What is the difference between boiled water and raw water. Water from a spring

You can boil water several times, but it is not necessary. The main factor in the benefits and purity of water is not the amount of boiling, but the degree of quality of the original liquid. Therefore, before use, it is important to purify the water in any existing way.

By the way, the use of bottled water is also not recommended, since there is no single standard and quality requirements for such products. In addition, plastic containers adversely affect the contents.

In everyday life, it is better to use standard tap water, but before use, clean it with filters or other available and effective methods. And in this article we will consider whether it is necessary and whether it is possible to boil water several times.

Harm of tap water

The water that we pour into the kettle from the tap contains both useful and harmful elements. On the one hand, it contains such important substances as calcium and magnesium, oxygen and carbon dioxide. On the other hand, the composition includes dangerous uranium and barium, bleach, fluorine and nitrates. Such components can cause serious harm and damage to human health.

Regular use of untreated tap water for a long period of time causes the formation of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, worsens the microflora in the intestines and the condition of the mucous membranes, and contributes to the occurrence and development of an allergic reaction.

Poor-quality tap water after cleaning with bleach has an unpleasant taste and worsens the taste of cooked dishes and drinks. Impurities in its composition will easily spoil the value of tea and coffee.

In addition, tap water is often hard, which degrades the quality of things after washing. It makes the material rough and unpleasant to the touch, leaves stains and stains on clothes. To eliminate such harm, you need to clean and soften the water.

Boiling to purify and soften water

The benefit of boiling is that it kills dangerous bacteria and makes the water softer. This is the easiest and most affordable way to cleanse at home. If you boil water for 15 minutes along with steam, harmful chemical compounds will leave. But along with these elements, the concentration of calcium and other beneficial minerals decreases. At the same time, chlorine and non-volatile substances remain in the composition. In boiled water, they turn into more dangerous carcinogens.

The longer and more you boil water, the more nutrients will go away, the more useless it will become. In addition, after boiling, salt deposits and stains remain on the walls of the dishes, and scale forms. At the same time, the level of dangerous pollutants in the water is low enough that it will not cause serious harm to health.

If you use an electric kettle, it turns off quickly and the boiling time is short. Therefore, repeated and even repeated boiling will not become a harmful effect. However, many experts still do not recommend repeating this procedure and consider it overkill. Let's see why you can't boil water twice.

Is it possible to boil water twice

Boiling water again is not recommended. With repeated and subsequent boiling, harmful elements turn into carcinogens that are dangerous to humans. This can lead to oncological and neurological diseases, problems in the functioning of the heart, loss of vascular elasticity, impaired development and growth of children.

Note that the danger lies not in the number of boils, but in the duration of the procedure. The longer the water boils, the more active the production of negative and harmful substances.

With prolonged and repeated boiling, the hydrogen isotope precipitates and deuterium is formed. It disrupts the material metabolism in the body and impairs the absorption of vitamins. This is a scientific fact that explains why you can't boil water twice.

In addition, boiled water acquires an unpleasant taste. And with each new boil, it gets worse. The reason for this process is that harmful impurities in the composition of water at a temperature of 100 degrees react and become active, as a result they give an unpleasant aftertaste.

Six Reasons Why You Shouldn't Reboil Water

  1. After you have boiled water in a kettle, especially repeatedly, it first loses its taste and then acquires an unpleasant aftertaste;
  2. When heated to 100 degrees, chlorine interacts with organic substances, which forms carcinogens that are harmful to the body and human health. Each subsequent boiling increases the concentration of the latter;
  3. The more often heat treatment occurs, the more useful substances and properties the water loses. As a result, it becomes useless and “dead”;
  4. When reheated, oxygen leaves, water evaporates, and the content of salts and impurities increases. Such water is no longer suitable for making broths and soups, tea and coffee, cooking pasta;
  5. If after the first boil the water becomes softer, then after the second and subsequent it becomes heavier. This will lead to increased scale formation in the kettle or pan, deterioration in the quality of linen after washing, the taste of cooked food and drinks;
  6. When water is boiled again in a kettle or other utensils, an isotope of hydrogen is precipitated, which is called toxic deuterium. Gradually, it accumulates, which is dangerous for human health.

How to purify tap water

To get high-quality, healthy and tasty water, it is enough to defend the contents before use. Half an hour is enough for harmful chlorine to disappear. Before boiling, it is better to stand for several hours so that harmful gases and compounds evaporate. If you are pouring the contents into a thermos, leave it open for a few minutes and only then close the lid.

It is healthier and safer to use new fresh water for each boil. Do not boil the liquid again and do not add fresh water to the water left after the previous boil. To make tea or coffee, boiled water can be slightly heated without bringing the liquid back to a boil. Do not do this in the microwave, as it kills all the beneficial elements.

Without water, as is known from the song to the Soviet film, "not there, not here." Indeed, without it there can be no life itself. Thanks to the inventors of plumbing for the fact that people no longer have to think about how water gets into the house. But, alas, quite often tap water leaves much to be desired in terms of quality and purity. There can be many reasons for this state of affairs - from worn pipes to the peculiarities of local sources.

Why should water be boiled?

One of the significant disadvantages of tap water is rigidity, that is, an increased concentration of calcium and magnesium salts. Hard water negatively affects the condition of human skin and hair, forms limescale on dishes and household appliances, makes it difficult to rinse clothes, spoils the taste of tea and coffee, and in general, is not very good for health. In fairness, it should be noted that the complete absence of salts is not much better, moderately hard water is optimal for the body.

It is also polluted by various impurities- nitrogen compounds, iron ions, manganese and others. Most often, this is due to the insufficient quality of the state and functioning of treatment facilities.

Controversial benefits chlorination. On the one hand, this is the cheapest and safest way to disinfect, and on the other hand, it worsens its taste and quality. Not to mention the reaction of chlorine with organic compounds, which can form dangerous cumulative carcinogens.

Yet, contrary to popular belief, tap water is not that bad. Most of the impurities in it are contained in small quantities, they are practically harmless. At the very least, no one canceled state control over quality.

But at the same time, sanitary doctors are unanimous that in no case should you drink water directly from the tap. You need to at least boil it.

What happens when boiling

From the point of view of physical science, boiling is a process of vaporization occurring from the surface of a liquid and inside it. Separation boundaries of different phases (liquid and vapor) are formed in the volume of water, thus bubbles appear, by which we can “by eye” determine that the water has boiled. Boiling of any liquid can occur only at a certain temperature, for water it is + 100 0 C.

Outwardly, three stages of the process of boiling water in domestic conditions can be observed.

  • From the bottom of the kettle or pan, single small bubbles begin to slip, the number of which gradually increases, the bubbles are grouped on the surface of the water closer to the walls of the dish.
  • Massive rapid rise of bubbles, causing at first a slight turbidity, and then some whitening of the water. This stage of boiling is called the “white key”, because it resembles the running water of a spring. By the way, true connoisseurs of tea believe that it should be brewed with water at this stage, without bringing it directly to a boil.
  • An intense bubbling process, in which large bubbles burst on the surface, steam is actively released, and water begins to splatter from the dishes.

The harm and benefits of boiled water

If the water is not purified using filter systems, boiling becomes a prerequisite for its consumption. The biggest advantages of this cleaning method are its absolute simplicity and affordability.

Of course, boiling eliminates most of the harmful impurities. In the process, a significant part of the bacteria dies, organochlorine compounds are destroyed, the water becomes softer and more pleasant to the taste. But it is not able to completely replace the correct purification by filters, in addition, this process has some disadvantages.

Firstly, quite strongly chlorinated water flows from the tap, in which, when boiled, dioxin is formed - a global ecotoxicant that has a carcinogenic effect and the insidious property of accumulating in the body. Even in minute concentrations, dioxin can cause genetic cellular changes.

Secondly, ordinary boiling does not destroy all pathogenic microorganisms contained in the water. Moreover, it does not eliminate impurities of heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, nitrates, petroleum products and other "chemistry". With prolonged boiling, the concentration of salts of heavy metals increases due to evaporation, which is clearly demonstrated by the scale formed on the dishes.

Thirdly, boiling destroys the structure, which becomes useless for the human body at best. There is such a thing - heavy water, in which hydrogen atoms are replaced by deuterium atoms (a heavy isotope of hydrogen). The negative impact on the body has been confirmed by numerous experiments. The well-known "dead" water from Russian folk tales - this is heavy water. In the process of boiling, a certain amount of heavy, “dead” water is formed.

"Optimization" of the boiling process

If you follow the following simple rules, you can, while maintaining the effect of disinfection, minimize the harmful effects of boiling.

A person's well-being largely depends on the use of sufficient amounts of liquid and water. Everyone knows that a person can withstand the absence of food for several days, but in the absence of water, we feel bad already on the first day. But what kind of water to drink - boiled or not, and what's the difference, let's see.

Boiled water- This is a liquid that was brought in a container to a temperature of approximately 100 degrees, namely, until bubbling bubbles appeared. Some of the water evaporates.
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Experiments and studies of the effect of water on the human body do not stop. However, no one can yet give strong arguments in favor of one or another state of the most important liquid for a person.

In their reasoning, people are still divided into two camps, each of which has its own point of view on the use of boiled or raw water.

Boiled water

Changing water with boiling

How does boiling water affect its properties? Consider positive changes.


When the liquid is heated to high temperatures, pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms die in it. The same thing happens with boiling water. In addition, boiling destroys harmful compounds, such as chlorides. The salts that appear in this case settle on the walls of the container in which the water was boiled.

Better taste

The destruction of chemical compounds and the precipitation of salts leads to softening of water, from which its taste improves. It is for this purpose that we boil water for coffee.

What else happens to water during boiling cannot be called positive changes, and you need to know about it.

Structure change

The water that is in our body has a "living" molecular structure. The trouble is that when boiling, the structure of water molecules is destroyed. The use of a liquid with a destroyed molecular structure leads to the fact that the body, which, as it were, receives life-giving moisture, lacks water with natural properties. As a result - a negative impact, premature aging, susceptibility to disease.


Visible sediment, which settles on the walls when boiling water, can adversely affect the liquid if it is left for a long time in the same container. The fact is that water is enriched with harmful salts and the use of such water becomes harmful. As a result, kidneys and vessels, bones suffer.


Heating water to a boil, as usually happens in electric kettles with automatic shutdown, does not kill all harmful bacteria, which need a long boil to kill. Therefore, boiled water is not always an absolutely pure liquid.

New connections

The destruction of chlorides during boiling, previously considered with the development of technology, is defined as the change of one compound into another. So, during boiling, the formation of trihalomethanes was revealed, which leave mercury, iron salts in the liquid, which is much worse than the presence of chlorides in the composition of water. Evaporation of chloride compounds can be achieved simply by standing water in a glass container in the light.

When boiling is bad

The appearance of new compounds and the transformation of a useless boiled liquid into a harmful one occurs during prolonged boiling and when the liquid is reheated to the boiling point.

The use of boiled "dead" water leads to, to the defeat of viral infections, to the destruction of bone tissue.

When water is boiled in the same container, the reaction of the salts already deposited on the walls with the liquid is especially dangerous. Therefore, it is very important to wash off the sediment after each boil before the next one.

Rules for drinking boiled water:

  • you can not store water in a container in which it was boiled;
  • it is better to pour boiled water after boiling into a glass container;
  • the kettle must be washed clean from scale after each boil;
  • when the liquid cools, you cannot boil it again, it is better to take a new portion of fresh water for this;
  • You can not completely refuse to use unboiled water.

Considering the beneficial and harmful properties boiled water and without forgetting the rules for its use, you can safely prepare hot drinks. However, to fill the body with life-giving moisture, the use of raw water is required. Use melt water or purifying filters to maximize the cleanliness of raw water before drinking and preserve its beneficial properties.

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Traditional medicine recipes are most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

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Hello Oleg!

Please tell me how it will be for health if you constantly drink boiled water? .. We live outside the city, water from a spring, they usually drink it like that here, they say it’s good, but we boil it just in case, and then we drink the cooled boiled water. Isn't it harmful? How does this affect human health?

Boiling- the process of bringing water to its boiling point in order to purify water and disinfect it.

When water is boiled, chlorine and chlorine-containing compounds are destroyed, colloidal particles of impurities and salt precipitate, scale forms, water softens, the content of volatile components decreases, pathogenic microbes, dangerous bacteria, viruses and pathogens are destroyed.

Therefore, boiling really helps to purify water, but this process has a number of side effects:

1 - when boiling, the structure of water is destroyed, i.e. she becomes dead. Therefore, the more we boil water, the more it becomes useless, dead water for the body.

2 - since water evaporates during boiling, the concentration of salts in it increases. They are deposited on the walls of the kettle in the form of scale and lime and enter the human body during subsequent consumption. Salts tend to accumulate in the body, which leads to a variety of diseases, ranging from joint diseases, the formation of kidney stones and ending with arteriosclerosis, heart attack, etc.

3 - Some bacteria and viruses can easily tolerate boiling water, as they require a much longer boiling time to kill them. So, to destroy some bacterial spores, boil water for at least 10 minutes. So, the causative agent of viral hepatitis dies at a higher boiling temperature, prions - the causative agents of "mad cow disease" - do not die even when boiled for a long time.

4 - when boiling water, chlorine is not completely removed, but interacts with other organic compounds in the water, forming trihalomethanes that are dangerous for the body - more harmful and dangerous than the original chlorine.

5 - together with chlorine, oxygen also evaporates during boiling.

6 - it is impossible to remove iron salts, cadmium, mercury, nitrates by boiling.

According to scientific researchers, the constant use of boiled tap water can lead to a decrease in immunity. After a few hours after boiling, somewhere in the boiled water, bacterial microflora begins to actively multiply and the water becomes bacteriologically dangerous due to microorganisms that have fallen from the air.

Therefore, tap water must be purified before drinking. The most reliable way is filtration through activated carbon or ceramic filters. Better yet, do melt water. After thawing, it changes its structure and is completely renewed. Then the water becomes environmentally cleaner, and you can drink it even raw.

But the water from the spring can be boiled, because it does not contain chlorine, which is added to the water at water treatment plants. Therefore, the health risk in this case is minimal. But when using boiled spring water, you must be aware that its original natural structure is broken.

Big environmental problems, which are clearly manifested especially in the last few decades, are forcing humanity to reconsider the methods of drinking water. As you know, water is one of the most important products for the human body. The general condition and efficiency of the functioning of all internal organs depends on the quality of the liquid. In order to avoid all kinds of ailments, it is important to use water that will bring only benefits and health.

Answering the question of why you should not drink unboiled water, it is important to note that there is also no great joy in numerous heat treatments. When treating water, it is necessary to observe a measure and some precautions that will allow you to use a really healthy liquid.

Gone are the days when a person could safely drink water from a river or reservoir. Modern plumbing systems are not clean and fill the liquid with a huge amount of harmful substances. Medical experts talk about the presence in the water of elements such as petroleum products, pesticides, nitrates, heavy metals and all kinds of bacteria that can cause very serious diseases.

Of course, such a liquid requires heat treatment or thorough filtration, during which it is largely purified. Drinking water directly from the tap is not recommended, but the boiled state has its own characteristics, which it is extremely important to be aware of. Such information is important for every person, but in families with small children, this knowledge becomes simply the basis of a healthy diet for the baby.

Heat treatment processes lead to serious changes in the structure of the liquid Therefore, such actions must be approached with caution.

Recent medical research has shown that excessive heat treatment turns the liquid into "dead". Is heat treatment important then?

Repeated boiling leads to the following:

  1. Heat treatment makes the water "soft". The more often heat treatment is performed, the higher this indicator, which causes irreparable harm to the digestive organs.
  2. Boiling leads to the absence of oxygen in the liquid.
  3. The taste changes, becoming "metallic", which indicates the accumulation of salts and heavy metals. Such a liquid is very harmful to the human body and can even provoke such serious ailments as cancer.

Many users are confident that the boiling process is capable of destroy bacteria and all kinds of chemical components that are present in the water. Is it worth it to boil several times? The liquid should not be boiled diligently several times, and for the following reasons:

  • phenol, heavy metals and pesticides are not destroyed by boiling;
  • during heat treatment, chlorine is decomposed, which settles on the walls of the kettle or precipitates. When filling in a new liquid, this scale mixes with the liquid and enters the body;
  • to destroy bacteria and viruses, it is necessary to carry out a rather long heat treatment. For example, to get rid of the hepatitis A virus, you need to boil for at least twenty minutes. However, in electric kettles there is a thermostat, and long boiling cannot be carried out.

In addition, it is important to remember that boiled liquid should not be mixed with raw and heat treated again. This process leads to the massive release of deuterium, which is extremely harmful to the human body and can cause blood diseases.

Of course, heat treatment is not only possible, but also extremely necessary. At the same time, it is important to remember that bringing to a boil will not be able to completely purify the liquid, but it can make it suitable for consumption. In addition, if the product is brought to a boil once, it acquires the following advantages:

  1. The liquid becomes softer, which significantly improves digestion. It removes toxins from the body and has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  2. Warm boiled product has a unique property to break down lipids and improve blood circulation.
  3. A boiled product can be given for weight loss or consumed with all kinds of diets. This liquid helps the body quickly digest food.

It is important to note that it is the heat-treated liquid that is taken into service by nutritionists and is recommended for weight loss. The benefit of such a product is that a one-time heat treatment does not destroy those quality characteristics and properties that are inherent in nature itself. The liquid, after its one-time heat treatment, enters the body and contributes to calcium saturation, which is able to burn excess fats. That is why, when losing weight, it is recommended to drink more.

Particular attention should be paid to the liquid consumed by pregnant women. Water plays a huge role in the healthy development of the fetus. In this case, a woman should remember the following important points:

  • the product promotes effective blood flow to the fetus. Boiling is necessary only once;
  • it is important to completely exclude the use of a raw product that is saturated with salts and heavy components. This fact can have an extremely negative impact on the health of the fetus;
  • proper use contributes to the formation of a sufficient amount of amniotic fluid;
  • high-quality liquid favorably affects the elasticity of tissues.

What is the best water to drink?

Realizing the fact that raw liquid is harmful, as well as excessively boiled, the question involuntarily arises of what kind of product you need to drink. The benefits are undeniable, but only if the liquid is what is called “alive”, having those microelements that are useful for the human body. Is it worth boiling or is it better to do with a little filtration?

To decide what is best to use, it is important to understand the following:

  1. Very helpful bottled water, which goes through numerous filtration and settling processes. Such a liquid has the minimum amount of harmful components.
  2. Can be consumed oxygenated water. Such a liquid is artificially saturated with oxygen and is extremely useful in diseases of the digestive organs. In addition, such water has a beneficial effect on the skin, carrying out the effect of rejuvenation.
  3. To really spend effective thermal treatment of the liquid, it is important to boil for at least ten minutes. It is under such conditions that the liquid is purified from viruses and bacteria.
  4. Any liquid, even once boiled, you can defend, but not more than a day. In addition, after this, a small repeated filtering process can be carried out.

A person cannot do without water, but modern technological processes have led to the fact that water must be treated with high quality. Such moments are becoming more and more important and significant, because human health depends only on them.



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