Exercises to eliminate diplopia in one eye. Diplopia

Diplopia is a visual impairment caused by a deviation of the visual axis of the eyeballs, leading to a doubling of the visible images of objects. Double vision brings discomfort, the eyes get tired quickly. A sick person simultaneously sees two images of one object, displaced vertically, horizontally or rotated relative to each other. This is a violation of the functioning of the oculomotor muscles. The eye is shifted to the side, its mobility is limited.

Diplopia may be a sign of a systemic disease associated with a muscular and neurological process. Usually the disorder occurs with binocular vision. The doubling effect disappears when one eye is closed. But with monocular diplopia, the double image of the object does not disappear when the eye is closed. He sees a double image.

Types of diplopia

  1. Binocular. The object is seen by both eyes, but the image is distorted due to the deviation of the visual axis in one eye.
  2. Monocular. The object is viewed with only one eye due to clouding of the lens, iridocyclitis (inflammation of the iris).
  3. Cross. The image is projected crosswise. It has the most discomfort.
  4. Paralytic. It causes paralysis of the eye muscles.


The causes of diplopia include various pathologies of muscular imbalance and impaired functioning of the central parts of the visual analyzer. The functions of the affected muscles of the eyeballs are weakened.

The cause of the disease can also be a pathological process in the orbit itself, weakening of the oculomotor muscles or their complete paralysis. Coordinated eye movements are disturbed.

In addition, the causes of diplopia are:

  • Tumors and bruises that limit the movement of the eyes, and also cause their immobility;
  • Injuries with infringement of the muscles of the eyeballs, fracture of the orbit;
  • Aneurysm (bulging of the wall of the artery) of the carotid artery, leading to compression of the oculomotor nerve;
  • Head injuries leading to damage to the oculomotor nerve;
  • Diseases of the interior of the orbit, which lead to the displacement of the eyeballs;
  • Intracranial neoplasms, tuberculous meningitis;
  • Diabetes mellitus, drug intoxication,.

The disease can occur during bouts of hysteria, psychoneuroses, after surgical interventions on the brain. It is not excluded the appearance of diplopia after surgical treatment of certain diseases: cataracts, strabismus, retinal detachment.

Diplopia can be provoked by the introduction of Botox to eliminate wrinkles on the face.


The main symptoms of diplopia include the following:

  • double vision;
  • Frequent dizziness;
  • Problems with determining the location of surrounding objects.

The symptomatology of diplopia is associated with the location of the pathological process. If the oblique muscles have been affected, then the objects line up one above the other. When the work of the rectus muscles is disturbed, parallel doubling occurs.

Two images of the same object differ in diplopia in contrast and brightness. One of them is located at an angle to the other. To get rid of a problem, a person tilts his head in the direction of defeat.

Even with one characteristic symptom, you should seek advice from an ophthalmologist (oculist).


The diagnosis of diplopia is based on:

  • On the visual examination of the patient by the doctor and the analysis of his complaints;
  • On evaluating the strength of the oculomotor muscles, looking for signs of neurological pathologies;
  • On the results of the prozerin test (Prozerin is introduced, which reduces the severity of the disease);
  • Blood sugar is measured to determine diabetes;
  • The presence of strabismus is assessed, the angle of deviation of the eyeball is measured by strabometry (determination of the angle of strabismus);
  • Computed tomography of the head is mandatory;
  • With the help of MRI, data on violations in the structure of the brain are obtained.

If necessary, a neurosurgeon is invited for a consultation.


Treatment of the disease begins with the elimination of the causes that caused it:

  • Treatment of neurological diseases;
  • Therapy of the process in the orbit: removal of tumors and puncture (removal) of hematomas;
  • Vision correction to reduce diplopia. Individual special glasses are made;
  • Occlusion (turning off one eye);
  • Performing exercises that expand the field of view;
  • Surgery.

Treatment can be supplemented with cranial osteopathy (manipulative treatment that affects the area of ​​the sacrum and skull).

Folk remedies

Traditional healers also offer their recipes for the treatment of diplopia:

  1. Lavender leaves and valerian roots (in equal parts) pour white grape wine. Keep the infusion in a dark but not cold place for 3 days, shaking constantly. Strain and take 1 tablespoon daily before meals.
  2. Buy flower pollen at the pharmacy and take 2 times a day for a month, 1 teaspoon.
  3. In equal parts, take the fruits of viburnum and wild rose. Pour a tablespoon of boiling water (0.5 l), boil over low heat for 10 minutes, cool, strain. Take half a cup before meals 2 times a day.


Due to the constant bifurcation of images of objects, the function of the eye muscles is suppressed. This leads to visual impairment.

The sooner the patient seeks advice from a doctor, the more chances there will be to reduce the risk of developing serious complications and maintain health.


Diplopia is characterized by unpredictable development, so the prevention of the disease is very difficult.

But you can avoid it with:

  • Leading a healthy lifestyle;
  • Refusal to drink alcohol and smoking;
  • Regular walks up to 2 hours a day;
  • Compliance with the regime and physical education (sleep - at least 7-8 hours);
  • Preventive supervision at the ophthalmologist;
  • Control of blood (arterial) pressure.

If the ophthalmologist does not detect deviations, then the neurologist, endocrinologist, oncologist, rheumatologist, infectious disease specialist and rheumatologist will further establish the cause of dystopia.

Among the causes of diplopia, paralysis of the muscles responsible for eye movement appears most often. In this case, there are two options for the development of events: either the muscle structures were directly affected by some pathology, or the nerves were affected, and then the neurologist should deal with the therapy.

Separately, the following pathologies that can contribute to the development of diplopia are distinguished:

  • various traumatic injuries of the orbit itself, leading to infringement of nerve bundles or muscle fibers;
  • various diseases of the orbital cavity, due to which the eyeball is displaced;
  • aneurysm that affects the internal carotid artery and puts pressure on the oculomotor nerve;
  • various head injuries leading to damage to the oculomotor nerve.

The causes of double vision can lie solely in neurology without the participation of the eyes themselves. This happens, for example, with tumor processes inside the skull or meningitis of tuberculous origin. There may be complaints about this symptom in diabetes mellitus, various types of intoxication, hyperthyroidism and other diseases.


Double vision is the main symptom that indicates any violations in this visual pathology. Symptoms of diplopia can also include attacks of dizziness and difficulty, if necessary, to determine the position of an object.

The severity of doubling and its features depend on which structures were affected. For example, when the oblique muscles are involved, two objects are seen in the vertical axis, and when the rectus muscles are involved, the objects are located horizontally.


Double vision can be binocular or monocular. This is the basic principle of the division of pathology.

The binocular type is the most common. With binocular diplopia, the parallelism of the visual axes of the eye becomes unusable. Because of this, the patient begins to see double images of the same object. Binocular pathology is divided into several more varieties depending on the origin, severity, temporality.

Sometimes diplopia of the monocular type occurs. In this case, only one eye is affected, while the patient himself sees only with one eye, the second is non-functional. One eye can receive an image on the retina in two different places, which explains the occurrence of the disease.

Monocular diplopia occurs with various injuries of a single visual organ, may be congenital or develop against the background of other diseases.

Which doctor treats diplopia?

Regardless of whether there is a double effect in one eye or in both, you should first contact an ophthalmologist. It is this specialist who treats all pathologies of vision.

If a non-ophthalmic cause is identified, other doctors may need to be consulted. So, for example, in case of nerve damage, you will need consultation and treatment with a neurologist, in case of trauma to the orbit, it is better to contact a surgeon or traumatologist, and in case of systemic diseases, to the appropriate doctors.


If there is a split in the eyes vertically or horizontally, it is imperative to see a doctor. He, having assessed the accompanying symptoms, complaints, the general condition of the patient, will be able to draw conclusions about the nature of the disease and recommend the best methods of correction.

The basis of additional diagnostics is the study of visual function, in which the patient must observe a moving light source. The doctor registers the coordinates along which the focus of the gaze moves and, thanks to this, can determine which of the muscles is affected by the pathology.

The ophthalmic coordimeter is a more modern way to determine the pathology of the extraocular muscle unit.

It is impossible to determine double vision without additional examinations. So, for example, the mobility of the eyelids, refraction, and normal visual acuity are necessarily assessed.


Therapy for diplopia begins with the treatment of the underlying disease.

The treatment of double vision as the main pathology is in the hands of either a surgeon or a neurologist. It can also be treated under the supervision of an ophthalmologist if the cause is trauma. Moreover, all corrective operations are carried out no earlier than 6 months after the injury was received.

Non-surgical correction of pathology is possible. This is done with the help of prismatic glasses, which are selected by an ophthalmologist. Additionally, it is recommended to perform, as well as use the medicines recommended by the attending physician to relieve symptoms.

Folk methods

If diplopia has developed, treatment with folk remedies can also be effective. The following simple recipes are recommended:

  • You can mix 40-50 g of lavender leaf with the same amount of valerian rhizome (after cutting everything finely) and, pouring everything with a liter of wine, insist for three to four days, then drink a tablespoon three times a day before eating.
  • Within a month, you can drink 3 g of pollen daily by purchasing the drug at a pharmacy.
  • Blueberries are known for their healing properties in terms of treating vision, and therefore you can pour 30 g of leaves of the plant with water, boil, filter the broth and drink ½ cup three times a day.
  • If it starts to get into the eyes, you can apply mint by adding it to tea or dripping a cool decoction of the plant into the eyes (for greater effectiveness, a little honey can be added to the mint decoction).

The use of folk remedies is possible only after the cause of the symptom is understood. It is strictly forbidden to engage in therapy without knowing the reasons.


Double vision is difficult to prevent, as there are many reasons for its development. Patients are advised not to strain their eyes, to treat systemic and ophthalmic diseases in a timely manner, to give up malnutrition and bad habits, and to lead a healthy lifestyle.

When the first symptoms of pathology appear, doctors recommend contacting an ophthalmologist. If the doctor deems it necessary, he will send the patient to another specialist. Timely consultation will help not only get rid of an unpleasant symptom, but also preserve vision.

Useful video about diplopia

If you suddenly notice that all the objects you see begin to double, then you should immediately consult a doctor - it is possible that this is a symptom of one of the serious eye diseases.

Diplopia - this is what is called visual impairment in medicine, in which there is a doubling of the image. This is because the axis of the eyeballs is shifted, and the images of the right and left eyes cannot merge into one. Most often, this phenomenon is associated either with weakening (paresis), or with paralysis of the eye muscles, or with deformation of the central part of the visual analyzer.

In most cases, diplopia is a "malfunction" of binocular vision, with the double image disappearing when one of the eyes is closed. But monocular diplopia is also very rare - the image doubles in one of the eyes, and when the eye is closed, the divergent picture remains.

Causes of diplopia

As already mentioned, the "physics" of this disease is the deviation of the image from the axis of the eyes. Disorders of the muscles or nerves responsible for the normal condition of the eye can be caused by various reasons:

  • Injuries to the head and eyeball;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Some diseases of the immune system;
  • Tumors and hematomas;
  • Drug or alcohol intoxication;
  • Attacks of hysteria or neuroses.


Two main methods are used to diagnose diplopia: provocation and coordimetry.

The method of provoking diplopia is that the image is evaluated. Diagnostics takes place in a semi-dark room. The patient is asked to look at a screen with thin slots arranged in a certain way. Behind each slot, a light is turned on from the remote control. A red glass is placed in front of the sore eye, and through it a person sees luminous dashes of two colors - white and red. The viewer should note the boundaries of the red line. After all positions have been checked, the marks are compared with the true location of the boundaries and a specific diagnosis is made based on this.

The second method - coordimetry is that they share the image from two eyes. To do this, you need glasses with lenses of two colors - red and green, a red and green flashlight and a screen divided into squares, the side of which corresponds to three angular degrees.

When diagnosing the right eye, the patient sees with the right eye through the red glass. There are nine points on the screen, the doctor illuminates each of these points in turn with a green flashlight and invites the patient to also mark them with his flashlight. With diplopia, there will be some discrepancies that are fixed on a separate sheet, repeating the screen layout in a reduced form. The left eye is checked in the same way. After that, based on the results obtained, the ophthalmologist can make a conclusion regarding the degree of damage, as well as the location of the damaged muscles.

Treatment of diplopia

In the treatment of diplopia, the primary task is to correctly determine the cause.

If double vision is a symptom of an infectious disease such as meningitis, mumps, or rubella, then the patient should be immediately identified in the infectious diseases department and treatment should begin.

With a traumatic brain injury, you will need the help of a neurologist or surgeon.

Sometimes diplopia is an intermediate stage in the treatment of strabismus in children, giving a favorable prognosis for recovery.

Prismatic correction- This is one of the main ways to treat this disease. Its essence is in the appointment of special glasses that optically eliminate the effect of doubling. The disadvantage of this method is a decrease in visual acuity during the period of wearing such glasses. Therefore, for children with this approach, it is important to pay additional attention to maintaining normal vision.

Special muscle building and strengthening exercises can be attributed to therapeutic methods of treatment. The essence of the exercise is as follows: a sheet of paper with a black stripe is fixed on the wall. The patient sits down a meter from this sheet in a position in which the line does not bifurcate. After that, he tries to turn his head to different positions, keeping the whole image with an effort of will. This exercise should be done at least twice a day.

There is also a reverse exercise - from two identical images you need to get one. Unfortunately, the effect of these exercises can be only in case of partial damage.

Also, treatment can be supplemented cranial osteopathy .

If these methods do not give the desired result within the time specified by the doctor, the patient may be scheduled for surgery. During such a surgical intervention, either the eye muscles move back (recession) and the tendon is sutured, or they are shortened (resection) for the compensatory action of another muscle.

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Diplopia refers to an eye pathology characterized by impaired vision, uncoordinated movements of the eyeballs, and to be more precise, doubling of objects. The disease can develop in absolutely any person, regardless of gender and age. Diplopia is not an independent disease. The occurrence of a pathological process may be due to impaired functioning of the optic nerve, traumatic brain injury, neoplasm, infectious brain damage.

The disease is quite serious and requires immediate treatment. If you ignore the manifestations of diplopia, you risk losing your vision. Therefore, if you experience a feeling of double vision when looking at objects, strabismus, frequent dizziness, disorientation in space, immediately seek the help of an ophthalmologist.

Folk remedies for solving eye problems

In parallel with traditional therapy prescribed by a specialist, it is recommended to use traditional medicine. Treatment of diplopia with folk remedies is effective and will help in the speedy elimination of the pathology. Moreover, you can cook them yourself at home. However, they can be used only with the knowledge of a doctor and only in combination with medications. It is strictly forbidden to replace official medicine with unofficial one, because in this way you will harm yourself and aggravate the situation.

If you have diplopia after a welding eye burn, try these recipes.

Recipes "from the people" for the treatment of diplopia

1. Treatment of diplopia with folk remedies from lavender. To prepare the drug, you need to take 40 grams of dried finely chopped lavender leaves and the same amount of valerian rhizomes. The raw materials are mixed, after which they are poured into glass containers and filled with white grape wine - a liter. The remedy should be infused for three days. Do not forget to shake the composition periodically. Take a spoonful of strained preparation before each meal.

2. Application of flower pollen. The tool can be purchased at a pharmacy. Take 3 grams of the drug twice a day. The duration of the course is 30 days.

3. Vitamin collection. Mix equal proportions of viburnum and rosehip berries. Grind the raw materials and brew with freshly boiled water - 500 ml. Boil the composition for a quarter of an hour. After the product has cooled down, filter and drink half a glass of a healing drink half an hour before sitting at the table.

4. Eyebright is the best folk remedy for diplopia. Brew with boiled water - half a liter of 50 grams of finely chopped dry grass of the plant. Set the composition aside for a few hours. Drink 100 ml of infusion filtered through gauze folded in several layers three times a day.

5. Blueberries help heal. Pour 30 grams of dried leaves of the plant into the pan, cover with water, bring to a boil. Filter the cooled remedy and drink half a glass of medicine several times a day.

6. Calendula will help in the fight against the disease. Steam 20 grams of dried finely chopped flowers of the plant in five hundred milliliters of boiled water. After two hours, strain the composition and drink the composition during the day.

7. Eye grass - mint in the treatment of pathology. Leaves of the plant can be added to teas, and its juice mixed with a small amount of honey is recommended to be instilled into the eyes twice a day: in the morning and before going to bed (drop by drop). The duration of the course is two weeks.

Gymnastics for the eye muscles

Experts recommend doing special exercises to treat the disease. They contribute to the normalization of the functioning of the eye muscles, the elimination of unpleasant symptoms. Exercises must be done at least twice a day, either before a meal or after a long visual load: working at a computer, reading, watching TV.

  1. Sit on a chair, straighten your back. Look up then down. At the same time, do not move your head and fix your eyes for a couple of seconds in each position.
  2. Then move your eyes to the left and then to the right. Don't forget to fix your eyes.
  3. Now repeat everything: up, down, left, right.
  4. Then you need to make several circular movements in the clockwise direction. Do the same in reverse.
  5. Imagine a square, move your eyes around its perimeter, first to one side, then to the other.
  6. Blink quickly.
  7. Close your eyes and open your eyes. Do this five times.

In order to prevent the development of diplopia, it is recommended to give your eyes a rest, especially if you sit at a computer for a long time.

If you have bad habits, in particular drinking, smoking, try to get rid of them as soon as possible. Lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle, eat right, walk more in the fresh air, play sports, observe the regime of work and rest.

Include more spinach, sweet peppers, peaches, carrots, apricots, pumpkins in your diet. These products help to strengthen the body and have a beneficial effect on vision. And always coordinate the treatment of diplopia with folk remedies with your attending ophthalmologist.

The information on the site is given for informational purposes only.
Self-treatment is possible only after consulting a doctor!


Why double vision? Monocular and binocular diplopia

Double vision is a fairly common pathology, in the language of medical terminology referred to as "diplopia". It brings significant discomfort to the patient, because he sees the image is very blurry and experiences pain in the eyes.

What is diplopia

Diplopia refers to severe visual impairment. which is characterized, first of all, by the deviation of the visual axis of the eye. The natural result, in turn, is the doubling of the image. This symptom is not a sign of any particular disease, it can accompany a wide variety of pathologies.

Symptoms and signs of diplopia

The leading clinical symptom of diplopia is, undoubtedly, the appearance of complaints that the image in the eyes begins to double. Moreover, the nature of this doubling directly depends on where the pathological focus is located.

Diplopia can also be characterized by partial restriction or even complete absence of motor activity of the eyeball towards the affected muscle. Observing such a patient, one can notice that he tries to tilt or turn his head in the direction of the lesion, thereby trying to get rid of double vision.

With diplopia, dizziness and difficulty with orientation in space may be noted.

With further progression of the pathological process, such a patient begins to experience difficulties in everyday life, it is difficult for him to do housework, drive a car, and even simply move around in space.

Causes of double vision

Double vision occurs when one of the eyes is unable to move normally. For this reason, duality is created.

We list the most common causes of diplopia:

  • Weakened or even completely paralyzed oculomotor muscles.
  • Damage to those nerves that directly innervate the oculomotor muscles.
  • Compression of the oculomotor nerve due to an aneurysm.
  • The presence of tumors and hematomas, significantly limiting the motor activity of the eyeballs.
  • Injuries to the orbit and head, which lead to infringement of the oculomotor muscles or nerves. More about eye injuries: http://domadoktor.ru/508-travma-glaza.html.
There are a number of other conditions in which this symptom will also be present:
  • drug intoxication;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • demyelinating diseases;
  • strokes;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • meningitis, which developed against the background of tuberculosis;
  • intracranial tumor;
  • consequences of surgical interventions on the eyes and brain;
  • psychoneuroses.
In medical practice, even cases of diplopia have been recorded when the dosage of Botox is exceeded during the performance of beauty injections used to eliminate wrinkles. This is due to a violation of neuromuscular conduction. To avoid such trouble, it is better to contact a qualified cosmetologist in a reputable clinic.

Types of diplopia

The most common type of diplopia is binocular. In this case, the pathological process leads to a violation of the parallelism of the visual axes of the eyes. Their shift occurs, as a result of which the patient sees all images doubled.

Forms of binocular diplopia:

  • motor;
  • sensory;
  • mixed.
There are also temporary and permanent forms, as well as neuroparalytic and orbital.

Monocular diplopia is quite rare. In this case, the projection of the image of the object occurs on different parts of the retina of the same eye at the same time. This form occurs with subluxation of the lens, iridodialysis, polycoria. There are the following types of such diplopia:

  • Refractive. The most common form, easily corrected with glasses.
  • Retinal. It is characterized by a distortion of the relief and sphericity of the retina due to the presence of a dystrophic or inflammatory process.
  • Pupillary. It develops due to the presence of additional holes in the iris.
  • Aberrational. It can occur in the presence of an uneven cornea or lens, this option is observed in some eye diseases.
  • Neurogenic. This type of diplopia is a functional disorder (against the background of endocrine pathology, meningitis, encephalitis, neurosis).


The diagnosis is established by an ophthalmologist based on a thorough history taking, patient complaints and a number of studies. In some cases, you may need to consult other specialists: a neurologist, endocrinologist, neurosurgeon, rheumatologist, oncologist.

The neuropathologist draws attention to the presence or absence of strabismus. ptosis of the upper eyelids, dilation or narrowing of the pupil.

What studies are usually ordered?

  • Coordimetry. This study is carried out using an ophthalmic coordimeter, it allows you to identify the damaged muscle of the eye.
  • Study of color perception, visual acuity, refraction, conjunctiva of the eyeballs.
  • Performing a cover test that helps determine the mobility and position of the eyelids.
  • A blood test to determine the level of glucose (if diabetes is suspected).
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain to detect violations in its structure.
  • Performing a proserine test.
  • Strabometry.

Treatment, gymnastics for the eye muscles

Treatment will be based on the causes of double vision.

  • Therapy of infectious or inflammatory diseases using antibacterial drugs.
  • Treatment of neuropathies and neuralgia.
  • Removal of volumetric formations (tumors) surgically.
  • Puncture of existing hematomas.
  • Appointment of glucocorticosteroids in demyelinating diseases.
  • In the presence of disorders of cerebral circulation - drugs to lower blood pressure and nootropics.
  • prismatic correction. Glasses are made according to individual needs. This method has one negative side effect. Wearing such glasses often leads to the fact that visual acuity begins to slowly decline.
Another type of treatment is a special gymnastics designed to correct vision for this problem.

The patient is seated on a chair against a plain wall with a sheet of white paper attached to it. A black stripe should be drawn on this sheet. The patient's task is to try to focus his eyes on this strip as much as possible, after that, slowly begin to turn his head, first to the right, and then to the left. During the execution of these movements, you must not lose sight of the lane.

An exercise that helps in correcting vision with sensory diplopia.

The patient is given two identical sheets of white paper and asked to draw the same black stripe on each. These sheets are again fixed on the wall opposite the patient and he tries to focus his eyes on these stripes, trying to make them merge into one image. This exercise must be repeated several times, and with each subsequent time, the sheets should be hung farther and farther apart.

Each exercise is performed for ten or fifteen minutes each day. The effect will be more pronounced if you perform them two or three times a day.

If conservative methods of treatment do not have the desired effect, surgical intervention is indicated. During the operation, as a rule, resection or recession of the eye muscles is performed.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine also has in its arsenal tools that can help in eliminating this symptom. Their advantage is that anyone can cook them at home on their own. But alternative treatment should be used only with the permission of your doctor, since almost every plant has some contraindications.

Consider some treatment options:

  • The use of a vitamin collection, consisting of viburnum and rose hips. To prepare a healing infusion, these two ingredients are taken in equal proportions.
  • Tincture of valerian powder and crushed lavender leaves. The ingredients are infused with white wine.
  • The use of flower pollen.
  • Adding mint leaves to tea.
  • Decoction of calendula.
  • Infusion of blueberry leaves.
  • Dried eyebright infusion.

Eyebright - folk recipes (video)

In this video, you can find interesting information about the beneficial properties of eyebright for the treatment of eye diseases.

The specificity of diplopia is that it usually appears suddenly, so it is not possible to carry out prevention. The only thing that can be done is to lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to a balanced diet, give up bad habits, control blood pressure and undergo preventive examinations every six months. And of course, if you have any health problems, immediately seek qualified medical help.

The appearance of such an unpleasant symptom as double vision should always alert, because it may well be one of the first signs of a serious illness. You need to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible, be examined and begin the prescribed treatment.


Pathologies of the visual system can cause various diseases, and all of them cause serious inconvenience to a person.

Vision is the most important human tool. With its help, we learn and interact with the world. Take away a person's sight, and he will become helpless for a long period of adaptation.

Some pathologies can affect a person's ability to see. There are various options for changing vision - reducing its sharpness, the appearance of non-existent objects in front of the eyes (flies, color spots). One such disorder is diplopia.

Diplopia is a pathology of vision in which a person sees not one common image, but two identical ones. This occurs due to the displacement of the visual axis for one reason or another.

Pathology can be binocular - when a person sees a normal image when one eye is closed, and monocular - when the eye is closed, the image still remains doubled. Binocular diplopia is more common.

Diplopia causes significant inconvenience to the patient.

Causes of pathology

The cause of this pathology may be osteochondrosis due to malnutrition of brain tissues, in particular, the visual center.

Diplopia is not an independent disease, this pathology occurs as a result of any process in the body.

There are two factors that cause this pathology: a violation caused by exposure to the optic nerve in the brain and pathology of the oculomotor muscles, as a result of which the eyeball shifts and the axis of vision changes.

The first factor in the development of diplopia can be triggered by neoplasms of the brain (vascular aneurysm, tumor), brain intoxication (severe poisoning, botulism), metabolic disorders in brain tissues (diabetes mellitus, osteochondrosis).

The work of the oculomotor muscles is disrupted as a result of trauma, diseases of the orbit.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in the later stages often leads to diplopia. The walls of the vessels that feed the brain are pinched by osteophytes and intervertebral discs affected by osteochondrosis, an insufficient amount of blood and nutrients that it transports enter the brain.

There are disturbances in the parts of the brain. With osteochondrosis, the visual center located in the brain often suffers, a symptom of this condition is diplopia. to content ^

Symptoms of diplopia

Diplopia significantly affects the quality of life of the patient, so people who have this pathology soon go to the doctor.

There are three main symptoms of pathology: impaired coordination (dizziness and headaches); double vision and difficulty interacting with objects (it is difficult for a person to assess the exact distance and location of an object).

Image distortion direction can be different :

  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • diagonal distortion.
  • With binocular diplopia, the patient tries to close one eye - then the image becomes normal again.

    Why double vision, what to do?

    Diplopia (as double vision is called in medical language) is a symptom characterized by the absence of friendly eye movement, which is designed to provide a comparison of the image of objects.

    As a result of diplopia, one object is perceived by the patient as two autonomous images.

    In addition, with doubling, dizziness, impaired orientation in space are also often observed, and distance may be incorrectly estimated.

    Depending on the damaged eye muscle, diplopia is vertical, horizontal, diagonal.


    Description of the symptom

    The eyes see the same object from slightly different angles, but this difference is not noticeable to a healthy person. The brain processes the signals sent by the organs of vision and forms one accurate image from two pictures. With diplopia, a person sees both of these images at once, the brain does not process anything - this is the first and most important symptom of the disease.

    You can verify that each eye has its own angle of view by closing one eye and looking at your finger relative to the background. Then, closing the other eye, you can see that the finger "moved" relative to objects in the background. With diplopia, a person observes two images of one object not only horizontally, but also vertically, as well as inverted crosswise.

    At risk are patients who have been injured or suffering from diseases that can weaken the oculomotor muscles.

    Types of diplopia

    There are several types of diplopia and their division into classifications depending on:

  • type;
  • pathogenesis;
  • etiology;
  • time of manifestation;
  • the nature of the split.
  • Classification by etiology:

  • Neuroparalytic diplopia. This is a consequence of neuromuscular diseases such as multiple sclerosis.
  • Oculogenic. Associated with surgical intervention in the organ of vision.
  • Orbital, has a traumatic origin.
  • Strabogenic diplopia (accompanies strabismus).
  • By pathogenesis:

  • Touch. Such diplopia is associated with a limitation of the fusion amplitude.
  • Motor. Occurs when certain muscles of the eye are affected. This is a common type of diplopia.
  • Mixed. (Motor and sensory).
  • According to the time of clinical manifestation, bifurcation can be permanent and non-permanent. Intermittent or temporary double vision is a condition that can occur as a result of various injuries, a strong degree of alcohol intoxication, as a result of side effects from taking certain medications.

    By the nature of the split:

  • Crossed diplopia or heterogeneous. With this type of disease, the image intended for the left eye is projected from the right side and vice versa.
  • Cyclodiplopia. Refers to a complex form, occurs with serious motor and sensory disorders, accompanies strabismus.
  • Binocular or the same name. Occurs when the parallelism of the visual axes is violated. It is not difficult to identify such a violation, the patient is asked to tilt and turn his head in different directions, thus the deviation of the eye becomes noticeable. A patient with a similar visual impairment sees a bifurcated picture, which disappears if one eye is covered and has a restriction in the movement of the eye orbit.
  • The monocular type of double vision stands somewhat apart from other types, differing in that the double picture is preserved if the healthy eye is covered. Such an anomaly occurs due to ophthalmic or mental diseases.

    There is also the concept of volitional diplopia, it is caused by a person consciously. For example, looking into the distance through some object located at arm's length. Thus, it can be seen that this object is, as it were, bifurcated.

    Reasons for the appearance

    The causes of double vision can be different for each type.

    The causes of neuroparalytic diplopia lie in neuromuscular diseases of a general nature, such as:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • polio;
  • and other similar diseases in which all the muscles of the body weaken.

    The causes of sensory diplopia are most often associated with the development of strabismus in children with a congenital fusion defect, and the disease can also manifest itself after successful surgical intervention to eliminate strabismus,

    Motor diplopia develops due to:

  • paralysis associated with brain injury;
  • paresis of extraocular muscles;
  • neurosurgical operations;
  • vascular diseases;
  • infectious diseases of a general nature, including toxic ones;
  • infectious pathologies in the eye cavities.
  • Of the infectious diseases leading to the development of diplopia, rubella, tuberculous meningitis, tetanus, diphtheria, vasculitis can be distinguished, among toxic ones - botulism, etc.

    Paresis of the extraocular muscles can occur as a result of such diseases: Mobius syndrome, Graefe's disease and other diseases of the central nervous system.

    Injury to the brain can cause damage to the nerve or eye muscles. Also, one of the causes of such diplopia is endocrine myopathy, which develops against the background of hypothyroidism.

    The causes of temporary diplopia have already been mentioned, it can be added that double vision occurs in acute cerebrovascular accident, epilepsy. Eyeballs in an acute attack of such diseases deviate upward or to the side.

    Monocular diplopia, a rare type of pathology, is associated with such ophthalmic diseases:

  • clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye;
  • cataract;
  • iridodialysis;
  • astigmatism;
  • retinal breaks;
  • palinopsia
  • psychoneurotic diseases.
  • Diagnosis of diplopia

    Diagnosis of double vision is carried out on the basis of complaints from patients by an ophthalmologist, which includes, in addition to the classic examination, an additional examination: computed tomography of the head, ultrasound examination of the eyeballs, etc.

    The examination is carried out with the direction of the patient's gaze on a moving light source. An ophthalmologist determines the presence of damage to the muscles of the eye and prescribes treatment.

    If no deviations are found in the line of ophthalmology, then in order to establish the cause of diplopia and prescribe the required treatment, the patient is referred to such specialists as an endocrinologist, traumatologist, neurologist, oncologist, rheumatologist, infectious disease specialist.

    Pay attention - the symptoms of Scleritis. How to correctly diagnose?

    Treatment of the disease

    Diplopia is a symptom that cannot be ignored, it is imperative to contact the clinic for a detailed examination and the appointment of appropriate medications.

    Treatment of this disease is aimed at eliminating the causes that caused doubling. As mentioned earlier, the cause of diplopia is not always an eye disease.

    With double vision in different directions (vertical, horizontal, diagonal), you can perform special exercises recommended by your doctor. Such exercises are most effective in the development of partial diplopia, perform them 3 times a day.

    If double vision is observed in a child, then in this case you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

    There are several classic ways to treat diplopia.

  • Prismatic correction- with this method, the patient is shown wearing glasses with prisms that deflect the path of rays and thus shift the image. A variant of prismatic correction are Fresnel prisms - these are thin overlays for ordinary glasses. The advantage of such lenses is that when normal vision is restored, they are replaced by prisms with a different refraction.
  • Occlusion. This method is called "turning off" one eye. In the case where several nerves are affected, this method is one of the most practical options for getting used to changes in vision. Occlusion leads to a loss of 3D perception, but this does not mean at all that the patient will have to wear a pirate bandage: modern ophthalmology has special contact lenses, and you can also use a thin opaque tape on the lens of sunglasses or regular glasses.
  • Botulinum toxin injections. Such injections lead to temporary as well as permanent relief in patients with symptoms of double vision. Botox is injected into one of the muscles of the eye under local anesthesia, which in the vast majority of cases helps to achieve the desired result and prevents the development of contractures.
  • Surgical intervention. In exceptional, most extreme cases, the possibility of surgical intervention is considered to restore the symmetry of the eye positions. This operation is performed under general anesthesia and usually leads to complete restoration of vision.
  • The described treatment is indicated only if the development of diplopia is associated with eye pathology, otherwise the treatment consists in stopping the causes that caused the disease:

  • treatment of stroke, neuropathy, neuralgia, etc.,
  • treatment of infectious diseases with the help of medicines such as antibiotics, diuretics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.,
  • treatment of volumetric processes in the orbit (removal of tumors, hematomas).
  • In the news (here) all the causes of yellow eyes.

    Prevention of diplopia

    The disease in question is characterized by the unpredictability of its development, therefore it is not advisable to carry out any preventive measures.

    However, double vision can be avoided if:

  • give up bad habits forever (social trouble - smoking, alcohol),
  • lead a banal healthy and active lifestyle: it is recommended to conduct regular walks for at least 2 hours, engage in sports exercises, observe the night and day regimen,
  • undergo a preventive examination by doctors,
  • control blood pressure.
  • Exercises

    There are many exercises that are aimed at relieving or improving the patient's condition with diplopia. This can be gymnastics directly for the eyes, for the muscles of the upper cervical spine, training for the perception of normal binocular vision.

    Gymnastics for normal blood circulation of the brain and organs of vision 5-10 times. Each exercise is done smoothly, but at the same time quickly:

    1. We look first to the right, then to the left, while turning the head, not the eyes.
    2. We tilt our head to the left until it touches the shoulder or close to this position.
    3. We tilt our head forward, then back, gently, without throwing it back.
    4. We perform rotational movements of the head in one direction and the other.
    5. We make circular movements with the shoulders with the arms lowered.
    6. Again, circular movements with the shoulders, but now the hands need to be lowered onto the shoulders.

    Eye exercises

    Perform 5 to 20 times. Before each exercise, you need to blink slightly:

  • Preparation. Sit in a comfortable position, blink to relax your eyes.
  • Look up, then down, pausing for a second in extreme positions without moving your head.
  • Move your eyes to the right and left, also lingering in extreme positions.
  • Move your eyes along a diagonal line drawn in the air, it should turn out “crosswise”
  • Move your eyes clockwise, then against;
  • “Draw” a square with your eyes clockwise, then against.
  • Take the pen at arm's length, focus on it, bring the pen closer to touching the nose, continuing to look at it, slowly return to its original position. Then look at a distant object for 3 seconds.
  • Close your eyes tightly, then slowly open them.
  • Training of binocular vision in patients with diplopia

    Normally, if you look at the outstretched hand, objects that are distant from the hand or close, bifurcate.

    For the perception of normal physiological doubling without any pathologies, there are special exercises that must be performed every day 5 times for 15 minutes.

    1. A small object is placed 15 cm from the patient, for example, a pen vertically at the level of his eyes. At some distance, after 3-5 meters, any object is installed, for example, a chair. You only need to look at the chair. If the pen does not double, then close one eye, then the other eye with your hand.

    The patient's attention is focused on the fact that the handle at the same time "moves" either to the left or to the right. The patient is explained that since the pen is seen in different places by each eye, looking into the distance with both eyes, the pen should split in two.

    The patient, alternating between overlapping eyes and looking at a chair in the distance with both eyes, should achieve a normal perception of the bifurcation of the handle. If it works out, then perform the second exercise or repeat until it works out.

    2. Now you should look at the handle. If at the same time the patient does not observe doubling of the chair installed at a distance, then he needs to stretch out his arm and put the brush vertically after the handle and in front of the chair as a flap. He moves his hand in different directions from the handle, so that it coincides with the left edge of the palm, then with the right.

    The patient is told that the stool also "moves" to the left, then to the right, and therefore, when looking with two eyes, the stool should split in two. Further, the patient, alternately moving the hand and removing it, fixes his eyes on the handle, should see the doubling of the stool. After persistent achievement of success, the third task is performed.

    3. Colored pencils are attached to a bar about 1 meter long. This is done along the bar at a distance of 15 cm from each other, then the bar is set at the level of the patient's eyes parallel to his gaze (along), while the pencils are located vertically.

    The patient looks at the pencil closest to him, slowly moves his gaze to the second one, and so on. then in reverse order. Only the pencil at which the patient is looking should be perceived, and it is imperative to see the bifurcation of the remaining pencils.

    Eye relaxation

    This is an equally important part that helps fight and prevent eye pathologies. Relaxing the eye muscles with the help of darkness can be done at home or at work, it will take about 5 minutes.

  • Sit comfortably at a table with your elbows resting on its surface.
  • Rub your palms together to feel warmth.
  • Cover your eyes with your palms so that the light does not pass through your fingers. In this case, the hands are superimposed on each other so that the fingers cross, and tightly pressed against the face, but the eyes should not be pinched and rotate freely under the eyelids.
  • If you can’t sit comfortably, with a flat back, you need to put soft objects of the right height on the table. After a few minutes, slowly open your eyes and blink.


    With double vision, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist for advice. It should be remembered that diplopia can occur for a variety of reasons; to understand and eliminate them in time means to save oneself from adverse consequences.

    In order not to face such a disease, it is necessary to monitor the state of health, treat infectious and other diseases in time. If most of the time is spent sitting at the computer or work requires constant increased attention, then you need to regularly perform eye exercises.

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    Getting rid of diplopia with the help of Bates gymnastics

    He went out on deck, there is no consciousness,

    Everything in his eyes blurred.

    It was with a sudden clouding in the author's eyes that the functional visual disorder began, denoted by the term "diplopia" (from the Greek diploos + opos - double look). With diplopia, a person, considering any object, sees simultaneously two of its images, spaced apart in space.

    The purpose of publishing this note is to help those people who are in a similar situation and do not know how to fix it. Maybe my experience will be useful for others.


    Modern medicine believes that diplopia can be a symptom or clinical manifestation of a number of neurological, infectious, hereditary and other diseases (eg ischemic stroke, brain tumor, ophthalmoplegic migraine, tick-borne encephalitis, botulism, diabetes, etc.). The causes of diplopia can also be overwork of the eye muscles, head injuries, alcohol poisoning, etc.

    Even before being admitted to the clinic, in order to find out the causes of the incident, the author, using information found on the Internet, established that he became the owner of the so-called binocular cross-sectional diplopia, when two images (right and left) are located crosswise in relation to each other, and when the left eye is closed, the left image disappears, and when the right eye is closed, the right image disappears. The range of deletion of the two images depends on the distance to the observed object and, oddly enough, on the tilt and turn of the head. By changing the position of the head, it was possible, for example, to push two images of a TV screen on the wall several meters apart, with one of them resting on the ceiling, and the other on the baseboard. The line connecting the centers of the two images made an angle of about 45 degrees with the vertical.

    It is possible to live with such a visual defect, but it is not so easy. Of particular danger is walking on stairs (especially when descending), when you see two stairs instead of one, the steps of which are beveled relative to each other by tens of degrees. Such movement can only be carried out by holding on to the railing and covering one eye; disregarding these rules threatens to fall, because instead of a real step, you risk stepping into the void. The most simple and mundane actions become problematic (if you do not close one eye), for example, taking an object from the table, shaving, reading, using the keyboard, remote controls, switches, watching what is happening on the display or TV screen - almost everything that is somehow connected with determining the actual location of something. The use of regular glasses helps a little, but this is rather small consolation.

    For almost three weeks, the author was treated in the hospital for almost three weeks both for the main disease - according to the standard method, and for its clinical manifestation in the form of diplopia - according to the method of brain stimulation with the BrainPort apparatus, used by Professor Yu. Danilov from the laboratory of tactile communications and neurorehabilitation of the University of Wisconsin (USA). The foundations of this method were laid by the well-known neurophysiologist Paul Bach-u-Rita, who previously headed this laboratory and devoted many years to studying the phenomenon of skin vision (remember our Rosa Kuleshova, who more than half a century ago convinced an authoritative scientific commission of the reality of the existence of this phenomenon). His famous statement is known: "We see not with the eyes, but with the brain", the meaning of which lies in the fact that information about the image can come not only through the main - visual, but also through spare - tactile or auditory sensations. The latter are included in the work if necessary.

    Initially, the BrainPort Vision (vision restoration) and BrainPort Position (motor adaptation) systems were used in the brain stimulation technique, where tactile information was entered through a plate with a matrix of electrodes placed on the patient’s tongue, to which impulse signals were applied, respectively, from video or acceleration sensors. Information about the currently used universal BrainPort system is not available. Apparently, in this development, the supply of external signals to the matrix of electrodes is absent and it is assumed that the impact on the tongue of a certain sequence of electrical impulses created by an autonomous built-in generator leads to automatic correction of the work of the corresponding sections of the brain.

    If the operation of the two early systems is clear, at least to those familiar with the principles of operation of systems with automatic control, then the same cannot be said about the modern system. However, Professor Danilov himself speaks about this in numerous speeches and interviews for the press: "But if you ask how this happens, I will honestly answer: it is not completely clear yet." The main argument in such cases is the reference to numerous successful applications in clinical practice. Placebo, or something else, incomprehensible, but helps.

    Therefore, for almost three weeks, twice a day, I obediently placed a plate of the Brain-Port apparatus on my tongue, having previously set the amplitude of the impulses at a level sufficient until a very noticeable tingling with a "sour taste" appeared, and each time for 15 minutes I did everything prescribed on this session: a fixed stand on the floor with open or closed eyes, the same - on a thick springy rug, alternate focusing of the eyes on distant and nearby objects, exercises on a low exercise bike (similar to a children's tricycle). relaxation with closed eyes while listening to music with the addition of brain rhythms, exercises with eye movement along the outlines or floors of buildings outside the window, etc.

    Upon admission to the hospital, when looking down from a standing position on my own legs, I saw four legs, and the toes of the shoes of one pair of legs were separated from the socks of the other pair at a distance of about 30 cm. The attending physician and I decided that there was a positive effect from using the Brain- The port can be judged by decreasing this distance. At first it seemed to me that there was an effect, but it turned out that it was not. Day after day went by, but no tangible changes for the better occurred. However, at the time of discharge, in order not to upset my attending physician, I said that the images of the legs "spread" not so much anymore.

    When I returned home, I remembered that even before the hospitalization, one of the employees of our thematic group said that her sister had a stroke a few years ago, after which she developed diplopia, which she got rid of within six months. In addition to the standard drug treatment regimen for stroke patients, during all these months she regularly did the so-called Bates gymnastics several times a day, which made it possible to completely eliminate diplopia. No relapses were observed.

    It took me only a few days of Bates gymnastics (3 times a day for 10 minutes) to also get rid of diplopia. I could not believe it, and every time I woke up, I opened my eyes with apprehension: what if I see the world divided again. When I visited the attending physician to close the sick leave, I called what happened magic.

    Meanwhile, in computer networks you can find rather unflattering reviews about Bates' gymnastics. I will bring one of them.

    William Horatio Bates (December 23, 1860, Newark, New Jersey - July 10, 1931, New York) was an American ophthalmologist, the inventor of a non-drug method of restoring vision. The effectiveness of this method is doubtful, and the theory on which it is based contradicts the data of ophthalmology and optometry, both in the time of Bates and modern data.

    The reason for such reviews is that Bates hoped with the help of his technique to rid mankind of glasses altogether. However, it is now quite clear that not all visual impairments, in particular those associated with the lens, can be eliminated with the help of Bates' gymnastics. Moreover, in certain cases, it can even be harmful. Therefore, turning to the presentation of the Bates method, I ask readers to pay attention to this.

    Gymnastics Bates to restore vision.

    Bates' gymnastics includes exercises for the eye muscles, exercises for the cervical-shoulder region and the so-called "palming" (from the English palm - palm).

    The complex should be done either an hour before meals, or after heavy loads on the visual apparatus (computer, TV, reading, etc.) several times a day (from two to five). Palming can be done not only as part of a set of exercises, but also independently when signs of eye fatigue appear.

    Exercises for the eye muscles

    These exercises are done without glasses and - best of all - sitting in front of a table in combination with palming. In this case, the elbows should not rest on the table itself, but on a stand (box, pillow, etc.) with a height that ensures the horizontal position of the back. Do not overstrain the eye muscles with the appearance of pain. The head during the exercise should remain motionless. After performing each exercise (from 5 to 20 times or until discomfort appears), you need to blink for a few seconds.

    1. Look alternately up and down, fixing your gaze for a second in each of the positions.

    2. Look alternately to the right and left, fixing your gaze for a second in each of the positions.

    3. Look alternately "diagonally" to the right-up and to the left-down, fixing your gaze for a second in each of the positions.

    4. Look alternately "diagonally" to the left-up and right-down, fixing your gaze for a second in each of the positions.

    5. Roll your eyes around in a clockwise direction.

    6. Roll your eyes in a circle counterclockwise.

    7. "Draw" a square with your eyes in a clockwise direction.

    8. "Draw" with your eyes a square counterclockwise.

    Exercises 1-8 are best done with palming (in the dark). The next two exercises, of course, in the light.

    9. Focus your eyes on the thumb of the most outstretched hand. Bring your finger closer to the nose (until it touches), then remove it while maintaining focus. After that, focus your eyes on a distant object.

    10. Close your eyes tightly. then slowly open your eyelids.

    Exercises for the neck and shoulder

    Performed vigorously, but smoothly, to improve blood circulation in the brain and vision (from 2 to 10 times each).

    1. Turn your head alternately to the right and left.

    2. "Lay" your head on the right and left shoulder alternately.

    3. Tilt your head forward and tilt back alternately.

    4. Move your head in a circle in a clockwise direction.

    5. Move your head in a circle counterclockwise.

    6. Move your head alternately "diagonally" right-up and left-down.

    7. Move your head alternately "diagonally" left-up and right-down.

    8. Move your arms up (up to the shoulders) and down, sliding along the torso.

    9. Rotate the bent arms in a circle (the hands lie on the shoulders) alternately in one direction and the other.

    To perform palming, first rub your palms together until warm, then cross your fingers and place them on your forehead so that your nose remains free between your palms. Press your fingers and palms firmly against your forehead and cheeks to completely block light from reaching your eyes. Stay in this position for a few minutes, thinking about something pleasant. Then blink a few times, remove your palms and slowly open your eyes.

    The entire set of exercises takes no more than 10 minutes to complete.

    Why double vision? Monocular and binocular diplopia

    Double vision is a fairly common pathology, in the language of medical terminology referred to as "diplopia". It brings significant discomfort to the patient, because he sees the image is very blurry and experiences pain in the eyes.

    What is diplopia

    Diplopia refers to severe visual impairment. which is characterized, first of all, by the deviation of the visual axis of the eye. The natural result, in turn, is the doubling of the image. This symptom is not a sign of any particular disease, it can accompany a wide variety of pathologies.

    Symptoms and signs of diplopia

    The leading clinical symptom of diplopia is, undoubtedly, the appearance of complaints that the image in the eyes begins to double. Moreover, the nature of this doubling directly depends on where the pathological focus is located.

    Diplopia can also be characterized by partial restriction or even complete absence of motor activity of the eyeball towards the affected muscle. Observing such a patient, one can notice that he tries to tilt or turn his head in the direction of the lesion, thereby trying to get rid of double vision.

    With diplopia, dizziness and difficulty with orientation in space may be noted.

    With further progression of the pathological process, such a patient begins to experience difficulties in everyday life, it is difficult for him to do housework, drive a car, and even simply move around in space.

    Causes of double vision

    Double vision occurs when one of the eyes is unable to move normally. For this reason, duality is created.

    We list the most common causes of diplopia:

  • Weakened or even completely paralyzed oculomotor muscles.
  • Damage to those nerves that directly innervate the oculomotor muscles.
  • Compression of the oculomotor nerve due to an aneurysm.
  • The presence of tumors and hematomas, significantly limiting the motor activity of the eyeballs.
  • Injuries to the orbit and head, which lead to infringement of the oculomotor muscles or nerves. More about eye injuries: http://domadoktor.ru/508-travma-glaza.html.

    There are a number of other conditions in which this symptom will also be present:

  • drug intoxication;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • demyelinating diseases;
  • consequences of surgical interventions on the eyes and brain;
  • psychoneuroses.

    In medical practice, even cases of diplopia have been recorded when the dosage of Botox is exceeded during the performance of beauty injections used to eliminate wrinkles. This is due to a violation of neuromuscular conduction. To avoid such trouble, it is better to contact a qualified cosmetologist in a reputable clinic.

    The most common type of diplopia is binocular. In this case, the pathological process leads to a violation of the parallelism of the visual axes of the eyes. Their shift occurs, as a result of which the patient sees all images doubled.

    Forms of binocular diplopia:

  • motor;
  • sensory;
  • mixed.

    Also distinguish temporary And permanent forms, and also neuroparalytic And orbital .

    Monocular diplopia is quite rare. In this case, the projection of the image of the object occurs on different parts of the retina of the same eye at the same time. This form occurs with subluxation of the lens, iridodialysis, polycoria. There are the following types of such diplopia:

  • Refractive. The most common form, easily corrected with glasses.
  • Retinal. It is characterized by a distortion of the relief and sphericity of the retina due to the presence of a dystrophic or inflammatory process.
  • Pupillary. It develops due to the presence of additional holes in the iris.
  • aberrational. It can occur in the presence of an uneven cornea or lens, this option is observed in some eye diseases.
  • Neurogenic. This type of diplopia is a functional disorder (against the background of endocrine pathology, meningitis, encephalitis, neurosis).


    The diagnosis is established by an ophthalmologist based on a thorough history taking, patient complaints and a number of studies. In some cases, you may need to consult other specialists: a neurologist, endocrinologist, neurosurgeon, rheumatologist, oncologist.

    The neuropathologist draws attention to the presence or absence of strabismus. ptosis of the upper eyelids, dilation or narrowing of the pupil.

    What studies are usually ordered?

  • Coordimetry. This study is carried out using an ophthalmic coordimeter, it allows you to identify the damaged muscle of the eye.
  • Study of color perception, visual acuity, refraction, conjunctiva of the eyeballs.
  • Performing a cover test that helps determine the mobility and position of the eyelids.
  • A blood test to determine the level of glucose (if diabetes is suspected).
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain to detect violations in its structure.
  • Performing a proserine test.
  • Strabometry.

    Treatment, gymnastics for the eye muscles

    Treatment will be based on the causes of double vision.

  • Therapy of infectious or inflammatory diseases using antibacterial drugs.
  • Treatment of neuropathies and neuralgia.
  • Removal of volumetric formations (tumors) surgically.
  • Puncture of existing hematomas.
  • Appointment of glucocorticosteroids in demyelinating diseases.
  • In the presence of disorders of cerebral circulation - drugs to lower blood pressure and nootropics.
  • prismatic correction. Glasses are made according to individual needs. This method has one negative side effect. Wearing such glasses often leads to the fact that visual acuity begins to slowly decline.

    Another type of treatment is a special gymnastics designed to correct vision for this problem.

    The patient is seated on a chair against a plain wall with a sheet of white paper attached to it. A black stripe should be drawn on this sheet. The patient's task is to try to focus his eyes on this strip as much as possible, after that, slowly begin to turn his head, first to the right, and then to the left. During the execution of these movements, you must not lose sight of the lane.

    An exercise that helps in correcting vision with sensory diplopia.

    The patient is given two identical sheets of white paper and asked to draw the same black stripe on each. These sheets are again fixed on the wall opposite the patient and he tries to focus his eyes on these stripes, trying to make them merge into one image. This exercise must be repeated several times, and with each subsequent time, the sheets should be hung farther and farther apart.

    Each exercise is performed for ten or fifteen minutes each day. The effect will be more pronounced if you perform them two or three times a day.

    If conservative methods of treatment do not have the desired effect, surgical intervention is indicated. During the operation, as a rule, resection or recession of the eye muscles is performed.

    Folk remedies

    Traditional medicine also has in its arsenal tools that can help in eliminating this symptom. Their advantage is that anyone can cook them at home on their own. But alternative treatment should be used only with the permission of your doctor, since almost every plant has some contraindications.

    Consider some treatment options:

  • The use of a vitamin collection, consisting of viburnum and rose hips. To prepare a healing infusion, these two ingredients are taken in equal proportions.
  • Tincture of valerian powder and crushed lavender leaves. The ingredients are infused with white wine.
  • The use of flower pollen.
  • Adding mint leaves to tea.
  • Decoction of calendula.
  • Infusion of blueberry leaves.
  • Dried eyebright infusion.

    Eyebright - folk recipes (video)

    In this video, you can find interesting information about the beneficial properties of eyebright for the treatment of eye diseases.

  • Diplopia is a disorder of the visual system in which doubling occurs.

    Pathology may be associated with deviation of the eyeball, as a result of which the image falls on the main part of the retina, and not on the fovea.

    Diplopia always covers binocular vision, that is, if you close one eye, the doubling of the image will disappear. Depending on the type of disease, monocular diplopia occurs but is rare and is caused by trauma to the iris. The peculiarity of such an ailment is that when the second eye is closed, the doubling of the image does not disappear.

    Is diplopia curable? What can be done to remove double vision?

    A disease such as diplopia brings many inconveniences.

    Many patients resort to folk methods, but this does not always give a positive result, because sometimes the disease caused by various diseases, and not just mechanical damage.

    Diplopia is completely curable, but can cause various complications in the presence of chronic diseases that disrupt the visual system. Doctors advise at the first symptoms of pathology contact the clinic.

    Feature of the treatment of the disease- the effectiveness of a combination of folk methods and home gymnastics for the eyes on a par with surgical intervention. Each procedure is selected individually, depending on the cause of doubling.

    Diagnostic methods

    • Examination of the organs of vision patient after complaining of ghosting.
    • Required blood analysis, which will indicate possible diseases such as diabetes mellitus or myasthenia gravis.
    • Prozerin test is a diagnostic method in which a special drug is administered ( Prozerin) to reduce the severity of diplopia and alleviate the patient's condition. The drug fills the cells and creates a supportive effect in which the eye responds better to focusing.

    • CT (computed tomography) and MRI of the head. Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to see the structure of the brain, identify possible disorders (tumors, injuries or hemorrhages).
    • In addition to consultation with an ophthalmologist and a neuropathologist, you will need an additional examination by a neurosurgeon.

    The whole diagnosis of diplopia is to recognize causes that led the patient to this condition. It is necessary to take into account all the previous symptoms and pay attention to even minor details.

    Important! Diplopia should be diagnosed only after complete examination of the patient And ancillary analyses.

    How to get rid of the disease?

    Diseases of various etiologies suggest therapy for the primary disease. This should be done by a neurosurgeon or a neuropathologist. If diplopia has arisen as a result of an injury, an additional consultation with an ophthalmologist will be required. The doctor determines the need for a plastic procedure for the eye muscles.

    Surgical intervention is allowed only after an injury. During surgery, the muscle is shortened or moved back to compensate for the work of another muscle.

    Applies and optical correction- improving the clarity of the patient's vision with the help of prismatic glasses ( up to 6 diopters. for each eye).

    The most effective method of therapy is considered to be set of exercises which aims to restore binocular vision. This exercise is easy to do at home.

    Its essence is to draw a line on a piece of paper and attach the picture to the wall. The patient must keep the image in the field of view, while turning his head to the left and right. Focusing attention, the patient will adjust the work of muscles and learn to concentrate on one subject.

    This exercise should be done daily. 2 to 6 times at different times of the day(Change in illumination also has a good effect on visual function). Such physical education is done with varying degrees of the disease, and as a preventive measure to improve visual acuity. Distance from leaf from 50 cm, gradually increase it.

    Kashchenko exercises: what is it

    There is a set of exercises developed by T. P. Kashchenko, the essence of which is to work with prisms. It includes three main steps:

    • excitation of diplopia;
    • the formation of bifixation - a reflex that provides an opportunity to connect bifurcated images;
    • consolidation of this reaction.

    For each of these stages, there are separate exercises that should be performed in a medical facility under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

    T. P. Kashchenko developed a method mergers images using binocular images.

    This method is in the connection of successive figures, which contain the same elements and belong to both the right and left eyes. The author of the method is confident that the merging of images that appear in sequence can form a single image.

    For prevention diplopia necessary:

    • treat all inflammatory processes that are associated with the nervous system;
    • timely take a blood test and keep sugar levels under control;
    • prevent a sharp increase in blood pressure;
    • closely monitor the hormonal system and hormone levels.

    You will also be interested in:

    Binocular and monocular diplopia. How to treat these forms of the disease?

    binocular diplopia- the most common type of disease that requires treating the cause of the disorder. The therapy is aimed at developing a reflex of connecting images when doubling the image.

    Monocular diplopia occurs in rare cases. Reasons for the appearance of the disease - cataract, glaucoma or astigmatism. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the primary disease. Often the symptoms are removed only partially.

    If astigmatism is thought to be the cause of monocular diplopia, the patient may be advised to corrective lenses.

    Photo 1. This is what an eye with monocular diplopia looks like. The cornea is irregularly shaped, resulting in an incorrect focus on the retina.

    If the problem is due to a cataract, you will need surgical intervention to eliminate pathology.

    How to cure a disease in children

    Diplopia occurs in babies due to poor mobility of the eyeballs, there are cases of temporary malaise after viewing movies in 3D. Symptoms are difficult to recognize, parents should pay attention to how the child behaves and ask him about how he sees various objects.

    Attention! Very often, children do not feel changes and may neglect the symptoms of diplopia. If the child often squints, his eyes look at the object from different angles, parents should consult a specialist.

    Defects and disorders of nerve fibers can be eliminated as far as possible. To do this, the neurologist must establish relationship between visual function and brain function. Usually such treatment and additional exercises can completely eliminate the disease in a child. If a teenager has developed monocular diplopia, this often means an early stage of cataract. In such cases, treatment is carried out with the help of surgery.



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