What prevents us from learning to smile beautifully. Alexander VemDon't let yourself be deceived! Sign language: what Paul Ekman didn't say

Crooked teeth or just a lack of confidence in the beauty of your smile can cause you to clench your jaw tightly in situations in which, in the absence of this problem, you would laugh heartily. It's hard to smile freely when you feel like people are staring at your teeth. Try to choose a smile that would make you look best, practice smiling - it will help. If all else fails, there are a few things you can do to straighten your teeth and brighten your smile. Jump to the first step of the guide and find out how to learn how to shine with the smile that you have.


Finding your best smile

    Figure out how to open your mouth wide. There are many types of smiles: wide smiles that show off all your teeth, neater smiles that show off the top row of teeth, close-mouth smiles that show just a glimpse of white teeth, and fully-closed smiles that show no teeth at all.

    • Try it varying degrees mouth openness and find out which smile suits you best. It's your smile, and there are no rules for what it should look like! At the same time, try to get used to showing your teeth at least a little - it is difficult to keep your mouth closed when your smile stretches with happiness. Aim for the smile that makes you look your best, but also try to make it look like a natural expression of fun and joy.
    • Remember that very often a smile creates the first impression by which we judge a person in the future. Imagine meeting someone for the first time - what impression do you get of the person you see struggling to keep their mouth closed instead of smiling with all 32 teeth? It will be better if you expose a small part of your teeth and show off a smile that looks natural, rather than leaving the other person with the impression that you are hiding something. Exuding confidence is much more important than exuding perfection, so open up!
  1. Think about what your eyes are doing. You must have heard that you can “smile with your eyes.” By using your eyes as part of your smile, you will automatically make it look more natural and pleasing. For those who are afraid of the appearance of their teeth, smiling with your eyes will draw attention from the mouth to the top of the face. Smiling with your eyes—also called a “Duchenne smile”—gives you the opportunity to smile a bright, happy smile without having to open your mouth too wide.

    • Try it in front of a mirror. First, smile without using your eyes. Doesn't this smile remind you of a carved Halloween pumpkin? The smile doesn't look happy, it looks a little scary and insincere. Now try to smile with your whole face, especially with your eyes. This smile truly looks like a sincere expression of joy and happiness.
    • Try squinting your eyes a little more when smiling - this way, you will use top part faces. Look at how she balances her mouth - it's a smile that looks cheerful and happy while still allowing her to cover her mouth a little.
    • A Duchenne smile is very difficult to fake. It happens naturally when you have reasons to smile. The best way to create that smile when you're around people is to try to genuinely enjoy what's happening!
  2. Distract your eyes with other elements of your appearance. Another way to draw attention away from the mouth is to create other points of interest on the face or body. You can use your hair, accessories and clothing to draw others' eyes to your best features.

    • Try changing your hair in some way, such as a perm or a new hairstyle.
    • Wear beautiful earrings, a hat or other eye-catching accessory.
    • Wear funky clothes that reflect your unique style. People won't think about your teeth if you rock an incredible dress or leather coat.
  3. Find your best angle. When posing for a photo, it's helpful to know what angle your face looks best from. By angling your face instead of looking directly at the camera, you add depth to your image and make the contours of your smile look more attractive. Look in the mirror, take some self-portraits and see which pose looks closest to how you would like to look.

    • When it comes time to pose for the camera, try to turn yourself to give the camera the best angle of your face. However, don't contort yourself into trying to achieve a certain pose—that defeats the purpose!
  4. Practice smiling. Like everything in life, smiling becomes easier when you practice. Try smiling in the mirror at the beginning of each day before you leave to run errands. Try smiling with your mouth slightly open, and don't forget to use your eyes. The more often you do this, the more natural it will look in public or in front of the camera.

Changing teeth

    Support good hygiene oral cavity. You will definitely feel more comfortable about your smile if your teeth are clean and presentable. Take the time to clean them every morning and every evening. Floss once a day and you will really see a difference. Visit your dentist every six months to have a professional remove plaque and tartar. Taking care of your teeth will affect your smile!

    • If you're going to a first meeting with someone new or going to a photo shoot, brush your teeth right before. This will make it easier for you to flash a smile of confidence from time to time.
    • Use rinse aid. Mouthwash is another one. great way refresh your teeth. Carry a small bottle with you during the day so you can quickly rinse your teeth if you need a boost of confidence.
  1. Whiten your teeth several shades. If the problem is that your teeth are a little yellowish or grayish, then why not whiten them a little to feel more confident? There are dozens of teeth whitening methods, from expensive whitening products to cheap at-home methods. To whiten your teeth quickly, try any of the following:

    • Whitening strips. They are expensive, but they really work. You can purchase them at the pharmacy.
    • Hydrogen peroxide. It's fast and cheap way, which will whiten your teeth several shades. Simply mix hydrogen peroxide in water and then simply rinse your teeth.
    • Brush your teeth with baking soda. Prepare pasta from baking soda and water and brush your teeth with it. This will instantly remove all stains. Although, you should not do this too often - this will destroy your tooth enamel.
  2. Consider getting braces. If you're embarrassed to smile and it's really starting to take a toll on your confidence and joy in life, you might want to try straightening your teeth. Visit an orthodontist and discuss options for solving the problem. Braces or a retainer may be just the thing to straighten your teeth.

    • Simple wire types of braces are less expensive but more noticeable than their expensive counterparts.
    • Many orthodontists offer installment payments for braces to help you if you can't afford the entire amount at once.
  3. Consider the option of veneers. Veneers are tooth-shaped pieces of porcelain that are bonded directly to your real teeth. They look incredibly natural and are almost impossible to notice. A small amount of enamel is removed from the tooth, an impression is made of it, and a veneer is made that fits and fits your old tooth perfectly. If your teeth are discolored, cracked, broken, or don't like their shape, this may be a good solution for you.

    Assess how far you are willing to go. If the problem is not with individual teeth, but rather with the structure of the jaw, there are some surgical options you can seek to resolve the problem. Make an appointment with an oral surgeon to see what makes the most sense for your situation. Maxillofacial Surgery dental corrections can be expensive, time consuming and painful procedure, but perhaps all this trouble will pay off when you get beautiful teeth that will make you smile with happiness.

Add confidence

  • Meeting a new person? Think about how excited you are about the opportunity to meet someone who could be a great friend or business partner.
  • Did someone make you laugh? Allow yourself to truly enjoy the joke instead of worrying about smiling too widely.
  • Smile joyfully. Try your best not to let your negative feelings about smiling affect the way you express joy. When you smile from the bottom of your heart with joy, the positive waves coming from you can completely outweigh the way you look. Containing yourself in a half-smile or trying to maintain serious look, you actually draw more attention to what you are trying to hide. You can take steps to feel more confident about your smile (whitening your teeth or finding a better angle), but ultimately, allowing yourself to freely express your joy is the best way to have a contagious smile.

    This smile is similar to the previous one, the only difference is that underlip bitten with the upper row of teeth, and the head is slightly lowered. This is how a shy child smiles when he meets a stranger, while adults are more prone to smile when they are embarrassed but still have a sense of humor.

    Fake smile

    Outwardly, it is similar to the upper smile, but it can be distinguished by the fact that it does not form on the face those folds under the eyes that appear with a natural smile. You can't picture them at will, pulling the skin to the corners of the eyes. You'll see people smiling this way when bored at a party or posing for a photo. Such a smile can easily turn into a contemptuous grin if you sharply tighten your upper lip.

    Broad smile

    With such a smile, both the upper and lower parts are exposed. lower teeth. You're more likely to smile when you see someone slap you, or when you get tickled, or when you hear a really funny joke. Since this smile has a somewhat aggressive connotation, they often try to suppress it and turn it into an upper smile if they happen to meet the gaze of another person.

    Tight smile

    You part the edges of your lips, showing clenched teeth. This smile is a mixture of aggressiveness and fear, or persistence and satisfaction in cases such as when you are fighting the urge to drink.

    Playful smile

    The lips are spread wide, the corners of the mouth are raised, but the teeth remain hidden. This is how children smile when they enjoy interesting game, and adults - when, for example, they are waiting for the next joke from an actor-comedian.

    A simple smile

    The corners of the lips are tense and raised, the lips are stretched, but not tense and remain unopened. This smile usually appears on your face when you smile to yourself, thinking about some happy occasion or funny episode.

    Crooked smile

    Similar to a simple smile, but the corners of the mouth in this case are crookedly lowered down with an almost threatening appearance. You most likely smile like that in confusion or expressing disapproval, but without aggression: “Well, your milk has run out again!”

    Forced smile

    The lips are slightly compressed, the corners of the mouth are tense and raised. Such a smile is used as a polite warning, for example, to let the interlocutor understand that his joke is flat and unfunny.

    How often you smile and to whom obviously depends on your character, but your gender and nationality play an important role in this. Only one thing is certain: women smile much more often than men. In general, women are considered to place much more importance on their relationships than men and are more capable of sending and receiving a variety of signals. Special studies showed that women, trying to be nice, smile much more often (consciously or not), that is, they are more concerned than men with bringing joy to others. Moreover, this desire is already evident in early childhood, at the age of one and a half years.

    In some cultural traditions, the custom of smiling at strangers is a generally accepted standard of behavior. Therefore, foreigners who are not familiar with it are perceived as insensitive and rude people.

    We remember that people's faces do not always express their true feelings. Do we always feel false? Unfortunately no. Some people are better at hiding their true feelings than others. However, there are certain “signs” that it wouldn’t hurt to pay attention to if you don’t want to be deceived.


    1. The facial expressions of the mouth are much easier to control than the movements of the forehead and eyes, and, therefore, it is there, in the upper part of the face, that one should look for involuntary evidence of deception. A person with a fake smile on their face is not able to reproduce the folds under the lower eyelids, which are important components of a natural smile.

    2. A fake smile may appear a little earlier or a little later than you might expect. A smile that appears too suddenly and therefore seems a little harsh certainly arouses suspicion.

    3. Does this smile stay on the other person’s face for too long? But the natural one lasts about 4 seconds.

    4. Many people believe that the degree of concentration required to apply this method can prevent one from picking up other “hints” in the interlocutor’s speech that are easily noticed in in good condition. But still… Left-hand side the human face is usually more expressive than the right one. This conclusion was reached as a result of an experiment in which people were shown the right and left halves of photographs of the actor’s face, asking them to determine what feeling was hidden behind his facial expressions. As a result, it turned out that the interpretation of facial expressions on the left halves was half a tone more expressive than that which was made on the basis of their corresponding right halves. One of possible explanations this phenomenon is that right hemisphere brain, controlling left half body, controls a person's emotions, while the left is responsible for logic and common sense. This “division of labor” between the hemispheres leads to the fact that emotions are transmitted more intensely to the left part of the body than to the right. Another explanation is possible: the right hemisphere contains the matrices of all facial expressions, and therefore it is responsible for human facial expressions.

    5. A fake smile looks more like a grin.

    Now compare a fake smile and a sincere one... Did you feel the difference?

    How many times a day do you smile? Two? Three? Maybe ten? Is your smile always the same?

    So you met a friend on the street. You involuntarily stretch your lips, the notorious “ crow's feet", A general expression The face takes on a resemblance to the face of the neighbor's Shar Pei.

    And here you are at a business meeting: your lips are tightly closed, their corners are tensely pulled up, your eyes and general facial expressions are frozen, like a mask from the Venetian carnival.

    What is the reason for such a dramatic change? In emotions. In the first case, a smile is a product of sincere feelings, in the second it is an obligatory part of business etiquette.

    Experts who study human evolution have been arguing for many years about what a smile is - a manifestation of aggression or a kind of gesture of humility and friendliness. The first hypothesis is confirmed by many years of observations of animals: an animal grin, vaguely reminiscent of a human smile, is nothing more than a signal of danger and an expression of aggressive instincts.

    On the other hand, anthropologists prove that primitive people used a smile for radically opposite purposes. Smiling, our ancestors showed their teeth and seemed to say: “Look, I’m not going to bite you at all! I’m white, fluffy and very friendly!”

    Nowadays, smiling has come to express a much more complex set of signals. And in some countries it has completely lost its true purpose, acquiring the status of an accessory, like, say, glasses or the right makeup. But nevertheless, psychologists, taking as a basis the dogma that any smile, sincere or fake, is always an expression of our inner world, have developed a unique typology to help people better understand each other. A psychologist and physiognomist tells us about it Alexander Koltsov.

    A friendly smile

    The lips are parted in such a way that only the upper row of teeth is visible, the corners of the lips are not tense. Small wrinkles form in the eye area, and two barely noticeable stripes run from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips. This warm, light half-smile is often used when meeting or talking with friends. This is how a mother smiles, admiring the first steps of her baby, this is how lovers walking in an embrace smile at each other.

    It is about this kind of smile that they say that before it even reaches the ends of the lips, it has already touched the corners of the eyes.

    Smile shy

    It is very reminiscent of a friendly smile: the only difference is that the lower lip, as a rule, is bitten by the upper row of teeth, the head is slightly lowered, which is why the gaze appears as if from under the brows, but at the same time does not lose its openness and sincerity. This is how shy children smile.

    On the face of an adult, such a smile appears in moments of embarrassment and is most often accompanied by a reddened blush on the cheeks.

    That smile says, “I feel out of place. Help me, calm me down. I trust you".

    Deceptive smile

    It is very simple to understand that the person smiling at you is insincere: lips are stretched out like an expander in gym, may be slightly open, but neither the corners of the eyes nor the wings of the nose have a single wrinkle. There is a feeling as if the lips live their own independent life and are completely inconsistent with the general facial expression.

    This is how models smile when posing for a photographer. It is customary to “put on” such smiles at social events and bohemian parties.

    This smile is a silent signal: “I’m bored, but I’m good.” well-mannered person and therefore I accept your rules of the game.”

    Forced smile

    Close to the smile described above. It differs from it in that, no matter how tense the lips are, they are always tightly closed. At the same time, nasolabial wrinkles appear very clearly on the face. And the corners of the eyes, as a rule, are lowered down.

    To recreate this facial expression, put a couple of lemon slices in your mouth and chew them without opening your lips. People resort to such a smile when they want to make it clear to their interlocutor that they are already bored with his company, or when they find a joke they heard to be in bad taste.

    The smile says: “Leave me alone. We’re unlikely to have a meaningful conversation.”

    Unrestrained smile

    It would be more correct to call it not a smile, but a grimace that appears on our faces while laughing. Both rows of teeth are exposed - both upper and lower. The entire face wrinkles and the eyes may become watery.

    It doesn’t matter what will make you laugh: a dirty joke, watching the final game of KVN or contemplating how your opponent just slipped on banana peel and plopped right into a puddle - in any case, the unrestrained smile will not last long, and after a couple of moments you will consciously try to turn it into a more acceptable friendly smile.

    And this is understandable, because an unrestrained smile says: “I am a savage! I forgot all social norms and rules. I don’t control my instincts!”

    Demonstrative smile

    The facial muscles are tense, the edges of the lips are wide apart to show tightly clenched teeth, and the general facial expression resembles the physiognomy of a Redskin leader on the warpath.

    Such a smile hides aggression or fear. This is how those close to you smile nervous breakdown people forced to be in the company of people who irritate them.

    A smile signals: “Look at my teeth! If you bother me, I’ll bite you!”

    If a person experiences fear, he also uses a similar smile to show that he is not so harmless.

    Inner smile

    The corners of the lips are tense and raised, the lips are stretched, but not tense and remain unopened. There is a dreamy dreaminess in his gaze, a slowness in his gestures and gait. Most likely, the person has no idea that a smile is playing on his lips: he is simply immersed in his own thoughts, which are so pleasant that they make him smile and quietly hum some simple tune.

    A smile like that translates in the following way: “I am satisfied with myself and those around me! I feel good!”


    There is a crooked break on the lips. The corners of the lips on the left side are directed downwards, on the right - upwards, or vice versa. Lips tightly compressed. There is a grimace of disdain or arrogance on the face. But it's just a mask.

    In fact, people use such a smile in order to suppress or hide their own confusion or disapproval of what is happening.

    The smile says: “Damn it, I don’t like all this. But I will never show that I’m upset or unsure of myself.”

    Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to choose nice shot of all the ones you photographed? And all because your smile often looks forced and unnatural. Some people choose not to smile at all in photos, which makes their faces look gloomy and stern. It turns out that you can learn to smile beautifully. Use some of our tips and no one will be able to take their eyes off your glowing face in the photo.

    If you want to learn how to smile naturally in photos, you need to relax your facial muscles before posing. And in order to relax the muscles of the mouth area, while no one is looking, do this exercise several times: move the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth.

    If you notice that the word “cheese” said during the shooting does not give the desired effect, and your smile in the photo seems too forced, replace this word with another one containing the drawn-out sound “e”.

    Mentally make yourself laugh before you start taking photos. Remember the funniest episode in your life, and your smile will definitely come out natural.

    What makes up the idea of ​​a person?

    People like to smile not only in photographs. IN Everyday life a smiling, charming person is conducive to communication, he is open to other people and is successful in interpersonal relationships. Having looked at the stranger, people notice how he is dressed and picture in their imagination psychological picture When translating sign language, they judge education and upbringing by the manner and style of dialogue.

    However, a positive idea can immediately erase ugly smile. After all, in society it is important not only to look good, to have good manners, but also be able to smile beautifully. Thus, a smile is considered as the most important and final touch in the formation of self-image.

    How to hide defects in appearance?

    To know for sure what other people think of you, smile and carefully examine your smile in the mirror. If you notice that your gums are showing too much, don't open your mouth too wide. Learn to smile with the corners of your mouth, slightly opening upper teeth. Believe me, the breadth of a smile does not always indicate the sincerity of its owner. Do not stretch your mouth all the way, even if you have large teeth or a large mouth. Let your smile have a slight shade of mysterious goodwill.

    Nature has not endowed all people with symmetrical facial features. So, if you notice a distortion in the corners of your mouth in your smiling reflection, rehearse several variations of a smile and remember the position of your lips in the most successful cases. Otherwise, people may think that you are grinning sarcastically, with your mouth curled slightly to the side.

    A smile trains facial expressions

    The more often you smile in front of the mirror, the more mobile your facial muscles will become. In addition, this exercise will give you confidence and Have a good mood all day.

    Correct teeth defects

    And, of course, in order to smile beautifully, you need to have an invaluable arsenal, consisting of two rows of straight and white teeth. Curvature of teeth will be corrected by braces, and yellow discoloration special diet, whitening gels, strips or trays. If you are unsatisfied with the condition of your teeth, visit a qualified dentist, he will select effective method correction and whitening. Of course, the help of a specialist will require considerable financial expenses, but investments in your own health and beauty will pay off handsomely in the future.

    Lip condition, makeup

    A beautiful smile does not mean flaky, dry, chapped lips. Remember to moisturize regularly hygiene products, masks and nourishing balms. Men can simply lubricate problem lips with cream. Moisturizing your lips is especially important during the frosty and windy season.

    If a woman has naturally thin lips, then she will have to give up bright lipstick. In this case, the smile visually divides the mouth into two thin stripes, and this is not very beautiful. That is why ladies with thin lips need to use natural shades of lipstick or shimmering gloss. You can also use a little trick: use a contour pencil 2 shades darker than the main one, moving both the top and the lower limit lips



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