Large bump on dog's chest. Treatment of mammary tumors in dogs

Cancer is a terrible diagnosis not only for people, but also for our pets. And, unfortunately, cancer in dogs is not something exceptional and rare. According to veterinarians, about 30% of males and about 50% of females over the age of 10 suffer from this fatal disease. Can you beat oncology? What should an owner do to help a four-legged family member?

Human cancer is practically no different from animal cancer - it is a non-contagious cellular mutation that occurs at the DNA level. In recent years, many researchers have confirmed the "single cell theory". According to this theory, terrible changes suddenly occur in a single cell and it “forgets” its functions. Over time, by dividing, mutated cells become more and more, they form into groups - tumors, and into daughter formations - metastases. For example, breast cancer in dogs often leads to the formation of metastases in bone or lung tissue, in the liver or kidneys.

Gradually, the tumor grows, replacing and displacing healthy cells of the organ. Since cancer cells "do not remember" their functions, the organ stops working properly. In addition, the tumor physically compresses adjacent tissues, which leads to even greater inhibition of performance. When the neoplasm begins to decompose, bleeding, ulceration and other signs of tissue decay are revealed.

Often, owners are interested in whether dogs have cancer of a particular organ. Unfortunately, animals suffer from all kinds of cancers that humans are prone to. Mostly old animals suffer from cancer, but sometimes young individuals aged 1-3 years old, more often females, suffer from cancer. There is no universal remedy, because cancer is a common name for various types of mutations, i.e. several different diseases. Folk remedies can support a dog, but only a veterinarian should treat!

Contrary to popular belief, most cancers can be beaten once and for all. But provided that the disease is detected at an early stage, and the veterinarian is an oncologist, and not an ordinary therapist.

It is impossible to say unequivocally how long dogs with cancer live - it depends on many individual factors. If cancer cells are not too active, and the disease is detected at an early stage, a complete cure or a full life for many years is possible. Much depends on the location of the tumor - a diseased kidney can be removed, but an operation on the brain of the story is not always possible. Therefore, the veterinarian will answer this question only after a thorough examination and monitoring of the dynamics of the disease.

Types and symptoms of cancer

Oncological diseases are very insidious and develop imperceptibly, without any signs of malaise in the early stages. At the same time, cancer in 90% of cases is curable precisely at stage I or 0, and if the dog has stage II or III cancer, the chances of recovery drop to 50%. Therefore, prevention and regular annual visits to the clinic - examination, and urine for biochemistry are extremely important.

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The lion's share of malignant tumors occurs in non-sterile bitches due to constant hormonal changes during periods of estrus, childbirth, feeding and pregnancy. Many bitch owners ask veterinarians if dogs get cancer if the girl has never given birth or, on the contrary, gives birth from estrus to estrus. Unfortunately, this is not of particular importance - both those who have not given birth, and those who have given birth once, and those giving birth through estrus or every estrus, are sick. Therefore, veterinarians recommend spaying all non-breeding females: removal of the uterus and ovaries is 100% protection against cancer of these organs and 90% protection against breast cancer. In addition, all females are sterilized at the age of 7-8 years (at the end of breeding work).

1. Breast cancer in dogs can be detected at an early stage by palpation (incomprehensible lumps, seals, bumps in the nipples). The owner should feel the bitch's nipples regularly, gently and without pressure, or visit the clinic regularly for medical check-ups. In the later stages of the tumor, they are clearly visible - the nipples increase, change shape and color, bulging bumps appear (if the tumor opens, a bleeding ulcer will remain in its place).

2. Uterine cancer in dogs is more difficult to detect. As a rule, the only external manifestations are constant spotting, characteristic of many other diseases (pyometra, endometritis, genital infections). An indirect sign is miscarriages, non-viable offspring, empty matings. Hormonal drugs contribute to the disease (everything that shifts in time or stops estrus, any contraception like a sex barrier, etc.). Many of these drugs lead to the formation of a tumor after a single use!

Obvious signs of cancer in dogs appear only in the later stages. In addition to direct symptoms that depend on the location of the tumor, a general deterioration in the condition is noticeable - sudden whining (pain), gastrointestinal disorders, weakness and apathy, unwillingness to make contact or obsession, drowsiness, loss of interest in what used to cause delight (goodies, games).

3. Large and giant dogs are often diagnosed with bone cancer. Symptoms also appear in the later stages, so owners of at-risk breeds (all heavy large dogs) should immediately contact the veterinarian if they notice slight lameness, change in gait, caution in movements, some fatigue and / or unwillingness to follow commands related to running, jumping.

4. Skin cancer in dogs accounts for about 15% of all cancer diagnoses. Unfortunately, because of the coat, it is difficult to notice the tumor, so you need to carefully examine the pet while bathing and combing. The neoplasm looks like a mole, a pigment spot or a non-passing seal, covered with a crust. The color varies from pink to almost black. In any case, if something incomprehensible appears on the skin of your pet, contact your veterinarian.

Often owners think that squamous cell carcinoma in dogs only occurs on the skin. In fact, this type of cancer affects the cells of the squamous epithelium and mucous membranes, and they are on the internal organs and in the mouth.

5. Cancer of the stomach and intestines is manifested by symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract: alternating constipation and diarrhea, changes in appetite, vomiting, blood in the stool (black - stomach, scarlet - intestines). Noticeable weight loss, some weakness and drowsiness, anemia develops. Often in dogs, even with well-groomed teeth, there is an unpleasant obsessive smell from the mouth.

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6. Liver cancer in dogs often results in jaundice (yellowing of the mucous membranes) due to bile entering the bloodstream. In the early stages, appetite worsens somewhat and activity decreases, a change in stool (color, smell, consistency) is possible. The dog gradually loses weight, weakens, loses interest in life. Without treatment, cachexia quickly sets in - almost complete refusal of food, rapid exhaustion, complete apathy, constant diarrhea and vomiting.

7. Lung cancer begins with a dry cough, hysterical, debilitating. The dog suddenly coughs and breathes heavily, without experiencing physical exertion. Over time, the cough becomes wet, with pus and/or blood interspersed in the sputum.

8. Spleen cancer in dogs, like in humans, is relatively rare. There are no specific symptoms, signs of malaise are common - weakness, poor appetite, exhaustion, cachexia, apathy. Ascites is an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum.

9. Kidney cancer also does not manifest itself in any way until the later stages. Of the noticeable signs - blood in the urine, colic (strange gait, whining, constrained movements). The dog gradually weakens, moves less, eats poorly, swelling of the limbs may appear.

Diagnostic methods

There is an opinion that dogs smell cancer by a specific smell - many oncological institutes have successfully conducted studies confirming this theory. Unfortunately, even if a dog's nose is able to smell cancer in a person, the pet is unlikely to detect the disease in itself, and it is even more doubtful that he will be able to somehow inform the owner about this. Therefore, it is important to undergo a preventive examination once a year and take urine and blood tests for biochemistry - a certain shift in indicators will allow the veterinarian to suspect something was wrong at the very beginning of the development of the disease. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, it will be necessary to donate blood and urine again to detect "onco-markers", in the presence of which cancer is highly likely to be suspected.

Since the only way to diagnose cancer in a dog is by conducting a targeted study, various "search" methods are used to confirm the diagnosis. The choice of method depends on what type of cancer and location the veterinarian suspects. In particular, this is X-ray, ultrasound, fluorography, mammography, gastroscopy, MRI or CT, consultation of a highly specialized specialist is required. If a tumor is found, the doctor will take a puncture - a piece of tissue for cell analysis (to determine whether it is cancer or a benign formation).

Canine mammary tumors are common.. They make up more than half of all tumors that occur in dogs. They usually appear in dogs older than 6 years.

One of the causes of breast tumors are long-term hormonal disorders in the body. Most often, these violations occur during false pregnancy. The lack of mating in dogs and the lack of natural feeding of puppies can also be the cause of the development of mammary tumors. The development of tumors of the mammary glands precedes the irregular onset of estrus, as well as metabolic disorders. Long-term use of hormonal drugs can cause the development of breast tumors.

Breast tumors in dogs are most often benign and rarely malignant.. It depends on the body's defenses, on its general condition, on nutrition and conditions of detention. Breast tumors in dogs are easy to detect. They are located subcutaneously and are easily palpable. First, a small elastic nodule is felt. There may be several such knots. This pathological precancerous condition can be considered as mastopathy. In the future, these nodules can grow and turn into a tumor. Such a dog should be regularly observed by a veterinarian. Tumors can be of various sizes and various shapes. For a long time, the tumor may not increase in size and not change its shape. But, as a rule, after each period of false pregnancy, the tumor increases and becomes dense. The previously smooth surface of the tumor becomes bumpy. This is the first stage of tumor development. The growth of the tumor determines the stages of its development and is of great importance for the surgical operation.

In the future, if the tumor has increased and the lymph nodes near it have slightly increased, this means that the process of tumor development has passed into stage II. These tumors are usually painless and devoid of inflammatory signs.

Further growth of the tumor is even faster, the tumor grows into the surrounding tissues, becomes immobile, and often reaches large sizes. On the skin of such a tumor there is no hairline, the skin is strongly stretched. The swelling becomes red and hot to the touch. Ulcers appear on the tumor, a liquid with a specific sweetish odor oozes out of them. This is the III stage of tumor development, in which it metastasizes. This is a natural stage in the development of a tumor disease if the primary tumor has not been surgically removed.

Then the IV stage of tumor development in the body begins. Tumor cells spread through the blood vessels and lymphatic system and destroy vital organs. This period is called "tumor metastasis". During this period, digestion and respiration may be disturbed. Metastases can cause anemia and, finally, general poisoning of the body with tumor decay products. All this disrupts the metabolism in the body and can lead to significant exhaustion. The spread of tumor cells throughout the body is a sign of its malignancy.

In this process, it must be taken into account that dogs have five pairs of mammary glands, which have different directions of lymphatic drainage. From the 1st, 2nd, 3rd pairs, lymph enters the axillary lymph nodes, where metastases should be looked for. From the 4th and 5th pairs of mammary glands, lymph enters the inguinal lymph nodes, in which the first metastases appear. Metastases in the lymph nodes are found on the side where the tumor is located.

Not every stage of tumor development on the mammary gland passes into the next. The development process can be interrupted at any stage. There is always more milk in the 4th and 5th pairs of mammary glands than in other pairs. In this regard, tumors in these glands occur 8-10 times more often than in the first pair, where there is a small amount of milk.

The main treatment for mammary tumors in dogs is surgical removal.. It is desirable to perform the operation in stages I and II of tumor development in order to avoid the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one and to prevent its spread to the surrounding tissues, as long as it is clearly limited from them. Removal of tumors in the 1st and 2nd stages goes well, and the dog then lives 3-5 years or more. If the tumor began to grow, that is, it moved to the IV stage of development, then the outcome and prognosis are not always favorable. After removal of such tumors, new ones may soon appear.

To perform an operation to remove a tumor, in addition to the condition of the tumor, it is necessary to take into account the age of the dog and its state of health. First of all, the state of her cardiovascular system, which is very important when using anesthesia. The condition of the lungs, liver, kidneys also affect the operation and the further outcome after it.

In some cases, the treatment of malignant tumors of the breast is carried out with hormonal drugs. For example, sinestrol: 1.0 ml intramuscularly, once a day for 30 days. During the goal with an interval of 2-3 months, you can spend 2 more courses of injections for 10-20 days.

Prevention of the development of malignant tumors is aimed primarily at preventing their development. It is necessary to avoid long-term use of hormonal drugs during treatment, try to replace them with others. Foods with carcinogens should be avoided. For example: out of sporting interest, amateur anglers fish in the reservoirs of large industrial cities (in this case, in Moscow). It is a pity to throw away the caught fish, but you don’t want to eat it - it smells of gasoline. So they feed it to their "helper friends".

The main prevention of a malignant tumor of the mammary glands is a timely appeal to a veterinarian in case of detection of any changes in the mammary gland.

After removal of the tumor, the final stage of diagnosis is histological examination. This is of great importance for the further choice of treatment. Surgical removal of the tumor can be combined with chemotherapy. The use of radiation therapy in veterinary practice is limited due to the lack of necessary equipment, difficulties in the technique of using them, the lack of premises adapted for such installations, etc.

Modern veterinary medicine has achieved quite tangible success in the treatment of infectious diseases, giving our pets a healthy and happy life. However, even today there are diseases that the most qualified doctors and expensive medications cannot cope with. This, of course, is about malignant neoplasms, which, according to statistics, affect every second female dog.

Breast tumors (MT) are called the curse of old dogs for a reason. Veterinarians say that this diagnosis is most likely after your beloved pet has passed the 8-10 year mark. It is at this age that hormonal processes go astray, and the vitality of the body drops markedly, allowing the tumor to progress quite quickly.

What can be the impetus?

There are several causes of tumors:

  • First of all, these are pathological hormonal processes, the signs of which can be regular, repeating after each estrus.
  • The second reason is the lack of regular childbirth in animals whose reproductive system is running. This point should be paid special attention to lovers of the so-called "", who claim that one single birth in life will significantly strengthen and improve the dog.
  • Another sign of hormonal failure, which should alert the owner, is irregular estrus in the pet. If such inconsistencies are observed frequently, this is an alarming bell for an attentive and thoughtful owner.
  • Metabolic disorders, common in adulthood, can also cause the degeneration of breast tissue.
  • A separate item should be taken out the pathology of the thyroid gland - alas, modern urban ecology often causes such changes, which, in turn, also provoke tumors.
  • Fans of using hormones to treat pets should be careful. According to doctors, such drugs are unsafe and trigger the growth of atypical cells in the body.

How to detect

Fortunately, it is not difficult to notice a seal in the mammary gland. At the initial stage, they are limited nodules, which can subsequently increase in size. In order to understand how aggressive and dangerous a neoplasm is, a number of factors should be taken into account and evaluated: growth rate, lymph node damage, and the presence of soft tissue ulceration. When assessing, it is best to rely on the opinion of a specialist, therefore, at the first detection of seals in a dog, it is recommended to see a veterinarian.

If the seal has already appeared, an attentive owner may notice that estrus and especially false pregnancies of the bitch provoke the growth of the tumor. With such a diagnosis, it is strongly not recommended to breed a dog - hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy and subsequent lactation can not only provoke an increase in the nodule in size, but also cause tumor degeneration.

According to the medical classification, tumors are divided into 2 types: malignant and benign. In the first case, the growth of compaction occurs quite intensively, and atypical cells spread throughout the body along with the blood and lymph flow. This is how metastases arise, germinating in the lungs and other internal organs.

If the tumor is benign, the spread of the pathogen to other organs is not observed.

However, the good quality of the tumor does not yet give a 100% guarantee of a successful and quick recovery. Alas, such neoplasms can easily be reborn under the influence of external factors or internal changes in the body.

How to treat

It should be said right away that the only effective method of treating AMF is surgery. Any application of cabbage leaves to the hearth, various energy compresses and cleansing of the chakras are good as a method of mental calming of the host, but they have no effect on the development of the tumor.

The first thing to do when you find a seal is to contact a veterinary clinic. It is better if the dog is examined by a veterinary oncologist (there are more and more specialists of this profile in large cities today). But even if you were not lucky enough to live in Moscow or St. Petersburg, an experienced veterinarian of any district clinic will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment - alas, there are more and more such cases today, which means that doctors have considerable experience in therapy.

First of all, you should find out what the nature of the tumor is and how likely it is to spread metastases throughout the body. The first question is best answered by cytological analysis. Within its framework, material is taken and the cells of the formation are examined under a microscope. Despite the fact that cytology is by far the most informative way to understand the nature of the tumor, it must be treated with caution. The procedure can provoke the growth of compaction and the formation of other nodules.

In order to find out how widely the cancer cells have spread throughout the body, the doctor will recommend an x-ray. Breast tumors most often metastasize to the lungs, so the first thing the doctor will do is to illuminate this organ with X-rays.

If metastases are not found, and the tumor is benign, the owner can take a breath and tune in to further treatment. The best method of therapy, as mentioned above, is surgery, however, here you should be aware of some contraindications:

  • First of all, the operation should be treated with caution if you are the owner or the animal that is observed.
  • If, in addition to the main nodule, multiple smaller neoplasms are palpable in the milk ridge, the operation should also be delayed. Surgical intervention and removal of the largest seal can provoke the growth of other nodules.

If the decision to operate is nevertheless made, the dog should be carefully prepared for the intervention. In addition to x-rays and cytology, you will be advised to do a survey ultrasound of the internal organs and separately the heart, as well as donate blood (general analysis and biochemistry).

Together with the milk bag in which the tumor was found, the nearest lymph nodes, as well as the uterus and ovaries, are traditionally removed. Sterilization will reduce hormonal surges and reduce the risk of new seals.

After surgery, a doctor may recommend that pet owners undergo radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Radiotherapy limits the possibility of subsequent relapses of the disease, and the procedure, carried out with the help of chemicals, is applied immediately after the operation and blocks the occurrence and development of metastases.

Treating tumors in dogs with hormones widely used to treat cancer in humans is not very effective and can sometimes even be dangerous (for example, the drug tamoxifen is unusually toxic to animals).

After the operation, your four-legged friend is waiting for a long time, and you will need maximum care and attention to your pet.


The best way to prevent such tumors known today is early. Moreover, among veterinarians there is a strong belief that sterilization before the first estrus reduces the risk of disease by 15%, and before the second estrus - by 25%. If the removal of the ovaries and uterus occurs later, this does not affect the likelihood of the disease.

Another important preventive measure that owners should not forget is regular palpation of the animal's mammary glands. Finding a tumor at an early stage can greatly facilitate the process of subsequent treatment and increase the chances of a full recovery.

The third important tip is regular preventive examinations at the veterinarian, including ultrasound examination and clinical blood and urine tests.

Having found a treacherous nodule in the tissues of the mammary gland in your four-legged friend, do not despair. Timely treatment and further attention to the health of the pet will help you not only prolong his life for many years, but also make his existence bright, rich and full.

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Canine breast cancer (BC) is a fairly common oncological disease diagnosed in veterinary practice, occurring in bitches of various breeds and age groups. At the same time, a tumor of the mammary glands also occurs in uncastrated older males. The disease can have a benign, malignant course. It is characterized by rapid uncontrolled, uncontrolled growth of cancerous (atypical) cellular structures that displace and replace normal cells. In most cases, this type of oncology is noted in older animals, after six to eight years.

The mechanisms of formation, at the moment in veterinary medicine, are not so thoroughly studied. Animal body. like a person, it is a rather complex interconnected system. If a failure occurs for one reason or another, natural biological processes are disrupted, which can give impetus to the growth of cancer cells.

The growth of tumor tissues is facilitated by the progressive division of cellular structures mutating at the DNA level. At the same time, the process of division of cancer cells, which become invulnerable to the body's defenses, killer cells, can continue for a long period of time.

Eg, benign tumor in the mammary gland of a dog without any manifestations, it can develop asymptomatically for years. It is characterized by a lighter flow. Benign neoplasms have a clear localization, do not affect healthy tissues, other internal organs, do not metastasize.

At malignant course note the rapid growth of a tumor in the mammary gland, which can affect nearby healthy tissues, other internal organs.

Important! The growth rate of pathological neoplasms is individual and largely depends on the physiological, individual characteristics of the organism.

A mammary tumor in a dog (MT) can develop under the influence of adverse endo- and exogenous factors of a different nature, among which are:

  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • chronic inflammation in the mammary gland (mastitis, mastopathy);
  • pathologies in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • radioactive, radiation;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • frequent false pregnancy;
  • difficult pregnancy, frequent difficult childbirth;
  • genetic anomalies, hereditary predisposition;
  • severe trauma, damage to the mammary gland.

AMF is a hormone-dependent cancerous neoplasm, therefore, it most often develops due to hormonal imbalance in the body. Lack of planned matings, frequent false puppies, early weaning of puppies from their mother-dog can also provoke the development of a tumor.

Mammary tumors are noted in bitches of various age groups and breeds. Moreover, if the female was spayed or neutered before the first estrus, the risk of developing oncology remains, but is approximately 0.5-0.7% compared to non-sterilized females. If the dog was spayed between the first and second cycle, the chance of developing cancer is no more than 8-13%. If the ovaries, uterus were removed after the second or third cycle, the risk of developing breast cancer increases dramatically.

Breast cancer often develops against the background of hyperplasia, polycystic ovaries, fibrocystic mastopathy, purulent serous mastitis.

Long-term use of certain hormonal, steroid drugs, drugs that are used to terminate pregnancy, reduce sexual activity, stop lactation, unbalanced, poor-quality feeding, especially pregnant, lactating dogs, can provoke breast cancer in animals.

The risk group includes older females, animals with endocrine disorders (obesity,), a genetic predisposition. as well as representatives of miniature dwarf ornamental breeds.

We also note that breast cancer is most often noted in Pekingese, dachshunds, pugs, cocker spaniels, setters, poodles, Yorkshire terriers, boxers, springers, German shepherds, lapdogs.

Types of AMF in dogs

In veterinary practice, several types of breast tumors are diagnosed. As already noted, the nature of neoplasms can be malignant and benign, multiple and single.

Usually, benign neoplasms in histological terms, they consist of various types of cellular structures, namely, glandular or connective tissue cells. It should be noted that if treatment is not started on time, some atypical cells are subject to malignant transformation.

Benign tumors in dogs include simple, complex adenomas, fibroadenomas, and mammary duct papillomas.

Malignant formations are formed from the glandular cellular structures of the tissues of the organ. The tumor develops rapidly, is able to infiltrate, grow into neighboring tissues, forming secondary tumor foci (metastases) there. Often, cancerous formations bleed, provoke ulcerative lesions of tissues, and cause destructive and degenerative processes in the tissues of internal organs.

Malignant tumors:

  • solid carcinomas;
  • papillary, papillary cystic adenocarcinomas;
  • inflammatory carcinoma;
  • anaplastic carcinomas;
  • osteosarcomas;
  • anaplastic cancer;
  • tubular adenocarcinomas;
  • fibrosarcomas;
  • mixed cancers.

Metastasis occurs by the lymphohematogenous route.. Lesions can be diagnosed in muscle structures, liver, lungs, kidneys, intestines, spleen, pancreas. Some clinical forms of AOM in dogs disseminate through the lymphatic vessels of the skin, which leads to the appearance of multiple subcutaneous metastases.

The malignant form of RCM, especially when the cancer progresses to the third stage, requires long-term treatment, but even after treatment it gives metastases, and most often causes the death of a pet. Stage 4 breast cancer is incurable. As a rule, veterinarians recommend euthanizing a sick animal, since today there are no effective methods that will help cure a dog.

Forms of breast cancer in animals

According to the form of growth of cancerous formations in dogs, there is a nodular and diffuse (diffuse) form of cancer.

Diffuse conditionally can be divided into the following forms:

  • infiltrative-edematous (inflammatory);
  • diffusely widespread (mastitis);
  • armored.

In the diffuse form of cancer (mastitis, inflammatory) in the mammary gland, the appearance of seals of various diameters, which do not have clear boundaries, is noted. On palpation of neoplasms, the dog experiences discomfort, sharp pain. The skin of the affected mammary gland is thickened, hyperemic, hot to the touch. This form proceeds acutely, aggressively, is characterized by a diffuse lesion of the entire gland, rapid progression, and the spread of the tumor process in the organ. The prognosis is unfavorable in most cases.

The armored form is quite rare in dogs. It is manifested by severe hyperemia, thickening of the skin of the gland, which in appearance resembles erysipelas, an increase in the general temperature, and an increase in inguinal lymph nodes.

In the nodular form of pathology of the OMZH in a dog, single or multiple small-sized mobile nodular formations of various consistency are noted. May have a bumpy, uneven, ulcerated surface. As a rule, the nodular form of breast cancer occurs in representatives of small, miniature breeds.

Symptoms, manifestations of breast cancer in dogs

Breast cancer in animals has four stages of development, each of which is manifested by certain symptoms and on which the prognosis of cancer, the life expectancy of animals depends.

It should be noted that clinical signs increase gradually. Their severity, intensity of manifestation depends on the type, nature, localization of the tumor, as well as on the state of the protective organism.

Dogs have five to six pairs of mammary glands arranged in two rows. The cancer process can affect any gland, but cancer most often affects the posterior glands, which actively produce milk.

AMF most often has the form of a single or multiple nodular seals with clear boundaries, so a detailed examination of the mammary glands can reveal the disease on its own.

Important! The growth of cancerous formations is often accompanied by their fixation to the walls of the sternum or abdominal cavity. On the skin, you can notice ulcerations, redness due to the destruction of part of the tumor tissue. In case of violation of the lymph flow, the presence of metastases in the regional lymph nodes, the limbs swell in dogs.

At the same time, it is worth noting that initial stage cancer in the development of a benign or malignant cancer process is asymptomatic. The dog is active, feels good, there are no changes in behavior, appetite is normal. On palpation of the mammary glands, the first stage is characterized by the presence of small hard lumps, nodules under the skin.

On second stage there is an increase in the size of the tumor (3-5 cm). The condition of the animal is gradually deteriorating.

On third stage the size of the tumor increases to 6-8 cm. The animal becomes inactive, looks depressed, apathetic. The pet may refuse to eat, does not follow commands, and reacts sluggishly to external stimuli.

With the transition of the disease to the last, fourth stage, a cancerous neoplasm is significantly increased in size, has no clear boundaries. The inguinal, axillary lymph nodes are often involved in the pathological process. Malignant tumors in the last stages have a specific smell, they can open spontaneously.

Dog owners should be alert for the following symptoms:

  • lethargy, drowsiness, depressed apathetic state;
  • loss of appetite, refusal of food, water;
  • anemic mucous;
  • violation of the heart rhythm, breathing;
  • an increase in regional lymph nodes;
  • soreness on palpation of milk packages;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • purulent, bloody discharge from the nipples;
  • the presence of tubercles, limited lumps, irregular growths under the skin, which change over time;
  • retraction of the nipples;
  • thickening, redness of the skin of the glands;
  • increase in local, general temperature.

If pathological formations, seals are painless, mobile, can move freely within the tissue, in most cases this indicates benign disease course.

If pathological formations are located in the deep structures of the dermis, are well fixed, rapidly increase in size, one can suspect malignant breast cancer.

An increase, soreness of regional lymph nodes may signal the presence of metastases. Lameness indicates that the tumor process has affected muscle and bone structures.

Having noticed the first manifestations of oncological disease, if breast cancer is suspected, you should not delay a visit to the veterinary clinic. Visually determine the type of tumor is not possible. An accurate diagnosis can be made by a qualified specialist and only through a comprehensive diagnosis. Remember, every day of delay can cost your dog's life!


To establish the nature of the tumor in the mammary gland, a puncture is taken with a special needle, samples of the tumor mass for cytohistological studies. When making a diagnosis, the anamnesis data, the results of ultrasound of the peritoneum, internal organs, radiography of the sternum, mammography, CT, MRI are taken into account. The veterinarian conducts a detailed comprehensive examination, palpation of the mammary gland.

Ultrasonography, radiological techniques, radiography of the peritoneal cavity, sternum allows you to determine the presence of metastases in the internal organs (in the lungs, lymph nodes).

For serological, biochemical studies, blood is taken, urine for analysis. Although the results of these studies cannot identify the development of cancer, they are useful in identifying comorbidities, establishing the root cause.

The most reliable diagnostic method is excisional biopsy. It is carried out after complete surgical removal of the tumor. Samples, biomaterial are sent for microscopic, laboratory studies.

Intraoperative biopsy is also used in the diagnosis. To clarify the diagnosis, histo- microscopy takes only part of the tumor.

Treatment of RCM in dogs

The prognosis of cancer patients depends on the stage of cancer, the degree of damage, the localization of the pathological process, the type and nature of neoplasms. In order to prescribe adequate effective treatment, it is very important to determine the tumor nature (size, boundaries of neoplasms), to establish the possible root cause of a fatal disease.

It is quite difficult to detect breast cancer in a dog in the early stages due to asymptomatic treatment, but even if the disease is malignant, characteristic symptoms appear, cancer of the first or second stage is treatable thanks to modern methods. Therefore, dog owners should systematically examine the mammary glands of their pet, take animals for a routine examination to the veterinary clinic.

The choice of treatment methods depends on the form, stage of the cancer process, localization of neoplasms.

Breast cancer treatment includes:

  • surgical intervention;
  • hormone therapy;
  • radiotherapy, chemotherapy.

With RCM, the only effective treatment is surgery, the purpose of which is to completely remove cancerous growths. Regardless of the form, type, nature of cancer, cancerous growths are removed with wide surgical margins. This means that about two centimeters of healthy tissue will be removed around the entire perimeter of the formation, which in turn reduces the risk of recurrence.

Types of surgical intervention for RCM of the first, second degree in animals:

  • unilateral radical mastectomy (complete removal of tumor-affected mammary glands, regional lymph nodes);
  • lumpectomy, nodectomy - removal of the cancerous mass with fragments of healthy tissue;
  • surgery to remove most of the affected breast.

Some veterinarians practice simultaneous ovariectomy (removal of the ovaries) and mastectomy, but the effectiveness of this method has not yet been clearly established.

Radiation, chemotherapy, hormones, treatment with folk remedies are used as additional methods to the main therapy, as well as the postoperative period.

Treatment without surgery for breast cancer, drug therapy rarely gives positive results even in the initial stages. Unfortunately, there are no "miracle drugs" that can cure cancer in our smaller brothers. Radiation, chemotherapy, hormones, alternative medicine prevent the rapid growth of cancer cells, alleviate the condition of sick animals, improve their quality of life.

Oncological diseases are now entering the leading positions not only among people, but also among dogs. The average age at which mammary gland tumors are diagnosed in dogs is 10 years, but many cases are known when very young animals over the age of one year are also sick.

Moreover, breast cancer in dogs accounts for 50% of all cancers. This misfortune does not bypass males either, since one out of a hundred males runs the risk of getting this type of oncology.

What are breast tumors in dogs?

If a dog has a mammary gland tumor (MMF), then there is no need to immediately panic, because veterinary statistics indicate that the nature of such a neoplasm can be benign and the probability of such a variant is 50%.

Benign tumors include:

  • simple and complex adenomas;
  • papillomas of the milk ducts;
  • fibroadenomas;
  • mixed tumors formed from connective and glandular tissue.

Malignant neoplasms are divided into:

  • fibro-, osteosarcomas;
  • carcinomas;
  • tubular cancer;
  • papillary adenocarcinoma;
  • anaplastic cancer.

Causes of AOM in dogs

Scientists cannot say with 100% certainty what causes breast cancer in dogs. It is assumed that due to the congestion of cities with industrial production and a large number of cars, the air is oversaturated with carcinogens, which is a provoking factor for the occurrence of breast cancer in dogs.

In addition, the causes of the disease can be:

In order not to miss the onset of the disease, it is necessary to examine the mammary glands of your pet at regular intervals. In the event of a disease inside the gland, one or more seals can be palpated.

If AMF was formed not very long ago, then it will be felt like a dense pea, in the case of a long-standing formation, the tumor can reach large sizes. But there are times when education increases dramatically several times during the month.

The fact that the neoplasm is benign may be indicated by its small size, smooth surface, very slow growth, mobility relative to the skin and other tissues.

Signs of malignancy are:

  • uneven, bumpy surface of the tumor;
  • fast growth;
  • adhesion to surrounding tissues;
  • possible redness and bleeding wounds over the neoplasm;
  • swelling of the extremities when cancer cells move to nearby lymph nodes;
  • a tumor without clear boundaries with redness and fever in a diffuse form of cancer;
  • purulent or bloody discharge from the nipples;
  • depression and lethargy of the animal.

The fourth and fifth pair of mammary glands in dogs are most often affected, with several seals occurring at once in 50% of cases.

Regular examination of the dog will help to capture the disease at an early stage, when the chance of recovery of the animal is very high.

Diagnosis of breast cancer

On the basis of a visual examination of the animal, it is impossible to determine the type of tumor and the stage of the disease, therefore, instrumental and clinical studies are carried out to obtain maximum information about the neoplasm.

The most reliable method of research is histological examination of the tumor. To do this, a biopsy is performed and several cells are taken from it, by which the benignity or malignancy of the formation is determined.

If the tumor is malignant, then it can metastasize - grow into the nearest lymph nodes and into the lungs of the dog. With cancer of the upper three pairs of nipples, the lymph nodes under the front paws of the animal increase, with the defeat of the fourth or fifth pair - under the hind legs.

New tumors can form here, and from them, cancer cells spread further throughout the body. Therefore, when examining a dog, a thorough palpation of the lymph nodes and a chest x-ray are performed.

To exclude metastases in the liver, kidneys, pancreas, ultrasound of the internal organs is performed, and when the dog is limping, an x-ray of the paws is taken to check the bones for the presence of cancer cells.

The diffuse form of cancer is similar in symptoms to mastopathy, so it is necessary to do a differential study to clarify the diagnosis.

In addition, the dog's blood is examined - a clinical and biochemical analysis is carried out, and a urine test is also done.

After the examination, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the stage of the disease - the further the cancer cells spread throughout the body, the more difficult the stage. But the final diagnosis is made only after a histological examination of the removed tumor and lymph nodes.

Management of breast cancer in dogs

If breast cancer is diagnosed in a dog, then the owner has questions: “What should I do? How to treat?"

Modern veterinary medicine has methods for the treatment of various malignant tumors. The result of such treatment depends on many factors: the type of tumor, the stage of the disease, the age of the animal, and general health.

The simplest situation is with benign tumors - the tumor is surgically removed under anesthesia, and after that both the owner and the animal forget about the problem.

If the neoplasm is malignant, then the surgical intervention is carried out in an expanded volume - a mastectomy or complete removal of the mammary gland is done. At the same time, nearby tissues and lymph nodes are also removed.

This is necessary so that cancer cells that have entered the lymph nodes do not spread further. This method gives the maximum therapeutic effect, especially for older dogs, for which drug therapy is of little help.

After surgery, it is important to provide competent postoperative care for the dog. If necessary, you need to make supportive droppers that will help the weakened body of the animal recover faster. The wound must be cared for with hydrogen peroxide and antibacterial ointments.

Be sure to use a special blanket that does not allow the animal to lick the seams. Nutrition after surgery should be therapeutic in order to avoid digestive problems in the dog.

However, not all animals can be operated on. Before surgery, additional studies are carried out to determine whether the dog will be able to endure anesthesia and the operation itself.

If stage 3-4 cancer is diagnosed, then several courses of chemotherapy are prescribed to help destroy cancer cells and prevent their further reproduction in other organs. Sometimes combined treatment is used: chemotherapy and surgery. This allows you to remove the tumor itself and destroy all cancer cells that have already spread outside of it.

In the case of a large number of metastases throughout the body of the dog, when the liver, kidneys, pancreas can be affected, the treatment will not bring results and then it is necessary to use palliative therapy that prolongs the life of the animal and relieves pain:

  • the use of painkillers;
  • conducting antibiotic therapy;
  • the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Many veterinarians advise to carry out along with a mastectomy and removal of the ovaries. Experts believe that this prevents the recurrence of the tumor and allows the dog to live for many more years. But this option also has opponents who believe that older dogs are more difficult to recover from surgery and additional intervention can kill them.

After the mastectomy, the dog needs to do a chest x-ray and abdominal ultrasound every two months to exclude the appearance of metastases, and if they are found, then urgently prescribe chemotherapy. If six months after the operation, the dog is doing well, then we can assume that she is in remission.

How long your dog will live depends on the degree of the disease, the effectiveness of the treatment, the age and general condition of the animal.

Cancer Prevention in Dogs

Scientific studies in veterinary medicine have shown a clear relationship between the likelihood of breast cancer and the age at which the dog was spayed.

If the sterilization was performed before the first estrus in a bitch, then the probability of getting cancer in her is negligible and amounts to 0.05%.

The increased risk of morbidity rises to 8% in case of spaying after the first estrus. Neutering after the second estrus increases the chance of cancer by up to 26%.

After the dog reaches 2 years of age, the age at which the animal was sterilized is no longer associated with the development of tumors in the mammary gland.

Therefore, if you are not planning to breed puppies, it is best to have your dog spayed at an early age to minimize the risk of breast cancer.

Animals that have been spayed late or have not undergone this procedure should have their mammary glands examined monthly. This is done especially carefully two or three months after estrus, since tumors tend to arise and grow during this period. The examination should be thorough, but very careful not to harm the dog.

Any change in your dog's mammary gland - hardening, inflammation, redness, etc. - should alert you. Tumors are more common in dogs aged 5-10 years, but it is not uncommon for a younger dog to have a problem. At the slightest suspicion, immediately contact your veterinarian, who will prescribe a set of studies and make a diagnosis.

Regular prevention, attention to the dog, timely diagnosis and timely treatment can defeat even such a complex disease as breast cancer in a dog. We wish health to your pets and will always come to their aid if they get sick!



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