Does vision deteriorate if you read lying down. Reading from electronic media

Everything would be fine, but sometimes this pleasantness is violated by a prohibition stored in the subconscious since childhood. Remember, once the very first and beloved teacher who taught us to read warned: “You can’t read while lying down! It's bad for the eyes." But few of us, diligent students, have heeded this rule and strictly follow it. After all, it is difficult to convince us, even more so to convince us. We spent our entire conscious and unconscious life reading lying down. There was someone to take an example from. And our vision is what it was, and remains so. Well, maybe down to -1 in one eye. So it's age. And what about lying down reading?

However, reading in this position harms not only our eyes. The teacher did not reveal to us the most important thing. Yes, and in our youth, we would not understand it.

It turns out that in the prone position it is squeezed rib cage which disturbs the rhythm of breathing. And on this depends, firstly, the nutrition of all organs of the body with oxygen, and, secondly, it is disturbed intellectual activity, which largely depends on the correct rhythmic breathing. This means that it is more difficult to think, memorize and not be distracted from reading while lying down, and it is easier to fall asleep, crushed by a book. This is why many "take" reading at night instead of sleeping pills.

Another argument against reading lying down, again physiological. Blood circulation becomes difficult, as a result of which (now it will be scary) there are congestion in the cerebral cortex. In this case, very unpleasant pains in the back of the head can appear.

And for those who have forgotten why it is harmful for the eyes to read lying down, let me remind you. The distance from the text to the eyes should be no more than 33 cm. Do not forget to measure every time you are going to read. Naturally, a lying person cannot constantly maintain this cherished distance. And if enough for a long time read while lying down, visual acuity may decrease.

What is the right position to read? Say sitting. And you are deeply mistaken. What if hemorrhoids develop? No, experts will not advise us bad. They consider the standing position to be optimal for reading. Remember the images of medieval scholars. They, as a rule, worked standing behind a special inclined desk. Maybe that's why they made so many discoveries.

And how, I thought, it's wonderful that there were electronic books, with which you can’t lie down, even if you really want to. Even if you don't stand still.

Although one folk wisdom reads approximately as follows: "There is an opportunity to sit - sit, lie down - lie down." You need to rest comfortably and for sure. And it is best to rest lying down, without a book. She can wait, but the body can wait when we deign to rest, it can get bored. Be healthy!

In ancient times, at rich feasts in Greece, it was customary to eat food in a horizontal position, reclining on soft sofas and pillows. This method meals were considered a demonstration of wealth and importance among the nobility, a sign of laziness and effeminacy - among ordinary citizens.

In Russia, strict rules regarding food intake were established in the past. Some of the main rules were:

  • eating at a strictly allotted time (snacking is unacceptable, as is food “on the go”, on the street);
  • breakfasts, lunches, dinners - at a common dining table covered with a tablecloth;
  • a meal - sitting in an established position (it was forbidden to put your elbows on the table, bend over a plate, spread your elbows to the sides, etc.);
  • obligatory use of cutlery for its intended purpose (plates, tureens, spoons, forks, etc.);
  • reading a prayer before eating (prayer helped to switch from everyday activities to food, focus on saturating the body).

One part of modern nutritionists assures that eating lying down is useful, as pressure on the lower part stomach, which helps to reduce discomfort during a plentiful feast, and the other part claims that eating lying down is not only harmful, but also dangerous.

Lost in the completely opposite assumptions of scientists, many contemporaries are asking the question “Why can’t you eat lying down?” and what posture is most preferable for eating.

The science of the question "Why can't you eat lying down?"

Scientific research on the topic “Why you can’t eat lying down” has not been conducted. Most doctors are sure that when eating in a supine position, it becomes difficult to move food from the pharynx into the esophagus, and the likelihood of overlap increases. respiratory tract, prerequisites are created for the development of GERD - a disease in which food from the stomach returns to the esophagus due to a weakening of the sphincter.

GERD symptoms (discomfort, cramps, heartburn, pain manifestations in the chest area) is easily confused with symptoms of a heart attack, making it difficult to install accurate diagnosis and appointment proper treatment. The disease may appear additional factor risk for diseases such as cancer of the esophagus and Barrett's esophagus.

There are no scientific papers and scientific publications on the relationship between the development of GERD diseases and eating in the supine position as of mid-2017. The exception is the American College of Gastroenterology, which insists on the validity of this statement. The college recommends not only avoiding eating while lying down, but also not taking horizontal position within two hours after the end of the meal.

In defense of the claim about the benefits of eating in a supine position in 2002, Japanese scientists spoke. It has been found that food, when eaten in the supine position, is digested more slowly. As a result, carbohydrates are broken down and absorbed at a slower pace, which avoids sharp fluctuations in insulin levels, which has special meaning for patients with diabetes.

Eating lying or sitting - that is the question

Question " Why you can't eat lying down? does not occur in public institutions. It is difficult to imagine a business or romantic dinner in a restaurant or cafe lying down. The absurdity of this assumption causes a smile.

AT home environment The habit of eating while lying on the couch watching TV is a daily ritual for many. A person seeks to combine eating and rest, without thinking about the possible negative consequences.

Until now, scientists have not come to a consensus on how to eat - lying or sitting. The choice of posture is a personal matter for everyone. One thing is certain - a homemade or gala dinner at a beautifully decorated table will allow you to get much more satisfaction from the process of eating and communicating with loved ones than casually chewing food while lying on the couch in front of the TV.

How nice after hard work lie down on a soft sofa with a book, magazine or newspaper in your hands! Disconnect from the world or vice versa, learn about what is happening somewhere far, far away.

Everything would be fine, but sometimes this pleasantness is violated by a prohibition stored in the subconscious since childhood. Remember, once the very first and beloved teacher who taught us to read warned: "You can't read lying down! It's bad for the eyes." But few of us, diligent students, have heeded this rule and strictly follow it. After all, it is difficult to convince us, even more so to convince us. We spent our entire conscious and unconscious life reading lying down. There was someone to take an example from. And our vision is what it was, and remains so. Well, maybe down to -1 in one eye. So it's age. And what about lying down reading?

However, reading in this position harms not only our eyes. The teacher did not reveal to us the most important thing. Yes, and in our youth, we would not understand it.

It turns out that in the prone position, the chest is compressed, which disrupts the rhythm of breathing. And on this depends, firstly, the nutrition of all organs of the body with oxygen, and, secondly, intellectual activity is disturbed, which largely depends on proper rhythmic breathing. So, think

memorizing and not being distracted from reading while lying down is more difficult, and it is easier to fall asleep, crushed by a book. This is why many "take" reading at night instead of sleeping pills.

Another argument against reading lying down, again physiological. Blood circulation becomes difficult, as a result of which (now it will be scary) congestion occurs in the cerebral cortex. In this case, very unpleasant pains in the back of the head can appear.

And for those who have forgotten why it is harmful for the eyes to read lying down, let me remind you. The distance from the text to the eyes should be no more than 33 cm. Do not forget to measure each time,

when you are going to read. Naturally, a lying person cannot constantly maintain this cherished distance. And if you read in a lying position for quite a long time, visual acuity may decrease.

What is the right position to read? Say sitting. And you are deeply mistaken. Will it suddenly develop? No, experts will not advise us bad. They consider the standing position to be optimal for reading. Remember the images of medieval scholars. They, as a rule, worked standing behind a special inclined desk. Maybe that's why they made so many discoveries.

It's great to lie down, cover yourself with a gentle blanket and, relaxing, read interesting book. Especially if the weather is bad outside, and the house is warm and comfortable.

Agree that many people like to read lying down. Just because we perceive reading a book as a vacation. Sitting at the table, they usually read educational or professional literature, when it is either not possible to lie down (at work or study) or you need to write down something at the same time, mark it. Fiction we are accustomed to reading at home or sitting in an armchair or before going to bed, while already in bed. And falls asleep somehow easier and faster.

When you lie down, by this action you inform the body about your desire to rest, and even fall asleep. And he quickly and obediently relaxes. Our attention is scattered, thoughts become foggy, and the brain ceases to properly respond to incoming information. A lover of reading often falls asleep with a book in his hands, and the next day he does not even remember what he read about.

The main reason is, of course, visual impairment. When reading lying down, we cannot control the recommended distance to the lines of 30 - 35 cm. And if you lie on your side, then the page lighting may also suffer, and the adopted posture is hardly good for the spine.

Lying on your back, you have to hold the book in the hands of the "canopy", why hands get tired quickly. Lowering the book on the chest or stomach, we bend cervical region spine, keep it in tension and risk growing a second chin.

In the supine position, breathing and blood circulation weaken, that is, the functions of the body do not contribute to normal perception. And if you have entertainment literature in your hands, then all right, and if you need to learn some material, then lying down is a bad helper.

Everything is correct: they taught us, and we teach our children and grandchildren, that read lying down harmful. But still, most people do not follow these rules. What to do?

It's okay. You just need to follow some requirements for the hygiene of your eyes. Namely:

  • Do not read for more than 30 minutes in a row, take breaks for eye gymnastics and rest.
  • News
  • Strengthen your core muscles
  • Refuse
  • Visit an ophthalmologist once a year for an eye exam

As the saying goes: "Forewarned is forearmed." When reading, let us try to create for our eyes the most comfortable conditions. Still, reading is such a wonderful thing to do! And what is the right...

Yes (with reservations) - the common stereotype about the dangers of "recumbent" reading is largely untrue. And that's why:

Tells candidate medical sciences O. Guseva:

In theory, reading lying down is really a harmful thing. Only not for vision, but for the spine. When reading lying down, the cervical region is bent, the chest is compressed. This violates correct breathing Less oxygen gets to the brain.

But do you know at least one adult who would suffocate in such a position? So Mrs. Guseva does not know.

In practice, everything that threatens a person who reads lying down - neck pain. And that is not for everyone - the body structure of all of us is individual, after a while someone will wince in pain, someone will not even feel discomfort.

Reading and eyes - 3 rules

However, it cannot be said that they are the organs of vision "totally to do with it." Follow a few simple but very important rules and everything will be fine:

  1. Between a book (even an ordinary one, even an electronic one) and the eyes there should be distance of 25-30 centimeters. What has been said is true for any posture - even "lying" reading, even sitting, even standing.
  2. Reading lying on your back or on your stomach is absolutely harmless. But lying on your side - you can not. Why? The eyes will have a different distance to the text, as a result they will strain, and vision will deteriorate.
  3. And still do not read in public transport. An important prerequisite for healthy reading is to hold the book still. If you are shaking in a minibus, your eyes are forced to constantly adjust the focus, again strain, and over time, vision will inevitably weaken.


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