What oil treats gastritis? Kissel made from flaxseeds. Olive oil for the treatment of gastritis

Sea buckthorn oil for gastritis it is often prescribed along with pharmaceutical drugs. Like anyone else natural remedy, this oil has contraindications and side effects. Before starting self-medication, you should consult your doctor. This simple measure will help minimize risks. The remedy received this positive reviews not only patients, but also doctors.

Beneficial features

Sea buckthorn is useful for gastritis due to the contents it contains. useful substances, vitamins, microelements. It starts regeneration processes, helping to restore damaged stomach walls. The berry itself contains the following vitamins: E, A, C, PP, group B, K. In addition, there are healthy fatty acids. People who regularly eat sea buckthorn do not suffer from vitamin deficiency.

Treatment of gastritis with sea buckthorn oil is a common practice, since this drug retains most of the beneficial properties.

The concentration of nutrients in the processed product is higher than in the berry itself.

This natural remedy is especially useful for erosive gastritis due to the healing effect it provides. It helps restore mucous membranes damaged by excess gastric juice. In addition, this product has an analgesic effect and has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and liver. It is also useful for people suffering from stool disorders, as it helps to optimize metabolic processes and also good for the stomach healthy person.

Sea buckthorn oil is useful not only when drinking. It is an excellent remedy for healing small wounds, because it has therapeutic effect. Positive influence It also appears on the skin of the face. The oil will help get rid of acne, blackheads and their marks. For external use, sea buckthorn oil is recommended even for children under 3 years of age.

You can purchase this useful natural remedy at the pharmacy or make it yourself. To do this, you need to pass the berries through a juicer and infuse the resulting juice until drops of oil appear on its surface. The resulting oil should be collected in a separate container and stored in the refrigerator.

Effect of acidity

Sea buckthorn oil should be taken with caution if you have gastritis. There are many factors to consider, one of which is acidity. Gastric juice contains large amounts of hydrochloric acid, therefore, the normal environment should be slightly acidic. With gastritis, acidity can be high or low. High is a consequence of excess gastric juice, which can cause peptic ulcer disease. Low levels can also be dangerous: they are one of the causes of stomach cancer. Sea buckthorn medicine helps against gastritis, regardless of acidity, but the specifics of use should be taken into account.

Sea buckthorn oil for gastritis with high acidity is effective means fight the disease. Treatment is carried out for a month. You should drink a teaspoon of oil in the morning and evening before meals. At high level acidity, you can consume sea buckthorn only in the form of oil, since the berry itself increases acidity and can negatively affect the course of the disease.

It is better to take this product with an alkaline solution. mineral water without gas.

Sea buckthorn oil is no less useful for gastritis with low acidity. In this case, the product should be taken three times a day, half an hour before meals. The dosage is the same as for high acidity. It is necessary to drink the oil with alkaline mineral water. Treatment lasts a month, and can be repeated no earlier than six months later.

Treatment of different forms of gastritis

Drinking sea buckthorn oil for gastritis is useful, but the specific dosage and use depend on the form of the disease.

Atrophic form of gastritis - chronic form of this disease, in which the glands of the stomach walls die. Without these glands it is impossible correct work digestive system. On initial stage the disease is asymptomatic. Danger atrophic gastritis The fact is that it is almost impossible to diagnose it in the early stages.

Drinking sea buckthorn oil for atrophic gastritis should be done with great caution. The dosage should not exceed 1 dess. l. in a day. Should be taken in the morning, diluted in a glass of warm milk. Treatment lasts a month, less often two. It is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the duration of therapy.

You can re-treat the stomach with this method after six months.

Erosive gastritis is a form of the disease in which many small lesions, called erosions, appear on the mucous membrane of the stomach walls. The disease can be either acute or chronic. The main symptoms of erosive gastritis:

  • pain in upper sections belly;
  • rotten belching;
  • heartburn;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • stool disorders.

Pain may appear immediately after eating or on an empty stomach. Drinking sea buckthorn oil for erosive gastritis is very useful due to its healing effect. Sea buckthorn relieves inflammation and helps the mucous membrane return to normal.

How to drink sea buckthorn oil with this form of the disease? You need to take the product in the morning and evening, half an hour before meals, 1 tsp. It is advisable to drink the oil with mineral water. In case of exacerbation, the dosage is increased to 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. Drink this remedy from 2 weeks to 1 month. IN in rare cases The doctor may extend the treatment.

Positive reviews of sea buckthorn oil are often left by people suffering from the erosive form. This therapy is very effective in curing erosions.


The decision about whether you can drink sea buckthorn oil can only be made by a specialist. Just like anyone else natural preparation, y of this product there are a number of contraindications.

You should not give sea buckthorn oil to children. For them, adult dosages will be too high. Up to 12 years of age, the use of this remedy is indicated in smaller proportions: from 3 to 6 years, you can drink a quarter adult dosage, from 6 - half, from 9 - 3/4.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should be careful. Sea buckthorn can cause a severe allergic reaction in an infant, so it is better to first consult with a pediatrician and gastroenterologist.

While waiting for the baby, it is usually recommended to reduce the dose to 1 tsp. This remedy should be added to your morning porridge.

You should not use sea buckthorn oil if you have diseases of the liver, gall bladder, or pancreas. Active components This natural remedy can aggravate the course of pathological processes and cause an exacerbation of the disease.

In addition, people suffering from intolerance to the components should not take sea buckthorn oil for gastritis. Sea buckthorn oil for gastritis should not be taken by allergy sufferers.

You should not self-medicate. You should consult with your doctor about how to take sea buckthorn oil in your case.

Sea buckthorn, due to its anti-inflammatory effect, has long been used in the treatment of many pathologies. It is this beneficial property that prompts doctors to prescribe sea buckthorn oil for gastritis.


The use of sea buckthorn oil is widely practiced in gastroenterology in the treatment of gastritis.

This product contains a lot of microelements, vitamin components, phospholipids, etc. Sea buckthorn oil has incredible benefits:

  • Accelerates regeneration processes;
  • Eliminates inflammatory lesions;
  • Destroys bacterial microorganisms;
  • Provides an enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa;
  • Increased secretion of bile secretion;
  • Reducing the severity of pain.

Sea buckthorn berry oil effectively heals wounds, which is why it is used in the treatment of gastritis, which allows the gastric mucosa to be restored much faster.

In addition, with the use of sea buckthorn oil, digestive processes are noticeably improved, the absorption of nutrients is enhanced and normalization occurs. gastric functions.

How to drink sea buckthorn oil for the stomach with gastritis?

Therapy for gastritis with sea buckthorn oil is most effective in spring and autumn, because it is during this period that the disease usually worsens.

You should take the oil twice a day, about half an hour before meals, take a dessert spoon.

Some patients find it very difficult to take the oil in its pure form. To make it easier to use, you can dilute it with warm water and honey. This therapy lasts for at least a month.

In severe gastritis forms, the duration of the therapeutic course can be extended indefinitely. The oil is also effective for preventive purposes. In such a case, sea buckthorn should be drunk for 10 days.

With low and high acidity

When the gastric mucosa with low acidity is inflamed, hydrochloric acid secretion is produced, which provokes atrophic changes in the glands.

For such gastritis, the presence of heartburn with prolonged exacerbations, loss of appetite and chronic heartburn is typical.

  • The use of oil in this case provides a wound-healing effect and promotes the regeneration of glands that produce hydrochloric acid secretion.
  • You should take 5 ml of sea buckthorn oil half an hour to an hour before meals.
  • The frequency of doses is three times a day, and the course duration is a month.
  • In acute form inflammatory process on the gastric mucosa, it is better to increase the duration of therapy to a 2-3 month course.

During the treatment period, not only will it be eliminated pathological process, but stimulation will also occur immune defense. To avoid adverse reactions, you must strictly follow the instructions.

A repeated course is possible only after a 1-2 month break.

If inflammation of the gastric mucosa is characterized by increased acidity, then taking the oil provokes heartburn in the patient. It is recommended to drink it with warm milk, which will relieve the burning sensation and provide enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa.

If you have high acidity, fresh sea buckthorn oil cannot be taken, because it will further increase the release of acid. Therefore, the oil should be taken according to this scheme:

  • Mix 2 dessert spoons of butter with 200 ml of warmed milk.
  • This dosage is daily, but you can divide it into two doses by mixing 1 spoon of oil with 100 ml of milk.
  • The drink must be taken on an empty stomach.
  • The duration of the therapeutic course is one month.

If necessary, the course can be extended or repeated after a month's break.

How to take it for the erosive form of the disease?

Erosive gastritis is accompanied by severe heaviness after meals, tension and dull soreness.

Patients often complain of heartburn and sometimes blood is present in the vomit. By the way, sometimes bloody impurities are also present in the stool.

By taking sea buckthorn oil, you can achieve several effects:

  1. Pain symptoms are reduced, which can be quite pronounced with erosive gastritis;
  2. Ensures healing of erosive lesions;
  3. After scar formation, taking sea buckthorn oil ensures restoration of the mucous membrane, which preserves the functioning of the organ.

At erosive form gastritis, sea buckthorn berry oil provides protection to the gastric mucosa, reducing the extent of damage from sulfuric acid secretions. You should take the oil one dessert spoon once a day, better in the morning before breakfast, i.e. on an empty stomach.


Therapy of atrophic gastritis with sea buckthorn oil is usually prescribed in parallel with the main drug treatment.

Like A complex approach improves and accelerates the healing of the mucous membrane, gastric functions are quickly restored, better absorption vitamin substances. Improving absorption is incredibly important because when atrophic form inflammation of the gastric mucosa, patients usually develop persistent B12-deficiency anemia.

The oil should be drunk by mixing with milk, heated to a comfortable temperature. Dissolve a couple of spoons of butter in a glass of milk, stir and drink. This daily dose, therefore, take the drink in the morning and on an empty stomach or at night, at least 3 hours after a meal.

Taking sea buckthorn oil helps improve the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, helps eliminate discomfort states such as belching, flatulence, a feeling of fullness in the stomach cavity.


Andrey, Serpukhov:

I work as a truck driver, and I’m also single; I often live on snacks, so it’s not surprising that one day, while undergoing a routine medical examination, I was diagnosed with gastritis. The doctor recommended dietary ration and a bunch of drugs. To get the necessary diet, I had to live with my parents for a while. When my mother found out about my diagnosis, she categorically insisted that I start drinking sea buckthorn oil and hold off on taking pills for now. I drank for a long time - 2 months. After completing the course, I went for an examination, there was no gastritis, and medications which the doctor prescribed for me, I didn’t drink at all.

Katerina, Moscow:

I just love a variety of oils and use them all the time. In health, dietary and for cosmetic purposes. I discovered sea buckthorn oil for myself a long time ago when I had a stomach ache, and the oil effectively dealt with the problem. I drank it for gastritis on an empty stomach in the morning and before going to bed at night. I didn’t expect such an effect, but the oil helped a lot, although you need to drink it for a long time, at least a month. But the effect is amazing.


Although sea buckthorn oil is natural natural product, not all patients can take it.

The product has specific contraindications:

  • It is not recommended to give sea buckthorn oil to children;
  • Pregnant women should take the product with special caution;
  • You should not drink sea buckthorn if you have cholecystitis or pancreatitis, hepatitis, chronic;
  • Sea buckthorn berry oil is contraindicated if the patient has intolerance to the components;
  • It is prohibited to take the product in the presence of acute inflammatory lesions liver, gall and pancreas.

Sea buckthorn oil has the highest bioactivity, so the product is very dangerous for people prone to allergic reactions Therefore, such patients should take the medicine with special caution.

Side effects

Sea buckthorn berry oil can provoke adverse reactions, which usually manifest themselves in the form of allergic manifestations.

Bitterness may appear in the mouth, biliary colic may occur, etc. Some patients note increased heartburn and increased secretion salivary glands, various allergic rashes. If such symptoms appear, doctors recommend stopping the use of sea buckthorn oil.

In general, sea buckthorn oil, if the instructions are followed and contraindications are taken into account, effectively copes with various forms of gastritis. The product has a pronounced healing and anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and enveloping, analgesic effect. But to receive desired effect a long course of continuous treatment is required.

Traditional medicine has accumulated considerable experience in treating diseases of the digestive system, in particular the stomach. One of effective ways The effect on the damaged mucous membrane of the organ is the use of flax oil. Thanks to unique composition the product contributes more quick elimination symptoms of disease and tissue healing. However, you need to take flaxseed oil for the stomach correctly.

Flaxseed oil - effective and affordable folk remedy for diseases of the stomach and other organs of the digestive system

Composition of linseed oil

Natural unrefined oil flaxseed contains a large number of compounds important for health:

  • vitamins A, D, E;
  • Omega fatty acids;
  • macro- and microelements, for example, iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium and others;
  • biological active compounds such as lecithin, squalene, phytosterols and other substances.

Only unrefined, cold-pressed oil has medicinal properties.

Beneficial properties of flax oil

Among the useful properties linseed oil for the stomach and digestive system the following can be distinguished:

  • enhances muscle contraction of the walls digestive tract;
  • stimulates the release of enzymes, promoting better digestion food;
  • has detoxification properties, removes toxins and waste;
  • improves food digestibility;
  • protects the walls of the organ and digestive tract from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid, bile acids, rough food;
  • eliminates the inflammatory process;
  • actively opposes pathogenic microorganisms, exhibits antibacterial action;
  • is a source of valuable mineral components and fatty acids omega, especially linolenic;
  • normalizes stomach acidity;
  • increases local and general immunity.

How to use for stomach diseases

For diseases of the digestive tract, flax oil is an excellent addition to drug therapy. It can be added to ready-made dishes, drunk separately from meals, included in medicinal compounds. At the same time, you can use and, from which decoctions, infusions, jelly are prepared, added to dough or dishes.

For gastroduodenitis

How to take flaxseed oil for? Experts recommend drinking it at empty stomach after waking up and before going to bed. Dosage – one teaspoon. In some cases it may taste bitter. To avoid bad taste An additional decoction of St. John's wort will help.

For gastritis

Treatment with flaxseed oil for gastritis is also recommended on an empty stomach. You can drink the product for preventive purposes, in courses of 1.5-2 months, especially in the off-season. Another option is to add about 10 ml of flax seed oil to your food daily.

Important! Flaxseed oil is very sensitive to high temperature, when it is heated, the active compounds are rapidly destroyed. Therefore, you only need to add it to cooled dishes.

For gastric ulcers

The use of flaxseed oil for stomach ulcers is also based on taking it on an empty stomach. The dosage is one tablespoon of the product. The product should be taken after waking up. During the treatment process, it can be mixed with other oils, for example. This will speed up the regeneration processes and prevent relapses. It is especially recommended to carry out treatment courses lasting 1-2 months in the autumn and spring periods.

Recipes for stomach diseases

Flax seed for stomach ulcers and gastritis is used not only in the form of oil, but also in ground form (flour), as well as in unprocessed form. To treat stomach diseases, you can use the recipes below.

Not only oil, but also flax seed, whole or ground, is suitable for treating the stomach

  1. Mix flax seed oils, St. John's wort and sea buckthorn in a ratio of 5:3:7. Let it brew for two days in a dark place, and then take 15 ml every day on an empty stomach. This mixture protects the mucous membrane from negative impact hydrochloric acid and pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of seeds into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 60 minutes. After this, strain and drink in four doses throughout the day. The duration of treatment is at least one month.
  3. Prepare a decoction of flax seeds (2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of water), add to it a pinch of cinnamon, berries and/or fruits, previously crushed in a blender. Boil the mixture. Consume throughout the day.
  4. Pass flax seeds (three tablespoons) through a coffee grinder. Pour a liter of boiling water and bring to a boil in a bathhouse. Add a teaspoon of chicory and cook until thick. Take one glass daily before meals. The duration of the course is 21 days.

Foods high in fat provoke inflammation of the stomach walls. That is why people suffering from gastritis should avoid fried foods, as well as foods with trans fats.

Fat (both plant and animal) is an important nutrient that cannot be completely excluded from the diet, even with gastrointestinal diseases. But you need to use oil for gastritis with caution, paying attention to the daily intake.

If a nutritionist answers positively to the question “is it possible to eat butter with gastritis?”, then only natural product. For example, margarine, spreads, and flavored butter snacks contain trans fats, which have a detrimental effect on the stomach. But “healthy” fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated), which are found in vegetable oils, nuts and fish, can even help heal ulcers.

Omega-3 (a type of polyunsaturated fat) is especially beneficial for the health of gastritis sufferers. The main source of Omega-3 is olive or flaxseed oil. To get the maximum beneficial properties of Omega-3, you can eat lean fish and lean meat prepared with vegetable extracts.

You can eat butter for gastritis, but only completely natural butter, in an amount of no more than 20-25 grams per day (depending on the patient’s weight). If not abused nutritious product, then you can only benefit.

  1. The creamy product contains vitamin P, which is necessary for accelerated regeneration tissues (this is especially necessary if erosive gastritis has been diagnosed).
  2. The natural remedy does not irritate the walls of the stomach and prevents constipation.
  3. Natural milk product slows down the development of stomach cancer, the likelihood of which increases significantly with the atrophic form of gastritis.

So, you shouldn’t completely exclude butter from a gastritis person’s diet. At correct use the product will only bring benefits.

Contraindications for use and possible side effects

Since the diet of a patient with gastritis is much poorer than that of a healthy person, oils (especially vegetable) are important source vitamins. A small portion creamy product becomes an additional source of nutrients.

The main contraindication for use is exacerbation of the disease. In other cases, it is allowed to consume 25 grams of butter or several spoons vegetable oil in a day. However, the product is best taken in pure form, or add to porridge. That is heat treatment highly not recommended. Even healthy foods fried in butter or vegetable oil can lead to exacerbation of the disease and inflammation of the pancreas.

Margarine and spreads containing trans fats are extremely dangerous. In addition to irritation of the inflamed walls of the stomach, the patient may notice high blood pressure, heartburn. Trans fats are also found in baked goods.

Vegetable oils that can be used to treat gastritis

Sunflower oil for gastritis is not dietary and is contraindicated in cases of high acidity. A tablespoon of the product contains about 120 calories. And if butter for gastritis can be consumed at least for the sake of high nutritional value, there are not so many useful substances in sunflower squeeze.

Refined oil is almost completely devoid of vitamins and minerals. Much more useful microelements in dark, unrefined marc. It is this that doctors advise to take internally in medicinal purposes (approximate norm: 1 tablespoon 2 times a day).

Gastroenterologists recommend using this product for cooking during gastritis. Thanks to high content oleic acid in the composition, olive pomace has the greatest resistance to Gastric acid, which means it can also be used with high acidity.

  • St. John's wort oil.

St. John's wort extract is not used for cooking, but is excellent in treating gastritis and healing stomach ulcers. The rules for use are quite simple: just drink 1 teaspoon of the product before meals, not forgetting to wash it down with water.

You can select general rules use of vegetable oils for medicinal purposes:

  • consume only fresh, unrefined product without rancid odor or taste;
  • do not heat the pomace;
  • Be sure to eat 10-15 minutes after taking the emulsion, otherwise nausea may develop.

If the oily taste seems too unpleasant, you can add the squeeze to a glass of warm water.

Useful video

ABOUT beneficial properties olive oil can be found in this video.

Oils used to prevent gastritis

Black cumin has proven therapeutic properties, therefore it is often recommended for use by general practitioners. Black cumin oil has antioxidant, antimicrobial, analgesic, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, hypotensive, antiulcer effect.

The positive result is attributed to the main chemical component of black cumin known as thymoquinone. This substance protects the stomach walls from dangerous influences other products, and even chemical substances. Black cumin seeds can be added to salads, and the juice can be drunk as a preventive measure.

It is important to strictly adhere to the rules of use. Black cumin contains substances that activate the production of stomach acid. If the dosage is violated, exacerbation of gastritis (especially forms with high acidity) is possible.

Advice from a doctor! Take no more than a teaspoon of pomace per day and only if you have low acidity. In order to protect yourself, you can dilute a teaspoon of black cumin extract with a tablespoon of olive or flaxseed oil. Most doctors recommend black cumin specifically for prevention, but not for treating inflammation of the stomach walls.

  • Pumpkin oil.

Use large quantity greenish oil will cause stomach pain, and even the opening of an old ulcer. For prevention purposes, the aromatic liquid can be drunk in its pure form. If diagnosed chronic gastritis, then it is better to pour oil over soft baked vegetables. If the rules of use are not followed, pain in the stomach quickly develops, accompanied by cramps.

  • Milk thistle oil.

Milk thistle has remarkable antibacterial properties, which may be useful for gastritis caused by H. Pylori bacteria. But still, doctors recommend using the squeeze only for preventive purposes.

It is important to pay attention to the rules of use: a beneficial effect will be provided only if the oil is consumed after eating. One teaspoon is enough. Milk thistle activates the production of gastric juice, which is useful for improving the digestion process, but will be detrimental to erosive gastritis.

If you ask a doctor for advice on which oil to choose for gastritis, you may get an ambiguous answer. For culinary purposes, natural butter and olive oil are best. It is also better to treat gastritis with olive squeeze. But it is better to leave pumpkin and black cumin squeezes for preventive procedures. These products require particularly careful adherence to the rules of use, as they can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Gastritis is a common disease of the stomach associated with inflammation of its mucous membrane. May appear suddenly as acute form, and can also develop slowly and be chronic.

One of the causes of gastritis is considered to be non-compliance with basic rules rational nutrition, as well as smoking, alcohol abuse, and constant hypovitaminosis. These causes have a fairly strong irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, causing an inflammatory process.

Vegetable oils, which have enveloping, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, tanning and healing properties, also have the ability to create a protective film on the surface of the mucous membrane, therefore, oil for gastritis– an excellent remedy for promoting recovery.

IN therapeutic purposes, for the treatment of gastritis various forms(with high or low acidity), it is recommended to use vegetable and essential oils. Some of them are taken orally, while others are used as massage oils.

Before taking the oil in the morning, on an empty stomach, you should drink a sip of non-carbonated clean water, so to speak, to “wake up” the stomach.

  • Olive oil. Use fresh oil– without bitterness and sediment. Should be taken 1 tbsp. l. before meals, no more than three times a day. The recommended course is 2 months, although relief is felt after 2 weeks.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Squeeze the sea buckthorn fruits, dry and grind the peel and seeds (you can use a coffee grinder for this), mix the resulting powder with vegetable oil (preferably olive) in a 1:1 ratio, and let it sit for several days, only after that, pour it into another container and store tightly closed, in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. l. for pain (hold your breath, swallow and breathe deeply, you can eat a piece of bread).
  • St. John's wort and fig oil. Fresh St. John's wort flowers 200 g and crushed figs 10 g are used, pour the mixture with a liter of vegetable oil, let it stand in a cool, unlit place for 40 days, shaking systematically. Take 1 tbsp. l. in the morning half an hour after drinking 1 protein chicken egg. Store preferably in the refrigerator.
  • Calendula oil. Medicinal calendula flowers are used for preparation. Drink 1 tbsp. l. for the night.
  • IN Massage Oil add calendula flowers, lemon, yarrow. Rub the oil into the skin in the stomach area using gentle stroking movements.
  • Linseed oil. Drink 1 tbsp. l. in the morning on an empty stomach. Has an effective enveloping effect.
  • St. John's wort oil. Drink 1 tbsp. l. twice a day. Fresh flowers are used to make the oil. Grind 25 g of flowers and mix thoroughly with 500 ml of olive oil, pour into a transparent glass container and, without covering, place in a warm place (stir occasionally); after 3-5 days, close the container tightly and expose it to the sun for 40 days (the oil should turn bright red); Separate the oil from the water and store tightly closed.

Use the suggested oils for gastritis– this will help reduce pain, relieve inflammation, and forget what gastritis is!



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