Big encyclopedia of oil and gas. What is the research used for? If the complement component C4 is low, what does this mean?

Complement (C4-2 component)




Deoxygenated blood

Patient preparation rules

Standard, see section No. 15

Transport medium, tube

Standard, see section No. 17

Test method


Analyzer and test- system

Reference values , g/l

Conversion factor



Indications for use

Interpretation of results

Level up

Level reduction

  • cryoglobulinemia


C4 is a component of the complement system that is synthesized in the liver, lungs and bones. C4 is used only by the classical pathway of complement activation, such that its level is normal under conditions associated only with activation involving alternative complement pathways. Serum C4 concentrations are a sensitive indicator of the degree of disease activity associated with the formation of lupus erythematosus cells (LE cells). The presence of C4 is necessary for phagocytosis reactions to occur. Determination of C4 is important for diagnosis immune diseases, in which it is adsorbed on immune complexes. In hereditary angioedema, the absence of a C1-esterase inhibitor causes the C2 and C4 fractions to be lysed by C1-esterase, and the C4 level will be low. Hereditary C4 deficiency is associated with increased risk infection with pyogenic bacterial flora. The determination of C4 is usually carried out simultaneously with the determination of the complement component C3 and other tests for determining immune status person. A decrease in the C4 component, along with a decrease in the C3 component, indicates activation of the classical pathway (which can be observed, for example, with viral hepatitis, the beginning of formation immune complexes). Decrease in blood plasma C4 with normal level C3 indicates C4 deficiency (as in congenital angioedema and some forms of systemic lupus erythematosus).




Deoxygenated blood

Patient preparation rules

Standard, see section No. 15

Transport medium, tube

Vacutainer with/without anticoagulant with/without gel phase

Transportation rules and conditions, sample stability

Standard, see section No. 17

Test method


Analyzer and test- system

Cobas 6000; Roche Diagnostics (Switzerland)

Reference values, g/l

Conversion factor

mg/dl x 0.01 = g/l; g/l x 100 = mg/dl; mg/dl x 0.050 = µmol/l; g/l x 5.0 = µmol/l

Interfering factors. Medicines



Cyclophosphamide, oral contraceptives

Dextran, methyldopa, penicillamine

Indications for use

Complement component C4 is an indicator of the body’s protective function in infectious and autoimmune diseases

  • Assessment of the degree of SLE activity;
  • hereditary angioedema;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • immune complex diseases;
  • recurrent severe infections;
  • control of treatment with immunosuppressants and cytostatics

Interpretation of results

Level up

Level reduction

  • Hereditary deficiency of components C1q, C1r, C1s;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • conditions accompanied by acute inflammatory reaction(with adequate immune response)

How to prepare for analysis:

Blood analysis

To exclude factors that may influence the results of the study, you must adhere to the following preparation rules:

  • Blood for research is donated only on an empty stomach!
  • before delivery venous blood preferably 15 minutes rest;
  • 12 hours before the test, you should avoid drinking alcohol, smoking, eating, and limiting physical activity;
  • Avoid taking medications. If it is not possible to stop taking the medication, the laboratory must be informed;
  • Children under 5 years old, before donating blood, must be given boiled water (in portions, up to 150-200 ml, for 30 minutes)

The TTimer component is used to count real time intervals. Its Interval property specifies the time interval in milliseconds that must elapse between the timer starting and the OnTimer event occurring. The timer is enabled when its Enabled property is set to True. Once enabled, a timer will continually raise OnTimer events until its Enabled property is set to False. It should be noted that due to the specific implementation of the hardware timer of a personal IBM-compatible computer, the minimum realistically achievable time interval cannot be less than 55 milliseconds (this interval is called a tick). Moreover, any time interval counted using a timer is always a multiple of 55 milliseconds.

4.2. TPaintBox - window for drawing

The purpose of the TPaintBox component is to give you a simple canvas window for drawing arbitrary images. The canvas is contained in the Canvas property of the component, graphic tools are contained in the Font, Pen and Brush properties, and the actual drawing is carried out in the OnPaint event handler.

4.3. TMediaPlayer - media player

If your computer is equipped with a sound card, insert this component into an empty form, put the name of any file with the WAV extension (from the directory c:\Windows\media) into its FileName property, set the Autoopen property of the component to True and run the program.

After clicking the button, you will hear the sound of the selected piece of music.

5. Samples page components

5.1. TGauge - magnitude indicator

The TGauge component is designed to display some changing numerical value. It differs from TProgress in the variety of forms.


Color of the unpainted part of the indicator

Color of the shaded part of the indicator

Defines the shape of the indicator

Defines the maximum value of the progress property range

Defines the minimum value of the progress property range

Contains the current progress value as a percentage of its change range

Contains the current value of a changing numeric value

If True, a string representation of the PercentDone value is displayed in the center of the component.

5.2. TColorGrid - select or display color

The component is designed to select and/or display colors from a 16-color palette. You can select/display two colors: foreground and background. The main one is selected by clicking the left mouse button and is displayed with fg symbols, the background one is selected with the right button and is displayed with bg symbols (if both colors match, the corresponding table cell is marked with fb symbols).

Component properties:

Contains the selected background color


Allows/disables selection of background color.

Contains the index of the selected background color


Allows/disables color selection

Defines the table configuration

Contains the selected primary color


Allows/disables the selection of the primary color.

Contains the index of the selected primary color

Contains the index of the last selected color

The color index is a number in the range O... 15, indicating the number of the corresponding cell in order of transition from the most dark colors to the lightest: 0 - cell with black color, 1 - with brown, ..., 15 - with white color.

The BackgroundEnabled - ClickEnablesColor and ForegroundEnabled - ClickEnablesColor property pairs disable the selection and display of the corresponding color only when each is set to False. However, even in this case, the selection property stores the number of the table cell that was last clicked with the left or right mouse button. This property changes before a mouse event occurs and can be used to select a color without displaying it if necessary. Using the method function ColorToIndex(AColor: TColor): Integer; the program can obtain the index of the table color that is closest to the AColor. Event property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; occurs only when the corresponding color selection/display is enabled.

C4 is one of the main components of the complement system, participating mainly in its activation through the classical pathway. It is by the decrease in the concentration of complement component C4 in the blood that one can determine that complement activation has followed the classical path and suspect that the patient has an autoimmune disease or a disease caused by disorders in the immune system itself. Complement component C4 also has another synonym – Beta1-E-globulin.

As you know, the complement system consists of 20 main proteins that are constantly present in the blood and provide the necessary reaction of the body in the event of pathogenic bacteria entering here. The classical method is called the activation of the complement system, in which an antigen interacts with an antibody, which leads to the desired reaction. There is also an alternative way, in which immunoglobulin or polysaccharide appears as a factor activating the complement system.

Regardless of exactly how the complement system was activated, it synthesizes a special substance that destroys the invader at the cellular level. This substance, a complex protein, reacts to foreign antigens, penetrates the membrane of the cells that contain them and destroys them.

Complement component C4 is synthesized mainly by liver cells, as well as in the lungs and bone tissue. It is involved in the activation of the complement system exclusively through the classical pathway. In addition to neutralizing pathogens, the C4 component of complement helps to increase the permeability of vascular walls, which allows leukocytes to quickly penetrate the site of inflammation.

Normal level of complement component C4 in the blood. Explanation of the result (table)

The way the level of the complement component C4 changes in a person’s body can suggest that he or she has a particular disease. Since it is known that C4 is spent on activation of the complement system along the classical pathway, an analysis of its concentration is prescribed if it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis of some autoimmune disease or in order to follow its dynamics. Naturally, this analysis is necessary to monitor the prescribed treatment, as well as to assess the patient’s immunity status in the case of various infectious diseases and accompanying inflammatory processes.

A blood test for C4 is also prescribed if the patient is susceptible frequent illnesses infectious nature, especially those of a relapse nature. Finally, such a study may be prescribed if there is a suspicion that the patient has a malignant tumor.

Blood is drawn from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach.

The normal level of complement component C4 in the blood is ordinary people and pregnant women:

If complement component C4 is elevated, what does this mean?

Reason excess content in the blood of complement component C4 the following diseases can occur:

  • congenital excess of complement component C4,
  • deficiency of other complement components, in particular C1q, C1r, C1s.
  • malignant tumors,
  • sarcomas,
  • lymphomas,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • rheumatoid spondylitis,
  • dermatomyositis,
  • chronic urticaria.

If complement component C4 is low, what does this mean?

Of particular interest in diagnosis is the decrease in the concentration of complement component C4, since excessive consumption of this protein suggests that the patient has the following diseases:

Deficiency of complement component C4 may be of a primary hereditary nature. Very often, the level of complement component C4 in the blood decreases in heavy smokers. The same result can be achieved by using some medicines– immunosuppressants and cytostatics. That's why before you have a blood test to measure your complement C4 levels, be sure to tell your doctor about any medications you've taken recently.

Let's see how what we see on the screen is formed in Android applications.

Lesson updated 07/07/2017

If we draw an analogy with Windows, then the application consists of windows called Activity. At a given time, one Activity is usually displayed and occupies the entire screen, and the application switches between them. As an example, consider an email application. There is one Activity in it - a list of letters, another - viewing a letter, and a third - mailbox settings. As you work, you move around them.

The content of an Activity is formed from various components called Views. The most common Views are a button, an input field, a checkbox, etc.

It can be roughly depicted like this:

It should be noted that Views are usually placed in a ViewGroup. The most common example of a ViewGroup is Layout. Layout happens various types and is responsible for how its child Views will be located on the screen (table, row, column...)

Also, in version 3.0 Android has a new entity - Fragment. But we will cover the topic of fragments in later lessons, so as not to complicate the material now.

I’ve probably already confused you with new words and terms, let’s see all this in practice.

Let's create an application for this lesson. To do this, launch Android Studio and open the Android lessons project that we created in the last lesson. Most likely, this project will immediately open for you by default.

Let me remind you that we decided to create all modules (applications) for lessons in this project. Instead of creating a separate project for each lesson.

Let's create a module. On the menu File>New > New Module. All steps are similar to those we did in the last lesson, only there will be different application and module names

Application/Library name: BasicViews
Module name: p0041basicviews
Package name: ru.startandroid.p0041basicviews

Module p0041basicviews created and visible in the list of modules on the left:

In this module we are interested in the file: res> layout > activity_main.xml

This is a layout file. In it we define the set and location of View components that we want to see on the screen. When the application starts, the Activity reads this file and displays to us what we have configured. Most likely, you already have it open for editing, but just in case, let's open it again by double-clicking and see what it looks like.

A bunch of buttons, inscriptions, etc. I have marked the important areas with numbers (1 to 6). Let's go through them

1) Design and Text

Desing is a graphical representation of the screen. It's open now. And Text is a text representation. It looks like this:

Little is clear. We will only use the Design view for now.

2) Screen display modes

In the screenshot in area 3 you can see two screens. Regular white and next to it some kind of blue. This is the same screen, but it is displayed in two different modes:
Design - in it we see View components as they usually look on the screen.
Blueprint - only outlines of View components are displayed

The buttons in area 2 allow you to switch modes:
- Design
- Blueprint
- Design + Blueprint

I will usually use Design mode in my lessons. You can use whichever one is more convenient for you.

3) Screen

Here you can see what your application screen looks like. This is where we will add the various components from area 4.

4) Palette

This is a list of all View components that you can add to your screen: buttons, input fields, checkboxes, progress bars, etc.

5) Component tree

Here is the hierarchy of View components of your screen. Now, for example, the root element is a ConstraintLayout. And it contains a TextView.

6) Properties

This area is empty for now. When working with any View component, the properties of this component will be displayed here. Using properties you can configure appearance, location and contents of the View component.

Although it is number 180, it is written simply and clearly. In it you will learn how to add View components to the screen. After reading, come back here and continue.

Now that you know how to add components to the screen, we can continue.

Right now we only have a TextView on our screen. Let's add a few more components. For example, Button and CheckBox.

Set up some bindings for them so that they don't leave when they start.

Please note that the components have appeared in the Component Tree

Values button And checkBox- these are IDs that were assigned to the components automatically. For now we’ll leave them like that, later we’ll learn to change them and make them more meaningful.

Now let's change the labels on these components. In the Component Tree tab (bottom left), click on TextView to select this component.

Now we need the Properties tab (on the right). In the screenshot it was designated as area 6. Here we can configure the properties of the component selected in the Component Tree (or on the screen) View.

Find the property in the Properties tab text. Now the text Hello World! is written there, which is displayed on the screen. Let's change it to our text. Place the cursor in this field and write there, for example, “Google Android”.

I do not recommend pressing Enter in this field, because... The studio sometimes offers autocomplete, which may not be suitable for you. Therefore, after you have written your text there, simply click with the mouse anywhere on the screen with the components.

The text on the screen has changed. There was Hello World! Became Google Android.

Similarly, you can change the texts on the button and checkbox. Just select these components on the screen or in the Component Tree, in Properties look for the text property and write your text there. It’s even possible in Russian.

Everything you configure in this screen will be saved in the res > layout > activity_main.xml file.

Now let's run the application. To do this, select your module in the list of available ones and click a little to the right on the green triangle.

The studio will ask you whether to run the emulator

Select the emulator and click OK. The name of your emulator may be different

We wait until the emulator starts and then admire the result

All your new texts should appear on the screen

The application displays MainActivity to us, and it, in turn, reads the activity_main.xml file and displays all the Views that we created and configured in it.


When we talk about health, we usually mean problematic body conditions. But a person is not only a physical form. Ayurveda looks at health much more broadly, combining intangible components (mind, consciousness, emotions, thoughts) and material manifestations (perceived through the physical senses).

According to Ayurveda, life is a holistic combination of 4 components: soul (atma), mind (manas), feelings (indriyas) and body (sharira). Each of them performs its function and contributes to a single whole called life. The goal of Ayurveda is to maintain a balance between them, because when the connection between the material and immaterial aspects of life is disrupted, an imbalance occurs on the mental, emotional or physical level.

To better understand our body, we first need to understand how the senses work, how they nourish and protect our body. In turn, sensory perception is controlled by the mind, and understanding the nature of the mind is impossible without understanding the soul (atma), the mind that guides us and our entire life. Let's take a closer look at each of the 4 components of life.

1. Soul (atma)

Within us there is a clear sense of self (sense of “I”) that feels separate from the objects of its perception (mind, feelings, body), considering them to belong to it. This is the soul. Is our inner feeling The “I” (soul) experiences through the mind, feelings and body, but it is not itself the object of experience.

The ancient sages realized that the soul guides a person’s entire life. But they went further in their research. Trying to find the source of the soul, they came to the conclusion that there is a Cosmic Mind responsible for creation, harmony and diversity in the Universe. All the various elements of the universe move together and interact with each other for the benefit of the whole, and this is only possible if the knowledge of the whole is invested in each element, and each element is connected with a single Cosmic Mind.

The property of internal intelligence, a sense of oneself as an individual, is called jivatma(soul), which guides and guides us through life in accordance with our destiny. But the individual soul cannot exist without connection with the universal soul (Cosmic Mind), which is called paramatma. Paramatma is the essence of the entire universe (including our individual soul), it unites all the elements of the universe.

The individual soul (jivatma) is to the universal soul (paramatma) what the waves are to the ocean. In addition, the ocean does not cease to be an ocean just because waves rise on it. Likewise, paramatma (Cosmic Mind) always remains universal, manifesting itself in the unique forms of the human mind. Despite the apparent differences of each individual soul from another individual soul, in fact they are a manifestation of a single organizing force (Cosmic Mind).

Each soul is a unique combination of the Cosmic Mind, having a clear set of its own inclinations and preferences. These inner inclinations lead the soul to achieve its goal. Based on the evolutionary nature of life, the ancient sages concluded that ultimate goal The individual soul is a conscious reunification with its source, this is what is called.

Dharma- a term that eastern philosophy describe the goals and path of the soul (internal inclinations) aimed at maintaining cosmic order, integrity of life and harmony in the Universe. The surest sign that a person lives in accordance with his dharma is the joy of life, from fulfilling his duties that are close to our soul, this is the choice of such actions that bring happiness and satisfaction.

2. Mind (manas)

From the above, the question arises: if our soul directs us to perfection (including perfect health), why often do our actions harm our body or hurt our feelings? For example, we cannot limit our consumption of sweets, knowing that it is harmful to our health, or we cannot control our anger. Similarly, the difference is visible between people, some feel what is good for them and act accordingly, some do not think about it at all, and some indulge their passions, despite the knowledge they have.

Ayurveda provides answers to these questions. She argues that happiness and unhappiness, health and illness, the use of our creative potential or neglect of it - all of this originates in the mind and is a consequence of its condition. The soul guides us through life, but our feelings and body are controlled by the mind, it is he who decides what to use them for, to improve or worsen life. The mind is responsible for maintaining harmony between the various components of life and the Cosmic Mind, which in turn governs all life. Therefore, the mind (manas) in Ayurveda is considered the central component of life.

Each person can realize the full life potential inherent in him at birth if he lives in full accordance with the universal nature. Our individual soul is connected with the Cosmic Mind through functional connection, which can be strengthened or weakened depending on the state of mind, its quality characteristics(gun). To better understand what the quality of mind is, we first need to take a closer look at the three gunas (sattva rajas and tamas) that govern material nature. Read more about this in this.

3. Feelings (indriyas)

Feelings (indriyas) are the third main component of life described in Ayurveda. They are formed from the basic qualities of the five primary elements. This process is described in more detail in the article. Feelings connect the non-material components of life (soul and mind) with the material (physical body and nature). If we did not have sense organs, our inner reality would be completely separate from outer reality.

The senses collect information about the external world and transfer it to the internal reality. Incoming sensations are perceived as sound (hearing); light, color, shape (vision); touch, temperature (touch); taste or smell (smell). All this information develops and nourishes the mind. Information Low quality disrupts harmony and causes imbalance in both the mind and body.

From an Ayurvedic point of view, misuse of the senses and wrong choice of their objects is one of the main causes of disease. There are 3 types of abuse of feelings. Firstly, there is excessive sensual (sensory) stimulation. This happens when we listen too much loud music, we sit at the computer or watch TV for a long time. Even too much reading or talking overloads the senses.

Another misuse of the senses is lack of impressions. Illustrative examples - winter depression due to shortage sunlight or isolation from the world, which leads to mental imbalance. Another type of abuse of feelings is an excess of negative impressions. When we see or hear something unpleasant, it leads to an imbalance between body and soul. For example, scenes of violence fill life negative energy and cause harm nervous system. Negative feelings weaken the connection between the mind and body, negatively affecting our well-being.

Feelings should not be confused with sense organs. Feelings are subtle subjective processes and do not have material reality, but physical organs senses perceive the external world (external material objects) and transmit this information to the senses themselves. The relationship between feelings, sensory organs and primary elements is described in more detail in this.

Feelings fulfill protective function, transmitting information from the external world to the internal and vice versa. If due poor nutrition we have indigestion, the mind receives information through the senses and reacts to it. For example, we may decide not to eat until our stomach recovers.

For good health It is very important to maintain the correct and harmonious activity of the senses. The quality of their activities can be assessed by assessing the influence of feelings on the body and mind. Sensory perception may be disrupted physical illness, interfering with the work of relevant authorities. For example, if we have a cold, our throat hurts, our nose and ears are blocked, so we are not able to correctly perceive taste, smell and sound.

4. Body (sharira)

The body (sharira) is the fourth basic component of life. From an Ayurvedic point of view physical body is not more important than other subtle components of human life (soul, mind and feelings), but the body acts as a conductor with the help of which one can influence the subtle components and their relationships. Ayurvedic concept of structure in more detail human body described in this.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs