Salmon benefits and harm to the body. Useful and harmful properties of salmon

It is not at all necessary to be alone with the object of your sympathies in order to draw attention to your person. The art of flirting can be used anywhere, anytime.

Attract male attention it is possible without words, it is enough to know the language of gestures and the secrets of a special style of behavior. There are not so many conditions - only two. First, the object must be within your reach. Secondly, you must be psychologically prepared to meet him.

Sharon Stone demonstrates several flirting techniques at the same time

Psychological preparation

In order to "tune in" for success, use the power of your imagination.

  • First, imagine yourself at that moment in your life when you felt especially good and breathtaking with pleasure and drive - no matter where and when it happened - it could be either a roller coaster ride or a parachute jump or night walk along the embankment barefoot or swimming in the hole, remember every feeling you have, and, having entered this state, begin to act. If you want to radiate erotic vibes, remember the most sensual moments.
  • Then clearly state the goal you want to achieve. Its wording should be built in such a way that the implementation depends only on you, and not on other people. Don't say to yourself, "May all the guys go crazy for me," say, "I drive anyone crazy." Avoid constructions with the words "I want", "I will". Otherwise, you will want, but not receive and wait for a wonderful tomorrow.

No body contact

Hair is one of the brightest sexual symbols. So sit opposite, shake your hair, fix a strand that has come out of your hair, smooth your hair or just run your hand through it. Some men can, as if hypnotized, watch how a long curl is wound around a finger, then unraveled, and then this action begins again.


Another "male fetish" is inner side female wrists. Show them off delicate skin, for example, adjusting the sleeves.

Lips can be temptingly open, just pre-train, choosing the maximum diameter in front of the mirror, so as not to appear yawning or asthmatic, in need of immediate air access.

Thanks to the “Basic Instinct”, everyone has long been convinced of what important role legs play in seduction. So feel free to transfer them.

Eyes and smile

A wide and open smile combined with sparkling eyes is an excellent weapon. Pupils dilate reflexively when we feel excitement and arousal. Eye shooting technique is worth learning more.

The gaze can descend, expressing consent, rise to the ceiling, quickly slide over the body, and stop at the eyes of the counterpart. You can not take your eyes off him, then instantly look away, and look at the man again, but from under the eyelashes. Remember that there are no forbidden looks, the main thing is that they look not affected, but as natural as possible, so practice!

Move with a straight back, small steps (they look sexier), swaying your hips slightly (don't get carried away), bring the heel of one foot over the toe of the other.

Seductive curve of the back

The way a woman stands, how she walks, how she sits, is instantly noted by a man at the subconscious level. Wherein the greatest force impact has the curve of your back. To develop a regal posture, do the following.

  • Stand with your back to the wall, touching it with the following areas of your body:
  • head without lifting the chin;
  • shoulders, slightly turning them back, but not too zealous;
  • elbows, but not the carpal part of the hands;
  • buttocks;
  • calves, if possible;
  • heels

Straighten your back, push your chest forward and up. Keeping this position of the body, place the palm of your hand on the base of the spine, at the very bottom and slightly move it forward, moving it away from the wall: this will provide spinal column deep bend. Move away from the wall.

Remember that a man reacts not to the volume of a woman's breasts and not to the length of her legs, but, above all, to the curve of her spine. A woman of any age should be given to the spine Special attention and then she will be able to make a lasting impression.

Learning to sit attractively

When a woman puts one leg over the other in the knee area, she simply sits in the way that is most comfortable for her. But the closer to the top of the thigh her legs are crossed, the more interesting she is in men. In addition, this position of the legs automatically gives her spine the desired bend. And in general, legs crossed high at the hips look more slender, long and sexy. This is the most effective way for a woman to demonstrate the general advantages of her figure and, of course, the shape of her legs. A pose with legs crossed at the hips will emphasize your sensuality, but only if you do not allow yourself to forget about the length of the skirt: in demonstrating your charms, it is very important not to overdo it. In principle, too defiant and provocative clothing can scare away rather than attract a man.

"Object Games"

Twist something oblong in your fingers. Since the time of Freud's grandfather, there have been no significant changes in the psychology of sexuality; phallic symbols have remained its important component. So pick up a cigarette, a glass leg, etc., hinting to a man that you are not averse to doing the same manipulations, but not with this object. If you have achieved that a man does not take his eyes off you, shake your shoe. Such actions are perceived by representatives of the strong half of humanity as a very strong and clear erotic signal.

The art of touch

If you touch your body, the man will interpret these actions as "I want you to do the same." You can run your hand over your shoulders or thighs, buttocks or chest. Attention will be riveted to your chest if you accidentally shake a drop of water from a misted glass into a hollow, and then begin to wipe it with your finger.

A game of "random" touching can be the start of a closer connection. You can touch his wrist, expressing consent, run your hand over the forearm, saying goodbye. Or you can just give him something - a glass, a cup, a lighter, cigarettes, a pen (depending on the situation).

In principle, all these techniques can be called classic, but they still work. And with their help, you can fall in love with anyone. In order to achieve maximum effect"adapt" to a man, speak his language (use the same words as he does), breathe to the beat, move at the same pace and rhythm, in a word, adapt to him.

Modern men have become very picky and fastidious. Give them not just a woman, but "a chef in the kitchen, a queen at a party and a mistress in bed." But no matter what they come up with, we women are capable of seducing and subduing any "king" if we wish, we know how to seduce a man. One has only to use our "secret weapon", as a handsome man is already ready to forget his rider, if only the seductress would trust him. So, let's look at the most interesting non-verbal signals that will help seduce a man.

1. Look into the eyes!

If a man looks at you and, moreover, tries to catch your eye, be sure to hold it, but not for long, then lower your eyes and look at the “object” again, but only through your eyelashes - a little ironically and modestly.

2. Bewitch with hair

Owners of beautiful and lush hair have something to torment a man: wind curls around your finger, straighten and smooth them. If you short haircut, then use another trump card - an open neck also drives Don Juan crazy. When fixing your hair, run your hand along your neck - and it is already yours!

3. Smile

Men do not notice or, in best case, pity "problem" women, but do not lust. They need light in character and responsive to jokes. Smile as often as possible, but provided that there is a real reason for this, then the question of how to seduce a man will disappear by itself.

4. Lower your voice

Hide the shrill notes in your voice as far as possible if you want to capture the attention of a man. The heart of your chosen one will rather respond to a calm, rather low (sensual) voice. Train your ligaments when no one is listening to you, and then consolidate your success during telephone conversation with a cavalier.

5. Create your image of a beauty

Although for men to fall in love, it is not necessary for a woman to have a magnificent bust, nevertheless, there are things that are fundamentally important to them. In order to seduce a man, you will need: clean hair and teeth, neat clothes, good posture, tripping, unobtrusive aroma of high-quality perfume and fresh breath.

6. Be sincere in everything

The previous points will lose their relevance without the last one. The lady's pretense will frighten even the most brave knight. Try to show sincere interest during the conversation and show it in your eyes, even if the man devoted his speech to the characteristics of the engine of his new car. If it becomes completely unbearable, honestly say that you don’t understand anything about it, and immediately ask your question on a topic that is understandable to you.

Well-known wisdom says: if you want to succeed, learn its language! The language of luck personal life is body language. Sometimes a woman can say much more about herself with her posture, gestures, gait than with words.

Nature has laid in the representatives of the weaker sex a whole arsenal of techniques by which men read women like a book. Do you want him to read with rapture and forget about everything in the world? Use these tricks as intended!

Non-verbal sexual cues.

It's no secret that happiness is not in a wasp waist or long legs, but in the ability to present yourself correctly, in a winning light.

Some succeed, others not so much, but any woman has the potential to become charming.

The first thing to do is love yourself. With freckles, not too thick hair, and three extra pounds. By loving yourself exceptionally, you can learn to evoke feelings of love from others.

In the first minutes of communication (3-7 minutes), what we are talking about has practically no meaning - only facial expressions, gestures, intonation, and inner mood are important.

It is in these moments that people draw conclusions about a person. No wonder they say that we will not have a second chance to make a first impression.

If a woman tries to interest a man, she unconsciously straightens her hair, tosses her head, pulls her skirt.

The most subtle art of seduction with non-verbal communication consists in exposing the wrists, legs apart in a sitting or standing position.

A parted mouth and wet lips are a typical sexual appeal. By the way, many women paint their lips, not suspecting that this is a blatant signal to a man “I am sexy!”.

Why is red lipstick considered a classic? Lips are a projection of the genitals. When a woman is aroused, her sexual organs enlarge and become hydrated due to the flow of blood, indicating that she is ready for sex.

And men subconsciously read this signal. That is why voluminous, wet female lips are so attractive. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you chose a lipstick to match your dress.

Non-verbal signals are body language, it betrays us “with giblets”. Did you like the man? Rest assured, your body will tell it, even if you don't know it.

A man reacts to non-verbal signals of women at a primitive level - he is instantly aroused, even if thoughts about sex in this moment he didn't have any.

Observe: what kind of woman attracts men like a magnet? Most likely one that is self-confident, she has shining eyes and a smooth gait. Consequently, she learned to live in harmony with herself, and this is not so difficult.


Hair is one of the most prominent sexual symbols. A woman who wants to attract attention begins to play with her hair in every possible way - they stroke it, wind curls around her finger, make “brushes”.

Be sure: not a single woman playing with her hair will be left without the attention of men.

And if a woman sharply raises her head, throws her hair back, exposing her neck, and at the same time does not forget to smile, she will certainly remain in the memory of a man.

Ballerina posture

Nothing impresses like a man with proudly squared shoulders and a straight back.

Almost all women understand that keeping their back straight is very important, and they try to monitor their posture. But, unfortunately, they do not devote the necessary time to this occupation, and continue to stoop. Achieving good posture is not so difficult ..

Eat useful exercise which will help achieve good result in a few weeks.

When you are standing, Imagine that you are being pulled by a string that comes from your head. With every second, it stretches your body more and more. Notice that when you imagine this, your body really stretches and your back becomes straight.

Do this stretch every time you go through any door. Go to the bathroom, office, elevator, library, etc. - stretch out.

Your body will be disturbed and brought into the form you require dozens of times in a day. Good posture will soon become the norm for you!


The representative of the weaker sex looks at the man whom the fairer sex has liked with feigned shyness, her gaze is oriented down and to the side.

Did he like it too much? Look at it twice within 45 seconds. However, you will unwittingly arrange this (you can find out for yourself).

The strong sex views from above a book, magazine or diet and still perceives a symptom of interest and as an invitation to communicate.

Sideways peeping has the same result, including when you are talking with someone. More sincere this gesture- look over the shoulder.

Intimate look - passes through the line of the interlocutor's eyes and descends to a level below the chin, neck to the rest of the body. With this view, it is possible to observe the expansion of the pupils, as if in anticipation of pleasure.

The classic of the genre - "into the corner, on the nose, on the subject" - is a stable weapon from the same arsenal.

Not light artillery

The most sincere signals that a representative of the weaker sex will take into service, being a little "drunk", excited or quite simply desperate because they did not notice her previous signals:

  • - lip licking
  • - moving fingers along the edge or stem of the glass
  • - lip biting, cocktail straw in the mouth (you can drive the fruit over the lips)

It seems that there was no need to explain that these 3 signals will need to be frank and read by men absolutely accurately.

Finally, let's repeat and rehearse in front of the mirror the key female sex signals:

  • - head tossing
  • - exposing the wrists
  • - smoothing or touching the hair,
  • - a slightly half-open mouth and wet lips,
  • - legs spread (standing or sitting),
  • - intimate look
  • - showing and stroking the body,
  • - crossed legs
  • - stroking a cylindrical object (glasses, pens, etc.).

It will not be superfluous to note that, try to remember the movies. The director, removing just such gestures, shows, rather than directly "hooked" the young lady of the hero and actually lured him into her.

By the way, all these poses and signals have long been described in men's magazines. And probably there are men who memorized them by heart. This can work as a plus - you will always understand each other.

Flirting gestures have helped ladies attract guys to their personal networks for centuries. Although you need to use them unobtrusively, with a sense of proportion - then the chances of seducing a protege will increase in a large number of times.

Male tricks of seduction

Women in stock have at least 50 ways to demonstrate to a man in body language that he is actually interesting. The men in this project are a bit more modest. Although, despite this, it is possible to read them without effort:

  • facial expressions - his eyebrows trembled, his mouth parted for a moment, his nostrils widened. All these movements do not take more than a second, although they are very eloquent;
  • he wants to get your attention. He is given the opportunity, say, to straighten his tie or separate from a group of friends, to stand a little apart, trying to specifically mark him;
  • he “beautifies”: he stroked his tie or collar, touched his hair, combed it, or, say, shook it;
  • he stretches out in front of you: he tries to stand straight in order to present himself in a good light;
  • he is looking at you;
  • he spreads his legs - a similar pose is more than eloquent;
  • he fiddles with a button, zipper, jacket strings, etc. In other words, he tries to get rid of clothes as quickly as possible.

If he dares to take off the obstructing wardrobe item - from this we can conclude that he is already dreaming of being in the same bed with you.

  • He constantly touches his face when he looks at you. If he runs up and down his cheek, touches his ears, rubs his chin - he undoubtedly likes you.
  • He gives you his coat or sweater. Taking care of your well-being is not at all the main reason why a representative of the stronger sex does this.

“All mine belongs to you,” he says. Keeping in mind that things that have exclusively touched his skin may also touch you! With this gesture, a man wants to show the rest that you are his lady.

Success in a relationship between a man and a woman largely depends on the mutual ability to send sexual signals and recognize those that are sent to him or her.



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