Top cutest dogs in the world. The cutest dogs

English cocker spaniel

These small dogs refer to hunting breed. Less to me, their beauty and friendly disposition have become so beloved by dog ​​breeders that now this undoubtedly beautiful breed of dog is purchased not only for hunting. English Cocker Spaniels have become the pets of many animal lovers. Beautiful silky wool, long ears and the varied colors of these dogs contribute to numerous victories at dog shows.

English Spaniel

American Cocker Spaniel

Looking at the photo of this cute, beautiful breed of dog, it is impossible not to fall in love with it. American cocker- spaniels, like their ancestors, English cockers, have a cheerful and energetic disposition. The hunting nature takes its toll, which is why this breed Suitable for dogs young energetic owners who will be ready to deal with a fidgety cocker. Cocker is a spaniel who loves outdoor games. The peaceful disposition of these small dogs contributes to their friendship with other pets; spaniels can be safely left with small children without worrying that the dog will cause any harm. By beauty american spaniels are not inferior to the English ones, and many dog ​​lovers consider this breed more attractive and argue only about which color of this breed is the most advantageous.

Small terrier breeds:


This small dog breed was originally bred in Europe to catch rats. But now Affenpinschers take their rightful place among other breeds indoor dogs. These small dogs have a perky and playful disposition. These dogs are full of love and devotion, which is why Affenpinschers can become a reliable friend in any family.

West Highland White Terrier

These miniature terriers were bred in Scotland to hunt burrowing animals. The white color of these dogs is not accidental; it was this color during the hunt that allowed the owners not to confuse their pets with forest animals and thereby accidentally shoot their terrier. Looking at these beautiful blondes and blondes, you might think that these are frivolous dogs, however, eating Highland white terriers are distinguished by their intelligence, self-confidence and bright expressed feeling self-esteem.

Miniature Schnauzer

The small size of these dogs can mislead inexperienced dog breeders; they may consider miniature schnauzers to be exclusively lap dogs. However, dogs of this breed are distinguished by their courageous disposition and self-confidence, which is expressed in the dog’s watchdog and fighting qualities.

Decorative breeds of small dogs

Petersburg orchid

This breed was bred relatively recently for lovers of decorative dogs. In this sense, the St. Petersburg orchid fully meets the expectations of its owners, having silky fur, a playful, friendly disposition, absolute absence aggressive qualities, it will delight its owners with both its beautiful appearance and excellent character traits.

This small but cute dog breed was developed in Germany not so long ago, but has managed to gain popularity among a certain group of dog lovers. Firstly, the Yorkshire Biewer is a successful show breed. Secondly, these beautiful little dogs are often taken with them as a prestigious accessory to pretentious events by Moscow and St. Petersburg fashionistas.

This small breed of dog was bred in Great Britain during the Middle Ages, when hunting was one of the most popular pastimes of the aristocracy. And now beagles are perhaps one of the most popular breeds in the world. Americans especially liked this small, beautiful breed. It is not for nothing that this particular breed of dog is used more often than representatives of other breeds in films and cartoons. Beagles not only love children, they recognize them as authoritative masters, fulfilling their commands with pleasure and zeal. In Russia, the miniature beagle breed has not yet gained the same popularity rate as in the world, but those people who have become happy owners of beagles appreciate the good-natured, cheerful disposition and unconditional aesthetic beauty of these dogs.

Perhaps the most friendly and cheerful breed among small dogs. Bijon owners claim that their pets know how to smile. But the most important argument in favor of purchasing these dogs is still their beautiful appearance, snow-white silky fur and cute face that are simply impossible to resist.

Little lion is the first thought that comes to mind when looking at this dog. In the 16th century, the Lion Bichon breed was very popular; it was considered prestigious to have such a handsome dwarf. Over time, the fashion for new breeds of dogs replaced miniature lion cubs so much that by the 60s of the last century this Lion Bichon breed was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most rare breed in the world. And then dog breeders sounded the alarm and began to popularize the Bichon breed. These days, these charismatic dogs are gaining momentum in popularity, while still remaining a rare but sought-after breed.

Maltese like a princess dog. Such a beauty! Maltese is simply created for love and affection, hands just reach out to stroke her beautiful silky coat.

Papillon means butterfly in French. And the truly unusual light beauty of these small dogs evokes admiration. Despite the fact that one of the ancestors of this breed are spaniels, the Papillon cannot be classified as a breed of hunting dog. These are exclusively decorative dogs.

Looking at a poodle, you might think that this is a frivolous breed. However, poodles are distinguished not only by their proud beauty, but also by their exceptional mental abilities, it is not for nothing that the poodle ranks second in intelligence after the border collie. The beauty, intelligence and athletic characteristics of the dog played a role - the poodle is one of the most popular breeds in the world.

The Shih Tzu breed is considered royal breed dogs. For thousands of years, only those with imperial blood could boast the right to own a Shih Tzu; it was forbidden to sell or export these dogs outside of China. It is believed that these cute creatures were Buddha's favorite animals. Now these oriental beauties can already be found in Europe. Cute, smart and surprisingly gentle creatures.

Another one Oriental beauty. There are many legends and stories surrounding this breed. Perhaps the beauty of this breed can be called the most unusual and exotic.

Miniature Pinscher

This miniature copy big German Pinscher. This smart, mischievous little handsome guy is suitable for people with active life position. Those who decide to get this breed of dog will definitely not be bored! This energetic little handsome fellow is also brave; he will not allow his master to be offended, and is ready to rush into battle as soon as he senses danger.

Coton de tulaer

A white fluffy cloud is how this dog’s appearance can be characterized. Thanks to their external characteristics, dogs of this breed win numerous awards at international exhibitions. In addition, Tulaers are loyal and life-loving dogs, which is why their owners simply adore their pets.

This is probably the most beautiful breed among miniature breeds dogs. Cute teddy bears, looking at the photo of these beautiful little dogs it is impossible not to be touched by their funny face and beautiful thick fur. They look like living toys. Pomeranians just want to be picked up. And those lucky ones who become owners of small Spitz dogs fall in love with this breed for life.

Many people truly adore their pets. Some animals have an incredible appearance that captivates everyone around them. The cutest dogs bring a smile to the faces of even the strictest people.

Welsh Corgi

Welsh Corgis are the smallest shepherds in the world. Their height is only 25-30 centimeters at the withers and weighs up to 13 kilograms. Corgis have a charming appearance: their short legs make their gait slightly clumsy, and their cute eyes and fluffy ears captivate everyone.

Important! It is no coincidence that Corgis are among the top cutest dogs. These miniature pets have long been excellent shepherds, and later mastered the professions of detectives and police officers.

The Corgi breed has two varieties: Cardigan and Pembroke. The differences are in size (cardigans are slightly larger than Pembrokes), color (Pembrokes are bicolor, and cardigans are more variegated).

Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranians have gained popularity all over the world for a reason. These little charmers can charm even the most strict person. Spitz rightfully bear the title of “the cutest dogs in the world.” Photos of these fluffy little ones can even be seen in fashion magazines.

Important! Pomeranians have many acceptable colors: white, peach, wolf (gray), yellow-brown, brown, orange, as well as various bicolor combinations of these colors.

A small narrow muzzle, intelligent button eyes, small erect ears, a bushy tail, body and thick collar make them look like exotic foxes. These dogs weigh quite a bit: from 1 to 3 kilograms. Many people believe that the smart Spitz is the cutest dog in the world.

German Pointer (Kurzhaar)

The shorthaired pointer was bred in Germany as hunting dog. German Pointers have not only excellent character and physical shape, but also very beautiful appearance. Many people believe that Shorthaired Pointers are the cutest dogs. Photos of the German Pointer often adorn the pages of magazines.

The shorthaired pointer's coat is not only very beautiful (the pattern on the coat resembles feathers wild duck), but also very useful. The fact is that it practically does not get wet, which allows the dog to hunt in any conditions.


The cutest dog breeds in the world definitely include baby Papillons. These pets, devoted to their owner, can charm everyone.

The breed got its name for its adorable fluffy ears, reminiscent of butterfly wings. Moth dogs have long been favorites of European kings.

Papillons are incredibly smart animals and are excellent at learning commands and tricks. However, these animals need timely education and socialization. Without this, small dogs become aggressive and afraid of people.


Everyone knows about graceful poodles. These cute dogs were bred in France and were originally intended as hunting dogs. However, over time, charming curls became loved as decorative pets and companions.

Poodles are very cute not only in appearance. These dogs have a friendly character: they will never attack a person or other animal. Poodles are very demanding of attention, so you won’t get bored with them.

Important! Representatives of this breed are incredibly athletic. They can play for hours on end without getting tired. Poodles are also excellent swimmers and will not refuse water procedures. These dogs follow a person everywhere and try to take part in all his affairs.

Poodles are divided into four subspecies based on size (large or king, small, miniature and toy poodle). There are an incredible variety of colors and haircuts.

Siberian Husky

The cutest dog breeds can't do without the adorable Siberian Husky! Blue-eyed handsome men leave no one indifferent.

This breed is suitable for confident calm people. Husky loves freedom and walks. Nordic dogs just love it physical exercise, so you need to pay special attention to this natural need.

Important! Huskies are quite talkative animals. They will be happy to answer you and sing along when they hear a pleasant melody.

Siberian Huskies have very dense fur, and the animal always tries to keep it neat. Many owners note that northern dogs are able to clean it on their own, like cats.

Cocker Spaniel

Cocker spaniels are suitable for every person. These dogs are incredibly sweet, kind and affectionate pets. Among the representatives of this breed, sociable and optimistic animals predominate. Cocker Spaniels adore their owners and always try to spend as much time with them as possible.

The breed originated in England. Cocker spaniels are excellent hunters: their strong, large paws allow them to get trophies even from the most difficult places.

Particular attention should be paid to the pet’s chic wavy coat. Their coat requires regular brushing and grooming. The coat of spaniels can be white, golden, peach, black, brown, red, there are bicolors and colors with tan and specks.


Collie is the embodiment of canine beauty and elegance. Scottish Sheepdogs have long been excellent shepherds and guards. These dogs are incredibly attached to their owners and will protect them in case of danger.

The main pride of the Scottish Shepherd is its silky long hair. Owners value these pets for their insightful intelligence, care and ability to adapt to the pace of human life.

Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound is one of the most beautiful breeds dogs. Wonderful hunters in mountainous areas, very hardy and strong animals, capable of developing great speed and jumping high. The Afghan Hound has a very cute appearance.

These pets are by no means formidable hunters, as it might seem at first glance. Afghan Hounds are very timid and gentle dogs, therefore, in a collision with other pets, they will not claim a dominant position.

Among the cutest dog breeds you can see both decorative little ones and large animals. These pets are distinguished by a very graceful appearance and a wonderful character that can melt anyone’s heart.

I may be biased but dogs are the funniest, sweetest and most loyal pets you can have, despite their vibrant personalities, who can resist the cutest dog breeds? Dogs - best friends; they are the only ones who are genuinely happy to see you when you come home; they are communicative and capable of showing selfless love; they are the epitome of innocence and cuteness that you can find in the following cutest breeds!

The Pomeranian is a lapdog breed descended from the larger Spitz breed. Even though some people think they are tiny, they have completely different personalities, and you can't attribute a certain trait to a dog based solely on its breed. The Pomeranian is just a little bundle of joy! They have the fluffiest fur and the cutest looks, making them one of the cutest dog breeds.

One day owning a husky is one of my goals in life. They are so strong! Every time I see these dogs, I can't look away. Their eyes are beautiful and hypnotizing. Although they require a lot of care, I think they are perfect for those who love medium-sized dogs and make excellent companions.

With their flattened faces, short little legs and tiny tails, do French bulldogs always bring a warm feeling to your heart? I used to have French Bulldog when I was about 11 years old and it was best dog, that I've ever had. He was loyal, friendly, smart and athletic. He could run for hours, pushing a soccer ball with the tip of his nose. Ever since I got this dog, I have always loved French bulldogs.

Hounds may have a very simple appearance, but they are still unique in their own way. They have wonderful floppy ears and a pleasant aura. Although they shed just like any other dog, they do not require great care, so don't be afraid to get a little hound. They turn into great family favorites.

The Akita Inu is a dog breed that is often described as obedient, intelligent, affectionate, brave and fearless. They need good training from the very beginning as they are looking for a strong leader. In addition, they have a gorgeous fox-like appearance that makes them stand out from many other dogs. They are at their cutest when they are puppies.

6. Chow-chow

As a rule, people cannot domesticate bears, but if you want to get as close as possible to this, you can get a chow chow. They are living Teddy bears! They have very thick fur and often appear to have a purple tint to it. Just by looking at them you can tell that they require a lot of care, but if you really want to own a Chow Chow, this won't deter you!

Personally, I prefer dogs with short legs only because walking them is a pleasure. Welsh Corgis are one of those dogs that look cute no matter what they do. They are often characterized as very sociable, playful, watchful and friendly. What other qualities does a dog need?

Looking at the most adorable dogs in the world is the height of pleasure. What breeds of dogs do you like? Write in the comments!

Among the numerous breeds in the dog world, there are those that cause affection even to the most indifferent people. Cute appearance, docile and friendly character – this is what unites the pets included in the conditional rating “the cutest dogs.” This mainly includes representatives small breeds, which appearance which is not a cause for concern. They have a playful and adventurous character and can only show aggression as a means of defensive reaction to danger. All of them are attractive and evoke only positive emotions.

A soft cloud of fur that envelops the entire body of the Pomeranian Spitz, and kind eyes cannot leave anyone indifferent. Despite their angelic appearance, low weight and height, these pets are prone to dominance and even mild aggression. That is why you need to constantly work with them, train them and walk them. fresh air. Fortunately, they are highly trainable, especially in puppyhood. Spitz get along well with both other pets and small children.

The Spitz's height correlates with body length 1 to 1, which makes it look like a round fluffy ball.

WITH Chinese language Shih Tzu translates to lion dog. For a long time they belonged only to representatives of the imperial court. Well-groomed animal with a combed train long hair has a truly royal look. They do not like loneliness, they always become attached to their owner and follow him wherever he goes.

Their love of love is enough not only for the owner, but also for all the inhabitants of the house. Weakness Shih Tzu - eyes. They quickly become clogged due to infrequent blinking, so they need to be wiped daily with a solution soaked in warm water with a cotton swab. The arrangement of fur on the muzzle resembles the petals of a chrysanthemum, from the depths of which intelligent eyes peek out.

The snow-white, shiny coat of the Maltese attracts the attention of not only children, but also adults. Stand out especially clearly against its background big eyes dark walnut color and black nose. The Maltese dog not only has a perfect appearance, but also a wonderful friendly temperament. She will always be happy to play with children. Despite its miniature size, this is a very brave animal that immediately begins to bark at strangers or suspicious sounds.

Funny, disproportionate ears and joyful eyes allow the Papillon to take pride of place in the top 10 cutest breeds. It is the ears that resemble the wings of a butterfly that give the animal the name of its breed, because “papillon” is translated from French as “butterfly”. In their behavior, they resemble active kittens who love to play and run around the house. They are distinguished by a cheerful temperament, curiosity, and devotion to their owner. The Papillon is also prone to fast learning and is also one of the smartest dogs.

Samoyed dog

Elegant posture, lush snow-white fur and a tail that curves in a ring towards the back - this is what makes you pay attention to the representatives of this breed. This is not only a cute, but also a very hardy animal, which was previously used for sledding in the north. The Samoyed is reserved towards other animals, but it shows incredible friendliness and love for children. It is also called a smiling dog due to the raised corners of its lips.

According to one version, the name Samoyed was derived from the fact that when the animal was dragging a team of sleds through the snow, it was practically invisible, so from the outside there was a feeling that the sled was moving on its own.

A place of honor in the ranking of cute dogs is occupied by one of the most popular breeds – the Yorkshire Terrier. In exhibition animals, the length of the fur reaches the floor, and on the head it is gathered into a “tail”. Yorkshire Terrier More than other pets, they need constant attention from their owner. These small dogs can be very independent, so they are not always trainable. They can bark even at a large dog without fear, but due to the small size of the Yorkie, this picture only causes tenderness. This is one of the most “dressable” breeds: owners often purchase a full wardrobe with overalls, jackets and boots so that the pet does not freeze in the cold and looks its best.

Yorkie fur is considered non-allergenic because it is identical to human hair.

Petit Brabançon

Another breed that resembles a soft children's toy. Brabançon is able to make funny faces that reflect the full range of emotions from joy and delight to sadness and sadness. The small dog has a stubborn character and an exaggerated sense of self-esteem, which can cause some inconvenience to its owner. At the same time, she shows kindness not only to children, but also to strangers. But if the latter shows aggression, the Brabançon will forget about his kindness and rush to protect his family members.

This little dog Japanese origin attracts attention with its muzzle with an upturned nose and wide-set eyes. They are calm and unpretentious in food and care, which makes them an ideal companion for living in a city apartment. The Chin's owner always comes first, so he will never forget to stand up for him, even despite his miniature parameters (the weight of an adult animal rarely reaches even 4 kg). With your habits Japanese chin resembles a cat: he likes to wash himself and also climb on cabinets and other high furniture.

The list of the cutest dogs cannot fail to include pugs - small animals with a flattened muzzle, large cherry eyes and a tongue that often falls out of the mouth. Sometimes they can make such a sad face, the appearance of which only causes a smile and tenderness. Pugs are very kind, they love to be around people and feel their care and attention. Instead of active games, they prefer to rest and sleep more, while making snoring, sniffling and other funny sounds.

This is a dog with cute big ears, which invariably attracts attention. The Chinese Crested is a friendly animal that gets along well with other pets. Thanks to its bushy tail and mane, and the tufts of hair on its limbs, it can be compared to a miniature thoroughbred horse. Chinese Cresteds are easy and quick to train and are even capable of performing various tricks. They do not like loneliness and will always be devoted to their family.

The presented rating is purely conditional and does not at all detract from the beauty or fun of man’s other four-legged friends. After all, more important It’s not so much the pet’s touching appearance, but its devotion to the owner and his ability to support and protect him in difficult moments.

A few years ago, or more precisely in 2009, the Internet was blown up by photos and videos of one cute dog. His name is Boo, the breed is pomeranian spitz. The secret to the popularity of the cutest dog in the world is his unique haircut, which makes him look like a toy.

And it all started when the owner of the cutest dog in the world photographed her in a variety of clothes - overalls, a sweater and even a tailcoat - and posted these looks on the Internet. Fans of pictures with animals were inspired, and soon the cutie’s photo was almost the most popular on the Internet.

Today Boo is a famous model for many dog ​​breeding magazines, as well as an actor in commercials. A book was written about the cutie, and his owner (little is known about her, except that her name is Jennifer) fights off annoying buyers. For some reason, some people believe that money can buy everything and constantly offer Mistress Boo to sell her Pomeranian.

The cutest dog breeds

Of course, there are many opinions about the cutest breed of our four-legged friends. However, we can agree on one thing - the more a dog looks like soft toy, causing a tender desire to cuddle her, and the habits of such a doll are playful, like those of a child - the cuter she is. So, among the cutest dog breeds we can highlight the following:

pomeranian spitz- the Boo breed, whose fans, and there are more than two million of them, unanimously think so;

chow chow- lush thick coat, slightly flattened nose, purple tongue- this combination touches many. The resemblance to a bear makes dogs of this color a favorite toy for children;

pug- of course, one cannot say that this breed shines with beauty, but its manner of grunting, attentive protruding eyes and devotion can melt the heart of anyone.

However, every owner considers his dog to be the cutest dog in the world. Of course, it all depends on likes and taste preferences. Some people are fascinated by palm-sized dogs. Others like to look at big dogs with kind and devoted eyes. There are so many dog ​​owners and people who just like to look at the photo - there are so many opinions.



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