Educational and methodological material on the topic: Different, but equal (Inclusion in education). "Different but equal", Olesya Sivtseva's story - DobryBlog

MKOU Menshikovskaya secondary school

Classroom teacher- Ivshina Irina Yurievna

Class hour "We are different, but equal."

Target: the formation of a respectful attitude towards people, regardless of their origin.


To reinforce the concept of "tolerance" in students

Help students see and appreciate individual qualities child's personality

To educate in children respect, attentiveness towards other people.

Conduct form: collectively - creative work (Ivanov's technology)

Equipment: projector, screen, computer, handout, tolerance cartoon.

Materials for the classroom: presentation, methodical development Events.

move class hour.

    Organizational moment.

On the board slide:

“If I don’t look like you in some way, I don’t insult you at all, but, on the contrary, I bestow.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Hello guys and guests of our event. My name is Irina Yuryevna and today, I will lead your class hour. I would like to start our meeting with a small poem.

We are different! But we are equal!

We all have equal rights to laugh and be sad!

We are all born to be happy, and so be it!

After all, each of us is an individual.

And this, of course, is unique!

We will admire our differences!

Give each other kindness and just smile!

Guys, what do you think: “What is the topic of our class hour?” What will be discussed?

(Students put forward the assumptions of the topic).

Certainly. “We are all so different, but we are all equal.” And as an epigraph to our meeting, I took the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Today we will talk about similarities and differences, about accepting others as they are, learn to respect the characteristics of each person.

2. The main part.

1. "What's in the magic box?"

In my wonderful box are hidden items that are well known to each of you. They have similarities and differences just like we do. Now I invite here three daredevils who, in turn, sticking their hands into the hole on the lid, will take one object at a time. You need to guess by touch what is in your hands and name it. (The box contains an apple, a potato, a pomegranate).

So we have three items. What do they all have in common? (table)

How are these items different from each other?

Potato, apple, pomegranate.



Part of plants

round shape

There is a peel, pulp


Good for health, because. rich in vitamins

Different parts of plants (potato - tuber, pomegranate - fruit, apple - fruit)

Differences in shape (a potato is oval, a pomegranate has a tail, an apple has a stick)

different place growth (potatoes - in the garden, pomegranate and apple - in the garden)

belong to different genus groups potato - vegetable, apple and pomegranate fruit)

Different in taste.

Different in color

Look, among vegetables and fruits we found a lot in common and different. What other things are similar and different at the same time? (food, drinks, clothing, etc.)

And what can we say about people, about us?

How many common and different features do we have?

We will now find out all our similar and different features.

2. "Flower-seven-flower".

(Everyone has a flower with seven petals prepared on the table.)

Each of you will write your name on your flower in the center-core. Then, on the petals, write in one word

1 - your favorite animal;

2 - favorite color;

for 3 - favorite time of the year;

4 - favorite flower;

on 5 - favorite hero of a fiction book, film or cartoon;

on 6 - favorite pastime, hobby;

7 - favorite toy.

Now, as a couple, read your characteristics to each other and find what you have in common.

Raise your hand who found it.

Now, in pairs, turn to each other, 4 people in a group, and find a common thing for 4 people.

Raise your hand those groups that have something in common for everyone. Share aloud what your group has in common.

3. "Features of the class."

What do all of us in the class have in common?

How are you different from each other?


We are people;

We are students of the same school, the same class;

We live in the same area;

We love cartoons;

We love to play.

Different by sex;

Different in appearance (height, build, hair color and length, eye color, shape of ears, nose and mouth, etc.)

different in character;

Various by taste preferences;

Different interests, abilities.

Do you think it's good or bad that we found so many differences?

Maybe it would be better if we were all the same? Why not? (table after oral responses).

And let's still imagine for a moment that we have all become the same. What would happen then?

In fact, we would all have the same thoughts, the same words, everyone would finish the same school, college, everyone would work in the same job. Is it interesting to live in such a world the same people- clones?

And so it is very good that this is not the case. We are all different in the class.

But why do we sometimes scoff at the external shortcomings of the guys?

Do you know the expression "White Crow". What does it mean?

Let's watch a cartoon about how someone different from everyone else lives (viewing a cartoon and discussing).

Who was our hero?

Why did everyone laugh and offend him?

How did he feel?

Would you like to be in his place? Why?

What happened next?

How did the story end?

Everyone is different, but everyone smiles happily. Why? (they realized that each person is individual and unique. And everyone can share their skills with others, and this is so interesting).

We are different and this is our wealth. We are together and this is our strength!

Do you know what quality people should have who accept you for who you are? (kindness, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, cooperation, tolerance, human dignity).

All concepts (qualities) can be combined in one word "tolerance".

On your desk are cards with the words tolerance. Let's sound how this word is defined in different peoples.

    In England, the willingness to be tolerant, indulgent; to be tolerant, to allow the existence of different opinions without discrimination;

    In Germany - tolerance for other people's opinions, beliefs, behavior ;

    In France, the belief that others can think and act in a manner different from our own;

    In Spain, the ability to accept ideas or opinions other than one's own;

    In China, accept others as they are and be generous to others;

    In Egypt - indulgence, mercy, forgiveness, the ability to accept others as they are, and forgive;

    In Russia - the ability to endure (withstand, endure, put up with something), accept / recognize the existence of someone, reconcile, bring into line with oneself in relation to someone / something, be indulgent towards something /someone.

4. "Experiment with oranges."

Now let's see what else can be called tolerance.

4 people come up to me and choose one orange for yourself. Remember well what it looks like. And now I'll take them, mix them up, and try to guess which one is yours.

(puts oranges in a bag, invites everyone to take their own orange)

How did you do it?

Now turn away. (The host cuts one orange into pieces and asks)

Whose orange is this? Why is it difficult to define?

Inside, all oranges are the same.

Conclusion: That's how people are. Outside - everyone is different, but inside - the same: vulnerable. And we all want to be treated kindly, with respect; did not insult, did not laugh, did not offend.

This is another concept. tolerance- mercy.

Our class is a small family. And I would like our family to always have respect, mutual understanding and there would be no quarrels. And what is needed for this?

These are the turntables of the world created by US schoolchildren on Tolerance Day annually on November 16th. And we will try to “grow” a tree of tolerance. I have a large number of leaves, but not all of them should get on the tree. Now, we go out two by two and choose those leaves that, in your opinion, should be on the tree of tolerance.

Which leaves fit the tree of tolerance, let's see. (compassion, mercy, kindness, etc.)

And the remaining leaves, why do not fit?

You also have butterflies on your tables, take them in your hands. Add the following sentence yourself: “My good qualities are……”.

3. Summing up.

Do you now agree with the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery: "If I'm not like you in some way, I don't insult you at all, but, on the contrary, I bestow it." Why is this true?

Diversity makes people unique; With different people interesting to communicate, learn new things, learn something.

Collective creative work (creating a cool panel).

3 sheets of A3 are prepared on the board in advance to create a panel: the top of the sheet is painted over blue color(sky), and the bottom - in green(grass).

We will now create our own cool meadow of tolerance together, especially since our tree is already there. We will glue all the flowers with our characteristics on these sheets below, and the butterflies on a blue background at the top. Look how beautiful and colorful our panel turned out.

Just like all people - we are different, but equal.

Guys, did you like our class hour? What new and interesting things did you learn at the lesson?

Let's all read and remember these words together:

If everyone will be tolerant of each other,
Together we will make our world tolerant!

Here we are at the end of our class. As a memento of our meeting, I would like to give you a memo to your class corner and bookmarks that will remind you of our class hour. And I also hid another gift for you in a wonderful box - tangerines. They are different in size, taste, but they all give us joy, the joy of meeting the New Year.

I am very glad that I met today with you such kind, beautiful and sympathetic guys. Thank you for your work.

4. Reflection.

Each of you has palms on the table (green, yellow, red). As you leave the classroom, stick one of these on the door.

Ladoshka Green colour means: "I am satisfied with the lesson, it was useful for me, I understood everything that was said and done."

Ladoshka yellow color means: “The lesson was interesting, I took part in it, it was useful to a certain extent for me, I was quite comfortable.”

A red palm means: “I received little benefit from the class hour, I didn’t really understand what was at stake, I don’t really need it.”

Report of the teacher-defectologist MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 118"

Svetushkina Yu.A. "Different but Equal"

There is nothing special about a child being born into this world. And even if he is born different, or completely different? They almost always say that there are no prospects, that usual life not for this child. Unfortunately, primarily due to the fault of our society, parents of special children often have a burden of guilt, they think that they need to hide their child from society. How to explain to parents that a child does not need to be hidden within four walls, that for the development of a child it is very important to interact with others, to be in society?

All children want to learn. All children want to develop. All children want to feel, perceive, think and remember. Vygotsky notes that development occurs according to general laws. The law of ontogenesis applies to all children, so this concept is suitable for both ordinary children and special children. The formation of new mental systems obeys the general mental laws for all children. And the child will not be able to live without the formation of new functional systems.

We can say that every child is individual! And within one violation there are no two identical children. Therefore, work with these children should be based on the personality of each child separately, and not on the diagnosis clinic as a whole.

Today, Russia is just beginning the path to introducing inclusive education, and, of course, there will be many obstacles. expected and backlash parents, and the inability of ordinary students to accept special children, and the mistakes of teachers who are not sufficiently trained, and most importantly, while we go this way, the very children for whom inclusion is arranged will suffer.

Within the framework of preschool education, there are already examples of the introduction of inclusion. The school must be prepared for the fact that children with special needs attending mass or correctional group can go to a public school.

We do not have special programs for teachers who could join the process of inclusion with new knowledge - materials, methodological books for teachers, and so on. For now, all we have is desire.

We note the principles of inclusive education:

The value of a person does not depend on his abilities and achievements;

Every person is capable of feeling and thinking;

Every person has the right to communicate and to be heard;

· Genuine education can only take place in the context of real relationships;

Diversity enhances all aspects of human life.

When teaching children with developmental disabilities, a non-standard approach is required:

· Taking into account their special pace of work and difficulties in organizing attention;

The arrangement of school life with carefully thought out functional space class, workplace;

· Steady work order.

The central place in the work of any specialists with children with disabilities should be to attract the attention of the child. For concentration scattered attention it is necessary to pause before tasks, change intonation and use surprise techniques (knocking, clapping, musical instruments, bell, etc.). Feed rate educational material should be calm, even, slow, with repeated repetition of the main points. It is necessary to activate the work of all analyzers (motor, visual, auditory, kinesthetic). The child must listen, watch, speak, etc. Reduce the influence of distractions during the child's task.

The theoretical concept for working with children is the theory of the formation of the functional systems of the brain. It is based on the theory of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky about the stages mental development from baby to teenager. Vygotsky says that a person is a unity of feeling, perception, thinking and memory. It is these four stages of mental development that should be taken into account when conducting an inclusive lesson.

The first step is to feel, the second step must be put - perception, the third step - symbolization, the fourth - abstraction, Our goal is that all children who are in the lesson can feel, perceive, think and remember the subject of the lesson. That is, to go through all four stages of mental development, which we talked about. All areas of correctional and educational work are interconnected and interpenetrating, and the tasks of correctional education are solved in a complex way in all the forms of its organization used.

In our work, we use a number of techniques, tasks, d / i, which can be used by teachers, speech therapists, psychologists and speech pathologists. This is the definition of changes in a number of objects, finding a “dropped out”, “extra” picture; finding the missing part, memorizing 5-7 items, finding similarities and differences between items.

I propose a number game exercises which can be used in the development of perception, memory, thinking of children.

Perception : D / and "Find out who is drawn." "Make the whole out of the parts." " Miraculous Pouch". "Say what you hear."

And also: "Labyrinths", "Paired images", "Reading lips", "Drawing by cells", "Mirror".

Memory: “Remember and put”, “What is missing?”, “What is the difference?”, “Repeat for my actions.”

Thinking: “What is missing from the object?”, “Spread out the objects”, “Be careful”, “How are they similar and how are they different?”, “Pick a pair for the word”, “Spread the pictures into groups”, “Close the extra picture”, “Draw and cross it out", "Name as many items as possible that have this sign”, “How can it be used?”, “Semantic series”.

It is important for every child at any stage of mental development to be able to show what he wants, what he likes.

We must offer them such classes in which all this is possible.

In conclusion, I would like to say: only by working together can we achieve positive results in our work. Special children become not special for society, familiar and normal for perception, and then the world becomes different.



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Slides captions:

Different but equal Teacher-defectologist MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 118": Svetushkina Yu. A.

All children want to learn. All children want to develop. All children want to feel, perceive, think and remember.

Every child is different No two children are the same within the same disorder. Work with these children should be based on the personality of each child separately, and not on the diagnosis clinic as a whole.

What is best for a child with disabilities? General education Individual school education Home education Special class

Principles of inclusive education The value of a person does not depend on his abilities and achievements; Every person is capable of feeling and thinking; Every person has the right to communicate and to be heard; Genuine education can only take place in the context of real relationships; Diversity enhances all aspects of human life.

When teaching children with developmental disabilities, a non-standard approach is needed: Taking into account their special pace of work and difficulties in organizing attention; The device of school life with a carefully thought-out functional space of the classroom, workplace; Stable work order.

What to pay attention to in the work of any specialists with children with disabilities To concentrate distracted attention, it is necessary to pause before tasks, change intonation and use surprise techniques. The pace of presentation of educational material should be calm, even, slow, with repeated repetition of the main points. It is necessary to activate the work of all analyzers. Reduce the influence of distractions during the child's task.

Four stages of mental development Feeling Perception Thinking Abstraction



The most promising form schooling a child with disabilities is a gradual, individually dosed load, including and specially supported integration into a group or class of children.

Thank you for your attention!

, Extracurricular activities , Classroom guidance

Lesson objectives:

  • understanding the uniqueness and value of the contribution of each person to the development of society;
  • awareness of the problem of human rights violations;
  • awareness of the importance and value of the diversity of the world;
  • formation of interest in the problem of human rights.


  1. Actualization and awareness of social fears associated with prejudice.
  2. Awareness of one's feelings towards representatives of rejected groups in society.

Lesson progress

1. Warm up. Exercise "I am a great master."

Required time: 5 minutes.

Auxiliary material: ball.

Procedure, Exercise is performed in a circle. The facilitator starts the exercise first. He takes the ball, says the phrase: “I am Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, a great master of singing (cycling, fishing etc., that is, he names some activity that he does especially well ”and throws the ball to the next participant. He also calls his name and skill, and so on in a circle.

2. Exercise "The one I don't like"

Conduct procedure.

The facilitator tells the participants that in society there are often people and entire groups of people who are treated negatively by others: they are afraid, blamed, shunned and condemned. He invites participants to think of groups of people that make them feel negative feelings: disgust, contempt, fear and others. Participants in a circle talk about the objects of their dislike: what exactly do they dislike about the representatives of this group, what kind of feelings do they evoke in the participant. For example: someone might say, “I can't stand the homeless because they're always drunk, dirty, smelly. When I walk past them, I feel terribly disgusted. It also makes me very angry when the homeless beg for alms, because they themselves are to blame for what happened to them, and those around them do not owe them anything. And I'm also afraid of them, because they are quite capable of crime.

When all the participants have spoken, the facilitator invites them to introduce themselves as one of the members of the group they dislike and tell about themselves in the first person. Participants must come up with names for their characters, talk about their past, present and plans for the future.

Then the facilitator tells the participants that everyone, even the most unpleasant person for us, has someone who loves him, finds in him positive qualities that may not be visible to most. It could be his parents, a teacher, a close friend or someone else. The facilitator invites the participants to imagine themselves in the place of this, perhaps the only one close to the chosen character loving person and try to look at it through the eyes of that person.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Is it possible to draw final conclusions about a person only on the basis of one opinion?
  2. Was it easy for you to put yourself in the place of a person who personifies a group that is unpleasant for you?
  3. Are the reasons why we do not love or are afraid of strangers or people unpleasant to us always serious and weighty?
  4. Have you changed your attitude towards people who aroused your dislike?

3. Reflection.

Drawing a gift for someone who is not like us.

Exhibition of children's works (optional).

Friend, maybe there are people in your environment who are different. You do not know how to behave and communicate with them, because they seem different, not like everyone else. And your peers, perhaps, also mock them. Therefore, special people often feel lonely and useless ... But does anyone have the right to treat them with disdain?

The following videos will help you look deeper into the inner world of children with special needs, understand what they care about, what they fear, what they avoid and what they dream about. You will find out how much they need Your support and why it is worth making friends with them.

waltz duet

This touching cartoon is a story about two sisters - Siamese twins Emily and Elizabeth. They are embarrassed by their appearance: they avoid people, do not go out and do not want to communicate with anyone. The only joy is playing the piano. But one day a young violinist walked past their house. Hearing the magical sounds coming from the window, the young man decided to come closer... Frightened by the condemnation, the sisters try to drive him away, but the violinist does not go away, but, on the contrary, begins to play along with them on the violin. The video shows how important it is to pay attention to special people, communicate with them and make friends.


The main character of the following animation is a little girl named Scarlett, who was diagnosed with bone cancer (Ewing's sarcoma). To save the baby's life, the doctors were forced to amputate her lower leg, and now Scarlett has to wear a prosthesis. The girl is in despair. She feels alone. And now she can't dance. But one day, Scarlett's mother, who believes in her daughter, dresses her in a ball gown, and the girl reincarnates. Scarlett again becomes a cheerful, carefree girl with whom it is interesting to play and be friends.

Small saucepan Anatole

Are there people in the world without flaws? Each of us has our own "pot". Someone carefully hides it. For some, it is so small that it is almost invisible. And for someone it greatly interferes with life, but, alas, it is impossible to get rid of it ...

This video will tell about baby Anatole, who always walks with a saucepan, what makes him different from other people. Therefore, no one communicates with him. In fact, the saucepan is just a metaphor that will help you understand who people with special needs are and why being special is normal.

Out of sight

An anime-style short cartoon is a vivid illustration of what people who are blind experience. The video will tell you about a blind girl who was left without her only guide - a dog. A petty thief rips the bag from the baby's shoulder, and the faithful dog rushes after him. The girl has to move independently along the street, using her imagination and other sensations. Fortunately, a "magic" wand happens to her, which helps the girl find the right path.

The sound is specially amplified in the tape to show that the blind hear much better than the sighted. This amazing cartoon is the work of three students from the National Taiwan University of the Arts.

About Dima

And while watching the next cartoon, you will learn about the boy Dima. He almost does not speak and walks on crutches: each step is not easy for the baby. Children laugh at him because he is different. However, a chance meeting changes his life. The interest of a little girl and wise advice her mothers become the beginning of a true friendship. Look bright video and make sure: diagnoses are not a hindrance to fun games and mutual sympathy, and you can easily share the joy of communicating with those who are different from you.


A story about a girl Tamara, who loves to dance more than anything in the world and dreams of becoming a ballerina. She has a wonderful plasticity and a sense of rhythm. But not everything is so simple... The girl is deaf and mute. Perhaps one day Tamarina's dream will come true, because she has the unlimited support of her mother. Watch this cartoon with your friends - the video will clearly tell you how special people need your support.

Mael's Secret

Eccentrics who smile with or without reason - these are often seen by people suffering from Angelman syndrome. But in fact, they are simply not able to control their facial expressions and movements. The video will help you understand how to behave if one day you meet a person with Angelman syndrome.

My brother from the moon

French Frédéric Philibert was inspired to create this video by his autistic son. The narrator of the story is the big sister of a special boy. It is she who explains to the audience how her brother perceives the world around him: “He doesn’t seem to see or hear me, he looks at the sky ... If I were a sorceress, I would enchant him so that he would like to be with us more than on Moon." The girl came up with a special language to communicate with her autistic brother, and convinces everyone that everything is fine with him, he's just "from the moon."

Children with special needs need your support and communication. Some of them will never hear their mother's lullaby, some will never be able to run barefoot through the dew in their lives, and some will never see a birthday cake on their birthday. Do not leave special children alone with their experiences, do not be afraid to communicate with them. You'll see, you just have to smile - and a casual acquaintance will eventually grow into a true friendship.



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