MACS, SMAS and Spacelifting are methods of facial rejuvenation. Everything you need to know about short-scar facelift S lifting unsuccessful operations

A woman’s dream is to keep her face young and fit, which s-lifting will help with. Cosmetology offers to extend the attractiveness of the face using facelift. The first mention of it was in 1906, when possible surgical intervention to correct age-related changes in the face was discussed.

Since 1976, the concept of “subcutaneous muscular-aponeurotic system” has been introduced, called SMAS. Several years later, a technique for SMAS resection and fixation was developed. Innovative techniques for this method are soon emerging. They have become widespread in plastic surgery.

The method makes it possible to eliminate wrinkles and sagging skin under the influence of soft tissue. As a result, the appearance changes and the aging process is delayed. Customer reviews confirm that the procedure is effective and safe. The cosmetologist eliminates complications during the procedure. A similar effect as after it cannot be achieved even by using an expensive cream.

Features of this method

A short-scar facelift will help to tighten the internal structures of the face. The main characteristic feature of the operation is minor trauma and small scars. Their location should be behind the tragus of the ear. Due to this, the small seam cannot be seen by others. This method does not only tighten the upper layers of the skin. During the s-lifting procedure, the deep structures of the face are affected. The set of measures achieves the overall rejuvenation effect. This eliminates the effect of a stretched mask.

With a minimally invasive intervention, an incision is made in the parotid zone, and it is extended to the temporal zone. Using this method, it becomes possible to achieve lifting and rejuvenation of the lower third of the face. Age-related jowls are getting rid of. After the procedure, the result can last for a long period due to the fixation of soft tissues.

What are the advantages of the s-lifting technique?

Experts highlight many positive aspects of this method. The fundamental limitation of the incision is considered important. This practice provides an opportunity to conceal the fact of the transaction. The procedure provides for strict vertical fixation of drooping facial tissues.

The use of this technique allows us to eliminate the effect in which the skin is stretched. The primary characteristic is the preservation of the results obtained over a long period of time. Also, non-standard tissue excision can reduce the risk of facial nerve deformation. The intervention using gentle local anesthesia lasts for a short period.

S-lifting practically does not cause complications. Prices for procedures are affordable. Rehabilitation is accelerated due to small blood loss. The strictest restriction on the incision significantly reduces the risk of focal hair loss. Standard lifting, as a rule, does not achieve identical results.

Indications for use

Professionals advise using the procedure solely based on indications. According to their instructions, a short-scar facelift is necessary when wrinkles form in the cheekbone area on the temples or forehead. Surgery will be required when drooping corners of the mouth occur, if a second collection appears.

For complete rejuvenation, a combination of forehead lifting and circumferential blepharoplasty is required. It is optimal to carry out cosmetic procedures at the age of 38-50 years. The impact of this technique makes it possible to correct age-related skin changes.


Such cosmetic procedures cannot be used by people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, regardless of stage, as well as with cancer and connective tissue diseases. If there is poor blood clotting. For diseases of the cardiovascular system.

When there is a tendency to the appearance of keloid scars. The procedure is not performed on people with a long history of smoking. Such procedures are prohibited for patients with severe skin diseases. Cosmetologists do not allow s-lifting during lactation or pregnancy. Cosmetologists do not recommend rejuvenation using this method for people whose facial changes, under the influence of age-related processes, are concentrated in the temporal and frontal zone.

Preparation for the s-lifting procedure

The approach is individual, since patients have different skin elasticity and body weight. Therefore, the actual picture of changes will be different. Before preparing for surgery, you should discuss all your concerns with your doctor, including the location of the proposed incisions and the course of the rehabilitation process.

You need to prepare yourself psychologically. It is advisable to take vitamins and microelements. You need to have a good rest. Nutrition should be complete with the obligatory inclusion of animal proteins, vegetables, and fruits. It is recommended two weeks before the proposed procedure to avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid, which can cause bleeding. Quit smoking.

The medical staff will take photographs of the face for the purpose of subsequently applying clarifying drawings to the finished photographs with a marker. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia for several hours.

Rehabilitation period

You need to be prepared that rehabilitation will take a long time, requiring contact with professionals. Good care will be required to ensure the results last. It is recommended not to be nervous or panic after the operation, since the real result will only be visible after a certain time.

Immediately holding the mirror, you can see swelling and bruising, which is considered natural. They go away in 5-7 days. May not appear. The skin will temporarily lose sensitivity. There will be minor pain.

Painkillers may be prescribed. It is necessary to be patient, since the duration of the rehabilitation process depends on the condition of the body. The true result can only be seen after six months.

You must adhere to the doctor's instructions. The patient is under inpatient observation for 2 days. A compression bandage secures the area of ​​the cheekbones and chin. It should be permanent until the stitches are removed.

In order for swelling to go away faster, the head should be in a stationary, elevated state. The stitches will be removed as healing progresses, usually between days 7-14. During this period, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics and wash your hair.

Doctors recommend using a compression bandage for a certain period of time at night if liposuction of the cheeks and chin has been performed before. Food should be liquid and ground, as coarser food causes pain when chewing. Active facial expressions are not desirable. You should refrain from visiting the bathhouse, excessive physical exertion, and exposure to the sun.

To speed up the rehabilitation process includes physiotherapeutic and manual procedures (healing masks, magnetic therapy, etc.). The risk of complications is minimal. This may occur if the instructions of specialists are not followed.

What results can you get?

The s-facial lifting procedure allows those who undergo it to look 7-8 years younger. The primary nuances that influence the main outcome are the presence of concomitant diseases and lifestyle.

Repeated s-lifting can only be done at intervals of five or ten years. When therapeutic or cosmetic procedures took place, the period is significantly delayed. The obtained result will help to consolidate mesotherapy and photorejuvenation for a long time. With their help, you can prevent the possible appearance of soft tissue ptosis. In general, cosmetologists note that the result obtained from the procedure can last for ten years. A person who monitors his health can significantly extend it.

About the author: Larisa Vladimirovna Lukina

Dermatovenerology (Internship in the specialty of dermatovenerology (2003-2004), Certificate of the Department of Dermatovenerology of St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov dated June 29, 2004); Confirmation of the certificate in the Federal State Institution "SSC Rosmedtekhnologii" (144 hours, 2009) Confirmation of the certificate in the Rost State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (144 hours, 2014); Professional competencies: management of dermatovenerological patients in accordance with procedures for the provision of medical care, standards of medical care and approved clinical protocols. Read more about me in the Doctors-Authors section.

With the advent of numerous gentle procedures aimed at skin rejuvenation, minimally invasive interventions have become the most in demand in aesthetic medicine. The classic circular lift has been replaced by the use of contour plastic surgery, threads, hardware cosmetology procedures and low-traumatic surgical intervention.

S-lifting is a modern skin rejuvenation technique, the name of which comes from the English phrase “Short Scar”, which means “short scar”. Despite the minimal invasiveness of the surgical intervention, the S-lift includes elements of the SMAS lift, designed for complete reconstruction of the oval of the face by fixing the muscular aponeurotic system.

Characteristics and features of S-lifting

Short-scar facelift is a surgical rejuvenation technique aimed at tightening the internal structures of the face and excision of excess skin. The main feature of the operation is minimal trauma and small scars located behind the tragus of the ear. Thus, the small seam remains invisible to others. At the same time, S-lifting is not a procedure aimed only at tightening the upper layer of skin. The operation affects the deep structures of the face, resulting in global rejuvenation and improved appearance without the effect of a stretched mask.

The incision is made in the parotid area and can be extended to the temporal region. The short-scar lifting technique allows you to achieve tightening and rejuvenation of the lower third of the face and neck, eliminate age-related jowls, nasolabial folds and ptosis in the lower part of the face. The effect lasts for a long time due to reliable, stable fixation of deep soft tissues.

Advantages and disadvantages of the operation

The main advantages of S-lifting include the following factors:

  • Fundamental limitation of the incision, allowing to hide the fact of the operation;
  • Strictly vertical fixation of drooping facial tissues. Unlike the classic facelift, in which the tissues are fixed upward and backward, this technique avoids the effect of skin tension and also preserves the duration of the achieved result;
  • No risk of damage to the facial nerve due to non-standard tissue excision;
  • Low invasiveness of the operation. The intervention lasts for a short period of time, gentle local anesthesia is used with mild intravenous sedation;
  • SMAS lift. Lifting is aimed at tightening and strengthening the muscular aponeurotic system, which ensures natural permanent rejuvenation;
  • Low incidence of complications;
  • Relatively low cost;
  • Accelerated rehabilitation. Minor blood loss significantly reduces the patient’s rehabilitation time after surgery. Strictly limiting the incision reduces the risk of patchy hair loss that often occurs after standard surgical lifting.

Disadvantages of short scar facelift:

  • S-lifting is not always effective for deep, loose wrinkles in the lower third of the face and neck area. Patients with this problem are recommended to combine surgery with other hardware and therapeutic cosmetology procedures;
  • After surgery, patients experience moderate to low intensity pain when chewing. The pain is localized in the cheekbones, where the fixing subcutaneous sutures are located.

Indications for surgery

  • Mild or moderate ptosis of the lower third of the face and neck;
  • Formation of age-related jowls;
  • Pronounced deepening of the nasolabial folds;
  • Excess lipid tissue in the chin area;
  • Dropping of the contour of soft tissues and skin in the lower jaw area;
  • Neck laxity;
  • Ptosis of cheek tissue, partial deformation of adipose tissue;
  • Weakening of the muscles of the mouth.

Short-scar lifting is an alternative to the classic circular facelift for those wishing to correct gravitational age-related changes in the lower part of the face. If the patient has particularly deep, loose folds in the area of ​​the mouth and neck, it is better to combine the S-lifting procedure with contour plastic surgery. A positive result is achieved in almost all cases, excluding patients with pronounced excess loose skin in the neck area. The most acceptable age for short-scar lifting is between 38 and 50 years. To achieve comprehensive rejuvenation, it is recommended to combine a lift with a forehead lift and circumferential blepharoplasty.


Absolute contraindications include a number of diseases and some aspects of the patient’s lifestyle. Relative contraindications include aesthetic factors.

The operation is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs in the acute stage;
  • Severe skin diseases;
  • Autoimmune disorders;
  • Diseases and dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • Long history of smoking;
  • Tendency to form keloid scars.

Surgeons do not recommend surgery for people with excess skin accumulation in the lower third of the face and chin area. Also, S-lifting is not recommended for people whose age-related facial changes are concentrated in the temporal and frontal areas.

How is the operation performed?

Stage 1. Preparing the patient for surgery; premedication is possible, depending on the anesthesia chosen.

Stage 2. Introduction of combined anesthesia. In the classic version, local anesthesia and intravenous sedation are used for such an intervention.

Stage 3. The surgeon makes the main incisions (in the retrotragus zone in women and preauricular in men).

Stage 4. Fixation of soft tissues in a new position and application of suspension sutures into the periosteal tissue of the zygomatic area.

Stage 5. Application of additional internal sutures.

Stage 6. Gentle excision of excess skin flap after SMAS lifting, application of intradermal sutures.

Removal of subcutaneous sutures is performed by a surgeon 7-10 days after surgery.

Rehabilitation period after S-lifting

Inpatient observation in the clinic is observed for 1-2 days from the moment of the manipulation. The patient must be given a compression bandage, which must permanently fix the zygomatic and chin areas until the sutures are removed. After this, a compression bandage may be recommended by your doctor at night if the operation was preceded by liposuction of the cheeks and chin. Bruising and swelling disappear within 5-7 days. Often they do not occur at all. During the rehabilitation period, it is recommended to switch to liquid and ground food due to painful sensations when chewing. After a week, the discomfort usually disappears.

To speed up the healing process, some surgeons recommend physical therapy and chiropractic procedures. Special microcurrents, magnetic therapy, and caring procedures using healing masks show excellent results.

Maintaining the result and possible complications

The risk of complications associated with the S-lift procedure is minimal. Most often it is associated with improper implementation of doctor’s recommendations, as well as the choice of an unqualified specialist. In these cases, blood loss and prolonged healing are possible (if the patient uses anticoagulants, antibiotics and active smoking), infection in the area of ​​resection of the skin flap, persistent hematomas and edema due to neglect of wearing a compression bandage.

The effect of the operation lasts for a long time and is comparable to the results of complex surgery. Thus, noticeable skin rejuvenation is achieved, and the result lasts for 10 years or more. The technique can be repeated if there are indications for this, after agreement with the plastic surgeon.

s-lifting plus blepharoplasty

Short-scar face lift MACS-lift and S-lift

The average cost of the operation is 52,500 rubles.

The MACS-lifting technique (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension Lift) was invented and first used by Colombian plastic surgeon Patrick Tonnarde more than 10 years ago. The S-Lift (Short-Scar Lift) is one of the modifications of the MACS lift, which received this name because of the S-shaped incision.

These facial plastic surgeries are designed to lift the midface and lower third through small incisions in the ear area. The specificity of a short-scar facelift is that it has an inconspicuous small scar, a shortened rehabilitation period, and is highly effective. The size of the incisions is much smaller than with a classic facelift.

MACS-Lift and S-Lifting. Indications

  • loss of clear contours of the oval face;
  • manifestation of moderately pronounced or deep nasolabial folds;
  • drooping corners of the mouth;
  • moderate decrease in neck skin turgor;
  • deterioration of facial skin turgor, gravitational ptosis of tissue in the cheek area.

MACS-Lift and S-Lifting. Contraindications

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • collagen vascular diseases;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • predisposition of skin tissue to the formation of keloid scars;
  • smoking as a factor that increases the risk of postoperative complications (must be stopped at least 2 weeks before surgery);
  • taking anticoagulants (must also be stopped at least 2 weeks before surgery);
  • oncological diseases.

MACS-Lift and S-Lifting. How is the operation performed?

The MAX lifting operation is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon begins the incision from the lower lower edge of the lobe, continues it in front of the ear (behind the tragus) and slightly covers the temporal region along the border of hair growth. Then the doctor performs a gentle, limited detachment of the skin flap. Effective tissue lifting is achieved by placing purse-string suspension sutures on the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS). These sutures are securely fixed to a strong structure - the deep temporal fascia. A vertical vector of tissue lifting is provided. In this way, the doctor tightens the deep structures of the cheek area, thereby improving the contour of the oval of the face. The surgeon then tightens and redistributes the skin flap, removes excess and applies a cosmetic suture.

With the S-Lift (Short-Scar Lift), excess skin is removed using an S-shaped incision, which, unlike the MAX-lifting, starts behind the ear and ends in front of the ears, and the lifting method is similar to the MACS-lifting. Of all the existing lifts, S-Lift (along with MACS-Lift) is the most gentle for the patient. More than half of the operations are performed under local anesthesia. The duration of operations is 1.5 - 2 hours.

MACS-Lift and S-Lifting. Rehabilitation

The patient is discharged 1-2 days after surgery. After the operation, you must wear a compression bandage for a week and a half, which provides pressure on the chin and cheek-zygomatic area. On average, major hemorrhages and swelling disappear within 12-14 days. The stitches are removed on days 9-11. The final effect can be observed 6 weeks after surgery.

MACS-Lift and S-Lifting. Photos before and after

Currently, this type of operation is included in the daily practice of most foreign specialists and some surgeons in Russia. You can see the results before and after short-scar lifting in the plastic surgeon’s portfolio on his website. Additionally, you can visit the “Before and After Photos” section on our portal.

MACS-Lift and S-Lifting. Prices

The cost of the operation is in a wide range from 50,000 to 140,000 thousand rubles. The average price for this type of lifting in Moscow is 110,000 rubles.

Where to do short-scar lifting MACS-Lift and S-Lifting?

Choose a certified specialist. To avoid making a mistake with your choice, study the rating of the best plastic surgeons in Russia. In addition, you can seek advice from the forums of Internet sites specializing in aesthetic plastic surgery.

(S-lifting, Short-Scar Lift) - a modification of the SMAS lifting, performed through a small S-shaped incision in front of the auricle. A short-scar facelift combines low-impactness and a short rehabilitation period with the advantages of SMAS-lifting - the ability to perform a tightening of the superficial muscular-aponeurotic system of the face and lateral platysmoplasty. A facelift with a short scar is ineffective in cases of severe sagging skin that requires removal of excess neck skin. Candidates for a short-scar facelift are patients aged 30 to 45 years.

(S-lifting, Short-Scar Lift) - a modification of the SMAS lifting, performed through a small S-shaped incision in front of the auricle. A short-scar facelift combines low-impactness and a short rehabilitation period with the advantages of SMAS-lifting - the ability to perform a tightening of the superficial muscular-aponeurotic system of the face and lateral platysmoplasty. A facelift with a short scar is ineffective in cases of severe sagging skin that requires removal of excess neck skin.

Candidates for a short-scar facelift are patients between the ages of 30 and 45 who want a slight tightening of the skin with minimal scarring and no significant changes in the neck area. With the help of S-lifting, it is possible to eliminate cheek jowls, double chin, drooping cheekbones and cheeks, sharp nasolabial folds, and slight sagging neck skin. Also, a short scar facelift may be recommended for patients who require repeat facelift procedures.

With the help of S-lifting, natural aesthetics are improved and facial rejuvenation is achieved with minimal skin incisions and a rehabilitation period. At the same time, a short-scar facelift is a full-fledged multifaceted operation that combines tightening of the skin and subcutaneous SMAS structures of the face. For comprehensive facial rejuvenation with a short-scar lift, blepharoplasty of the lower and upper eyelids is ideally combined.


A short scar lift does not involve a post-auricular incision like a traditional facelift. Due to this, the operation is characterized by low trauma, which is especially preferable for smoking patients. In rare cases, a short scar facelift requires an additional incision in the temple area, which will be safely hidden in the hair. The absence of an incision in the retroauricular area prevents the possibility of damage to the branches of the facial nerve.

Due to vertical tissue tightening performed during S-lifting, it is possible to achieve the most natural rejuvenation effect. The application of special sutures that support the internal structures of the face allows you to correct the angle of the lower jaw, eliminate jowls and tighten the skin of the neck. During a short scar facelift, the subcutaneous SMAS structures of the face are lifted, which determines the long-term results of facial and neck rejuvenation.

A short-scar facelift is associated with shorter surgery and anesthesia time, injuries and blood loss, which reduces rehabilitation time. The limited incision provides a smaller wound surface, and the absence of stitches behind the ears reduces the risk of hair loss, which is quite high after a classic facelift.

Facelift is a broad term that includes many concepts. At first glance, it seems clear that we are talking about a facelift. But which one? A similar definition, and we are talking about lifting, is found in cosmetology. Surely everyone has heard about photorejuvenation or mesotherapy procedures.

Facelifting also includes special gymnastics designed to tighten and rejuvenate the face. With the help of exercises you can eliminate nasolabial folds and reduce wrinkles around the eyes.

Doctors use the term Face Lifting to understand surgical plastic surgery, which can reduce age-related ptosis (sagging) of soft tissues and restore the oval of the face. In addition, the operation significantly improves the condition of the neck and submandibular area, returning you several years ago.

What are the goals of a major facelift? A full lift consists of several components: lifting the eyebrows, upper eyelids, middle and lower areas of the face. If a patient wants a younger-looking face, which of these procedures is most important?

In what cases is it used?

Of course, age is primarily revealed by sagging soft tissues of the chin. If the imperfections of the body can be disguised under clothes, then the face and neck cannot be hidden anywhere. Therefore, at a certain age, many women think about correcting their appearance.

Facelift (plastic lift) is justified in the following cases:

  • the skin of the forehead hangs over the eyebrows, forming a fold on the bridge of the nose;
  • vertical wrinkles in the cheek area, creases;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • drooping of the outer corners of the eyes;
  • purse-string wrinkles around the mouth;
  • "shaved" and education;
  • deep wrinkles on the neck and lower jaw.

All these shortcomings are successfully eliminated with the help of a facelift. For the effect of the operation to be noticeable, it must be done within a certain period.

If you are between 40 and 60 years old and your face is not in the best shape, it is time to visit a plastic surgeon. Of course, the younger and more elastic the dermis, the better the result will be and the faster the recovery will occur.

Forming goals

1. The purpose of a facelift is to make you look young and fresh, not “operated.”

2. Research shows that people first pay attention to the eyes and upper part of the face. Therefore, if you want to improve what is most noticeable, concentrate on the upper part of the face.

3. Facial rejuvenation by combining eyebrow and mid-zone lifting gives a very natural result - the face does not look stretched or tense.

Which type of facelift is best?

The plastic surgeon will tell you which type of correction to choose. At your first appointment, explain to the specialist in detail what you want to see after the procedure. Don't forget to mention your illnesses and name the medications you are currently using. This will help create the optimal preparation plan for surgery.

The number of different facelift techniques is amazing: lifting the base of the face (deep lift), SMAS-ectomy (circular lift), S-lift (short scar lift), MACS (lifting technique aimed at rejuvenating the lower third of the face, performed by an incision in front of the auricle), and the list doesn't end there.

During your consultation with your surgeon, focus on describing exactly what you want changed rather than the name of the technique. Let your doctor explain to you the differences in facelift techniques that will help you achieve the best results.

Endoscopic lift

During facial surgery, endoscopes are used to cut, tighten, and move tissue. The operation is considered the most advanced and least traumatic type of correction, since it does not require skin incisions, which cause the tissue to open more, and does not leave scars. During the operation, punctures are made in the temple area along the hairline and on the inner surface of the cheeks, from the oral mucosa.

This lifting method is an ideal option for lifting the forehead and midface. A scarless, minimally invasive method will get rid of a tired look and wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, and will help preserve youth for 8–10 years.

For the upper part of the face, the endoscopic method provides very good results, especially for the forehead area. The lower face and neck are much better treated in the traditional way. The results of endoscopic surgery in these areas are not very good and do not last as long as the results of traditional facial plastic surgery.

SMAS face lift

If you need to correct the area of ​​the lower jaw, remove jowls and nasolabial folds, pay attention to the SMAS procedure. This operation is more traumatic than endoscopy, but gives excellent results. Especially indicated for women over 45 years of age.

The classic one is performed under general anesthesia. It is a dermal tightening involving deeper tissues. During the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision in the skin from the temporal region to the back of the head, running a scalpel along the auricle. During the intervention, the skin is separated from the muscles, its excess is cut off, and the dermis is fixed in a new position. Sutures are placed at the incision site. Rehabilitation goes quite quickly.

The operation helps restore all parts of the face, restore the submandibular angle, and tighten the neck.

Using a circular lift, you will get a face 10-15 years younger, and, with proper care, maintain this result for many years.


The operation solves a limited problem - sagging neck skin and double chin. It is also called the Soft version and is used separately or in conjunction with upper or lower lifting.

Short scar lift

A short-scar facelift is similar to a full facelift, but is performed through smaller incisions. A mini facelift is best suited for younger patients who do not have significant loss of skin elasticity in the neck or lower face. A short scar lift is also a good option for patients who had a full face lift several years ago and only need minimal adjustments.

Quick mini-lifts

The mini-lift is another shameless marketing ploy designed to trick you out of your money by making you believe that you can get results with minimal expense and little or no recovery time.

Soon after facelift surgeries began (more than a hundred years ago), some surgeons began to regenerate old, difficult-to-treat skin (as well as skin that was quickly losing its effect) with facelift procedures alone, devising They have many tempting names and sell them to overly gullible people.

Listen to these tips:

1. Mini-surgeries usually give MINIMAL results. Don't place too much hope on them.

2. Let others be guinea pigs. Most new technologies require improvement.

3. Results may vary - new procedures take time to “find their place.” Meanwhile, a lot of people are spending a lot of money doing various new surgeries on areas of the face where they might not work.

Deep lifting

Quite a complicated procedure. Performed for significant age-related changes in facial skin. The intervention affects deep tissues, so there is a risk of damage to the facial nerve. But the lifting effect is good and lasts for at least 10–12 years.

Plastic surgeries are performed using laser, ultrasound or conventional surgical excision.

Other facelift methods

In addition to those listed, there are various methods of facelift. They do not have such a dramatic effect on the skin, so they are suitable for ladies aged 30–50 with unexpressed problems.

So, what other procedures should you know about:

  1. or vector lifting. The manipulation consists of correction and face lifting using a non-surgical method. Cosmetologists consider it transitional between creams and surgery.
  2. Thread facelift. Performed using implantation of gold or platinum threads. The method is effective after the age of 30 years. It is a kind of postponement of classical plastic surgery.
  3. refers to non-surgical correction methods. The procedure gives a good effect, but it does not last long. Indicated for women over 30 years of age.
  4. Radio frequency method. It is considered the best alternative to a circular facelift.
  5. Total Face Lifting. This type of operation was developed quite recently by surgical plastic specialist E.V. Shikhirman.

If you decide to undergo facial correction, you must undergo a full examination before the operation.

In this case, the doctor will have an idea of ​​your health status and the presence of diseases that may limit plastic surgery. In addition, the skin will be examined directly at the clinic, and, if necessary, treated and restored.

Contraindications to surgical facelift

So, who should not undergo a surgical facelift? Since facelift is not considered an intervention for life-saving reasons, there are many such points:

  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • renal failure;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • allergies to medications used during the intervention and subsequent rehabilitation;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases.

Some of the points discussed are not absolute contraindications. With a certain adjustment of the health status, surgery is possible, but the surgeon will decide on the necessity and legality of plastic surgery.

Doctors are reluctant to perform facelifts on women who are overweight. This is explained by the large percentage of unsuccessful results in this particular category of patients.

How much does a facelift cost?

A full facelift costs from 140,000 to 300,000 rubles and consists of several components: the forehead, the middle part of the face and the lower part of the face (this usually includes the neck). Additionally, you can use injections of fat or fillers and fractional laser, or undergo plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids.

An experienced surgeon with an established reputation can obviously charge a higher price for his services. However, this does not mean that everyone who quotes a high price is necessarily the best. Ask those who have already done a facelift.

40-50 thousand rubles separately or 80 thousand rubles for the upper and lower ones.From 20 thousand rubles for a small correction and from 40 thousand rubles to replenish lost volume.From 20 thousand rubles for light changes to 80 thousand rubles for the most effective procedures with the re:pair fractional laser.

Results and how long will the “new youth” last?

The feeling of a “second wind”, that the clock hands have been turned back 10 years or even more, is the main motivation. A popular phrase during consultations is: “I want to look as young as I feel.” If the patient is happy, it's a great job.

Most patients see improvements within 6 months to 1 year.Patients notice improvements within 2-4 years. If the tissue has been cut, tightened, and secured with sutures in its new position, it is likely that the improvements from this procedure (as well as those listed below) will be permanent. Patients will always be “one step ahead” in a certain sense, although, of course, the face will be subject to age-related changes.Revision (repeated) faceliftsSMAS lifting and volume restoration (using gel filler or fat injections)2-7 years. Since some tissue movement has already occurred, repeat facelifts usually do not provide the same rejuvenating effect as the first facelift.Most patients report improvement within 5-8 years. In young patients with minimal signs of aging, this period is shorter; in older patients who simultaneously undergo several auxiliary procedures - more. If only the facial skin is tightened, the average duration is 3-6 years.

Photos “before and after”

Does age matter?

The most important thing is not the number of years you have lived, but the fact whether you have age-related changes that can be corrected with a facelift. Your age is of secondary importance.

Fillers such as will help make the cheeks plumper, improve the appearance of the nasolabial folds, and thus rejuvenate the middle part of the face. and can reduce crow's feet, brow lines and horizontal lines (called "worry lines") and thus give a more youthful appearance to the upper face.

The lower face and neck are still areas that typically require surgical lifting, but these changes usually occur later than age-related changes in the upper and midface.

Discomfort and pain after surgery

Facial plastic surgery is a complex operation, but fortunately it is not particularly painful. Occasionally there may be some minor pain around the incisions in the ear area, but most of the face and neck may feel numb for several weeks.

If we talk about pain, the recovery period in this case is easier than after a tummy tuck or breast augmentation. And eyelid lift surgery can cause even more discomfort due to swelling.

Recovery period

The first few days after a surgical facelift, the woman is in the clinic. The bandage is removed from the face after 2–3 days; in case of pain, an analgesic is used. For insomnia and increased nervousness, sleeping pills and sedatives must be prescribed.

According to reviews of women who have undergone plastic surgery, the rehabilitation period, as a rule, passes without consequences. The sutures do not come apart, swelling and hematomas disappear after 2–3 weeks.

To avoid postoperative complications and not spoil the result of the correction, you must follow the following recommendations for 2 months:

  • you can’t rub your face;
  • It is prohibited to visit the solarium or sunbathe;
  • When going outside, you should apply sunscreen;
  • It is not recommended to visit the bathhouse, sauna and swimming pool;
  • It is not advisable to dye your hair, take care of this before surgery.

During the recovery period, you should give up alcohol and cigarettes, limit physical and sports activities.

The duration of complete rehabilitation depends on the complexity of the manipulations performed, the age and health of the patient. The final effect of the operation will appear in 4–5 months.

If we talk about re-lifting, it is possible no earlier than after 7-10 years. Much depends on lifestyle and skin care. A repeat procedure may not be necessary.

Physical recovery will take about 7-10 days, and the patient will be able to return to a full social life in approximately two weeks. The bandages are removed after 48-72 hours, the stitches are removed after 5-7 days. During the recovery period, you can move around the house, including eating, bathing, watching TV, or reading books. During this period, you should not do anything that requires stress. After 2-3 weeks it would be nice to do an ultrasound facial massage. It will take about 3-4 weeks.

Scars on the face heal much faster than anywhere else. Even so, they will remain reddish for 2-3 months. However, you can hide this redness quite easily, starting the day the stitches are removed. This usually occurs 3-5 days after surgery, at the latest on the eighth day.

10 things that will make recovery easier

Below is a list of things that can help you in the recovery process. If you have anything to add from your own experience, please share with us in the comments.

  1. Packets of frozen gel or peas.
  2. A prescription and a notebook with a pen to write down the last time you took your medications.
  3. Additional dressings, bandages and gauze.
  4. Balms, ointments and creams for cuts.
  5. Napkins and towels.
  6. Magazines, films, books - something that will help you pass the time.
  7. Lounge area: reclining chair or bed, plenty of pillows to help you get comfortable.
  8. Shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters that fasten in the front.
  9. Blankets.
  10. Liquid and soft foods, foods low in sodium salts.

Complications and risks

The four most common side effects of a facelift are:

  • Nausea and vomiting. Depending on the anesthesia that was used, this may happen within the first 1-2 days after surgery.
  • Edema. The strongest are in the first 5 days, they gradually disappear over 6 weeks, a barely noticeable improvement continues for six months or longer.
  • Bruises. Most often found in women with thin, fair skin, they disappear within 2-3 weeks.
  • Numbness, skin tightness. It's a very strange feeling - you feel everything, but not in the same way as usual. This goes away within 6-18 months.

Gymnastics for the face (face building)

Well, for those who are afraid of surgical manipulations, non-surgical facelifting or facebuilding is intended. This is a simple and enjoyable way to regain youth for free and at home.

A little willpower and effort, and this is the effect. Facial muscles are strengthened and tightened, folds are smoothed out, wrinkles around the eyes and mouth disappear.

Let's see what advantages home lifting has:

  • there are no restrictions and contraindications (except for laziness);
  • ease of execution;
  • procedures can be carried out at any time;
  • there is no need to undergo surgery.

To achieve results, it is enough to spend 15–20 minutes a day. It is better to do exercises in front of a mirror, having first cleansed your facial skin and washed your hands. All exercises must be done clearly, slowly and without interruption.

There are many different complexes for face lifting, but they all work on the same principle. Therefore, we will consider the most popular and effective ones.

Runge system

Exercises according to the Senta Maria Runge method are isometric gymnastics and give excellent results. Some ladies already see a younger and refreshed face in the mirror after 2–2.5 months.

The principle of the Runge system is to put a load on one muscle group. The rest are in a relaxed state at this time.

For a stable and long-lasting effect, exercise strictly according to the scheme: five days of gymnastics, two days of rest. The complex should be performed for 4 months in a row. Then take a break for 30 days and resume charging.

All exercises by Maria Runge are aimed at correcting already visible signs of aging, and are therefore recommended for women over 30 years of age.

Galina Dubinina system

Physical education for the face according to the method of Galina Dubinina (fitness instructor) is collected from different programs and seasoned with breathing exercises, her own experience and elements of yoga. You can perform such exercises for the face from the age of 25.

Let's see what Dubinina's technique includes:

  • exercises for the eyes, eyelids and neck;
  • gymnastics for morning and evening;
  • breathing techniques according to the BodyFlex program;
  • massage of biologically active points of the face.

Perform each exercise at least 12 times. If you feel discomfort or don’t want to exercise, don’t suffer. Reschedule your session for another time. A weekly program gives a good effect: 5 days of classes, 2 days of rest.

You can watch Galina Dubinina’s facelifting gymnastics on video:

In addition to well-known systems, there are not so popular, but no less effective. This is the Facebook building of the young coach Anastasia Burdyug and the gymnastics of Evgenia Baglyk. The techniques also include exercises aimed at tightening facial muscles, smoothing wrinkles and preserving youth.

Thus, you can choose the complex you like and practice rejuvenation without leaving your home.

Answers on questions

Topics about youth and beauty always raise many questions. Let's try to answer the most popular ones. So what are we being asked?

How much does lifting correction cost using different methods?

The cost of the operation depends not only on the chosen technique, but also on the number of simultaneously performed manipulations. If you do a classic lift, the price will be the same; if you add rhinoplasty or other procedures, the fee will increase.

Average cost of correction of different areas of the face:

  • endoscopic plastic surgery - 85–100 thousand rubles;
  • circular facelift - 120–130 thousand rubles;
  • SMAS lifting and - 140–150 thousand rubles.

The duration of the operation also depends on the number of procedures. For example, a circular lift with eyelid and neck correction will take at least six hours under general anesthesia.

How long does the effect last?

There is an opinion that the results of circular and deep lifting last a lifetime. This is not entirely true. As a rule, it lasts 8–10 years. But even after this period, women who have had surgery look much younger than their peers.

With proper and competent care, the effect can truly last a lifetime.

Will there be any scars after the procedure?

There are no scars with the endoscopic method. If during the intervention the doctor makes small incisions, they are always located in a place inaccessible to prying eyes: on the scalp, behind the ears.

In addition, the scars are so small that after 2-3 months there is no trace left of them, and it is almost impossible to see them.

What alternatives to facelift are there?

If we talk specifically about long-term and permanent facelift, then there are no other options other than surgical lifting. Other procedures with a similar effect - mesotherapy, photorejuvenation, laser - have a temporary result and are not able to relieve serious problems. Simply put, all alternative methods have a purely cosmetic effect.

What complications and adverse reactions can there be?

The most common consequences of surgery are facial swelling, hematomas and moderate pain.

Somewhat less commonly noted:

  • temporary loss of superficial sensation;
  • the occurrence of pigmentation in women with thin and delicate skin;
  • hair loss at the incision site.

These symptoms disappear after 12–14 days. Then the stitches are removed and physiotherapy and massage are prescribed. Most often, rehabilitation procedures are included in the price of the operation and are mandatory.

What are the pros and cons of a facelift, is it worth doing?

We can talk a lot about the effectiveness of the procedure. Plastic surgery really restores youth and stops aging for 10–12 years.

As for the minuses, not everything is so rosy. The method has disadvantages, but they are not so critical as to refuse manipulation.

One of the disadvantages is the high cost of the operation. But it is completely justified. A high-quality intervention will restore youth and beauty, and this, in fact, is a priceless treasure.

Let's sum it up

We looked at two types of facelift - surgical and non-surgical. They will help turn back time and restore beauty. But maybe the fight for youth should start from the second point? Then you won’t get close to the first one for many years. And if you add to this a full-fledged facial care, the effect will not be long in coming.

What do you think about this? Are there proven ways to avoid surgery and preserve beauty for many years? Have you had a facelift? Share your feedback with people who are just planning this procedure. Why did you decide to have the operation, how was the rehabilitation period, and does the result of the facelift meet your expectations? Leave your comments.



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