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Hieromonk Seraphim of Sarov

(Prokhor Isidorovich Moshnin; July 19, 1754, Kursk - January 2, 1833, Sarov Monastery).

“To me, a wretched Seraphim, the Lord revealed that there will be great disasters on the Russian land will be trampled on, the bishops of the Church of God and other clergy will depart from purity ...and for this the Lord will punish them severely.

I, the wretched Seraphim, for 3 days and 3 nights prayed to the Lord that He would better deprive me of the Kingdom of Heaven, and would have mercy on them. But the Lord answered: “I will not have mercy on them, for they teach the doctrines of men, and with their tongue they honor Me, but their heart is far from Me.” (Mat. 15:7-9)."

“Any desire to change the rules and teachings of the Holy Church is heresy ... blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven. The bishops of the Russian land and the clergy will follow this path, and the wrath of God will strike them ... ".

“The Russian land will be stained with rivers of blood,” the elder of Sarov predicted to Motovilov, “but the Lord will not be completely angry and will not allow the Russian land to collapse until the end ...”.

"Woe to him who adds or subtracts one word...The church has no vice; woe to him who dares to make any changes in the Divine services and the statutes of that Church, which is the "Pillar and Ground of the Truth" and about which the Savior Himself said that even the gates of hell will not prevail against her; i.e., that it will remain unchanged until the end - until the second coming.

Any desire to allegedly introduce improvement, changes in the rules and teachings of the Holy Church is heresy, the desire to create their own special Church according to the invention of the human mind, deviation from the decree of the Holy Spirit is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will not be forgiven forever.

All those who have fallen away from unity with the Holy Apostolic Church have acted and will continue to do so, about which the Apostle Paul says: his ministers take the form of ministers of righteousness, but their end is according to their deeds” (2 Cor. 11:13-14).

The bishops of the Russian land and the clergy will follow this path, and the wrath of God will strike them. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and the teachings of His commandments and all the ordinances are approved by Him once and for all without change, for all this is the truth brought from Heaven by the Son of God Himself.

The sciences, human teachings must be subject to change in their development, improvement, but the Divine teaching given to us cannot be changed by people, just as the Lord Himself, who established the Holy Church and its Sacraments, is unchangeable, therefore, says Father Fr. Seraphim, human reasoning has no place here.

Why does the Apostle say: “If we, or an Angel from Heaven will announce to you more, if we bring you the gospel, let it be anathema” (Gal. 1: 8) ”(from the memoirs of E. I. Motovilova from the notes of her husband).

“We, who live on earth, have strayed a lot from the path of salvation; we anger the Lord by not keeping holy fasts; now Christians eat meat on Holy Forty Day and on every fast; Wednesdays and Fridays are not saved; but the Church has a rule: those who do not keep holy fasts and the whole summer of Wednesday and Friday sin a lot. But the Lord will not be completely angry, but he will have mercy...

For the sake of these virtues, Russia will always be glorious and fearful and irresistible to enemies, having faith and piety in the shield and armor of truth: the gates of hell will not overcome these.

“The body is the slave of the soul, the soul is the queen, and therefore this is the mercy of the Lord, when the body is exhausted by illnesses; for from this the passions are weakened, and the man comes to himself; and bodily illness itself is sometimes born from passions.

“All who have a firm hope in God are raised up to Him and are enlightened by the radiance of eternal light.”

“Just as fire purifies gold, so sadness according to God purifies a sinful heart” (Ant. Sl. 25).

“All our lives we offend the majesty of God with our falls, and therefore we must always humble ourselves before Him, asking for the remission of our debts.”

"Judge yourself, and the Lord will not condemn."

“If the family is destroyed, then the states will be overthrown and the peoples will be perverted.”

“There is nothing worse than sin, and nothing more terrible and pernicious than the spirit of despondency.”

"The world lies in evil, we must know about it, remember it, overcome it as much as possible."

“All our lives we offend the majesty of God with our falls, and therefore we must always humble ourselves before Him, asking for the remission of our debts.”

“The devil, like a lion, hiding in his fence (Ps. 9:30), secretly sets up nets of impure and unclean thoughts for us. So, immediately, as soon as we see it, we must terminate them through pious meditation and prayer.

"Just as the Lord cares about our salvation, so the murderer - the devil tries to bring a person into despair."

“He who loves himself cannot love God. And whoever does not love himself for the sake of loving God, he loves God.”

“We must always endure everything, no matter what happens, for God's sake, with gratitude. Our life is one minute compared to eternity; and therefore, according to the Apostle, we are unworthy of the passion of the present time for wanting glory to appear in us” (Rom. 8:18).

"Repentance for sin, by the way, consists in not doing it again."

“Just as there is healing for every disease, so there is repentance for every sin.”

“Whoever has tears of tenderness, such a heart is illuminated by the rays of the Sun of truth - Christ God.”

“God commanded us enmity only against the serpent, that is, against the one who from the beginning seduced man and expelled him from paradise - against the man-killer-devil. We are also commanded to be at enmity against the Midianites, i.e., against the unclean spirits of fornication and studing, which sow impure and filthy thoughts in the heart.”

“One should not reason about the works of God after the filling of the womb: for in a full womb there is no vision of the mysteries of God.”

Fromhandwritten "Chronicles of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery": « A terrible time is coming to Russia - I prayed to the Lord to take away this terrible misfortune, but the Lord did not hear the wretched Seraphim ».

In the notes of Prince Putyatin, a person very close to Diveev, there is a record that when N.A. Motovilov asked the prophet Seraphim: when will the most terrible time. Seraphim of Sarov replied:A little later than 100 years after my death ”, - i.e. thirties and forties of the twentieth century.

prophesied about the events of the future civil war, epidemics, general famine and the Great Patriotic War:« Oh, my joy, what grief will befall Russia for her sins, what a great grief! And the mortality is what a great will be in Russia! Angels will not be in time to lift human souls to heaven! Oh, my joy, great grief will cover Russia! Weeping and sobbing, Seraphim of Sarov repeated this to his disciples (Chronicle of the Diveevsky Monastery).

Nun Seraphim (Bulgakov) recalled:“We went from Praskovya Ivanovna to Elena Ivanovna Motovilova. The sovereign knew that she kept the letter handed to her by N.A. Motovilov, written by Rev. Seraphim and addressed to the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II. This is a letter from St. Seraphim wrote, sealed it with soft bread, handed it over to Nikolai Alexandrovich Motovilov with the words:

- You will not live, but your wife will live, when the whole royal family arrives in Diveevo, and the Tsar comes to her. Let her give it to him.

Natalya Leonidovna Chichagova told me that when the sovereign accepted the letter, he reverently put it in his chest pocket, saying that he would read the letter after ...

When the sovereign read the letter, having already returned to the abbot's corps, he wept bitterly. The courtiers comforted him, saying that although Father Seraphim was a saint, he could be wrong, but the sovereign wept inconsolably. The content of the letter remains unknown.

On the same day, July 20, in the evening everyone left Diveevo. After that, with all serious questions, the sovereign turned to Praskovya Ivanovna, sending the Grand Dukes to her. Evdokia Ivanovna said that one did not have time to leave, the other came.

After the death of Praskovya Ivanovna's cell attendant, Mother Seraphim asked everything through Evdokia Ivanovna. She reported that Praskovya Ivanovna said:

- Sovereign, descend from the throne yourself!

It is a fact that NikolayIIreceived a revelation of his miserable fate. He was warned by the Lord about his suicidal death. “Perhaps the house of Judah will hear about all the disasters that I think to do to them, so that they turn each one from their evil way, so that I forgive their iniquity and their sin” (Jer. 36: 3). However, instead of correcting his disastrous situation, as is always possible in such cases, the Russian tsar decided to spend a significant amount Money to glorify the prophet (Mat. 23:29-32), rather than to prevent their movement to the underworld.

True, there are still some prophecies of Seraphim of Sarov addressed to the “last tsar and the period of the revival of Russia”, which, in turn, Russian false teachers, in pursuit of their own imperial interests, cynically relate the distortion of these prophecies to thetorii of the autocratic monarchy of the Romanov dynasty ...

Prophecy is spiritual information that elders or great thinkers bring to people, often these statements concern our future, both individual countries and the world. It contains data (sayings, revelations, etc.) that relate mainly to future events.

Seraphim of Sarov is one of the most revered soothsayers

As a rule, prophecies are the statements of clairvoyants who foresaw certain events even before they happened. The difference between predictions and simple predictions of the future is that the former are based on the supernatural powers of foresight of those who pronounce them, while the latter are guided by ordinary logic and analysis of various facts and events.

Seraphim of Sarov - one of the most revered soothsayers

Serafim Sarovsky was born at the end of July 1754, in the family of a merchant who works and lives in Kursk. He is named in history as one of the most revered saints. History speaks of him as the initiator and henchman of the Diveevsky convent (the abode of the afflicted). The monk was exalted in 1903 by the Russian Church.

Facts from the life of the saint

The Lord loves us all, because every person is His child. But He also has especially beloved children. Through them, the light of the Almighty descends to other people, giving peace, mercy and healing. Saint Seraphim of Sarov was such a favorite. The Blessed Virgin appeared to him twelve times, and with Her patronage the saint worked miracles, restoring health, reason and faith to people.

On the night of July 19-20, 1759, Agafya, the wife of a wealthy Kursk merchant, Isidor Moshnin, gave birth to a boy. They named him Prokhor. The Moshnin family lived amicably and God-fearing. When Prokhor was three years old, his father decided to build a temple, but soon after construction began, he fell ill and died. All affairs - both commercial and domestic - fell on the shoulders of Agafye, so the church grew slowly. One day, seven-year-old Prokhor climbed an unfinished belfry and, unable to resist, fell to the ground. People rushed to help, but the boy, to everyone's surprise, remained alive and unharmed. This was the first sign of heavenly patronage.

The next sign was filed three years later. At the age of 10, Prokhor fell seriously ill, and his relatives had already lost faith in his salvation. But the Most Pure Virgin came to the boy in a dream, comforted and promised recovery. Soon a religious procession was going through Kursk with miraculous icon Mother of God. Suddenly, during the procession, the sky was covered with clouds and it began to rain. Then the participants of the procession, in order to shorten the path, turned to the Moshnins' house. Agafya carried her son, and the icon was carried over him. A little later, Prokhor began to quickly recover from his illness.

Healing of St. Seraphim of Sarov


WITH early age the boy had to help his brother in the store. But his soul lay not in trade. Often Prokhor recalled the bright and indescribably beautiful image of the Mother of God from his vision. Wanting to know more about her, he free time used to go to church services or read spiritual books. Too striking was the contrast between the spiritual world that opened up to him, and everyday life with its petty concerns and interests.

More and more Prokhor shied away from trade, entertainment with peers, when he asked his mother for blessings for tonsure, Agafya was not surprised. In 1776, a 17-year-old boy with several young countrymen went to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

Nine versts from Kyiv is Kitaevskaya Hermitage, where the famous and revered elder Dosifei lived then. (History tells what was hidden under this name simple woman- the recluse of Darius). Kursk youths looked there on the way to the Lavra. After talking with everyone, the hermit immediately singled out Prokhor among the others, blessed him with special warmth and said (literally): “Go, child of God, and be in the Sarov monastery. This place will give you salvation from torment. God in help will come you, and there you will end your earthly path. From now on, and forever, his path became clear to him. And Seraphim looked into the future without fear, he knew that both trials and difficulties awaited him, but he felt the protection of the Creator behind him.


But Prokhor did not immediately go to a monastery near the city of Sarov. He felt that he was not quite ready for the trials and tribulations of the monastic life. Therefore, the young man soon returned home to Kursk and lived there for two years, gathering strength for spiritual achievement. Only at the end of November (history indicates the 20th-21st day of the month), 1778, the 19-year-old Prokhor came to the Sarov Monastery and immediately got to the vigil. They served brightly, reverently and with great joy of God in the monastery church, and, kneeling down, the moved young man realized how wise Dositheus' prophecies were.

Father Pachomius treated Prokhor kindly and blessed him for obedience. The young novice immediately gave himself to prayer. He was one of the first to come to the temple, stand motionless for the Liturgy, then return to the cell and again pray or read the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the holy fathers.

Soon the novice fell ill and lay in his cell for three years, refusing treatment and relying only on his Heavenly Protectress. And She showed her mercy. For the second time, the Mother of God visited Prokhor, giving him healing.

The Mother of God visited Prokhor, giving him healing

Tongue and serve the Lord

At the age of 27, the young man took the tonsure with the name Seraphim. Some time later he was ordained a deacon. In this first holy order, he stayed for six years. Taking part in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, Saint Seraphim was granted a vision of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

In radiance, He walked through the air, surrounded by many angels, and in the process of singing "Holy God" entered the altar, bypassing the local icon of the Savior. This phenomenon surprised Seraphim so much that he froze in place. The deacons led him under the arms to the altar, where he stood motionless for two hours, experiencing a miraculous vision in his heart, before explaining what had happened. After this incident, he often prayed for a long time in the forest in solitude.

At 37, Father Seraphim became a priest. Soon he asked for blessings to leave the monastery and settle down five versts from the monastery, on the banks of the Sarovka River. The priest built a wooden cell and lived by the labor of his hands from the garden and apiary. For bread, he went to the monastery once a week, but then he completely refused bread, eating exclusively vegetables. Later, he decided to fast rigorously, and for more than two years, his food was a mixture of herbs.

One day, three peasants attacked Seraphim, demanding money. “I don’t take anything from anyone,” the monk told them, but they were possessed evil spirit, the robbers did not believe him and began to beat him with an ax. With a broken head and broken ribs, all mutilated, they threw Seraphim to the ground, believing him to be dead, and broke into the cell. The villains searched everything, but found only the icon of the Virgin and a couple of potatoes.

The crippled Father Seraphim miraculously crawled to the monastery. He was taken to a cell, doctors were called, but they, having examined the monk, came to the conclusion that he would not survive. While they were conferring, Seraphim fell into oblivion and again saw the Mother of God. With the apostles John and Peter, She approached the bed and, looking at the patient, said: “This Servant of God is a child of Our kind.”

Seraphim of Sarov often prayed for a long time in the forest in solitude

After regaining consciousness, Seraphim refused treatment. Soon he could already get out of bed, and six months later he left the monastery and returned to his cell on Sarovtsy. When the robbers were found, the monk insisted that they should not be punished. The Lord himself punished the villains: the fire burned their houses.

The ascetic life of the elder was accompanied amazing facts. He was often visited wild animals: bear, wolf, fox, hares, squirrels, lizards, toads, snakes and even poisonous snakes.

The monk spent his life in silence, true to his rule: "From silence no one has ever repented."

The road to self-knowledge

Striving for tireless prayer, the Monk prayed for 1000 days, kneeling right on the stone. One stone stood in the cell - on it the Monk Seraphim offered prayer during the day, and the other was on the edge of the forest, and was used for prayer at night. He did not tell anyone about this feat of his - it was only by chance that the monks found out about him.

So sixteen years passed. In the spring of 1810, Saint Seraphim returned to the monastery. Here he immediately locked himself in a cell, not talking to anyone, the monks left food for him at the door, often taking it away untouched. The stove in the cell was not heated, only the lamp was lit by the icon of the Mother of God. In the passage, reminding of death, stood a simple oak coffin made by the hands of the monk.

Seraphim of Sarov in the monastery cell

For ten years the monk spent in silence, and began to speak with people after the Blessed Virgin again appeared to him with Saint Onuphrius the Great and Peter the Athos. She ordered the elder to receive people who yearn for blessings, advice, and consolation. So Father Seraphim set out on a new feat. daily, from early morning until late in the evening he listened to the pilgrims who, having heard about the return of the elder, went endlessly to the monastery. The monk accepted those who really needed spiritual help, knowing in his heart their troubles.

People who visited St. Seraphim were healed of illnesses, avoided inevitable death and other dangers. One of the most famous healings is the landowner Nikolai Motovilov. He did not go, and came to the reverend for healing. Seraphim asked if Motovilov believed in Christ and the Mother of God, and that they would help him heal. He answered in the affirmative. Then the saint said: "Get up and go." To his surprise, Motovilov was able to walk. In the future, he became the first biographer of Seraphim and a trustee of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery.

The last meeting of Seraphim with the Mother of God during earthly life

many years post, sleepless nights in prayers and humility of the flesh they undermined the health of Seraphim. The legs already did not obey well, the back was bent, but no one ever heard complaints from the elder, because he found spiritual health, unthinkable without sincere faith. As before, he looked at the world with a bright smile, was invariably meek and affable. He always greeted people who visited him: “My joy! Christ is risen!"

The elder spent his nights in the monastery, and during the day he went into the forest, where he prayed for a long time on the high bank of the Sarovka. But people continued to come to him: trampling down the paths to the monastery church, they patiently waited for the miracle worker to come to the liturgy in order to receive a blessing or at least touch the edge of his clothes.

In the small village of Diveevo, near the Sarov monastery, the landowner Agafya Melgunova founded a small monastery, and before her death she asked the Monk Seraphim to take care of the sisters of her monastery. Prior to this, the elders in Rus' had never been engaged in women's monasteries, but the Mother of God again appeared to the Reverend with the twelve apostles and entrusted him with this work. Seraphim had to bear the burden of caring for the monastery without abandoning the feat of prayer. The whole life of the Diveevo maiden community was arranged for the prayer and blessing of the reverend.

In 1831, one of the nuns here witnessed the twelfth last visit Seraphim Mother of God. rose strong wind, everything was lit up with light, and wonderful singing floated; two angels with flowers approached the elder, falling on their knees, followed by the Mother of God, John the Baptist, the Apostle John the Theologian and 12 holy virgins.

The nun came to her senses only at the end of the conversation between the Mother of God and the Reverend. “Do not leave my Diveevo sisters,” said the Most Pure One. “O Lady, I collect them, but I myself cannot manage them,” Seraphim answered humbly. “I will help you in everything,” the Mother of God said, and then added: “Soon, my beloved, you will be with us,” and, having blessed the Sarov elder, she disappeared. On January 1, 1833, on Sunday, the elder gathered all his last strength and visited the temple, put candles at all the icons and took communion.

Then he said goodbye to all the brethren, and kissed each one and said (verbatim):

“Save yourself, keep your souls from sin, do not lose heart, do not indulge in sadness, be cheerful.”

Day of death with the blessing of the Lord

As always, Seraphim was meek and affectionate, as if preparing for the next prayer, and not for death. In the evening, Easter singing was heard from his cell, and the next day the monks found Seraphim bowed at the images. Everyone believed that the elder was sleeping and wanted to wake him up, but, coming closer, the monks realized that the monk had gone to the Lord…

Elder Seraphim is glorified by the Church.

The body was placed in a simple coffin, once made by the reverend himself, and buried on the right side of the cathedral altar. As if to a living one, pilgrims continued to go to Seraphim - and miracles of healing continued. July 19 (August 1, new style), 1930, at large cluster of believers, the Monk Elder Seraphim is glorified by the Church. As the saint predicted, in the summer all the people sang Easter July 19 (August 1) - the first (1903) and second (1991) finding of his relics. Archbishop Philaret of Chernigov called the Reverend an ascetic of piety of the last times. History and learned minds recognize that Elder Seraphim was one of those people whom the Lord sends to the world so that faith in God's mercy and hope for salvation does not die in our souls. We must always remember some of his precepts.

Prophecies about the future of Russia and the Tsar

Saint Seraphim of Sarov at the beginning of 1832 made predictions that the Tsar's power would collapse and bury the Last Tsar of All Rus' under his remains. And so it happened, the tsar, along with his entire family, was shot by the Bolsheviks. The Great Elder also prophesied that a time would come when the murdered tsar would be canonized, and from that day it would begin for Russia new era prosperity (literally): “And Great Rus' will be divided into two sides, and there will be one side from the devil, and the other from God. And the Lord will descend on the suffering land and give his strength in support of the king and his troops. And the word of God will come to Rus' and people will remember that their life is in the hands of God…”.

Prophecies from Seraphim of Sarov

Prophecy about the Great Russian Revolution

The prophecies of the elder said that many good and faithful residents of their country would die, property, churches, monasteries and cells would be plundered, those who accepted the power of the devil as truth would be abused, many good Christians would be destroyed and blood would be shed like a river and cry for all Rus' will be strong. But, the Lord God will be favorable to Russia and having gone through all the suffering, she will gain glory. These prophecies have come true in the past and are coming true in our time. We can watch how Russia grows and achieves greatness in the world right now.

Destruction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Prophecies about future wars, the division of Turkey and Jerusalem

The most terrible and most serious prophecies of the Great Elder concerned future hostilities that will happen on the planet in the days of the End Times. The soothsayer said that a lot of blood would be shed. But his predictions promised the unprecedented greatness of Russia as a country, and as a state dominating the earth.

Seraphim of Sarov predicted the inevitable merger of all Slavic peoples under the banner of Russia. And this new state will gain power from God and receive protection Higher Forces. This will be the time about which God, through the elders, spoke to people (literally): “The Great All-Russian Kingdom, the invincible Slavic Kingdom - Gog and Magog, will by its greatness cause reverence, respect, and fear among its enemies.” Jerusalem will submit to the Russian power, and Constantinople and all large countries will be conquered. The very territory of Turkey will pass to Russia. Such prophecies indicate that Russia will not easily survive in all today's difficulties, but will also find happiness, the prosperity of its people and prosperity. In general, history has repeatedly mentioned that the great elders made prophecies regarding Russia as the only superpower in the world.

Prophecies about the future of France

Saint Seraphim of Sarov predicted the future of France as follows: there will be no more than 18 million inhabitants in the country, the town of Reims will become the capital, and Paris will be wiped off the face of the earth. Sardinia will open its arms to the House of Napoleonides, Corsica will submit and Savoy will fall. Such predictions promise France prosperity and prosperity to its inhabitants.

Predictions about the coming war

Sarov foreshadowed the war, saying that it would begin immediately after his holiday, in Diveevo, as soon as he was resurrected with the Tsar. These prophecies concerned a period called in history and religion the End Times.

End Times Prophecies (End of the World)

Often people came to Saint Seraphim who wanted to satisfy their curiosity. There was a case when one man thought to himself that the end of the world was approaching, and he decided to ask the opinion of the elder. Seraphim answered him that he thought too well of him, and the elder could not know such a thing, and that the Lord God did not give him any signs confirming such a future event. Then Seraphim said sadly (verbatim):

“We are all children of the Lord! But, those who live on earth have turned away from the word of His Righteous One! We have gone far from the path of salvation of our immortal souls ... we will anger the Lord His Savior ... but His wrath will be long, He will give great mercy to His children. Our faith is Orthodox, the Church, it has no vice. Thanks to this, Russia will be blessed and her enemies, whose strength is from the unkind and unclean, will not be able to defeat her. Always the Lord God with the army of his saints will stand guard, protecting her. And the unclean will never break this wall, it will remain stronger than all barriers for all eternity, as long as our world will exist.

These prophecies are somewhat frightening, but encouraging. After all, predictions about the end of the world also speak of the fact that together with the End, a New great Teaching will come to our world, and the end of the world will become its Beginning of Beginnings.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone of a few famous sayings Seraphim of Sarov (literally):

  • Do not take sin on your immortal soul and on your conscience, and illnesses will go away, since any illness is a punishment for our mortal sins before the Lord and His Will.
  • Whoever endures his illness with patience, humility, brevity and thanksgiving, illness will be credited instead of a feat.
  • False Communion on Earth, beware lest you remain without Communion in Heaven.
  • No one has yet complained about bread as the basis of life and water as holy moisture from the Lord.
  • More for fasting and prayers to be honored for obedience is hard work, that is, work in His Name.
  • There is no sin more terrible than to give up your immortal soul in anguish and despondency.
  • True faith does not tolerate idleness and idleness, who believes in eternal life in heaven, he always has the cares of the world on earth.
  • Meekness can conquer both fate and the world for you. Drive away longing from yourself, do not indulge in despondency, and try to have a joyful spirit, and drive sad thoughts away from yourself.
  • Those who live with you in peace, let them agree peacefully, let them number in the thousands, but find only one, and only open your heart to one close in spirit in your worldly sorrows.
  • Do not destroy families and do not destroy childhood, if the warmth of a family fire is destroyed, then the state will be destroyed and the peoples will be distorted.

The great elder Seraphim of Sarov lived a long and very difficult life full of hardships and grief. He proudly and meekly carried the cross laid for him by the Most High. His fate gave us many historical values ​​in the form of great prophecies. He is revered as a saint not only in Russia, he is known all over the world. People go to the icon of Seraphim in the hope of getting protection and help.

And the holy man, the great martyr, the anointed of God, does not refuse mercy to anyone, just as he did not refuse during his lifetime and does not refuse after his death. The people honor the great old man on January 15, this day in history is called the Day of St. Seraphim of Sarov. Also, the feast of the acquisition of the Orthodox relics of the saint is celebrated on August 1. They pray to Seraphim for health, for deliverance from bodily and mental ailments. In Orthodoxy, he is called the patron of trade and profit. They also offer him a prayer for the softening of native hearts and for the reconciliation of loved ones in enmity. History gives many facts of how prayer to this saint worked real miracles. He helped to get rid of illnesses, helped to emerge victorious in a difficult matter, protected those who traveled to work in a different direction.

Pilgrims often come to his temple in Diveevo, in Diveevsky Monastery with prayers and requests for help. And the Great Elder does not refuse anyone his protection and help. Pray to him for your health and the Lord will not leave you in the clutches of illness, pray to him for protection from evil people, and your enemies will retreat from you, pray to him for children and he will give them the power of life in this complex world.

PROPHECIES OF THE REPENDENT SERAPHIM OF SAROVSKY ABOUT THE LAST TIMES The text of the prophecies of St. Seraphim, recorded from his words by “the servant of the Mother of God and Seraphim” N.L. Motovilov and transferred to S.A. Nilus (from the archive of priest Pavel Florensky): “More than half a century will pass. Then the villains will lift their heads high. It will certainly be. The Lord, seeing the unrepentant malice of their hearts, will allow their undertakings for a short time, but their illness will turn on their head, and the untruth of their pernicious plans will descend on top of them. There will be some time a Tsar who will glorify me, after which there will be a great turmoil in Rus', a lot of blood will flow for rebelling against this Tsar and the Autocracy, but God will magnify the Tsar ... To me, a wretched Seraphim, the Lord revealed that on the Russian land there will be great disasters. The Orthodox faith will be trampled on, the bishops of the Church of God and other clerics will depart from the purity of Orthodoxy, and for this the Lord will severely punish them. I, a wretched Seraphim, for three days and three nights prayed to the Lord that He would better deprive me of the Kingdom of Heaven, and have mercy on them. But the Lord answered “I will not have mercy on them: for they teach the doctrines of men, and honor Me with their tongue, but their heart is far from Me”… Any desire to make changes in the rules and teachings of the Holy Church is heresy… blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven . The bishops of the Russian land and the clergy will follow this path, and the wrath of God will strike them ... Before the birth of the Antichrist, there will be a great long war and a terrible revolution in Russia ... There will be the death of many people faithful to the fatherland, the looting of church property and monasteries; desecration of the churches of the Lord; destruction and plunder of wealth good people , rivers of Russian blood will spill. Then the time will come when, under the pretext of ecclesiastical and Christian progress, for the sake of the demands of this world, they will change and pervert the dogmas (teaching) and statutes of the Holy Church, forgetting that they originate from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who taught and gave instructions to His disciples, to the Holy Apostles, about the creation of the Church of Christ and its rules, and commanded them: “Go and teach all nations that which I have commanded you.” From here, the rules and traditions of the Holy Apostles that have come down to us have been preserved to this day, which were clarified and finally approved once and for all by their Holy Successors - the Holy Fathers, led by the Holy Spirit at the seven Ecumenical Councils. Woe to the one who subtracts or adds one word, our faith has no vice; woe to anyone who dares to make any changes in the Divine services and the statutes of that Church, which is the “Pillar and Ground of the Truth” and about which the Savior Himself said that even the gates of hell will not prevail against her ... But the Lord will not be completely angry and will not He will allow the Russian land to collapse to the end ... I, the wretched Seraphim, from the Lord God are supposed to live for much more than a hundred years. But since by that time the Russian hierarchs have become so ungodly that their wickedness will surpass the Greek hierarchs during the time of Theodosius the Younger, so that even the most important dogma of Christ's Faith - the Resurrection of Christ and the general resurrection will not be believed, then therefore the Lord God is pleased until the time of me, the wretched Seraphim, to take from sowing premature life and then to resurrect the dogma of the Resurrection, and my resurrection will be like the resurrection of the seven youths in the cave of Okhlonskaya during the time of Theodosius the Youngest. Upon my resurrection, I will move from Sarov to Diveevo, where I will preach universal repentance... This sermon will be officially announced to all people, not only Russian, but also universal, in an all-perfect message... Before the end of time, Russia will merge into one great sea with others Slavic lands and tribes, it will make up one sea or that vast universal ocean of the people, about which the Lord God spoke from ancient times through the lips of all the saints: “The terrible and invincible kingdom of the All-Russian, all-Slavic - Gog Magog, before whom all nations will tremble.” And all this, everything is true... When the Russian Empire receives one hundred and eighty million in its possession, we must expect the appearance of the Antichrist. The Antichrist will be born in Russia between Petersburg and Moscow in that great city, which, after the union of all the Slavic tribes with Russia, will be the second capital of the Russian kingdom and will be called “Moscow-Petrograd”, or “City of the End”, as the Lord Holy Spirit calls it, from afar everything providing. Before the appearance of the Antichrist, the Eighth Ecumenical Council of all the Churches must take place... The spirit of darkness promises the establishment of paradise on earth... Among the Slavs and Russians, the true Antichrist, the demon-man, the son of the wife of the harlot of Dan's generation... Simeon the God-bearer, who blessed the Servant Jesus and announced His birth to the world, will curse the born Antichrist and announce to the world that he is the true Antichrist. A selection of quotes is printed according to the book: Prophecies about the Antichrist and the fate of Russia. - M., 1997. S. 35-36; See also: Russia before the second coming. M., 1998. T. 2. S. 549-550; Antichrist and Russia // Literary Studies, book. 1. 1991, pp. 133-134. It should be noted that Rev. Seraphim of Sarov identifies Russia of recent times with the biblical "Gog" and "Magogog", the invasion of which will shake the world on the eve of the reign of the Antichrist. So in the book of the prophet Ezekiel (Ezek. 38-39) “Gog from the land of Magog” is the “supreme prince”, who is the leader of the peoples of Rosh (Rose), Meshech (Mosha) and Tubal (Tubala) in the land of Magog - “the great assembly hosts" who "from the ends of the north" will invade the promised land "in last days… like a storm” (Ezek. 39). And in the Apocalypse it is said about Gog and Magog: “When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will come out to deceive the peoples who are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, and gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea” (Rev. 20:7). The names Meshekh (Moskh) and Rosh (Ros) mentioned in the Holy Scriptures have long been attributed by some religious thinkers to Moscow and Russia, while Magog - to the Mongols and the yellow, Asian race. Such an interpretation has become firmly established in Orthodox eschatological thought, especially after the Russian atheistic revolution of 1917. The anti-Christian communist state of the USSR formed on the site of the former Orthodox Russia, many holy elders associated precisely with these apocalyptic names, the bearers of which will play important role in preparation for the reign of the Antichrist.

Prophecies of Seraphim of Sarov: fiction and reality.
[an article from a series on the history of prophecy].
[First part].

IN Lately At some Forums on the Internet, especially where the “so-called” opponents of Ecumenism and Globalism gather, collections of prophetic statements by Orthodox elders, in particular, St. Seraphim of Sarov, have appeared, in which speedy recovery monarchy in the Russian Federation. As a rule, “quotes” are used from the book “Great Prophecies about Russia” (compiled by S.N. Burin, Moscow, 2000), however, there are also prophecies of the Reverend from the book “Russia before the Second Coming” (compiled by S. and T. Fomina , M., in 2 volumes, 1998). The moderators of such Forums, loudly calling themselves “truly Orthodox”, forget that any myth-making and juggling of church-historical facts, and especially prophecies, is a grave sin that can only seduce “weak” believing souls and lead them into unrealizable “dreams”.

[Historical reference:
“In the wilderness of Temnikovsky district, Tambov province, among dense forests, on the site of the ancient Tatar city of Saraklych, for almost two hundred years, a marvelous monastery has been standing, hidden by a forest from the bustle of the world. Believing Rus' calls it the Sarov desert.
In this desert, 123 years ago, the blessed young man Prokhor, originally from an old merchant family of the city of Kursk, the Moshnins, joined the brethren. The life of Father Seraphim, who was born on July 19, 1759, and died in the Lord on January 2, 1833, belongs to the very recent past. The holy guardian of all the memories of Father Seraphim is the Seraphim-Diveevo Convent, created by the spirit of the blessed elder.
My entire essay on serving the memory of Father Seraphim was compiled on the basis of the handwritten memoirs of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Motovilov, a Simbirsk conscientious judge, supplemented by conversations with his widow, Elena Ivanovna, and the sisters of the holy Diveevo monastery. It should be noted that in the papers of the Motovilovskys, which I received for analysis, there was a terrible mess, and the first conscious meetings with the reverend dated back to September 9, 1831 […] ”(S.A. Nilus (1862-1929) “Great in the Small” , 1903].
* * *

Archbishop Veniamin (I.A. Fedchenkov, 1880-1961) wrote in 1932 in the article "Reverend Seraphim of Sarov":
“The beginning of the 19th century: everyone is busy with the political and social organization. And Christianity stands helplessly on the sidelines, not having the strength to breathe life into the decrepit world […]
Others, in particular the Catholic Church, and less so the Protestant confession, are trying to promote the economic reforms of a world entangled in crises, and they believe that this is the service of Christianity to humanity. They do not realize that by such an understanding of Christianity they testify to their own spiritual mortification, and by this they sing a funeral hymn to their confessions.
But without thinking of others, let us look into ourselves, into us Orthodox: who now thinks of grace—how main goal our life?
And do we know her?
Do we live in the Holy Spirit?
Incomprehensible words ... Other people's speeches in an unfamiliar language ...
By faith, by tradition, we continue to be Christians, we go to church, we fulfill the “duty” of fasting, we keep rituals, we live with the thought of the future Judgment […]
And suddenly we hear the sermon of the Monk Seraphim: if someone outwardly fulfills all this, without achieving blessed results, even if he was a monk, he is a “black firebrand”, from which a living tree can no longer grow ...
I'm getting scared... A dead firebrand... But what do you need?
One must be in the grace of the Life-Giving Spirit... Without this, everything is in vain: good deeds, and prayer, and virginity. Everything is an empty ear without grain.
Modern world, even Christians, including here in Russia, have departed from the true understanding of Christianity as a grace-filled life to such an extent that it even seems to others that St. Seraphim gave some new revelation or an unknown interpretation of Christian teaching. But this is completely false.
Both the Word of God and the works of the Holy Fathers of the Church spoke and continue to speak of the same essence of Christianity, as did the God-bearing priest, Father Seraphim. His teaching was and is the everlasting unchanging teaching of Orthodox Christianity.
But why, according to Batyushka and N.A. Motovilov, many clerics could not intelligibly and thoroughly reveal the basic truth of Christianity?
“Every scribe,” says the Lord, “brings out of his treasure or book depository what he has there or what he wants to read” (Matthew 13:52). And, consequently, if we could not explain this and introduce it to others, then it is clear that we ourselves did not sufficiently understand the essence of Christianity, we forgot it. They did not understand because they did not live it as they should.
And in secular society, many focused on public importance and the power of Christianity, forgetting the words of the Lord, spoken by him to Pilate, the representative of the earthly kingdom (John 18.36). Russian society was carried away by the creation of an earthly kingdom, gradually became carried away practically, and then ideologically, by materialism, which degenerated into that theomachism, of which we are now witnesses both in Russia and throughout the world, regardless of different political forms life. Reconciliation has also penetrated into our Church…
On the eve of this worldliness, materialism, unbelief and theomachism, like lightning cut through the dark night of the world, the greatest saint, the Monk Seraphim, with his life and teachings.
He himself experienced and showed the whole world this life in the Holy Spirit. What a glory for Orthodoxy, that it was it that raised such a great Saint, the like of whom Catholicism does not know (and Protestants have no saints at all) […]”.
* * *
How much has changed in Russia since Archbishop Veniamin (I.A. Fedchenkov, 1880-1961) wrote these lines?
Why are many clerics unable to intelligibly and thoroughly reveal the basic truth of Christianity?
If they cannot interpret it and introduce it to others, do they themselves understand the essence of Christianity?

However, let us return to Seraphim of Sarov, it is believed that the Monk had a great gift for foreseeing Future events. His prophecies can be divided into two main areas: some relate to the fate of the Diveevo Convent, others to the future fate of Russia.
One of the first known prophecies of St. Seraphim of Sarov, just concerns the Seraphim-Diveevo convent. It was published in 1893:
“There have not yet been and there are no examples of women's Lavra, but I, a wretched Seraphim, will have a Lavra in Diveyevo. Lavra will be around, that is, behind the "groove". You will have two Cathedrals, my first is a cold Cathedral, where Sarov will be much better, and they will envy us. And the second Kazan Winter Cathedral, because the Kazan Church will be given to us. You do not bother, the time will come to give it to us. When the age is over, the Antichrist will remove the crosses from the temples and ruin the monasteries, and he will ruin all the monasteries. But it will come up to yours, it will come up, but the “groove” will become from earth to heaven, it cannot go up to you, the “groove” will not allow anywhere, so it will go away ”(“ The Life of Elder Seraphim of the Sarov Monastery hieromonk, desert-dweller and recluse, Moore, p. 8, 1893).

Then part of the prophecies of the Monk Seraphim were collected in the work of the priest, [later Metropolitan] Seraphim (L.M. Chichagov) “Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery” for the 1896th year. Priest Seraphim wrote down the “Memoirs” of the nuns of the Serafimo-Diveevo Monastery about the Reverend.
Regarding the Kazan Church, Father Seraphim said to the nun Xenia Vasilievna (notebook No. 1):
“Kazan Church, my joy, such will be the temple, which is not like it!
At the presentation of light, the whole earth will burn, my joy, nothing will remain. Only three churches around the world, from all over the world, will be taken whole, not destroyed, to heaven. One is in the Kyiv Lavra, the other (I really don’t remember), and the third is your Kazan, mother. In, what a Kazan church you have! The whole place, consecrated by the exploits of Mother Alexandra and others, will ascend to this temple, and the current church will remain only, as it were, a nucleus. Be sure to fence off the land on both sides of the Nativity Church with a fence: there are stacks of the Queen of Heaven.
This is holy ground! The Mother of God walked around Her church here! Do not walk on this land, but block it. Don't even let a brute walk around here. But water the grass, and then take it away to your monastery from this place, otherwise you can’t throw it away. The grass is holy, here the piles of the Queen of Heaven have passed!
* * *
Nun Elena Vasilievna recalled:
“Batiushka repeatedly told me: “Here, mother, when we have a cathedral, then the Moscow bell Ivan the Great will come to us! When they hang him, but for the first time they hit him and he buzzes, - and the priest portrayed in his voice, - then we will wake up! ABOUT! In, my mothers, what a joy it will be! In the middle of summer they will sing Easter! And to the people, to the people, from all sides, from all sides!
After a pause, the priest continued: “But this joy will be for the most a short time what next, mothers, will be ... such Sorrow, which has not been from the beginning of the world! ”(notebook No. 1).
* * *
Elder sister in the mill monastery, Praskovya Stepanova told (notebook No. 6, story 3):
“You know, mother, the bell of Ivan the Great, because it will pass to us, and everyone will be surprised. And as soon as he strikes, the thousandth bell will ring in Sarov! ... Here, mother, then everyone will be amazed. And if the Tsar's Surname visits us, Diveev, after all, will be a wonder to the whole world! The village will no longer be here, but the city. And the whole earth, and around everything will be ours, and the inhabitants around - they will all serve us!” etc.
[When reading the “Memoirs” of the sisters of the Seraphim-Diveevo convent, one must remember that they were written down in 1889, that is, 57 years after the death of Elder Seraphim, this speaks of their quality. Unfortunately, before the appearance of the priest Seraphim (L.M. Chichagov), none of the sisters even thought to write down their “Memoirs” about the Monk Seraphim. All their “Memories” were written down “from words”, during the evening conversations after the daytime obedience. In addition, the priest Seraphim (L.M. Chichagov) did not indicate anywhere how old those sisters were and when they appeared in the monastery].
* * *
In 1894, "Memoirs" of Archpriest Vasily Sadovsky and nobleman Mikhail Vasilyevich Manturov were recorded.
From the "Memoirs" of Archpriest Vasily Sadovsky:
“In the same lower Nativity Church, which the priest always called the tomb of relics, predicting many times to myself that four relics would openly rest in it, he bequeathed for eternity to read day and night the inextinguishable Psalter for the departed, starting with the royal families, hierarchs Orthodox Church, benefactors of the monastery and ending with all those who ask for prayers for themselves and their relatives, saying: “She will feed the monastery forever, father!”.
[Indeed, in the future, the tomb became the tomb of four relics at the Kazan Nativity Church: schema-nun Alexandra (Agafia Semyonovna Melgunova, ?-1789), schema-nun Martha (Maria Semyonovna Melyukova,?-1829), Elena Vasilievna Manturova (?-1832), blessed Pelageya Serebrennikova (?-1884)].

“Now many have again started talking about the End of the World, they say there are many who have lost their way from the path of salvation, and their number is increasing, from which we will anger the Lord. I think, father, that there will be no end of the world.
I think this age will pass, and the eighth thousand [from the Creation of the world to Orthodox calendar was 7334] will pass. I think that father will pass! The Lord will not be completely angry, but he will have mercy. And here’s what else I’ll tell you, father: everything will pass and end, everything will pass and end three times. And the cloisters, father, will be destroyed, and a bloodless sacrifice will be made to the wretched Seraphim in Diveevo until the very day of the Coming of Christ, so, father.”

“Forecasting the future sorrows and storms for me at the monastery, the father urged me not to be afraid of anything, saying: “The wretched Seraphim will beg for the monastery, father, and the Queen of Heaven Herself is Abbess herself: right there, only the viceroys of the Queen of Heaven, everything will be managed, father "(notebook No. 6, story 70).
* * *
“Your friend will go to the Lord before you,” Father Seraphim told me, “two years after her, you will also leave, father. You remember: twelve, and you, father, the thirteenth. [So it happened when the first twelve sisters of the convent died, Father Vasily also died - the thirteenth].
And this is what I command you, how you will die, then so that you lie down with right side the altar of the Nativity Church, and Mishenka (Manturov) will lie on the left. So they behaved to bury here, it will be good, father: you are on the right, and Mishenka is on the left, and I am in your middle. We will all be together” (notebook No. 6, story 76).
* * *
From the "Memoirs" of Mikhail Vasilyevich Manturov:
“Reverend Seraphim blessed me for the construction of the lower Church of the Nativity of the Virgin under the Church of the Nativity of Christ. Since the vault of the ceiling was very low and canopy, the builders saw that it would not be possible to hold on to it otherwise than by placing four quadrangular stone pillars, which, with their massiveness, would greatly crowd the church, which was already small, low, almost dug into the ground. I went to Sarov to personally explain this to Father Seraphim, and when the father heard this, he was filled with joy and exclaimed in spiritual ecstasy:
- Oh, my joy! Four pillars - four relics! Four pillars - four relics! What a joy for us, father! Four pillars - after all, this means four relics will rest here with us! And we will have this tomb of relics, father!” (notebook No. 6, story 82).
* * *
So, until 1902, there were no prophecies of St. Seraphim of Sarov about the fall of the Romanov monarchy in Russia, and, consequently, about the restoration of the monarchy did not exist.

On July 19, 1902, the Highest Command took place: “On accelerating the glorification of Father Seraphim,” and on January 16 of the following year, the act of the Holy Synod was published, by which Father Seraphim was canonized: “[...] for the time has come for the opening of the holy relics in order to pray before them holy saint of God on the preservation of Orthodoxy in primordial purity, and with it the mercy of God for Russia, tormented by all sorts of spiritual turmoil […]”.
The turning point was the discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, which took place in Sarov on July 17-19, 1903, in which almost the entire royal family participated. The procession took place during the glorification of the Monk, it was personally led by Emperor Nicholas II and the highest clergy of the Synod.
As we remember, this event was predicted by the Monk Seraphim himself (1759-1833):
“There will be a miracle, such a miracle, - this is when the religious procession, which now went from Diveevo to Sarov, will go from Sarov to Diveev, and the people will have ears of corn in the field. This is what will be a wonderful, marvelous miracle” (S.A. Nilus, “On the Bank of the River of God”, part 2, Edition of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, 1992, p. 158) ..
Although, at one time, Bishop Filaret (Filaretov, 1824-1882, rector of the Kyiv Theological Academy (1860-1877), then Bishop of Riga), when the famous writer P.I. Melnikov (pseudonym Andrey Pechersky, 1818-1883), with a request to tell him “about the life” of Elder Seraphim from Sarov and about his prophecies, replied that “I never received any news from anyone about Elder Seraphim, that he wrote to Sarov and received the news that there was such an old man, but now the memory of him seems to have completely disappeared, and if you start to wake her up strenuously, you will only hear something about his “weaknesses” ”( complete collection works, v.7).
* * *
But by 1903 the situation had changed radically, the "monarch's will" appeared, and, consequently, the "Life of St. Seraphim" appeared behind the Decision on glorification.
In the first edition of the Life, after canonization, it was said:
“The great old man did not leave writings or teachings for future generations of Russian people, perhaps they were hidden by ruthless time, but his whole life became such teaching […]”.
“The Monk Seraphim himself was the spiritual heir of the fathers Pachomius and Nazarius, who, shortly before Seraphim, spent eight years at the same time in the forest, being typical representatives Sarov spirit. They must be attributed to those rare units who understood and practiced inner work, which has been preserved in the depths of monasticism since ancient times. The majestic Sarov fully embodied that harsh school of ascetic outward work that dominated before Schema-Archimandrite Paisius [P.I. Velichkovsky, 1722-1794], statutory strict service and a cruel life, but without a true understanding of inner doing […].
We see the most typical and characteristic clash of these two currents, old and new, in that misunderstanding and in that non-recognition of the Monk Seraphim by the brethren of the monastery and its abbots, which, despite all the paradox, continued not only during the life of the Monk, but also after his death.
The Diveevo Chronicle repeatedly mentions the distrustful and hostile attitude towards the Reverend on the part of the monastery authorities. They break into his cell at night with searches. The same searches befall the Diveyevo sisters who come to him. The priest himself constantly spoke about Diveev: “Everything of mine is there, and I myself constantly and most of all stay there” [...]”, that is, practically the “Life of St. desert-dweller and recluse" dated 1893.
* * *
TO next year"Life" was significantly supplemented, it turned out:
“The name of Seraphim of Sarov is known in the farthest corners Russian Empire. There is no Orthodox, it seems, who would not know him at least by name. The moral authority of the humble old man, who shone with an amazing feat, was so great during his lifetime that representatives of all provincial authorities turned to him for advice, admonition or for a good prediction, so when the Reverend was fifty years old, they began to revere him as the greatest of the prophets.
Prophecy or clairvoyance manifested itself gradually in the Seraphim. From the beginning, he learned to see all the secret thoughts and aspirations of people; nothing could be hidden from him. But later it was given to him to see the future of each person, his destiny […]”.
So gradually, under the pen of the officials of the spiritual office of the Holy Synod, the real image of Seraphim began to disappear, and his official image appeared.
* * *
At the same time, the second edition of the work of the priest Seraphim (L.M. Chichagov) “Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery” for 1903 was published. In the new book "Memoirs" of the nuns of the women's Seraphim-Diveevo monastery, the Reverend has tripled!!!
“I remember […] that the eighth thousand will pass. I bet it will pass! […] Everything will pass and come to an end. And the cloisters […] will be destroyed, and the wretched Seraphim in Diveevo will have a Bloodless sacrifice […] until the very day of the coming of Christ!
“At the end of the world, the whole earth will burn […] and nothing will remain. Only three churches around the world, from all over the world will be taken entirely, undestroyed, to heaven: one in the Kiev Lavra, another (I really don’t remember), and the third is yours, Kazan […] ”(Chronicle, page 28).
“And if the Royal Family visits us, then the whole Diveev will be a wonder to the whole world! The village will no longer be here, but the city. And the whole earth, and everything around us will be, and the inhabitants of the circle will all serve us! (Chronicle, p. 28).
“As soon as the Antichrist comes, he will pass everywhere, and this groove will not jump over!” (Chronicle, p. 255).
“When the age ends, the Antichrist will first remove the crosses from the temples and destroy the monasteries, and he will destroy all the monasteries! And it will come up to yours, it will come up, and the groove will become from the earth to the sky, and it’s impossible for him to climb up to you; the groove won't let it in anywhere, so it'll go away!" (Chronicle, p. 258).
“There have not yet been and there are no examples of women's Lavra, but I, a wretched Seraphim, will have a Lavra in Diveyevo. […] Lavra will be around, i.e. beyond the groove […]” (Chronicle, p. 262).
“We will have four relics<...>! What a joy it will be! In the middle of summer they will sing Easter […]! The Tsar and the whole family will come to us! Diveevo will be Lavra, Vertyanovo will be a city, and Arzamas will be a province! Everyone will come to us [...], we will lock ourselves up for rest; they will give money, just take it; they’ll start throwing them into the fence, but we don’t need it anymore, then there will be many of our own [...]!” (Chronicle, pp. 289-290).
“The groove will be a wall to you up to heaven, and when the Antichrist comes, he will not be able to cross it; she will cry out to the Lord for you and will stand up to heaven and will not let him go!” (Chronicle, pp. 290-291).
“The Antichrist will come, and he (the new cathedral, the nucleus of which will be the Kazan Church - Comp.) is all in the air and rises and will not be able to take it. The worthy ones who enter it will remain in it, while others, although they ascend, will fall to the ground. So the Antichrist will not be able to get you; no matter how robbers came to Kyiv, and the church rose into the air; they couldn't get it. So your cathedral and the groove will also rise to the sky and protect you and the Antichrist will not be able to do anything! And at that council such a time will come for you […] that the angels will not be in time to receive souls, and the Lord will save you all, only three of you will be tormented, the Antichrist will torture three of you! (Chronicle, p. 454).
* * *
Finally, in 1903, a book by Sergei Alexandrovich Nilus (1862-1929) “The Great in the Small” appeared. It was to Nilus in 1902 that Elena Ivanovna Motovilova († 1910), the widow of Nikolai Alexandrovich Motovilov (1808-1879), handed over for analysis a box of manuscripts of her late husband, in which he expounded the content of the conversations and statements of the elder Seraphim.
S.A. Nilus in his book "Great in the small" writes:
“My entire essay on serving the memory of Father Seraphim was compiled on the basis of the handwritten memoirs of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Motovilov, a Simbirsk conscientious judge, supplemented by conversations with his widow, Elena Ivanovna, and the sisters of the holy Diveevo monastery. It should be noted that in the papers of the Motovilovskys, which I received for analysis, there was a terrible mess, and the first conscious meetings with the Reverend dated from September 9, 1831 […]
If only anyone could see in what form Motovilov's papers came into my possession, which kept in their hiding places this precious evidence of the charitable life of the holy elder! Dust, checkmarks and pigeon feathers, bird droppings, scraps of completely uninteresting accounts, accounting, agricultural extracts, copies of petitions, letters from third parties - all in one heap, mixed with one another. All the papers are dilapidated, covered with a fluent and to such an extent illegible handwriting that I was simply horrified: where to figure it out? Parsing this chaos, bumping into all sorts of obstacles - especially handwriting was a stumbling block for me. And here, among all this waste paper, no, no, and a hardly parsed phrase will flash like a spark in the darkness: "Father Father Seraphim, he told me ...". What did he say? What do these unsolved hieroglyphs hide in themselves? I got desperate […]
Seventy for long years this treasure lay under a bushel in the attics, among various forgotten rubbish […] ”(“ The Great in the Small ”, M., 2002).
* * *
“After the death of the Monk Seraphim, Motovilov soon left for Voronezh to ask the blessing of His Eminence Anthony on a trip to Kursk in order to collect information about the parents of his benefactor and about his life in Kursk and thereby lay the foundation for his labors in compiling his Life ... Motovilov managed to collect little information in Kursk. Close relatives who remembered the childhood and youth of the saint, who died, who responded with oblivion. Even the house in which the monk was born and brought up was destroyed, and new buildings sprang up in its place. There was only one old man, the same age as the priest, who gave him some information that is now included in all the Lives [...] ”(“ Great in the Small ”, M., 2002).
* * *
Indeed, the first "Lives" of the monk, published in Murom, for 1893 were rather modest and those miracles that modern historiographers of Seraphim write about in them are not:
“The elder saw the past and the future equally, in a few words he outlined the future life of a person and spoke and gave advice that seemed strange, but later circumstances justified them, and they turned out to be full of the spirit of insight.
Ten years before his death, the monk was vouchsafed from God unusually wondrous gifts of grace. He never closed the doors of his cell again. In dealing with his neighbors, the spirit of Christian meekness and humility of wisdom was always clearly manifested in him. His conversations, both with monastics and with the laity, striking in their marvelous simplicity, made the deepest, irresistible impression even on unbelievers and those of little faith, turning them onto the path of saving repentance. Both simpletons, and scientists, and schismatics received great spiritual edification and consolation from conversations with him. The gift of clairvoyance and miracle-working grew in the blessed elder more and more...
To one layman, one A.G. Vorotilov, the elder said more than once that three powers would rise up against Russia and exhaust her a lot, but for Orthodoxy the Lord would have mercy and save her. Then this speech was not clear, but later events explained that the elder was talking about the Crimean company.
Since 1831, Seraphim foreshadowed the coming famine to many, and, on his advice, a supply of bread was made in the Sarov monastery for six ready-made needs, and, as a result, there was no famine in the monastery.
When the first cholera appeared in Russia, the monk openly foreshadowed that it would not be in Sarov or Diveevo, and these predictions were fulfilled in all accuracy, so that not a single person died from the first cholera either in Sarov or Diveevo ... Often a saint of God by his very appearance and in simple words brought sinners to consciousness, and they decided to correct their vices ... All those who drank and washed from the source of Seraphim, with his blessing, received miraculous healing power this water received through the prayer of the monk […]” (“The Life of Elder Seraphim of the Sarov Monastery, Hieromonk, Hermit and Hermit”, p. 27, M, 2008).
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At modern Internet Forums, many “everyday” divinations of Seraphim are given, but their source is unknown, since they are not in N.A. Motovilov, nor in M.V. Manturov, nor in the Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Convent by L.M. Chichagov, nor in "The Life of Elder Seraphim of the Sarov Monastery Hieromonk, Hermit and Hermit" of 1893 (published before the official glorification of the Reverend).
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The last prophecy before the collapse of the Russian Empire, which supplemented the collection of prophecies of the elder Seraphim, was a document found in the papers of the priest Pavel Florensky:
“More than half a century will pass. Then the villains will lift their heads high. It will certainly be. The Lord, seeing the unrepentant malice of their hearts, will allow their undertakings for a short time, but their illness will turn on their head, and the untruth of their pernicious plans will descend on top of them. The Russian land will be stained with rivers of blood, and many nobles will be beaten for the Great Sovereign and the integrity of His Autocracy […]
Before the birth of the Antichrist, there will be a great long war and a terrible revolution in Russia, exceeding any human imagination, for the bloodshed will be the most terrible: the Razinsky, Pugachevsky riots, French revolution- nothing compared to what will happen to Russia. There will be the death of many people loyal to the fatherland, the looting of church property and monasteries; desecration of the churches of the Lord; destruction and plunder of the wealth of good people, rivers of Russian blood will be shed. But the Lord will have mercy on Russia and lead her through suffering to great glory ”(for the first time the text was published in “Addendum to the Pochaev List”, No. 5 for 1907).
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Archpriest Stefan Lyashevsky (†1986), from the manuscript Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery, 1903-1927 (part 2):
“[...] Blessed Diveev silently stood in front of his large Crucifix against the background of the black cloth of the altar wall in the altar, as if anticipating the common Golgotha ​​of all Russia.
Father Seraphim used to say to his Diveyevo orphans:
"A terrible time is coming to Russia - I prayed to the Lord to take away this terrible misfortune, but the Lord did not hear the wretched Seraphim."
In the notes of Prince Putyatin, a person very close to Diveev, there is a record that when N.A. Motovilov asked Father Seraphim: when would the most terrible time be, he replied: “A little later than 100 years after my death,” i.e. the last thirties of the 20th century […]
In Diveevo, the tradition of Father Seraphim was firmly held that the time would come and all of them would have to go into the world for a while, but for how long, the father did not say, God willing. Apparently, it had not yet been decided, everything depended on the repentance of the people, - after all, Father John of Kronstadt said that if the Russian people do not repent, then the end of the world is very close. There were also such opinions that the end of the world was near, but the far-sighted elders, especially in Optina Hermitage, said that there would still be a period of God's grace in Rus'. In any case, the sisters left with a firm belief that they were leaving only temporarily, that Diveev, like the entire Russian Church, would be reborn […]” (“Calendar of the Committee of Russian Orthodox Youth Abroad for 1993”, New York, 1992, p. .32).
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S.A. Nilus, answering the question of what St. Seraphim about the future of Russia, told in Kyiv in the "first years of the revolution":
“No one knows the fate of God […], although many things were revealed to the great seer. I will only say that he spoke more than once about the terrible time we were going through to close people and wept bitterly at the same time, but he also said that in time the Lord would give a certain period, about 15 years, to Russia for repentance and that with the liberation of our homeland some Poland will play a positive role. If after this Russia still does not repent, then the wrath of God will be poured out on her in yet another large sizes. And this is undoubtedly true [...] if Russia does not hear this call and is not reborn spiritually, precisely spiritually, since politically, perhaps, it will not play a leading role, then the world will still be saved, because without Orthodox Russia the kingdom of darkness will reign on earth, and with it the inevitable eschatological death of human […] ”(A. Timofievich“ Reverend Seraphim of Sarov ”. .70).
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“I often heard from the Great Elder that he would not lie in Sarov with his flesh, I once dared to ask him:
“Why, Father, you deign to keep saying that you will not lie in your flesh. Will the Sarovskiys give you up?”
And to this Father, looking at me pleasantly and smiling, deigned to answer me the following:
“Ah, your love of God, your love of God. What are you. Why did Tsar Peter, he was the Tsar of Tsars, but he wanted to transfer the relics of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky from Vladimir to Petersburg, but the Holy Relics did not want that and they are not in St. Petersburg.
“How not? I dared to object to the great Elder. “Why not, when he rests there in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.”
"In A.<лександро>- N.<евской>Lavra, you say, - Father answered me. - How so, in Vladimir they rested at an autopsy, and in St. Petersburg under a bushel. Why is it so, but because, Your Godly love, that they are not there.
And, having spread a lot on this subject, Father Seraphim deigned to reveal to me a great secret.
“I,” he said, “poor Seraphim, from the Lord God is supposed to live much more than a hundred years. But since by that time the Russian bishops have become so impious that they will surpass the Greek bishops in the time of Theodosius the Younger in their wickedness, so that even the most important dogma of the Christian Faith - the Resurrection of Christ and the general Resurrection will not be believed, therefore, the Lord God is pleased until the time of me, the wretched Seraphim, to take from this transient life and then to affirm the dogma of the resurrection, resurrect me, and my resurrection will be like the resurrection of the seven youths in the cave of Okhlonskaya in the time of Theodosius the Youngest. After my resurrection, I will move from Sarov to Diveev, where I will preach universal repentance. And for this great miracle, people from all over the earth will gather in Diveevo, and there, preaching repentance to them, I will open four relics and myself will lie fifth among them. But then it will be the end of everything.” […]
Such is the story that I (S. A. Nilus) has composed in my heart since 1902 from Motovilov’s notes and which I decided to tell only to those who were closest to me in spirit, of whom there were always not very many. Indirect confirmation of this from the hiding places of Diveevsky, I personally heard from the great old woman, 85-year-old abbess Maria, predicted by the Monk Seraphim as the 12th headmistress, on whom, as Batiushka said, “you will have a monastery.” Congratulating her in August 1903 on the justification of her great faith in the discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim (she has not consecrated a single throne in her Cathedral since 1879, believing that she will live to see the glorification of the Reverend and will consecrate the throne in his honor and glory).
And I heard from her the following highly significant words:
“Your truth, my father, Sergei Alexandrovich, this is a miracle. But here there will be a miracle, such a miracle, this is when the procession, which now went from Diveevo to Sarov, will go from Sarov to Diveev, and the people, as Father the saint of God told us, that there will be ears of corn in the field. This is how it will be a miracle, wonderful, wonderful.
"How to understand this, mother?" I asked her, completely forgetting at that time what I knew from Motovilov's manuscripts.
Mother answered this, smiling mysteriously affectionately: “Whoever lives, he will see” [...] ”(“ The Great Diveevo Secret ”, S.A. Nilus“ On the Bank of the River of God. Notes of an Orthodox ”, vol. 2, San Francisco, 1969 , pp. 192-194).
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And, finally, recently to the papers of N.A. Motovilov, his appeals to Emperors Nicholas I and Alexander II were also added (Alexander Strizhev, “Servant of the Mother of God and the Seraphim”, M., 1996). The appeals also contain predictions of the Reverend about future Russian and world events.
In a letter dated March 7, 1854, intended for Emperor Nicholas I, N.A. Motovilov cited the prophetic words of the elder Seraphim of Sarov, although he stated them in his own words and quite likely added his own reasoning to them:
“... And His Imperial Majesty will help the Lord to do even more for the Holy Orthodox Church of ours and the One in the whole universe true - the immaculately Apostolic Ecumenical Church of Christ, but before that there will still be a lot of grief for both the Sovereign and the Russian Land to endure. Not only external enemies will rise up against Him, but also internal ones. Those who rebelled against the sovereign upon his accession to the throne, boasted that although the grass was mowed, but the roots remained, then, although not according to God, they boasted about it, but this is nevertheless true, for the chief leaders of this evil intention, betraying those whom they themselves involved in this evil intention of their own, they themselves remained aloof.
And so they are looking for, and will look for the death of the Sovereign, and of all His royal family, and will repeatedly look for: is it possible somehow to exterminate Them. And when their repeated attempts fail, they will turn to something else - they will try that, if it is possible for them, then in all public posts there would be their people or those who agree with them, or at least not harmful to them, and will in every possible way restore the Russian land against the Sovereign. When they fail even then, because they will want to, because in places the private indignations they start up will soon be stopped by the grace of God, then they will wait until such a time when it will be very difficult for the Russian land without that. And one day, at one hour, having agreed in advance that they will raise a general revolt in all places of the Russian land, and since many of the employees will then themselves participate in their evil intentions, there will be no one to appease them.
And at first, a lot of innocent blood will be shed. Its rivers will flow across the Russian land. Many of your brothers of the nobility, and the clergy, and the merchants, disposed towards the Sovereign, will be killed. But when the Russian land is divided and one side will obviously remain with the rebels, while the other will clearly stand for the Sovereign and the integrity of Russia, then, Your Godly love, your diligence in God and in time - and the Lord will help a just cause, will stand for the Sovereign and the Fatherland, and our holy Church. And the Lord and the entire Royal Family will be preserved by the Lord with His invisible right hand and will give complete victory to those who raised arms for Him, for the Church and for the good of the indivisibility of the Russian Land. But not so much blood will be shed here, but then, as the right side for the Sovereign, the side that has become will receive victory and catch all the traitors and bring them to justice. Then, no one will be sent to Siberia, but everyone will be executed, and here even more and more blood will be shed, but this blood will be the last, cleansing, for after that the Lord will bless His people with peace and exalt the horn of His Anointed David, His servant , a husband after His own heart to the Most Pious Sovereign Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich. He was confirmed and moreover will be confirmed by His Holy right hand over the Russian Land. So why should we be discouraged, your love of God, if God is for us, who are on us - they are the same - pre-elect them and pre-elect them, pre-elect them and sanctify them, sanctify them and glorify them - they are watching, what are we to lose heart. Your love of God, if God is for us who is on us - understand the tongues and repent, as God who is able repent with us, as God is with us, and if you can still win, you will be with us, as God is with us. So, your love of God, God is with us and we have no road to lose heart.
In indescribable joy, I just wanted to say: “So bless me, Father, I’ll go to Petersburg this hour and try to see the Sovereign and most faithfully report your words to Him,” and he, covering my mouth with his hand, said: “How can you not You know, not now, but later. Now is not the time yet, but after, when, according to the prophet, you will see Jerusalem, the state of war. The Lord Himself will then bring you and He will put it into your heart to say good things about Jerusalem, and now you need to take care, and the Lord will save and bless the Sovereign and the Russian land with every blessing both on earth and in heaven. During your mouth to mouth, report all my words to His Majesty - then and what you think now, say.
I asked: “What then?”, He answered: “Everything that is for the good of the Sovereign, the Holy Church and the Russian Land, God will then put to your heart, then do not be afraid and erect everything to His Imperial Majesty.
And what is it like to you many times before, the Lord and Mother of God They themselves will arrange your path for the good and the wretched Seraphim prayers to Them for you will be with you everywhere. That's all. Your Imperial Majesty, that Father Seraphim, in this unforgettable conversation, deigned to speak for me about Your Imperial Majesty and added “that the Lord will prolong the days of your stomach for many years and in old age with vengeance will grant you a peaceful and holy death, like those of the August Ancestors of Your Imperial Majesties who by faith and truth pleased God.
Here I should also mention how, after the death of the great elder Seraphim, I myself was told about his resurrection from the dead - and this was confirmed three times - in 1835, in 1847 and in 1851, but I don’t know Would Your Imperial Majesty be pleased to know about […]” (SARF archive, fund 109, sheets 11-14, “Seraphim Obedience. Life and Works of N. A. Motovilov”, Comp., text and comment by A. Strizhev , M., 1996, pp. 88-124).

So let's sum it up:
First, until 1903, there were no prophecies by St. Seraphim of Sarov about the fall of the Romanov monarchy in Russia, and, consequently, about the restoration of the monarchy did not exist.
Secondly, in the letters to N.A. Motovilov to Emperors Nicholas I and Alexander II, found at the request of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in 1906, also says nothing about the fall of the Romanov monarchy in Russia, and, consequently, about the restoration of the monarchy.
Thirdly, in relation to the prophecy of St. Seraphim discovered in the papers of the priest Pavel Florensky in 1907, there are different opinions, but it also says nothing about the restoration of the monarchy in Russia.
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