Doll People: Living Ken Rodrigo Alves showed what his best girlfriends look like. Rodrigo Alves - living Ken: biography, personal life, how many plastic surgeries

Photos of Rodrigo Alves often appear on the Internet as an illustration of the “victim” phenomenon plastic surgery” or the consequences of body dysmorphia. The man spent more than half a million dollars on 60 plastic surgery and, although he admits to mental illness, he is not going to stop.

Brazilian by nationality Living Ken Rodrigo Alves was born in 1984.

Rodrigo Alves' life before the operations was quite ordinary: he lived in the suburbs of London and worked as a steward for a British airline. The only thing that distinguished him from his peers and friends was that he was always obsessed with appearance. However, judging by the photos of Rodrigo Alves before and after operations, the complexes were far-fetched. Old photographs show that in his youth he had an interesting masculine appearance.

Working as a steward did not give Rodrigo the opportunity to change his appearance, and he did not have enough willpower to constantly exercise and take care of himself. Gradually, the young man gained ten extra pounds and became the owner of a swollen face and an unkempt appearance. But the main thing that displeased the man was his massive and wide nose. Suddenly, 20-year-old Rodrigo received an impressive inheritance from his grandfather and became a very wealthy man. It is from this moment that the story of Alves’s transformation begins.

“I hated the way I looked with my nose all over my face,” Rodrigo explained his action. “It all started with rhinoplasty, but I didn’t become any happier after it, so I returned to the clinic for more operations.”

Ken Rodrigo Alves before and after is almost impossible to mistake for the same person. He changed outwardly, but internally he remained a little, complex boy. Doctors recommend undergoing therapy for body dysmorphic disorder, but Rodrigo is in no hurry.

Today he is a media personality: Alves happily talks about himself on Instagram, attends talk shows and earns money from his fame for his next appearance changes.

Live Ken Rodrigo Alves never talked about his personal life. Perhaps there was no time for a relationship due to a series of plastic surgeries, rehabilitation periods and health problems. Recently, the tabloids reported that Alves's other half was Sofia Vegas, a German Barbie who became interested in plastic surgery.

The young people decided together to have ribs removed to make their waists slimmer. After the sixtieth anniversary operation, Rodrigo Alves's waist reached perfect size- 60 cm (instead of 91). However, Rodrigo Alves and Sofia Vegas, who are kindred in their views, deny romantic relationship, and in March 2018, Living Ken Rodrigo Alves flew to Moscow for the program “Male and Female” to search for a Russian bride.

It all started with rhinoplasty, but I didn’t become any happier after it, so I returned to the clinic for more operations

Rodrigo Alves before and after plastic surgery

It is impossible to list absolutely all of Alves’s manipulations with his face and body. It is known that among the 60 plastic surgeries there were injections of Botox and fillers, 8 rhinoplasties, chin implants, fillers in the arms, fat transfer to the buttocks, leg liposuction, hair transplant, facelift, eye and neck lift, breast implants, fake 6-pack abs, laser liposuction, correction calf muscles, change of eye color.

At a certain stage, many responsible doctors refused to perform operations on Alves, but he persisted. And such persistence almost cost the man his life. Some time after the eighth rhinoplasty, it turned out that the implants did not take root and caused necrosis of the nasal tissue.

The man was hospitalized with difficulty breathing and a hole in his nose. Specialists performed a 10-hour operation on Alves at state expense, during which they removed the cartilage and formed a new nose.

Ken Rodrigo Alves's entire face was completely redone, but he didn't stop there and decided to give the "ideal" contours to the figure.

To do this, Alves performed liposuction, lipofilling of the buttocks, installed artificial “cubes” in the abdominal area and removed the ribs.

Before the operations, Rodrigo Alves clearly had extra pounds, but the figure created by plastic surgeons did not add health and attractiveness to the man.

During an operation to increase the volume of his biceps, the Brazilian almost died: chemical composition it took root incorrectly and got into the blood. Rodrigo Alves's arms and shoulders were monstrously swollen, and infection threatened, at a minimum, amputation of the arm. Doctors saved the man's life by instantly pumping out the substance. It is curious that even this incident did not stop Living Ken.

Rodrigo Alves has no real fans: some recommend that the man see a psychiatrist, others perceive him as a buffoon who does not understand how funny and dangerous his game is. Who knows what it will look like in a couple of months?

This is how Alves was in his youth and this is what he became after all the changes.

Rodrigo always knew that his body was not what he wanted to see in the mirror. At school he was often bullied by his peers. Once, a teenager was even dunked with his head in a urinal, allegedly because his nose was too wide.

The way the guy looks now not only suits him, Rodrigo is truly happy in his new body.

Alves recently posted photos of himself as a child and teenager online. As a child, he was a completely ordinary boy.

However, in his youth, Rodrigo was also a typical teenager. But he, however, preferred a different life - to be doll-like beautiful and one of a kind.

“I get a lot of attention because of my artificial appearance, but I love myself and that’s the main thing,” Alves admits. Yes, it’s hard to just pass by here without paying attention to such an unusual appearance.

17 years and 58 plastic surgeries - these were the sacrifices to achieve the main goal. Naturally, each operation cost money. According to rough estimates, it took more than half a million dollars to transform into Ken.

Almost every piece of his body was redrawn. Rodrigo went through hair implantation on his head, injected fillers into his arms and created fake abs. And Alves himself probably doesn’t remember how many liposuction operations he had.

When one day the doctors turned him down for another liposuction, Rodrigo began to get in shape through sports and a healthy diet.

Now Rodrigo’s appearance raises many questions, but the guy is happy and proud of himself. “People might think I'm crazy. This is wrong. I resorted to the help of psychologists. I was born in the wrong body,” he said.

Since his youth, Alves loved to dress fashionably, but, according to him, his old body was so wrong that jackets and suits did not fit him. Now everything is different. Whatever he puts on, everything will resemble the ideal doll body.

At the age of 17, Rodrigo had his first operation. Then he was diagnosed with gynecomastia, that is, an increase in mammary gland with hypertrophy of glands and adipose tissue. Since then, the teenager has firmly decided to change his appearance.

While in college, he underwent one operation after another. But the question is, who paid for his expensive procedures? Alves' family is worried about his excessive interest in plastic surgery. His family was shocked when they saw Rodrigo after several operations. But if the family didn’t pay for the costly changes, then who did?

Rodrigo admits that having decided to change himself, he turned to his dearest plastic surgeon. But then he realized that expensive does not always mean good. It is best to choose a surgeon who has extensive experience.

Relatives insisted that Rodrigo seek help from psychiatrists. Doctors diagnosed him with dysmorphic disorder or body dysmorphic disorder. It turns out that this mental disorder, in which a person is overly concerned and preoccupied only with his body.

But the Brazilian Rodrigo Alves, who bears the proud title of living Ken, does not want to stop. The other day he announced that he was ready for sex reassignment surgery and turning himself into Barbie. According to the man, the penis remains his only real part of the body, which has not yet undergone any plastic transformations. Apparently, this doesn’t suit him at all, and if he’s going to change it, that’s it.

Alves announced that he intends to get to the last part of his body, which until recently has not yet undergone any surgical operations.

The man admitted that he was seriously considering surgical gender reassignment and at the moment This is almost a settled issue.

Photo from website:

Not long ago, Rodrigo Alves, nicknamed “the living Ken,” visited Moscow. It was here that he dreamed of finding a Russian wife and for this purpose he even took part in several Russian shows.

By the age of 34, former flight attendant and now model Rodrigo Alves had undergone more than 60 plastic surgeries, including the removal of 4 ribs, to become the owner of an almost wasp waist!

"Living Ken" Rodrigo Alves met three Russian Barbies

Rodrigo Alves, nicknamed "living Ken", flew to Russia to meet three Barbies. A resident of Brazil, who began changing his appearance at the age of 17, became a participant in the “Male/Female” program, where he talked with potential brides.
The hosts of the program, Alexander Gordon and Yulia Baranovskaya, introduced Rodrigo Alves to young girls who looked like Barbie. For “living Ken” it is very important appearance Russian representatives of the fairer sex. The first potential bride was Tatyana Tuzova, who is raising an 11-year-old son. She said that she had been married several times already, but all the spouses demanded that she provide family comfort. The Russian woman always wanted to be bright, so she couldn’t refuse “ beautiful life"for the sake of cooking.

“Living Ken” Rodrigo Alves found three brides at once in “House-2”

“Living Ken” Rodrigo Alves found three brides at once in “House-2”. The famous Briton admitted that he really liked Olga Buzova, Marina Afrikantova and Oksana Ryaska.

To take a closer look at Russian beauties, “living Ken” went to “Dom-2”, hoping to meet his fate among the participants in the scandalous TV show. And according to his confession, he immediately found three girls with whom he would like to communicate more closely.

But Alves was not destined to meet the TV personality, since at that moment Buzova was on tour in another city. But he was not at a loss and after the program asked the organizers of the reality show for the telephone numbers of all the ladies he liked.

"Living Ken" Rodrigo Alves almost died after one of the operations

Now the man is completely satisfied with his appearance. He says that even in his youth he realized that he was not born in the body in which he wanted to live, and from then on the process of his transformation began. But Rodrigo warns everyone who also wants to go under the surgeon’s knife: plastic surgery is a huge test that not everyone can pass.

“The only thing I regret is five unsuccessful operations to change the shape of the nose, all of them passed with complications. After the third operation, a fistula formed near the wing of the nose, and tissue necrosis began. Until recently, I could not finish my search for the perfect face and body, despite the fact that last operation It didn’t go well, and I almost died,” says the man.

Rodrigo Alves: biography

Rodrigo Alves is a British man of Brazilian descent. He underwent more than fifty plastic surgeries and procedures, and spent thousands of dollars to become like the muscular boyfriend of the Barbie doll, Ken. The man is a shining example depending on plastic surgery.

Rodrigo Alves was born in Brazil, but soon moved to the UK. As a child, I was an ordinary child. He does not hide his childhood photos and regularly posts them on the Internet. But as Rodrigo himself says, his peers often bullied him. One day he even had his head dunked into a urinal because of his wide nose.

Even then, looking at the heroes of Disney cartoons, he saw ideals in them. But in the reflection of the mirror he saw an unattractive guy whom he dreamed of changing.

At the age of 17, Rodrigo was diagnosed with gynecomastia - enlargement of the mammary glands in men. It was then that he decided to undergo surgery. When the excess tissue was removed and he left the hospital, he realized that he was ready for further changes in his appearance.

While still in college, he began to undergo one operation after another. His main goal began to “reincarnate” into the living Ken - to get as close to the ideal as possible.

Upon returning from studying from London to his homeland, the changes in his son shocked his parents. And they decided to send him to a psychiatrist. The doctor revealed that he had anxiety disorder, in which a person is worried and dissatisfied with his own appearance. He underwent treatment, and psychiatrists agreed that the young man was normal, but problems with self-perception in the mirror had not gone away.

The Brazilian underwent his fourth rhinoplasty, but the cartilage installed in his nose was rejected. Now there is a hole in the place of the implant that did not take root. Doctors don’t yet know how to fix this.

Flight attendant Alves, 32, known around the world as one of the "living Kens", is now in hospital. The man was hospitalized three months after unsuccessful procedure by changing the shape of the nose. His body began to reject foreign tissue.

According to the British publication The Mirror, the Brazilian developed necrosis (death of tissue). Doctors fear that the entire organ will have to be removed from the patient’s face.

“I had a nose job in February and it seemed like my body was rejecting the new septum.- Rodrigo signed his photo on social networks, taken in a hospital room.

“It was getting harder and harder for me to breathe.” A terrible hole appeared in the nostril and an infection began to eat away at the nose. If left unchecked, the lesion will spread to the entire face. I'm very worried".

Alves now lives in London, and he hopes for help from British doctors. Although it is still unknown what decision doctors will make to improve the patient’s condition. For now, he is given antibiotic drips every eight hours.

By the way, this is not the first health problem that a man has had due to his passion for plastic surgery. Recently his eyebrows “fell apart” from too much large quantity Botox. And three years ago, Rodrigo miraculously survived after undergoing a procedure to fill his biceps, triceps and shoulder muscles with silicone. chemical substance leaked into circulatory system and his hands went numb. Doctors did not rule out that amputation of limbs would be required. And if the infection had reached Rodrigo's heart, he would have died.

At that time, "living Ken" wondered: "What if I die on operating table? But he immediately tried to drive away these thoughts from himself and said: “I can die even while crossing the road. No one is immune from death. So this pain is worth it to achieve perfection.".

Let us remember that before starting the transformation, Alves was terribly dissatisfied with his own appearance. He said that he felt unhappy when he looked in the mirror. They even diagnosed him with body dysmorphic disorder (a mental disorder in which a person is overly concerned and preoccupied with a minor defect or feature of his body) and they are trying to cure him of this condition.

For the first time, Rodrigo decided to go under the scalpel in 2004. In ten years he suffered 42 surgical interventions and spent more than 400 thousand dollars to achieve an external resemblance to the Ken doll.

He pays for the operations with the inheritance left by his Brazilian grandparents. In addition, he makes good money from the airline and has additional income from renting his property in Spain.

In total, Alves survived 58 operations. He changed the shape of his nose 10 times, had a facelift, inserted implants into his buttocks, arms and chest, and even removed four ribs, writes The Sun. And in the end the guy began to look like a plastic doll. But, he says, there is a sad story behind it.

potato-shaped nose" and a plump belly. In addition, Rodrigo had hormonal disorder, which caused his chest to grow unnaturally. By the age of 16, it was the same as that of his peers. And because of this, he was subjected to especially severe mockery. Therefore, at 17, Rodrigo went for the first operation in his life - breast reduction.

I don't like focusing on the past because it upsets me.<...>As a child, I felt lonely: no one wanted to be friends with me

Rodrigo Alves

And after that I couldn’t stop. Operation followed operation, he became famous and appeared on the covers of glossy magazines. I earned money and spent it again on “improving” something about myself. According to him, he suffered a lot of pain and almost lost his life because of his addiction. After the sixth operation on “Ken’s” nose, he could not breathe, and then Alves’s face began to rot - necrosis began. The guy was taken to the hospital with a hole in his nose and the threat of gangrene.

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But this is not the worst thing that happened to the freak. One day he decided to pump gel into his shoulders to look like a jock. And he picked up such a serious infection that he couldn’t move his arms for about a month, and doctors were considering amputation.

I cried every day. I just prayed and cried. It almost got to the point where they wanted to cut off my hand

Rodrigo Alves

Afterwards, Alves finally turned to a psychologist. And five years ago, the star was diagnosed with dysmorphophobia - a mental disorder in which a person becomes fixated on minor defects or features of his body. And he is still going to continue to change his body, and meet old age in female body: It’s more beautiful.

I'll do what Caitlyn Jenner did when I turn 50. I'd rather be a sexy old lady than a flabby old man.

Rodrigo Alves



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs