening for 14 days. The secret of the miraculous effect of the product lies in the fact that the components contain potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the heart.
    • At the final stage, for 2 weeks at the beginning and end of the day, you need to drink a glass of milk fungus, making a 15-minute pause before drinking water and food. After the expiration date, the dosage should be increased to 300 mg. After a 30-day rest break, treatment can be continued.
  • Good results are observed when using ordinary garlic: 20 cloves should be poured with a glass of boiling water and wait 6-8 hours before use.
  • To clean the vessels, it is recommended to prepare garlic oil, the recipe for which is quite simple. You need to take a rubbed head and combine it with 200 mm of vegetable oil. Before use, it should be insisted for a day, and then mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice in equal proportions. Take the mixture up to 2 times a day.
  • Sunflower seeds in the amount of 300 need to pour 2 liters of water and put on a small fire for 2 hours. Strained broth can be drunk daily, 1 glass a day.
  • Unexpected results are obtained by a medical mixture consisting of 100 g of alcohol, 2.5 g of menthol, 1.5 g of anesthesin, 1.5 g of novocaine and 2.5 g of menthol. This composition wipes the neck before going to bed.
  • The easiest way to get rid of hypertension is water, in which natural honey is dissolved, which improves the level of immunity and hemoglobin. The mixture is drunk every morning on an empty stomach.
  • You can reduce the pressure with the help of ice, which in the amount of 2 pieces the size of a coin is strengthened on both sides of the cervical vertebra. The withers can be identified by the fact that it sticks out more than the others when the head is tilted. After the ice melts, this area is smeared with camphor oil.
  • Hypertensive patients are well helped by tea from, lemon balm, hawthorn, motherwort, valerian root, horsetail, marsh cudweed, and buckthorn bark.
  • It has an excellent laxative and diuretic effect, strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Raw materials are poured with vodka, a spoonful of olive oil is added and kept in the dark for a week, after which the tincture is used 20 drops several times a day.
  • In the old days, the disease was treated with leeches, which not only suck out venous blood, but also reduce its viscosity, saving a person from thrombosis.
  • Treatment can give positive results if beet kvass containing fat-soluble ingredients is used for this purpose. 1 kg is taken, crushed on a grater, and mixed in a 3-liter jar with clean water. 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or honey are added to the container. After a 3-day infusion, the composition is taken half a glass before each meal for 30 days.
  • Honey has been famous for its healing properties since ancient times. A glass of flower honey is mixed with 1.5 cups of crushed cranberries, 0.5 liters of beetroot juice and 200 g of vodka. The product is taken 3 times, 1 spoon per day.
  • Another effective remedy is grated beets and honey, taken in equal proportions. Treatment, in which 1 spoonful of the mixture is eaten daily before eating, lasts 3 months.

The dosage and physical exercises correctly selected by the doctor can work wonders, you just need to show perseverance and patience in the fight against the disease.


Hypertension affects at least half of adults over the age of 60. Moreover, no more than 15% of them try to somehow reduce their blood pressure. If you have reached this page, then you already understand that hypertension is a serious problem, and it must be treated, even if nothing hurts yet. If you keep your blood pressure under control, you can give yourself + 10-15 years of life, thanks to the prevention of heart attack and stroke.

This is probably the most important article on the site about treating hypertension without medication. You will learn about what instead of traditional drugs for hypertension, you can take vitamins, minerals and amino acids, which will help normalize blood pressure and improve your health.

Just try the described technique for at least 2-4 weeks - and you will see "on your own skin" that such treatment of hypertension helps quickly, effectively and safely.

Dear readers! We draw your attention to the following points:

  • You can ask questions about the treatment of hypertension and related diseases in the comments. The site administration responds to comments quickly and in detail, as far as possible.
  • Please, write comments not to this, but to other articles on the site. There are already too many of them, so we have closed the ability to add comments to this article.
  • The materials in the block "Cure from hypertension in 3 weeks - it's real" are an important addition to this article. They talk about a carbohydrate-restricted diet, which is even more important than supplements for managing hypertension.

You will feel better and your blood pressure will confirm that your blood pressure has dropped to normal levels and that you are no longer at risk for the complications of hypertension.

Treatment of hypertension without drugs is completely harmless, unlike traditional drugs for hypertension, which are prescribed by doctors. The hypertension treatment you are about to learn has "side effects," but they are all beneficial. Patients not only normalize blood pressure, but also disappear many other symptoms that they used to worry about. You will learn more about this below when we discuss specific nutrients for treating hypertension without medication.

In this article, you will learn about the following natural substances that have been successfully used to treat hypertension without drugs:

  • Taurine (amino acid)
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin B6
  • Fish fat
  • hawthorn extract

There are no advertisements for some dubious dietary supplements. To purchase all the substances described here, you just need to go to the nearest pharmacy. There you will most likely be able to buy high-quality preparations of magnesium and vitamin B6, taurine and hawthorn, as well as fish oil.

For each of these substances, Wikipedia has articles that confirm their effectiveness for the treatment of hypertension.

Treatment of hypertension without drugs - effective and safe

In 80-90% of people with high blood pressure, hypertension is associated with overweight (body mass index 25-29 kg/cm2) or severe obesity (body mass index 30 kg/m2 or higher). If such a patient takes blood tests for “good” and “bad” cholesterol, then most likely the results will be bad. This means that hypertension and overweight are manifestations of the same problem, which is called metabolic syndrome. You can learn in detail what metabolic syndrome is and how it causes high blood pressure.

Another important cause of hypertension is chronic magnesium deficiency in the body. Our food is much poorer in magnesium than it should be. For many people, this causes chronically high blood pressure and other health problems. Magnesium is no less important mineral than calcium. But unfortunately, too few people know how magnesium is useful for us, why its deficiency is dangerous and how to replenish it. Lack of magnesium in the body can be combined with metabolic syndrome. Also, hypertension and other symptoms of magnesium deficiency are common in thin people.

Important! Symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body:

  • high blood pressure;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • the person is too nervous, irritable;
  • leg cramps, including at night;
  • frequent constipation;
  • in women - pronounced premenstrual syndrome;
  • perhaps sand or kidney stones also occur due to a lack of magnesium.

If the cause of your hypertension is metabolic syndrome or a lack of magnesium in the body, then the pressure can be brought back to normal without medication. In the first case, a low-carb diet plus taking natural remedies for hypertension will help. Magnesium is at the top of the list. If there is no excess weight, then the main remedy is vitamins and minerals that lower blood pressure. Although refined carbohydrates (sugar, potatoes, white flour products) should not be eaten at all by anyone, even people with the healthiest metabolism.

What tests should be done for hypertension

All patients before starting treatment for hypertension without drugs, you need to take blood and urine tests. It is necessary to make analyzes in order to:

  • check how your kidneys are working;
  • find out if the function of the thyroid gland is not impaired;
  • find out indicators of “good” and “bad” cholesterol in the blood, triglycerides and other cardiovascular risk factors;
  • follow how these indicators change - after a few weeks of treatment, the tests will need to be taken again.

If you really want to normalize your blood pressure, then first of all hand over analyzes which we recommend. This is a very important event for effective treatment. The article “ ” is a necessary addition to the note that you are currently reading. In particular, it provides a detailed list of analyzes.

About checking for cardiovascular risk factors. Lipoprotein “a” and homocysteine ​​tests are quite expensive. You can check these indicators “at will”. They are not directly related to the treatment of hypertension without drugs. Be sure to take blood tests for “good” and “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides. C-reactive protein is an important indicator of cardiovascular risk. It's very cheap to check it out. We recommend that you take this test along with the others. What is your glycated hemoglobin in the blood - you need to find out if you are overweight.

Test results may indicate that you have a thyroid or kidney problem. In this case, treating hypertension without medication is unlikely to help. Consult a doctor. For problems with the thyroid gland - to the endocrinologist. Kidneys are treated by nephrologist and urologist. Rare causes cause high blood pressure in 2-5% of patients. In particular, tumors of the adrenal or pituitary glands. In the article “Causes of hypertension and how to eliminate them. Analyzes for hypertension” are described in detail.

Where to buy natural remedies for hypertension

The main task of our site is to spread information about natural remedies that, instead of “chemical” drugs, are good for hypertension. Medicines often have harmful side effects. And natural substances not only lower blood pressure, but also improve health in general. Magnesium ranks first on the list of useful supplements for hypertension, preferably along with vitamin B6. Taurine, hawthorn extract and fish oil also have proven effectiveness. You can easily buy all these substances at the nearest pharmacy.

The author of this article has not been buying supplements in a pharmacy for several years, but orders high-quality magnesium, taurine and fish oil preparations from the USA through the store. Because it costs at least 2-3 times cheaper than the tablets that are sold in the pharmacy, although the quality is not worse. iHerb is one of the world's leading online health retailers.

There are numerous women's clubs on the Russian-language Internet who like to buy cosmetics and products for children on iHerb. It is important for you and me that this store offers a rich selection of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other supplements. All of these are products that are intended primarily for American consumption, and their quality is strictly controlled by the US Department of Health. Now we can also order them at low prices. Delivery to the CIS countries is reliable and inexpensive. iHerb products are delivered to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Parcels must be picked up at the post office, a notice comes to the mailbox.

How to Order Hypertension Supplements from the USA on iHerb - or . Instruction in Russian.

We recommend taking several natural substances at the same time to treat hypertension without drugs. Because they act in the human body on different mechanisms that increase blood pressure. Later in this article, there are sections on each of these tools. Hypertension supplements can be purchased from a pharmacy or ordered from the US via, and we compare treatment costs for both of these options.

Magnesium - the main mineral for the treatment of hypertension

Magnesium is the main active ingredient in the drug-free treatment of hypertension. According to reputable medical research in 2010, lack of magnesium in the diet is the cause of 70-80% of cases of hypertension. You absolutely need to saturate your body with magnesium if you want to cure hypertension and avoid its complications. Watch the video about Magnesium-B6 tablets.

If you have hypertension, start taking magnesium supplements to saturate your body with this mineral. Magnesium is about to revolutionize the treatment of hypertension. And the more people learn about its magical effect on blood pressure, the faster it will happen.

More and more doctors are convinced that it is better to prescribe magnesium supplements instead of drugs from the calcium antagonist group. Because "chemical" drugs block the natural processes in the body, and because of this, negative side effects occur. The most common harmful side effects of calcium antagonists are constipation and leg swelling. At the same time, magnesium preparations naturally lower blood pressure and improve heart function.

We recommend to your attention articles about the treatment of cardiovascular diseases with magnesium, that appear regularly in medical journals. You can easily read the texts of these articles. Most of them are posted on the Internet for free public access.

No. p / p Article title Magazine Notes
1 The use of magnesium preparation in cardiology practice Russian Journal of Cardiology, No. 2/2012 The drug Magnerot is discussed. We recommend other magnesium supplements that are equally effective but cheaper.
2 The use of magnesium preparations in cardiovascular diseases in children Attending physician, No. 3/2006
3 The use of magnesium in cardiovascular diseases (chronic coronary syndrome, arterial hypertension and heart failure) Russian Journal of Cardiology, No. 2/2003
4 Magnesium therapy for primary mitral valve prolapse Attending physician, No. 6/2007
5 The use of a combined preparation of magnesium and pyridoxine (magne-B6) for cardiac arrhythmias in patients with primary mitral valve prolapse Ukrainian Journal of Cardiology, № 1/2002 Magne-B6 can be replaced with other tablets with the same composition, but cheaper. It can be Magnelis, Magvit or Magnikum.
6 Magnesium and stroke treatment Attending physician, No. 4/2003
7 Possibilities of a combination of magnesium lactate and pyridoxine in improving the efficacy and safety of therapy with class III antiarrhythmic drugs Cardiology, No. 11/2001
8 The role of magnesium preparations in the management of therapeutic patients Attending physician, No. 6/2009 It describes in detail what symptoms a magnesium deficiency causes in the body and how to replenish it with the help of pharmaceutical preparations.
9 Treatment of cardiovascular diseases in the practice of a primary care physician: the place of potassium and magnesium preparations (Panangin) Russian Medical Journal, No. 3/2012

Magnesium supplements improve bowel function, relieve constipation and do not cause swelling. Starting to take magnesium, you will begin to feel more relaxed, because this mineral has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Above in the section “Treatment of hypertension without drugs - effective and safe” we have listed the symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body. These symptoms will most likely stop after 2 to 8 weeks of taking magnesium at the appropriate doses for you.

How much magnesium to take

Which daily dosage of magnesium is best for you depends on your height and body weight. The larger the person, the more magnesium his body needs. We suggest the first 2-4 weeks for hypertension to take an increased “loading” dose of magnesium, and then all the time - a constant daily dose.

Dosage of magnesium for hypertension, depending on the weight of the person

This table is not exact, but only indicative. You yourself will determine your individual dosage of magnesium - according to well-being and bowel function. If you had constipation before you started taking magnesium and they continue, the dosage should be increased. And if diarrhea occurs, this means that for 2-3 days the dosage of magnesium should be reduced or completely abandoned, and then every day take a “maintenance” dose.

Above in the picture you see magnesium preparations that can be bought in pharmacies in Russia and Ukraine. They are produced by serious world-class pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, you can expect magnesium tablets to be of high quality. In composition, they are all the same. One tablet contains 470 mg of magnesium lactate, which corresponds to 48 mg of pure magnesium. There are also tablets of 100 mg of pure magnesium - Magne-B6 Forte. Of these drugs - just choose the one that is cheaper. Also, all these tablets contain pyridoxine hydrochloride - vitamin B6.

For several years now, the author of this article has been successfully using supplements made in the USA instead of pharmaceutical magnesium preparations. They can be ordered through the store. Benefits of American Magnesium Supplements:

  1. Their quality is monitored by the US Department of Health, and most importantly, by millions of picky American consumers.
  2. The dosage is more convenient - each tablet contains 200 mg of pure magnesium.
  3. They cost 8-10 times cheaper.

Let's compare the price of 200mg magnesium tablets and UltraMag supplement:

The name of the magnesium preparation Packing price Total dose of magnesium per pack The price of 200 mg of "pure" magnesium
for residents of Russia
Magnelis B6 266 rub 21.28 rubles for 192 mg magnesium (4 tablets)
for residents of Ukraine
magnicum 51.83 UAH 50 tablets * 48 mg magnesium = 2,400 mg magnesium 4.15 UAH for 192 mg magnesium (4 tablets)
UltraMag from Source Naturals, USA $10.07 120 tablets * 200 mg magnesium = 24,000 mg magnesium $0.084 + 10% shipping = $0.0924

Magnesium-B6 tablets from the USA are 5-6 times cheaper than those sold in a pharmacy.

You can choose even cheaper American magnesium supplements, but without vitamin B6. The most effective tablets contain the following magnesium salts:

  • Magnesium Citrate;
  • Magnesium Malate;
  • Magnesium Glycinate;
  • Magnesium Aspartate.

Magnesium is the #1 drug-free treatment for hypertension. You can purchase magnesium tablets from a pharmacy to start taking them right away. Because the parcel from the USA usually takes 3-4 weeks. The difference in price between magnesium from a pharmacy and an American online store is so significant that it makes sense to make an effort and order from the USA.

Vitamin B6 - helps treat hypertension

Vitamin B6 has a diuretic effect, that is, it removes excess fluid from the body, thereby lowering blood pressure. Vitamin B6 deficiency leads to increased blood clotting, and this is fraught with the formation of blood clots. Blockage of large (main) arteries by blood clots can lead to a heart attack or stroke. The risk of sudden death is increased.

Harvard conducted a survey of 15,000 American doctors and found that a reduced level of vitamin B6 in the blood doubles the risk of a heart attack. Vitamin B6 is useful for many body systems: it strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood sugar levels in diabetes, helps with diseases of the nervous system, alleviates the symptoms of PMS in women and is good for the skin.

Conclusion: choose for yourself those magnesium preparations that also include vitamin B6. Experts of "alternative" medicine recommend that healthy people take 30-50 mg of vitamin B6 per day for prevention, and 100 mg or more for the treatment of diseases. Such doses of vitamin B6 can cause tingling and numbness in the hands and feet. This is a temporary phenomenon, which should not be afraid and give up vitamin B6. If it happens to you, then you need to additionally take the whole complex of B vitamins.

In the West, complexes of B vitamins are popular, which contain 50 mg of each of these vitamins, including B6, in one tablet. The B vitamins are believed to work best when taken together rather than individually. In the same book Reverse Heart Disease Now, which we referred to above, it is written that the use of a 50 mg vitamin B complex can prevent 10% of all cases of heart attacks.

For the treatment of hypertension, you can take a magnesium supplement without vitamin B6 plus one of these complexes, 1-2 tablets per day. Or 1-4 tablets per day plus 1 tablet of B-50. In the latter case, your total daily dose of vitamin B6 will be 75-150 mg, which is fine, not too much. Vitamin B6 has been used since the 1960s. There have never been more serious side effects from taking it than tingling and numbness of the fingers. It passes quickly if the dose is reduced.

Amino acid taurine

In the West, representatives of "alternative" medicine actively use taurine to help patients with a variety of diseases: asthma, seizures, visual impairment and cardiovascular diseases. This wonderful amino acid is especially beneficial for hypertension. Taurine works in exactly the same way as diuretic drugs for hypertension (diuretics). It removes excess fluid from the body, thereby lowering blood pressure. But, unlike diuretics, it is a natural substance, and therefore the treatment does not harm the kidneys.

Taurine also helps to relax the walls of the arteries and relieve their spasms. As a result, blood flow through the vessels improves, and blood pressure normalizes. Large scientific studies have confirmed that taurine is useful in congestive heart failure because it strengthens the heart muscle. In addition to normalizing blood pressure, taurine has the following "side effects":

  • strengthening immunity;
  • prevention of visual impairment;
  • getting rid of edema.

Official medicine has recognized the usefulness of taurine for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and visual impairment. Taurine is sold in pharmacies under the names "Taufon" and "Dibikor". Taurine, together with hawthorn extract, is part of the wonderful Kratal medicine, which is sold only in Ukraine.

The table below shows articles about the treatment of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases with taurine, that appear regularly in medical journals. You can read these materials in detail. Because professional journals put most of their articles online for free to the public.

No. p / p Article title Magazine Notes
1 The use of the drug Dibicor in adolescents with arterial hypertension Systemic hypertension, No. 4/2011 Dibicor is a taurine drug produced in Russia
2 Clinical efficacy of dibicor in the treatment of arterial hypertension in pregnant women Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences, Volgograd - 2007, Zakharov I.V. Important! Taurine is so safe that it can be used to treat hypertension in pregnant women!
3 Effect of taurine on daily blood pressure monitoring in patients with chronic heart failure and metabolic syndrome Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention, No. 7/2010
4 The effect of taurine on the incidence of cardiac arrhythmias, dispersion of the QT interval in patients with heart failure due to postinfarction cardiosclerosis Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention, No. 11/2012
5 Experience in the clinical use of taurine and trimetazidine in chronic heart failure in perimenopausal women Cardiology, No. 1/2010
6 Combined drug Cratal in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases Ukrainian Medical Chronicle, No. 4/2010 Kratal - a combination drug containing taurine, is produced and sold in Ukraine
7 Experience with Dibicor in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Problems of Endocrinology, No. 4/2007 Metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus are common comorbidities in patients with hypertension
8 Clinical effects of taurine in patients with metabolic syndrome Nutrition Issues, No. 3/2011
9 Taurine in health and disease: results of experimental and epidemiological studies Russian Journal of Cardiology, No. 6/2010

Taurine should be taken at 1-4 grams per day. This dose can be taken all at once or divided into two doses. The main thing is that taurine, like any other amino acids, must be taken strictly on an empty stomach. That is, 20-40 minutes before a meal or not earlier than 2 hours after a meal. Otherwise, the body does not use taurine for treatment, but “burns” with food.

Let's compare the prices of 2 grams of taurine in the Dibicor drug and in the Jarrow Formulas supplement.

High-quality taurine from the USA is 4-5 times cheaper than the one sold in a pharmacy.

Taurine is especially important if you have hypertension combined with edema, cardiac arrhythmia, visual disturbances, or a weak immune system. This amino acid can increase the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, so those suffering from peptic ulcer should be careful.

Fish oil for the prevention and treatment of hypertension

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). In the diet of modern people, there is an acute deficiency of these fatty acids, which leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension. One of the reasons for this is the needless fear of cholesterol and dietary fats. Science has convincingly proven: You can drastically reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease if you increase the proportion of fish oil in your diet to eliminate the deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids.

The diet of the Greenland Eskimos consists almost entirely of whale oil and seal meat. In terms of the frequency of cardiovascular diseases, these people occupy one of the last places in the world.

Large-scale American and Canadian scientific research in 1994-1997 made two sensational discoveries:

  • Fish oil preparations are no less effective than eating cold-water marine fish
  • In the group of people who took fish oil, the overall mortality rate decreased by 29% (!!!), compared to the control group.

Fish oil treats hypertension by taking 4 grams or more of EPA and DHA per day. Fish oil also enhances the effect of other components of the method of treating hypertension without drugs. EPA and DHA fatty acids reduce blood clotting, preventing the formation of blood clots that can cause a heart attack or stroke. Fish oil improves the balance of "good" and "bad" cholesterol in the blood, protects the arteries from the formation of cholesterol plaques, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Large (up to 10 g per day) doses of fish oil, in combination with magnesium, potassium and taurine, reduce the frequency of angina attacks by 41%, stabilize the heart rate and halve the risk of sudden cardiac death

In medical journals you can find and read articles about the treatment of hypertension, heart problems and other diseases with fish oil. The texts of most of these articles can be found on the Internet using search engines. The materials are published in specialized publications, but their content is also easily understood by patients.

No. p / p Article title Magazine Notes
1 The use of omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) in clinical practice Clinical Medicine, No. 10/2005
2 Omega-3 fatty acids and their benefits for the cardiovascular system Pharmacist, No. 18/2010 Omega-3 fatty acids are the active ingredients in fish oil. These include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
3 Effect of fish oil consumption on arrhythmia and mortality Ukrainian Medical Chronicle, No. 4/2009
4 Omega-3 fatty acids: theoretical background and therapeutic applications Bulletin of Intensive Care, No. 2/2008

What are the "side effects" of fish oil in the treatment of hypertension? It reduces inflammatory processes in the body and improves the condition of patients with all diseases that are associated with inflammation. Particularly in arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. Fish oil reduces the risk of developing cancer, helps with skin diseases, relieves asthma attacks, promotes emotional balance and maintains a good mood during depression.

Choose quality fish oil preparations in capsule or liquid form. You can profitably order fish oil capsules from the USA along with other hypertension supplements:

  • RxOmega-3 Factors from Natural Factors by Dr. Michael Murray;

hawthorn extract

Hawthorn extract relaxes the walls of blood vessels, which normalizes blood pressure and improves blood flow to the heart muscle. In turn, increased blood flow to the heart increases the supply of oxygen. This allows the heart to pump blood more efficiently and with less strain.

Hawthorn extract is a powerful remedy, its action is similar to the action of "traditional" drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. If you are taking any medications for hypertension, then hawthorn extract should only be used under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise an overdose may occur.

Read more about herbal remedies:

How to cure hypertension without drugs: step by step instructions

Step #1- foremost. Carefully study the article "" and take the tests that we recommend. If you have hypertension combined with being overweight, then there will be more tests. If you are thin or lean, fewer tests are needed, but your hypertension is likely to be more difficult to treat.

Step #2. If, according to the test results, it turns out that your kidneys are working more or less normally, take magnesium and vitamin B6 for high blood pressure, as recommended in this article. If you are overweight or obese, then to treat hypertension without medication, you need to follow a low-carbohydrate diet. This is not a "hungry" diet, it is tasty and satisfying. You can read more about it at the link "". Restricting carbohydrates in your diet is more important to you than taking supplements, although they are also needed along with the diet.

Step #3. After 6 weeks of following our recommendations, take the same tests again. If you've been on a low-carbohydrate diet, find out how your cardiovascular risk scores have changed over time. And of course, weigh yourself once every 1-2 weeks (not more often!), And also measure your blood pressure every day at the same time. Read how to measure blood pressure correctly.

Is there a really effective method of treating hypertension without drugs, using only vitamins, minerals and amino acids? Yes, he has already helped tens of thousands of patients, and now it's your turn. The basis of this method are taurine And magnesium which directly normalize blood pressure. Vitamin B6, as well as hawthorn extract- these are useful "auxiliary" components for lowering blood pressure, preventing cardiovascular diseases and reducing fatigue.

To saturate the body with magnesium, it is absolutely not necessary to make painful injections of magnesia. It is advisable to use magnesia only in the case of a hypertensive crisis, in order to achieve an instant effect. In general, magnesium is perfectly absorbed in tablets.

If you want to try the technique you read about here, you might be tempted to skimp on fish oils. Therefore, it will be useful to remind again: according to studies, fish oil reduced overall mortality by 29% in the group of people who took it.

The method of treatment of hypertension considered by us without drugs should be used under the supervision of a physician. Your best bet is to find an "advanced" internist or cardiologist who is already aware of the effectiveness of magnesium and taurine in lowering blood pressure, and is also not shy about prescribing fish oil. If a doctor truly cares about his patients, then he will be happy to replace the intake of toxic drugs for hypertension with natural nutrients. In addition to consulting with your doctor, you should have a blood pressure monitor at home so that you can measure your blood pressure more often, as well as repeat blood tests at least once every six months.

What to Do If Supplements Don't Help Hypertension

If you are overweight or just have a large build, then you need to follow the low-carb Atkins diet. And at the same time take magnesium, fish oil and other natural medicines. And carbohydrate-restricted nutrition - for the treatment of hypertension is as important and even more important than supplements.

Re-read the article "". If the "low carb + supplement" method doesn't work, or if you're of a lean build, then you'll need to carefully examine all of the options that are described there. It is long, troublesome and expensive. But if simple means do not help, and you want to live, then you have to do it.

You need to check for:

  • kidney problems;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • chronic poisoning of the body with toxic metals (mercury, lead and others);
  • adrenal tumor;
  • pituitary tumor (in the brain);
  • whether you already have problems with blood vessels (atherosclerosis), including with vessels that feed the heart (coarctation of the aorta);
  • ... and everything else that is described in the article.

Additional Natural Remedies for Hypertension

In conclusion, let's talk about 2 supplements for hypertension. These are the amino acid arginine and coenzyme Q10.


Blood vessels in the human body “know how” to shrink, narrowing the lumen for the flow of blood, and also relax, expanding the lumen. A substance called nitric oxide is responsible for relaxing the blood vessels. Do not confuse it with nitrous oxide - "laughing gas". Arginine is an amino acid that regulates nitric oxide levels.

Taking arginine in the form of capsules or powder has a pronounced vasodilating effect. And the higher the dose, the stronger the effect. When the lumen of the vessels expands, the blood pressure in them decreases, which is what we need. Arginine is useful not only for hypertension, but also for congestive heart failure, angina pectoris, and foot problems in diabetes. In heart disease, arginine is even administered intravenously using a dropper.

We mention separately that arginine really helps to improve sexual function in men. In the West, this amino acid is even called "Viagra for the poor." If you take 4 grams of arginine daily, then the number and activity of spermatozoa increase. But the main thing is that arginine dilates blood vessels so that the penis is better filled with blood, and the erection is firmer.

Arginine can be purchased at sports nutrition stores for bodybuilders. At the same time, ordering it from iHerb will be much more profitable, not to mention the quality. We recommend to your attention:

  • Powder arginine 0.454 kg from Now Foods is the most profitable.

To strengthen the immune system and better wound healing, take 1.5 - 4 g of arginine per day. With hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, a dosage of 5-15 g per day may be necessary. To increase sexual activity, men can take arginine 2-3 grams 3 times a day. You can take 8 g of arginine at night to wake up in the morning with a powerful erection.
We remind you that all amino acids, including arginine, should be taken on an empty stomach - 20-40 minutes before a meal or no earlier than 2 hours after a meal. Arginine increases the formation of free radicals in the body, so it is recommended to take it along with antioxidants. In particular, with coenzyme Q10.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is present in every cell of our body. It is involved in energy-generating reactions. In the tissues of the heart muscle, its concentration is twice that of the average. This is a phenomenally useful remedy for any problems with the heart. Up to the fact that taking coenzyme Q10 helps patients avoid heart transplants and live normally without it.

Official medicine has finally recognized coenzyme Q10 as a cure for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Medicines Kudesan and Valeocor-Q10 are registered and sold in pharmacies. This could have been done 30 years ago, because progressive cardiologists have been prescribing Q10 to their patients since the 1970s.

We want to draw the attention of patients and doctors to articles about the treatment of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases with coenzyme Q10, that appear regularly in medical journals. Most of these articles have been made available online by the journal editors for free to the public.

No. p / p Article title Magazine Notes
1 Possibilities of using ubiquinone in the treatment of arterial hypertension Russian Journal of Cardiology, No. 4/2010 Ubiquinone is another name for coenzyme Q10.
2 The use of coenzyme Q10 in cardiology practice Russian Medical Journal, No. 15/2004
3 Protective effect of ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10) in ischemia and reperfusion of the heart Cardiology, No. 12/2002
4 Possibilities of using different doses of coenzyme Q10 in patients with chronic heart failure Heart failure, No. 4/2010
5 What is important for a practitioner to know about ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10) Russian Medical Journal, No. 14/2006 In this article, it is recommended to prescribe coenzyme Q10 at a dosage of 2 mg per 1 kg of the patient's weight. The expected effects of treatment appear after 1 month of taking this remedy. The maximum effect - with a treatment period of 6 months. When you stop taking the drug, the achieved effect disappears after 1 month or more. There are no contraindications to the appointment of coenzyme Q10.
6 Clinical efficacy of coenzyme Q10 in the treatment of metabolic cardiomyopathy in patients with mitral valve prolapse associated with connective tissue dysplasia Attending physician, No. 01/2010
7 Experience and prospects for the use of coenzyme Q10 in pediatric cardiology Attending physician, No. 02/2009

Quality Coenzyme Q10 Supplements from the USA:

We recommend that all readers of this article try taking coenzyme Q10 at a dosage of 2 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day, i.e. 100-300 mg per day. Whether you suffer from hypertension or cardiovascular disease. Because this substance gives energy, helps fight chronic fatigue syndrome and, probably, even rejuvenates the body. It is completely devoid of harmful side effects. It often happens that a person manages to significantly lower their pressure with the help of supplements and, but the “upper” pressure still stays above 140. In such situations, the addition of coenzyme Q10 can help get closer to the cherished figure of 120/80 mm Hg. Art.

We are grateful to all readers who share their experience in the treatment of hypertension without drugs in the comments to the articles. We will be happy to answer your questions.

This article is based on the book "Dr. Atkins Supplements".

  1. Dmitry Markushev

    Hello! Now I'm reading your site and I can't decide what to do. I just learned here about the treatment of hypertension without drugs, and studied everything in detail about beta-blockers. One fine day in the evening I suddenly started shaking, a severe headache began, almost convulsions, in short, “I was dying.” Really scared!!! And I'm only 31 years old!! They called an ambulance, the mother came running, measured the pressure - the upper one was under 160, then dropped to 140. The next day in the hospital, the ECG showed nothing, all tests were also within normal limits. No pathologies were found. The only point is that my BP is around 140/90 during the daytime.
    But a cardiologist at a private paid clinic insists that I need to take a beta-blocker (Coronal). As for diuretics, he has a negative opinion about diuretics, because. in such patients, the "need" to visit the toilet can acutely declare itself anywhere.
    In short, the doctor recommends that I take pills for 1 year, while monitoring my blood pressure, eating a balanced diet, and preferably losing weight. In the future, reduce the dose of the drug and gradually move away from taking the pills. If, due to the action of the beta-blocker, the pressure drops significantly, it will be necessary to reduce the dosage or change the medicine to another one.
    The doctor explains that I need to take pills to normalize the pressure within 120 to 80 due to the fact that with age, if you do not start stabilizing the pressure now, it will be much more difficult to do so.
    And here I am reading from you, on the one hand, about the complications of hypertension, on the other, about the side effects of beta-blockers. And that hypertension can be successfully treated without medication. What do you advise to do???

    1. admin Post author

      Look ... you are 31 years old, systolic pressure, as you write, does not rise above 140. In such a situation, I would get out of my skin, if only I would not have to “sit down” on beta-blockers from a young age. If you do not have additional health problems!!!(for example, diabetes, kidney failure, heart disease), I suggest you do the following. With your input data (31 years old, pressure not higher than 140), if you postpone taking a beta-blocker for 3 weeks, then there will be nothing to worry about.

      If you have any of the above complications, then without the supervision of a doctor, do not do what I write about below.

      With a high probability, you will be able to cure hypertension without medication. I recommend that you do the following. Don't swallow the beta blocker just yet. Instead, go to the pharmacy and buy 3 boxes of any of the magnesium preparations I, which are discussed in the article. i.e. Magnicum, Magvit or Magne B-6. They are all the same in essence - take the one that is cheaper. Each of them contains 48 mg of magnesium and 5 mg of vitamin B6 in one tablet, you will read about this in the instructions.

      The daily intake of magnesium for an adult is 300-600 mg. Take 8 tablets daily in 3 divided doses. This will be 8 * 48 = 394 mg of magnesium and 40 mg of vitamin B6 per day. Before meals or after, whatever. The main thing is 8 tablets a day, no less. It is completely harmless, on the contrary, it is very useful. A smaller dose may not work quickly.

      If you add fish oil and / or taurine here, it will be good, but this is not necessary. These are nutritional supplements "for the future", they do not give an immediate effect. And I hope you will feel the normalization of pressure from significant doses of magnesium quickly.

      3*50 = 150 tablets. Taking them 8 pieces a day is 19 days. In this period along with the intake of magnesium, salt in the diet, as well as sweets and muffins, should be limited as much as possible.

      And let's hope that you will quickly see how the blood pressure readings go down to 120/80, and also feel the improvement in your well-being.

      If everything worked out, then you will no longer need beta-blockers :), but you will need the following packages of drugs containing magnesium and everything else that we are talking about here. If it didn’t work out, then you didn’t lose much.

      What are the possible side effects? First, magnesium enhances intestinal motility. If there is diarrhea, the dose of magnesium will have to be reduced, there is no getting around it. But if you have constipation, then this is an additional bonus :). Secondly, vitamin B6 at this dosage can cause slight numbness in the fingertips. For it to pass, you need to take other B vitamins along with B6, or reduce the dose of B6. If you get this numbness - please do not reduce the number of tablets per day, take 3 packs of the drug for 19 days. Normalization of blood pressure is worth it to endure this numbness. Try not to pay attention to him.

      And finally. No dietary supplement or pill will help normalize your blood pressure if you:
      - Eat fast food, muffins and sweets
      - Lead a sedentary lifestyle, do not go outdoors
      — Subject to severe stress at work and / or in the family.

      Be healthy! Please write here what results you have received from the treatment of hypertension without drugs using this method.

    2. Larisa

      Hello! I recommend using this technique - I experienced it myself. I took several medications for hypertension (not at the same time of course) and felt very bad. Firstly, doctors say that if you start taking drugs for hypertension, then you need to take them for life, regardless of whether you currently have high blood pressure or not. Therefore, I think that it is better to take natural preparations, and not chemistry. According to this method, I am treated for about 10 days and I feel an improvement in well-being. Hope it keeps getting better. Wish you luck!

  2. Oleg

    What do you think about drinking Donat Mg mineral water (Slovenia)? The manufacturer declares the content of magnesium 900-1200 mg/dm3. Have you used it in your method of treating hypertension without drugs, what are the results? Is it permissible to use it with the magnesium preparations described in the article? Thank you

  3. Dmitriy

    Hello! I read your recommendations for taking magnesium and vitamin B6. I bought Magne B-6 at the pharmacy. The instructions say a course of treatment for 1 month, in your own recommendations, you need to use it daily. And another point, the instructions for Magne B-6 indicate the symptoms of magnesium poisoning. Just one of them is the lowering of blood pressure, which we are trying to normalize by taking magnesium. Please clarify this information.

    1. admin Post author

      > Magne B-6 instructions indicate
      > symptoms of magnesium poisoning.
      > Just one of them is
      > decrease in blood pressure,
      > which we are trying to normalize
      > taking magnesium.

      What is there to explain? To actually get poisoned with magnesium, you need to take several boxes of drugs at once, which are sold in pharmacies. If you do not have severe kidney disease, then you don’t have to worry about magnesium poisoning from tablets. Unless diarrhea can start. If this happens suddenly, you will have to reduce the dose.

      At the first stage of the treatment of hypertension, you need to experimentally set for yourself and then take daily the maximum "shock" dose of magnesium, at which there is no diarrhea yet. Now you need to saturate the cells of your body with magnesium, which have suffered due to its long-term deficiency, which is a factor in the development of hypertension. After that, the daily dose can be reduced.

      > The instructions say a course of treatment for 1 month,
      > in your own recommendations it is necessary
      > apply daily.

      And you look at your own well-being. They stopped taking magnesium - the general condition and blood pressure indicators began to worsen - take it again. And so on.

      I feel best when I take a daily maintenance dose of magnesium, which is why I do it. The maintenance dose of magnesium is 1.5 - 2 times less than the amount that you took at the initial stage of treating hypertension. There can be no harm from this. And what is the use - I have already written enough above.

      Again, the body has a great way of letting you know if you're getting enough magnesium. If too much, there will be diarrhea. If not enough - constipation. If enough - the intestines work "smoothly".

      By the way, with constipation, along with magnesium, you need to take vitamin C, 1-3 grams per day. Plus enough fiber, plus at least 1.5 liters of water per day, plus a cozy toilet. Your appropriate dose of vitamin C, you can also determine experimentally. If too much - there will also be diarrhea. Read carefully how much vitamin C is in the pills you take!

      > I bought Magne B-6 in a pharmacy

      Ordinary Magne B-6 or Premium? Regular one tablet contains 48 mg of magnesium, Premium - 100 mg. Accordingly, Premium should be taken 2 times less tablets per day than usual. Magne B-6 is probably the most expensive magnesium preparation. It has analogues from other manufacturers, which cost 1.5 - 2 times cheaper.

  4. Larisa

    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ARTICLE! I have been taking this medication for about 10 days, I began to feel much better - the most important thing is that for 3 days, the ringing in my head, from which I "went crazy", disappeared. I hope that everything will be fine in the future. Once again THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

  5. Evgenia

    Thank you very much for the hope I received. In December 2011, I was admitted to the hospital with bronchitis and my agony began. I was discharged with hypertension (I had never had high blood pressure before), and after 7 months of taking various pills, my heart began to ache. There is no shortness of breath, there are no special changes on ultrasound of the heart. They wrote hypertension with heart damage. I take 06 Lozap and 1/4 tab. background (yet) taking my doses of pills? I believe in your method.

  6. Valentine

    Yes, this technique really works! I take Magnelis B6, fish oil in capsules of 12 pieces per day, Dibikor and hawthorn tincture. I don’t take pills for pressure, it doesn’t rise above 110, 120 by 70 or 80. Feeling much better!!! Thank you very much!
    That's just the problem with cholesterol remained. My doctor is strongly against the Atkins diet. He says I can't do without Torvacard. I don't even know what to do...

  7. Evgenia

    Good afternoon, dear doctor. Is your technique suitable for patients with neurocirculatory dystonia with hypertension? Thanks in advance for your reply.

  8. Catherine

    Good afternoon, my husband has severe fatigue, he constantly lost the ringing in his head and the beating of his own heart. Measured pressure 140/100. He is 30. As I understand it, these are the first signs of hypertension. I want to try to buy magnesium so that he can drink it, because he doesn’t want to drink medicines yet, they start drinking medicines, such as Tenorik, Atenolova, and you will have to drink all your life. And he works as a driver, he weighs 120 kg with a height of 185. I think that I still need to lose weight, at least up to 100 kg. Just here's how. We have already stopped eating bread.

  9. Anna

    I am 65 years old, I take Concor 2.5 mg for hypertension in the morning, but the pressure does not drop, in the evening the pressure rises 165/70. I am forced to take another 2.5 mg of Concor, but the pressure does not decrease, but only rises. What should I do?

  10. Konstantin

    I propose to launch the production of the drug, where it will be all in one bottle, for one or two doses, otherwise it soars for so much to drink in a day (you have to remember all this when and how?) Or is there already such a drug ?? And I also wanted to ask what do you think about Panangin?

  11. Maksim

    hello, I won’t bother you with my medical history, I’ll only say one thing that I wake up almost every morning, albeit with not high, but still with elevated blood pressure of 140/100, despite all the doctors’ prescriptions: less fluid, Enap and diuretic in the morning, Enap in the evening, although I’m 35 years old. Your method inspires confidence in me. With additives, everything is clear as God’s day, I already bought it and started taking it, the question remains about the diet, flour is not allowed, (pasta, as I understand it too) potatoes are not allowed, cereals are a solid carbohydrate, first courses disappear ? meat at the first stage at Atkins 20gr. Maybe these are different diets for those who want to lose weight, one for us is different? Fruit !? But what about apples and bananas, which are so useful for hypertensive patients, as always stated, ONE APPLE A DAY = MINUS ONE GO TO THE DOCTOR.

  12. Sergey

    Hello! Finally found some time to express my gratitude to the specialists of this site for their recommendations. After taking medications containing magnesium, the pressure gradually returns to normal. Before that, I was constantly sitting on Nebilet, and recently tachycardia was tormenting me, I didn’t know what to do anymore ... nothing really helped ... Now I refused the Nebilet, tachycardia and heart pain gradually began to pass ... Thank you so much for the useful information. The only question is: why don't you recommend the German drug Magnerot? In my opinion, of all the preparations containing magnesium, this is the best ...

  13. Galina

    Tell me, supplements should be taken in one go all three at once: magnesium + fish oil + cratal, or each type separately with a break.
    How to distribute the daily allowance: i.e. 3-4 times a day or other recommendation.

  14. Lydia

    Hello. I read about the treatment of hypertension without drugs, now I am purchasing the necessary drugs. I want to start drinking them. I have questions about hypertension. I am 51 years old, for 3 years I have been constantly drinking repulsion drugs - Berlipril 10 mg and Concor 5 mg, when my pulse is frequent - 80-90 beats per minute. I sing in the choir and conduct. And lately, as the pressure rises, the heart and head begin to hurt, they checked the heart, they say everything is fine. As soon as I start singing, this heaviness on my heart immediately appears and does not go away for a long time. I drink Corvalol, Corvalment. Why is this happening? And the pressure goes down very badly, maybe you need to change the drugs? Thanks Lydia

  15. Anatoly

    Good day!!! Please tell me how to be. I am 21 years old. I have been playing sports for 3 years and have never had any health problems. accidentally measured the pressure of a friend, it turned out that the upper one is 150 and the lower one is 60. The pulse is 70 beats per minute. The fact is that as soon as I approach the tanometer to measure the pressure, the “fear of a white coat” begins, so to speak, the pulse quickens and my legs are shaking. I can’t calm down and the machine always gives different numbers. measured within an hour. then 135 \ 50 then 142 by 64. The last time it showed 120 by 51. I noticed that with the upper pressure it was like a bust. don't tell me what's wrong?? Previously, the pressure was normal. but here is the top figure is very alarming to me.

  16. Elena

    Thanks for the answer.
    One more clarification. The instructions for the use of magnesium indicate that there is a certain level in the blood. Assuming that this level is normal or will return to normal when taking high doses at the beginning of treatment, what about the constant use of this drug?
    Thank you.

  17. Phil

    hello admin!

    Bought Magnelis B6. 180 tablets I will try to use inside starting tomorrow. As per your suggestions above.
    I would love to have my blood pressure normalized.
    The state of health seems to meet the requirements.
    There will be results, unsubscribe.


  18. Alexander

    I read everything that was written above here, it is very interesting, and if it is acting, then I really want to try it.
    I am 32 years old, height-175, weight-115 over the past half a year I have recovered, probably because I quit smoking since May.
    He was always of a dense stocky physique, in my memory when I started weighing below 85 kg I never was. When I visited my grandmother, I sometimes measured the pressure
    as I remember now, the indicators were 130-140 _ 85-90
    A week ago, a ringing in the ear appeared and dizziness measured the pressure, it was 160-100, went to buy a tonometer and from 11/12/12 took readings in the morning (sometimes in the afternoon) and in the evening.
    morning 127-135___87-92
    day 138-145___90-95
    evening 140-150___90-100

    11/30/12 I'm going to see a therapist and tell him everything I've learned here, let's see what he has to say about this and that I want to try a low-carbohydrate diet + supplements!

  19. Maksim

    Guys, it really works, thanks a lot to the author, it works so effectively that you take it for granted, but it's a miracle, at least for me, there’s no time to even write about the results when I left the ranks of hypertensive patients, I dropped such a burden from my shoulders all these wheels that you don’t know will help or not in the mornings are stable 140\100 and there during the day as a card unexpected pressure surges fall at the most inopportune moments, you swallow anything, just to bring down, even often skipped work or walked after swallowing pills and I was “dying” there and didn’t even imagine that I would ever get rid of it, I already reconciled, it was like a sentence.

    now for me it’s all behind thanks to this technique, I don’t take pills at all, I feel one hundred percent, the pressure is normal 120/80, my energy is rushing out of me, I started running in the morning, which I couldn’t afford before, thanks again to the doctor who described this method in an easily accessible language.

  20. Victoria

    Good afternoon I am 29 years old, height 162 cm, weight 84 kg. I want a second child, but I'm afraid, after reading articles about the effect of hypertension on the fetus. Today the doctor has attributed Cavinton to me from pressure. Yesterday 160/120, today 150/95. I don’t know what to do ... Is it possible to prepare for pregnancy and bear a healthy baby? Can your method be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding? Thank you very much for the front! I will really look forward to your answer.

  21. Phil

    Hello Doc!
    I have bad luck.
    I've been following your advice for almost a month now.
    but periodically the pressure “breaks through” to 150.

  22. Tatiana

    Good afternoon Your material is simply reassuring! I am 65 years old, height-162 cm, weight 69 kg. IHD, pyelonephritis, gallbladder removed, pancreatitis. At a young age I went in for sports (master of sports). 8 years ago I first learned what 140/90 is ... Constant ringing in my ears. I don’t take pills, I don’t go to doctors. I can’t say that I feel sick - I just have no time to get sick. Thank God - they pulled it out, + underwent stenting, now on pills, but I don’t ask you how it is with him - you will say - not your case - and you will be right ... I just measure his pressure three times a day and at the same time sometimes myself. So now I have at least 160-170 / 80 ... I don’t feel any special changes, sometimes it’s harder to breathe and my heart aches. CAN I, given my “bouquet”, apply your method, and what should I pay special attention to ????? AND ANOTHER - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! GOOD LUCK! JOY! LOVE! HEALTH!!!

  23. Phil

    Doc, I'm 51 years old. Approximately 170 cm for 80 kg. Chr.bronchitis, some musculoskeletal problems. apparatus. A little chronia with digestion. I am in good physical shape. I took 3 weeks for 8 tablets of magnelis and 3 gr. fish oil. With sugar and sweet tied up completely. I stopped drinking coffee! White bread limited to a minimum. But I can't give up fruit.
    Since November 18, 162 pressure measurements. In the format largest-average-smallest:
    2-3 times during this time he took dibazol, hypotheazid, diroton. I continue to take Magnelis and r.zhir. What are your recommendations?

  24. Phil

    Doc, I'm sitting down to take my blood pressure. I use OMRON M3. On average 4 measurements per day.

  25. Phil

    Doc, thank you very much for your response!

    1. The pressure has not decreased. It is unstable. For the first 3 weeks 13 days at least one measurement was 140mmHg. and higher. For the entire time (44 days) there are 24 such days.
    2. With digestion - a small pancreatitis in remission.
    3. Non-progressive bronchitis - memory of winter sports. I do not smoke. Alcohol - 0.5 glasses of Cahors 2 times a year.
    Atkins has not yet been found on the Internet. Fish oil 500 ml (not capsules) is sold in Russia, can you tell me?
    The capsules seem pricey.
    I'll try to remove the products you mentioned and add hawthorn.
    Best regards, Phil

  26. Anna

    Hello! I am 32 years old. Height 165 cm. Weight 60 kg. At the age of 28, against the background of pregnancy at the 5th month, the pressure increased to 160/100. They put me on atenolol, took 25 mg. before giving birth. gave birth. I sat at home for 2 years - the pressure did not bother me. Went to work (daily schedule) and all over again. Again, the pressure crept, the pulse quickened. AD 140-150/90, PS 90-100. Examinations of the thyroid gland, kidneys, adrenal glands, ECG revealed nothing. Now a question. I have been on atenolol for 6 months now. I want to try these 3 drugs (magnesium, taurine, fish oil). How can I combine this with atenolol? Take it at the same time, and after 2 weeks reduce the dosage of atenolol and gradually remove it? And is it possible to take these three drugs during pregnancy? Because I plan it.

  27. Tatiana

    Thank you very much for the detailed treatment. I started using Magne B6 and Hawthorn! I excluded bread products, sugar and potatoes, I have no problems with this. My questions are: due to the fact that I am a vegetarian and eat mostly vegetables and fruits, how can I exclude carbohydrate-containing fruits? I replaced the fish oil with flaxseed oil. And in our city there is no Kratal, there is only Taufon. Can it be used and how? Thank you in advance!!

  28. Yuri

    I bought magnelis B6, it says that each capsule contains 470 mg of magnesium and 5 mg of B6 ... and the instructions say, as you say, drink 8 tablets, but then the daily dose is 8 * 470 = 3760 mg, and B6 is like say 40mg. Please clarify !!! and fish oil-bought imported where it is written in the capsule contains a third of the daily dose and the maximum dose of vitamin E is 1600 mg. and in each capsule-800mg. salmon fat - how to calculate the dose correctly? Please clarify too, thanks in advance. Yuri

  29. Dmitriy

    Good afternoon
    I am 33 years old, blood pressure is 145-160/85-100. Increased blood pressure (140 mm) appeared at the age of 14, maybe. and earlier. I have been involved in strength sports for several years. There are no signs of primary hypertension. During this time, he took various drugs, with varying success and a bunch of side effects ....
    As a result, I gave up...
    I do not smoke for 4 years, I do not eat fatty, spicy, salty foods, very moderately sweet and alcohol. I took up running (5-6 months, 40 minutes 3 times a week), breathing exercises, lost a few kg (height 176 cm, weight 77 kg), I eat garlic every day, I regularly try various folk methods. Tried various Magnesiums - all with zero effect.
    Now I am taking Magne B-6 forte (for the purity of the experiment) 6 tablets (6 * 100 mg) for 17 days according to your system, but there are no results and even no hints (at least the stool has weakened))))))))) )))). Please advise how to be? Is it worth it to increase the dose, because probably not all 600 mg are absorbed? Or add taurine and so on? Or does nothing “take” me at all??

  30. Alexander

    Hello, Doctor! I am 62 years old, height - 168 cm, weight - 78 kg. Working pressure (without stress, food and alcohol loads) - 138-148 / 90-100. With loads - 160/105 and above. Over the past 10 years there have been 3-4 serious hypertensive crises. Often elevated diastolic pressure. Sometimes it pinches the heart. Fatty hypatosis, chronic cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis, pyelonephritis, there are slight deviations from the adrenal glands, frequent bloating, severe gas formation, periodically a tendency to constipation, cataracts, etc. "Bad" cholesterol is elevated. I take antihypertensive drugs periodically, control arterial hypertension daily. Is it possible to improve my cardiovascular affairs with the help of your drug-free technique? I will be very grateful.
    Sincerely, Alexander.

  31. Victor

    hello. thank you so much for the advice on taking vitamin b6 magnesium. I am 48 years old. I have been suffering from high blood pressure for 7 years. but after taking magnesium B6, the situation began to change for the better. Yes, this fact helps. I drank 1 package of 50 magnesium tablets, the condition improved. Please tell me how much more you can drink magnesium B6, you need to continue drinking or take a break. maybe one package is not enough. and how much you can drink tablets a day. I drank 3 tablets a day. maybe you need to drink more please tell me. low bow to all the doctors for your advice for your work. with respect, victor. city of krasnodar

  32. Dmitriy

    I have been following the recommendations for almost 2 weeks .. (magnelis, fish oil, dibikor, hawthorn,) the pressure was 140-150, 90-100, right now it seems to be less-130-140 by 85-93 .. sometimes 120-80, years-51, weight 98 with a height of 179, today I suddenly feel a pulse in the sternum, and some discomfort ... as if the heart is beating in the middle, I feel ... (it has never been like this, I don’t know what it is connected with? maybe with taurine.? Or with hawthorn? On the other hand, when I used to take vitamins before, sleep improved, I wouldn’t say this now, although magnesium seems to improve it. I used to lose weight by 16-20 kg, and kept it for 5-7 years, then the pressure was normal and without these components .. won't it turn out that we sit down on them, although with weight loss, you can simply feed the body with supplements .. and that's it?

  33. Phil

    Doc, my blood pressure seems to be back to normal.
    Thank you very much! I drink magnesium 4 tablets a day and a little r. fat.
    Health to you and good luck!
    I'll write more after some time.

  34. Irina

    Hello, please tell me if your method is suitable for children, if so, what dosages?
    my daughter is 7 years old, height 120, weight 20 kg, 3 years ago she was diagnosed with hypertensive syndrome. Of the syndromes, rapid fatigue, severe headaches and abdominal pain. glycine, diuretics (diacarb and asporcam) and
    actovegin intramuscularly, and the gastroenterologist is choleretic. courses every six months ... no result ... from the examinations they prescribed X-ray of the head and ultrasound of the abdomen (I don’t remember what it’s called correctly) and checked the fundus. The ophthalmologist's diagnosis is mixed astegmatism and intracranial pressure.

  35. Eugene

    33 years old, height 180, overweight - 120. I don't smoke, I drink very rarely and a little. I'm not particularly nervous.
    Previously, there were no problems with the heart and pressure, but last year I had bronchitis in the fall. (On the Internet, I have seen more than once that bronchitis and similar diseases provoke an increase in pressure)
    A month ago, my heart suddenly began to ache sometimes, weakness appeared, appetite disappeared, and a pressing headache. Measured - 150/100-90.
    Measured every day - does not fall.
    Never had any problems with kidneys and thyroid. I plan, however, just in case, to undergo an examination in a month, unfortunately I cannot do it earlier.
    For a week now I have been drinking magnicum - 9 tablets, fish oil - 5g, I have been taking 3-4 tablets a day. I sat down on a low-carbon diet - the benefit of appetite has already decreased.
    As a result, the heart became lighter, and the headaches decreased slightly. But the pressure doesn't drop.

    And about kratal. He "sits down", calms, but - sometimes the heartbeat intensifies from him. Not so much more frequent as it intensifies - the blows are stronger. When I walk or sit, I don’t feel it, but when I lie down, I feel it.

    1. admin Post author

      >But the pressure doesn't drop

      1. Only one more week has passed. Continue magnicum for two more weeks - I wonder what happens then. You have chosen the correct dose of magnesium. Reduce it only if there is diarrhea.
      2. I recently updated the article "". I strongly advise you and all other readers of the site to study it. With a high probability, you make errors in measuring your pressure, in the direction of overestimation.
      3. What happens to your weight? Have you read the Atkins books? How many grams of carbohydrates do you eat per day? In your situation, carefully following a low-carbohydrate diet is even more important than taking magnesium.

      > with the heart it became easier, and headaches
      >pain lessened a bit

      So you didn't waste your money on the magnum. Keep going or there will be more...

      Worry that kratal is not working for you - stop taking it and see what happens.

      If I were you, I would download Atkins' book "Supplements: The Natural Alternative to Drugs" and try everything else he recommends for the heart. Do this after 3 weeks of magnesium supplementation. Then you can understand what effect each supplement has on your body.

      1. Eugene

        Thanks for the answer
        What's going on with your weight? Have you read the Atkins books? How many grams of carbohydrates do you eat per day?

        I don’t know about weight, because I try not to weigh myself too much. This is stressful for me. I'll wait a couple more weeks. I read the book. All my food now is boiled pork or beef, scrambled eggs, hard cheese, sometimes fish. Sometimes I eat a couple of spoons of sauerkraut or a teaspoon of horseradish with meat. (Since my appetite has disappeared - for me this is generally nonsense, I eat not so much because I want to, but because I don’t take pills on an empty stomach) So the amount of carbohydrates is clearly not more than 10 g per day.

        I will reduce the dose of cratal to 2-3 according to my well-being - I don’t want to give it up, everyone praises it very much)))

        And another question - what about potassium? There is little of it in protein foods, and dried fruits, fruits, etc. I can't eat. I drink herbal teas that go quickly. Is it washed out of the body? Do I need to replenish it in some way?

        1. admin Post author

          >I don't eat so much because
          > want how much because
          > pills for hungry
          > stomach do not take

          Your process is going exactly the way it should. The main thing here is that there are no constipations. Try to eat as much cabbage and greens as possible (dill, parsley, etc.) to get enough fiber. Along with magnesium, take vitamin C 2-3 grams per day. Drink plenty of fluids. Move physically. Do something interesting and joyful so that you don’t miss the food that is left in the past.

          If you weigh yourself, the results will please you now, and even more so in a couple of weeks.

          I draw your attention to the fact that magnesium can be safely taken on an empty stomach. And kratal - even necessary.

          > And another question-what about potassium?

          Herbal teas, green vegetables and the same "horseradish for meat" contain enough of it.

          > Do I need to replenish it in some way?

          See how you feel. If you experience severe weakness, fatigue, then you can try 2-3 panangin tablets at a time. Also modern Western books on low-carbohydrate diets warn that your current situation is often sodium deficient. Therefore, at the induction stage, feel free to add salt to the meat, and if you feel weak or tired, then try drinking a glass of fatty salted meat broth.

          1. Eugene

            Good afternoon
            The cardiologist appointed Tarka. I tried not to take anything else from pressure for the time of nutrition with magnesium and taurine - but it didn’t work out. Dizziness and small jumps + -10 mm began, which greatly worsen the state of health.
            How should I take magnesium cratal now? - I don’t want to interrupt, although the pressure does not decrease - I still hope for a positive effect.

          2. admin Post author

            >getting dizzy

            Dizziness and weakness are a symptom of low blood pressure, not high blood pressure. There may also be a potassium deficiency. Try adding a little panangin and see what happens.
            Are you sure you don't have constipation? Problems with well-being can be because of them. If there is, then you need more vitamin C, 2-3 grams per day and tightly control so that you eat fiber.

            > How do I magnesium-cratal now
            > accept? - don't want to interrupt

            It does not interfere:).

            Keep in mind that the doctor prescribes you a "chemical" medicine using the "scientific poke" method. Its effectiveness cannot be predicted in advance. Therefore, if after 3-4 weeks Tarka does not help, go to the doctor again to change to another drug from another group. But if the doctor starts telling you that in your situation a low-carbohydrate diet and supplements are harmful, then it is better to replace such a specialist.

            And weigh yourself at last.

          3. Eugene

            Dizziness and weakness are a symptom of low blood pressure, not high blood pressure.+++

            I tested whether I was measuring my pressure correctly - first I measured it myself, and then the doctor measured it. The results didn't differ much. I have dizziness and weakness precisely at a pressure of 145-160 / 90-100

            There are no blockages and never have been. I take 3 grams of aspirin. Panangin 3 tablets per day. (I've been taking it for two days, just when the dizziness started)
            Weigh in – the low-carb diet works. Lost 4 kg.

            I asked the doctor about your method. He knows about her. Basically, he has nothing against her. But he says that he did not meet people whom she helped.

          4. admin Post author

            > I'm dizzy and
            >weakness at
            > pressure 145-160/90-100

            Option number 1. Before starting the program, your pressure was even higher for many years, you just didn't know about it. The body adapted to it, so you had no symptoms. Then it dropped to the level it is now, and dizziness began. This option is very likely. People often live without symptoms at the "upper" pressure of 180. True, not for long.

            If I guessed right, then Tarka will make you feel even worse after a while. There is no need to be surprised by this. Be patient for a while - the body will get used to the new level of pressure, and dizziness will pass.

            Option number 2. You may have problems with the thyroid gland - they also often give dizziness and weakness. Check the level of thyroid hormones in the blood.

            > take aspirin
            > 3 grams.

            What's with the aspirin anyway? I hope you are confused with ascorbic acid, and not swallow horse doses of aspirin.

            Please take your blood pressure every evening, regardless of how you feel. If you feel worse - measure "unscheduled". And I'm waiting for news from you, after a while.

          5. Eugene

            Good afternoon.
            I have been on magnesium and kratal + Atkins diet for 17 days now.
            I drink Tarka for 6 days to be efficient. Tarka lowers the pressure to 125-130 to 80. I feel much better then. But by the end of the day, the effect of the drug decreases and the pressure returns to 140-150 to 90. If you don’t take a container in the morning, then by lunchtime the pressure is under 150.
            That is, neither diet nor minerals have given any result at the moment. Only chemistry helps.
            I did an ultrasound of the kidneys and thyroid gland - the results are excellent. I’m starting to check for hormones, but most likely everything will be fine there too - there have never been problems with this.

          6. admin Post author

            >neither diet nor minerals
            > results so far
            > didn't give any moment

            … and this despite the fact that you have successfully lost weight on a low-carbohydrate diet.

            If so, then read the article “Causes of hypertension and how to eliminate them. Analyzes for hypertension "and carefully examine all the options that are described there.

            To check the work of the kidneys, first of all, you need to do not an ultrasound, but blood tests for creatinine, urea and uric acid. Also get a urine test for albumin or total protein.

            It is also interesting what level of thyroid hormones in your blood will turn out to be.

            But the cause can be not only the kidneys or the thyroid gland. More toxic metals, adrenal tumor, etc. Read more in the article.

          7. Eugene

            Good afternoon
            It's been 23 days since I've been on a diet, increased my physical activity, eat magnesium with cratal, etc.

            The pressure hasn't dropped. As it was 150/100-90, it remains. The weather, or if you have to think a lot - count, write, etc. - sometimes jumps even higher.

            The weight for the first 10 days was gone by 4 kg, but no more lost a kilogram. As I understand it, it was water that came out, etc.

            I did all the tests on the kidneys, lipids, thyroid hormones. Everything is normal, only uric acid turned out to be elevated - 477. (I suspect from meat, which I mainly eat).
            Ultrasound of tumors of the adrenal glands did not reveal, someday I may undergo an MRI, but I think this is superfluous.
            Mercury, lead - also unlikely, never dealt with them, neither at work nor in life.

          8. admin Post author

            >only uric acid
            > turned out to be elevated - 477

            Try taking 2-3 grams of vitamin C per day and test again in a month
            I'm wondering if this will lower your uric acid concentration in your blood or not

            > I did all the tests ... Everything is normal

            I assure you that it is not the "holy spirit" that raises your blood pressure. And so that even losing weight does not help.

            You have a problem in your body, and you need to look for it. Otherwise, it will only get worse.

            Your IP address suggests that you live in Bila Tserkva, Ukraine. So, go and get tested at the Sinevo laboratory. Because they monitor the quality of tests, and in a state medical institution they often write on forms “from the ceiling” that everything is fine.

            > Weight for the first 10 days went by 4 kg,
            >but didn't lose another kilo

            And how do you feel? If it's better or at least not worse than before the start of the program, then if I were you I would continue anyway.

          9. Eugene

            Thanks for the answer.
            That night, the pressure suddenly jumped over 170 + for a short time, severe tachycardia, body trembling, etc. I had to call an ambulance. It quickly passed, but I still walk like a boiled one.
            Alarm signal.
            There are a huge number of analyzes on the Sinevo website, most of which are not known to me. There are hormones of the kidneys, the pituitary gland, many variants of the thyroid gland ...
            Which of them should be done to form a picture of all possible causes of hypertension?

          10. admin Post author

            > Which ones to do

            Submit first:
            - Package No. 2 "Thyroid" (TSH, T3 free, T4 free)
            — Package No. 4.3 "Renal tests" (creatinine, urea, uric acid)
            - Urinalysis general, service 4004. Needed to find out if there is protein in the urine. This is the earliest sign of kidney problems. Earlier than blood tests.
            - Package No. 10 "Cardiovascular risk" (LDH, CPK, ALT, AST, potassium, sodium, chlorine, CRP, total cholesterol, triglycerides, high, low and very low density lipoproteins, atherogenic coefficient) - an inexpensive and very informative package. CRP is a C-reactive protein.
            - blood test for glycated (glycosylated) hemoglobin

            You will receive the results on the form, where the norms will also be indicated, and you will immediately find out what indicators you have outside of these norms. Very comfortably.

            If you have poor cholesterol and other markers of cardiovascular risk and/or glycated hemoglobin above 5.7%, you will need to do an angiogram of the vessels. Perhaps you have narrowed the vessels that feed the heart and / or kidneys due to an atherosclerotic plaque. Such and in 33 years it is quite possible. When the internal organs are starving, they go out of their way to give signals to increase blood pressure.

            If, according to all the tests, everything turns out to be normal for you and the vessels are not too clogged, you will have to look for a specialist who will diagnose secondary endocrine hypertension (adrenal glands, pituitary gland, etc.).

            I'm waiting for news.

  36. Nicholas

    Hello. I am 58 years old. I follow a low carb diet. How can I protect myself from possible gout?

  37. Alexander

    Good afternoon I am 50 years old, height 178cm, weight 125kg. About 4 months ago, the weight was 135kg - I managed to lose 10kg. But the pressure is not decreasing - on the contrary, there has recently been a tendency to increase. Now the average is 180/115, sometimes it jumps up to 200/120. I take pills irregularly - mostly diuretics, such as Tenoric, Atenol, Lorista. Sometimes I also drink Adelfan when the pressure jumps more strongly. I don't smoke and hardly drink. There are no particular health complaints, except for the fact that the head is spinning due to high pressure, the face swells in the morning and general malaise. But after knocking down the pressure with pills to 140-150/100 - it does not fall below - the state of health does not improve, but there is still a headache and general weakness. I live in the district center, I lead a relatively physically active lifestyle. General analyzes and cardiogram did not reveal any obvious deviations from the norm. Doctors prescribe one pill, then another, a couple of times I lay in the therapeutic department - they also pricked one or the other - there was practically no sense. I look forward to your advice.

  38. Boris

    Hello! I am 53 years old, height 176, weight 79 kg. Blood pressure in the morning 125/80,135/85. After 19 hours 150/95, sometimes 160/100. Analyzes are all normal, ultrasound of literally all organs is normal. In a pharmacy, on the advice of a pharmacist, I bought the drug Captopril. I took the smallest dose of 25 mg for testing. Then I broke the tablet in half, it became 12.5 mg. After taking this small dose, the pressure in the morning is 115/70, 120/80. In the evening 125/80, 135/85. And so it can last 2-3 days. It was and kept for 5 days, but already 140/90. And it was that the next day in the evening 150/90. How to take Captopril? Some pharmacists say that I should be glad that I don’t have to constantly take chemistry, others say that I need to take it constantly, at least for a month, so that the body is rebuilt and then not taken. Someone advised Hartil. Well and with your technique how to connect my problem? Is it possible to do without chemistry? I would also like to go to the gym.

  39. faith

    34 years 162 weight 65 xp pyelonephritis for 15 years no antibiotic helps or only for a week hypertension appeared 135 to 95 what pills to take for pressure with pyelonephritis write the name and is it possible to take magne v6 thanks!

  40. hope

    hello! My upper pressure ranges from 110 to 140, and the lower one from 90 to 100, i.e. 114 to 95, 120 to 100. If 140 to 90 or 100 is just bad, and if there is a slight difference between the upper and lower, my head hurts very much. I am 55, I was 5 years old. 500mg in a capsule) How to take it in order to have an effect, please write specifically. How do the kidneys react to these drugs and is it possible to drink bearberry leaf grass along the way. And the buzzing in my head is very disturbing, I can’t be in silence.

  41. Irina

    Hello! The scheme described in the article is like a hope for my mother. Already trying the fourth day. But then I got stuck. I understand everything about org. and inorganic forms of magnesium (citrates, lactates, chelates, oxides, etc.). The question is this: I prescribed magnesium citrate from America (vitaminworld company), the dosage in one tablet is 250 mg - so I don’t understand what - magnesium citrate or pure magnesium. The translation is not clear. If you already have experience using American. supplements, then tell me the dosage of what is indicated. Thank you

  42. Marina

    Thanks a lot. I really liked the scheme for treating hypertension without drugs, which is described here. I use it for the 2nd month, adding another Q10 and getting rid of 5 extra kg of weight. The pressure dropped from 140-150/100 to 125/85. Everything is great, but will the effectiveness of the funds received decrease over time? What should be the scheme for taking taurine, hawthorn, magnesium in the future, with their long-term use? My height is 171, weight 76. I took losartan 25-50 mg for 3 years. Now, instead of one tablet of losartan, being afraid to completely cancel it, I take a fourth of it.

  43. Irina

    Hello! Mom takes vitamins according to your scheme for about a week. So far there has been no reduction effect. Mom's diagnosis is hyperthyroidism (now treated with hypothyroidism), heart failure (she was in the hospital with him in the fall of 2012, but now it seems not). And the main problem is terrible pressure surges 130/80 rarely, 150/90 almost always, in the evening and at night 170/90, 190/100. Takes anaprilin 40 mg three times, sometimes also at night. Other beta blockers do not help at all, they can even raise the pressure. Calcium channel blockers are not suitable at all, the pressure jumped from them and it became very bad, ACE is not suitable - they do not help with pressure and cause a wild cough. The doctor pushes betalok zok, my mother drank it, but there was no sense, it either didn’t exist, or the pressure could even jump. Because of this, disruptions in the rhythm of the heart, the heart can press, beat strongly, pause. Mom was in the hospital three times and after them she came out all unbalanced. I forced her to take at least q 10 and Kardiogen peptides throughout this period. Now my mother says that after taking magnesium, q10, and omega, her heart begins to rage for 15 minutes, then it calms down more or less. I read a lot about magnesium and vitamin B6, I understand that this cannot be. They are just helpers to the heart, but what could be the matter? The endocrinologist says that B vitamins are not necessary, as they can excite the thyroid gland. And on the contrary, I want to add choline and inositol to the scheme. Questions: why is there no pressure reduction effect yet? Why such a reaction of the heart? Does the doctor tell the truth about the connection between the bad B6 and the thyroid gland? What do you think about including choline and inositol in the regimen? Thank you

  44. Eugene

    Good afternoon
    I'll tell you about the results of your method on myself.
    The course of magnesium has passed, now I support it with 4 magnicum tablets per day.

    Atkins diet - 40 days. Lost 10 kg. There is no craving for sweets.
    Has made control lipidograms 20 days ago and yesterday.
    Unfortunately, the results deteriorated greatly - cholesterol increased from 4.6 to 4.9, triglycides from 0.6 to 0.7, high density lipoproteins decreased from 1.5 to 0.9, low density increased from 2.8 to 3, 6, the atherogenic index increased from 2.1 to 4(!)
    In addition, long-forgotten chronic cholecystitis has worsened.
    So the Atkins diet, although effective, is far from harmless, as they write about it. I'll have to say goodbye to her.

    The pressure has changed its behavior. It used to be stable 140-150 / 90-100 Now in the morning it is 130/85 and so on until 19-00. Then it grows up to 140-145/95. After 24-00 there is a sharp jump to 170/110, heartbeat, trembling, etc. and the same rapid decline to 140/90. And so almost every day.

    To avoid this pleasure, the doctor prescribed a non-ticket, which I drink in the evening (a strong cough began from the tarka).
    The terioid analysis showed elevated TSH - 4.83 with an upper norm of 4.2 (non-bilet and similar blockers can increase TSH) and decreased T3 s - 2.05 with a lower norm of 2.3.



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