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Flowers are like a compliment for a girl: they are always appropriate, lift her spirits and brighten her day. But, like a compliment, you need to know how to give flowers, then they will bring maximum joy. First, you need to decide what flowers to give the girl.

Choice of colors

Of course, your favorite flower is a matter of taste. Ideal if you know how to please a girl. But if you haven’t had the opportunity to find out about your preferences yet, you can choose a bouquet using the ABC of flowers:

  1. Rose- a universal flower. Depending on the color, it may vary. Bright is a symbol of hot love and fiery passion, so on the first date it is better to choose softer colors: innocent white or loving pink. They say giving roses is a banality. Of course, these flowers are given very often, but there is a reason a respectful reason: Almost everyone likes roses.
  2. Lilies symbolize sympathy and admiration, it would seem perfect option for a gift. But lilies have a strong and specific smell, so you can give them only if the girl likes this scent.
  3. Gerberas symbolize flirting, so this flower is perfect for first dates.
  4. Orchids mean lightness and dreaminess, they will talk about intimate feelings.
  5. Tulips will help you confess your strong and pure love.
  6. Daisies mean youth, carefree and romantic.
  7. Pansies, gentle and shy, is a real air kiss.

If you still can’t decide what flowers you can give to your girl, you should opt for compositions from different plants. When the components of the bouquet are selected, you need to decide on their quantity. In this matter, you can also trust the language of symbols.

How many flowers should you give a girl?

The number of flowers in a bouquet can also tell a girl a lot about your feelings. Of course, not all beauties will immediately begin counting the flowers in the bouquet and deciphering the message. But what if your chosen one is interested in numerology or is just a little superstitious? Then it is better to know what the number of colors means:

  • 1 flower is chosen for the one and only;
  • 3 flowers will tell you that you will follow your beloved even to the ends of the world;
  • 5 colors are a declaration of love;
  • a bouquet of 7 flowers - a gift on the engagement day;
  • 9 colors will tell you that a girl is dear to you, but only as a friend.

Not in last resort The number of flowers in a bouquet is also affected by the budget of the gift. It is better to give one beautiful rose than five withered buds. Not all girls like to receive an already cut flower. Living plant in a pot - not only beautiful, but will also remind her for a long time of the day spent with you.

What indoor flower should I give to a girl?

Large and luxurious flowers will be appropriate in private homes or huge apartments, but for smaller rooms it is better to choose a more modest flower. Delicate violets, colorful cyclamen, shy anthurium, luxurious begonia, joyful hippeastrum are perfect. One of the most popular flowers today is the orchid. And there are reasons for this: it is beautiful and unpretentious, and a huge selection of orchids can be easily found in any flower shop. You should not give a flower that is difficult to care for and requires special conditions.

After the bouquet is chosen, it remains to decide how beautifully to give flowers to the girl. You can simply present a bouquet with in beautiful words or surprise your beloved beautiful bouquet, delivered to workplace or to college. If you add that you couldn't wait until the evening to meet and were constantly thinking about her, the gift will become even nicer.

Of course, there are hundreds of ways and thousands of words to make a bouquet even more attractive and take on a special meaning. The main thing is to remember that there are no exact instructions on how to properly give flowers to a girl; any bouquet given from the heart will delight your companion and tell about your attention.

Every day you communicate with women - at work, at home and in other places. In order for them to treat you well, do not forget to give them flowers on holidays or just because. But how to choose the right ones and not make a mistake?

What flowers are given to women: simple answers to complex questions

You can see dozens of varieties on sale, but you need to choose only the best. So what should you buy - elegant roses or romantic daisies?

If you want to create a romantic mood, there is only one way out - roses, they symbolize passion, intimacy and femininity. There is probably not a single woman who would refuse these flowers. Young girls prefer pink, white and coral, while older women prefer red and scarlet.

Do you want to please your soulmate for no reason? In this case, buy irises, they symbolize romance, wisdom, and reliability. These flowers are most often sold in the summer, so hurry up to please your girlfriend with them.

A bouquet of wildflowers will appeal to a young, eccentric and cheerful girl. Alas, glamorous bitches are unlikely to appreciate your choice. The more bright shades there are in the bouquet, the better.

What flowers to give a woman depending on the type of relationship

Of course, every woman needs to be given different flowers, their choice depends not only on age, but also on what kind of relationship you have with her.

Long-term relationships. In this case, you can please your beloved with red roses or red tulips; they will express all your feelings and passion. You can also give peonies as a gift - they signify romance and are considered a sign of good luck and a happy marriage.

If you are not a couple yet, but you like the girl, buy purple flowers, they symbolize love at first sight. It is not necessary to focus on purple, they will suit mixed bouquets- for example, white with peach or orange. In this case, small roses, tulips, and orchids are suitable.

For a friend, colleague or for a first date. Choose yellow flowers, they denote warmth and joy, pleasure from communicating with another person, similarity of interests. Yellow roses or tulips will give great mood all day. A bouquet of daisies and freesias will do, this is an interesting combination.

For a relative. Do you want to congratulate your mother, sister or aunt on a significant day? Ideal choice- pink carnations, they express gratitude, appreciation and admiration. Pink color- the color of care and tenderness.

What do different flowers mean: symbolism

Daisies - will improve the mood and please any girl, they can be given without any reason, just like that.

Tulips - with such a flower a woman will feel like a real lady, this is an ideal gift to express her tender feelings. Tie them with a satin ribbon to make the tulips look even better.

Orchids - expensive, so you need to give them to the one you love and adore. Win her heart with the help of delicate orchids!

Lilies - Difficult choice, it will melt her heart and remind her that you think about her. Give her lilies before or after work, please the girl with such a noble and pleasant deed.

Roses are suitable for those women and girls who adore everything sophisticated and refined. They will make her feel special and wanted.

Carnations - official flowers, which are usually given to bosses or relatives. They symbolize respect and status.

Now you know how to choose the right bouquet and what to follow when buying it. We hope you successfully complete this task!

What flowers to give to women: video

Is there a girl in the world who does not experience delight and slight trepidation when receiving a gift in the form of a bouquet of flowers? And how many young people are at a loss when choosing what flowers to give to a girl! From the outside it seems quite easy, but in fact, finding a bouquet is a real science. Entering a flower shop, your head is spinning from the huge number of different compositions and shades. Which plant to choose? How many flowers should be present in the composition? How to give flowers to a girl, while surprising her and making her happy? These are the questions that instantly flash through your head. young man.

If the recipient is a young girl, then the flowers should characterize her purity and slight naivety. This will be done by fresh, barely opened plants. Open and large buds are suitable for a woman.

Rose is the queen of the flower world! It is these dark red buds that come to mind as soon as we talk about bouquets. Exists great amount a variety of shades of these wonderful flowers. And everyone talks about a special relationship. can talk about feelings, respect, express emotions. What flowers to give a girl and express your love? Roses in red shades! They symbolize passion, ardent love and vivid feelings. - and gratitude. A white rose is a sign of admiration, special tenderness and trepidation. The color pink speaks of gratitude and respect.

Not only the shades, but also the number of flowers that make up the overall composition will tell about feelings and intentions. The main thing, when choosing which flowers to give a girl, is to remember that the number is only odd.

One will tell the girl that she is the only one for this young man, and no one else is needed except her.

Three means constancy, that this girl is exactly the person with whom you want to be together all the time and not be separated for a minute.

Five flowers - a declaration of love.

Seven is a marriage proposal.

Nine has nothing to do with romantic feelings. Such bouquets are given to friends or business partners.

Twelve is a symbol of repentance. Suitable for trying on and asking for forgiveness.

Thirteen. They talk about hatred and contempt.

Fifteen. Presented to very respected and beloved people, suitable for parents and other relatives.

Don't just stop at roses. The stores offer quite a wide variety of flowers. Roses are the standard, and many girls love unexpected surprises. What flowers to give to a girl and bring a sincere and kind smile? Delicate cornflowers, bright daisies, beautiful lilies of the valley, cheerful Many girls love strict asters or gardenias.

It is not at all necessary to make a composition from only one type of plant. You can combine, play with colors, dilute the severity and pretentiousness with the lightness of snow-white chrysanthemums.

Every store always has experienced florists who know very well what flower to give to a girl. They will definitely help you choose the appropriate one. certain situation composition. They will choose harmonizing plants and be sure to decorate them. Various grasses, petals can serve as decorations; artificial elements also look beautiful. For example, various beads, glass beads, different sizes sparkles and hearts. Even the composition itself can be made in the shape of a heart. This is very original and unusual!

You can talk about the language of flowers as much as you like, but the main thing is to listen to yourself and your heart. Any bouquet, presented sincerely, with all my heart and with love, will definitely please the girl and will only cause positive emotions. Even if it's just a lilac branch. Sincerity cannot be replaced by anything



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