Is it possible to replace a solution of potassium permanganate with chlorophyllipt? For wound treatment

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Potassium permanganate, or potassium permanganate, is an antimicrobial substance with powerful oxidizing properties. They are small crystals, colored dark burgundy. In everyday life, this drug was used for poisoning, used to wash wounds, gargle for pain, disinfect water when bathing newborns, and used it to control pests in the garden.

Currently, it is very difficult to find potassium permanganate, since it is on the list of prohibited products that are sold only with a doctor's prescription. This is due to the fact that manganese is used in the synthesis of narcotic and explosive substances. In this regard, many began to be interested in the question of how to replace potassium permanganate.

Substitutes for potassium permanganate for poisoning

In case of poisoning, potassium permanganate is a first aid remedy for gastric lavage. It is able to quickly destroy toxic substances in the stomach and remove them. Potassium permanganate can be converted into a safe form chemical substances, for example, alcohol and its surrogates. In addition, the drug has a destructive effect on microbial cells, leading to their death.

Unfortunately, today there are no analogues of potassium permanganate. However, in case of poisoning, it can be replaced with other drugs. In particular, gastric lavage can be carried out simply boiled water, 9% physiological, or saline solution. Activated carbon will also help a lot. To do this, several tablets need to be dissolved in water and given to the person to drink.

You can also prepare an aqueous suspension of 1-2% from Enterosgel or Polysorb.

If the intoxication is not severe, then tinctures of chamomile and yarrow, which have an antimicrobial effect, are quite suitable.

Will help a lot soda solution, prepared with the calculation of 1 tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of water.

If potassium permanganate is not in your medicine cabinet at a difficult moment, do not panic, since today there are many drugs on the pharmacological market that do an excellent job of eliminating toxins.

Substitutes for potassium permanganate for external use

To disinfect hands and treat wounds, you can use the following products instead of potassium permanganate:

Hydrogen peroxide– used for processing minor scratches and wounds, stops bleeding. Promotes destruction toxic substances and death of any microorganisms.

Prontosan– a drug that eliminates bacterial flora and moisturizes the skin. It is also used as a preventative against viral infections. The medicine is also indicated for burns and wounds of any type that do not heal for a long time.

In addition to these drugs for external use, instead of potassium permanganate, you can use iodine solution alcohol based, brilliant green, 4% boric acid solution.

Newborn babies can be bathed by adding a decoction of chamomile or string to the water instead of potassium permanganate; you can also add dried valerian leaves.

At gynecological diseases, such as candidiasis, erosions and uterine ulcers, you can use furatsilin. This is a drug for external use that has a detrimental effect on most microorganisms. Upon contact with the skin, the drug has a destructive effect on the cellular protein of the microorganism, as a result of which they die. This drug also treats the throat, helps with stomatitis and conjunctivitis.

How to treat seeds instead of potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate was also actively used in agriculture. It was used to treat plant seeds against various pests. Today, many people already know how to replace potassium permanganate in this case. Drugs that contain formaldehyde will come to the rescue: Baktofit, Pseudobacterin.

Seed disinfection can also be carried out in the following ways:

  • A 2-3% hydrogen peroxide solution is heated to 38-45 degrees, and the seeds are dropped into it. You need to soak them in the preparation for 5-10 minutes.
  • Treating seeds with aloe juice helps a lot. To obtain the solution, the plant must be placed in a cold, dark place (+2 degrees) for about 5 days. Then squeeze out the juice and dilute it half with water. The seeds are placed in this solution for 24 hours.
  • 25 gr. crushed garlic is mixed with 100 ml of water. The seeds are immersed in the product for 1 hour.
  • Place the seeds in a 3% solution for a while acetic acid. After disinfection, the seeds are thoroughly washed in water.
  • You can soak the seeds in an epin solution. 2-3 drops of product per 0.5 liter of water.
  • A plant such as horseradish perfectly disinfects seeds. No need a large number of grate the root and place it in the bottom of a 3-liter jar. At a distance of 10 cm, hang the seeds in gauze above the horseradish emitting caustic fumes.

Considering that the reaction of potassium permanganate releases a large amount of oxygen, it is quite difficult to find a replacement for it. However, today there are many drugs that can help, no worse than everyone’s favorite potassium permanganate.

It is known that in everyday life many gardeners are accustomed disinfect seeds, placing them in a solution of potassium permanganate. However, in Lately It is very difficult to find on sale. What can replace this remedy?

Heat treatment

Seeds of melon, pumpkin, cucumbers, squash, watermelons and zucchini must be heated for 3.5-4 hours at a temperature of 55 degrees before being sown in the ground.

To do this, they can be placed in the oven, stove and on the central heating radiator. If the temperature is lower, then the warm-up time must be increased to 6 hours. However, if the cucumber seeds are infected with a virus, then it is quite difficult and almost impossible to overcome it, because it remains in the embryo itself.

In this case, you can try to warm the seeds at a temperature of 45 degrees for 3-4 days, stirring them periodically, and then warm them at a temperature of 75 degrees for another day. You can use incandescent lamps for this, gradually moving the seeds closer to the top. If the seeds are affected viral infection, then you need to take a 20% solution of hydrochloric acid and place the seeds in it for 13-16 minutes.

You can warm the seeds in the sun in warm weather for 2.5-5 days (seeds of melon, beets, rutabaga and radish). If these seeds are affected by the powdery mildew virus, they must be placed in a thermos in hot water more than 45 degrees for 35-40 minutes. If carrot seeds are affected by vascular bacteriosis, it is necessary to warm them in water at a temperature of 55-60 degrees for 22-26 minutes (do not forget to stir constantly).

If the seeds of tomato, pepper, or eggplant are affected by bacterial cancer, you need to immerse them in water at a temperature of 47-3 degrees for 22-26 minutes. Celery, dill and parsley seeds need to be heated for about 35-40 minutes. After the seeds have warmed up, they need to be cooled cold water within 2.5-4 minutes. After cooling, the seeds are dried.

Nematodes, mites and thrips can be overcome by dipping onion seeds in water at a temperature of 49-53 degrees for 6-12 minutes or warming them with warm air at 41-44 degrees for three days.

How to disinfect seeds using traditional methods

In ancient times, women sewed the seeds of cucumbers and other crops onto their belts and wore them constantly on their bodies for several months. You can disinfect the seeds in garlic and aloe juice.

To do this, you need to take several aloe leaves and place them in the refrigerator for 12-15 days, then squeeze the juice out of them and dilute them with water (1:1). Then the seeds are placed in this solution for 20-22 hours and then washed with water. This solution is not effective on cucumber, pepper and onion seeds.

To prepare a garlic solution, you need to take a few cloves and squeeze out the juice, then immediately place the seeds in it and dilute with water (1:3). This solution can be used effectively for cabbage, rutabaga and radish seeds. It helps fight any bacterial infection.

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) has a complex chemical formula KMnO4 crystals have a strong oxidative spectrum of action. It dissolves well in water, transforming into a dark purple or slightly pink solution. The color concentration depends on the amount of soluble crystals in the water.

The solution is used not only for gastric lavage in cases of poisoning. Doctors may prescribe a faint pink solution as disinfectant. For example: rinse oral cavity, treat wounds.

Recently, potassium permanganate has begun to be used in gynecological practice, during inflammatory processes.

Previously, potassium permanganate could be purchased at any pharmacy, but now only with a prescription from a doctor, and even then not always.

The content of the article:

Not everyone has the opportunity to purchase potassium permanganate at the pharmacy, so it can be replaced with other drugs and solutions.

For wound treatment

At skin infections and damage, Cutasept helps well. Medicine costs between 250-300 rubles, has a prolonged spectrum of action. The composition of the drug includes benzalkonium chloride, 2-propanol and purified water.

Used: for treating wounds, instruments, hands. Directions for use: Apply the solution with a cotton pad. Please note that if potassium permanganate can be used for damage to the mucous membrane, then this remedy You can't, there may be an adverse reaction.

You can replace potassium permanganate with Peroxide - the most cheap drug. Has a pronounced antiseptic spectrum of action. It is used to treat shallow wounds and helps stop bleeding.

Peroxide is also used in dental practice, as a treatment for stomatitis or sore throat.

Important! The drug is unstable, therefore, when interacting with alkalis at the time of application to skin covering, redness may occur. Therefore, carry out primary processing before use.

What can replace potassium permanganate for gynecological diseases?

Potassium permanganate is used to treat candidiasis, cervical erosion or cystitis. Since the drug has contraindications: hypersensitivity to the composition, potassium permanganate can be replaced with analogues with a more gentle composition.


  1. Malavit. The drug is based on natural components, has an antihistamine effect.
  2. Furacilin. The composition is the closest to potassium permanganate. Has a pronounced antibacterial spectrum.

Before use, carefully read the instructions, there is wide list contraindications.

How to replace potassium permanganate for dental diseases?

Stomatitis and sore throat are the most common diseases that untimely treatment can lead to serious complications. If diseases occur in an adult, then you can rinse your mouth and throat weak solution potassium permanganate. If diseases occur in children, then it is best to use analogues.

In the early childhood Prescribed for stomatitis and sore throat Chlorophyllipt. It has an anti-inflammatory and fungicidal spectrum of action.

In case of poisoning

Of course, it is best to rinse the stomach with potassium permanganate, but if it is not at hand, then taking Activated Carbon can be your first aid.

The drug has an absorbent spectrum, thereby helping to remove it from the body. heavy salts, toxins, alkaloids.

Folk remedies

Potassium permanganate can be replaced not only medicines, there are also natural analogues.

In case of poisoning, citric acid helps well. Dissolve 1 teaspoon in 1 liter of cooled boiling water lemon juice or acid.

For sore throat or other ENT diseases, a solution with soda, salt and iodine is used as a rinse. All listed components mix in equal proportions, take 1 tsp (iodine 10-15 drops), then mix with 200 ml of water.

Helps disinfect wounds saline solution. Dissolve 1 tbsp in 50 ml of warm water. spoon of salt. This recipe can only be used when small wounds, and if there is no medicine at hand.

Additional Information

The dosage of potassium permanganate depends on the severity of the disease. To treat wounds, prepare a 0.1-0.5% solution, for rinsing 0.01 - 0.1%. For extensive skin damage, such as burns, a more concentrated solution of 2 - 2.5% is prepared. In gynecological practice, 0.02 - 0.1% is used.

If you do not know how to properly dilute the solution, it is better to consult a doctor before use, this will help avoid severe complications. Remember that potassium permanganate has a complex chemical composition!

Potassium permanganate how to breed video

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is used for gastric lavage in cases of poisoning, gargling, wound disinfection, seed disinfection, water purification, etc. It is part of many folk recipes. Let's look at what to replace it with.

For gastric lavage in case of poisoning


For 1 liter of water you need to add 1 tbsp. l. soda

Epsom salts (magnesia, sodium sulfate, bitter salt).

20 gr. dissolve in 100 ml (half a glass) warm water.

Citric acid.

Add 1 tsp to 1 liter of water. citric acid or juice of one medium-sized lemon.


For 1 liter of water you need to add 1/3 tbsp. l. salt.

Activated carbon and its.

Can be used if the poisoning is not serious.

For gargling

Soda, salt and iodine.

These components must be mixed in the following proportion: 1 tsp. soda + 1 tsp. salt + 15 drops of iodine per 200 ml (glass) of hot water. If an ingredient is missing, you can do without it.

It is better to use sea salt.

Infusion of chamomile flowers, raspberry leaves, sage, St. John's wort, pine or rose petals.

1 tbsp. l. chamomile, sage or St. John's wort, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1-2 hours, strain and rinse.

Similarly, an infusion of rose petals and raspberry leaves is obtained. 1 tsp. rose petals or 2 tsp. raspberry leaves need to be poured with 200 ml of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes, then leave for 1-2 hours, strain and rinse.

Less effective, but if there is nothing else, you can also rinse with a similar infusion of natural black or green tea.

Coniferous infusion is a little more difficult to prepare. Any needle will do, but it’s better to use pine needles. 2 tbsp. l. pine needles need to be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then let it brew for 3-4 hours without removing from the water bath.

9% vinegar solution and salt.

1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar + 1 tsp. salt + 200 ml water. To stir thoroughly.

Beetroot juice and vinegar.

The beets must be passed through a juicer. For 200 ml of juice you need to add 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.

Turmeric and salt.

Dissolve 1/2 tsp. turmeric and 1/2 tsp. salt in 200 ml hot water. As soon as the water has cooled, you can rinse.

Horseradish, honey and cloves.

Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. horseradish, grated on a fine grater, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. ground cloves in 200 ml boiling water. Cool and rinse.


1/2 tbsp. l. dissolve grated propolis in 200 ml of warm water. Rinse immediately.

Licorice root syrup.

Dilute 1 tsp. syrup in 200 ml of warm water and rinse immediately.

Various pharmaceuticals.

For example, furatsilin, lifusol, hydroperite, Kombutek-2, 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt, 0.25% solution of hydrogen peroxide, etc.

For disinfection and washing of wounds


A 0.5% aqueous solution is suitable.

Hydrogen peroxide.

Rinse with a cotton swab with a 3% solution.


The tablet must be thoroughly crushed and stirred in 100 ml of boiling water until completely dissolved.

Saline solution.

Use only if nothing else is available. In 50 ml of water you need to dissolve 1 tbsp. l. salt without a slide.

For seed disinfection

2% or 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

Peroxide must be heated to 40 °C and poured into the seeds. Leave for no more than 10 minutes.

Boric acid.

0.5 tsp. per 200 ml of water at room temperature. Soak for 2 hours.

Copper sulfate.

0.1 gr. for 1 liter of water. Soak for 2 hours.


1 tsp. dissolve dry crushed mustard in 100 ml of water. Soak for 3 hours.

Garlic infusion.

25 gr. mix chopped garlic with 100 ml of water. Leave for a day. Soak the seeds for 1 hour.

Wood ash solution.

100 ml of ash should be diluted in 1 liter of water. Soak for 6 hours.

Various biological products.

For example, the drug Maxim, Rizoplan, Trichodermin, Immunocytophyte, Fitosporin-M, etc.

The method of use may vary depending on the type of drug, so look for exact instructions on the package.

Heat treatment.

This method is recommended to be used only if the above methods are not suitable. Seeds should be placed in water at 50 °C. After using this method, the seeds should be germinated or planted immediately and not stored.

Alternatively, the seeds can be dried in the sun. 7–8 hours per side.

For soil disinfection


The best analogue of potassium permanganate. Depending on the type, it is dissolved in water or applied directly to the soil. No additional action is required.

Infusion of marigolds, calendula, chopped garlic, mustard.

10 tbsp. l. marigold or calendula flowers pour 3 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for 2-3 hours. Water at the rate of 1 liter per 1 sq. m. soil. Alternatively you can use essential oil marigolds or calendulas. Approximate proportions: 5–10 drops per liter of water (depending on the naturalness of the oil).

1 tbsp. l. garlic or mustard, pour 1 liter of water and leave for 24 hours. Water also at the rate of 1 liter per 1 sq. m. soil.


Dissolve 6 ml of phytosporin in 10 liters of water. Pour 1 sq. m. soil.

40% formaldehyde solution.

200 ml of formalin should be dissolved in 10 liters of water. Pour 1 sq. m. of soil and cover with film. Wait 3 days, then remove the film and shovel the soil.


It needs to be embedded in the ground during autumn shoveling. Consumption 200 g. per sq. m. Be sure to check the compatibility of future plants for chlorine.

Temperature treatment.

This method is more suitable for preparing soil for houseplants, since it is problematic to process a large amount of soil.

  1. Place the soil in a saucepan and keep it in a water bath for 1-2 hours. This manipulation must be done a month before planting.
  2. Place the soil in an even layer of 5 cm in the oven and ignite for 15 minutes at a temperature of 100 °C. Calcination is also done a month before planting.
  3. The earth must be maintained at least three months at a temperature of –10–40 °C. You can put the earth on the balcony in winter time. Thaw one month before planting.

For cleaning and disinfecting water (for drinking or bathing a child)

A regular water filter.

Any normal modern water filter will clean it no worse than potassium permanganate. If the water is of questionable quality, you can run it through the filter several times. Plus boiling.

Various disinfectant tablets for water purification.

For example, aquabreeze, pantocid, aqua-chlor, aquatabs, etc. Relevant for hiking and other situations where using a regular filter is problematic.

Tablets activated carbon ().

Place the tablets in gauze and place in a container with water. For 1 liter of water you need 1 tablet. After 12 hours the water will be cleared.


If you don’t have any of the above or want to use additional methods cleaning, then you can use 10% alcohol solution Yoda.

Add 10–20 drops of iodine to 1 liter of water, depending on the contamination. Mix thoroughly and let stand for at least an hour. You can get rid of the taste of iodine by running water using the above methods or crushing an ascorbic acid tablet into it.

Hydrogen peroxide.

For 1 liter of water you need to add 1-2 tbsp depending on the contamination. spoons of peroxide. Stir well and let sit for at least an hour. The only way to get rid of the taste is with activated carbon.

1 tbsp. l. peroxide can be replaced with one crushed tablet of hydroperite.

High-quality seed treatment before sowing is the key to successful germination and strong plants. And the first stage of pre-sowing preparation of seeds is their disinfection.

To successfully germinate seeds, you need to do the following:

  1. Disinfection.
  2. Treatment with nutritional compounds.
  3. Soaking.
  4. Hardening.
  5. (optional).

Let's start in order, with disinfection.

For various vegetables there are special recommendations on seed disinfection.

Cabbage, carrots, beets. Tested and reliable way To disinfect the seeds of these vegetable crops - heating them in hot water.

Prepare in advance a thermos, a thermometer that allows you to measure temperatures up to at least +55 degrees, and cotton rags or gauze cut into pieces.

Pack the seeds of these plants in bags made from these rags. Then heat the water to +50 degrees and pour it into a thermos. Immerse the bags in hot water for 20 minutes, then keep them in cold water for 3 minutes.

Tomatoes. It is better to process tomatoes in potassium permanganate. For this purpose, prepare a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and immerse the seeds in it for 20 minutes.

If anyone doesn’t know, to prepare such a solution you need to take 3 glasses of water (about 600 milliliters) and 1 teaspoon of potassium permanganate under a knife. I make this solution a little weaker using a liter of water and a teaspoon of potassium permanganate.

Cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin. The seeds of these crops are disinfected in the same way as tomatoes. Or you can warm it up, but in this case, increase the exposure time in the thermos to two hours.

Seed disinfection: alternative methods

I found a few more cool methods, which help destroy harmful microflora from the surface of seeds.

So, potassium permanganate is replaced with a 1% solution of hydrochloric acid or a 3% solution of acetic acid. Exposure time is universal for all plants - 2-3 hours. After soaking, you need to rinse the seeds in running water.

A solution of hydrogen peroxide is used in its 3% concentration. This is convenient, since hydrogen peroxide is sold at any pharmacy. Please note that it has strong oxidizing properties, so the solution volume should be no less than the seeds.

For processing, the solution is heated to +35...40 degrees, after which the seeds are immediately poured into the liquid and left there for 5-10 minutes with continuous stirring.

Avoid using metal utensils as peroxide is reactive in the presence of metal. Remember to rinse the seeds thoroughly after disinfection.

Present in nature whole line fungicides that can safely remove harmful microbes from the surface of the seed coat. Here are some available and simple recipes disinfection of seeds with folk remedies:

  • 1.5-2% mustard solution - for 6 hours, stirring occasionally;
  • finely chopped garlic in a ratio of 1:4 with water for one hour in a tightly sealed container;
  • juice in a concentration of 1:1 - the leaves are preliminarily kept in the refrigerator for 5-6 days - for a day;
  • alcohol herbal tinctures for an hour.

To clean seeds from pathogenic microflora, so-called dry dressing is also used.

To do this, the seeds are placed in a bag with fungicide, hermetically sealed and shaken so that the drug covers their entire surface in an even layer. But remember - only 8 grams of the drug are needed per kilogram of seed! In this case, you should handle the disinfectant as carefully as possible and use a mask and gloves when working with it.



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